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God is Love

By: Mary Jane Bolinggo

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. Therefore, we will
not fear... Psalm 46:1-2

The COVID-19 disease outbreak has been the most difficult fight the world has fought in
its long history. This crisis has weighed heavily on humanity and is having an enormous impact
on people all over the world. The limitation of social practice has seriously affected life today.
Despite the obstacles created by the pandemic, it develops an advantage or bright side for this
world where people grow deeper and honest love for God, people, nature, and country.

Love, the silver lining in the storm, is more on the way to embrace and appreciate the
entire journey. This crisis serves as a reminder to everyone that they will never have full control
over their lives; that they will never be capable of eradicating every misery or fully recovering
from every underlying condition.

Christians have the opportunity to cultivate a more personal relationship with God. At
this time of pandemic, not only love for God serves as a silver lining but also love for people.
People saved lives by staying at home and being vaccinated. Spread care by engaging,
supporting, and empowering individuals. Giving aid, relief goods, and sharing goods with
neighbors are examples of God's call for every individual to be a blessing to others. People
confront their broken relationship with nature by creating gardens and planting. There was less
pollution during lockdown.

Lastly, those frontliners serve the country as heroes, who fought, sacrificed, brought
hope, and inspired the hearts of every individual affected by the pandemic. People were reunited
to love the country, follow safety protocols, maintain social distance and provide vaccines free
for all individuals throughout the nation.

Above all, God alone is love and security, a great love that is not spoken but acted upon.
Only love can at least make the entire pandemic journey worthwhile. Furthermore, the COVID-
19 disease outbreak served as a timely reminder to all individuals of their individual roles and
how they can contribute in their own unique way to finding solutions to the problems. Trust must
be placed in something more solid than anything found on Earth. Ultimately, God alone is the
source of security and hope of a brighter day.
It’s Time
By: Jasmine A. Tuvalles

A virus has caused trouble throughout the world today. Who would have thought that a
virus could bring down all of the economies in the world and force everyone to stay inside their
homes? The world has come to a halt as COVID-19 has ruined everyday life. A negative effect
of the virus is seen in people's social and professional lives. As the state of the world economy is
in jeopardy, a new social and economic order with equal rights for men and women is emerging.

As a "global community," the world should unite during these difficult and stressful
times, and both parties should be empathetic. In order to help control the pandemic, we must
follow all laws and regulations issued by our government, notably the ones requiring us to
remain indoors during a lockdown.

The current public health emergency shows how intertwined we all are and how our own
health affects everyone else's. To build a revitalized and healthy society, governments and public
authorities must act to respect, safeguard, and fulfill the right to health. This is only feasible if
they hold a shared commitment to justice and equality for all individuals, which calls for laws
and initiatives that practically advance the right to health.

Even though all the negative things have happened, though it may be difficult at times,
there has been a silver lining. It’s important to keep your head up and remember that this won’t
go on forever. It’s time to make the best of it in any way that you can. The coronavirus pandemic
offers the chance for mankind to reclaim its lost footing and experience a new level of freedom.
After the Corona, it's time to get back to normalcy.
Beauty in Complexity
By: Ailene M. Acquiatan

In January 2020, everybody's lives changed. The coronavirus has changed all aspects of
our lives and has led us to surprising discoveries. Living through the pandemic has driven
dramatic shifts in our jobs and even our collective sense of time. It has had a devastating impact
on human life and the economy over the past decades 

In terms of the educational system, remote learning is being practiced. The shift to remote
learning has been a disaster for traditional schooling, the most vulnerable students, and, of
course, the parents. Like many aspects of the pandemic, this burden has fallen hardest on the
poor and members of minority groups.

Those are some of the bad things that cover our eyes and disable us from seeing the
beauty behind complexity. Sometimes, it takes a global pandemic to get us to appreciate our own
backyard and the things around us.

If there's one thing that the global pandemic brought, it's humility. See? It only takes one
little microscopic virus to shut the world down. It simply shows how weak and dependent we
are. In trouble, however, God reveals things about you so that you can learn and grow. This
moment should humble us.

