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You must be aware that CBSE has announced syllabus for academic year 2022-23 on 21 April,
2022. While a few Units have NOT changed, topics in a couple of units have been modified. The
changes are shown in the chart below and the complete syllabus is shown in the following pages.
Unit 1: Meaning & Objectives of Planning Unit 1: Management of Sporting Events: Functions
of Sports Events Management (Planning,
Organising, Staffing, Directing & Controlling)
Unit 2: Eating For Weight Control – A Healthy Weight, Unit 3: Obesity: Tadasana, Katichakrasana,
The Pitfalls of Dieting, Food Intolerance & Food Myth. Pavanmuktasana, Matsayasana, Pachimottansana,
(Now Unit-5) Halasana, Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, Suryabedhan
pranayama. Diabetes: Katichakrasana, Shalabasana,
Dhanurasana, Supta-vajarasana, Mandukasana,
Gomukhasana, Yogmudra, Ustrasana, Kapalabhati.
Asthma: Tadasana, Urdhwahastottansana,
UttanMandukasana, D h an u r as an a, U s tr as
an a, Vak r as an a, Kapalbhati, Gomukhasana,
Anulom-Vilom. Hypertension: Katichakransana,
Uttanpadasana, Ardha Halasana, Sarala Matyasana,
Uttan Mandukasana, Makarasana, Vakrasana,
Nadi- shodhanapranayam, Sitlipranayam
Unit 3: COMPLETELY CHANGED Unit 4: Organizations promoting Disability Sports
(Special Olympics, Paralympics, Deaflympics).
Unit 5: Motor development & factors affecting Unit 6 : Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in
it.Exercise Guidelines at different stages of growth & school: Age group 5-8 yrs/class 1-3: BMI, Flamingo
Development.(Now Unit-2) Balance Test, Plate Tapping Test, Age group 9-18yrs/
class 4-12: BMI, 50mt Speed test, 600mt Run/Walk,
Sit & Reach flexibility test, Strength Test (Abdominal
Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups for boys, Modified Push-
Ups for girls). Computing Basal Metabolic Rate
Unit 6: Motor Fitness Test – 50 M, Standing Start, 600 Unit 8: Equilibrium–Dynamic & Static and Centre
M Run/Walk, Sit & Reach, Partial Curl Up, Push Ups of Gravity and its application in sports, Projectile
(Boys), Modified Push Ups (Girls), Standing Broad in Sports. ??
Jump, Agility–4 × 10 M Shuttle Run, Measurement of
Cardio Vascular Fitness–Harvard Step Test/Rockport
Unit 7: First Aid – Aims & Objectives Unit 9: Psychological Attributes in Sports – Self
Esteem, Mental Imagery, Self Talk, Goal Setting.
Unit 9: Motivation, its type & techniques. Unit 10: Concept of Talent Identification & Talent
Development in Sports. Introduction to Sports
Training Cycle – Micro, Meso, Macro Cycle. Method
to Develop—Coordinative Ability

Physical Education–XII
(Based on the CBSE Latest Revised Syllabus issued on
21 April 2022 for Session 2022-23)
For most of us, sport implies having fun, but it can also be work, a means of employment, or a business.
Many people who are employed in business endeavors associated with sport are engaged in a career
field known as sport management. As mentioned above as terms “sports management” and “sports
administration” typically refer to the same profession and are often used interchangeable.
The term “management” might bring to mind the more businessoriented careers in sports. Marketing
for athletic organizations, boosting ticket sales, seeking sponsors, developing business relationships
will local communities, facilities management and public relations might all fall under this umbrella.
Accounting, financial management, and human resources may also spring to mind.
Sports terms and franchises are first and foremost, businesses. They have a product to sell, revenue
streams to maintain and budgets to balance. That means that standard corporate skill sets, when
enhanced by specialized knowledge in the sport business, are all essential to their organizations success.
These critical roles put crowds in seats and keep income flowing into the team, which makes it possible
for the organization to enhance one of its most important assets the talent.
Meaning of Sports Management: Sports Management is to anticipate, plan, organize, appoint,
direct and control any sporting event.
Definitions of Sports Management “Sports Management is the efficient use of available resources
of a sporting event to achieve its goals”.
Therefore, sports management is a systematic process of doing work itself and getting the work done
by others, which organizes the games better.
According to P. Chelladurari “Sports management can be Defined as the coordination of resources,
technologies, processes, personnel and situational contingencies for the efficient production and exchange
of sports services.”

Functions of Sports Management

Planning: Planning is the process of logically and purposefully outlining the work to be performed
together with the methods to be used in the performance of this work. The total plan will result in the
accomplishment of the purposes for which the organization is established. Of course this requires a clear
conception of the aims of the organization. To accomplish this planning, the manager must have vision
to look into the future and to prepare for what is seen. He or she must see the influences mat will affect
the organization and the requirements that will have to be met.
According to A.K. Fern, “Planning is a process which is adopted to solve problems and make work
easier during the fulfillment of an objective.
Before organizing any sport or event, if we make a good plan, so everyone has a responsibility. This
can prevent wastage of time and money. “Planning” is the purpose of ascertaining in advance what is
supposed to be done and who has to do it. This signifies establishing goals in advance and promoting a
way of delivering them effectively and efficiently.
Organizing: Organizing refers to the development of the formal structure of the organization,
whereby the various management coordinating centres and Visions of work are arranged in an integrated
manner, with clearly defined lines of authority. The purpose behind this structure is the effective

accomplishment of established objectives. Organizational charts aid in clarifying suchorganization. The
structure should be set up to a avoid red tape and provide for the clear assignment of every necessary
duty to a responsible individual.
Whenever possible, standards should be established for acceptableperformance for each duty
assignment. The coordinating center of authority are developed and organized chiefly on the basis of the
work to be done by the organization, services performed, individuals available in the light of incentives
offered, and efficiency of operation.
A single manager cannot perform all the functions necessary, except in the smallest organizations.
Hence responsibility must be assigned to others logically.
These individuals occupy positions along the line, coach position being broken down in terms of its
own area of specialization. The higher up the line an individual goes, the more general the responsibility,
the lower down the line an individual goes, the more specific the responsibility.
Staffing: The management duty of staffing refers to the entire personnel function of selection,
assignment, training, and portending and maintaining favorable working conditions for all members of
the organization.
The manager must have thorough knowledge of staff members. He or she must select with care
and ensure that each subdivision in the organization has a competent leader and that each employee is
assigned to a job where he or she can be of greatest service.
Personnel should possess energy, initiative, and loyalty. The duties of each position must be clearly
outlined. All members of the organization must be encouraged to use their own initiative. They should
be rewarded fairly for their services. The mistakes and blunders of employees must be brought to their
attention and dealt with accordingly. Vested interests of individuals employees must not be allowed to
endanger the general interests of all. Work conditions should be made as pleasant and as nearly ideal
as possible.
Both physical and social factors should be provided for. Services rendered by personnel increase as
the conditions under which they work improve.
Directing : Directing is a responsibility that falls to the manager as the leader. He or she must direct
the operations of the organization. This means making distinct and precise decisions and embodying
them in instructions that will ensure their completion.
The manager must direct the work in an impersonal manner, avoid become involved in too many
dealts, and see that the organization’s purpose is according to established principles. Executives have
a duty to see a that the quantity and quality of performance of each employee are maintained. The
manager is a leader.
Success is determined by the ability to guide others successfully toward established goals. Individuals
of weak responsibility and limited capability cannot perform this function successfully. The good manager
should be superior in determination, persistence, endurance, and courage.
He or she must clearly understand the organization’s purpose and keep them in mind while guiding the
way. Through direction, it is essential that she instill faith in cooperation, in success, in the achievement
of personal ambitions, and in the integrity of the leadership.
Controlling: Controlling consists of several factors. Job standards should be established, à methods
and procedures for measuring whether standards are met should be set. This should be done in light of
the goals of the organization. When goals are not met, corrective action should be taken.
Controlling also means interrelating all the various phases of work within an organization: therefore
the organization’s structure must clearly provide close relationships and competent leadership in the
coordinating center of activity.
The manager should meet regularly with chief assistants to make arrangements for unity of effort so
that obstacles to coordinated work can be eliminated. There should also be coordination with management
units outside the organization where such responsibilities are necessary. Controlling means that

subordinates must be kept informed through regular reports, research, and continual observation. In
this respect the manager is point of intercommunication.
In addition to accepting the responsibility for reporting to higher authority, the manager must
continually know what is going on in the area under his or her jurisdiction.
Members of this organization must be informed of many topics of general interest, such as goals to
be achieved, progress being made, strong and weak points, and new areas proposed for development.
Guidance tells all the appointed employees in any sports organization what to do and how to
do it successfully. A director sees that all are doing their job properly or not. The main function of
management is to establish coordination among all. Its main task is to correct everyone’s mistakes and
provide a dynamic leadership. So that everyone gets inspired. The goal of sporting events is achieved by
controlling all the activities. Control plays a very important role in achievement of any organization in
height direction. There is positive progress of the organization under the control rules. It is the main task
of sports management to get those rules and policies done smoothly and to control them. Full control is
done on all the activities like their current progress, how to develop the cells etc. An efficient control is
essential for comparative study and establishment of accountability.

Objective Type/Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which one of the following functions is related to the process of inspiring, guiding and instructing
all the individuals of sports organisation?
(a) Controlling (b) Planning
(c) Directing (d) Organizing
2. Which one of the following is not the function of sports management?
(a) Planning (b) Running
(c) Controlling (d) Organising
3. Which one of the following functions works as a roadmap in attaining the organizational goals?
(a) Directing (b) Planning
(c) Controlling (d) Staffing

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Discuss any two functions of sports management in brief.
2. Discuss planning as the main function of sports event management.
3. Which one of the functions is called the heart of management function. Explain in brief.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. What do you mean by sports management? Elucidate any three functions of sports event
management in brief.

Meaning of Yoga
The practice of Yoga is believed to have started with the very dawn of civilization. The science of yoga
has its origin thousands of years ago, long before the first religions or belief systems were born. In the
yogic lore, Shiva is seen as the first yogi or Adiyogi, and the first Guru or Adi Guru.
Today everyone knows what yoga is but their understanding is mostly limited to physical postures,
known as Asanas. But does yoga means physical poses? To find the answer we need to understand the
definitions of yoga in the ancient texts. These ancient texts are giving a powerful message of yoga which
is much deeper than what we understand.
Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on
bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and scince of healthy living. Yoga is a word from
Sanskrit language which means join, 2 or more things are needed to join. And when 2 or more objects
are joined, then it becomes one object. There is connection and harmony between 2 objects which have
become one. So yoga is all about oneness, experience of oneness, feeling of harmony.
Yoga is a cure for the mind to become perfectly steady and peaceful. Our natural state of mind is
peaceful and without any distractions, disturbances, difficulties and distress. Yoga is the path to reach
this natural state.
According to modern scientists, everything in the universe is just a manifestation of the same
quantum firmament. One who experiences this oneness of existence is said to be in yoga, and is termed
as a yogi, having attained to a state of freedom referred to as mukti, nirvana or moksha. Thus the aim of
Yoga is Self-realization, to overcome all kinds of sufferings leading to ‘the state of liberation’ (Moksha)
or ‘freedom’ (Kaivalya). Living with freedom in all walks of life, health and harmony shall be the main
objectives of Yoga practice.”Yoga” also refers to an inner science comprising of a variety of methods
through which human beings can realize this union and achieve mastery over their destiny.Yoga
Various scholars and texts have described yoga as follows :
“Yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodhah”—Patanjali
“Yoga is Samadhi.”—Veda Vyasa
“The control of the senses and the mind is yoga.” —Kathopanishad.
“Samatvam Yoga Uchyate” means Samatva – balanced state, Uchyate – said to be—Bhagavad Gita.
“Yogah karmasu kaushalam” means – karma – action / behavior / any change in time and space,
kaushalam – skill / efficiency / perfect or appropriate behavior —Bhagavad Gita.
“Yoga is the knowledge in the matter of Shiva and Shakti.”—Agama
“Sthira Sukhum Asanam” means that sitting and comfortable posture. —Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
“Yoga is the unity of man with God.” —Bharti krishna

Introduction to Asanas
Asana is the physical practice of yoga and relates to the body. Asana is also another name for the poses
or postures of yoga. In Sanskrit, the word asana translates as “seat,” specifically for meditation. Today
asana is synonymous with yoga, but it is only one component.
Asana is the third part of yoga. Asana (Posture) means a comfortable sitting position for a long period
of time. In other words, asana is that position of the body in which the body can be placed in a easy
position. In asana, the position of body is in such a way that the action of the organs and glands of the
body is better than before, making the body and mind healthy.
Regular asana practice will develop mindfulness, discipline and concentration, in turn preparing the
mind for pranayama and meditation. On a subtle level, asana can help to stimulate the energetic body,
opening the chakras and nadis in order to allow prana to flow freely.

Definition of Asana
Asana is traditionally defined as the seated posture, used for meditation, from the Sanskrit meaning
“seat” or “place.” A stable and comfortable posture which helps attain mental equilibrium. An asana is
a body posture, originally and still a general term for a sitting meditation pose and later extended in
hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise, to any type of position, adding reclining, standing, inverted,
twisting, and balancing poses.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali define “asana” as “a position that is steady and comfortable”. Patanjali
mentions the ability to sit for extended periods as one of the eight limbs of his system.

Classification of Asanas
Asana are broadly classified into following categories on the basis of their effect on the body :
Cultural (Therapeutic) Asanas: Cultural Asanas may be termed as daily physical exercise postures.
The names of different cultural asana postures with their values have been mentioned in Classical Yoga
Texts. These Yoga Asanas are named as ‘Cultural Asanas’ because of their central role in forming a
comprehensive physical culture of exercise and general well being. These asanas are practiced for the
development of the body. Shirshasana, Halasana, Tadasana, Bhujangasana, Chakrasana, Mayurasana,
Sarvangasana, Matsyasana are its examples. Surya Namaskar is the best example of it.
Meditative Asanas: Meditative Asanas are the postures one assumes in order to sit or stand
comfortably for extended durations, enabling one to concentrate and meditate without interference from
muscle proprioceptors. The idea behind Meditative Asanas is merely to position oneself in such a way so
that one’s limbs cease to send stimuli to the mind, allowing the practitioner to concentrate on meditation.
Vajrasana, Padmasana, Siddhasana, Sukhasana etc.
Relaxative Asanas: Relaxative Asanas provide the most natural horizontal and comfortable position
of the body that contributes to the physical as well as mental relaxation at the first instance. All the
joints are consciously loosen and therefore the tension and tremor in their muscles is reduced. Moreover,
horizontal and relaxed position of the body facilitates efficient and easy blood circulation. Blood pressure
and heart rate are reduced and maintained at a minimal level as there is no need to circulate the blood
with force. Now the flexor and extensor muscles need not work against the gravity. There is no need to
hold the body against gravity. Makra Asana, Matsya Kridasana, Balasana, Shasank Asana, Shavasana


Asanas can be preventive measures as they provide following physiological benefits which ultimately
helps in avoiding various lifestyle disease. The following are the benefits of asanas for prevention of
(a) Bones and joints become strong: By performing regular asana, the bones, cartilages, and
ligaments become strong. Along with this, height of children is enhanced.
(b) Circulation of blood becomes normal: By performing asana regularly, the stroke volume
as well as cardiac output increases because cardiac muscles start working more strongly and
efficiently. Blood circulation becomes proper and blood pressure normalizes and stabilizes.
(c) Immune system is strengthened: By regular practice of asana, our immune system is
strengthened. As a result, our body becomes less prone to diseases.
(d) Respiratory organs become efficient: By performing asana regularly, the respiratory organs
become efficient. The vital air capacity increases up to 6000cc. The size of lungs and chest also
(e) Efficiency of excretory system enhances: By regularly performing asana the efficiency of
excretory system enhances. As a result, the waste products such as lactic acid, acid phosphate,
urea, uric acid etc. are excreted quickly and properly which in turn help in delaying fatigue.

(f) Muscles become strong: by performing asana regularly, muscles of the body become strong. The
efficiency of the muscles increases. Fat does not accumulate in the body. In fact, the appearance
the body enhances. The size of the muscles also increases.


Procedure, Benefits and Contradications for Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Pawanmuktasana,

Matsayasana, Halasana, Pachimottansana, Ardh-Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana,
Suryabedhan Pranayama
Prevention and management of diseases is possible through the use of asanas. Modern lifestyle has
given some diseases in gift. Following are some tips to avoid these lifestyle diseases.

Obesity can defined as the body disorder which involves excessive body fat which increases the risk of
health related problems. This problem is not only in India but in other countries also. People are facing
this problem due to their eating habits along with convenint lifestyle. Generally people eat too much but
do not burn their energy through working out or performing any activity. If a person has a sedentary
lifestyle then also he should do some physical work and excercise. This type of life style is the major
cause of diabetes and heart problem in the human beings. Some of the reasons of obesity are genetic but
some are the result of having junk food, addiction of sweets, etc. There are a lot of health problems due
to obesity. Some of the basic health problems related to obesity are diabetes, high blood pressure, gall
bladder problems, breathing problems, heart problem, etc. Obesity can easily be identified in a person by
the oversized and increased weight of the body. Obesity can be cured with will power, determination, and
regular practice of asanas. Obesity can be cured but it needs lot of hard work, patience and regularity in
doing asanas related to it. There is no any fix measurement of the obesity for a person that how much
obese a person is but it is very clear that, the weight should be according to the height of the person.
For this, there is a weight and height chart prescribed by the health experts. Another method to
check the obesity is BMI, It means body mass index. Formula for calculating the BMI is given below:
For example :
Body weight (in kg)
Body mass index =
Height (m)2
Causes of Obesity
Following are the causes of obesity :
1. Comfortable Life : Nowadays a person wants to lead a comfortable life. No one wants to do
physical exercise, which ultimately leads to obesity.
2. Genetic Reasons : Obesity of parents can also lead to obesity in future generations.
3. Reasons for Metabolic Process : There may be examples of different types of metabolic processes
in the same age group. The metabolic process of some people is fast and in some it is slow which
can be a reason to obesity.
4. Reduced Physical Exertion : Nowadays a person does less physical work. Due to less physical
exertion, the use of energy is less, due to which fat accumulates in the body.
5. Frequent Eating Habit : Many people have the habit of eating again and again. Obesity also
increases due to frequent eating or overeating.
6. Thyroid : The reason for having more or less thyroxine hormone can be called thyroid which is
the cause of obesity.
7. Diet : Many people like to eat paving which is not digested properly and accumulates in the form
of fat in the body which causes obesity.
8. Stress and pressure : Due to stress and pressure, there is a change in the hormones of the
person which causes obesity.

