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NAME: Barcelona, Francis Ivan C.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the specific gravity of a fuel at 28o Baume?
a) 0.868 b) 0.688 c) 0.886 d) 0.986

2. Determine the resulting pressure when one kilogram of air at 103 kPaa and 95 oC is heated at constant
volume to 425 oC.
a) 205.36 kPaa b) 195.35 kPaa c) 196.35 kPaa d) 193.56 kPaa

3. Determine the mass of a nitrogen gas confined in a 6 m3 tank at a pressure of 198.675 kPag and
temperature of 40 oC.
a) 18.4 kg b) 19.4 kg c) 20.4 kg d) 17.4 kg

4. What is the amount of heat added to 15 kg of air to increase its temperature from 30 oC to 250 oC
without changing the pressure?
a) 3230.46 kJ b) 3420.26 kJ c) 3320.46 kJ d) 3640.36 kJ

5. If the enthalpy of a certain gas is 2400 kJ/kg and its internal energy is 2200 kJ/kg, find the specific
volume at a pressure of 950 kPaa.
a) 0.2105 m3/kg b) 0.2501 m3/kg c) 0.2015 m3/kg d) 0.1025 m3/kg

6. Determine the maximum temperature of a Carnot cycle if it operates at a minimum temperature of 20 oC

with an efficiency of 60 %.
a) 459.5 oC b) 455.9 oC c) 495.5 oC d) 559.4 oC

7. The enthalpies at the entrance and exit of a steam engine are 2700 kJ/kg and 2000 kJ/kg, respectively.
The steam consumption of the engine is 1000 kg/hr. If the indicated efficiency is 66 % and the mechanical
efficiency is 92 %, determine the engine brake power output.
a) 118.06 kW b) 181.06 kW c) 110.86 kW d) 168.01 kW

8. A horizontal pipe carries oil with a specific gravity of 0.83. If two pressure gauges along the pipe read
515 kPa and 430 kPa, respectively. Determine the head loss between the two gauges.
a) 10.44 m b) 14.40 m c) 14.04 m d) 40.14 m

9. A Carnot refrigerator is to remove heat from a cooled space at a rate of 18 000 kJ/hr to maintain the
temperature at – 8 oC. If the air surrounding the refrigerator is 25 oC, determine the minimum power
required for the refrigerator.
a) 0.723 kW b) 0.523 kW c) 0.623 kW d) 0.423 kW
10. The height of the surface of the water above the gage point
a) pressure head b) velocity head c) dynamic head d) static head
11. Determine the heat extracted from 2000 kg of water from 25°C to ice at -10°C.
a) 621,150 kJ b) 821,150 kJ c)721,159 kJ d) 921,150 kJ

12. A Rankine cycle operates with a thermal efficiency of 40 % and the factor of evaporation of the boiler
is 1.15. Determine the mass flow rate of steam if the cycle power output is 5.5 MW.
a) 5.3 kg/s b) 4.3 kg/s c) 3.5 kg/s d) 6.3 kg/s

13. It is a closed vessel intended for use in heating water of for application of heat to generate steam or
other vapor to be used externally from it. What do you call this pressure vessel?
a) Boiler or steam generator c) Unfired pressure vessel
b) Fired pressure vessel d) Pressurized tank
14. Wet saturated steam at 16 bar (hf = 859 kJ/kg , hg = 1935 kJ/kg) reducing valve and is throttled to a
pressure of 8 bar (hr = 721 kJ/kg, hfg = 2048 kJ/kg). Find the dryness fraction of the reduces pressure
a) 0.8833 b) 0.9933 c) 0.7733 d) 0.6633

15. In a Rankine cycle, steam turbine with exhaust enthalpy of 2500 kJ/kg delivers 0.50 kg/sec of steam. If
the exit enthalpy of the condenser is 500 kJ/kg, what is the heat rejected?
a. 1000W b. 1200W c. 1700W d. 1500
Qr = m x (h2-h3)

