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សាកលវិទ្យាល័យប ៀលប្រាយ


Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Languages
in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Individual assignment

Subject: The Art Of writing V

Lecturer: Mr. Sin Sothea

Topic: “Cambodian teenager’s dating should be prepared by the parents’’

Submitted by: Nhorng Thada

Promotion 14, Stage 2, Year 3, Semester 2, Room 105

Academic year: 2021 2022

Can you imagine living with the person that you never know? It’s
possible that you can live with but it will be cause a lot of problems in your life.
Dating is not only just a simple thing in teenager’s life. They need to think
clearly before make loves with someone. However, most of people who lives in
old generation in Cambodia or live in Chinese culture like to prepare their child
with person that they are interesting with. These are not the good ways to keep
their child in happiness. But it caused them to live in the darkness. There are
three reasons that show Cambodian teenager dating should not be prepared by

First, I am against to parents that want to choose dating for theirs child
because it’s make them lack of freedom to choose person who they love. Every
people in Cambodia have the right to choose what they want to do and whom
they want to be with. If people are forced into dating or marriages by parents,
then it goes against that every teenager in Cambodia stand for, which is freedom
of choice. For example, I have a friend who is part of Chinese culture, but he is
Cambodian. His parents forced him to dating with the girl that he never known.
He can’t refuse and he just let it be, he had the right of choice but he can’t use.
As you can see, Cambodia is the land of freedom but prepared dating by parents
take the freedom away. In the next year, he got break up with his fiancé because
he can’t get freedom and got problems with his family. Moreover, he just a
young man and it’s made him hard to get what he got. For everyone who lives
in Cambodia should be able to get the freedom by choosing their own sweet

Furthermore, I strongly believe that Cambodian teenager’s should not be

prepared by parents because it can cause depression. For example, if you are
living with someone who you don’t naturally love. You’ll become unhappy.
When you are unhappy, you become stress or depress. Depression can make
you want to die and it prevents you from living a normal mental and physical
healthy life. It caused you to lose interest, feeling worthless and overthinking. In
addition, mental health is the most important part of life. If a person having
problems with mental health that can also cause anger, fear, sadness and
feelings of helplessness. Mental health can drive a person to commit suicide.
According to the National Institute for mental health, over 90 percent of
suicides have depression or another mental disorder as factors. As a result, if a
person dating with whom they aren’t loved that surely easy to get depression.
A final reason why I am against dating should be prepared by parents is
because true love is prevented. When true love is prevented, it becomes hard
way to choose soul mate. When a person doesn’t have a soul mate, they will get
the feels that being lonely and incomplete with love. For instance, I watch a
movie a long time ago, which is name Tum Teav and it clearly show us that the
life with suffer when parents prepared for dating. Tum and Teav is a natural
soul mate but Teav mother’s doesn’t like Tum and she try to break them by
choosing another man for Teav. But she still loving Tum who is the one that her
mom doesn’t like. And after Tum got killed, Teav decided to commit suicide
herself. These show us that life is suffering when parents prepared dating.

Some of parents say that all teenagers who not prepare by them will
regret. This point has some merit on the surface. However, as stated previously,
love is not a game for play that easy to die and born. It means too much for a
person life. We need to take serious with it. For example, you live with person
who is prepared by parent you will never sleep or talk with each other. My
neighbor that have a prepared dating and he always complained to me every
moment that I met him. He said about his feeling to me that love is not just for
play. If you love someone make sure you can get the one that you love. Don’t
do like me, I felt so wrong that I chose a soul mate by my parents. Everyone
must be fight against it because it is the good ways to keep fit in our future.

In conclusion, there may be specific reasons that say Cambodian teenager

should not be prepared by parents. However, I am fully against the topic. Dating
prepare by parents prevented freedom of choice, cause mental health, prevent
you from true soul mate or sweet heart. My best friend never got a chance to
experience the freedom of choice because his parents forced him into a prepared
dating. Furthermore, I always feel bad for people who get depressed and live
with suffers by prepared dating. Finally, if two of character in the movie which
is called Tum Teav would not have had a prepared dating, then they would have
been able to live with each other until they are getting older. And they feel more
fulfilled and complete in their life. We all have the right of choice, we would
pick the one whom we loved and spent the rest of life with our soul mate.

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