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I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the student will be able to:

K- Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author in the literary piece.

S- Discuss the tone, mode, technique, and the purpose of the author in the literary piece.

A -Appreciate the importance of the lesson through participation.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Invictus by William Ernest Henley

References: EN7LT-I-f-2.2.3: Determine the tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author

Materials: Laptop and projector

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

1. Introduction

 Greetings:
Good morning, Class! Good morning, Sir!
How are you today? (Varied answers)

 Prayer
Who wants to lead the prayer? (Student volunteer to pray)

 Checking of Attendance
(Say present as I call your name) (Present/Absent)
2. Motivation
You feel me, I feel you

Class, look at the picture on the screen. I want

you to describe the picture.

1. 1. Angry

2. 2. Happy

3. 3. Confuse

4. 4. Afraid

5. 5. Sad

B. Presentation

1. Discussion

I want you to read aloud the poem in the

screen. This poem is titled Invictus written by
William Ernest Henley.
Before we dive in to the poem let us first know
who William Ernest Henley is. William Ernest
Henley, born August 23, 1849, was an
influential British poet, perhaps best known
for his poem “Invictus” (1875).

Brief History of the Poet

The poem defines the word "Invictus" which is
derived from Latin. Derived from the prefix in-
and the Latin word vinco. Therefore, the title
for this poem is suitable because invictus
means unconquered, unconquerable, or
unsubdued. William Ernest Henley wrote
Invictus while in hospital after undergoing an
amputation of one of his legs.

I want you to group into 4. 1st stanza would be

the group 1 and so on. I want you to read it
with feelings and loudly.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole.
I thank whatever gods may be (Group 1 reads the poem)
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance (Group 2 reads the poem)
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years (Group 3 reads the poem)
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate: (Group 4 reads the poem)
I am the captain of my soul.

2. Activity 1
After reading the poem, within your group I
want you to answer the following questions

What feelings did you have while reading the
poem? (Students are discussing)
What made you feel this way?
What words did you find that helped create
this feeling?

Are you done? Now, I want you to present

your answer. Choose one representative to (Students are presenting)
present it to the class.

By answering these questions, you are on your

way to defining the mood and tone. Mood and
tone are important because they help create
the meaning of a story.

What is TONE? Can anyone define what is a

tone? (Varied answers)

 Is the attitude of the narrator or
viewpoint character toward story
events and other characters.
 It is achieved through word choice
(diction), sentence construction and
word order (syntax), and by what the
viewpoint character focuses on.
 The way that someone voices a
statement or the words an author
chooses influences the tone.

“Don’t use that tone of voice with me!”
“What are your plans for today,” my mother
asked. “I’m going to the store,” Mark
responded. “I’m going to the store!” Mark

In the poem, can you give an example of a

tone? Sir, Optimistic, because the speaker in
"Invictus" has a positive attitude toward his
future and his life although he is aware of
how difficult it can be.
Very Good! What line or part of the poem
talks about optimism? My head is bloody, but unbowed. (Line 8)

That’s right!

Another one is Uncertain, in stanza 1 the

persona expresses gratitude, but the choice of
words has an uncertain tone.
The phrase "whatever gods may be" depicts
his uncertainty about their existence. Stanza 2
has an uncertain tone because of the words
like "chance" and "clutch of circumstances."

Thirdly, Pessimistic. The third stanza also has a

pessimistic tone because he sees and expects
the future years to have some menace and

Lastly, Reflective. The entire poem is about a

person who is contemplating life and death. It
gives the idea of someone analyzing his life,
choices, and society's expectations of him.

 Is what the reader feels while reading
a scene or story.
 It is not the reader’s emotion, but the
atmosphere (the vibe) of a scene or
story. It’s what the reader reads or
feels or notices.
An example of a mood is:

While you were reading the poem, what do

you think is the mood of the poem? Sir, the mood of the poem is dark and

That’s right!

It seems as if the poet wrote this poem from

the perspective of a person who is
courageously fighting the odds of his or her
life in a dark and upsetting phase. The
expression of the speaker creates a serious yet
uplifting mood inside the text.

 The author’s technique in which an
individual author uses in his writing. It
varies from author to author and
depends upon one’s syntax, word
choice, and tone
These are the following styles that the author
used in the poem.

Metaphor: Henley has used three metaphors

in the poem.
"Bludgeoning of chance" —gives the image of
being beaten by a bludgeon meaning a painful,
burdensome situation.

Can you give me another example?

"The night that covers me."
The night is compared to something that
covers him.
Very Good, that’s correct!

Personification: Personification is used to

attribute human characteristics to an
inanimate object.

In stanza 1 " the night" is given a personified

meaning because it "covers" the persona. In
the second stanza of "Invictus," William E.
Henley personifies circumstances and chance
by giving these abstract concepts human
qualities. Chance bludgeons the persona and
circumstances clutch him.

Imagery: The use of strong imagery in the

poem enables the reader to feel the writer’s
Henley has used images appealing to the
sense of sight such as, “black is the pit”, and
“my head is bloody”.

Can you see another line that uses Imagery?

Sir, the line “Beyond the place of wrath and
That’s right! tears.”

These images help the readers to feel the pain

and courage that have helped the speaker to
overcome his misery.

Simile: A simile is a device used to compare

two different objects to understand meanings
by comparing these object’s qualities. There is
one simile used in the second line of the poem
where it is stated that “Black as the pit from
pole to pole.” He compares the darkness of
night with his dark and woeful life.

Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of the

same consonant sounds in the same lines of
the poetry such as the use of /p/ sound in “pit
from pole to pole” and /f/ in “finds and shall
find me unafraid.” This use of alliteration here
has brought musicality in the poem.

Poetic Devices
Stanza: A stanza is a poetic form of some lines.
In this poem, there are four stanzas, and each
stanza has four lines/verses.
Quatrain: A quatrain is a four-lined stanza
borrowed from Persian poetry. Here, each
stanza is a quatrain because it is structured in
four lines.
Rhyme Scheme: The poem follows the ABAB
rhyme scheme, where the first line rhyme with
the third and the second line rhymes with the
fourth line.


 The author’s purpose is his/her reason

for writing.
 An author’s purpose is reflected in the
way he writes about a topic.

What do you think is the purpose of the

author in writing the poem? (Varied answers)

Invictus by William Ernest Henley is an

inspirational poem. This poem depicts the
poet’s attempt to motivate himself when
there is no hope at all. When the poet writes
this poem, he has already lost one of his legs.
So, in such a situation of mental and physical
agony, the poet tries to lift up his courage.

3. Activity 2
With your group, choose lines or paragraph
that presents the tone, mood, techniques, and
the purpose of the author in the poem (Students are discussing)
Invictus. Present it to the class through
reporting or a dialogue.
(Students are presenting)

Answer the following reflective questions. Minimum of 3 sentences and a maximum of 5.

1. What is the message of Invictus by William Ernest Henley?

2. What does the title Invictus signify?
3. What is the chief quality of the person speaking in the poem?


Make a two-paragraph reflection on the poem you have read.

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