Lesson 2 Answers

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Assignment 2 on lesson 2: Capacitors and Inductors

7. What type of capacitor would you choose for (a) decoupling, (b) a precision
timer circuit, (c) a circuit for generating the carrier frequency of a radio
transmitter, (d) a high-voltage power supply?

• Decoupling
8. Describe the structure of an aluminum electrolytic capacitor. What safety
precautions are needed when working with such capacitors?

i. These are made by rolling two strips of aluminum foil with a

strip of absorbent paper between them. This is soaked in an
electrolyte solution, and the assembly is sealed in a can. A
voltage is applied between the two plates, causing a very thin
layer of aluminum oxide to be deposited on one plate. The oxide
is an insulator and acts as the dielectric. On one side it is in
contact with the aluminum foil on which it was formed. On the
other side it is in contact with the electrolyte. Most types of
electrolytic capacitor have the surface of the aluminum etched to
increase its surface area and thus further increase capacitance.
Electrolytic capacitors are made to cover the range 1 μF to
10000 μF, and special types are available outside this range.
Electrolytics have a wide tolerance range, usually 620% or more.

9. What safety precautions are needed when working with such capacitors?
i. They need to be polarity-correctly plugged into the circuit.
inscriptions on the can
ii. Identify the wire at the negative terminal. If the capacitor is
connected in the incorrect direction,
iii. When power is connected, the can will explode because gas will
build inside it.
b. Describe the different types of multi-layer ceramic capacitor and their
i. The tempco varies with the material used for the dielectric. The
dielectric of those with the lowest capacitances (below 1 nF) is
NPO or COG, with zero or very low tempco. Working voltage is
around 50V. Medium- capacitance types (about 1 nF to 100 nF)
have X7R dielectric and a higher tempco of 615% over the
range 25 5 o C to12 5 o C. High capacitance types (100 nFto1
μF) have higher tempcos
10. List three different materials used as the dielectric of capacitors.

• Ceramic
• Polystyrene
• Polypropylene

11. How can we demonstrate that an emf is induced in a coil only when the magnetic field
through the coil is changing?

• Emf is induced in the coil only when the magnetic field is changing (Faraday’s First
Law). Current flows only if we move the magnet toward or away from the coil, on move
the coil toward or away from the magnet. If both are still, there is no emf and no current.
The size of the emf depends on the rate of change of the magnetic field (Faraday’s
Second Law). The faster we move the magnet or coil, the greater the emf and current.
The direction of the induced current is such as to oppose the motion of the magnet or coil
(Lenz’s Law). In the drawing above, the north pole of the magnet is moving toward the
coil. The direction of the current produces a north pole at the end of the coil that is nearer
the magnet. Like poles repel, so the effect is to try to prevent the magnet from coming
nearer. In practice, it does not prevent the motion but means that a little extra force is
needed to move the magnet toward the coil. The extra energy reappears as the energy of
the current made to flow in the coil.
12. What is the significance of the negative sign in the equation:
𝐸 = −𝐿 ⨯ ( 𝑑𝐼⁄𝑑𝑡)? What is the unit of the quantity L?

• The absence of a positive sign means that the induced emf opposes the present change.
The letters L stand for inductance and self-inductance.
13. What is a choke? Describe two types of chokes and the situations in which they are used.

• They are used to block high-frequency signals from passing through from one part of a
circuit to another.
• Low-frequency signals or DC voltage levels are able to pass through. Large chokes look
like transformers, but have only one coil. Small chokes consist of beads or collars made
of ferrite threaded on to the wire that is carrying the high-frequency signals.
14. Describe the current flow and the changes in the magnetic field that occur in a capacitor
inductor network when it is resonating.
• Charge is stored on a capacitor's plates when electricity flows into it.
• There is a possible discrepancy between the plates that is visible. Later, the charge is
dropped when this discharges the capacitor. Neither the charging nor the draining
processes cause any energy loss. In according to theory, no heat or other energy is
released. Likewise, if the present of Electrical energy is stored as a magnetic field by
increasing an inductor.
• The field completely or partially collapses when the current drops, releasing energy as
the induced emf.
15. Explain how a resistor and inductor are connected to form a low-pass filter. Why do we
generally prefer a resistor-capacitor network for filtering?

• Resistance is fundamentally different from capacitance and inductance, even though they
are all forms of impedance. When a current passes through a resistance, some of its
energy is converted irreversibly to other forms. In most cases it is converted to heat,
though lamps and LEDs produce light and motors produce motion. The loss appears as a
loss of potential across the resistance.

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