IELTS Band 7+ Writing Success System

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IELTS Band 7+ Writing Success System

There are 5-6 different types of essay question in the IELTS

writing task two, and they EACH require a different response!
Task Two Essay Structures!
● Discuss both views and give your own opinion
● Opinion ( to what extent do you agree/disagree)
● Advantages/disadvantages
● Cause/problem/solution
● Direct question
Essay Structure Training!

What's the most common essay question type….?

Discuss both views and give your own opinion

The most common task two essay question!

For this essay we will agree with one side and disagree with the other.

Unless you are already advanced it is much easier to do this.

It doesn’t matter if you agree or not!! You should write about the easiest
option to agree with.
Body paragraph 1 - opposite view

Body paragraph 2 - your view

Discuss both views and give your own opinion

Some people think that the best way to learn about business is to study a
course at college or university. Others believe that there are other better
ways to learn about business. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Main topic keywords - learn about business

Micro keywords - best/better
Paraphrase premise

● It is argued/felt by some that….while others maintain….

● Many are of the opinion that….
● Opinions differ regarding whether…
● X is thought by some to be….
● It is thought by some that…

● This essay discusses both perspectives and why I believe that .…...
● While (contrast idea/reason for 1 view), I believe that (your view)
This essay will discuss both views and give my opinion

This essay discusses both perspectives and why I believe that .…...
Some people think that the best way to learn about business is to study a course at
college or university. Others believe that there are other better ways to learn about
business. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

● X is/are considered (by some) to be….

● Passive infinitive - subject + to be + past participle (by some) + to be

Acquiring academic qualifications is thought by some to be the most efficient way to become
knowledgeable about enterprise. Others, however, maintain that alternative methods are
superior. This essay discusses both perspectives and why I believe that being competent in
business requires creativity more than formal education.
● X is/are considered (by some) to be….

● Passive infinitive - subject + to be + past participle (by some) + to be

Not good with questions including 'should'

Body Paragraph 1 - Opposite view
Topic sentence: It could be argued that.../There are people who think that…./ There are certainly some
benefits to.../
Explain: Firstly / This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that……. 37% people who study at college….
● For instance, the majority of …….
● Many studies have shown that……
No fake studies!
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….)
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition/Secondly/On top of that

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, … Only one idea necessary for opposite view
Body Paragraph 2 - Your view
Topic sentence: However, I agree with those who believe that…..

Explain: Firstly / This is because……./ When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that…….
● For instance, the majority of ……. Not necessary for paragraphs
● Many studies have shown that……
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….) with two ideas
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition/Secondly/On top of that

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, … - Not necessary with two ideas

Conclusion: Contrast/summarise views with a complex sentence + state your

opinion again and justify it.

To conclude, while/although (opposite reasons), it is my firm belief that/I

wholeheartedly/strongly believe/agree that (opinion). This is because/therefore….
(justify your opinion)
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Opinion Essay!
Some people believe that voluntary work in the community should be part
of the high school curriculum.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Recommendation - fully agree or disagree! - there is NO NEED to try to

invent 'another side', it is NOT discuss both views.

You should know how to answer using this approach before you try to write
a balanced view


Body paragraph 1 - first reason

Body paragraph 2 - second reason

Some people believe that voluntary work in the community should be part of the high
school curriculum.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Agree - why? Disagree - why?

Reason 1 Become global citizens

Reason 2 Teaches valuable life skills

Opinion - Introduction

Paraphrase premise

● It is argued/thought by some that….(while others believe that…..No OTHER People!!!)

● Many are of the opinion that….
● Opinions differ regarding whether…
● X is thought by some to be….


In fact, I completely/firmly/wholeheartedly agree with this because(We use in fact if we agree)

However, I completely/firmly/wholeheartedly disagree with this and I believe that.. (We use however if
we disagree)
Opinion - Introduction
Some people believe that voluntary work in the community should be part of the high school
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

voluntary work - unpaid work

should be - ought to be
high school curriculum - secondary school courses

It is thought by some that unpaid community work ought to be incorporated into secondary school
courses. In fact, I completely agree with this because it is an effective way to foster pupils to become
global citizens and it can teach them valuable life skills.
Body Paragraph 1 - First reason
Topic sentence: The main reason I believe that (specify topic) is because ….

