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ISSN 1837-0128

The Canowindra Phoenix

Issue 163 Wednesday 13 July 2011
Your free weekly guide to life in and around

locally first!

Mill Street CANOWINDRA P: 02 6344 1208 F: 02 6344 1845 Canowindra Skate Park has already M: 0427 247 736 established a wall of fame with comedian
Chamber: guests for the next Canowindra Business Chamber meeting will be Mayor Bob Dowling and Sharon D'Elboux, Economic Development Manager for Cabonne Council. Items for discussion will include town signage & Canowindra remaining under the LGA of Cabonne Council. The meeting will start at 7pm Wednesday 20 July at the CWA Rooms Blatchford Street. Representatives from other community organisations & committees, as well as prospective Chamber members are welcome. Pool: update on the Canowindra Pool Plan is that the consultant hopes to have a draft plan for the pools re-development to present to the community later this month. A public community meeting will be held when the draft plan is finalised and Council and the consultant will inform the community as soon as the meeting date is confirmed. A structural engineer engaged by Cabonne Council undertook a preliminary inspection of the existing pool last Wednesday. This inspection indicates the pool to be in a sound condition. However further tests that will require exposing the reinforcement used in the pool will be undertaken to confirm the structural integrity of the pool. Free: In conjunction with Hammond Care there will be FREE training in Dementia care at the Community Health Centre in Ryall Street. It will be a commitment of 1 day/week for 3 weeks. The dates are 4, 11 & 18 August between 9.45am-3.30pm. Bring your own lunch and photo ID. This training is also suitable for those people that are caring for someone with Dementia. Please book in for this training on 02 6344 1314.


Jimeoin (pictured above with Eloise Beath & Maddie Breen) stopping off to give it a crack Sunday 20 February 2011, and Tweeting afterwards, "Canowindra skate park better than cowra's. Still nothing comes close to dubbo's Has tamworth got a park. Is there a song about it". Photo courtesy of Maddie Breen

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SKATE PARK OPENING CEREMONY Cabonne Council will hold a special ceremony in Canowindra on Saturday 23 July 2011 to thank the community for its contribution to the recently-opened Canowindra Skate Park. Cabonne Mayor Bob Dowling said the thank you function would be held at 11.30am at the skate park to pay tribute to the community, which raised $35,000 to help make the $140,000 project a reality. Everyone in Canowindra is welcome to attend because this facility has been a true community project, Cr Dowling said. The skate park, funded largely through the Federal Governments Regional Local Community Infrastructure Program, was officially opened on 13 April 2011 at Eugowra along with Cabonnes other major RLCIP project, the refurbishment of the Eugowra Community Hall and Child Care Centre. Although the skate park has already been officially opened, I think it is appropriate that we conduct another ceremony on the site to show our appreciation to the Canowindra people who have worked so hard to help provide this important facility, Cr Dowling said. In particular, the Council would like to recognise the efforts of the skate park committee, the people who raised the money in quite a short period of time and the young people involved in the project. The Canowindra Skate Park received $75,500 in RLCIP funding, which was 50 per cent of Cabonne Councils allocation under the second round of this Federal funding program.

In addition to the $35,000 raised by the Canowindra community, Cabonne Council provided $30,000. The second stage of the project, which will include landscaping and other beautification work on the site, has been included in Councils 2011/12 Management Plan. The Canowindra skate park is the second to be opened in Cabonne Shire in the past 12 months following the construction of the Molong Skate Park, where the community also played a major fund-raising role, contributing $30,000 in cash and a further $20,000 in voluntary labour. Its terrific that these communities are contributing so greatly to these projects and taking ownership of them, Cr Dowling said. Cabonne Council has allocated $30,000 each in its 2011/12 Budget for further skate parks at Manildra and Mullion Creek. Anne Traves, Secretary of the Canowindra Skate Park Committee is delighted that Council is holding this opening ceremony on site. "It is appreciated that Cabonne Council recognises the hard work of the Canowindra Community, especially Canowindra Sports Trust for their cooperation and support throughout the time." "To name all the people and businesses that have contributed to the realisation of this project would be too extensive to list in The Phoenix, so I extend an invitation to everyone who donated and was involved to attend the opening ceremony and be thanked publically."


