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Hunting for fun

Imagine that you live quietly at home, do not disturb anyone, when suddenly
strangers break in and shoot at you just to have fun. What would you feel at that
moment? Probably fear, panic, confusion.So, some animals are faced with this all
the time, if of course they survived the first time.
In general, many may say that animals are not hunted for entertainment now,
however, in some countries, sport hunting for animals is still legal. Most likely,
such hunting is not prohibited so that there is a spectacle for people and they do
not come out to protest out of idleness. , people have always needed bread and a
spectacle. There are no more gladiator fights, but there is a hunt.
However, zoos and circuses are more common places for animal torture. Of
course, this does not apply to all institutions, but most of them. In zoos, poor
animals are kept in small cages for the amusement of people. At the same time, in
circuses, everything is much tougher. There animals are also beaten to follow
orders on stage. In some countries, circuses and zoos are strictly monitored and
restricted, but this is not always enough.
In conclusion, it is also worth adding that captive-bred animals can no longer be
released into the wild, because they do not have the necessary skills and they will
die. So their only salvation from circuses and zoos can only be transfer to nature

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