Language Ed Research

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Module 4   Data Collection and Analysis

  Documentation of a Research
Lesson 9   Data Collection and Analysis

Learning Activities/Exercises

Test your understanding about the lesson being discussed above by answering the following

1. What are the different ways of collecting data? Differentiate.

 Data Collection by Observation
This approach is used to collect information without asking questions. Because it
needs the researcher or observer to evaluate the data, this approach is highly
subjective. Observation may determine the dynamics of a situation, which cannot
be assessed using conventional data gathering approaches. Observation can also
be integrated with other data sources, such as video recordings.
 Data Collection through Interviews
This is the most prevalent strategy for gathering information from individuals.
Interviews are almost definitely the most popular response if someone is asked.
Interviews also allow for open-ended inquiries, and they are more adaptable and
responsive than other main data gathering methods.
 Data Collection through Verbal Reports
This method collects verbal reports in order to better understand mental behavior.
Because we cannot directly examine mental behavior, we cannot test for and infer
a link between report and conduct. If respondents are unable to voice their
opinions, researchers may utilize questionnaires or written responses to assess the
data's dependability.
 Data Collection through Questionnaire
Questionnaires and surveys can be used to ask closed-ended questions and
conduct surveys. The information gathered through questionnaires and surveys
may be evaluated in a variety of ways. You can assign numerical values to the
data to speed up the analysis. If you need to collect a big amount of data from a
large population, this is a good option.
 Data Collection through Tests
Tests are extensively used in research to examine attitude, aptitude,
accomplishment, and performance. Standardized tests, for example. A new test

must be developed by a researcher to measure the specific information, abilities,

behavior, or cognitive activity under examination. Remember that if there is a test
that claims to measure what you want to assess, you should seriously consider
using it instead.

2. Explain the stages in data collection.

 Operationalizing abstract variables into concrete and measurable one
This is the most important stage because researchers will operationalize their
variables into tangible and quantifiable ones. It's like turning their fantasies into
reality. This is the point at which researchers must take a position on the issue
they intend to investigate.

 Identifying variables which can be quantified and interpreted based on

current language theories
Researchers must offer their conceptualized variables in their research questions
and hypotheses at this stage in order to determine whether those variables can be
measured and understood.

 Choosing data collection procedures suitable to the type of data to be

At this stage, researchers will decide who will be sampled, how data will be
gathered, what data sources will be used, and how long the data collecting project
will last.

 Putting together items and tasks to be administered to the respondents

At this step, researchers will finalize the items and tasks that will be assigned to
respondents. The questionnaires and surveys will be organized by researchers.
 Pilot testing and trying out the instrument for revision and improvement
At this step, researchers will pilot test or try out the instrument that will be
utilized for data collecting. They will be able to determine the instrument's
strengths and shortcomings, allowing them to revise and enhance the instrument
to ensure its efficacy and dependability.
 Removing and modifying items to suit the time period of the administration
of the instrument and using the instrument (Selinger & Shohamy cited in
Posecion, 2011).
At this step, researchers will remove and change components of their instrument
in order to tailor it to the situation at hand. Furthermore, deleting and adjusting

elements on the instruments will assist them in gathering the precise information
that they want.

3. Identify clues in data analysis.

Answer: To find clues in data analysis, all we have to do is search for the procedures that
were employed. In descriptive research, for example, several sorts of descriptive statistics
are used: frequencies, central trends or averages, and variability. It also employs several
methods of analysis for experimental research, including as t-test analysis, one-way
analysis of variance, and chi-square data analysis.

Practice Task/ Assessment

      Instructions: Test yourself how far you learn from this lesson. Answer the questions below
with all honesty. 

A. Determine what is being described or referred to by the following statements.

1. It may yield higher response rate, greater chance to evaluate validity of reports.
Answer: Data Collection through Interviews
2. It consists of pre-arranged questions requiring written responses from the respondents.
Answer: Questionnaires
3. A type of questionnaire which stimulates more descriptive responses from respondents.
Answer: Open questionnaire
4. A data collection where researcher aims at investigating classroom situations and learners
and teacher’s behaviour.
Answer: Data Collection by Observations
5. This data collection procedure provides insights how respondents learn and use the
language being studied.
Answer: Data Collection through Verbal Reports
6. It gathers respondents’ lexical, semantic and grammatical knowledge and language
Answer: Data Collection through Tests
7. It refers to the measure obtained by adding all scores of the respondents and dividing the
sum by the number of respondents.
Answer: Measure of central tendencies
8. It determines if there is a significant difference between the means of two groups, which
may be related in certain features.
Answer: T-test analysis
9. A data analysis where it tells how well the observed distribution of data fits with the
distribution that is expected if the variables are independent.
Answer: Chi-Square data analysis

10. It indicated the number of occurrences of the variable being investigated.

Answer: Frequencies (f)



Read one descriptive research article in English language studies. Copy the questions and
identify the data analysis used in each question. Briefly explain why that type of data analysis is
being used.

Title: A Study of English Language Learning Beliefs, Strategies, and English Academic
Achievement of the ESP Students of STIENAS Samarinda

Specific objectives of the study were:

1. Students’ English academic achievement

2. Beliefs about English language learning, English language learning strategies, and
the relationship of them.

The data of the research were analyzed using descriptive statistic, multivariate
correlation, and Pearson Product Moment correlation. Firstly, it used descriptive statistic to
provide basic information about variables in a dataset and highlight potential relationships
between variables. Multivariate correlation which will provide possibility for simultaneous
handling of all variables, which allows considering all interactions within the variables in the
series and between the series which are dependent upon lag. Lastly, it used Pearson Product
Moment correlation to measure the degree of correlation there may be between two variables and
to determine relationship between students’ English academic achievement, beliefs about
English language learning and English language learning strategies.