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To the editor...

I am writing to support the comments made by Chris Cuddy last week regarding the petition to resist the plain packaging of cigarettes. The reality is, that anyone foolish enough to sign the petition is actually saying they support the right of the tobacco companies to promote Their dangerous products to those unfortunate enough to be susceptible to this marketing. The main goal of tobacco companies is to entice Young people to take up smoking, because they know that their product is so addictive, that many people struggle for their whole lives to give up, often unsuccessfully (and so they achieve the holy grail of marketing- a lifelong customer). Big tobacco is so concerned about the governments campaign to introduce plain packaging because if it works in Australia there is a high chance that other countries will adopt similar practices. This can only be a good thing in my view, because cigarettes bring poor health and misery to millions around the world. So, please dont sign the petition, as you are only helping big tobacco protect their business, and in supporting them, you are aligning yourself with people who claimed for decades that their products did no harmDespite them knowing full well the damage their products do cause. I think the debate has a long way to run, and I would pose a couple of questions to finish up: 1. What is the moral obligation of the retailer in this situation?- do businesses who sell cigarettes and profit from this trade have any responsibility to their customers? 2. Why not simply raise the legal age of smoking by 1 year each calendar year? (ie now you have to be 16 to buy them, next year you have to be 17, and so on) That way, we could prevent any young person newly taking up the habit without affecting current smokers rights, and in 2 generations we would have kicked the habit as a nation- think of all the fun people could have with the money saved on ciggies, and how much more they would enjoy life without a destructive addiction. Best Regards Steve Brown, Canowindra
Under 16s Report Kens Service Centre once again played Condobolin at the Oval and went down 20 -10. Trys scorers for Canowindra were Harry Whatman and Bradyn Cassidy, while Tim Middleton landed one conversion from two. As usual the centre combination of Dean Wilson and Bailey Cain gave impetus to the attack but they couldnt slice through Condobolin as easily as they went through Grenfell last week. Alex Willson was welcomed back to the second row and had a strong games with many metres made in attack and many bruises inflicted in defence. This week the Kens Service Centre Under 16s play Parkes at the Oval and maybe Condon at Condo on the Sunday. Listen to Pete at training on Thursday.



To the editor...

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On Sunday night I had to call 000 to request an ambulance to attend a family member who had collapsed and was unconscious. Unfortunately the ambulance missed a turn, and I ultimately ended up driving her to Canowindra Hospital in my car. Discussions with the ambulance officers the next day highlighted a problem with local road-naming and signage. I have a road name and reflective number, but this does not correspond to anything that can actually help an ambulance find my residence. It seems ludicrous in todays electronic age. The ambulance only had to make two turns from the outskirts of town to my driveway it should have been simple. Fortunately the situation turned out to be not life-threatening but what if it wasnt. How can other local residents, who live in more isolated parts of the area, feel comfortable that an ambulance could find them in an emergency? Our local council needs to take immediate steps to ensure that our road names correspond to those shown in the navigation tools used by emergency services, and that roads and lanes are signposted appropriately; or next time the story might not have a happy ending. Yours sincerely, Andrew Holmes, Canowindra

PHONE: Facsimile: Email:

(02) 6364 3246 (02)6364 3247

MASTER CHEF FUN COOKING DAY Merle Parrish who appeared on Master Chef last week will be demonstrating her cooking skills at Cudal CWA Branch's Fun Cooking Day. Merle will appear at Cudal Community Hall on Monday 18 July at 9:30 for a 10am start, showing her skills that saw her Perfect Peach Blossom Cake and cup cakes be created on Master Chef Cost is $5 per person and morning tea will be provided. BYO lunch, tea & coffee available. RSVP to Margaret on 6364 2055 or Jeanette on 6364 0252.