16. What is the algebraic difference between a size and the corresponding basic size?
a. Tolerance b. Allowance c. Deviation d. Limit
17. The pressure and temperature entering the turbine are 1800 kPa and 380°C. The pressure leaving the
turbine is 20 kPa. The quality of the steam entering the condenser is 90%. What is the turbine work?
Steam properties: At 1800 kPa and 380°C (h = 3207.2 kJ/kg)
At 20 kPa, hf = 251.4 kJ/kg, hg = 2606.7 kJ/kg
a. 1833.33 kJ/kg b. 1333.8 kJ/kg c. 597.5 kJ/kg d. 833.33 kJ/kg
h1 + q = h2 + w

18. Steam with an enthalpy of 800 kCal/kg enters a nozzle at a velocity of 80 m/sec. Find the velocity of
the steam at the exit of the nozzle if its enthalpy is reduced to 750 kCal/kg, assuming the nozzle is
horizontal and disregarding heat losses. Take g = 9.81 m/sec2 and J constant = 427 kg m/kCal.
a. 452.37 m/sec b. 245.45 m/sec c. 651.92 m/sec d. 427.54 m/sec
19. Determine the indicated power of a four-cylinder, 4-stroke, Diesel engine with 20-cm bore and 30-cm
stroke running at 1000 rpm and has a reading of 450 kPa mean effective pressure in the indicator diagram.
a. 159.83 Hp b. 189.53 Hp c. 158.93 Hp d. 198.53 Hp

20. An ideal dual combustion cycle operates on 0.45 kg of air. At the beginning of compression, the air is
97 kPaa, 43 oC. Let rp = 1.5, rc = 1.6, and rk = 11. Determine the percent clearance.
a. 10 % b. 11 % c. 9 % d. 12 %
c = (rk - 1)-1
c = (11 - 1)-1
c = 0.1 x 100%
c = 10%
21 – 25. A steam turbine inlet state is given as 6 MPa and 500 OC, and the outlet pressure is 10 kPa.
21. The enthalpy is __________ kJ/kg. Select the nearest possible answer.
a. 2178.3 b. 3422.3 c. 2364.4 d. 2338.8

22. The Entropy is ___________ kJ/kg-K. Select the nearest possible answer.
a. 8.6605 b. 6.8805 c. 5.0868 d. 7.0566

23. The quality of steam at the outlet pressure if the process is reversible and adiabatic. Select the nearest
possible answer.
a. 0.83 b. 0.93 c. 0.73 d. 0.87

24. Determine the work output per unit mass if the process is reversible and adiabatic. Select the nearest
possible answer.
a. 589.2 kJ/kg b. 989.3 kJ/kg c. 1243.0 kJ/kg d. 1084.7 kJ/kg

25. Determine the work output per unit mass if the process is adiabatic and the output quality is 0.90.
Select the nearest possible answer.
a. 1077.7 kJ/kg b. 1234.5 kJ/kg c. 1342.5 kJ/kg d. 1707.1 kJ/kg

26. The thermal efficiency of a steam power station is

a. 48% b. 28% c. 40% d. 45%

27. Rankine cycle efficiency in a good steam power station may be in the range between
a. 15% - 20% b.35% - 40% c. 50% - 60% d. 90% - 95%