Explain: Firstly / This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result

● To illustrate, it is well known that…….
For instance, the majority of …….
37% people who study at college…. X
● Many studies have shown that……
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….) No fake studies!
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition/Secondly/On top of that

Example: For this type of essay, one idea per paragraph is
Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, …
Body Paragraph 2 - Second reason
Topic sentence:
*Another point to consider is...
*Additionally, I support (specify topic again) as
Explain: Firstly / This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that…….
● For instance, the majority of …….
● Many studies have shown that……
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….)
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition/Secondly/On top of that

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, …
Opinion - Conclusion
Conclusion: two options

1. State your opinion again at the beginning of your conclusion and add a comment or

To conclude, I strongly/completely agree that……...due to…..

Therefore…. (recommendation)

2. State your opinion again. Use inversion for emphasis.

To conclude, I strongly/completely agree that...

Not only does it…………, but it also……….
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Discuss the advantages and disadvantages!


There are two types of advantages/disadvantages question.

1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages (no opinion necessary)

2. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages (opinion) More common
These days, more and more people are choosing to read ebooks rather than paper
What are the advantages and disadvantages?

These days, more and more people are choosing to read ebooks rather than paper
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Structure - simple 'discuss' essay


Body paragraph 1 - Advantages

Body paragraph 2 - Disadvantages

These days, more and more people are choosing to read ebooks rather than paper
What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages Disadvantages

Convenience - portability Disturbs sleep patterns

Environmentally friendly Need to be charged - inconvenient


advantages disadvantages
benefits drawbacks
merits negatives
positives downsides


Advantages/disadvantages - Introduction

Paraphrase premise

● In recent years..
● It is not uncommon for… to...
● An increasing number of people are…
● Due to/thanks to/owing to recent changes in...


● While/although (specific advantages), there are also drawbacks.

● This essay discusses the merits and drawbacks of this trend.
Advantages/disadvantages - Introduction
These days, more and more people are choosing to read ebooks rather than paper
What are the advantages and disadvantages?

● In recent years..

In recent years, the demand for ebooks has begun to overtake that of paperbacks. While
this trend is both convenient and more environmentally friendly, there are also drawbacks.
Body Paragraph 1 - Advantages
Topic sentence: There are two main benefits to (reading ebooks) of (ebooks).
Introduce: Firstly, / ______ is a major factor. / ________ is a primary consideration.
Explain: This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that……. Not necessary for
● For instance, the majority of …….
● Many studies have shown that…… paragraphs with two ideas
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….)
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition, /Secondly, /Another advantage is..

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, …
Body Paragraph 2 - Disadvantages
Topic sentence: Nevertheless, there are drawbacks.
Introduce: Firstly, / ______ is a major factor / ________ is a primary consideration.
Explain: This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that…….
● For instance, the majority of …….
● Many studies have shown that……
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….)
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition/Secondly/On top of that

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, …
Advantages/disadvantages - Conclusion

Conclusion: Summarise advantages/disadvantages using a concession/contrast sentence and

provide a recommendation or comment.

In conclusion, while/although/despite(advantage/disadvantage)… , there are also

merits/downsides to consider in terms of………....
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Many school leavers are deciding to take a gap year between school and

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Which one is stronger?

Outweigh - Introduction
Paraphrase premise

● It is not uncommon for …….. to……

● In recent years...
● Opinions differ regarding whether…...should…..
● Due to/thanks to/owing to recent changes/advancements in…
● An increasing number of people are….


While/although (specific advantage/disadvantage), I believe/I would argue that the

merits/drawbacks of…….prevail over the positives/downsides (as….)

In fact, I believe (We use in fact if we think the advantages are stronger)
However, I believe (We use however if we think the disadvantages are stronger)
Outweigh - Introduction
Many school leavers are deciding to take a gap year between school and
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

● It is not uncommon for….