To the editor...
The hype and hyperbole generated in the public arena (if talk back radio is any guide) over debate on "Carbon Tax Climate Change - Global Warming" is quite alarming. There seems to be much peddled misinformation based on mis-used scientific fact and a mis-understanding of certain cycles and equilibria (physical and chemical) in nature. It is no wonder there is a prevailing suspicion and a paralysis of any attempt to solve problems reasonably expected to affect Australia's future in this regard. Perhaps the advent of the Greens (labelled radical by the media) in the Senate is what is needed to break the current cycle of procrastination, stagnation and inaction, most likely to affect any future progress for the nation. Yours faithfully, Bill Barwood, Canowindra

This weeks Specials at

Brown onions $1.20kg Green pears $1kg Fennel bulbs $1.50ea Local Sebago potato 4 kg $4

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Friday 22 July

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DRIVER ALWAYS WENT THE EXTRA MILE A man who has spent much of his life helping community organisations at Canowindra has been honoured as Cabonne Councils Volunteer of the Month. Ray Anderson has been heavily involved with the Moorbel Bush Fire Brigade, Cabonne Community Transport Service and Canowindra Mens Shed. Mr Anderson was captain of the Moorbel brigade for many years and his quick responses and calm efficient leadership earned praise from Cabonne Mayor Bob Dowling. Rays leadership helped the brigade deal safely with many incidents, as well as enhancing the brigades reputation and inspiring others to become volunteer fire fighters, Cr Dowling said. After retiring from his farm on Cargo Road, Mr Anderson moved into Canowindra where he became a volunteer community transport driver. He recently retired from the role after seven years and is already being missed by his regular passengers. In his time with the Community Transport Service, Mr Anderson travelled more than 16,000 kilometres transporting elderly and frail people in the community to medical appointments. Passengers have always spoken very highly of Ray, often requesting him when they made their bookings, the Mayor said. Ray has always been very friendly, chatting to his passengers and putting them at ease in difficult circumstances. Despite all the kilometres he travelled, Ray was always willing to go the extra mile. Mr Anderson has also been an active member of the Canowindra Mens Shed, helping with many of their projects and offering his expertise and support to others. Ray has been extremely generous with his time over many years and his voluntary service has contributed greatly to the Canowindra community, Cr Dowling said. ST EDWARDS BATTERY DRIVE A reminder that old car, truck and heavy machinery batteries can be dropped off at Kinselas Farm Supplies, Canowindra Tyre Service, B&K Burn-Repco, Rues Auto Service or Central Motors. For any questions, please contact Anthony Harrison on 02 6364 0332 or 0427 640 332 Money raised helps buy equipment for students and classes.

Phone orders: 6344 1011

Pear Chutney
1.4kg pears 2 cooking apples 450g onions 450g seedless raisins 2 small red chillies 2 tsp grated ginger 2 garlic cloves 1 tsp salt tsp nutmeg 2 lemons juice & zest 450g soft brown sugar 500ml white vinegar Peel, core and chop the pears & apples. Peel and chop the onions. Crush the garlic. Put all of the ingredients into a large pot with vinegar and stir well with a wooden spoon. Bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce to a simmer and continue simmering for around 2 hours, stirring occasionally, or until it is thick. Ladle into hot, clean, sterilized jars, cover and seal. Label when fully cool. Makes about 1.8kg of chutney.

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LEAGUE TAG: The Tigresses received a scare from the much improved Blue Sheeler pups before running out eventual winners 7-2. Two tries to Jess Dzerigas and one to Kathy Davis saw the Tigresses lead 3-0 at the break. After half time the Cargo girls showed plenty of talent crossing through Ebony Watson and Teagan Wilson to trail 3-2. The Bluesheeler pups looked to have all the running and were unlucky not to score again. Eventually though it was that professional attitude to their job that saw the Tigresses come back with four late tries. Coach Mick Vitnell has made sure his team works hard and never gives up. There are no easy training nights for the girls who slug it out under his intent gaze twice a week. This is why, when the game was in the balance the team found enough to compete all the way to the end. Canowindra 7 (Jess Dzerigas 3, Kathy Davis 2, Bonny Whythes, Madi Vitnell tries) def Cargo 2. WHAT'S ON: Final chance for tickets. The Tigers will be hosting a reunion Saturday 23 July in celebration of the Western Region Caltex knockout Champions of 1971, a 40 year celebration. This invitation is for all past players and committee men and women. The day will begin with Junior League and Senior League playing at Tom Clyburn Oval with a marquee area for the past greats. This will be followed with dinner and entertainment at the Canowindra Bowling Club. Dinner will be 7:00pm for 7:30pm and be $25.00/head. For bookings at the dinner please call Eddie Clyburn on 6334 4546 (ah), Andrew Pull 6344 2244 or Graham Rice on 6344 1618.

