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The 5th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 977 (2022) 012098 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/977/1/012098

Ethnobotany of plants used in traditional ceremonies in

Tanjung Botung Village, North Sumatra, Indonesia

R Rambey1,2* and A S J Lubis1

Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan,
Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.
JATI- Sumatran Forestry Analysis Study Center, Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.

E-mail: *

Abstract. Indonesia is a country that has various ethnic groups and cultures. Each tribe in
Indonesia has its own special series, one of which is Tanjung Botung Village which still applies
local local culture in daily life. This research was conducted in the village of Tanjung Botung,
North Sumatra with a qualitative method and the selection of respondents was carried out by
snowball sampling. From the results of the study obtained 10 species of plants that are commonly
used in traditional ceremonial activities. The plant species included Benincasa hispida, Musa
paradisiaca L., Kalanchoe pinnata syn, Saccharum officinarum L., Areca catechu, Piper betle,
Citrus hystrix, Imperata cylindrica, Artocarpus heterophyllus and Cocos nucifera. These species
are usually planted in the yard or in the garden.

1. Introduction
Indonesia is known as one of the countries with a very large ethnic diversity in the world. Ethnic
diversity gives birth to different cultural patterns [1]. Indonesia is one of the developing countries that
has the characteristic culture of its people, which is still dominant with traditional elements in everyday
life. This situation is supported by the biodiversity in the surrounding environment, so that it can form
certain cultural patterns according to a person's character or environmental conditions [2]. The use of
plants for cultural purposes in the life of traditional communities in Indonesia is a material and a means
of completeness in traditional ceremonial activities. Each of these areas has a variety of ancestral beliefs
that are carried out and preserved by each of the supporters of that culture [3].
According to [4] a culture that attaches great importance to humans and each other, in the behavior
of humans who live in a similar culture, will be guided by leaders, senior people and superiors.
According to [5]. There are still many forms of customs and traditions from traditional areas in the
archipelago, displaying the characteristics of each of which are of high value. This cannot be detailed in
detail because of the many different forms, patterns, and types, whether in the form of food, typical
clothing, handicraft production, celebration parties, arts, or nature tourism for their respective
recreational areas.
In preserving the culture of using plants in socio-cultural activities, it is feared that in the future it
will begin to erode with the mobility of the times. According to [6], the current flow of globalization
has had an influence on the cultural development of the Indonesian nation. The rapid flow of information
and telecommunications has actually led to a trend that leads to the waning of cultural preservation

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The 5th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 977 (2022) 012098 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/977/1/012098

The discipline of ethnobotany is closely associated with dependence Humans on plants, either
directly or indirectly in meeting their needs [7]. One of the villages that still preserves socio-cultural
activities is Tanjung Botung Village, therefore it is necessary to document the plant species used in these
socio-cultural activities. Based on the types of traditional ceremonies that are usually carried out in
Tanjung Botung Village are weddings, entering a new house, thanksgiving and death ceremonies.

2. Materials and methods

This research was conducted in Tanjung Botung Village, Barumun District, Padang Lawas Regency
from August to November 2020. The research method was carried out qualitatively. Data were collected
by means of in-depth interviews with key respondents. Key respondents are people who understand
what plants are used in traditional ceremonies. The number of key informants was determined by means
of snowball sampling [8]. The information needed is done by interviewing key respondents and then
looking for information from other key importers. After the data is considered sufficient, then stop. The
data that has been obtained is then analyzed descriptively.

