Ftc104 Activity 1 Ibale

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Arellano University

Andres Bonifacio Campus

College of Education
FTC 104
Activity 1
Name: __Ibale, Lester______ Date: __________________

Book Skinny
reader type

Open minded

A. This activity highlights the multiple dimensions of your identities. It addresses the importance of
individuals self-defining their identities and challenging stereotypes.

➢ Place your name in the center circle of the structure above.

➢ Write in each of the satellite circles an identifier or descriptor that you feel is important in
defining you. This can include anything- Asian, American, female, mother, athlete, educator, or
any descriptor with which you identify.
1. Share a story about a time you were especially proud to identify yourself with one of the
descriptors you used above.
One time when we’re having a small debate during class about a pedestrian and car accident
video online that leads to three dead bodies. We were ask whose fault was that. Situation goes
like this: five drunk men jump in the middle of the road and start picking fight, one of them stop
the vehicle passing by. A car did stop and try to avoid them but the next car whose speeding 50-
60 kph run them over and set them flying and now three of them were dead.
All of them blame the driver saying that it’s all their fault because they were over speeding, and
it looks intentional and that pedestrian has the right-of-way at any time. While in my opinion
they are both wrong. Yes, the driver was over speeding but they probably weren’t dead if they
did not block the road like they own it. They look at me like I’m the man who killed those stupid
men so I said ‘’law can only give you the consequences of your action, but it cannot protect you
from being dumb. Only commonsense can cure stupidity”.

2. Share a story about a time it was especially painful to be identified with one of your identifiers
or descriptors.
When I was in 2nd grade, I thought being a homosexual is a disease base on how adult and my
fellow classmates treat me. And that church is the only one can cure that feeling.

3. Name a stereotype associated with one of the groups with which you identify that is not
consistent with who you are.
They always say the gay community are groomers.

4. Fill in the following sentence: I am(a/an)_____________Gay_________________ but I am


B. Create a poster that demonstrates the impact and importance of acknowledging, respecting and
tolerating diversity. Take a picture of your work and send to AU LMS.

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