The Phoenix

The Canowindra Hotel

available at all times


PYTHONS REPORT Last Saturday the Pythons headed to a cold and wet Orange, to play the Waratahs. The Pythons seemed to dominate for most of the 80 minutes and the final score was 60-5. The try scorers for the day were Alex Myres 2, Adam Nash 2, Lloyd Jackson 2, and 1 each to Rolls Townsend, Huw Wills, Dan Bowd and Tom Abbott. The whole team played well with the boys trying some new moves and seemed to sort out their line outs and scrums. Alex and Harry Myres showed some great running and even better defence and stood out in the back line. Alex maybe tried a bit to hard to out shine his younger brother and copped his first stint in the sin bin for a late tackle. Points for the day went to Alex 3, Dan Bowd 2 for another tireless effort and Lachie Noble and Harry Myres got 1 each. Players' Player was shared between Nigel Knight and Andrew Watson, who also stood out for the day. This weekend the Pythons are hosting their Ladies' Day in conjunction with a McGrath Foundation fundraising day. This will see the Pythons turning their usual sky blue jumpers to pink for the day. A big thank you must go to all the business's that have got on board with this event. We have 30 player jumpers and 10 ladies jumpers that have individual sponsors on them from local businesses. All these jumpers will be auctioned off after the game with all money raised from the sponsorship and sale of jumpers going to the McGrath Foundation. Hopefully we will auction the ladies jumpers off at half time then the players jumpers straight after the game. Also the ladies are having a three course lunch served at the rugby Club House before the game with only a few tickets left. the tickets are available at Ricey's Newsagents. Also their will be raffles through out the game with any money raised going straight to McGrath foundation to. The club is hoping to raise $5,000 plus for the day. So hopefully everyone will come to the Oval on Saturday for a 2pm kickoff against the Ag collage. Their will also be food on the side line through out the game. Also as the club has done all year there will be no charge to get through the gate.

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Hopefully the weather will be kind to us and get a great crowd at the oval for not only a worth while cause but what also should be a great game of rugby, when the teams clashed in the first round the score was 24-22 in favour of the Pythons. Once again a big thank you to all the sponsors and helpers that has made this day possible to put on. Note that the game will be kicking off at the earlier time of 2pm. TIGERS REPORT It was like football in the old days at Tom Clyburn Oval on Sunday with spectators turning up early to park their cars, head home for breakfast then return for the match knowing they had the best park at the ground. Hulking back rower Brad Bowman crossed first for the Tigers. Rob Burnss conversion took him to 1,001 career points in first grade to great applause from the appreciative crowd. Willie Lafolafo crossed almost immediately after and the Tigers were out to an early 12-0 lead. One of Cargo's favourite sons Nigel Thornberry crossed, followed by Captain Tim Shephard and the Blue Heelers closed the gap and trailed 12-10 at the halfway mark. Tigers opened second half with tries to Peter Pita and Aaron Earsman 24-10. With 19 years of experience playing grade for Cargo, Ashley Brown dived under the posts for a top try 24-16. Steve Maere finished a great backline play and it was 24-20 to the Tigers with 11 minutes on the clock. The final minutes saw both sides lift their intensity as they searched for a win, both scrambled in defence and tried, sometimes too hard in attack. Canowindra found themselves in open space only to be called back for a forward pass, then with two minutes left Cargo looked to have crossed for the equaliser only to have themselves called back for a forward pass.

