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The Side Effects of Vaccines - How High is the Risk?

Humans may not know it to themselves but our body contains trillions of microorganisms. It mostly
live on the skin, inside the nose, throat, mouth, private part, and in the gut, however our body has a
designed system to fight these invaders - bacteria and viruses. It is called Immune System, the one that
works as a defender against infection inside our body. Based on the video, we are constantly getting
attacked and our immune system deals with all of that. Apart from this if an infection becomes worse,
antibodies were to combat these invaders but it takes time to process so our immune system
automatically creates memory cells. Memory cells serves its function to remember how it fought the
invader as before so when it comes in the second time, it will be eliminated and will never come back

In order to fight diseases, a person must have a strong immunity but it is not the case in newborn
babies. Newborn babies are prone to bacterial infections and its immune system according to Dr. Sabella
doesn’t mature until around 2 to 3 months. They don’t have plenty of memory cell to combat diseases
and vaccines were then introduced.

A vaccine is a type of medicine that can make the body strong against diseases. Its role is to prepare
the immune system to fight an unknown disease and prevent it from happening again. But some people
believe that its side effects can be a danger to our health like for example allergic reactions, disabilities,
and even worse death. It’s becoming worrisome for some parents as these can affect their child’s health.
Supposed a child did not get a vaccine as its parent’s worry that the side effect might be as worse as it
can be. The child then will be at risk of having serious diseases take for example the child suddenly
caught measles, a highly contagious, serious disease caused by a virus. Hundred thousand of children
died under the age of five in 2018 because of measles so it is most likely that the child that didn’t have
vaccine might die.

In my opinion, vaccination is important to be taken as it prevents dozens of diseases. Vaccine

contains small amount of weakened disease, enough for the immune system to function and fight it. It is
designed to boost our immune system and create plenty memory cells to fight numerous infectious
disease. It is also not harmful enough to be killed in an instant, scientist established or invented vaccines
many years ago through research and as time passes by there is a development in the medicine since the
world are advancing in technologies. Vaccines do not take lives, it prolongs lives as diseases mutate and
changes over time. It is fully tested beforehand that is why it is introduced in the society and most
importantly scientist doesn’t release medicines that isn’t proven to be effective.

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