Symptoms of Obesity
1. Short breathing 3. Pain in bones and joints
2. Increase in body weight 4. Skin disease.

Diseases Due to Obesity

1. Diabetes 7. Constipation
2. High blood pressure 8. Impotence
3. Increased cholesterol in the blood 9. Infertility
4. Back pain 10. Spine deformities
5. Heart problems 11. Fatigue.
6. Headache

Preventative Asanas of Obesity

1. Tadasana 6. Pachimottansana
2. Katichakrasana 7. Ardh-Matsyendrasana
3. Pavanmuktasana 8. Dhanurasana
4. Matsayasana 9. Ushtrasana
5. Halasana 10. Suryabedhan Pranayama.
Tadasana : By doing Tadasana, the body becomes strong like a palm tree, hence this posture is
named Tadasana. In English it is also known as Palm Tree Pose . It is considered to be the best asana
to make the body strong and shapely, as well as to increase the height of the body.

1. Stand straight on a flat ground with your feet together and keeping both the palms by the side.
2. Raise both the hands from the side, while inhaling deeply.
3. Before moving the hands upwards, intertlock the fingers and while inhaling slowly move them
towards the sky, the palms should be facing upwards towards the sky.
4. As the hands are raised up, the heels of the feet should also remain raised.
5. While raising the hand. while inhaling, the stomach should be tucked in.
6. The body should be completely stretched towards the top.
7. The waist, neck should be straight, eyes should be towards the front.
8. In this position of Tadasana, one should stop for 1 to 2 minutes after taking a long breath.
9. Now slowly exhaling should come to the former position.
10. Wait 1 to 2 minutes and repeat this process again.
11. Do this asana 10 to 15 times per day according to the capacity.

1. It is helpful in developing physical and mental balance.
2. It reduces obesity.
3. It cures constipation.
4. It cures digestive problems.
5. It improves body posture.
6. It alleviates sciatica.
7. It is an excellent asana for those who wants to enhance their height.
8. It is beneficial in treating hypertension.

1. If you have low blood pressure, you should not do this asana.
2. In case of headaches or insomnia, you should avoid doing this asana.
3. Individuals, who suffer from blood circulation problems such as faulty valves, should not perform
this asana.

Kati chakrasana consists of two words: Kati and Chakra. Here ‘Kati’ means ‘waist’ and ‘chakra’ means
‘wheel’. Thus, Kati Chakrasana is a waist rotating, standing yoga posture. In this pose, a practitioner
has to twist the waist right and left, respectively.

1. Stand straight on the ground with both feet one foot apart.
2. Both the arms should be outstretched in front of the chest. Palms should be facing each other
while inhaling.
3. Take the arms slowly towards the right side of your body. Simultaneously, twist your body from
the waist to the right side and take your arms back as far as possible.
4. At the time of swinging towards the right side, keep the right arm straight and left arm bent.
5. During exhalation, bring the arms to the front. Repeat the same procedure towards the left side.
Perform the complete cycle 5 to 10 times.

1. It tones up the waist, hips, neck and shoulders and makes these organs more flexible.
2. It strengthens the waist muscles.
3. It helps in reducing stress.
4. It helps in relieving constipation.
5. It burns extra calories and fats and finally helps in reducing body weight.
6. It is helpful for back stiffness and corrects various postural deformities.

1. In case of spinal disorders, it should be avoided.
2. In case of abdominal inflammation, it should be avoided.
3. It should be avoided by women during pregnancy.
4. If you are suffering from hernia, slipped disc, avoid this asana.
Pawanmuktasana: Pawanmuktasana is also called in English (Gas release pose). Pawanmuktasana
means to release the wind or gas. Due to this posture, the air trapped in the stomach and constipation
is easily removed and due to pressure on the stomach, the circulation of blood increases towards the
heart and lungs. The heart gets strength and the puffiness in the lungs increases. It cures diseases like
shortness of breath, cough, asthma.

1. Lie down on your back on a plain surface.
2. Keep your feet together and place your arms beside your body.
3. Take a deep breath. When you exhale bring your knees towards your chest.
4. At the same time press your thighs on your abdomen.
5. Wrap your hands around your legs.
6. Hold the asana when you breathe normally.

7. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip.
8. Exhale and release he pose after you rock and roll from side to side about 3 times.

1. It eases the tension in lower back.
2. It enhances the blood circulation in pelvic area.
3. It helps in reducing the fats of thighs, buttocks and abdominal area.
4. It strengthens the abdominal muscles. It also massages the intestines and organs of the digestive
system which helps in releasing the gas and thus improves digestion.
5. Relieves constipation.

1. If you are suffering from heart problems, hyper acidity, high blood pressure, slipped disc and
hernia, you should avoid this asana.
2. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.
3. If you have had an abdominal surgery recently, you should avoid doing this asana.
4. Individuals suffering from piles should avoid this asana.
Matsyasana : While doing Matsyasana, the shape of the body looks like a fish swimming in water.
because of this it is called ‘Matsyasana’ and ‘Fish Pose’ in English. This asana is very beneficial for
people suffering from problems related to waist and throat.

(a) Sit with both the legs straight in front of you.
(b) In this, apply Padmasana by the aforesaid method.
(c) Lie down on your back with the help of the elbows of both the hands.
(d) Bend the neck with the help of your hands and try to touch the forehead with the ground.
(e) With both hands, hold the toes of the feet and place the elbows on the ground.
(f) Raise the part of the stomach as high as possible.
(g) As, it is a competitive posture, so competitive practice.
(h) Stay in this posture for about 30 seconds.
(i) Taking the support of these elbows, sit back.
(j) While doing this asana, keep the breathing rate regular.

(a) It provides relief in back and knee pain.
(b) It is beneficial for the eyes.
(c) Reduces skin diseases.
(d) Makes the throat flexible by producing mucus in the throat and groin.
(e) It is a useful asana for a person suffering from diabetes.
(f) It is the best posture for asthma patients.
(g) It cures respiratory diseases.
(h) The extra fat stored on the stomach is reduced.

(a) Avoid doing this asana if you have high or low blood pressure.
(b) People suffering from insomnia should also refrain from performing this asana.

(c) People suffering from migraine should not do this asana.
(d) Do not do this asana if you have neck, knee pain, slip disc, high blood pressure and other problems
of the spine.
Halasana: Halasana means ‘plough’. It involves lying on your back and placing your feet on the floor
behind your head. In fact, in the final position of this pose, your body resembles the shape of a plough.

1. Lie on your back with your arms beside you. Palms should be downwards.
2. Keeping the knees straight, raise your legs up to 90° keeping them vertical and straight.
3. With the help of your hands, raise the trunk and lower the legs over the head.
4. Your toes should touch the ground. Push your legs slightly beyond the head.
5. Arms should be straight in the beginning position.
6. Hold this position for 1 or 2 minutes according to your capacity.
7. After that, lower your back, buttocks and legs slowly to the ground as in the starting position.

1. It clams down the nervous system, reduces stress and tension.
2. It tones the legs and improves flexibility.
3. It stimulates the thyroid gland and strengthens the immune system.
4. It helps in increasing height of children.
5. It helps to manage diabetes
6. It improves blood circulation.
7. It helps in reducing/preventing obesity.

1. Avoid this asana if you have any injury in your neck or suffering from high blood pressure.
2. Women should avoid this asana during pregnancy.
3. Avoid it in case of sciatica problems.
4. Avoid it in case of slipped discs.
Paschimottanasana : Paschimottanasana is the posture when we sit and bend forward. It is the
5th mudra out of the 12 postures of Hatha Yoga. The word Paschimottanasana is made up of the words
‘Paschim’ (West) meaning back, ‘Uttan’ meaning fast stretch and ‘asana’ meaning posture. This asana
completely stretches the back part of the body.

1. Paschimottanasana is done in a sitting pose.
2. In this, spread your legs straight, connecting and stretching them in front of you. Keep both the
feet towards the ceiling.
3. While inhaling, pull both your hands upwards, as straight as possible.
4. Leaning forward while exhaling.
5. With your hands, hold the toes of the feet, keep in mind that while bending forward, the knees
should not rise from the ground and the elbows should remain on the ground.
6. Take care that while sitting, the spine is straight and the head is on the knees. Many people find
it beneficial that it eliminates the flesh from below, so that there is a twist in the spine.
7. Keep normal breathing, stay in this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
8. While inhaling, move both your hands over the head and lift the head, neck and waist part upwards
and come to the sitting position.

1. It alleviates gas trouble.
2. It prevents the early ossification of bones.
3. It is a good remedy for constipation.
4. It helps to overcome several menstrual disorders.
5. It gives relief in sciatica, backache and asthma.
6. It reduces obesity.
7. It is helpful in treating abdominal diseases.
8. It is helpful in curing skin diseases.
9. Vertebra becomes flexible and healthy.

1. If you are suffering from enlarged liver or spleen or acute appendicitis, you should never do this
2. Avoid doing this asana if you suffer from any respiratory diseases.
3. If you have any back or spinal problem, make sure that you perform this asana only under expert
Ardh-Matseyendrasana: In Sanskrit, ‘ardh’ means ‘half ’ and ‘Matsya’ means fish. It is also
called the pose of the half-lord of fishes. In this posture, the spine is bent in half because it is very
difficult to bend completely. The name Ardha-Matsyendrasana of this asana is derived from the name of
Matsyendranath, the founder of Yoga.

1. Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Keep both the feet together, the spine should be
2. In this bend the left leg and keep the left heel close to the right foot, and bend the right knee and
place right foot on the ground. If it is difficult to bend, then you can keep it straight.
3. Keep the right foot in front of you above the left knee.
4. The left knee should remain close to the chest.
5. Keep the left hand on the right knee and keep the right hand behind.
6. Look from the top of the right arm while turning the neck, arm and waist from the right side.
7. Keep in mind that the spine should be straight.
8. Maintain this state and take long, deep normal breaths.
9. While exhaling, first release the right hand, then the waist, chest and leave the neck loose. Then
sit comfortably straight.
10. Staying on one side for 30 seconds do it with the other leg.
11. Repeat the same process from the other side as well.
12. Exhale and come back to the front.

1. Unnecessary fat gets removed from the body and the body becomes beautiful and shapely.
2. In this posture, the spinal cord gets massaged, due to which the spinal cord becomes flexible.
3. This asana is helpful in removing the waste materials of the digestive system from the body.
4. This asana cleans the internal organs.
6. This is an asana to remove back-ache, tension, headache and pain during menstruation.

1. To avoid the extra obesity, there are many other precautions that should be followed, physical
activities should be done daily.
2. Fatty food should be avoided because fat is high in calories. These extra calories gets stored in the
form of fat in the body, due to which obesity occurs.
3. Frequent eating should be avoided. Due to frequent eating, the amount of calories increases, due
to which obesity occurs.
4. Physical activities should be done daily.
5. Stay away from foods rich in carbohydrates, such as rice, sugar, potatoes, chocolate, toffee and
sweet things etc., however carbohydrates increase energy levels, but consuming too much can lead
to obesity.
6. Do not skip your meals, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner. By doing this, the appetite increases
even more, due to which more is eaten the next time.
7. One should stay away from alcohol, smoking and intoxicants because they get deposited in the
form of fat in the blood vessels.
Dhanurasana : Dhanurasana gets its name from the sanskrit word ‘dhanura’ which means a Bow
and ‘asana’ which means pose. It is one of the basic Hatya Yoga asanas. This asana attain the meditation
and strengths body.

(a) Lie flat on your stomach, with your arms placed beside your body and feet hip-width apart.
(b) Now, gently fold your knees and try to place your ankles on your buttocks.
(c) Hold your ankles with your hands.
(d) Try to lift your thighs and chest off the ground as high as possible.
(e) Now try to maintain this position for about 30–60 seconds.
(f) To get out of the posture, leave your ankles and lay straight again.

(a) It stimulates your digestive system.
(b) It helps to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles and increases the flexibility of your spine.
(c) This asana helps to stimulate reproductive organs.
(d) It strengthens and tones your arms.
(e) It helps in proper development of breasts.
(f) It calms the mind.
(g) It helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

(a) Do not practice this asana if your have neck or lower back injuries.
(b) Do not practice this asana if you have undergone any abdominal surgery recently.
(c) Avoid this asana if you have problems like blood pressure, ulcers, migraine, headache or hernia.
(d) Do not practice this asana during pregenancy or menstruation.
9. Ustrasana : ‘Ustrasana’ is a sanskrit word which is composed of two words ‘ustra’ and ‘asana’
which mean ‘camel’ and ‘pose’, respectively. This asana is understood to help open the heart chakra
(Anahata Chakra).

1. Sit in vjrasana on the mat.
2. Stand on the knees. Keep the thighs fully straight. Keep the knees and feet together.
3. Lean in the backward direction. Slowly move more backward. Reach the right heel with the right
hand, and the left heel with the left hand. Avoid straining the body.
4. Push the hips in the forward direction. The thighs should be kept vertical.
5. Then bend the head and the spine as backward and as far as possible without straining.
6. Relax the body and the muscles of the back.
7. Support the body weight equally on the legs and arms.
8. Keep the arms in such a way that they anchor the shoulders to maintain the back arch. Stay in
the same position for as long as you find it comfortable.
9. Then release the hands from the heels one by one and return to the starting position.

1. It helps to strengthen your back muscles, buttocks and back of thighs.
2. It is beneficial in relieving back and neck pain.
3. It is also helpful in reducing fats over the abdomen and hips.
4. It is also helpful in various digestive problems and cardio-respiratory disorders.
5. It improves spinal mobility and improves the posture.
6. It opens the heart chakra (Anahata Chakra).
7. It stimulates the thyroid gland.
8. Regular practice of this asana is helpful in getting rid of menstrual discomforts.
9. Activates the brain cells and makes it function better by improving blood circulation.

1. Those who are suffering from high or low blood pressure should avoid practising this asana.
2. Those who are suffering from insomnia should avoid this asana.
3. In case of migraine, it should be avoided.
4. Usually, weak back or injured back may not allow you to do this pose.
Surya Bhedana Pranayama : The meaning of ‘Surya’ is Sun and the meaning of the word ‘Bhedana’
is piercing, enter or breaking through something. In terms of yoga right nadi (right nostril) is called
suryanadi or Pingala, and Left nadi (left nostril) is named as Chandra nadi or Ida nadi. Surya Bhedana
Pranayama or Surya Bhedi Pranayama is very effective and most important pranayama mentioned in
Hatha yoga Pradipika

1. Sit comfortably in Padmasana or Siddhasana.
2. Keep your head and spine ereact with eye closed.
3. Close your left nostril with your ring finger and little finger.
4. Now breathe in (inhale) slowly and deeply through your right nostril.
5. Then exhale through only your right nostril slowly.
6. This is one cycle. Repeat the same process for 5 to 10 times.

1. It is helpful in reducing anxiety, depression and other mental illness.
2. It is helpful in awakening the kundalini shakti.

3. Regular practice of this pranayama cures all diseases that are created by the insufficiency of
oxygen in the blood.
4. It cleans the frontal sinuses.
5. It increases prana or vitality in the body, especially when you feel low.
6. Removes the impurities of blood and cures skin diseases.
7. It creates a lot of energy in the body.
8. It boosts the appetite.
9. It cures gas problems.
10. It is the best breathing exercise for cold, cough and other respiratory problems.

1. It should be avoided if you are suffering from higher blood pressure or heart disease.
2. It should be avoided in summer.
3. Its practice should be avoided in case of epilepsy.
4. It should not be practised in late night as it may be difficult to fall sleep.

1. Which asana causes strain in the back muscles?
(a) Shalabhasana (b) Bhujangasana
(c) Ardha-matsyendrasana (d) None of these
2. Obesity is called :
(a) Disease (b) Great disease
(c) Prestige (d) None of these
3. What is the full form of BMI?
(a) Body Mass Index (b) Body Measurement Index
(c) Body Motivation Index (d) Body Mold Index
4. Which asana is known by the name of a person?
(a) Vajrasana (b) Vakrasana
(c) Matsyendrasana (d) Bhujangasana
5. Obesity means :
(a) Decrease in insulin (b) Enlargement of heart
(c) Increase in body fat (d) None of these
6. What percentage of the person’s (normal) weight is more, then he will be called obese?
(a) 15% (b) 20%
(c) 25% (d) 30%
7. Which one of the following asanas is not done for obesity?
(a) Vajrasana (b) Trikonasana
(c) Ardhmatsyendrasana (d) Pawanmuktasana
8. Which asana is done for the treatment of obesity?
(a) Savasana (b) Shalabhasana
(c) Vajrasana (d) Sukhasana
9. Choose a lifestyle disease.
(a) Obesity (b) Cancer
(d) PCOD (d) TB

Short Answer Type Questions
1. What are the symptoms of obesity?
2. Write some benefits of Dhanurasana.
3. Write contraindications of Suryabhedana prayanayama.
4. What is the procedure of katichakrasana?
5. Rohan’s body weight is 20% more than his ideal body weight. He is a student of class 10th.
According to you, what can be the reasons for the extra weight of his body?
6. Write the benefits of Halasana.
7. What are the ways to prevent obesity?
8. Tell how Tadasana is helpful in the management of obesity?
9. What modifications can be done to learn Ardha Matsyendrasana?