02 6344 1407

The game appeared to be heading for a 24-20 result until Peter Pita charged headlong into the defence and scrambled out the other side for the final try of the game and a 30-20 fulltime score. The Tigers were best served by big Willie Lafolafo who took the ball up every set in the second half, Lachlan Watson who made some great runs and was again so strong in defence and Peter Pita who again did his job so dominantly. The game could not have been won without the kicking game of five eight Darren Nurcombe, it was by far his best game he landed three 40/20 kicks, was unlucky not to have four and he continually found the ground off his long range kicks. Canowindra 30 (Peter Pita 2, Willie Lafolafo, Aaron Earsman, Brad Bowman tries. Rob Burn 5 goals) def Cargo 20(Nigel Thornberry, Tim Shephard, Ashley Brown, Steve Maere tries Steve Maere 2 goals). Woodbridge Cup Youth League: The young Tigers enjoyed the bye and were extremely vocal spectators in the local derby on Sunday. Next week: The Tigers head to Condobolin in all three grades this Sunday. Youth League 11:45, League tag at 1pm, 1st Grade at 2pm.

NOTICE The AGM of Canowindra Branch, Australian Red Cross is to be held 25 July 2011 at 2pm, Health Centre, Ryall Street Canowindra. NOTICE The Canowindra Garden Club AGM will be held at the home of Trisha Rollinsons, 180 Gaskill St Canowindra, on Wednesday 27 July 2010 at 2pm. All welcome. GARAGE SALE 16 July, 9am until everything sold @ 37 Blatchford St: unreg car household furniture, toys, baby stuff + heaps more! NOTICE The Annual General Meeting for Canowindra@home is to be held on Wednesday 3 August 2011 @ Finns Store 6.30pm. All are welcome & reports will be given on the activities during the year LOST $200 reward offered for silver hubcap from 1985 Rolls Royce. Last seen Sat 9/7 between Mandurama & Forbes. Please ph George Greig on 02 6892 4008 or 0417 471 478 NOTICE Canowindra United Hospital Auxiliary Annual General Meeting, Monday 18 July 2011, to be held at the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Conference Room, commencing at 2pm. FOR SALE firewood, cut & delivered $100 per trailer load. Ph 0488 252 300

Save the date

Jul 16: Pythons Ladies Day from 12noon @ Canowindra Rugby Club. Tickets $40 from Newsagents inc 3 course lunch w/ wine & guest speaker from McGrath Foundation Jul 16: River Bank Gallery exhibition opening: Jul 16: Degustation: Leeks-Yabbies-Wild Rabbit-Kangaroo @ tasteCanowindra $70pp. Bookings now being taken on 02 6344 2332 or Jul 18: Cudal CWA Branch Fun Cooking Day 10am with Merle Parrish at Cudal Community Hall. $5pp contact Margaret on 6364 2055 or Jeanette on 6364 0252 Jul 19: Cabonne 2025 Community Workshop 9.30am-4.30pm Cargo Community Centre Jul 20: Canowindra Business Chamber meeting 7pm @ CWA Rooms 0418 413 753 Jul 22: Kerrieanne Cox 7pm @ taste Canowindra. 3 courses + show $75 6344 2332 Jul 23: Tigers Reunion Western Region Caltex knockout Champions of 1971 dinner 7pm @ Bowlo, tickets $25pp on 6334 4546, 6344 2244 or 6344 1618. Jul 29: Canowindra Preschool Kindergarten Movie Night The King's Speech 6:30pm CWA Rooms. Tickets $35 includes movie & 3 course meal, available on 6344 1261 from 18 July
THE CANOWINDRA PHOENIX is published by Joanne Gaigals (ABN 43 292 469 472) and printed by Nick Carne at COMPRINTING: call Nick on 0402 340 852 For news or ads, please call Jo on 0418 413 753 or 65 GASKILL STREET CANOWINDRA NSW 2804

The Canowindra Phoenix proudly supports independent

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