3. Results and disscussion

Based on the results of the study, there were 10 plant species belonging to 9 families used in traditional
ceremonies in Tanjung Botung Village, namely Benincasa hispida, Musa paradisiaca L., Kalanchoe
pinnata syn, Saccharum officinarum L., Areca catechu, Piper betle, Citrus hystrix, Imperata cylindrica.
, Artocarpus heterophyllus and cocos nucifera. These species are usually planted in the yard or in the
garden. In detail the species of plants used in traditional ceremonies can be seen in Table 1 (1a and 1b).
Based on the types of traditional ceremonies that are usually carried out in Tanjung Botung Village
are weddings, new house ceremonies and death ceremonies. Based on the results of [2] in Pangandaran
Village, Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency, there are five types of traditional ceremonies that
are still being carried out, namely traditional ceremonies for sea, four-monthly, seven-monthly, marriage
and earth celebration. In connection with these traditional ceremonies, there are 21 types of plants used
in the process of their activities. Compared with [9] 31 recorded plant species include cultivated plants
and plants of socio-cultural value.
Traditional ceremonies that are still carried out by the people of Tanjung Botung Village, if viewed
from a conservation point of view, can directly or indirectly maintain genetic resources, especially
related to the use of plants. As long as the traditional ceremony exists, the types of plants must also be
maintained. According to [10] each region has a variety of traditions, each region related to its traditions
has different local values and uniqueness. One of the unique features of each existing tradition is the
traditional ceremony.

3.1 Wedding ceremony

There are 5 types of plants used in the wedding ceremony, including Musa paradisiaca L., Areca
catechu, Piper betle, Artocarpus heterophyllus and Cocos nucifera.
Musa paradisiaca L. Several types of plants used in the wedding ceremony include Musa
paradisiaca L. In a traditional ceremony in the Mandailing ethnic group, one of the traditions carried
out at the wedding is to plant two banana stalks in front of the house, meaning that bananas only bear
fruit in one go. only married once in a lifetime. Another meaning according to [11] affectionately
planting bananas at the wedding ceremony is a visualization of prayer to God, so that later the new
household will receive goodness like lots of goodness from kepok bananas.
Areca catechu is a type of plant that belongs to the Arecaceae family. Almost all parts of the plant
can be used. In Tanjung Botung Village, one of the parts used is the fruit. The fruit is used as a snack
when there are traditional ceremonies such as a discussion event when a family member is getting
married. Areca nut is usually planted in the yard of the house. According to [11]. Areca nut is also a
ritual plant used by the Manobo tribe in Surigao del Sur, Philippines.

The 5th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 977 (2022) 012098 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/977/1/012098

Table 1a. The types of plants used in traditional ceremonies in Tanjung Botung Village.
No Local Scientific Family Actifity Part of use How to use
name name
1. Kundur Benincasa Cucurbitacee New house Fruit The old fruit is tied with a
/baligo hispida ceremonies rope and then hung in the
middle of the house; the
goal is to make the house fit
to bring good luck
2. Pisang Musa Musaceae Wedding Stems, leaves Two banana saplings are
aciumnita ceremonies and fruit taken and planted in front
of the door of the house,
one on the left and one on
the right with the intention
that husband and wife will
get offspring like bananas
that quickly produce
3. Daun Kalanchoe Crassulaceae New house Leaf Take 1 sheet of sidingin
sidingin pinnata syn ceremonies leaf and then place it in
front of the door of the
house so that the purpose of
the husband-and-wife pair
is to keep the atmosphere
4. Tebu Saccharum Poaceae New house Stem Tebu seeds are taken and
officinarum ceremonie then planted in front of the
L. s house with the aim that the
house is sweet like sugar
5. Pinang Areca Arecacae Wedding Fruit The betel nut is cut into
catechu ceremonies pieces and then served to
guests in traditional
discussion events
6. Sirih Piper betle Piperaceae Wedding Leaf Take enough leaves then
ceremonies mixed with whiting, and
with the bride
7. Jeruk Citrus hystrix Rutaceae Bathing the Fruit Kaffir lime is cut into
purut corpse pieces. Then bathed for the
corpse with the aim of
making the corpse clean
and holy
8. Alang- Imperata Poaceae New house All parts of Take the reeds to taste, then
alang cylindrica ceremonies the plant tied and mixed with
sidingin putin front of the
9. Nangka Artocarpus Moraceae Wedding Fruit The young jackfruit is
heterophyllus ceremonies taken and then cooked