Long Answer Type Questions

1. What do you mean by obesity? Explain asanas that prevent obesity.
2. Explain the procedures, benefits and precautions of Paschimottansana.
3. Discuss in detail the yogic methods for the management of obesity.
4. Explain the procedure and benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana.
5. What do you understand by obesity or fatness? Which asanas are useful to avoid this? Explain in
6. Describe the method, benefits and precautions of Pawanmuktasana.

Procedure, Benefits and Contradications for Katichakrasana, Pawanmuktasana, Bhungasana,
Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Supta-Vajarasana, Paschimottanasana, Ardha-Mastendrasana,
Mandukasana, Gomukasana, Yogmudra, Ushtrasana, Kapalabhati
Diabetes is a disorder that causes to make extra quantity of sugar in blood which is more than it should
be used by the cells of the body. It is very dangerous for the human body. This is the reason of a lot of
problems and diseases like, renal failure, visual disorders, improper functioning of limbs, prolonged
healing, obesity and heart attack as well. It has the symptoms like increased hunger, thirst, frequent
urination, tiredness, blur vision, lack of sensation in limbs, prolonged healing process and weight loss.
The insulin hormone is the sugar controller of the body but if insulin is not sufficient in the body then
a person can suffer from diabetes. Proper and balanced diet, working out to burn extra fat, and avoidance
of sweets in regular practice can prevent a person from diabetes. A person who suffers from diabetes
has to take a lot of care of the food that he eats. A person can not get rid of diabetes completely but all
required precaution should be taken to minimise its harms and affects. Medicines can only prevent it
from aggrevating further. Diabetes is of two types.
Type 1. Diabetes: It is caused by an autoimmune reaction that stops your body from making insulin.
Type 1. Diabetes is rare among people.
Type 2 Diabetes: It is caused when body is not able to use insulin and hence blood sugar does not
remain at normal level.
In type I diabetes, Insulin is not produced in pancreatic glands, whereas in type 2 diabetes, the body
cannot produce required insulin as per the need of the body. Type 1 diabetes is rarely found but Type
2 diabetes is more common among people. Nowadays it is one of the common diseases existing in our
society. A Diabetic person should live a disciplined life and perform various asanas to lead a normal life.
Diabetes mellitus is a nutritional disorder. Common symptoms in patients with diabetes are:
1. Increased thirst and urination
2. Increased hunger
3. Feeling tired
4. Blurred vision
5. Numbness or tingling in the feet or hands
6. Sores that do not heal
7. Unexplained weight loss
8. Heart-related diseases like heart attack, etc.
The cause of diabetes type-II
1. Insulin resistance
2. Bad/ unhealthy lifestyle.
3. Due to physical inactivity
4. Obesity
Due to diabetes, the chances of kidney failure, loss of vision, heart attack and nerve damage etc.
increases. Diabetes can be prevented or treated if the pancreas continues to function properly. There are
some asanas that increase the functionality of the pancreas.
Some asana are recommended for diabetes here as under:
1. Katichakrasana 2. Pawanmuktasana
3. Bhungasana 4. Shalabhasana
5. Dhanurasana 6. Supta-Vajarasana

7. Paschimottanasana 8. Ardha-mastendrasana
9. Mandukasana 10. Gomukasana,
11. Yogmudra 12. Ushtrasana
13. Kapalabhati Pranayam
Bhujangasana : It is called Bhujangasana because the shape of the body looks like that of a puffed-
up snake. In English it is also called ‘Cobra’ pose. This asana is a part of Surya Namaskar posture.

1. Lie down on prone position (on you belly) on a mat on flat surface.
2. Hands by your side and joining both the legs together.
3. Bring both the hands to the right-left side in between your shoulder and chest.
4. The fingers are closed and facing ground.
5. Bend both the hands at the elbows and keep them down on the armpits.
6. While inhaling, lift the part up to the chest, torso and abdomen.
7. Stretch the head and neck also upwards.
8. Exhale and come back to the previous position.
9. First put the torso then the forehead on the ground.
10. Breathing can become normal after staying for a long time.
11. This asana can be done from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

1. Its very good for cervical spondilysis patients.
2. Its cures the spine deformity Kyphosis, drop neck & round shoulders.
3. It alleviates obesity.
4. It provides strength and agility.
5. It cures the disorders of urinary bladder.
6. It cures the diseases of liver.
7. It improves blood circulation.
8. It makes the vertebral column flexible and thin.
9. It cures gas disorders, constipation and indigestion.
10. It strengthens the muscles of hands.

1. This asana should be avoided by individuals who suffer from hernia, back injuries, headaches and
recent abdominal surgeries.
2. Pregnant women should not perform this asana.
Shalabhasana : While doing Shalabhasana the body posture is like the insect locust. That is why,
it is called Shalabhasana.

1. Lie on your stomach and place both your hands on the bottom of the thighs.
2. Keep the chin on the ground.
3. Now raise both the legs slowly without bending knees.
4. Hold this position for a few moments according to your capacity.
5. Slowly bring the legs down and come back to the original position.

6. Inhale while lying on the ground and inhale while raising the legs.
7. While bringing the legs down, exhales.
8. Repeat this asana for five times.

1. It improves posture.
2. It reduces anxiety and stress.
3. This asana gives relief in back pain and the problem of cervical-spondylitis, sciatica and slip disc.
4. It produces tension in the spine, waist, thighs and legs.
5. It improves digestion.
6. The nerves of the neck and arms get strength.

1. Do not practice this asana if the spine is weak.
2. Do not do this asana even if you have a stomach operation.
3. If someone has a weak heart or high blood pressure, then this asana should not be practiced.
4. Those who are suffering from hernia should never do this asana.

Dhanurasana is a sanskrit word that means ‘bow pose’ in English. Dhanurasana is named so because it
looks like an archer’s bow. This pose requires a bit of balancing ability.

1. Lie down flat on your stomach and place your hands parallel to your torso.
2. Palms facing upward. Inhale deeply and lift your feet off the ground and bend your knees.
3. Simultaneously, lift your hands off the ground and hold your ankles gently.
4. Raise your thighs, head and chest as high as you can.
5. Stretch and bring the toes or ankles towards your head. Look upward and hold this pose for at
least 15 seconds.
6. Then exhale and release the pose. Lower your head, chest, thighs and feet back towards the
7. Relax for few seconds and then repeat the pose.

1. It strengthens the back and abdominal muscles and improves the digestive process.
2. It improves the strength of your thighs, chest, neck and shoulders.
3. It alleviates neck strain and helps to cure neck pain.
4. It alleviates stress and fatigue.
5. It relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation.
6. It helps to reduce excess fats around the belly, waist and hips.
7. It reduces the stiffness of muscles, ligaments and nerves in the back, arms, legs, shoulders and
8. It helps in curing diabetes because it gives massage to the liver and pancreas.
9. It helps in reducing back pain.

1. Avoid the practice of this asana in case of hernia and high or low blood pressure.
2. You should not practice this pose if you have neck injury, pain in lower back and migraine.
3. Avoid it in case of abdominal surgery in recent period.
4. Women should avoid practising this pose during pregnancy.
Supta-Vajrasana : It belongs to the group Thunderbolt Pose. It also, resembles Fish Pose except
for the position of the legs. Supta vajrasana consists of three words: Supta, Vajra and asana. Supta is a
Sanskrit word, where it means sleeping or ‘lying on the back’ Vajra means’ thunderbolt and ‘asana’ is a
yoga pose. So, it is also called sleeping thunderbolt pose.

1. Sit in Vajrasana. Bend your back with the support of an elbow first and following the other elbow
2. In this position, the elbows should support the body.Bring back the head to the floor releasing the
support of elbows.
3. Then lie on your back. Subsequently, place the palms on the thighs.
4. Bring the top of the head towards the floor by making an arch on your back.
5. Check the knees are touching the floor.
6. Place the hands on the thighs. Breathe normally.
7. Keep the position as long as it is comfortable.

1. It improves the digestive system and removes constipation.
2. It is good for Asthma and respiratory disorders.
3. It stretches the lower spine that tones the spinal nerves and muscles in the region.
4. It tones the thigh muscles.
5. It also improves the flexibility of the upper legs.

1. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana.
2. This asana should not be practiced by anyone who is suffering from high blood pressure.
3. Avoid this asana if you have a slipped disc.
4. Avoid this asana if you have ankle, knee, or back problem.

Mandukasana : Mandukasana or the Frog Pose tones all the organs in the abdomen and is excellent
for diabetes. In Sanskrit, ‘Manduka’ means frog and ‘Asana’ means a pose.

1. Sit in Vajrasana or the thunderbolt pose.
2. Make a fist with both hands with the thumb tucked inside the four fingers.
3. Place the two fists on the abdomen on both sides of the navel.
4. Exhale and pull the abdomen slightly inside. Slowly bend forward and press the navel with both
the fists.
5. Keep the back as straight as possible and look forward in the bend position.

6. Keep the breath outside in this position and maintain it for as long as you are comfortable.
7. To release the pose, inhale and slowly raise the trunk up to kneeling position.
8. Bring the hands back to the sides and relax.
9. Repeat this for 3 - 5 times.

1. Mandukasana tones all organs in the abdomen including the stomach.
2. It is good for the pancreas and has beneficial for diabetes.
3. It relieves constipation.
4. It can reduce extra fat in the belly, waist and thighs and helps in weight reduction.
5. Mandukasana improves digestive and excretory functions.
6. It gives stretch to the back muscles.
7. It can relive pain in the knees, legs and ankles.

1. It should not be perform by pregnant women.
2. Those who have back pain should avoid this asana.
3. Those who have any injury of the knees or hips should avoid doing Mandukasana.
4. If you had any recent surgery of the abdomen, chest, knees or legs, then avoid doing this pose.
Gomukhasana : The shape of the body appears similar to that of a cow, hence it is called Gomukhasana.
In English it is called the Cow Face Pose. ‘Go’ also means ‘light’. Hence Gomukh also means inner light
or head light.

1. Sit in the position of Sukhasana and keep the heel of the left foot close to the right buttocks.
2. Bend the right leg while doing it above the left thigh, in such a way that the knee of the right leg
is on the knee of the left leg.
3. They should be on each other and the heel and toe part should touch the buttock.
4. Fold the left hand behind the back and move the palms upwards.
5. Raise the right hand on the right arm and while turning it backwards, bind the hands together
by bending the elbows.
6. Slowly pull both the hands in your direction. Keep your bent right hand upwards as per your
7. Keep your body straight and your eyes facing forward.
8. Keep breathing under control and stay in this state for about 30 seconds or remain in same pose
as far as possible.
9. At the end, while exhaling slowly, gradually again sit in the position of Sukhasana.
10. Do it by changing legs also.

1. This asana is also beneficial in other diseases, such as arthritis, sciatica, dyspepsia, constipation,
dhatu disease, heartburn, back pain, sexual disorder, leucorrhoea and piles.
2. It is also useful for improving the working capacity of the kidneys.
3. The shoulders becomes, flexible and strong.

1. This asana should not be done if there is pain in the shoulders, back, neck, buttocks and knees.
2. In the beginning, do not force if you are not able to hold both the hands behind the back. Practice
this gradually.
3. Do not perform it if you have sciatica.
4. This asana is prohibited in pregnancy.
Yog Mudra : There are many types of postures described in Yoga Mudra. Here we are describing
about simple posture. Our body is made up of five elements (tatva) earth, water, fire, air and sky. To
keep the body healthy it is necessary to have control on them. Scientific study of postures in yoga we can
have control over them with the help of fingers and thumbs.
Basic Five Elements of Body and Relation of Hand
1. Thumb : Agani Tatva
2. Index Finger : Vayu Tatva
3. Middle Finger : Akash Tatva
4. Ring Finger : Jal Tatva
5. Little Finger : Prathvi Tatva

Prathvi Mudra
1. The earth mudra (Prathvi Mudra) is formed when the little finger is folded and the tip of it is made
circular with the tip of the thumb.
2. It is much beneficial if one sits sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana with both hands.
3. Earth element gains strength and weakness of body is removed.
4. Skin shines and face glows.
5. Self control and endorance increases.

Pran Vaayu Mudra

1. After this, tip of tow fingers Ring and Middle folded circular should touch the tip of thumb.
2. First of all folded tip of Index should thouch the base of thumb.
3. Air is controled by this mudra.
4. It isncreases the immunity power of body.
5. It is useful for heart deases, piles and constipation.

Appaan Vaayu Mudra

1. Fold Middle finger and touch its tip to base of thumb.
2. Keep the other fingers straight.
3. After it press middle finger with thumb.
4. Through this sky element remains in control.
5. It is zero (soonay) mudra.

Pran Vaayu Mudra

1. This mudra is useful in ear pain.

Soonya Mudra
1. Since ancient times, yogis have been practicing yoga postures along with yoga and pranayama to
attain a state of meditation and samadhi and to awaken the horoscope (Kundalini).
2. Face glows and skin shines.
3. Normal man can also practice this mudra to keep his body healthy and calm mind.

Agani/Surya Mudra
1. First of all fold Ring finger with its tip thouch the base of thumb.
2. Practice this mudra from 5 to 15 minutes daily.
3. It improves digestive system.
4. It is useful in reducing cholesterol.
5. Now, press Ring with Thumb.
6. In this way Agani Mudra is made.
7. Fear, grief and stress go away.
8. It is useful mudra for obese people and those who have problem of acidity.

Jal Mudra
1. Jal mudra is formed when tip of folded Ring finger is thouched with the tip of thumb.
2. It increases thirst.
3. Water caused diseases go away.
4. It is helpful in unirary problems.

Vaayu Mudra
1. First of all folded Index finger should touch the base of thumb.
2. After this press folded Index finger to thumb. It is vaayu mudra.
3. By practicing this mudra gas remains under control.
4. Gastic diseases like gathiya gas, dakkar aana, ulati, go away by practicing this mudra formation.
It is also useful for eye problems.

Kapalbhati Pranayama : Kapalbhati Pranayama is also known as the Skull Shining Breathing
Technique that exerts profound physiological effects on cardiovascular and mind.

1. Sit in Padmasana and close your eyes and keep the spine straight.
2. Take a deep breath (inhale deeply) through your both nostrils until your lungs are full of air.
3. Exhale through both nostrils forcefully, so your stomach will go deep inside. As you exhale you
feel some pressure in your stomach.
4. While the process of exhaling there is a hissing sound, at this point try to think that your disorders
are coming out of your nose.
5. Repeat this process for 5 minutes.

1. It generates heat in the system to help dissolve toxins and waste matter.
2. It adds beauty to your face and glowing skin
3. It improves digestion, improves the function of kidneys and liver.
4. It cure all general intestinal problems.
5. It cure dark circles around the eyes.
6. It improves the blood circulation problem in whole body parts.
7. It also helps in regaining poise in emotions.
8. It’s beneficial for diabetic patients.
9. It calms your mind and rejuvenates your digestion system.
10. It is helpful in respiratory-related problems.

1. Person suffering from ulcers should avoid this Pranayama.
2. Avoid Kapalbhati in case of high blood pressure.
3. Person suffering from heart disease must avoid this Pranayama.
4. Person suffering from stroke or epilepsy should avoid this Pranayama.

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Bhujangasana should not be done by women’s who are :
(a) Pregnant (b) Newly married
(c) Adult (d) Adolescent girls
2. Yoga by Paschimottanasana which of the following is one of the 12 postures?
(a) Third (b) First
(c) Fifth (d) Seventh
3. A person suffering from which disease should not do Pawanmuktasana?
(a) Asthma (b) Constipation
(c) Sleep disorders (d) Hemorrhoids
4. How many types of diabetes are there?
(a) Three (b) Five
(c) Four (d) Two
5. Which asana is best for diabetes?
(a) Vajrasana (b) Trikonasana
(c) Ardha Matsyendrasana (d) Shalbhasana
6. If the pancreas is not able to make enough insulin, it can lead to disease.
(a) Obesity (b) Hypertension
(c) Migraine (d) Diabetes
7. Which mudra is useful in ear pain?
(a) Soonya Mudra (b) Appan Vaayu Mudra
(c) Jal Mudra (d) Vaayu Mudra

Short Answer Type Questions

1. State the benefits of Paschimottanasana.
2. What ido you mean by Yog Mudra?
3. Mention two asanas to prevent diabetes.
4. Which asana is useful for diabetes?
5. Elucidate the correct breathing procedure while doing Paschimottanasana.
6. Highlight the method of Ardha Matsyendrasana.
7. What are the symptoms of type II diabetes?
8. How does Bhujangasana help in controlling diabetes?

Long Answer Type Questions

1. What lifestyle changes should be made to prevent diabetes?
2. Discuss the techniques and benefits of Bhujangasana.
3. Explain the symptoms of diabetes and explain the diabetes.
4. Define Diabetes? Describe the asanas used to control diabetes.


Asthma is a disease of lungs in which the airways become blocked or narrowed causing difficulty in
breathing. In asthma, the airways also swell up and produce extra mucus. It usually triggers coughing,
wheezing or whistling and shortness of breath. The coughing usually occurs at night or early in the
morning. The excessive amount of mucus in the passage further narrows the airways because it is sticky
and thick. For some people it can be a minor nuisance, whereas for others it can be a major problem
that can hinder their daily activities and usually leads to a life threatening asthma attack. Asthma is
such a disease that it cannot be cured or treated permanently but its symptoms can be controlled. up
to some extent. Asthma can be allergic and non- allergic. Asthma may be due to genetic factor. There
are substances that cause allergies (allergens) like irritants in the air including smoke from cigarettes,
wood-fires, strong fumes, sprays, perfumes or scented soaps, etc., respiratory infections such as cold, flu,
sore throat and sinus infections, exercising in cold air (exercise-induced asthma) and some medications
such as beta blockers, asprin, non-steroid anti inflammatory drugs, etc. The symptoms of asthma can be
controlled up to some extent if the following asanas are practised regularly.

Symptoms :
1. Cough 5. Tightness of chest
2. Wheezing 6. Exhaustion
3. Whistling sound while breathing 7. Pain in hands, feet, arms and back
4. Difficulty in breathing

Causes of Asthma :
1. Pollution is the major cause of asthma but cigarette smoking and passive smoking are also the
major cause of asthma.
2. Some times allergy is also a cause for asthma. This allergy could be caused by pets and some
particular kind of smell.
3. Dust and fumes are also the cause of this disease.Preventive Asanas

Urdhwahastottansana : Meaning of ‘Hast’ is hand and ‘Uttan’ means upward ‘Asana’ means pose.
This asana is performed in a standing position.

