Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD/MI

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Part A

(Percakapan untuk nomor 1 sampai 5)

Kay : Hi, Lira. How was your holiday?

Lira : It was awesome! My family and i went to the transport museum. How about your holiday?

Kay : It was a tiring holiday. My father and I went to a lake but we forgot to bring our lunch box. So, we
had to go home early because I was hungry.

1. How was Lira holiday?

2. Where did Lira and her family go for the holiday?

3. How about Kay's holiday? Was it great?

4. Why did Kai and his father go home early?

5. Where did Kai and his father go for the holiday?

(Teks untuk nomor 6 sampai 10)

Dear Ayana,

I am very glad to know that you will travel to

Malang again. I can't wait to meet you at this
weekend. My mother told me that we can go to
my Uncle's villa to spend our holiday. My
Uncle's villa is located near to a beautiful lake.
There is also a waterfall. Don't forget to inform
me after you arrive at Malang.



6. Who is the sender of the letter?

7. Who is the recipient of the letter?

8. Where will Ayana and Theala spend their holidays?

9. What are the wonderful places that near to Uncle's Villa?

10. According to letter, which city Ayana lives?

(Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris)

11. Kursinya terlalu tinggi

12. Saya lupa membawa payung

13. Itu adalah liburan yang luar biasa

14. Itu adalah liburan yang melelahkan

15. Buburnya terlalu panas

Part B

1. Make a conversation about holiday.

2. Make a letter that describe your holiday to your friend.

3. Write down four expressions of describing a holiday.

4. Fill out the blank space of this paragraph with the words that have been provided.

Delicious Went Car Saw Arrived

Last holiday my family and I (1)________ to my Grandmother's village. We traveled by a (2)_______ with
my father as the driver. On the way to Grandmother's village, I (3)______ many beautiful views. Such as
the rice fields, a river that flows beautifully under the bridge that we cross, and many more. We (4)
_________ at 12 p.m. The first thing we did after arrived was lunch. My Grandmother has cooked a lot
of (5)_______foods for us.

5. Write down 8 part of a Lion's body.

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