The 5th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 977 (2022) 012098 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/977/1/012098

Table 1b. The types of plants used in traditional ceremonies in Tanjung Botung Village (continue).
No Local Scientific Family Actifity Part of use How to use
name name
10 Kelapa Cocos Arecaceae Wedding Friut Coconut plant is placed
nucifera ceremonies at the groom's house with
the aim that the bride and
groom can provide
benefits like coconuts

3.2 New home ceremonies

There are 4 types used in entering a new house, including Benincasa hispida, Saccharum officinarum
L., Kalanchoe pinnata syn and Omperata cylindrica, Benincasa hispida.
Benincasa hispida. Cucurbitaceae family includes approximately 960 species which are divided into
125 genera. The Cucurbitaceae family or pumpkin family is a flowering plant and generally is a creeping
plant [12]. Gundur fruit (Benincasa hispida) that is old is tied with a rope and then hung in the middle
of the house so that the house brings good luck. According to [13] the plant species Benincasa hispida
is also used in traditional kendurisko ceremonies in several sub-districts in Kerinci Regency, Jambi.
Saccharum officinarum L. is a plant belonging to the Poaceae family. Saccharum officinarum L.
(sugarcane) is an annual grass that reaches 6 m in height. The stems are round with books, the leaves
are ribbon shaped. Flowering panicles are white, the flowering period is from February to June [14].
Sugarcane is one of the producers of sugar. From the results of research in Tanjung Botung Village
when someone enters a new house, sugar cane seeds are planted in front of the house with the aim that
the house is sweet like sugar cane. According to [14] Sugarcane Utilization in Traditional Ceremonies
in Tabanan Regency, Bali Sugarcane is meaningful as an offering, purification, a symbol of life,
forgiveness, identity, white cow feed, a symbol of taste, repelling reinforcements, and as medicine.
Kalanchoe pinnata syn. One leaf of sidingin and then place it in front of the door of the house with
the intention that the purpose of the husband and wife is to keep the atmosphere cool. Kalanchoe pinnata
syn belongs to the Crassulaceae family. According to [15] Kalanchoe pinnata syn also known as magic
leaf is traditionally known to exhibit various pharmacological activities involving treatment for most of
the serious disorders related to mankind.
Imperata cylindrica. Imperata cylindrica is a plant that belongs to the Poaceae family. In Tanjung
Botung Village, Imperata cylindrica is one of the plants used when entering a new house. The way to
use it is to take enough reeds, then tie them together and mix them with sidingin in front of the house
with the intention that the new house they live in is comfortable and brings good luck to the occupants
of the house.

3.3 Death ceremonies

Citrus hystrix D. C is a fruit plant that is widely grown by Indonesian people in their yards or gardens.
In Tanjung Botung Village, kaffir lime is used in bathing the corpse, this means that the body is clean
and holy. In contrast to [16] the Tamiang Tribe in the village of Menanggini, Aceh Tamiang Regency,
the use of Purut Oranges by the Tamiang Tribe is used during traditional wedding ceremonies to provide
safety and resilience for both brides.

4. Conclusions
There were 10 plant species belonging to 9 families used in traditional ceremonies in Tanjung Botung
Village. There are 5 types of plants used in the wedding ceremony, including Musa paradisiaca L.,
Areca catechu, Piper betle, Artocarpus heterophyllus and Cocos nucifera. There are 4 types used in
entering a new house, including Benincasa hispida, Saccharum officinarum L., Kalanchoe pinnata syn

The 5th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 977 (2022) 012098 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/977/1/012098

and Omperata cylindrica, Benincasa hispida. One type of plant used in the event of death, namely Citrus
hystrix D.

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The 5th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 977 (2022) 012098 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/977/1/012098

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