1. Stand straight on land joining both foot.
2. You may stand like Tadasana.
3. Take your hands over the head with breathing and interlocking the fingers of both hands.
4. Mind, your hands should aline the head. In this way you will feel more stress by side, that is good
for your body.
5. Releasing breath bend your waist to left.
6. Stay in the same state for some time.

7. Now, get in the prior position slowly.
8. Repeat the same with right side.
9. Here complete one round.
10. You can practice more rounds as per your desire.

1. It aids in digestion.
2. This asana helps in reducing body weight. It removes fats from hips and buttocks due to adequate
stretch in these positions.
3. It helps to improve spinal curvature. That is why it is beneficial for spinal health.
4. It relieves the muscle pain in the neck, shoulders and arms.
5. It helps in relieving constipation as it ensures proper movement of stomach and intestines.
6. It also helps in relieving back pain.
7. Up to some extent, sciatica pain can be reduced.
8. It relaxes the whole body.
9. This asana helps in increasing the height of children and adolescents. That is why is usually
practised by those who have desire to increase height.

1. In case of dizziness, it should not be performed.
2. This asana should not be practised during the period of pregnancy.
3. Before practising this asana, a yoga expert must be consulted if someone is having insomnia.
4. In case of leg pain, it should be avoided.
5. In case of injury of neck or shoulders, the practice of this asana should be avoided.
Uttan Mandukasana (Upward Salute Pose) : ‘Uttana’ refers to ‘stretched up’ or ‘upright’,
‘Manduka’ means ‘Frog’, and ‘asana’ refers to ‘pose’. The posture of Uttana Mandukasana resembles an
upright frog that is why it is called Uttana Mandukasana.

1. Sit in Vajrasana.
2. Spread both the knees as wide as possible placing hands between the knees for support.
3. Place the chin to the chest attaining the Jalandhara Bandha.
4. Raise your right arm and bend it at the elbow to place the right hand below the left shoulder.
5. Similarly, raise the left arm and bend it to place the left palm below the right shoulder.
6. The left wrists are placed crossing over the right one behind the head.
7. Hold the pose for 3-10 breaths expanding the chest fully and lengthening arching the spine.
8. Release by lifting the left arm followed by the right arm and lower them to the knees.
9. Bring your knees closer to sit in the initial pose.

1. Helps in relieving stress and anxiety.
2. It helps to cure sciatica.
3. It elongates the spine.
4. It enhances the abdominal strength.
5. It Tones the arm muscles, shoulder blades and elbows.
6. It strengthens the leg muscles.

7. It improves the coordination of knees and ankles and strengthens the hip joint, knees, thighs,
calves, and ankles.
8. Removes extra accumulated fat in the belly region, which enables you to become slim and keeps
you healthy and fit.
9. Improves functional efficiency of pancreas.

1. It is best to avoid this pose during pregnancy.
2. Do not try this asana if you have a disability in your hip joint.
3. Avoid this asana if there is a pain in the shoulders, elbows, and knees.

Vakrasana : Vakrasana is a simple form of Ardhamatsyendrasana. The word vakra means crooked.
Therefore, in this posture, one is seated crooked or bent. In this posture, the spinal cord is twisted, hence
it is called Vakrasana. This asana is a panacea for the spine itself. It makes the spine flexible, healthy
and active.

1. Start in a sitting position with legs stretched out and hands resting on the ground by the side.
2. Slightly bend your left leg while keeping the sole of your feet resting on the ground. Keep your
right leg straight on the ground.
3. Twist your torso towards the left and bring in your right hand over the left leg.
4. The right hand should be placed over the left toe or you can hold the left ankle with your right
5. Position the left hand behind to support the body. The neck is in a twisted position, in line with
the torso.
6. Keep a normal breath in this position and maintain the pose for at least 30 seconds.
7. Now, release the pose by slowing releasing the hands.
8. Twist towards your right and assume the normal forwards looking position.
9. Bring the hands to the side of the body, resting on the ground.
10. Lower the left leg and let it rest on the ground.
11. Repeat the same steps on the right side as well. Do as many rounds of Vakrasanaas comfortable.
12. Rest in Shavasana after you practice the yoga twist poses.

1. It improves the function of the pancreas, which is beneficial for people with diabetes.
2. It regulates the secretion of digestive juices, improving digestion and combating constipation.
3. It massages the abdominal organs and helps reduce belly fat.
4. It makes the spine flexible.
5. It strengthens the back and helps with chronic back and shoulder pain.
6. It also helps support healthy adrenal glands.
7. This asana improves the functions of the spinal cord and nervous system.
8. It helps control diabetes.
9. It gives relief in back pain and groin pain.
10. It massages the internal organs such as kidney, pancreas, liver and adrenal gland.

1. Vakrasana should not be done in case of stomach pain.
2. It should not be done in case of knee pain.
3. Pregnant women should not perform this asana.
4. Do not do this asana even if you have a back surgery.
5. Avoid if there is pain in the elbow.
6. Do not perform this asana if you have high blood pressure.
7. A person suffering from hernia or ulcer also should not do this asana.

Anuloma-Viloma : Anuloma literally means ‘in a natural order or direction’ and viloma means ‘produced
in reverse order’. It is very helpful in respiratory-related diseases like Asthma.

1. Choose a meditation sitting pose. Keep your spine and neck straight and close your eyes.
2. Clear your mind of everything outside of this moment.
3. Start with your outer wrists resting on your knees.
4. Using your right hand, fold your middle and index fingers toward your palm.
5. Place your thumb on your right nostril and your ring finger on your left nostril.
6. Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale through your left nostril, slowly and deeply,
until your lungs are full. Focus on your breathing.
7. Next, release your thumb and close your left nostril with your ring finger.
8. Exhale slowly through the right nostril.
9. Now practice it in reverse, this time inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the
10. Throughout the process, be conscious of your breathing and how it affects both body and mind.
11. Try this for 1 to 2 minutes to start. It may feel a little strange the first time you attempt it, so only
do it as long as you’re comfortable.

1. Regular practice of anulom-vilom improves the functioning of the lungs and also enhances the
endurance level.
2. It helps to treat several health conditions like asthma, allergic problems, constipation, gastric
acidity and migraine.
3. It helps in managing stress, tension, anxiety and depression.
4. It improves focus and concentration.
5. It helps in boosting immunity.
6. It provides oxygen to the whole body in ample amount.
7. It helps in improving memory and retaining information for longer periods of time.
8. It ensures sound sleep.

1. The practice of anulom-vilom is to be done only under the guidance of an expert yoga teacher.

2. In the beginning, retaining of breath for maximum time should be avoided.
3. The patients of heart diseases and hypertension should be very careful about retaining breath for
long time.
4. Do not do anulom-vilom if your stomach is full, as it may be harmful for your digestive system.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The disease related to the respiratory tract is called ………….
(a) Obesity (b) Back pain
(c) Diabetes (d) Asthma
2. Which of the following asanas is best for asthma?
(a) Trikonasana (b) Bhujangasana
(c) Pawanmuktasana (d) Chakrasana
3. Kapha, long breaths or tightness in the chest are the symptoms of .............
(a) Diabetes (b) Asthma
(c) Obesity (d) Back pain
4. Gomukhasana, Chakrasana and Matsyasana are helpful in the treatment of which disease?
(a) Diabete (b) Backpai
(c) Asthma (d) Obesity

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What is Asthma? Give any two reasons which are helpful in increasing the incidence of asthma.
2. How can Chakrasana prevent asthma?
3. Explain the procedure and benefits of Paschimottanasana.
4. List the preventive asanas for asthma and explain one of them.
5. Write the procedure and two benefits of Bhujangasana.
6. Explain the correct breathing process while doing Chakrasana.

‘Hyper’ means excess and ‘tension’ means stress. Having excess stress in the mind consistantly is called
hypertension. This can be the result of excess physical or mental work. This condition causes low blood
pressure in the body. Blood applies force on arteries which carry pure blood from heart to various organs
of the body and this force is known as blood pressure. Fluctuation in the blood pressure always depends
on the activity of a person. When a person feels nervousness, tension and excess stress on regular basis
then he might suffer from the problem of blood pressure which creates hypertension. Hypertension
affects a person both physically and mentally. Blood pressure increases with age, but nowadays due to
unhealthy lifestyle of people,hypertension has become very common.
Many people nowadays are suffring with this problem. Blood pressure is measured as systolic, this
is known as upper pressure and diastolic is lower pressure.When the heart contracts, it pushes the
blood through blood vessels and therefore the pressure of blood increases in arteries which is called
systolic blood pressure whereas when the heart relaxes then that pressure of blood is called diastolic
blood pressure. For eg, if a person has blood pressure count 120/80mm hg then the systolic pressure
is represented by first number i.e. 120 mm hg while the second number i.e. 80 mmhg represents the
diastolic pressure. Normal blood pressure of an adult is 120/80 mm hg. If blood pressure reading is
beyond 140/90 mm hg then it is said to be suffering from hypertension.
High blood pressure means a condition in which the force of blood against the walls of the artery
is very high i.e. blood pressure is the pressure on the walls of the arteries due to the heart acting as a
pump and blood flow.
Following asanas are beneficial for the high blood pressure or hypertension.
1. Tadasana 8. Vakrasana
2. Katichakrasana 9. Bhujangasana
3. Uttanpadasana 10. Makarasana
4. Ardha Halasana 11. Shavasana
5. Sarala Matyasana 12. Nadi-Shodhana Pranayam
6. Gomukhasana 13. Sitli Pranayam
7. Uttan Mandukasana
Causes: The main reason for high blood pressure are:
1. Stress
2. Unhealthy lifestyle
3. Smoking
4. Excessive consumption of tea, coffee, oil and spices in food
5. Consumption of coca-cola beverages
6. Hardening of arteries
7. Obesity & diabetes/diabetes
8. Constipation
9. Heredity

Symptoms of Hypertension
1. Dizziness 2. Excessive sweating.

3. Pain in hands, feet, arms and back.
4. Tired and unable to sleep
5. Pain in the back of the head and neck on waking up in the morning.
6. Shortness of breath and red face.
Role of Yoga in Control and Prevention of Hypertension By doing regular physical exercise and yoga,
the problem of high blood pressure can be controlled to a great extent. The following yogasanas are very
beneficial for the person suffering from high blood pressure.

Uttanpadasana : Uttanpadasana consists of two words: ‘uttana’ means ‘raised-upward’ and pada means
‘leg’. That is why it is also known as Raised leg pose.

1. Lie down in the supine position.
2. The legs should be straight, stretched, and without gaps.
3. The hands should be placed by the sides close to thighs.
4. Inhale, raise both the legs at a 30° angle without bending at the knees.
5. Maintain this position as long as you can.
6. While maintaining, this position inhale and exhale slowly.
7. Exhale and brings your legs down slowly.
8. Performs it for 3 to 5 times.

1. It is helpful in reducing weight.
2. It curves back pain.
3. It strengthens the abdominal muscles.
4. It is good for diabetic persons.
5. It helps in increasing blood circulation around the body.
6. It helps in relieving depression and anxiety.
7. It cures stomach disorders such as acidity, constipation and indigestion.
8. It is effective in boosting the health of the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and intestines.
9. It gives strength and balance to the body.

1. Avoid this asana if one is having abdominal surgery or acute abdominal pain.
2. One should avoid if having back pain.
3. Don’t practice during pregnancy.
4. It should be skipped during the menstruation cycle.
5. High blood pressure patients should avoid it.
6. It should be avoided during ulcer and slipped disc.
Ardha Halasana : ‘Ardha’ means half and ‘Hala’ means plough. It is an intermediate posture to
perform Halasana hence it is named as ArdhaHalasana.

1. Lie down in supine position.

2. Join both legs and keep your hand with the thighs.
3. Slowly breathe in and raise the leg perpendicular to the ground keeping the knee straight.
4. Hold the breathe and stay in this position as long as possible.
5. Breathe out and bring back your legs.
6. Come back to the normal position and relax for a while.
7. Repeat the same for 3 to 5 times.

1. It improves digestion and appetite.
2. It improves blood circulation.
3. It strengthens the thigh muscles and calf muscles.
4. It is helpful to reduce abdomen fat and lose weight.
5. It stimulates the abdominal organs.

1. People suffering from indigestion and constipation should avoid this practice.
2. Avoid this asana who are suffering from Urinary disorders.
3. People suffering from any cardiac problem, back pain, high blood pressure should avoid this
Sarala Matyasana : Sarala Matsyasana is also known as easy fish pose. It is a reclining back-
bending asana in hatha yoga.

1. Lie down on your back. Feet should be together.
2. Keep your hands under the hips. Palms should be facing downward.
3. Bring your elbows closer toward each other. While breathing in, lift the head and chest up.
4. Keeping the chest elevated, lower your head backward and touch the top of the head to the floor.
5. Place the weight on the elbows and not the head.
6. Maintain this pose as long as you comfortably can.
7. Take gentle long breaths in and out. Then lift the head up, lowering the chest and head to the
8. Bring your hands back along the sides of the body and relax.

1. It boosts the functions of the thyroid and thymus glands and finally improves immunity
2. It is beneficial for asthma and bronchitis.
3. It helps in relieving tension in the neck and shoulders.
4. The regular practice of this asana helps, i.e., conditions like disorders of menopause.
5. It is beneficial in case of constipation, indigestion and piles.
6. It provides relief from respiratory disorders by encouraging long and deep breathing.
7. It improves the functions of pelvic region.
8. This pose is excellent remedy for back-pain.

1. People suffering from high or low blood pressure should avoid this posture.
2. People suffering from Neck Injury should avoid this posture.
3. Pregnant women should avoid this asana.

Makarasana : The Sanskrit name Makarasana is derived from two words, the first ‘Makar’, means
Crocodile and the second ‘Asana’, meaning Posture. Makarasana is widely known as Crocodile Pose and
in English it is known as relaxation pose.

1. Lie flat on the ground on the stomach.
2. Toes should point outward.
3. Bend both the arms and keep the right palm on the left arm.
4. Keep your head on your left or right arm.
5. Relax in this pose for up to 10 minutes.
6. Close both the eyes and relax the whole mind and body.
7. Slowly release the posture.

1. It is beneficial for people suffering from asthma or other lung disorders as this asana elevates the
breathing and helps in respiring easily.
2. It improves the blood circulation in the body.
3. It is helpful in getting rid of stress, anxiety, depression, tension and fatigue.
4. It is helpful for people suffering from slipped disc, sciatica or other back ailments.
5. It is helpful for the functioning of abdominal organs.

1. Don’t put stress on the body during this asana.
2. Avoid practicing this asana in the disturbing atmosphere as it may disturb the peace of mind.
3. Those who have exaggerated lumbar curve should not practice Makarasana.
Shavasana : Nowadays people suffer from physical, mental fatigue and stress due to running race.
Shavasana is the best posture to remove the fatigue of the body and to relax the mind. In this asana, the
person has to lie down on the low ground like a dead body and that is why this asana has been named
as Shavasana. In English it is also known as Corpse Pose.

1. Lie on your back on a clean and flat place.
2. Keep both the hands at a distance of 6 inches from the body.
3. Keep your palms open facing towards the sky.
4. Keep a gap of one foot in both the feet.
5. Deep inhale and exhale.
6. Now slowly relax the whole body.
7. As, its relaxative asana and done in the last.
8. Focus on your body, from the toe of the feet to the top of the head by paying attention to each and
every part, all the organs have to be relaxed continuously.
9. Keep mouth and eyes closed.
10. At last feel that the body is just a dead body.

1. It cures many psychosomatic problems.
2. It helps to cure many cardiac problems.
3. It relaxes and calms the complete body.
4. It improves concentration and memory.
5. It increases energy levels.
6. It strengthens the nervous system.
7. It controls high blood pressure.
8. It relieves mental tension.
9. It gives new vigour to both mind and body simultaneously.
10. It regulates blood circulation and gives relief in various aches and pains.
11. The body relaxes and goes into a deep meditative state, which in turn repairs the cells and tissues
and releases stress.

1. In this way everyone can do Shavasana and there is no harm in doing Shavasana. But if the doctor
has forbidden you from lying on your back for some reason, then this asana should not be done.
2. The place for this asana should be quiet and free from pollution and noise.
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama : Nadis are subtle energy channels in the human body that can get
blocked due to various reasons. The Nadi Shodhan pranayama is a breathing technique that helps clear
these blocked energy channels, thus calming the mind. It (alternate nostril breathing) is an easy style of
alternate Nadi respiration, and appropriate for starting and advanced students.
According to hathyoga a person perform this pranayama by taking and realising breaths from right
and left nostrils.

1. Sit comfortably with your spine erect and shoulders relaxed. Keep a gentle smile on your face.
2. Place your left hand on the left knee, and palms open to the sky or in Chin Mudra (thumb and
index finger gently touching at the tips).
3. Place the tip of the index finger and middle finger of the right hand in between the eyebrows, the
ring finger and little finger on the left nostril, and the thumb on the right nostril. We will use the
ring finger and little finger to open or close the left nostril and thumb for the right nostril.
4. Press your thumb down on the right nostril and breathe out gently through the left nostril.
5. Now breathe in from the left nostril and then press the left nostril gently with the ring finger and
little finger. Removing the right thumb from the right nostril, breathe out from the right.
6. Breathe in from the right nostril and exhale from the left. You have now completed one round of
Nadi Shodhan pranayama. Continue inhaling and exhaling from alternate nostrils.
7. Complete 9 such rounds by alternately breathing through both the nostrils. After every exhalation,
remember to breathe in from the same nostril from which you exhaled. Keep your eyes closed
throughout and continue taking long, deep, smooth breaths without any force or effort.
8. Do not force the breathing, and keep the flow gentle and natural. Do not breathe from the mouth
or make any sound while breathing.
9. Do not use the Ujjayi breath.
10. Place the fingers very lightly on the forehead and nose. There is no need to apply any pressure.
11. In case you feel dull and are yawning after practicing Nadi Shodhan pranayama, check the time
you take to inhale and exhale. Your exhalation should be longer than inhalation.

