Rusty Lake Story

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The Rusty Lake games do not take place in chronological order, with some involving
travel to previous years within their own direct timeline. This page contains an
approximate timeline for known events in the Rusty Lake series, including both the
Cube Escape series and the premium games.

Please note that this timeline contains some speculation and is subject to change
as new games are released. Numerous changes are made to the timeline, resulting in
alternate timelines detailed in the italic sentences

Eye spoiler.png Spoiler Alert!

Spoilers for all games are unmarked. If you wish to remain unspoiled, do not read
further if you have not played every game in the series.

1 1700 - 1800
2 1800 - 1900
3 1900 - 1970
4 1970 - 2020
5 Trivia
6 Gallery
1700 - 1800
1750: Summer - Caroline Eilander is born.
1775: Winter - Jakob Eilander is born.
1780-1781 - David Eilander is born.
1780's - 1790's:
Caroline discovers a way to create the Elixir using ten elements, etching them onto
the wall of an underground cave.
Nicholas Eilander begins to prepare his son for his future destiny, where he is to
be sacrificed to the Lake.
Before he is sacrificed, Caroline takes his place. She sends Jakob off the island
by boat.
Caroline is burned at the stake.
Dressed in animal masks and robes, the Eilander family surrounds Caroline's casket
and asks for their sacrifice to be taken and to enlighten them. Instead, the island
is stricken by ten plagues.
1796: April 22 - Nicholas sends a letter to his son Jakob, informing him of his
mother's death.
The events of Rusty Lake Paradise take place. Jakob returns to Paradise Island,
learning that their home has been subjected to ten plagues. He finds ten black
cubes and uses one to eradicate each plague. Each cube contains a memory from his
First plague, "Water Turns into Blood": Jakob saves the family from the leeches and
meets the Corrupted Soul of his mother, who tells him to bring her memories to the
Lake. In the water, he finds his mother's coffin with a black cube inside.
Second plague, "Frogs": Jakob captures the frogs to have them cooked by his
grandmother, Margaret Eilander. Jakob gives the frog soup to his uncle Gerard
Eilander, who vomits a key used for opening a box with a black cube inside.
Third plague, "Gnats and Lice": Jakob helps his brother David Eilander raise his
blood sugar level, but a cluster of insects surrounds David, transforming him into
a giant larva. He puts flowers under the portrait of his mother; the painting falls
after being swarmed by the insects, revealing a black cube.
Fourth plague, "Flies": David emerges from his cocoon, becoming a fly-man hybrid.
He kills animals while the family hides. Jakob enters the tower, where Nicholas is
attacked by David. Here, he finds a book written by his mother about the Elixir,
and a black cube that his father was guarding.
Fifth plague, "Diseased Livestock": Jakob prepares a Rusty Lake Burger for Gerard,
using meat from the diseased animals. His uncle goes to the toilet, where Jakob
finds a black cube.
Sixth plague, "Boils": Jakob prepares medicine for a sick Gerard, and replaces his
heart with a clockwork piece. Putting Gerard's heart in the clock, Jakob finds a
black cube.
Seventh plague, "Hail": The island is covered in snow. Jakob finds David, who is
human again, frozen in a block of ice. Using a powerful snow globe, he destroys the
temple to find the black cube.
Eighth plague, "Locusts": the island is covered in mist. A giant mantis kills a
goat, and Jakob gives his sister Elizabeth Eilander the eyes to see through the
mist. Following an owl, he finds a mist horn. Margaret uses the horn to attract the
mantis, revealing a black cube.
Ninth plague, "Darkness": The family members are gathered around a fire, waiting
for the last ritual. Jakob enters the tower and guides a giant wicker owl to the
temple. In a box, he finds the bones of his mother and throws the bone dust into
the fire. The fire goes out, revealing a black cube.
Tenth plague, "Death of the Firstborn": Jakob descends into the well and finds five
animal masks. Under an owl statue, he finds a black cube where he sees his mother
declaring that her memories are not only the key to the past, but also to the
future. He returns to the Island and gives the masks to his family. David wears the
rabbit mask, Elizabeth the pheasant mask, Margaret the pigeon mask, Gerard the boar
mask, and Nicholas the deer mask. Jakob puts the cube in the well and the family
burns the wicker owl, killing him. He sees Caroline's Soul wearing the owl mask,
understanding that her memories are the elements of the Elixir. Jakob reaches
enlightenment, coming back to life as Mr. Owl. In his last vision Paradise is
reborn, becoming the Hotel.
