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• Benedict’s reagent
• Fehling A – Fehling B solution
• Tollen’s reagent
• Conc. Nitric acid
• NaOH
• Crystals of KHSO4
• Ammonium Chloride
• Ammonium Hydroxide
• Ammonium Oxalate
• Disodium Phosphate
• Potassium Thiocyanate
• Alkaline KMnO4
• Cobalt Chloride
• CuSO4
• Honey sample
• Distilled water

• Test Tube
• Test Tube stand
• Burner
• Water Bath
• Platinum Wire
Honey has been a staple of the kitchen for
centuries. It is a sticky, viscous, extremely
sweet, super saturated golden material
produced by honeybees, Apis Mellifera, in
almost every country of the world to feed their
larvae and for the subsistence during winter.

It is essentially a concentrated aqueous

solution of inverted sugar, namely fructose
and glucose but it also contains many other
substances such as amino and organic acids,
polyphenols, saccharides, vitamins, and
minerals. It also may taste quite floral, fruity,
or woodsy. Depending on the type of and age
of honey.

It is an organic, natural sugar alternative with

no additives that is easy on the stomach,
adapts to all cooking processes, and has an
indefinite shelf-life.

Constituents of Honey -
Dextrose : 23-36%,
Laevulose (Fructose) : 30-47%,
Sucrose : 0.4-6%,
Dextrin & Gums : 0-7%

It is the one food that does not spoil. Keep it in a

cool location out of direct sunlight. It's original
glass (or plastic) container is best. If the honey
begins to crystallize, it is not bad. One should
simply place the jar in warm water and remix
the honey.

Ancient Greek civilizations regarded honey as a

symbol of blessings, and happiness. It was also
used in funerals when honey was offered to
spirits of dead people.

Glucose crystallizes out of honey on standing at

room temperature, leaving on uncrystallized
layer of dissolved fructose. Honey to be
marketed is usually heated by a special process
to about 66°C [150.01 F] to dissolve the crystals
and is sealed to prevent crystallization. The
fructose in crystallized honey ferments readily at
about 16°C.

1. Solubility Test : Take 2-3 drops of Honey in a test tube and add to
it 4-5 ml of water. Heat the test tube over a burner.

2. Test for Carbohydrates and Reducing Sugars :

• Take 2-3 ml of Honey Solution in a test tube and add 1-2 ml of
Benedict’s Reagent to it. Keep the test tube in boiling water bath for 2-3
minutes. Reddish Brown Precipitate will indicate the presence of
• Fehling’s Test - 2 ml of Honey Solution is taken in a test tube and 1-2 ml
each of Fehling Solution A and Fehling Solution B are added to it. Keep
the test tube in boiling water bath for 2-3 minutes. Red precipitate will
indicate the presence of Reducing Sugars.
• Tollen’s Test - 2-3 ml of Honey Solution is taken in a test tube. 2–3 ml of
Tollen’s Reagent is added to it. Keep the test tube in boiling water bath
for 4-5 minutes. A shiny silver mirror will indicate the presence of
Reducing Sugars.

3. Test for Proteins :

• Xanthoproteic Test - Take 2-3 ml of Honey Solution in a test tube and
add few drops of concentrated Nitric Acid to it. Heat the test tube over a
burner. Yellow precipitate will indicate the presence of Proteins.
• Biuret Test - Take 2-3 ml of Honey Solution in a test tube and add 2 ml
of aqueous NaOH. 4-5 drops of 1 % Copper Sulphate solution are
added in the same test tube. Heat the test tube over a burner. A bluish -
white coloured solution will indicate the presence of Proteins.

4. Test for Fats :

Acrolein Test -
Take a little of Honey Solution in a Test Tube and add to it some crystals of
Pottasium Bisulphate. Heat the test tube over a burner. A pungent irritating
odour of Acrolein will indicate the presence of Fats.
5. Test for Pottasium :
Conc. HCl is mixed with 2ml sample of Honey. This converted the salt
present in the Honey Sample into its respective Chloride. This mixture is
taken on a Platinum Wire and Flame Test is performed. Lilac (Pale Violet)
Colour imparted to the flame while heating inducates the presence of
Pottasium Ions.