1. Excellent breathing technique to calm and center the mind.
2. Our mind has a tendency to keep regretting or glorifying the past and getting anxious about the
3. Nadi Shodhan pranayama helps to bring the mind back to the present moment.
4. Works therapeutically for most circulatory and respiratory problems.
5. Releases accumulated stress in the mind and body effectively and helps to relax.
6. Helps harmonize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which correlates to the logical and
emotional sides of our personality.
7. Helps purify and balance the nadis - the subtle energy channels, thereby ensuring a smooth flow
of prana (life force) through the body.
8. Maintains body temperature.
Contradications : There is such contraindications for this pranayama
1. This pranayama is performed empty stomach.
2. One must perform this pranayama in a slow manner.
3. One must perform this asana in a peaceful way.
Sheetali Pranayama : The word Shitali is originally taken from the word ‘Sheetal’ which means
cold or soothing.

1. Sit comfortably in any meditative pose like Padmasana, Swastikasana etc.
2. Keep your back and neck erect.
3. Place your both hands on your knees.
4. Now bring your tongue all the way out and fold both sides upwards of the tongue like a tube or
5. Take a long, deep inhalation through the tube in the tongue which is formed by folding both sides
of the tongue.
6. After inhalation, lower your chin to the chest (Jalandhar bandha) and hold the breath about 6 to
8 seconds. (During retention of breath lower and bend the chin downward resting it on the throat
7. When you feel like breathe out release the Jalandhar bandha (lift your chin to the normal position)
and exhale slowly by the left nadi (nostril).
8. Repeat it about 5 to 6 times.
9. In the end, bring your breathing back to normal and feel relax.

1. Sheetali Pranayama is useful in diseases related to tongue, mouth and throat.
2. It is very beneficial in diseases of the spleen.
3. It is helpful in fever and indigestion.
4. It is controls the High B.P.
5. It is useful in pitta related diseases.
6. It is purifies the blood.
7. It is best for cooling down the body temperature.
8. It is best for fighting against the Insomnia problem.
9. It calms the mind, and it’s an effective stress buster.

1. A person suffering from low B.P. should avoid this Pranayama.
2. A person suffering from cold, cough and congestion should avoid this Pranayama.
3. Avoid doing this Pranayama who is suffering from respiratory-related problems/ Asthma.
4. It should not be performed in cold weather conditions.

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Another name of Tadasana is?
(a) Height tree Asana (b) Palm tree pose
(c) Longbotari posture (d) None of these
2. Which bone of the body should not practice Tadasana when it is weak?
(a) Leg bone (b) Arm bone
(c) Knee bone (d) Spinal cord
3. The reason for the increase in blood pressure is
(a) Anxiety and mental stress (b) Walking more
(c) Fasting (d) Laziness
4. The pressure of blood on the walls of the large artery is called ………….
(a) Obesity (b) Asthma
(c) High blood pressure (d) Back pain
5. Which asana is best in reducing high blood pressure?
(a) Savasana (b) Sukhasana
(c) Chavrafasana (d) Trikonasana
6. Which asana should not be performed in high blood pressure?
(a) Tadasana (b) Vajrasana
(c) Vrikrasana (d) Ardhachakrasana

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Why do people have high blood pressure?
2. What are the basic symptoms of high blood pressure?
3. Explain the causes of high blood pressure and preventive postures.
4. Explain the procedure of any two asanas for the prevention and management of hypertension.
5. State the benefits of Shavasana.
6. Explain the process and benefits of Ardha-Chakrasana.
7. Explain the correct breathing process while doing Ardha-Chakrasana.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. Explain the procedure, benefits and contraindications or precautions of Ardha-Chakrasana.
2. Explain high blood pressure and the compound way it works.
3. Give suggestions for prevention and management of hypertension.
4. Explain the method, benefits and precautions of Bhujangasana.
5. Write the advantages and contraindications of Tadasana.
4. Physical Education and Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs-Divyang)


Special Olympic
It all began in the early 1960s, when Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the sister of former US president John F
Kennedy saw how unjustly and unfairly people with intellectual disabilities were treated. She also saw
that many children with intellectual disabilities didn’t even have a place to play. She decided to take action.
The first International Special Olympics was begun in 1968 by Eunice Kennedy Shriver. Special
Olympics is the world’s largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities
and physical disabilities. She believed if equal opportunity be provided to these people then they can
achieve much more than the normal people. She also believed that the people who mentally and physically
retarded can become good athletes. In June, 1962, Eunice Kennedy Shriver started a day camp called
Camp Shriver for children with intellectual disabilities at her home in Potomac, Maryland. She started
this camp because of concern about children with intellectual disabilities having very little opportunity
to participate in athletic events, In the short run this camp became a festival.
Its mission is to provide year-round training and organize athletic competitions in various Olympic-
types sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. The Special Olympics organization is
recognized by the International Olympic Committee; however, unlike the Paralympic Games, Special
Olympics World Games are not held in the same year with the Olympic Games.
Special Olympic Bharat is recognised by the Government of India as a National Sports Federation
which is affiliated with Special International Olympic Committee for the development of sports
opportunity for the people with intellectual disabilities.
It was founded in 1987 with a total of 37,546 athletes registered. It was named as Special Olympic
India, later on in 2001 it was renamed as Special Olympic Bharat. After that in the chairmanship of Air
Marshal Denzil Killor, it is making many records of success. The Special Olympic Bharat programme
has so far drawn number of Coaches to work with 8,50,000 athletes across the country.
The main objective of Special Olympic Bharat (SOB) is to organise the tournaments on the basis of
Special Olympic games for mentally and physically retarded children and adults throughout the year.
Special Olympic Bharat is a movement that uses sports as a catalyst to change the lives of children and
adults with intellectual dissabilities or mentally retarded persons. It is helpful in the overall development
of these kinds of adults and children. The other objective of this program is to merge the mentally and
physically retarded people in the society.
The Indian Government registered the Special Olympic Bharat under the Ministry of Youth and
ames and Sports Authority of India through the impressive work at national and international level. So,
that it get the financial help from the Government of India. Today a total of more than 12,00,000 players
have registered under it.

Mrs. Shriver breathed her last on August 11, 2009, leaving behind a strong legacy, having initiated to
transform the lives of the most neglected section of the society. In honor of her life and impact EKS Day
is celebrated across all the National programs of Special Olympics, in the month of September each
year. The theme of ‘Play Unified to live Unified’ is a call to action that stems from her teachings that on
the playing field we forget our differences. As part of EKS Day, the world is invited to join people with
intellectual disabilities and those without as they play together – unified – and teach the world to live
unified. The Special Olympics movement helps over 4.2 million people with intellectual disabilities in
over 170 countries.

Its vision is to provide chance to divyang persons or persons with intellectual disabilities to become
useful and productive citizens who are accepted and respected in their communities.

The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in
a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them
continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate
in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the

It aims to provide sports training and sports competition throughout the year for children and adults with
intellectual disabilities, giving them persistent opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate
courage, experience joy and to participate in sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families,
other Special Olympics and the community.

To achieve this aim the Special Olympic Bharat decided the following objectives:
1. The overall development by learning through doing and providing opportunities.
2. It empowers people with intellectual disabilities to realize their full potential and develop their
skills through persistent sports training and competition.
3. The athletes/sports persons with intellectual disabilities become fulfilled and productive members
of their families and the communities in which they live.
4. It is an experience that is energizing, healthy, skillful and joyful.
5. Its objective is to provide chance to mentally retarded persons or persons with intellectual
disabilities to become useful and productive citizens who are accepted and respected in their
6. To organise the local, state, national and international tournaments as per the norms and
guidelines of international Special Olympics games.

The “stick figure” is an abstract but humanistic form designed to convey the impression of movement and
activity. The logo is a symbol of growth, confidence and joy among children and adults with disabilities
who are learning coordination, mastering skills, participating in competitions and preparing themselves
for richer and more productive lives.

All the divyang people get together and take oath–”Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the
attempt”. This oath was firstly used in the inauguration of first International Special Olympic Games by
Eunice Kennedy Shriver in Chicago, on 20th July 1968.
Special Olympic Bharat: Planning, Pre-planning Programes.
Special Olympic Bharat organises the tournament not only for players but also for trainers. The aim
of these games is to combine the different communities so that they motivate the athletes to participate
more and more. Some of the organisations are as follow:
1. Sports Training: Training camps for different kinds of Summer Games: Aquatics; Athletics;
Badminton; Basketball; Boxing; Cricket; Cycling; Football; Team Handball; Netball; Powerlifting;
Roller Skating; Softball; Table Tennis; Volleyball; Golf. Winter Games: Alpine Skiing; Floor Hockey
Figure Skating; Speed Skating; Snow Boarding; Snowshoeing; Floor Ball and Local Games.

2. Sports Competitions: Organisation of local, state, national and international competitions.
3. Organisation of advance training for trainers: This kind of program has been conducted for the
trainers those who engaged in the coaching of mentally retarded children.
4. Training in Sports Organisation: This type of training provided to computer teachers those are
engaged in sports organisation.
5. Child Athlete Program: It was started for the training and selection of suitable games for the
children age between 2 to 7.
6. Family Forum: Families form the support system for our Special Olympics athletes giving them
love, support and encouragement at every step of the way. This program was added to focus on
family outreach and support-the Family Support Network (FSN) to reach out to other families and
to welcome them into the community.
7. Healthy Athletes: The Healthy Athletes program helps athletes to improve their training and
competition by focusing on overall health and fitness.

Special Olympic Flame

The “Flame of Hope” is the name given to the torch that is carried to and lit at Special Olympic Games.

Year and Venue of the Special Olympics (Summer) Held till date
Year Venue Year Venue
1968 Chicago 1995 New Haven
1970 Chicago 1999 Chapel Hill, Durham and Raleigh
1972 Los Angeles 2003 Dublin
1975 Mount Pleasant 2007 Shanghai
1979 Brockport 2011 Athens
1983 Baton Rouge 2015 Los Angeles
1987 Notre Dame and South Bend 2019 Abu Dhabi
1991 Minneapolis and Saint Paul 2023 Berlin (Scheduled)

The following games and sports are included in Special Olympics:

• Athletics (Track and Field) • Kayaking
• Badminton • Netball
• Basketball • Powerlifting
• Bocce • Roller Skating
• Bowling • Sailing
• Cricket • Snowboarding
• Cycling • Snowshoe running
• Equestrian • Skiing: Alpine and Cross-Country
• Figure Skating • Softball
• Floorball • Speed Skating: Short-track
• Floor Hockey • Swimming: Pool and Open-water
• Football (Soccer) • Table Tennis
• Golf • Tennis
• Gymnastics: Artistic and Rhythmic • Triathlon
• Handball • Volleyball
• Judo

Paralympics Games
The Paralympics games is a major International multisport event involving athletes with a range of
disability, including impaired muscle power (e.g., paraplegia and quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, post-
polio syndrome, spina bifida), impaired passive range of movement, limb deficiency (e.g., amputation),
leg length difference, short stature, hypertonia, vision impairment and intellectual impairment. There
are Winter and Summer Paralympics games, which since the 1988 Summer games in Seoul, South
Korea, are held almost immediately following the respective Olympic games. All Paralympics games are
governed by the International Paralympics Committee (IPC).
The Paralympics has grown from a small gathering of British World War II veterans in 1948 to
become one of the largest international sporting events by the early 21st century. Paralympians strive
for equal treatment but there is a large funding gap between Olympic and Paralympics athletes.
The Paralympic games are organized in parallel with the Olympic games, while the IOC-recognized
Special Olympics World games includes athletes with intellectual disabilities, and the Deaflympics
include deaf athletes.
Athletes with disabilities did compete in the Olympic games prior to the advent of the Paralympics.
The first athlete to do so was German America gymnast George Eyser in 1904, which had one artificial leg.
Hungarian Karoly Takacs competed in shooting events in both the 1948 and 1952 Summer Olympics. He
was right-arm amputee and could shoot left-handed. Another disabled athlete to appear in the Olympics
prior to the Paralympics games was Lis Hartel, a Danish equestrian athlete who had contracted polio in
1943 and won silver medal in the dressage event. The first Winter Paralympics games were held in 1976
in Ornskoldsvik, Sweden. There was the first Paralympics in which multiple categories of athletes with
disabilities could complete. The Winter games were celebrated every four years on the same year as their
summer counterpart, must as the Olympics were. This tradition was upheld until the 1992 games in
Albertville, France; after that, beginning with the 1994 games, the Winter Paralympics and the Winter
Olympics have been held in those even numbered years separate from the Summer games.
Founded on 22 September, 1989 in Dusseldorf, Germany, its mission is “To enable Paralympic
athletes to achieve sporting excellence and inspire and excite the world”. Furthermore, the IPC wants to
promote the Paralympics values and to create sport opportunities for all persons with a disability, from
beginner to elite level.
There are the following categories of feebleness:
1. Retarded body party
2. Mentally retardedness
3. Wheel chair user
4. Cerebral Palsy
5. Blindness

International Paralympics Committee

The IPC is the global governing body of the Paralympics Movement. It comprises National Paralympics
Committee (NPC) and four disability-specific international sports federations. The IPC organizes the
Paralympics aims and functions as the international federation for nine sports. The IPC functions as
an umbrella organization, representing several sports for disabilities, in contrast to other international
sports organizations or athletes with a disability, which are predominantly limited to a single sports for
disability. The IPC’s International headquarters are in Bonn, Germany which was established on 22nd
September, 1989. Its main aim is to provide the optimal opportunities to the retarded people.

Paralympics Motto
The motto of Paralympics is – “Spirit in motion”. This was firstly used in 2004 Athens Paralympics
games. Before it the ideal sentence was “Mind, Body, Spirit” which was given in 1994.

Symbol of Paralympics
The symbol for the Paralympics contains three colours–red, blue and green. The colours are most widely
represented in the flags of nations. The colours are each in the shape of an Agito (which is Latin for “I
move”), which is the name given to an a symmetrical crescent specially designed for the Paralympics
movement. The three Agitos circle a central point, which is a symbol for the athletes congregating from
all points of the globe. The motto and symbol of the IPC were changed in 2003 to their urrent versions.
This symbol was used in Turin, Italy Paralympics games in 2006.

Paralympics Flag
It is made up of white colour and the Paralympics design is made on the centre of it.

Paralympics Torch and Flame

Once lit, the torch is then taken around the country where the games are held. In the days before
the Paralympics games are held, the Paralympics flame is lit at Stoke Mandeville, a village in
Buckinghamshire, England. At this location the Stoke Mandeville games were held, the inspiration
of the Paralympics games. The flame was first lit here in 2012, and will become the permanent home
for the lighting of the Paralympics flame, prior to that, the flame had been lit at a site chosen by the
Paralympics host city. The flame is left to burn throughout the Games until the Closing Ceremony, when
it is extinguished to signify the end of the games.

Paralympics Oath
The Paralympics oath is a solemn promise made by one athlete—as a representative of each of the
participating Paralympics competitors; and by one judge-as a representative of each officiating
Paralympics referee or other official, at the opening ceremonies of each Paralympics games. The athlete,
from the team of the organizing country, holds a corner of the Paralympics flag while reciting the oath:
“In the name of all the competitors I promise that we shall take part in these Paralympics games,
respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, committing ourselves to a sport without doping
and without drugs, the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams.”
The judge, also from the host nation, holds a corner of the flag but takes a slightly different oath.

Opening Ceremony of Paralympics Games

As mandated by the Paralympics Charter, various elements frame the opening ceremony of the Paralympic
games. Most of these rituals were established at the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp. The ceremony
typically starts with the hoisting of the host country’s flag and a performance of its national anthem. Unlike
Olympic games, immediately after the national anthem the athletes parade into the stadium. Since the
1988 Summer Paralympics, the nations enter the stadium alphabetically according to the host country’s
chosen language, though with the host country’s athletes being the last to enter. Since the 1988 summer
Paralympics the host nation presents artistic displays of music, singing, dance, and theatre representating
its culture. Speeches are given, formally opening the games. Finally, the Paralympics torch is brought into
the stadium and passed on until it reaches the final torch carrier-often a Paralympics athlete from the host
nation–who lights the Paralympics flame in the stadium’s cauldron.

Closing Ceremony of Paralympics Games

The closing ceremony of the Paralympics games takes place after all sporting events have concluded.
Flag-bearers from each participating country enter the stadium, followed by the athletes who enter
together, without any national distinction. The Paralympics flag is taken down. Since the 1988 Winter
Paralympics, with some exceptions, the National flag of the country hosting the next summer or Winter
Paralympics games is hoisted while the responding national anthem is played. The games are officially
closed and the Paralympics flame is extinguished, after these compulsory elements, the next host nation
briefly introduces

Developing Values through Paralympics
1. Courage: The players show to the world by their performance that despite being retarded, one
can achieve anything.
2. Determination: The Paralympics players have a great determination through which they show
their mental ability, physical ability and specific agility of sports.
3. Role-model: They take their game level up to the maximum through role-model and inspire
others to participate in games and sports.
4. Equality: They challenge the other players through sports to change their mind. They also help
to remove the contradictions of society on disabled and retarded persons.