1799: Winter - Aldous Vanderboom is born.
1800 - 1900
1841 - Mr. Boar is born.
1844 - Mr. Deer is born.
1848: June 7 - Paul Gauguin is born in France.
1853: March 30 - Vincent van Gogh is born in the Netherlands.
1854 - Mrs. Pigeon and Mr. Rabbit are born.
Ms. Pheasant is born.
Spring - Aldous and William Vanderboom reach the last stage of finding the Elixir.
When they both drink it, William dies and becomes a Corrupted Soul and Aldous
transforms into Mr. Crow.
Spring - James Vanderboom moves into his new house after the death of his uncle
William, and plants a tree in the yard, starting off the events of Rusty Lake:
Summer - William's dead body falls out of the grandfather clock, breaking it. The
corpse's heart is taken out as a sacrifice.
1865: Summer - James proposes to his girlfriend, who would later become Mary
1866: Winter - Ida Reiziger is born.
1867: April 26 - Emma, Samuel and Albert Vanderboom are born.
1870: Summer -
James discovers the entrance to the secret alchemy laboratory of his uncle William.
July 25 - James creates the Elixir, and gives it to his Dog first to ensure its
safety. The Dog lives, and becomes immortal. When James drinks the Elixir, he dies.
James' wake is held later in that season, and his tongue is cut out as a sacrifice.
1876: Spring - Samuel, Emma and Albert play outside their house, trying to catch a
butterfly. Samuel makes a beehive fall onto Albert's head, resulting in a
disfiguring scar. Mr. Crow appears, revealing the obscure future of the children
but also the importance of the Vanderboom legacy.
1884: Spring - Emma is impregnated by a flower, leading to the birth of Frank
1885: Spring - Albert tries on some masks, and stabs the butterfly from his
childhood to death.
1888: October - The events of Cube Escape: Arles unfold in van Gogh's bedroom.
Vincent van Gogh cuts off his ear. Entering it, he goes to another version of his
bedroom. Here, he defeats his Corrupted Soul in the mirror and escapes from his
room into the "Starry Night" painting, using a black cube and a white cube.
1889: The companies producing Rusty Lake Cigars and Rusty Lake Pilsener are
Spring - Samuel repairs his family clock.
Summer - Ida, the travelling fortune teller, predicts the future of Samuel and his
family with tarot cards and her crystal ball.
1890: July 29 - Vincent van Gogh dies.
1891: Fall - Albert causes his nephew Frank to fall down a well. Frank's mother,
Emma, searches for him, and sends him a letter to be delivered by Harvey.
1893: The events of Rusty Lake Hotel unfold.
Harvey works as the butler in the Hotel along with Mr. Toad, Mr. Bat, and Mr. Crow
under the hotel owner, Mr. Owl.
Mr. Deer, Mr. Rabbit, Mrs. Pigeon, Ms. Pheasant, and Mr. Boar stay at the Hotel.
Harvey serves them but they are subsequently murdered by him and cooked by Mr.
Toad. Their memories are extracted into five black cubes by Mr. Owl. In the room of
Mr. Owl, Harvey sees Dale Vandermeer entering the Hotel, thanks to an elevator from
the depths of the Lake through a white cube.
August 7 - Mr. Rabbit is scheduled to put on a magic show at the Rusty Lake
August 8 - Ms. Pheasant is scheduled to put on a play at the Rusty Lake Theatre.
1894: The Corrupted Souls of the Hotel guests escape their confinement and attack
Harvey, who escapes the Hotel in parrot form after being hit by a beam of light.
1895: Winter - Samuel and Ida are married and their wedding photo is taken. They
are joined by Mary, Albert, Emma, and their son, Leonard.
Summer - Emma commits suicide by hanging herself, due to her grief over her son's
disappearance. She leaves behind a painting depicting her death, and her tears are
collected in a bottle as a sacrifice.
Winter - Samuel, Ida, Mary, and Albert play a Lying Game, and a crow-headed Soul
gives Albert a deer skull that he later uses.