Life takes us in different directions and things are not in our control. That's why it is
important to live in the moment, cherish every memory, and appreciate the little things. Yes, it
takes time, patience, and support for us to master this crisis, but together we can do it.
By: Ishtar Isabela Leyson

The first case of the COVID-19 outbreak was announced in China in December 2019,
and it later spread throughout the world. People were terrified, and the border and schools were
closed. Everyone was quarantined in their homes, while others were quarantined at work and
were unable to return home. Millions of people lose their jobs, and the poverty rate rises as the
economy enters a state of crisis.

Everyone was forbidden to go outside, and gatherings such as birthdays, weddings, and
even burials were forbidden. Everyone was required to wear a face mask and a face shield and to
maintain social distance. Those who violate the rules will face legal consequences such as fines,
community service, or imprisonment. These were the realities we faced two years ago.

It was excruciating to see on the news that people were dying, losing their homes and
family members, but despite this, we continued to smile and strive to live. We adapt to the new
normal and use technologies to continue our studies as well as our work. We didn't let the
pandemic control us; instead, we used it as a challenge for our new beginnings. It was one of the
clear signs that we could survive and overcome these difficulties.

We overcame all of the difficulties we encountered during the pandemic with the
assistance of our government workers, nonprofit organizations, and volunteers. Nonetheless,
we're almost there as we are gradually returning to normalcy. Students can now return to school,
and we can have social gatherings, but we must still adhere to health protocols. I believe that if
everyone just follows the rules and gets vaccinated, we will be fine and we will be free from

Light in Darkness
By: Kathleene Cortez

Have you ever tried thinking of things that happen in the most unexpected way? Or
maybe unwanted circumstances?

Life in reality is full of challenges and our responses to those will have a great impact on
our lives. Even though we know the fact that no one likes to encounter such problems, these
things will determine who we truly are; either we face them for betterment or ignore them to
make them worse. In the past two years, our country experienced the COVID-19 pandemic. I
heard from the news that many had gone through depression and anxiety. Many lives have gone,
many things have changed. In the form of livelihood, education, lifestyle, everything that we
used to do suddenly turns into trauma. But life has to go on, in the sense that I should not stop
hoping until the time comes that we can go back to what is normal. And yet, there are protocols
that we follow whether we like them or not. But it doesn't end here.

The pandemic that we had doesn't only affect us negatively. Somehow, it brought about
good things for us in the sense of unity and cooperation. Aside from that, I could really say that
because of the pandemic, I know more about my purposes in life. For the reason that I'd learn to
depend more on God, I think of this as His battle and not mine, and that I don't have to worry at
all, for I know that He is in control of everything. I don't think I have to carry heavy loads or
have problems. I believe that loving God and trusting in his process is the most important thing,
and everything will just follow. In fact, I had this experience where my body almost gave up
because of the vaccines that I thought were meant for the severe illness that I stayed at home and
took my rest for 2 weeks. I even told myself that if this is my last chance, I will spend it with my
family and enjoy the rest of my days as it appears to be an unforgettable experience in my entire
life. But still, I have always had hope in him.

During a pandemic, I also learned to serve others. Brotherhood is important at those times
when we help each other, build each other and create friendships. Letting yourself be aware of
the people around you is one way to lessen the problem of practicing social distancing, wearing
facemasks, and sanitization. I know this could be so hard, but this is one of the best ways to
prevent the spread of the virus. As this could also affect our nature, to be able to preserve the
cleanliness of the environment, one must observe proper waste disposal. Sadly, even now, I see a
lot of used facemasks in my surroundings, and I take the initiative to pick them up. I know very
well that it comes back to me, or even to society, and eventually it will cause a much bigger

All of these things I have done are for my country. I have to love God, people, and nature
as it is the same as where I was born, and that is my country. Nowadays, we are slowly getting
back to our new normal. The COVID-19 pandemic is not easy, though it brought something we
never expected, but more than that, despite everything, I am very thankful. COVID-19 entered
our country, but we came to surpass the problem.
What love's got to do?
By: Queenie Otod

It was January 30th, 2020, and the COVID-19 outbreak started. People were panicking
about what their lives would turn out to be, and they were worrying about the safety of their
loved ones. Some hid together with their families, gathering lots of food to provide them all
through the day and night. They wore masks and carried alcohol every time they needed to go
outside. Days are gloomy and the government is doing everything to think of ideas that would
protect and save people. Hundreds of thousands became infected with the virus all throughout
the world. Thousands have died each day.