Officially, the games were originally called the “International Games for the Deaf” from 1924 to 1965,
but were metimes also referred to as the “International Silent Games”. From 1966 to 1999 they were
called the “World mess for the Deaf, and occasionally” referred to as the “World Silent Games”. From
2001, the games have been own by their current name Deaflympics (often mistakenly called the Deaf
The Deaflympics (previously called World Games for the Deaf and International Games for the Deaf)
are International Olympic Committee (IOC)-sanctioned event at which deaf athletes compete at an elite
level, unlike the athletes in other IOC-sanctioned events (the Olympics, the Paralympics, and the Special
Olympics), the Deaflympians cannot be guided by sounds (e.g., the starter’s guns, bull horn commands
or referee whistles), games have been organized by the Committee International des Sports des Sounds
(CISS, “The International committee of Sports for the Deaf”) since the first event.
The Deaflympics are held every four years, and these are the longest running multi-sports event
excluding the Olympics themselves. The first games, held in Paris in 1924, were also the first ever
international sporting event for athletes with disability. The event has been held every four years, after
World war II, and an additional event, the Deaflympics Winter games, was added in 1949. The games
began as a small gathering of 148 athletes from nine European nations competing in the International
Silent games in Paris, France in 1924: now, they have grown into a global movement.
To qualify for the games, athletes must have a hearing loss of at least 55 db in their “better ear”.
Hearing aids, cochlear implants are not allowed to be used in competition, to place all athletes on the
same level. Other examples of the games vary from hearing competitions are different which they are
ilciated. To address the issue of Deaflympians not being able to be guided by sounds, certain sports use
allternative methods of commencing the game. For example, the football referees wave a flag instead
of blowing whistle; on the track, races are started by using a light, instead of a-starter pistol. It is also
customary for spectators not to cheer or clap, but rather to wave-usually with both hands.
To date, the Summer Deaflympics games have been hosted by 36 cities in 21 countries but by cities
outside Europe only five occasions (Washington D.C. 1965, Los Angeles 1985, Christchurch 1989,
Melbourne 2005 and 2009). The last summer games were held in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2013, and the next
scheduled summer games were held in Sansuni, Turkey in 2017. The last winter games were held in
Khanty Mansiysk, Russian Federation in 2015.
The 2011 Winter games scheduled to be held in Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia were cancelled due to the lack
of readiness by the organizing committee to host the games. The International Committee of Deaf Sports
filed a criminal complaint against the Slovak Deaflympics Organizing Committee and its President Mr.
Jaromir Ruda. The criminal complaint demands reimbursement of the funds that were transferred to
the Slovak Deaflympics Organizing Committee from National Deaf Sports Federations, to cover hotel
accommodations and other Deaflympics-related expenses.
According to the Slovak newspaper, SME, “Jaromir Ruda head of the Slovak Organising Committee,
(is) a champion of promises and someone who is accused of a 1.6 million Euro Deaflympics-related
fraud”. In a letter to the United States Deaflympians, International Committee of Sports for the Deaf

ICSD President Craig Crowley expressed “his deep apologies for the cancellation of the 17th Winter
Deaflympics”. Currently the Slovak Deaflympie Committee and the Slovakia Association of Deaf
Sportsmen Unions have been suspended. In 2013, the Special Criminal Court in Banska Bystrica
sentences Ruda to a prison term of 14 and a half years for defrauding $1.6 million that should have been
used for Winter Deaflympics.

Deaflympics Ideals
The ideals of Deaflympics are PER LUDOS AEQUALITAS which means to cherish the value and the
spirit of Deaflympics where Deaf athletes strive to reach the pinnacle of competition by equality through
sports and adhering to the ideals of Olympics.

To be eligible to compete in the Deaflympics,
1. Athletes must have a hearing loss of at least 55 decibels in the better ear.
2. They must first meet minimum eligibility criteria and be a member of an affiliated national
3. Athletes are forbidden to use any kind of hearing amplifications during competition to avoid
taking an unfair advantage over those not using these devices.

Symbol of Deaflympics
The logo, designed in 2003 by graphic design artist Ralph Fernandez, is a positive and powerful symbol
of the International Deaf Sports community. It ties together strong elements: Sign language, deaf and
international cultures, unity and continuity. The hand shapes, “ok”, “good”, and “great” that overlap
each other in a circle, represent the original sign for “Deaflympics”. Together, the hand shapes represent
the sign for “united”. The centre of the logo represents the iris of the eye, which defines deaf people as
visual people; they must use their eyes to communicate. The logo incorporates the four colours of the
National flags of the world. The red, blue, yellow and green represent the four regional confederations–
the Asia Pacific Deaf Sports Confederation, the European Deaf Sports Organization, the Pan American
Deaf Spsorts Organization.
Countries Hosting First Five Summer Deaftympics
Game Year Hosting Country
XIX 2001 Rome, Italy
XX 2005 Melbourne, Australia
XXI 2009 Taipei, China
XXII 2013 Sofia, Bulgaria
XXIII 2017 Samson, Turkey

Countries Hosting Last Five Winter Deaftympics

Game Year Hosting Country
XV 2003 Sweden
XVI 2007 USA
XVII 2011 Slovakia
XVIII 2015 Russia
XIX 2019 Italy*

1. Paralympic Games was a 1948 sporting competition held at Stoke Mandeville hospital in:
(a) England (b) United States of America Greece
(c) Germany (d) Greece
2. The founder of Special Olympics was:
(a) Eunice Kennedy Shriver (b) John F. Kennedy
(c) Lyndon B. Johnson (d) Donald Trump
3. The first Special Olympics Games were held in:
(a) Chicago (b) Paris
(c) New York (d) Washington D.C.
4. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List-1 List-2
I Paralympics 1. Started in 1968
II Olympics 2. Started in 1924
III Deaflympics 3. Started in 1896
IV Special Olympics 4. Started in 1960

Code: correct answer is

I 4
II 3
IV 1
6. Given below are the two statements labeled Assertion (A) and Reason (R):
Assertion (A) : The word ‘Paralympic’ is derived from the Greek preposition ‘para’ (beside or
alongside) and the word OLYMPIC.
Reason (R) : It means that the Paralympic Games are the parallel games to the Olympics and
illustrate how the two movements exist side by side.
In the context of above two statements which one of the following is correct.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
7. Special Olympic Bharat is a
(a) Autonomus body
(b) National sports federation
(c) A branch of ministry of youth and sports
(d) A branch of Indian Olympic Association
8. Which combination is a part of paralympics:
(a) Wheel chair user and blindness
(b) Mently challenged cerebral plisses
(c) Retarded body part and wheel chair users
(d) All above

9. Select the correct pair from the following:
(a) Muscle power—Paraplegia
(b) Limb Defiency—Post Polio Syndrome
(c) Vision impairment—Ataxia
(d) Intellectual impairment—Hypertonia
10. Special Olympic Bharat is organising different games and sports at national level since
(a) 2002 (b) 2005
(c) 2007 (d) 2010
11. What is the meaning of Agito?
(a) I move (b) All move
(c) We move (d) None of these
12. Paralympics Kram is the highest achievement for the people related to
(a) Olympic (b) Paralympics
(c) National games (d) School games
13. How many colours are there in the logo of Deaflympics?
(a) Four (b) Five
(c) Three (d) Two
14. The ideal sentence of Paralympic is
(a) Motion and spirit (b) Spirit in motion
(c) Human and motion (d) Spirit with motion
15. How many colours are there in the symbol of Paralympics?
(a) Two (b) Four
(c) Three (d) Five
16. Special Olympic Bharat was founded in which year?
(a) 1947 (b) 1987
(c) 1984 (d) 1990
17. The main objective of Special Olympic Bharat is to organise the tournaments for
(a) Only for girls (b) Divang children
(c) Only for boys (d) Only for the age between 20-30 years
18. The main objective of Special Olympic Bharat is the overall development by
(a) Providing opportunities to disabled children
(b) Giving chance to play students
(c) By providing study material to students
(d) By giving teenagers good meal
19. Special Olympic Bharat organises the tournaments not only for players but also for
(a) Trainers (b) Physical education teachers
(c) School teachers (d) Children below 12 years
20. When was IEDC introduced?
(a) 1989 (b) 1974
(c) 1998 (d) 1947

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Define disability.
2. What is the role of school in encouraging participation of CWSN in PE?

3. When and where did Paralympics start? What was the purpose of these games?
4. What is the vision of the International Paralympic Committee?
5. What is the anthem of the Paralympics?
6. Differentiate between Special Olympics and Paralympics.
7. What do you know about Deaflympics?
8. Explain the aims and achievements of Special Olympic Bharat.
9. Write a short note on the history of Paralympics games.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. Explain Deaflympics in detail.
2. Write in detail about the Special Olympics Bharat.
3. Explain broadly the Paralympics games.

Fitness defines the ability to perform physical activity, and encompasses a wide range of abilities. Each
activity and sports requires a specific set of skills, and so being fit for an activity or a sport does not
necessarily make you fit for another.
Fitness is generally divided into specific fitness categories or components, and each can be tested
and trained individually. The following pages will help you do the Fitness Test Administration in your
school more effectively using Khelo India Fitness Assessment App and viewing the School Dashboard
on School Interface.

Age group 5-8 years. Class 1 to 3

In elementary grades 1-3, children should acquire Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS), leaving the
learning of specific physical activities to the later stages. FMS provides the building blocks for many
physical activities, such as playing sports, dancing and sports. Locomotor, manipulative and physical
management abilities are important for success in most sports and physical activities. Abilities of
children in classes 1-3 needs to be measured and tracked are:
1. Body Composition (BMI)
2. Coordination (Tapping Plate)
3. Balance (Flamingo Balance)
Which are important for controlling the body in various situations.

Body Mass Index

BMI (Body Mass Index)
What does it measure: Body Composition refers primarily to the distribution of muscle and fat in the body.
Body size such as height, length and girth are also grouped under this component. The test performed
is Body Mass Index (BMI), which is calculated from body Weight (W) and height(H). BMI = W / (H x H),
where W = body weight in kilograms and H = height in meters. The higher the score usually indicates
higher levels of body fat.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Flat, Clean surface, Weighing Machine, Stadiometer/Measuring
Tape pasted on a wall.
Measuring Height Accurately : Remove the participant’s shoes, bulky clothing, and hair ornaments,
and unbraid hair that interferes with the measurement. Take the height measurement on flooring that
is not carpeted and against a flat surface such as a wall with no molding. Have the participant stand
with feet flat, together, and back against the wall. Make sure legs are straight, arms are at sides,
and shoulders are level. Make sure the participant is looking straight ahead and that the line of sight
is parallel with the floor. Take the measurement while the participant stands with head, shoulders,
buttocks, and heels touching the flat surface (wall). (See illustration.) Depending on the overall body
shape of the participant, all points may not touch the wall. Use a flat headpiece to form a right angle with
the wall and lower the headpiece until it firmly touches the crown of the head. Make sure the measurer’s
eyes are at the same level as the headpiece. Lightly mark where the bottom of the headpiece meets the
wall. Then, use a metal tape to measure from the base on the floor to the marked measurement on the
wall to get the height measurement. Accurately record the height to the nearest 0.1 centimeter.
Measuring Weight Accurately : Use a digital scale. Avoid using bathroom scales that are spring-
loaded. Place the scale on firm flooring (such as tile or wood) rather than carpet. Have the participant
remove shoes and heavy clothing, such as sweaters. Have the participant stand with both feet in the
center of the scale. Record the weight to the nearest decimal fraction (for example, 25.1 kilograms).
Scoring : Height recorded in cm and mm. Accurately record the height to the nearest 0.1 centimeter.

Weight will be recorded in kilogram (kg) and grams (gms). Record the weight to the nearest decimal
fraction (e.g., 25.1 kilograms).

Plate Tapping Test

What it measures: Tests speed and coordination of limb movement.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Table (adjustable height), 2 yellow discs (20 cm diameter),
rectangle (30 × 20 cm), stopwatch.
Scoring: Time taken to complete 25 cycles is movement.
How to perform: If possible, the height of the table should be adjusted so that the subject stands
comfortably in front of the disc. Two yellow discs are placed on a table with their centers at a distance
of 60 cm. The rectangle is placed at equal distance between the two discs. The non-preferred hand is
placed on the rectangle, the subject as quickly as possible between the discs on the hand in the middle
the favourite moves the hand back and forth. This action is repeated for 25 complete cycles (50 taps).
Administrative Tips: Participants should be encouraged to stand in a balanced posture, feet
shoulder width apart. Results are usually better if the participant can maintain a constant pace during
most of the race.

Flamingo Balance Test

What it measures: Ability to balance successfully on one leg. This single leg balance test measures the
strength of the leg, pelvic and trunk muscles as well as static balance.
Required infrastructure/equipment: A non-slippery surface, the stopwatch, can only be done by
standing on a beam.
Scoring: The total number of falls or loss of balance in 60 seconds of balance is recorded. If there is
more than 15 falls in the first 30 seconds, the test is terminated.
How to Perform: Stand on the beam. Maintain balance by holding the instructor’s hand (if necessary
to start). When balancing on the preferred leg, the free leg is bent at the knee and the foot of this leg is
kept close to the buttocks.
Start the clock as the instructor leaves the participant/subject: Stop/ pause the stopwatch
each time the subject loses balance (either by falling off the beam or releasing the foot while holding it).
Start again time after time until they lose balance. Count the number of falls in 60 seconds of balance.
If falls more than 15 times in the first 30 seconds, the test is terminated.
Administrative Tips: Participants should be encouraged to focus directly on stationary objects.

Age Group 9-15 Years/Class 4-12

1. BMI
2. Speed 50 mt Speed Test
3. Cardiovascular Endurance 600 mt Run/Walk
4. Flexibility Sit & Reach Test
5. Strength Test
(a) Abdominal (Partial Curl Up)
(b) Muscular Endurance (Push-Ups for Boys, Modified Push-Ups for Girls)

BMI (Body Mass Index)

What does it measure: Body Composition refers primarily to the distribution of muscle and fat in
the body. Body size such as height, length and girth are also grouped under this component. The test
performed is Body Mass Index (BMI), which is calculated from body Weight (W) and height(H). BMI =
W / (H × H), where W = body weight in kilograms and H = height in meters. The higher the score usually
indicates higher levels of body fat.

Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Flat, Clean surface, Weighing Machine, Stadiometer/
Measuring Tape pasted on a wall.
Measuring Height Accurately : Remove the participant’s shoes, bulky clothing, and hair ornaments,
and unbraid hair that interferes with the measurement. Take the height measurement on flooring that
is not carpeted and against a flat surface such as a wall with no molding. Have the participant stand
with feet flat, together, and back against the wall. Make sure legs are straight, arms are at sides,
and shoulders are level. Make sure the participant is looking straight ahead and that the line of sight
is parallel with the floor. Take the measurement while the participant stands with head, shoulders,
buttocks, and heels touching the flat surface (wall). (See illustration.) Depending on the overall body
shape of the participant, all points may not touch the wall. Use a flat headpiece to form a right angle with
the wall and lower the headpiece until it firmly touches the crown of the head. Make sure the measurer’s
eyes are at the same level as the headpiece. Lightly mark where the bottom of the headpiece meets the
wall. Then, use a metal tape to measure from the base on the floor to the marked measurement on the
wall to get the height measurement. Accurately record the height to the nearest 0.1 centimeter.
Measuring Weight Accurately : Use a digital scale. Avoid using bathroom scales that are spring-
loaded. Place the scale on firm flooring (such as tile or wood) rather than carpet. Have the participant
remove shoes and heavy clothing, such as sweaters. Have the participant stand with both feet in the
center of the scale. Record the weight to the nearest decimal fraction (for example, 25.1 kilograms).
Scoring : Height recorded in cm and mm. Accurately record the height to the nearest 0.1 centimeter.
Weight will be recorded in kilogram (kg) and grams (gms). Record the weight to the nearest decimal
fraction (eg, 25.1 kilograms).

50-Yards Dash
Before starting this race, warm-up should be done, practice of start should be one foot ahead of the other.
What does it measure: Determines acceleration and speed.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Measuring tape or marked track, stopwatch, cone markers,
flat and clear surface of at least 60 m.
How to perform : A thorough warm up should be given, including some practice starts and
accelerations. Start from a stationary position, with one foot in front of the other. The front foot must
be on or behind the starting line. This starting position should be static (dead start). The tester should
provide hints for maximizing speed (such as keeping low, driving hard with the arms and legs) and
encourage to continue running hard through the finish line.
Scoring : Time taken for completion. If there are two stopwatches, then the time of two examinees
at the same time are noted simultaneously. In time saved up to one tenth of the saved amount is noted.
This checks the movement of the lower part of the body.

Administrative Suggestion
Participants should be encouraged to practice running with emphasis placed on the concept of pace.
Results are usually better if the participant can maintain constant pace during most of the run and
perhaps using a strong closing effort.

600-Yard Run/Walk
What does it measure: Cardiovascular Fitness/Cardiovascular Endurance.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Stopwatch, whistle, marker cone, lime powder, measuring
tape, 200 or 400 m with 1.22 mt (minimum 1 mt) width preferably on a flat and even playground with a
marking of starting and finish line.
How to Perform: Participants are instructed to run 600 m in the fastest possible pace.
The participants begin on signal (Starting point)- “ready, start”. As they cross the finish line, elapsed
time should be announced to the participants. Walking is permitted but the objective is to cover the
distance in the shortest possible time.

Scoring: Time taken for completion (Run or Walk) in min,sec, mm
Administrative Suggestion: Participants should be encouraged to practice running with emphasis
placed on the concept of pace. Results are usually better if the participant can maintain constant pace
during most of the run and perhaps using a strong closing effort.

Sit and Reach

This test was started by Wells and Dillon in 1952. This test is done to measure the flexibility of the
athlete, especially the muscles of the lower part of the waist and the muscles of the groin area. This test
is very important because if there is less flexibility in the lower part of the body, then back pain can
Objective : To measure the elasticity of the lower part of the body.
Equipment/Tools : A flat cushioned surface /Gym Mats, Sit and Reach box with the following
dimensions: 12” × 12” (sides) 12” × 10” (front and back) 12” × 21” (top) Inscribe the top panel with
centimeter/mm gradations.
How to perform : This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight ahead.
Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat against the Sit and Reach box. Both knees
should be locked and pressed flat to the floor - the tester may assist by holding them down. With the
palms facing downwards, and the hands on top of each other, the subject reaches forward along the
measuring line as far as possible. Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching
further forward than the other. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches out and holds that
position for one-two seconds while the distance is recorded. Make sure there are no jerky movements.
It is crucial that the vertical plane against which the subject’s feet will be placed is exactly at the 23 cm
mark of the Sit and Reach box.
Scoring : The score is recorded (difference between initial position and final position), in cm and mm,
as the distance reached by the hand.