1900 - 1970
1903: May 8 - Paul Gauguin dies.
1904: May 1 -
Mary mysteriously dies after the Vanderboom family band finishes playing their
song. Her teeth are taken as a sacrifice. Leonard is left alone as his parents are
Albert kills Samuel and Ida with voodoo dolls. One eye from both Samuel and Ida are
taken as sacrifices.
1909: Summer - Rose Vanderboom is born, artificially created by Albert, with his
semen and Ida's egg.
Spring - Leonard leaves the House to join the army, shortly before the start of
July 28 - WWI officially begins.
November 11 - WWI officially ends.
Winter - Leonard returns from WWI, shell-shocked and missing a leg. In his visions,
he sees a Corrupted Soul, his parents, Albert and Mr. Crow. His foot is taken as a
1919: Fall - Rose communicates with the spirit of her great-great uncle William in
the attic with an Ouija board, and is informed about the resurrection ritual. She
learns that the ritual requires ten sacrifices and three timepieces.
1924: Fall - Frank, with help of his cousin Rose, escapes from the well where he
has been trapped for 33 years.
1926: Fall - Frank strangles Albert to death after a game of chess. Albert's brain
is cut out and taken as a sacrifice.
1927: Winter - Frank takes a bath and gets a haircut. His hair is collected as a
1929: Fall - Leonard finds the first timepiece in the front yard of the Vanderboom
family house.
1930: Winter -
December 18 - Dale Vandermeer is born.
Frank looks up at the stars in the night sky with a telescope in the attic and
finds his mother's letter and the second timepiece.
1931: July 6 - Robert Hill is born.
1932: Fall - Rose spends the night grave-robbing her dead relatives in the
graveyard by the Chapel, and finds the third timepiece.
1933: Spring - Rose and Frank share a dance. Rose is stabbed in the finger with a
needle, and her blood is collected as a sacrifice.
1935: Spring -
Frank, Leonard and Rose all become entangled in roots from their family tree,
allowing William to be resurrected as a baby, Laura Vanderboom, using the family's
sacrifices and the timepieces.
William Vanderboom finds himself as a Corrupted Soul in the Samsara Room, and
learns of the circle of life. Through various transformations to his soul, he is
reborn as Laura Vanderboom.
1939: December 18 - The events of Cube Escape: Birthday unfold.
Dale Vandermeer celebrates his 9th birthday, along with his mother, father, and
grandfather. The party is interrupted by Mr. Rabbit, who kills Dale's family with a
sub-machine gun.
In an alternate timeline, Dale undoes his family's death and helps his grandfather
shoot Mr. Rabbit before he can attack. Mr. Rabbit is absorbed into a tree and.
Dale's black cube turns white which means that his painful memories about that
birthday were rebalanced.
1960: Bart Leeghwater begins his stay at The White Door. His case is supervised by
Dr. J. Grant at security level 3.
1963 - Rio Kobayashi begins her stay at The White Door. Her case is supervised by
Dr. J. Grant at security level 3.
1964: Spring - Cube Escape: Seasons begins.
The Woman, Laura, receives a phone call from Mr. Crow and begins to have visions of
a Corrupted Soul who is out to kill her.
In an alternate timeline, a beam of light from the phone dissipates the shadow from
her Soul, and reveals the true form of the Woman.
Harvey, her pet parrot, lays an egg, which is boiled and hatches into a black cube.
In an alternate timeline, Harvey escapes from the cage and the house.
1966: Mr. Owl gives Dale a watch through a vision in a snow globe. For Dale, it
happens in 1939, during the events of Cube Escape: Birthday.
January 6 - Yuliana Kazantseva begins her stay at The White Door. Her case is
supervised by Dr. T. Hoorn at security level 5.
February 19 - Jin-ho Kim begins his stay at The White Door. His case is supervised
by Dr. J. Grant at security level 2.
March 28 - Giulio Trentino begins his stay at The White Door. His case is
supervised by Dr. P. Clark at security level 3.
1969: December 26 - Dr. J. Grant begins working as a physician at The White Door.
1969: Cube Escape: Harvey's Box and Cube Escape: The Lake both take place at the
The Woman prepares to visit Rusty Lake, after winning a newspaper competition.
Among her packed possessions is a box of cigars and Harvey.