2.  From the previous modules you were asked to make questions that that will help you answer
your research problem. From the questions you have made identify the data analysis needed to
interpret the results of your study.

Answer: (Zamora’s Group)

1. What is the reading comprehension level of the students?

2. Is there any significant difference between students’ pre-test on their posttest?

The data was analyzed quantitatively using percentage, weighted mean and Pearson
Product Moment correlation.

Lesson 10 Documentation of a Research Report

Learning Activities/Exercises

Test your understanding about the lesson being discussed above by answering the following:

1. What are the basic parts of Chapter 1? What is the significance of each part?
Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Scope

Introduction. This section contains general information about the chosen topic, as well
as its functions and importance in society. It describes the issue from a holistic
standpoint, as well as the researchers stand on being interested in the subject.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework. This section provides a theoretical or conceptual

context for the research topic. This is commonly shown with a graphic that depicts the
interdependence of the variables. This is presented in the theoretical framework as an
existent theory that supports the investigation. While in the conceptual framework, this is
the presentation of the variables that the researchers sought to explore and how they
connect to one another.

Statement of the Problem. The problem must be defined as the first important stage in
producing a research paper. It should be presented precisely and explicitly. The issue can
be stated as a question or a declarative statement.

Assumptions of the Study. This section depicts the researchers' assumptions when their
investigation was carried out under the specified parameters. They must presume that
their investigation was carried out just as they desired.

Hypotheses. A research hypothesis is a prediction or anticipation that will be evaluated

via study. It helps to connect the underlying theory to the specific research subject. It aids
in data processing and evaluates the credibility and accuracy of the study. It serves as the
research's basis or confirmation of legitimacy.

Significance of the Study. The importance of the study's findings is discussed in this
section. It contains an articulation of the study's relevance to meeting specific
requirements for people who will benefit from its findings.

Scope/ Delimitation and Limitation of the Study. The scope of the study outlines the
breadth of the investigation into the research topic, as well as the criteria within which it
will work in regard to the population and timeline. The components and variables that are
not included in the examination are the study's limitations.
Definition of Terms. This section defines the words used in the study. It is spatially or
operationally defined so that it is understood in the context of the research istudy.

2. Why is a review of related literature and studies necessary in research?

Answer: To acquire an overview of current knowledge on the issue, a review of relevant
literature (RRL) and studies is required. It acts as a basis for researchers to develop a
suitable hypothesis. Furthermore, an RRL urges the researcher to contribute something
unique to the subject while avoiding repeating earlier efforts. The RRL and studies
should not merely summarize sources; rather, they should critically assess and evaluate
published research in order to present a full picture of the state of knowledge on the issue.
In terms of validity, the RRL will point reviewers and readers to relevant research that
will back up the present study's claims and/or validate the methodologies used.

3. How is random sampling carried out? How different is it from purposive and stratified
Answer: Simple random sampling is carried out through randomly selecting a subset of
participants from a population. This differs from a stratified random sample because it
first divides the population into smaller groups, or strata, based on shared characteristics.
Unlike simple random sampling, purposive sampling is fairly straightforward because
researchers rely on their own judgment when choosing members of the population to
participate in their surveys

4. How are the three sections of Chapter 4 and Chapter connected to one another?
Answer: As stated in the module, the three sections of Chapter 4 and 5 are connected to
one another because Chapter 4 shows the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the
gathered data while Chapter 5 summarized, conclude, and give recommendations. These
two chapters shows the success and the results of the study.

5. What is the difference between subject of the study and respondents of the study? 
Answer: A subject of the study is the intended person who should take part in the study.
They are the focus or the main “character” in the study. While respondents of the study
refer to other persons who also take part in the study to gather additional information
about the subject of the study. In some instances, the subject of the study can also be the

Practice Task/ Assessment

      Take note: Test yourself how far you learn from our lesson 1. Answer the questions below
with all honesty. 

Directions:  Identify the term being referred to by each statement below:

1. It presents the established learning principle or theory that is considered to be the basis of the

Answer: Theoretical Framework

2. It provides the general information or background, the role and importance of the study.

Answer: Introduction

3. It is used to illustrate the process in the conduct of the study.

Answer: Conceptual Framework

4. It states the specific restraints in the study which are essential but the researcher may not have
control of.

Answer: Scope/ Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

5. The terms used in the study are defined______.

Answer: Definition of Terms

6. This explains the sources of data.

Answer: Procedure of Data Gathering

7. It helps clarify or simplify the presentation especially if the data consist of a large number of
statistical data.

Answer: Table

8. It is usually stated in one broad statement followed by specific questions.

Answer: Statement of the Problem


9. It is author year documentation in the in-text citation.

Answer: American Psychological Association (APA)

10. It is author page documentation in the in-text citation.

Answer: Modern Language Association (MLA)



Write Chapters 1-3 of your selected research study for your proposal hearing. If you are ready,
for the proposal hearing please DM me and pass a soft copy of your proposal 3 days before the
date of your proposal hearing. Make sure to include a copy of instrument that your team will use
in collecting the data.

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