6. Test for Calcium :

2ml of Honey Solution is taken in a test tube and Ammonium Chloride
Solution and Ammonium Hydroxide Solution are added it. The Solution is
filtered and to the filtrate 2ml of Ammonium Oxalate solution is added.
White precipitate or milkiness indicates the presence of Calcium ions.

7. Test for Magnesium :

2ml of Honey Solution is taken in a test tube and Ammonium Hydroxide

Solution is added to it till the solution becomes alkaline. Then Disodium
Phosphate is added to the same test tube. White precipitate indicates the
presence of Magnesium ions.

8. Test for Iron :

2 ml of Honey Solution is taken in a test tube and a drop or two of
concentrated Nitric Acid is added and the test tube is heated over a burner.
The test tube is cooled and 2-3 drops of Pottasium Thiocyanate Solution is
added to it. Blood Red Colour Solution indicates the presence of Iron.

10. Test for Unsaturation :
2ml of Honey Solution is taken in a test tube and few drops of Alkaline
KMnO4 is added to it. The test tube is shook well. If pink colour of KMnO4
discharges then Unsaturation is confirmed.

11. Test for Hexose Sugar :

Cobalt Chloride Test - Take 3 ml of Honey Solution in a test tube and add to
it 2 ml of Cobalt Chloride. Heat the test tube for 1-2 minutes in boiling
water bath. The test tube is cooled. Add a few drops of NaOH solution.
Greenish Blue Coloured upper layer and Purplish lower layer will indicate
that Hexose Sugar is present.

S.No Experiment Observation Inference

Honey Sample + Cold Partially Soluble
1. Water Honey may be
Honey Sample + Hot Soluble present.


Honey Solu. + 1-2 ml of Reddish Brown Presence of
2. Benedict’s Reagent, Test precipitate obtained. Carbohydrates in
Tube kept in boiling water the given sample.
Honey Solu. + 1-2 ml of Reddish precipitate is Presence of
3. Fehling Solu. A & B each, obtained. Reducing Sugar in
Test Tube kept in boiling the given sample.
water bath.
Honey Solu. + 2-3 ml of A shiny silver mirror is Presence of
4. Tollen’s Reagent, Test Tube obtained. Reducing Sugar in
kept in boiling water bath. the given sample.

Xanthoproteic Test : To look for yellow ppt.

5. Honey Solu. + few Drops of
Conc. HNO3, Heat the Test
Biuret Test : Honey Solu. + To look for bluish white
2 ml NaOH(aq) colouration.
+ 4-5 Drops of 1% CuSO4
Solu. Heat the Test Tube.

Acrolein Test : To look for pungent

6. Heat a little of Honey Solu. irritating odour of acrolein
With some crystals of if obtained.
KHSO4 in a test tube.

Test for Pottasium : Lilac (Pale Violet) Colour Pottasium is
7. Honey Sample + Conc. HCl. is imparted to the flame. Present.
Flame Test Performed.
Test for Calcium : White precipitate or Calcium is Absent.
8. Honey Solu. + NH4Cl (aq) + milkiness is not observed.
NH4OH (aq) [Filtered]
Test for Magnesium : White precipitate is not Magnesium is
9. Honey Solu. + NH4OH (till observed. Absent.
Solu. becomes alkaline) +

Test for Iron : Blood Red Coloured Iron is Present.

10. Honey Solu. + Conc. HNO3, Solution is obtained.
heated and cooled +
Pottasium Thiocyanate.


Test for Unsaturation : Pink Colour of KMnO4 is Honey is not
6. Baeyer’s Test or Alkaline not discharged. unsaturated. It is a
KMnO4 Test– super saturated
Honey Solu. + few drops of solution.
alkaline KMnO4 & shook it
Test for Hexose Sugar:
Cobalt Chloride Test -Mix 3 Greenish Blue coloured Hexose Sugar is
ml Honey Solu. + 2 ml CoCl. upper layer and Purplish confirmed.
Boil and Cool. Then add few lower layer (Mixture of
drops of NaOH solution. Glucose and Fructose)
Upper Layer. is observed.

§ The given sample of Honey is partially soluble in cold water
whereas completely soluble in warm water.
§ Carbohydrates is present in the given sample of Honey.
§ Reducing Sugar is present in the given sample of Honey.
§ Test for Protein and Fat to be done in Lab.
§ Pottasium is present in the given sample of Honey.
§ Calcium is absent in the given sample of Honey.
§ Magnesium is absent in the given sample of Honey.
§ Iron is present in the given sample of Honey.
§ Honey in not unsaturated. It is a super saturated solution.
§ Hexose Sugar is present in Honey.

