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1. The vein that carries oxygenated blood.

Ans. Pulmonary vein.

2. A lymphatic organ.

Ans. Thymus, spleen.

3. The protein produced by certain white blood cells in response to a foreign substance.

Ans. Antibodies.

4. The contraction phase of the heart.

Ans. Systole.

5. Iron pigment present in erythrocytes.

Ans. Haemoglobin


1. What is palpitation?

Ans. Palpitation is the sensation that your heart has skipped a beat or added an extra beat.

2. What is the location of pulmonary semilunar valve?

Ans. It is located at the opening of pulmonary artery.

3. What is homeostasis?

Ans. The ability or tendency to adjust to achieve a stable internal environment.

4. Define Circulatory system.

Ans. The system that includes heart, blood vessels and blood for the transportation of O2, CO2,
food, hormones and enzymes, etc from one part of the body to another part of the body.

5.What is closed type of circulatory system?

Ans. The system in which the blood is pumped by the heart and circulated through closed network of
blood vessels and blood does not come in direct contact with the tissue cells.

6.Mention the difference between lymphocytes and monocytes

Ans. Lymphocytes

1. They have round nucleus.

2. Comparatively small.

1. They have horse-shoe shaped or kidney-shaped nucleus.
2. Comparatively large.

7.Why does deoxygenated blood of the right side of the heart not mixes with the oxygenated blood
of the left side of heart?

Ans. The right side of the heart is separated from the left side of the heart by the septum, so the
deoxygenated blood does not get mix with the oxygenated blood.

8. Mention the function of valves present in the heart.

Ans. The valves prevent the backward flow of blood.

9. Why do mature RBCs do not have nucleus in them?

Ans. Mature RBCs lose their nuclei so as to increase the space for haemoglobin and thus oxygen.

10. Why do arteries have thick walls?

Ans. Arteries have thick walls to withstand the pressure of blood.


1. Explain with the help of flow chart the systemic and pulmonary circulation in heart.

Ans. The circulation of blood from right ventricle of heart to the lungs and back to the heart in
the left auricle is called pulmonary circulation.
The circulation of blood from the left ventricle to the body parts and back to the heart in the
right auricle is called systemic circulation.

2.Mention any four functions of lymph.

Ans. a) It acts as a ‘middleman' and helps in the exchange of various materials between blood and
body tissues.

b) It carries lymphocytes and antibodies from lymph nodes to the blood.

c) It transports fats from the intestine to the blood.

d) It controls the concentration of proteins in the tissue fluid.

3. Write any six point of differences between arteries and veins.


Sr no. Arteries Veins

1. They are deeply seated. They are superficial and lie just
below the skin.
2. They don’t have valves They have valves to prevent
the back flow of blood.
3. They are elastic with narrow They are less elastic with wider
lumen lumen.
4. They are red in colour due to They look greenish blue due to
oxygenated blood. deoxygenated blood.
5. They contain 15% of the blood. They contain 64% of the blood
6. Do not collapse when empty. Readily collapse when empty.

4.Describe the working of human heart.

Ans. The heart is divided into four chambers and has valves that allow the blood to flow in one
direction only.
The upper two chambers with relatively thin walls are called atria.
The two lower chambers with thick muscular walls are called ventricles.
The right atrium receives carbon dioxide-rich blood from the various parts of the body and is then
moved into the right ventricle.
The right ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs, where carbon dioxide is removed and oxygen is
The left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood as it comes back to the heart from the lungs and is pushed
into the left ventricle.
The left ventricle pumps this blood to the rest of the body.

5. Mention any four difference between blood and lymph.

Sr no. Blood Lymph
1. It is red in colour It is colourless or straw yellow
2. Erythrocytes are present. Erythrocytes are absent.
3. Haemoglobin is present Haemoglobin is absent
4. Calcium and phosphorus Calcium and phosphorus
concentration is very high. concentration is low.
6. Explain various types of blood groups found in humans.
Ans. There are 4 main blood groups (types of blood) – A, B, AB and O. Your blood group is
determined by the genes you inherit from your parents.
There are 4 main blood groups defined by the ABO system:

blood group A – has A antigens on the red blood cells with anti-B antibodies in the

blood group B – has B antigens with anti-A antibodies in the plasma

blood group O – has no antigens, but both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma

blood group AB – has both A and B antigens, but no antibodies

Each group can be either RhD positive or RhD negative, which means in total there are 8
blood groups.
7. Write three causes and three preventive measures of cardiac arrest.
Ans. Causes:
a.Coronary artery disease
b.Major blood loss
c.Lack of oxygen
Prevention :
a.Healthy diet
b.Regular exercise
c.Controlled blood pressure
8.What is spleen? Give its function.
Ans. It is reddish brown lymphatic organ attached to the left region of the stomach.
a.It acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system.
b.It recycles iron and forms RBCs in the embryo.
c.It metabolises haemoglobin.
9. Mention any three characteristic properties of capillaries.
Ans. Capillaries are fine vessels which connect the arteries and veins.
They are extremely numerous and each organ contains thousands of them.
The wall of capillaries is formed of a single layer of endothelial cells.
10. Describe the various types of WBCs.
Ans. WBCs are classified into two types- agranulocytes and granulocytes.
a)Agranulocytes : They have no granules in the cytoplasm. These are of two kinds –
Lymphocytes- which have round nucleus.
Monocytes- which have horse-shoe shaped or kidney-shaped nucleus
b)Granulocytes : They have larger granules in the cytoplasm and lobed nucleus. These are
of three types-
Neutrophils- 2-6 lobed nucleus
Basophils – bilobed or irregular nucleus.
Eosinophils – bilobed nucleus.


1. Tonsils (Rest are blood vessels)

2. Urea (Rest are blood proteins)

3. Erythrocytes (Rest are types of WBCs)

4. Left ventricle (Rest are blood vessels)

5. Blood sugar (Rest are conditions related to functioning of heart).


1. In blood calcium and phosphorus concentration is very high.

2. Lymphatics remove nitrogenous wastes and CO2 from the tissue.

3. The phase when auricles and ventricles relax together is called joint diastole.

4. Pulse is a wave of contraction transmitting along the arteries

5. Blood contains thrombocytes (fibrinogen) which forms a clot around wound thus preventing
blood loss.

6. Vein are superficial and lie just below the skin.

7. The chambers of heart which receives blood is called auricles.

8. Haemoglobin is the iron pigment present in red blood cells.

9. The pH of the blood is 7.4

10. Mature erythrocytes are minute, biconcave and disc shaped.


1. The blood pressure of a healthy man is 170/100mm of Hg.

Ans. False (120/80mm )

2.Fats from the intestine is absorbed in blood.

Ans. False (lymph)

3. Erythrocytes are absent in lymph.

Ans. True

4. In a healthy adult, the heart beats on an average of 92 times a minute.

Ans. False (72 times per minute)

5.Thrombocytes are about 2.5 lakh in one cubic millimetre of blood.

Ans. True


1. Which of the following is not a cause of hypertension?

Ans. c. (Lack of oxygen)

2. The heartbeat of a new born baby per minute is:

Ans. c (140)

3. Life span of RBC is:

Ans. a (120 days)

4. Rh factor is a special protein reported first in:

Ans. d (Monkey)

5.Karl Landsteiner won Nobel prize for his work on blood groups in the year:

Ans. b (1931)


1. Tonsil -- b. gland

2. Macrophages -- d. engulf microorganisms.

3. Inferior Vena cava -- e. blood from lower body parts

4. Leucocytes -- c. diapedesis

5. Dub -- a. semilunar valves

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