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Problem solving:

Theoretical How to fix faced Didn’t


Locations might be difficult to Try local locations that are similar to

find ones that I might want to go to to
save time and travel

Narrative might not work with When writing the script and
the tempo of the song storyboard make sure the beat
matches with the style of the

MIght not be niche enough for Choose an audience which would

the target audience relate and be entertained by my
production and make sure the
research fits with the production

Parallel storyline might get lost Keep both storylines connected but
relatively simple to not confuse an

Practical How to fix Faced Didn't


Green screen editing might be Learn how to do it when practising

difficult since I haven’t done it skills to save time when editing

Not having props that fit the Plan ahead with props and costume
colour scheme or aesthetic of make sure the green screen
the production background is pre planned to keep
the theme

Location may not be available Have in place backup locations just

incase a location is available

Camera may run out of charge Make sure all equipment is ready
or other issues with the camera before starting shooting create an
equipment checklist before hand

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