28. Which of these is a ‘working fluid’ in liquid phase?

a. Water b. Steam c. Mercury d. Oxygen
29. What kind of energy output is obtained from a ‘Steam Power Plant’? A ‘Steam Power Plant’ is used
primarily for ___________ generation.
a. Heat energy b. Sound energy c. Electricity d. Thermal energy
30. The components of a Steam Power Plant are?
a. Evaporator, Condenser, Boiler, Expansion valve c. Boiler, Turbine, Condenser, Pump
b. Evaporator, Condenser, Boiler, Turbine d. Boiler, Turbine, Pump, Expansion valve
31. Shaft work is fed to __________ for getting an electrical output.
a. Motor b. Generator c. Rotor d. Accelerator
32. Why Reheating of steam is used?
a. to increase efficiency c. to increase Turbine Inlet Temperature
b. to increase work output d. to reduce amount of fuel used
33. The cycle efficiency in a single reheat plant is influenced by
a. pressure at turbine inlet c. temperature at which steam is reheated
b. pressure at which steam is reheated d. temperature at turbine inlet
34. What is the effect of reheat on steam quality?
a. increases b. decreases c. does not changed d. none of the above
35. Net Work output of the plant __________ with reheat.
a. decreases b. increases c. remains same d. none of the mentioned
36. What is the effect of decrease of reheat pressure on the quality of steam at turbine exhaust?
a. decreases b. increases c. remains same d. none of the mentioned
37. What is the basic principle of regeneration?
a. Steam after coming out of condenser is circulated to boiler
b. Steam after coming out of condenser is circulated to turbine
c. Steam after coming out of turbine is circulated to boiler
d. Two stage turbine is used
38.  Ideal regenerative Rankine cycle
a. Increases efficiency c. Increases the heat supplied
b. Increases work output d. does not affect efficiency
39. In an ideal regenerative cycle, heat input is at?
a. Boiler b. Turbine c. Condenser d. Pump
40. In an ideal regenerative cycle, heat output is at?
a. Boiler b. Turbine c. Condenser d. Pump
41. A diesel cycle has a cut off ratio of 2.5 and expansion ratio of 4. Find the clearance of the cycle.
a. 9.11 % b. 5.55% c. 11.11% d. 15.25%

42. Determine the compressor work of a Brayton cycle if its pressure ratio is 8 and the initial temperature
is 32 oC.
a. 248.67 kJ/kg b. 278.47 kJ/kg c. 284.67 kJ/kg d. 267.84 kJ/kg

43. The head required to produce a flow of the water.

a. static head b. pressure head c. velocity head d. dynamic head
44. A cylindrical pipe with water flowing downward at 0.03 m3/sec having top diameter of 0.08m, bottom
diameter of 0.04m and height of 1.5m. Find the pressure between the pipe.
a. 154.63 kPa b. 197.93 kPa c. 252.44 kPa d. 243.92 kPa

45. A rectangular duct has a diameter of 0.25 m by 1 m. determines of the equivalent diameter of the duct.
a. 0.40 m b. 0.70 m c. 0.80 m d. 0.30 m
46. What load in N must be applied to a 25 mm round steel bar 2.5 m long (E = 207 Gpa) to stretch the bar
1.3 mm?
a. 42 000 N b. 52 840 N c. 53 000 N d. 60 000 N

47. Determine the Poisson’s ratio of a material whose modulus of elasticity is 200 GPa and whose
modulus of rigidity is 80 GPa.
a. 0.33 b. 0.25 c. 0.38 d. 0.22
E= 2G (1 + µ)

48. If the ultimate shear strength of a steel plates is 42 000 psi, what force is necessary to punch a 0.75
inch diameter hole in a 0.625 inch thick plate?
a. 61 850 lb b. 65 810 lb c. 61 580 lb d. 60 185 lb

P= σ A = σ(πdt)

49. What is the property of matter that causes it to resist any change in its motion or state of rest?
a. Momentum b. Kinetic Energy c. Inertia d. Section modulus
50. What is the difference between the maximum and minimum size limits of a part?
a. Allowance b. Tolerance c. Deviation d. Basic size




II. Problem Solving:

1. The pressure and temperature entering the turbine are 1800 kPa and 380°C. The pressure leaving
the turbine is 20 kPa. The quality of the steam entering the condenser is 90%. What is the turbine
Steam properties: At 1800 kPa and 380°C (h = 3207.2 kJ/kg)
At 20 kPa, hf = 251.4 kJ/kg, hg = 2606.7 kJ/kg
2. Consider a steam power plant that operates on the ideal reheat Rankine cycle. The plant maintains
the boiler at 7000 kPa, the reheat section at 800 kPa, and the condenser at 10 kPa. The mixture
quality at the exit of both turbines is 93%. Determine the temperature at the inlet of each turbine
and the cycle’s thermal efficiency.

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