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Making Improvements Assessment

Step 1: Create A Slide Deck Presentation

Using one of the first-person histories from the Slave Narrative Collection and the article
"The Limitations of the Slave Narrative Collection," create an informative presentation.
There should be a minimum of five slides arranged in the order that best fits your
presentation. Be sure to include the following information in your slide deck:
 Identify and explain the central idea of the passage.
 Identify three details that support the central idea.
 Identify at least two areas where additional information is needed to increase the
accuracy of the narrative.
 Identify at least two potential problems with the structure of the Federal Writer's
Project with the Slave Narratives.
 If you could speak to the person today, what three questions would you ask?
Explain your choices.

Step 2: Graphic Organizer

Review your slide deck presentation, then justify the decisions you made on each of the
following elements. Each response should be a minimum of 2-3 sentences in length.

Central Idea
main point

clear message
to enhance
size, style,
Look and Feel
style enhances
word choice,
key phrases

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
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Making Improvements Rubric

On Target Almost There Needs Improvement

35-26 points 25-18 points 17-0 points

 The presentation  The presentation  The presentation did

successfully addressed some of not address the
addressed required the required content required content from
content from the from the assessment the assessment
assessment directions. directions.
directions.  The slide show  The slide show only
Slide Deck  The slide show successfully demonstrated a few
Presentation successfully demonstrated some elements of an
(35 points) demonstrated all elements of an effective
elements of an effective presentation.
effective presentation.  The slide deck has
presentation.  The slide deck has many spelling or
 The slide deck has no some spelling or grammar errors.
spelling or grammar grammar errors.

15-12 points 11-8 points 7-0 points

 The decisions are  The decisions are  The decisions are not
successfully justified. partially justified. justified.
 Answers are 2-3  Answers are one  Answers are not
Graphic sentences long. sentence long. complete sentences.
 Standard grammar,  Standard grammar,  Standard grammar,
(15 points)
punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and
sentence structure sentence structure sentence structure
rules are followed rules are followed rules are not
with minimal errors. with some errors that followed, and this
do not impede affects readability.

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School

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