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Benjamin Low (1005069H) Scriptwriting Assignment 1 2-page script Johnny English Teaser Total duration: 10 seconds VISUAL Gunbarrel

visuals of James Bond lm. Johnny walks into barrel view, aims at camera and res his gun. Gun cartridge falls out of gun, he examines gun and groans. CUT TO SUPER over black: COMING SOON. AUDIO UPSOUND: James Bond theme music UPSOUND: Misc. gun SFX UPSOUND: Mr Bean groans.

Johnny English Trailer Total duration: 1 minute VISUAL STUDIO LOGO SUPER: When youre a spy protecting national security... WS of command room/ (31:12) CU of computer screen mission plan (38:15) SUPER: Theres no room for error. Johnny talks to boss, explosion in background (4:28) SOT: Johnny & sir -Everything in order English? -I think youd rather nd its rather more than just in order sir. You are now entering the most secure location in the whole of England. *explosion* UPSOUND: Upbeat spy music SOT SFX SOT: Johnny It is our honour and privilege to guard them. (4:12) AUDIO UPSOUND: Serious spy music

SUPER: A spy must use everything at his disposal. Johnny uses the pen dart & secretary collapses (7:32) SUPER: Including his cunning Johnny karate rubber duck in toilet (30:50)

VISUAL SUPER: And wit. Disassembled gun in front of Johnny/ Johnny nishes assembling, but realises mistake. (5:47) SUPERS: A spy must risk car chases. Fast cuts of hearse chase/ (22:10) Johnny captured on speed-cam/ He res missile at speed-cam/ SUPERS: Go undercover. Johnny drops a champagne glass (50:12) SUPERS: And use seduction. Johnny moves towards woman with gun (2:18) SUPER: His foes will stop him at all costs. Johnny confronts Sauvage and attempts to shoot him, but mud oozes out of gun. (1:05:34) SUPER: He knows no fear Johnny does J-turn in car (25:10) SUPER: He knows no danger Johnny disarms gunmen (1:31) SUPER: He knows nothing Johnnys tie caught in sushi conveyer (37:20) SUPER: He must be Johnny opens the door and ings coat out of window. (6:56) SOT SFX


UPSOUND: Gun assembling SFX

SOT: Johnny Not so fast Sauvage. You may have taken me, but youll never take England. Not as long as I have breath in my body, or a bullet in my gun.

MOVIE LOGO DATE *All supers are over black.

SOT: Johnny Johnny English... ...Still, no sense rushing things.

Benjamin Low (1005069H) Scriptwriting Assignment 1 Rationale / Research Research Johnny English is a British production released on 11 July 2003. It was directed by Peter Howitt and stars comedy legend Rowan Atkinson. Acting alongside are Natalie Imbruglia, John Malkovich and Ben Miller. This action comedy lm is a parody of the James Bond secret agent genre and has its characters similarly based on a series of advertisements Rowan Atkinson did for television. The result is a $40 million production earning over $160 million in revenue. The general plot; All of Britains secret agents are killed in an explosion at a top agents funeral, leaving the inept Johnny as the only one left. With his assistant Bough, they discover that a French entrepreneur called Sauvage intends to take over the throne. Johnny & Bough are suspended from Sauvages case after bungling up an investigative mission. However, with the help of an Interpol agent Lorna, they decide to inltrate Sauvages stronghold. After a narrow escape, they manage to head back to London just in time for Sauvages coronation as King. After much mishap, Johnny is inadvertently crowned as king, and arrests Sauvage. Rowan Atkinson is universally known for his role as Mr. Bean. His comical antics are carried onto this lm. Which aims the movie towards a wide range of audience, from ages 12 and above (rated PG). The trailer will be aired on Channel 5, as well as cable channels HBO and Star Movies. As an english-medium movie, it will appeal well to the general Channel 5 viewers thanks to its famous star. The trailer will not be screened on Okto due to the movies comic nudity, crude humour and language. While it may be suitable for older children watching the movie, it is not something to appropriately market to the younger viewers (even if the trailer contains none of the crude elements from the movie). It will also not be screened on other language channels, as its viewers are not the intended audience for the movie. It is only natural to screen the trailers on the cable channels named above, as they are both movie channels that screen current movies and hollywood blockbusters. The movies intended audience will be reached through both channels. Rationale There were a few ways I could approach making the trailer for the target audience. I did not want to do use the power of the actors name and face to sell the movie, meaning deliberate use of supers for his and other actors name. So instead of selling the name Mr Bean (which the movie posters actually did), I decided to theme my trailer with statements on what a spy is. It also helped me turned away from easily falling under the generic trailer trap that so often plagues comedies, which usually loses the interest of the target audience by revealing too much. The supers (theme) throughout the trailer have serious statements of what a spy should be, what qualities they should have and the things they risk. These are then juxtaposed against shots of Johnny English usually doing something really silly, which creates a greater comic effect for the audience. While the movie itself is a spoof on the Bond genre, I too decide to emphasise on the points that are synonymous with spy movies, mainly here;

There are car chases, undercover work (where the spy would usually be mingling with high prole people at a party) and seduction (which is the staple of all Bond/spy movies). When doing trailers for comedies theres a tenancy to show all of the trademark funny bits from the movie. I have fallen slightly into that trap, but I have tried to place them in a way where its appropriate to what the supers say, instead of compiling them in one long montage. Another trailer tactic I have used is making the opening look serious, then putting a funny scene which will then change the tone of the trailer into a comedy. Much of the trailer is Johnny having mishaps and doing actions, leaving only 3 parts where he speaks. Adding more dialogue/jokes would have simply given away more of the movie, which I was already at risk of doing with using the trademark funny moments. The last few supers He knows no fear, He knows no danger, He knows nothing is the tagline for the movie. It was a nice way to end the trailer, but I put in a scene where Johnny introduces himself to remind the audience about the title of the movie and as a way to tie up the whole trailer. Several drafts played around with the idea of making the whole trailer very serious looking, or revealing more the story and villain, but discarded that due to length or because I was giving too much of the fun from the movie away. From this trailer, the audience will recognise Rowan Atkinsons face immediately (which by itself is half the humour). But he should still comes across as a sort of cool and serious spy who occasionally mucks up something, and not simply as Mr Bean in a spy tuxedo.

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