It is not uncommon for high school leavers to postpone their higher education and
spend a year travelling or working before starting their undergraduate studies. While a
gap year may delay the beginning of one's working life, I believe the benefits prevail
over the drawbacks as it equips young people with valuable life skills.
Body Paragraph 1 - Weaker side
Topic sentence:
*On the one hand, I concede that/I acknowledge that taking a gap year may
*Perhaps the main advantage/disadvantage of (specify topic) is...
Explain: Firstly / This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that…….
● For instance, the majority of …….
● Many studies have shown that……
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….)
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition, /Secondly, /On top of that,

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, …
Body Paragraph 2 - Stronger side
Topic sentence: Nevertheless, I believe the benefits/drawbacks are stronger.

Explain: Firstly / This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that…….
● For instance, the majority of …….
● Many studies have shown that……
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….)
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition/Secondly/On top of that

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, …
Outweigh - Conclusion

Conclusion: Summarise advantages/disadvantages using a concession/contrast sentence and

provide a recommendation or comment.

In conclusion, while/although/despite(advantage/disadvantage)… , there are also

merits/downsides to consider in terms of………....
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Cause/Problem/Solution - Introduction
An increasing number of professionals such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer
countries to work in developed countries.
What problems does this cause?
As a result / This has led to...
What can be done to deal with this situation?

An increasing number of professionals such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own
poorer countries to work in developed countries.
Why is this happening?
What can be done to deal with this situation?

This is largely due to../The main reason behind this is..

An increasing number of professionals such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer
countries to work in developed countries.
What problems does this cause?
What can be done to deal with this situation?

Problems Solutions

Skills shortage/talent drain offering incentives

Struggle to develop economically Invest in companies

An increasing number of professionals such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their
own poorer countries to work in developed countries.
Why is this happening?
What can be done to deal with this situation?

Why? (causes) Solutions

Lack of job opportunities Offer incentives to stay

Low salaries Invest in local companies that provide jobs for

skilled personnel
Cause/problem/solution - Introduction
Paraphrase premise

● It is not uncommon for …….. to……

● In recent years...
● Opinions differ regarding whether…...should…..
● Due to/thanks to/owing to recent changes/advancements in…
● An increasing number of people are…/ More and more people are…./Rising numbers of...


Problem: A main/primary result is….. / This has led to…..

Cause: This is largely due to…. / The main reason behind this is..

However, this can be tackled by…../ there are measures which can be implemented to tackle this
Cause/problem/solution - Introduction
An increasing number of professionals such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer
countries to work in developed countries.
Why is this happening?
What can be done to deal with this situation?

This essay discusses the reasons behind this trend and suggests measures by which the issue can be
Cause/problem/solution - Introduction
An increasing number of professionals such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer
countries to work in developed countries.
What problems does this cause?
What can be done to deal with this situation?

This essay discusses the issues this causes and suggests measures by which the situation can be tackled.
Problem/Solution - Introduction
An increasing number of professionals such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer
countries to work in developed countries.
What problems does this cause?
What can be done to deal with this situation?

● Rising numbers of…..

Rising numbers of skilled workers are emigrating from impoverished nations to seek employment in
wealthier ones. As a result, poorer countries will struggle to develop economically and inevitably
suffer from a skills shortage; however, this can be addressed by governments offering incentives for
graduates to stay and investing in companies that provide jobs to skilled personnel.
Problem/Solution - Introduction

Rising numbers of skilled workers are emigrating from impoverished nations to seek employment in
wealthier ones. This essay discusses the issues this causes and suggests measures by which the
situation can be tackled.
Cause/Solution - Introduction
An increasing number of professionals such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer
countries to work in developed countries.
Why is this happening?
What can be done to deal with this situation?

● Rising numbers of……..

Rising numbers of skilled workers are emigrating from impoverished nations to seek employment in
wealthier ones. This is largely due to a lack of professional job opportunities and low salaries;
however, this can be addressed by governments offering incentives for graduates to stay and
investing in companies that provide jobs to skilled personnel.
Cause/Solution - Introduction

Rising numbers of skilled workers are emigrating from impoverished nations to seek employment in
wealthier ones. This essay discusses the reasons behind this trend and suggests measures by which
the issue can be tackled.
Body Paragraph 1 - Causes/problems
Topic sentence problem: The main problem caused by…… is……...