Administrative Suggestion:
Proper warm-up and static stretching of the lower back and posterior thighs is very important for this
test. A partner placing his/her hands lightly across knees can prevent the flexing of knees.

Partial Curl-up
What does it measure: The curl up test measures abdominal muscular strength and endurance of the
abdominals and hip-Flexors, important in back support and core stability
Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Flat clean cushioned surface with two parallel strips (6
inches apart), Stopwatch.
How to Perform: The subject lies on a cushioned, flat, clean surface with knees flexed, usually at
90 degrees, with hands straight on the sides (palms facing downwards) closer to the ground, parallel
to the body. The subject raises the trunk in a smooth motion, keeping the arms in position, curling up
the desired amount (at least 6 inches above/along the ground towards the parallel strip). The trunk is
lowered back to the floor so that the shoulder blades or upper back touch the floor.
Scoring: Record the maximum number of Curl ups in a certain time period 30 seconds.
Administrative Suggestion: Participants should be encouraged to keep normal breathing rate.
Results are usually better if the participant can maintain constant pace during the activity.

Muscular Endurance (Push-Ups for Boys, Modified Push-Ups for Girls)

What does it measure: Upper body strength, endurance, and trunk stability.
Infrastructure/Equipment Required: Flat clean cushioned surface/Gym mat.
How to Perform: A standard push up begins with the hands and toes touching the floor, the body
and legs in a straight line, feet slightly apart, the arms at shoulder width apart, extended and at a right

angle to the body. Keeping the back and knees straight, the subject lowers the body to a predetermined
point, to touch some other object, or until there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows, thenreturns back
to the starting position with the arms extended. This action is repeated, and the test continuesuntil
exhaustion, or until they can do no more in rhythm or have reached the target number of push-ups.
For girls: push-up technique is with the knees resting on the ground.
Scoring: Record number of correctly completed push ups.
Administrative Suggestion: Participants should be encouraged to emphasize to keep the back
straight. Results are usually better if the participant can maintain constant pace during the activity.
Table of Average Standards for Push-ups for Boys and Modified Push-Ups for Girls.

Multiple Choice Questions
1. The purpose of the partial curl-up is :
(a) To measure the explosive power of the legs
(b) To measure the acceleration speed
(c) To measure abdominal strength
(d) To measure changes in speed and direction and control over the body
2. Modified push-ups is :
(a) Football players (b) Tennis players
(d) For the Wryfet players (d) For the girls
3. The acceleration speed of an athlete is measured in?
(a) 4 × 10 m. Shuttle Run (b) 50 Yard Standing Start
(c) Sit and reach test (d) Modified push-ups (for girls)
4. Which test measures abdominal strength?
(a) 50 m standing start (b) Sit and reach test
(c) Partial curl-up test (d) 600 yard run
5. What is measured by sit and reach test?
(a) Capacity (b) Stamina
(c) Flexibility (d) Muscle speed
6. What is the ability of a player to perform effectively in a specific game called
(a) Motor satisfaction (b) Fitness motor
(c) Motor fitness (d) None of these
7. Name the category in which 600 yards run test falls.
(a) Track and Field (b) Singles Games
(c) Group Games (d) None of these
8. What age group is the 6 minute speed test for?
(a) For teenagers (b) For youth
(c) For adults (d) For senior citizens

Short Answer Type Questions

1. The following items are used for which test?
(i) Sit and Reach Test (ii) Partial Curl Test
(iii) 4 × 10m Shuttle Run (iv) Modified Push Ups

Basal Metabolic Rate
Administrative Tips: Participants should be encouraged to focus directly on stationary objects. Even
at rest, your body burns calories by performing basic functions to sustain life, such as:
1. Breath 3. Nutrient Processing
2. Sleep 4. Cell Production
Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy needed to maintain the vital functioning of the body
ay rest. i.e. respiration, circulation, functioning of nerves, body temperature regulation, digestion &
absorption, reabsorption in kidneys, ion transport across membrane and other cellular activities.

How to Estimate Your BMR

A popular method of estimating BMR is the Harris-Benedict formula, which takes into account weight,
height, age, and gender.
In men, the Harris-Benedict equation formula used was:
BMR = 66.4730 + 13.7516 × weight in kg + 5.0033 × height in cm – 6.7550 × age in years.
In women
BMR = 655.0955 + 9.5634 × weight in kg + 1.8496 × height in cm – 4.6756 × age in years.
If you have estimated your BMR using the Harris-Benedict formula, your next step is to include the
number of calories you burn during daily activities based on your lifestyle:
Sedentary : If you do minimal or no exercise, multiply your BMR by 1.2. Less active. If you do light
exercise one to three days a week, your BMR Multiply by 1.375.
Moderately active : If you do moderate exercise three to five days a week, your BMR Multiply by
Very active : If you exercise hard six to seven days a week, multiply your BMR by 1.725.
Extra active : If you exercise very hard six to seven days a week or if you do physical work, multiply
your BMR by 1.9.
The final number is approximately how many calories you need on a daily basis to maintain your
weight. Of course, this is a guess. According to a 2007 study Reliable source
The formula would be more accurate if it included body composition, weight history, and other
factors that have been shown to affect BMR. How can you change your BMR. Your BMR is determined
by several factors, including:
1. Gender 5. Weight history
2. Weight 6. Body composition
3. Height 7. Genetic factors
4. Age
Among these factors, you can take steps to change your weight and body composition. So if you want
to change your BMR, your first step should be to lose weight and increase muscle mass.
A few studies indicated that resistance training can improve lean body mass composition and
maintain a reduction in fat mass, thereby increasing BMR.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is BMR :
(a) Basal Matabolic Rate (b) Mody Mas Rate
(c) Ball Mass round (d) All the above

2. BMI includes :
(a) Weight and height (b) Gender
(c) Age (d) All the above

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Calculate BMR of a female weighing 60kg, height 168cms and 32 years.
2. Calculate BMR of a male weighing 75kg, height 170cms and 35 years.
3. Biomechanics and Sports.

The terms equilibrium, balance and stability are often used interchangeably, but in a biomechanical
context, the three terms each have different meanings. There are many activities where maintaining
balance is important, such as performing a handstand on the beam in gymnastics, or holding an arabesque
in a floor routine, but many sports also require athletes to maintain their equilibrium while moving.
Why is it easier to remain upright on a bike that is moving compared to when it is stationary? How
do footballers remain upright while dodging and weaving around opponents? Why do swimmers and
sprinters crouch low in preparation for the starter’s gun? Biomechanically, the definitions of equilibrium,
balance and stability are very specific.
This chapter will look at how an understanding of the factors that affect equilibrium, stability and
balance can be used to improve and refine performance in physical activity, sport and exercise. An object
is said to be in equilibrium when there are no unbalanced forces or torques acting on it (see chapter 3,
page 57). An object in equilibrium is either motionless or moving with a constant velocity; that is, it is
not accelerating (see chapter 4, pages 68–69). There are two types of equilibrium:
• static equilibrium • dynamic equilibrium.

Static Equilibrium
For the body or an object to be in static equilibrium it must not be moving or rotating. All the forces and
torques acting on the body or object must add up to zero. For an object or body to be in a state of static
equilibrium, where it is completely motionless, it must meet three conditions:
1. The sum of all the vertical forces acting on the body must be zero.
2. The sum of the horizontal forces acting on the body must be zero.
3. The sum of all torques must be zero.

Dynamic Equilibrium
When the body or an object is moving with a constant velocity – that is, with no change in speed or
direction – it is said to be in dynamic equilibrium.
Equilibrium, stability and balance are closely related. Stability is the resistance to the disruption
of equilibrium, and balance is the ability to control equilibrium. When stability is increased, it is more
difficult to unbalance an object; when stability is decreased, it is easier to unbalance the object or body. In
some sports, the aim is to increase stability; in others it is beneficial to decrease stability. For example,
swimmers use a stance on the blocks that minimises their stability, so that only a small movement is
required to initiate the dive into the pool (see photo page 89). Wrestlers, on the other hand, use positions
that increase their stability, making it more difficult for their opponents to disrupt their equilibrium.

Centre of Gravity
The body’s centre of gravity is the point around which its weight is balanced, regardless of the position
of the body. Generally, the centre of gravity in people is found close to the navel (belly button). Working
out where our centre of gravity is and then changing it can increase stability. We can move our centre of
gravity simply by moving our body parts.
The centre of gravity can shift depending on the position of the body. Stepping forward and extending
both arms out in front, such as when performing a chest pass, moves the centre of gravity to just outside
the body; putting your arms above your head raises it. Pregnant women often find that their balance is
affected because, as their body grows to accommodate the baby, their centre of gravity moves outwards
to the outer edge of the base of support.

The centre of gravity can also be raised or lowered depending on the position of the body. Try standing
on your toes and compare your stability to when you crouch down low. The higher the centre of gravity,
the less stable a body will be, and the lower the centre of gravity, the more balanced and stable it will be.
Flexing the hips, bending the knees and flexing the ankles are ways to lower the centre of gravity. These
techniques are often used in sporting situations where the athlete requires greater stability.
In sports, player’s centre of gravity plays an important role in his playing capacity. So the players
should pay attention towards their centre of gravity and balance. While playing a player should follow
the below mentioned things:
1. The edge of the base line of centre of gravity is proportionate to the movement in one direction.
2. Balance is indirectly proportional to the height of centre of gravity from the base, i.e., the higher
object the lesser the balance.
3. To maintain balance, the centre of gravity should be kept under base line.
4. Balance is proportionate to the weight of body or the balance will be greater as the weight is

Use of Centre of Gravity in Sports

To get the better results and to be strong, the position of centre of gravity is quite important.
1. Defense Position in Basketball and Volleyball: To get a high defense position in volleyball
basketball the players spread their legs to lower the centre of gravity towards the base.
2. Sprints: Starts in Sprints in athletics is another example of use of centre of gravity. We have to
take an instant start in sprints. So, we take our weight on our hands in “Set” position. So, we can
start immediately while balancing our weight. Initially, the centre of gravity of the body falls on
the edge of the base line of hands. If the centre of gravity falls behind the line then it may take
time to start because it will require a greater force to go ahead.
3. Wrestling: If a wrestler falls on the mat and his arms spread and his both knees and legs are on
the mat then at this stage he gets a proper balance position. In this position, it is quite tough for
the opposite player to remove him.
4. Gymnastics: If a gymnast is performing hand stand then his centre of gravity should be between
the vertical lines of hands, otherwise he will lose his balance and fall.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. When the sum of force acting upon the object and sum of the movement acting upon the body is
both equal to zero then the body is said to being:
(a) Equilibrium (b) Static Equilibrium
(c) Dynamic Equilibrium (d) Zero Force
2. The position of centre of gravity changes depending upon the:
(a) Position of force (b) Position of the body
(c) Position of intersection of force (d) Position of stability
3. Centre of gravity is the average location of an object
(a) Weight (b) Force
(c) Balance (d) Velocity
4. Match List-1 with List-2 and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List-1 List-2
I It is an imaginary point around which the 1. Equilibrium balanced.
body or an object is

II When all the forces acting on the body are 2. Dynamic Equilibrium
counter-balanced by equal and opposite
forces, so that the sum of the forces may
equal zero, it is called
III Keeping balance of the body while doing 3. Static Equilibrium
various physical activities is, it is called
IV Doing hand stand in the beginning of floor 4. Centre of gravity
events in gymnastics is
Code : Code: correct answer is
I 4 III 2
II 1 IV 3
5. Given below are the two statements labeled Assertion (A) and Reason (R) :
Assertion (A): We have to take an instant start in sprints.
Reason (R): So, we take our weight on our hands in “Set” position. In the context of above two
statements which one of the following is correct.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
6. To maintain the balance the centre of gravity should be kept
(a) Above base line (b) Between base line
(c) Under base line (d) None of these
7. One kind of equilibrium is static, other one is
(a) Dynamic (b) Powerful
(c) Strengthy (d) None of these
8. A state in which opposing forces acting upon a body are balanced or equal to zero is called
(a) Line of gravity (b) Centre of gravity
(c) Equilibrium (d) Base of support
9. When some one is performing a cartwheel in gymnastics which type of equilibrium is the person
(a) Static (b) Dynamic
(c) Both (d) None

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Explain the principles of equilibrium.
2. What things should a player keep in mind while playing?
3. Explain the types of equilibrium.
4. Which position is compulsory for static equilibrium?
5. What do you understand by equilibrium? What are the types of equilibrium?
6. Define centre of gravity.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. What is the centre of gravity? Explain its role in sports.

Friction can be defined as the resistance to motion of two moving objects or surfaces that touch. Friction
plays a very important role in many sports, such as bowling and curling.
There is both Static Friction and Kinetic Friction. Static friction is the friction before an object starts
to slide, while Kinetic friction is the friction when the object is actually moving or sliding. The formula
for both is the same, except they have different coefficient of friction values.
Increasing the friction between the body and the surface it is in contact with increases the person’s
stability. For example, a surfer waxes their board to increase the friction between their feet and the
board, which in turn increases their stability. A golf glove increases the friction between a golfer’s hand
and the club, reducing the likelihood of the club slipping in their hands.

Direction of Friction
Rolling friction- When a soccer ball rolls.
Sliding Friction- When an ice skater is skating.
Air Friction- A sky diver falling out of the air is affected by air friction.
Fluid Friction-When a swimmer swims the water and the swimmer’s body rub together.
Static Friction- When you hit a tennis ball the friction applied is static.

Advantages of Friction
1. It helps to move: Frictional force helps to move the object, e.g. running, or walking with the
friction of feet and surface.
2. Stop the moving object: It helps to stop the moving object through friction.
3. Hold or grip object: With the help of friction, our fingers and palm enable us to grasp and hold
4. Keep the objects at their position: Friction can hold the object at its position.
5. Disadvantages of friction:
6. Makes movement difficult: Friction can make the movement difficult. For example, excess
friction can make a box difficult to slide on the floor.
7. Waste of energy: Excess friction means extra energy, so extra energy is wasted because of

Some Examples of Friction Acting in Sport are:

A sprinter accelerating on a track. The foot applies a force downwards and backward into the track. The
friction forces of the track resist this causing forward movement (otherwise the sprinter would slip).
Friction acts in the opposite direction to the force the foot applies on the track and in the same direction
as the movement.
A downhill skier. As the skis glide over the snow friction forces resists the movement of the ski on
the surface of the snow. These forces are much less than experienced on the track or the skier would be
unable to move down the hill.
Friction is increased when one or both of the surfaces are rough. The temperature of some surfaces
is increased, for example, rubber tyres on a racing car need to be warmed up to create more friction.
Air resistance is also a form of friction, as it describes the resistance between the surface of an
object or person and the air. Air resistance plays a role in many sports in which balls or other objects are
thrown, and in sports in which the person moves through the air such as running and cycling (see more
about Cycling Physics). Swimmers have to contend with both air and water resistance.

Multiple Choice Questions:
1. The opposing force that occurs when one body is sliding over the surface of another body is generally
known as
(a) Rolling friction (b) Sliding friction
(c) Static friction (d) None of the above
2. ____________ is defined as resistance to the motion which is caused by contact between the two
(a) Friction (b) Repulsion
(c) Gravitation (d) None of the above
3. The force produced when surface of two objects comes into contact with each other and tends to
move but there is no relative motion between the objects is generally known a
(a) Rolling friction (b) Sliding friction
(c) Fluid friction (d) Static friction

Short Answer type questions:

1. What is friction?
2. Why do rough surfaces create more friction?
3. Discuss the application of friction in various sports

A projectile is anybody which is thrown or jumped into the air. Once it has left the ground it will follow a
flight path called a parabola until it once more comes back down to earth. This applies to balls, javelins,
discus, long jumpers, high jumpers, and horses showjumping. As far as we know there is no escaping
the effects of gravity.
When an object is thrown into space horizontally or at an acute angle and under the action of gravity,
it is called a projectile. Two types of forces are applied to any projectile – first, gravitational force and
second air resistance. The wind resistance of an object varies greatly and depends on the shape of the
object and the environmental conditions in which it is released or projected. The path or path traversed
by a projectile is called a trajectory or parabola. There are many examples of projectiles in the field of
sports; For example, bullet fired from rifle or pistol in shooting, arrow in archery, shot in shot, hammer
in hammer throw, javelin in javelin throw and athlete’s jump in long jump etc.

Projectile Trajectory
It refers to the motion of an object projected into the air at an angle. The path followed by a projectile is
known as a trajectory. If we do not consider air resistance and friction, then the following factors affect
the flight or projectile trajectory of an object (athlete, sphere, javelin, hammer or ball etc.).

Factors Affecting Projectile Trajectory

When an object is projected through space, three forces influence the course of the flight
(i) Propelling Force: The initial force produces certain effects depending upon its point and direction
of application. If the application is directly through the projectile’s center of gravity, only linear motion
results from the force.
As the object is moved further from the center of gravity, the rotator motion of the object increases
at the expense of linear motion. If the force is below the object’s center of gravity, backspin is the result.
Forward spin results when the force is above the center of gravity. When the force is off-center to the
left, clockwise spin results, and when it is off-center to right, counterclockwise spin occurs.
(ii) Force of Gravity: As soon as contact is broken with a projected object, the force of gravity begins
to finish the upward velocity of the object.
Finally, gravity overcomes the projectile’s motion and the object begins to descend. The factors that
determine how soon gravity will cause the object to descend are –
(a) Weight (mass) of the object
(b) Amount of force driving it upward
(c) The effect of air resistance on the object.
(iii) Effect of Air Resistance: As the speed of an object increases, air resistance has a greater
retarding effect. The more surface area an object presents in the direction of movement, the greater will
be the effect of air resistance.
(iv) Angle of Release: The angle between the initial trajectory and the horizontal determines the
shape of the parabola described in flight by the object or body. The optimum angle for the maximum
horizontal distance of flight is 45°.
The steepness or shallowness of the curve will depend on the angle of projection, with angles greater
than 45° producing steeper curves and angles less than 45° producing shale-lower curves.
(v) Height of Release: The next factor that affects the trajectory of a projectile in sport is the height
of the point of projection or release in relation to the landing surface of the object or body.
There are examples from sports where the height of the projection is both above and below the
landing surface. For example, in the shot putt, the optimum angle is less than 45° because the point of
release is well above the land surface.