This study and analysis was intended to determine

physiochemical characteristics of the Honey available in the
market. Physical characteristics were determined by using
parameters such as colour, taste, odour etc. The chemical tests
were performed by following the standard procedure by
treatment of the given sample of Honey with Benedict’s,
Molisch, Fehling’s, Tollen’s reagents.
Also, the sample of Honey was tested for presence of mineral
ions such as Pottasium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron etc. In
addition to this test for Unsaturation and Hexose Sugar was
performed. On this basis of study and analysis it was found
that the given sample of Honey passes the Chemical Tests and
hence, the given sample of Honey was evaluated.

• Wear a lab coat to protect your clothes against the
chemicals, and safety glasses to protect eyes.
• Be especially careful with hot liquids and water baths.
• Re-use tubes, etc by tipping out contents, rinsing with
cold water.
• Use test-tube holder for holding the test tubes and keep
the mouth of the test tube away from yourself while
• Use clean test tubes.
• When getting solutions for your experiments or
observations, put the containers or bottles back in their
designated place after you have used them.
• Wash, Clean and Dry the apparatus before use to avoid
• Measure and use the correct amount of reagents.
• Handle the apparatus and chemicals with care.
• Always use freshly prepared reagent to perform the test.
• Do not heat the reaction mixture directly on flame. It
should be done in a water bath.
• After performing the Tollen’s Test, destroy the silver
mirror by dilute Nitric Acid/ HCl and drain of the solution
with excess of water.

• Contamination of test tubes, due to improper cleaning
prior to the experiment.

• Inaccuracy in mixing the contents in the test tube.

• Heating the test tube over the burner may not be up to

the mark.

• Chemicals and Reagents may not be used in correct


• Distilled water may not be used to prepare the Honey


• Wrong Chemicals or Reagan may be used.

• Failure to follow the instructions of the Lab Assistant

or Subject Teacher in the Lab.

Ø Useful in Weight Management :-
Honey burns body fat even while when you are sleeping. It is one of the
best foods for losing weight. Doctors recommend having a spoonful of
honey before going to bed. One can also consume a little honey with
warm water on empty stomach early in the morning. Having it first
thing in the morning, helps increase the metabolism, which in turn
helps reduce weight faster. Honey is also good for improving your
overall health.

Ø Nourishes your Skin and Face :-

Using Honey for skin is very useful because of its moisturizing
and nourishing properties. Honey is the best natural moisturizer,
especially for your dry skin and it is also very easy to apply. Raw
honey not only unclogs pores, but it also helps moisturize parched
skin. It also helps curing cracked lips during winters. Many
people also use honey masks for skin tone correction. Also being a
natural antiseptic, it is useful for treatment of wounds, bruises,
cuts, burns and other infections.

Ø Home Remedy for Cough :-

Honey is known to be one of the best home remedies for dry
cough as well as wet cough. Research has also shown that
drinking a tablespoon of honey can reduce irritation in the throat.
Honey is the preferred natural remedy for cough, especially for
kids, as it helps to relieve nocturnal cough, allowing proper sleep.

Ø Boosts your Memory :-
Honey, the eternal sweetener has numerous health
benefits, one of which includes boosting memory and
concentration. Honey not only increases brain power and
memory but also makes you a healthier person altogether.
Consumption of honey prevents metabolic stress and helps
calm and soothe the brain, which helps in augmenting
memory in the long run. The natural antioxidants and
therapeutic properties in honey help in boosting brains’
cholinergic system and circulation and receding cells that
cause memory loss.

Ø Strengthens Immune System :-

Honey has countless medicinal properties that naturally
help in curing a sore throat. Its antioxidants and bacteria-
fighting assets also help against fighting infections that are
caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi. According to
doctors and scientists, buckwheat honey has the highest
number of antioxidants and when consumed daily can be
beneficial for boosting immunity in the long run and
therefore honey has known to be one of the best immunity
boosting foods. It is always advisable to consume honey
every morning before breakfast or even workout to get an
extra kick of energy for the whole day. It also works as a
cleansing toner which improves immunity in children.


Chemistry Practical File


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