Topic sentence cause: A primary cause of………………...

Explain: Firstly / This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that…….
● For instance, the majority of …….
● Many studies have shown that……
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….)
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition/Secondly/On top of that

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, …
Body Paragraph 2 - Solutions
Topic sentence:
*Nevertheless/Fortunately, there are solutions.
*Nevertheless, this can be addressed by………../ this issue can be mitigated by...
Explain: Firstly / This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that…….
● For instance, the majority of …….
● Many studies have shown that……
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….)
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition, /Secondly, /On top of that,

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, …
Problem/solution - Conclusion
Conclusion: Summarise cause/solution. * First conditional with “unless” to express a prediction.

In conclusion, unless (governments take action)………., (this situation will continue).

In conclusion, unless governments offer incentives and increase the number of graduate jobs,
skilled labour will continue to leave poorer countries, resulting in a talent drain and slow economic

In conclusion, large numbers of skilled labour are leaving their country of citizenship to work
abroad, resulting in a talent drain and lack of economic development. By offering incentives and
providing graduate positions, this issue can be mitigated.
Cause/solution - Conclusion
Conclusion: Summarise cause/solution. * First conditional with “unless” to express a prediction.

In conclusion, unless (governments take action)………., (this situation will continue).

In conclusion, unless governments offer incentives and increase the number of graduate jobs,
skilled labour will continue to leave poorer countries.

In conclusion, large numbers of skilled labour are leaving their country of citizenship to work
abroad due to low income and a shortage of professional positions. By offering incentives and
providing graduate jobs, this problem can be mitigated.
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Direct question!
Direct question/two part question
This question may come in one, two or even three parts.

There is a premise and a question connected to the premise.

In some countries owning a home rather than renting one is considered very important.

Why might this be the case?

Direct questions
Is this a positive or negative development?
If our premise is connected to FAMILIES, we might get questions like this:

What skills do people need to be good parents?

How can someone prepare for parenthood?

Will families look the same in 50 years time?

All of these questions are unique, and that's why they are called direct questions.
Direct question - Introduction
Paraphrase premise

● It is not uncommon for …….. to……

● In recent years...
● Opinions differ regarding whether…...should…..
● X is thought/considered by some to be...
● Due to/thanks to/owing to recent changes/advancements in…
● An increasing number of people are….


Address both questions

● Why? - This is largely due to.. ● How? - In order to..

● Is this positive/negative? - I believe that…. ● What can be done to solve this issue? - There are
measures by which this issue can be tackled
Direct question - Introduction

However, a general/simple thesis is recommended when there are two questions

connected to the premise:


This essay discusses the reasons for this and why I believe it is a positive development.
Direct question - Introduction
In some countries owning a home rather than renting one is considered very important.
Why might this be the case?
Is this a positive or negative development?

● X is thought/considered by some to be...

Purchasing a home instead of renting one is considered by some to be of great significance in certain
countries.This essay discusses the reasons behind this and why I believe it is a positive trend.
Body Paragraph 1 - First question
Topic sentence:
The main reason why owning a house is considered important is...
There are two main reasons why owning a house is considered to be highly important.
Explain: Firstly / This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that…….
● For instance, the majority of …….
● Many studies have shown that……
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….)
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition/Secondly/On top of that

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, …
Body Paragraph 2 - Second question
Topic sentence: I believe owner-occupancy can be seen as leading to positive outcomes.
Explain: Firstly / This is because……. / When + cause + result / Conditional / By + ing + result
● To illustrate, it is well known that…….
● For instance, the majority of …….
● Many studies have shown that……
● Take X for example (Take fast food, for example. It is….)
● A good illustration of this is X ………
● In fact, X ……….

Additional Point (OPTIONAL) In addition/Secondly/On top of that

Paragraph summary/ Therefore, … As a result, …

Conclusion: Summarise the two questions. Add recommendation/comment/prediction.

In conclusion, due to .…….. people are choosing to buy a property rather than to rent
one. In my opinion this is a positive/negative situation as….
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