Inside of the box, the events of Harvey's Box follow the journey from the Room to
the Cabin.
Reaching the Cabin, Harvey sees a Corrupted Soul reaching down for her, but the
Soul disappears after being attacked by three fireflies.
The Woman spends an afternoon fishing, before being attacked in the Cabin by a
Corrupted Soul that climbs out from the Lake.
In an alternate timeline, the Soul is fought off by a pentagon of light and
transforms into a black cube.
1970 - 2020
May 14 - Leonie Poisson begins her stay at The White Door. Her case is supervised
by Dr. C. Adams at security level 5.
November 21 - Linda Kirkland begins her stay at The White Door. Her case is
supervised by Dr. C. Adams at security level 4.
December 31 - Susan Fisher begins her stay at The White Door. Her case is
supervised by Dr. A. L. P. Allis at security level 2.
1971 - Tobiasz Olszewski begins his stay at The White Door. His case is supervised
by Dr. C. Adams at security level 3.
1971: Cube Escape: Seasons continues, followed by Cube Escape: Case 23 Chapter 1
and Cube Escape: Theatre.
Summer - The Woman continues to have visions, seeing her own death by the hands of
the Corrupted Soul, watching the moon through a telescope.
Fall, October 12 -
The Woman commits suicide, slicing her own neck. When her body is found, it is not
clear to the police if she committed suicide or was murdered.
Dale is assigned to the investigation of her death, and begins to discover
information about Rusty Lake, talking briefly to Mr. Crow through the telephone.
Dale, traveling in the elevator, goes into a cube and visits the Theatre. He speaks
to Bob, the Woman's ex-boyfriend. He refuses to speak to Dale, only talking after
he is served drinks. He reveals that he feels dead inside as the result of having
his memories taken. Bob attempts suicide, becoming a Corrupted Soul.
In the Theatre, Dale watches the shows. At the end, Mr. Owl tells him to continue
his travel in the elevator. When he enters in the elevator, Bob's Corrupted Soul
Sometime during this season, Harvey is stabbed in the chest, presumably dying.
In an alternate timeline, Harvey is not stabbed, having already left the Room.
February 7 - Zhang Yong Li begins his stay at The White Door. His case is
supervised by Dr. A. L. P. Allis at security level 5.
Summer - Cube Escape: Case 23 Chapters 2, 3 and 4 all occur in Summer at the Police
Station, the Chapel and the Cabin, concurrently with Cube Escape: The Mill.
At the Mill, Mr. Crow arranges for the body of the Woman to be transported to him.
Dale links the murder to Rusty Lake. He creates a map of several important
locations, and places two cubes into his television set.
Bob, who is in police custody, murders a Policeman, transforming into a Corrupted
Soul and leaving behind a black cube.
Mr. Crow extracts the memories of the Woman, taking the cubes to feed Rusty Lake.
This causes the corruption of her body. Her Soul murders the residents of the Mill,
and holds Harvey hostage, but is persuaded to leave by Mr. Crow.
Dale is transported to the Chapel by Mr. Owl, and encounters Mr. Crow, who rows him
across the Lake to the Cabin. A Corrupted Soul with antlers tries to attack Dale,
but he is able to escape in an elevator that leads down into the Lake.
August - The events of The White Door take place.
August 12 - Dr. J. Grant is assigned to supervise Bob's case, in order to ensure
that he sticks to the program as his memories are extremely valuable to the
organization. Bob is placed at security level 5.
August 13 - Bob signs a waiver granting permission to intake him at The White Door
mental health facility.
August 14 - Bob begins his stay, after losing his memories in a supposed accident.
In his dream, he remembers Laura breaking up with him at the Owl Nest cafe.
August 15 - The Manager has the doctors begin connecting to Bob's mind to extract
his memories. In his dream, he remembers getting fired from his job at the Johnsson
Bird Food factory after setting off an emergency shutdown.
August 16 - Bob wakes up in the middle of sleeping to find that the doctors are
experimenting on him. In his dream, he remembers learning of Laura's death on the
television, and meeting Sarah for the first time.
August 17 -
Bob sabotages his room in an attempt to escape, but is tranquilized. In his dream,
he remembers shooting himself in the head at the Rusty Lake Theatre.