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Affects the projectile of an object :
(a) Angle of projectile (b) Centre of gravity
(c) Fruction (d) All the above
2. Throwing shotput at maximum distance depends on :
(a) 45° (b) 80°
(c) 70° (d) 60°

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What are the factors of projectile with air resistance?
2. What is the relation between height and landing?
3. Write the factors that effects projectile?

Psychological attributes are related to the mental balance of individuals enclosed in their social
interactions, as robust attractors within complex dynamic processes with emergent properties, distinct
from physical entities located in precise areas of the brain.
Sport can cause swings in emotion, varying from passion to disappointment. It can produce an
emotional environment that, at times, causes us to wobble and lose our composure. However, that same
environment can also cause us to proactively respond and find new levels of competitiveness that raise
our game.
Sport psychology combines psychology, mental health and mental well-being to support individuals
to improve their focus, increase their confidence, develop coping strategies and achieve the right zone to

Self Esteem
Self-esteem is used to describe a person’s overall subjective sense of personal worth or value. In other
words, self-esteem may be defined as how much you appreciate and like yourself regardless of the
circumstances. Your self-esteem is defined by many factors including:
1. Self-confidence 4. Sense of belonging
2. Feeling of security 5. Feeling of competence
3. Identity
Other terms that are often used interchangeably with self-esteem include self-worth, self-regard, and
self-respect. Self-esteem is lowest in childhood and increases during adolescence, as well as adulthood,
eventually reaching a fairly stable and enduring level. It impacts your decision-making process, your
relationships, your emotional health, and your overall well-being.
Self-esteem also influences motivation, as people with a healthy, positive view of themselves
understand their potential and may feel inspired to take on new challenges.

People with High Self-esteem

1. Always have a firm understanding of their skills.
2. They are able to maintain healthy relationships with others because they have a healthy
relationship with themselves.
3. They have realistic and appropriate expectations of themselves and their abilities.
4. They understand their needs and are able to express them.

People with Low Self-esteem

1. They tend to feel less sure of their abilities and may doubt their decision-making process.
2. They don’t feel motivated to try novel things because they don’t believe they’re capable of reaching
their goals.
3. They may have issues with relationships and expressing their needs.
4. They also experience low levels of confidence and feel unlovable and unworthy.

People with Overly High Self-esteem

1. They may overestimate their skills and may feel entitled to succeed, even without the abilities to
back up their belief in themselves.
2. They may struggle with relationship issues and block themselves from self-improvement because
they are seeing themselves as perfect.

Mental Imagery
It enables us to reactivate and manipulate internal representations when the corresponding stimuli are
absent. In case of visual mental imagery, this process gives rise to the experience of ‘seeing with the
mind’s eye.’
Mental imagery represents a very relevant part of mental life. Because of its, internal status, and
complexity, its study raises a series of methodological problems and requires differentiations and
Mental imagery involves the athletes imagining themselves in an environment performing a specific
activity using their senses (sight, hear, feel and smell). The images should have the athlete performing
successfully and feeling satisfied with their performance.
Mental Imagery can be used to:
1. Familiarize the athlete with a competition site.
2. Motivate the athlete by recalling images of their goals for that session, or of success in a past
3. The perfect skills or skill sequences the athlete is learning or refining.
4. It reduce negative thoughts by focusing on positive outcomes.
5. It refocus the athlete when the need arises, e.g. if performance is feeling sluggish, the imagery of
a previous best performance or previous best event focus can help get things back on track.
6. It see success where the athlete sees themselves performing skills correctly and the desired
7. It sets the stage for a performance with a complete mental run-through of their performance’s key
elements to set the athlete’s desired pre-competition feelings and focus.

Self Talk
When you talk to yourself, or your inner voice it is called self talk. You might not be aware that you’re
doing it, but you almost certainly are. This inner voice combines conscious thoughts with inbuilt beliefs
and biases to create an internal monologue throughout the day.
Self-talk is defined as the verbalization or statements athletes repeat to themselves prior to or during
skill execution. Performing these techniques can improve focus and slow the brain down, giving it the
ability to devote more “power” to the specific task at hand. The goal of self-talk is to replace negative
thinking with more positive messages. For instance, a basketball player preparing to shoot free throws
should never tell him or herself, “I am not going to make this shot.” If they do, they need to consider how
self-talk can help them. Another example is the 5k runner who is past by another runner should not be
discouraged, rather they should turn to a mental statement, “I can catch them. I’ve done this before.”
Some quick tips for developing self-talk are:
1. Choose a phrase. It can be as simple as “I’m running strong,” or “Relax, relax, relax.” Repeat your
phrase over and over either during or leading up to your specific task.
2. Practice your phrase at a deeper level. Once you’ve successfully utilized your phrase, use it more
specifically. For the basketball player, “I’ve made this shot before, and it’s doable,” or the runner
coming into the last mile of their race, I’m in great shape, finish strong.” Never give up. The power
of the mind is strong.
3. Practicing these components of self-talk can decrease anxiety and increase overall performance.

Goal Setting
Goal setting is simply the development of an action plan that is designed to motivate and guide a person
or group toward a goal. Proper setting goals means that a person has committed thought, emotion, and
behavior towards attaining the goal.

It is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your
vision of this future into reality. It helps you to choose where you want to go or what you want to achieve
in life. By knowing this you can concentrate your efforts, also you can quickly spot the distractions.
Goal setting focuses on increasing individuals’ motivational levels to achieve success by applying energy
levels into achieving the overall goal.
The aim of goals and the practice of goal setting are well known and established where performance
enhancement is the objective.
In sports goal setting can be one of the most important skills to help athletes to optimize their
performance. It can help athletes to focus on what is important and give them a sense of control and
positive self-direction.
SMART goals always help athletes gain confidence and believe in their ability to succeed. Goal
setting with proper follow up, can improve performance, influence motivation, and help athletes reach
their potential.

How To Set Smart Goals?

1. Make your goals specific, observable and in measurable
2. Always clearly identify the time constraints
3. Use moderately difficult goals rather then easy goals.
4. Write down the goals and regularly monitor progress
5. Make short-range goals to achieve long range plans
6. Set practice as well as competition goals
7. Consider personality and individual differences in goal setting
9. Set positive goals as opposed to negative goals
10. Identify a goal-achievement strategy
11. Seek support for your goals
12. Set team as well as individual performance goal.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Psycology ability in sports is useful for :
(a) Development of games (b) Development of skills
(c) Positive progress (d) All the above

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Explain the role of self talk in sports.
2. How to set smart goals for better results?

Long Answer Type Questions

1. Describe psychological attributes?

Training is a process of preparing an individual for any event, activity or job. Usually in sports, we use
the term sports training, which denotes the sense of preparing sports persons for the highest level of
According to Mathew, “Sports training is the basic form of preparation of a sportsman.”
According to Dale, “Training is a organised process which an individual does it to achieve predetermined
knowledge, skill and performance goals”.
The word ‘training’ is not new concept. However this term has been used since ancient period.
Training means the process of preparation of some task. As here the main task is to provide fitness and
conditioning. This is the reason this term is used so frequently in sports. That is why it is known as
Sports Training. Sports training and players preparation are main constituents of this process. In other
words it is a systematically planned preparation of various set of exercises in order to achieve desired
Talent identification and talent development have very significant roles in sports performance especially
in the last two decades. That is why, identifying and developing talented athletes to their fullest
potential is the main concern of sports scientists and sports coaches. Before knowing the concept of
talent identification and talent development, it is essential to know about “talent”. In fact, in the field of
sports, ‘talent’ is defined as the presence or absence of particular skills or qualities identified at earlier
time points that correlate to or predict expert future performance.
This programme was first introduced in 2018 by Sports Authority of India (SAI) under “Khelo India
Programme” to search Talent and develop those skills in them by giving them the platform to show and
perform their skills and abilities. Those students who perform extraordinary in these completion are
awarded and acknowledged and also given chance to be selected under this scheme. The students after
given a chance went through a selection process, after selection these students are given training by the
expert coaches. Coaches can also call any student to appear for trials on the basis of the extraordinary
performance at National and International level.
After selection, game specific training are given to the student in sports camps in various disciplines
of sports where a group of experts like coaches, dietician, physiotherapist, fitness trainer, sports player
and sports experts works as a team together to achieve determined goals.
Process: Talent identification and talent development involve the following steps in the pursuit of
sporting excellence:
1. Talent Detection: The searching of potential athletes or sportspersons who are not currently
participating in the sports in question. It aims to encourage and motivate children to choose one
or more sports according to their personality traits.
2. Talent Identification: The recognizing of participants with potential at an earlier age to become
elite performers in the future.
3. Talent Development: Provides athletes with a suitable learning environment to accelerate or
realize their potential.
4. Talent Selection: It is the ongoing process of identifying individuals at various stages of
development who demonstrate pre-requisite level of performance. It largely involves the traditional
approach to talent identification and talent development.

Talent Identification in Sports

It can be defined as that process by which children are encouraged and motivated to participate in sports
at which they are most likely to get success in future. They are tested on the basis of selected parameters.
These parameters are designed to predict their performance capacity. In this process, their current

level of fitness and maturity is taken into consideration. Talent identification in the first step in the
progression from beginner to successful international athlete. Indeed, talent identification is the search
for young athletes with the potential to become elite athletes. In other words, Talent Identification
is to recognise the current participants, who are already playing the sports of their choice, with the
potential to become elite performers. Their performance is predicted over various periods of time by
measuring physical, physiological, psychological and sociological attributes. The main components of
talent identification are physical characteristics such as size, strength, and maturation . Physiological
characteristics are speed, agility and other components of fitness. Technical skills comprise of dribbling,
passing control and shooting along with defensive skills, psychological attributes such as self-esteem,
goal setting, self-talk, mental imagery and positive attitude are also taken into consideration.

Talent Development in Sports

Talent development provides suitable learning environment so that their talent can be realized. It is the
first step in the progression from the beginner to successful international athlete. This phase provides
such a learning environment which converts young athletes into sporting stars of the future. Talent
development is the next significant phase in the achievement of sporting success
National Sports Talent Search Development scheme students are selected on the basis of their
Interests and skills profeciancies. Every year 1000 student are selected in different discipline and each
student is also provided 5,00,000 (5 lakh) Rs. scholarship. This is a very good platform for all skillful
students as in this scheme talent from all over India is being discovered in various sports discipline.

Objectives of Talent Development Programme

1. To search sports talent at grass root level.
2. To select students on the basis of their size, physical abilities, physical disabilities and interest of
the student.
3. To promote sports academies at school level, district level and state level.
4. To avail sports facilities to the students.
5. To give platform to sports talent.
6. To provide financial support to underpreviledged students.
7. Personal development of student.
8. Community development of society.
9. Employment Opportunity Development.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the main objective of “Khelo India Programme”.
(a) To collect funds (b) To provide degree
(c) To search talent (d) None of the above
2. Under National Talent Search Programme. How many students are selected every year?
(a) 500 (b) 1000
(c) 1500 (d) 200

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Name any two associations who works for National Sports talent search.
2. What is the role of sports authority of India in talent search?
3. What are the main objectives of sports talent search programme?
4. What are the objectives of Talent Development Programme?

Sports training is a systematic and organised planning process to achieve desired goals through practice
and also to improve performance in fixed period of time. During training player is given training to
increase his/her performance level, increased load, adaptation of load are the main focused part.
Sports training is a process of preparation of sports persons based on scientific principles aimed at
improving performance capacity in various discipline of sports. It is a perticular type of training designed
to improve fitness and abilities to perform in a given sport in minimum duration of time.

Definition of Sports Training

Metreyev, “Sports training is the basic forms of preparation of sportsmen”.
Martin, “Sports training is systematic and control process to achieve the desired goals”.

Principles of Planning
Periodization is an organized approach to training which involves progressive cycling of various aspects
of a training program during a specific period of time. It can be defined as the purposeful variation of a
training programme over time, so that the competitor gets closer his or her optimum adaptive potential
just before an important event. It is based on the principles of multilateral development, specialization,
variety and long-term training.
Periodization is a concept, not a model. It is a systematic attempt to gain control over training
adaptive responses while preparing for a competition. This concept is created with the help of several
key elements which we can be divided into two parts: planning macrostructure and microstructure.
The total available time for the competition has been distributed in smaller periods or cycles, which
are as follows:
1. Macro Cycle 2. Meso Cycle 3. Micro Cycle

Macro Cycle
A macrocycle is an annual plan that works towards peaking for the goal competition of the year. There are
three phases in the macrocycle: preparation, competitive, and transition. The entire preparation phase
should be around 2/3 to 3/4 of the macrocycle. The preparation phase is further broken up into general
and specific preparation of which general preparation takes over half. An example of general preparation
would be building an aerobic base for an endurance athelete such as running on a treadmill and learning
any rules or regulations that would be required such as proper swimming stroke as not to be disqualified.
An example of specific preparation would be to work on the proper form to be more efficient and to work
more on the final format of the sport, which is to move from the treadmill to the pavement.
The competitive phase can be several compeititions, but they lead up to the main compeition with
specific tests. Testing might include any of the following: performance level, new shoes or gear, a new
race tactic might be employed, pre-race meals, ways to reduce anxiety before a race, or the length needed
for the taper. When the pre-competitions are of a higher priority there is a definite taper stage while
lower priority might simply be integrated in as training. The competitive phase ends with the taper and
the competition. The transition phase is important for psychological reasons, a year of training means
a vacation is in order. A typical weekend warrior might take three months while a professional athlete
might take as little as two weeks.

The Mesocycle
A mesocycle r this can depend on crocycles, but inuous weeks where the training program emphasize
the same type of physical adaptations, for example muscle mass and anaerobic capacity. During the

preparatory phase, a mesocycle commonly consists of 4-6 micro-cycles, while during the competition
phase it will usually consist of 2-4 micro-cycles depending on the competition’s calender.
The goal of the plan is to fit the mesocycles into the overall plan timeline-wise to make each mesocyle
end on one of the phases and then to determine the workload and type of work of each cycle based on
where in the overall plan the given mesocycle falls. The goal in mind is to make sure the body peaks for
the high priority competitions by improving each cycle along the way.

The Microcycle
A microcycle is typically a week because of the difficulty in developing a training plan that does not align
itself with the weekly calender. Each microcycle is planned based on where it is in the overall macrocycle.
A micro-cycle is also defined as a number of training sessions, built around a given combination of acute
program variables, which include progression as well as alternating effort (heavy vs. light days). The
length of the micro-cycle should correspond to the number of workouts–empirically often 4-16 workouts—
it takes for the athlete or fitness client to adapt to the training program. When the athlete or fitness
client has adapted to the program and no longer makes progress, a change to one or more program
variables should be made special pages for sport is crucial.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A good sports training plans consist of how many cycles in it?
(a) 1 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 4
2. “Sports Training is the basic forms of preparation of Sportsman” who defined this?
(a) Martin (b) Mcbath
(c) Methew (d) Metreyev
3. Which one of the following training cycles is the shortest?
(a) Macrocycle (b) Microcycle
(c) Mesocycle (d) Ergocycle
4. Which one of the following is included under the stages of talent identification process?
(a) Talent detection (b) Talent development
(c) Total selection (d) All of the above
5. Which one of the following cycles usually range from 2 to 6 weeks?
(a) Mesocycle (b) Macrocycle
(c) Microcycle (d) None of these

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What do you understand by sports planning?
2. Which three phases are involved in macrocycle?
3. What are the points to be taken care of while preparing training programme by coach?
4. What is sports training? Explain all three cycles.
5. Write a short note on the inter relationship of Macro, Meso and Micro cycle.

It is the ability as relatively stabilities and generalized pattern of motor control and regulation of
movement. It is the ability determined by the mechanisms involved in the control and regulation of
movement. These abilities are depend upon the coordinative process of central nervous system and
various sense organs important for movement control and regulation. Eg. Vestibular organs, kinesthetic
receptors etc.

Forms of Co-ordinative Abilities

1. Orientation Ability 5. Rhythm Ability
2. Coupling Ability 6. Reaction Ability
3. Differentiation Ability 7. Reaction Ability
4. Balance Ability
There are following methods to develop coordinative abilities.
1. Regular Physical Exercises: Regular physical exercises help in improving coordinative abilities
because different types of physical exercises involve different coordinative abilities such as rhythm
ability, balance ability, coupling ability and adaptation ability.
2. Movements should be done correctly: Movements should be done correctly. When we do
various exercises, we usually make different movements., These movements should be executed
correctly and consciously with proper concentration. It enables the sportspersons to control and
regulate their movements.
3. Degree of Difficulty: To develop coordinative abilities the degree of difficulty of physical exercises
should be increased systematically. There are various methods to increase the degree of difficulty
correctly such as variation in movement execution, change in the external condition, practice
against time, practice under fatigue, etc.
4. Suitable General and Specific Exercises: Different types of general exercises should be involved
in training programme to improve general coordinative abilities, whereas specific exercises should
be done to improve specific coordinative abilities.
5. Variation in Exercises: Limited number of physical exercises do not give the desired results
because each set of exercises have effect for limited period of time. Therefore, exercises should be
changed frequently to improve various coordinative abilities.
6. Modification in Exercises: We should always try our best to modify the exercises by keeping
in view to develop different coordinative abilities. This type of modification in essential for faster
and effective improvement of coordinative abilities.
Objective Type/Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which one of the following training cycles is the shortest?
(a) Macrocycle (b) icrocycle (c) Mesocycle (d) Ergocycle
2. Which one of the following cycles usually range from 2 to 6 weeks?
(a) Mesocycle (b) Macrocycle (c) Microcycle (d) None of these
Short Answer Questions
1. What do you man by macrocycle?
2. Explain macrocycle, mesocycle and microcycle in brief.
3. What is periodisation? Discuss the macro, meso and microcycles in detail


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