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The Cedar Grove Academy

‘Centre of Excellence’

TEACHER: Lewis & Taylor

SUBJECT: Industrial Techniques
GRADE: 8 Faith, Gentleness, Kindness, Joy, Happiness
DATE: February 21 – March 4, 2022 DURATION: 140 minutes

TOPIC: Timber Technology

SUB-TOPIC: Categories of Trees


Students should/be:

• Jamaica has a healthy natural environment (National Goal #4)

❖ Sustainable management and use of environmental and natural

1. How important are trees to everyday life taking into account potential impacts on man
and the natural environment?
2. Identify the types of trees in their environment/community/country Jamaica.
3. Apply prior knowledge of Science, Social Studies and Technology for this subject and
4. Appreciate the use of Trees and identify the relations with the real world.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
(Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective)
1. Cognitive
Identify the categories of trees
List the types of trees
Explore places where both types of trees are commonly found.

2. Psychomotor
Complete a worksheet on the types of trees

3. Affective
Listen and Ask questions from their peers to clear up any misunderstanding from the
topic from last class

Enjoy viewing peers work and provide feedback
Reflect on their attitude, behaviour and work submitted/not submitted

Prior Knowledge:
➢ By just looking around their school compound the students would have seen various
types of trees being used, things such as plank, wood and ply.

Key Vocabulary: ply wood, plank, materials, manufacturing

▪ White Board (√) ▪ Computer lab () ▪ Text book (√)
▪ Laboratory/equipment ( ) ▪ Handouts ( ) ▪ Work book (√ ) _____________
▪ Document Camera ( ) ▪ Digital Camera ( ) ▪ Website ( ) _________________
▪ Overhead Projector ( ) ▪ Laptop/ Multi-media projector ( ) ▪ Worksheet (√) ▪Smart board ( )
▪ Other (s): Google Classroom and videos


▪ Verbal explanation (√ ) ▪ Question & Answer(√ ) ▪ Note making / taking (√)
▪ Board work ( ) ▪ Brainstorming (√ ) ▪ Class-work questions ( )
▪ Lecture (√ ) ▪ Guided Discussion (√ ) ▪ Group work ( )
▪ Computer presentation ( ) ▪ Debate ( ) ▪ Experiment/Practical work ( )
▪ Videos (√) ▪ Worksheet (√) ▪ Presentations/Oral report ( )
▪ Handouts ( ) ▪ Co-operative Learning ( ) ▪ Research Assignment ( )
▪ Demonstrations ( ) ▪ Pre Test ( ) ▪ Role play ( )
▪ Quiz/Test (√) ▪ Games ( ) ▪ Computer lab practical ( )
▪ Field Trip ( ) ▪ Seat Work ( ) ▪ Map work ( ) ▪ Other (s)

▪ Observing (√) ▪ Inferring (√) ▪ Separating and controlling variables ( )
▪ Measuring ( ) ▪ Interpreting (√) ▪ Manipulating materials (√ )
▪ Communicating ( ) ▪ Classifying ( ) ▪ Defining operationally ( )
▪ Recording/Drawing (√) ▪ Hypothesizing ( ) ▪ Formulating models ( )
▪ Using numbers ( ) ▪ Predicting (√) ▪ Other (s) _____________
▪ Experimenting ( ) ▪ Investigating ( )

Content outline:
• Definition of trees
• Types of trees
o Hard wood
o Soft wood

Classroom safety:
1. Always follow instructions given by teacher
2. Observe class safety rules where applicable.
3. Seek clarification where instructions are not clear.
4. Use equipment and material/s safely and effectively.

Week 1
1. Students will be asked to identify some of the materials that they believed was used to
make the house that the live in.
2. The teacher will then list them on the board and have the students explain why they
believe that those materials were used.
3. Students will then explain and from their explanation they will garner their own notes
about trees that they have identified.
4. Students will be told to use their dictionary to fine the definition for trees.

5. Students will be encouraged to record the information found in their notebook.
6. The students will be provided with a formal definition for trees. The students are
expected to record the information in their notebook. A drawing of a house will be place
on the board and the student will take it off and they will identify some of the parts that
they believe a tree was used to build the house
7. Students will be encouraged share they information with the class.

Week 2
8. By observing their surrounding the students will use the information gathered to fill out
the table below.
9. The students use their prior knowledge and identify three (3) components of a tree and
the two (2) types of trees. They will record this information in their note books and then
the teacher will select some students to share with the class what they have.
Types of trees Parts

Culminating activity:
The assessment activity will be given to students for them to complete individually and students
work will be checked upon completion.
1. Give the definition for trees
2. Listing the components and giving the definition for each:
Components of a tree Definition of each component

3. Show appreciation for trees by listing some the members of each family of the two
groups of trees.

Students with exceptionalities (Amari Williams):

A model of the cross-section of a tree was created to assist Amari Williams in identifying the
parts since he is visually impaired.

Students with exceptionalities 2:


Students will be tasked to read and make their own notes to facilitate discussion next class.
Complete a quiz after reading through the PowerPoint slides on google classroom.

Attached Content Sheet

Subject: Industrial Techniques

Date: February 21 – March 4, 2022

Topic: Trees

What is a tree?

a woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height
and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground.

The classification of trees

There are two main types of trees: deciduous and evergreen. Deciduous trees lose all of their
leaves for part of the year. In cold climates, this happens during the autumn so that the trees are
bare throughout the winter. In hot and dry climates, deciduous trees usually lose their leaves
during the dry season.

Hard wood & soft wood

The parts of a tree

YouTube Videos

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