Dr. T. Hoorn alerts the Manager that one of their employees is acting suspicious
and may have different intentions with Bob. Sarah is given permission by the
Manager to enter Bob's dreams, but is warned to be careful with his memories, and
to not erase his memories of the Woman otherwise his mind is useless to them.
August 18 - Bob is moved to a padded cell, where he switches places with his
Corrupted Soul. In his dream, he remembers going to The Lost Soul after shooting
himself and becomes corrupted after remembering he lost it all.
August 19 - Bob is still corrupted. In his dream, he remembers waking up in the
street and calling The White Door for help.
August 20 - Bob enters his room, seeing his Corrupted Soul in bed. He brings colour
back into his room and switches places with the Soul again. In his dream, he
remembers the first time he met Laura.
In an alternate timeline, Sarah erases the memories of Laura from Bob's mind and he
completes his treatment at The White Door. He then writes the book "False
Sarah gets into the basement and frees the 10 captive patients, escaping with them
on the elevator. They leave the facility with 10 black cubes, scattered across the
Winter - The events of Cube Escape: The Cave play out, followed by Cube Escape:
Mr. Crow enters the Cave, and helps Mr. Owl with the Elixir and travels down into
the depths of Rusty Lake with a Submarine through the Forest, retrieving the white,
black, and blue cubes.
The Woman and Dale are held in the Forest under the Lake, connected to a mysterious
Meanwhile, Dale awakens in the Paradox Room, with no memory of how he got there. On
a subconscious level he understands that everything is happening inside his mind.
During his memory rearrangement he falls upon a floor unconscious wounding his
forehead. He wakes up, eventually drinks the red vial that helps him escape into
the Forest. Then he comes to the edge of the Lake, he sees Laura there being killed
by a Corrupted Soul and leaving behind a black cube. He looks into it and sees
himself lying in the room as before.
In an alternate timeline (in another iteration of the loop), Dale drinks the green
vial and goes unconscious. He sacrifices himself to the Lake in order to save the
Woman, with her black cube turning white.
He awakens in the room again this time with a wound on his forehead. He learns that
his time at Rusty Lake is a part of his psychiatric evaluation by Mr. Owl and Mr.
Crow. Dale removes his brain and begins to shift between new perspectives: the
past, the present and the future. After Mr. Owl tells him about his need of a
successor as a ruler of the Lake, Dale drinks the blue vial to embrace his
Corrupted Soul and leaves the room, travelling through the Forest. He comes across
multiple alternate reality Dales, such as regular Dale, hanged Dale, movie Dale,
half-corrupted Dale, and deer-headed Dale. He reaches the Lake and this time, he is
the one to kill Laura as the Corrupted Soul, while his uncorrupted form watches. He
looks into the black cube and sees himself in the real-life room, beginning the
paradox again. This loop repeats itself for an unknown amount of times.
In an alternate timeline, Dale finds the elevator and enters it with the golden
cube in his hands.
During that very moment outside Dale's mind Mr. Crow uses the machine to create the
golden cube. He gives it to Dale that is still unconscious then sends him up by the
elevator to the hotel.
From Dale's perspective, Birthday and Theatre occur after this moment, though both
are implied to be derived from his own memories.
1981: Cube Escape: Seasons continues into the Winter.
The Woman, now a Corrupted Soul, constructs a machine to travel backwards in time
and prevent her death using the power of a blue cube.
1995: April 18 - The White Door activates its Cube Locator system, in order to
track the black cubes that were lost after the 1972 basement outbreak.
January 21 - Dr. T Hoorn uses the Cube Locator system and attempt to access Robert
Hill's file. His access code is denied, and an emergency is alerted to the system a
minute later. He is asked to contact the Manager.
January 22 - Dr. T. Hoorn is found dead in a park. A black cube is discovered on
his person.
January 20 - Kirsten Hoorn, Dr. Hoorn's daughter creates an Instagram account in
order to commemorate his death the upcoming Wednesday. There she starts posting
photos related to him, and her related childhood memories.
January 21 - All of the black cubes lost in 1972 are located.
January 22 - Kirsten takes a plane to visit Rusty Lake.
😈I̶'M̶ S̶I̶C̶K😈
̶ 3 Mar @ 8:52pm

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̶ 16 Feb, 2021 @ 3:35am


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