People's grief over the loss of loved ones has been visible in the pages, on the news, and
on the radio for months. My husband even got infected at work. He was a nurse, helping infected
patients, yet life turned out to be upside-down. Now it is him that is lying in bed with all the
medical apparatus. I was there with him, enduring the heat caused by the PPE, because the
hospital does not allow any contact with COVID-19 patients. Still, I insisted. I wanted to be with
my husband during his treatment, as we have fought for our marriage through thick and thin, in
sickness and in health. I am crying while my husband is suffering with the illness, enduring the
pain that is caused by the virus.

Days had passed, he had become weak, but I was there giving him all the attention, care
and love that he needed. My husband needed hope, and I wanted to be it. As it is, who made my
husband stronger? His medications are now on line; he is getting better; his taste for food has
come back; he is now able to eat; he has become well. Love is all that matters. Love gives hope.
Love is the greatest thing of all.
Happy Pill
By: Marython Oracion

They say that the people who left should be forgotten, especially when they caused so
much pain to your whole being. They say that the people who left should not be given another
chance. What if they do the same thing again? They say that the people who left would not bring
happiness and would just be giving you the bare minimum of what you actually deserve. But
what if you and your partner work out in a big way this time? What if destiny says it was not the
right time and this was actually the right time to commit? But all the what-ifs in your mind keep
bugging you. What if you experience the same trauma with the same person again? But what if
things don't go exactly as planned? Well, I guess he is always worth the risk, or I am still in

It was in the midst of the pandemic when I was traveling to Cebu to find my leisure time
—traveling back and forth to get tested for COVID and then get the result. I finally got the
results and thanked God it was negative. I rushed to the seaport to get tickets to the barge, hoping
I could catch the last trip at 9 pm. As soon as I got the tickets for the last trip, I immediately went
to the waiting area, and as I was about to sit down, the announcer said the barge would be
delayed for an hour. Just great! I was bored waiting for the barge to arrive. I was just patiently
waiting around the corner, minding my own business and busy scrolling through my Facebook
timeline. I was busy reacting to the posts of my friends, not until a notification from my
Instagram account popped up. I immediately clicked on it and to my surprise, it was a
notification from my expired happy pill way back in 2018 that got me overdosed. Who sent me a
follow request? As of that moment, I was overthinking with grace. I mean, I don't know what
you heard about me, but why all of a sudden send a follow request?

Days have gone by. I am enjoying my stay here in Cebu. Every single day I get to travel
to Cebu's tourist spots and get to witness how beautiful the place is. Their sand-white beaches,
breathtaking sunset views, and food were superb. But for every destination layover, I could not
stop thinking of the person who followed me on Instagram. When I got home from today’s trip, I
immediately went to bed because I was exhausted. I was browsing through my IG stories when a
message notification popped up and it was from my Instagram account. To my surprise, it was
the same person. My happy pill circa 2018 He replied to my story with an emoji. I can't help
myself, but I immediately replied to his message, and from then on, we started talking again. By
the way, he was on board when he started messaging me because he is a seafarer.

Months later, he was finally offshore and returning to Bayawan. He wanted to see me
personally because he said he missed me so much because the last time we saw each other was
four years ago. Seeing him for the first time in 4 years was, I don’t know. I really can’t explain
my feelings. I was caught in the moment. We met at our same old place where we used to hang
out a lot, way back in 2018. We talked about his life at sea and mine here in the province. After
months and months of talking, we were really on good terms. We were there for each other, hung
out a lot, updated one another, and did what lovers do, but without labels. Not until he stopped
contacting me for two days in a row. I was really sad at that time because we were really on good
terms back then. I could not think of a simple reason why he would be acting that way. He came
back after two days, saying that he still loved his ex. His ex-girlfriend of more than three years,
with whom he has a child. I was really sad and depressed at that time because who would have
thought that he was still in love with his ex while we were talking for about a year already?

All my most painful what-ifs came true. All my overthinking had proof. All my precious
time has been wasted all over again for the same person who has given me so much trauma and
pain in the past. The person that only gave me the bare minimum of what I actually deserved.
The person who is a walking red flag

This pandemic has really taught me a lot of lessons to ponder in life. As I am writing this
now, I am slowly questioning myself if I really deserve to be hurt like this. What have I done to
be treated like this? It hurts me so much, but I must learn my lesson the hard way. Lesson
learned? Every ex is an ex for a reason.
Humanity amidst Emergency
Ethel S. Ligones

It feels like it was just in a blink of an eye, everything has changed. The discovery first
happened in one place and then the disease became a pandemic as it spread widely and affected
billions of people around the globe. Who can imagine how a single virus can made the whole
world mask up and close their doors? It seemed like it was a mere joke at first, but no, it wasn’t.
It was a real catastrophic pandemic.
During this trying time in which health is the upmost priority, there's so much in
everyone's life that were affected. People were advised to stay at home for the sake of their own
and other's safety. It seemed like the world stopped its moving and so the people's life. Various
forms of livelihood were stopped for the meantime that results to economic crisis and a poverty-
stricken life of numerous people. 
Amidst the worst situation, we are Filipinos, we are people with humanity. We maybe
have our own share of worries and difficulties during this time but we are more compassionate to
help those people that are mostly affected. Fundraising drives were made, love pantry were
organized and various sectors extended their helping hand to the people in much need. In this era
of sorrow, we still have so much love to give. 
This pandemic has instilled to us the notion that protecting oneself is also protecting
others. Once we act in accordance to proper health protocols which includes appropriate using of
face masks, practicing a 1-meter social distancing, following quarantine protocols, being fully
vaccinated and a lot more, we are bound to keep ourselves safe and so the people around us.
Humanity is not just about helping others, it is also about being responsible of one's actions for
the benefit of everyone's health.  This outbreak made us come into a realization that health is the
utmost wealth. No amount of financial lost will equate to the grief of losing our love ones due to
this pandemic. 
No one ever wondered that this pandemic would change the world on how it was.
Nevertheless, the Filipino's positivity reigns over any circumstances. We are more than our
struggles and needs. We are people with a sense of humanity. We help because we're all into this
and we believed that everyone must survive to live another days of their lives. We rise by
helping others. We became the reason for others to believe in the goodness of people. Truly,
practicing humanity makes us more human. 
Community Pantry: A Courageous Gesture of Hope
Marvel Fabro

Hope simply arises when people band together to assist one another in need. In response to the
hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the people of the Philippines band together
for mutual support. They established community pantries, or food banks run by and for the

On April 14, 2021, a small bamboo cart filled with groceries showed up in Maginhawa Street,
Quezon City, sparking the beginning of the community pantry movement in the Philippines. The
cart was accompanied by a simple cardboard sign that reads, "Magbigay ayon sa kakayahan,
kumuha batay sa pangangailangan."

This is a literal translation of a pillar of Marxist thought: "From each according to his ability, to
each according to his need." It is a desperate but simple idea, fueled by goodwill, with the
community as its formula for success. This is obviously a street-level application of a theory that
has long been sat on library shelves.

Ana Patricia Non, a 26-year-old, set up the first community pantry in the country with some
basic food items. The concept caught on, encouraging others to do the same. Progressive groups,
religious organizations, and ordinary Filipinos took part in the Maginhawa Community Pantry
movement, which has spread out to nearly 6,700 locations across the country.

Will this last, and for how long? Some skeptics question the sustainability of community
pantries. But according to Non, "The goal was never to provide for everyone; the true goal is to
normalize kindness." A mutual aid movement beyond charity that hopes to debunk the idea that
the poor cannot give. In truth, the concept behind the community pantry brings joy—those who
have nothing are the ones who are helping. Instead of waiting for government aid to reach the
needy, communities do their share and volunteer to help. It showed that if there is a deadly virus,
there is also a good virus that ignites collective action. Above all, it shows that we can always
cling to the hope of help.

The spirit of community pantries—in the face of an inept government, it shows that we can lean
on our fellow human beings. Hopefully, this will serve as a shock wave to the government that
the most effective governance tool is by giving space to such initiatives—empowering the
community to help and provide hope, not just simple dole-outs.

Amid despair during the pandemic, there was a glimmer of hope in the country. This only shows
that Filipinos, despite having their own problems, still have compassion for others. In the throes
of tragedy, in the midst of need, the thing that we should all aim for is love – love for God, and,
of course, love for others. Sometimes, there is a simple and effective idea that will soften our
hardened hearts.

Simple acts of goodness are a breath of fresh air in one of the most defining moments in history.

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