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Table of contents Ps Living and Non-living Things , ao 1 Animals a! Plants My Body easide; ealthy Habits Objects Around Us leat and Light 6 Seasons @ objects in the Sky : @ Our Earth UNIT 4 Macks of, ErpsrRILeAeNsReseeeE aeesvoretore'ss = ——— = sssaassaearees CeO ng anc | WONDER Hum Which one of the following do you think can move and eat? other nelp Things around us are divided into living and non-living. us find out the difference between them. Living things There are many kinds of living things in the world. Hum beings, animals, and plants are living things. oa 3 Human beings and animals get their food from plants and other animals whereas, plants make their food with the help of air, water, and sunlight. - breathe grow move Human beings and animals breathe in air from their surroundings while fish breathe in air from the water through their gills. AMAZING FACT Do you know plants move too? Some plants move towards sunlight and some plants float in water. eoocecre-- Non-living things reathe, Ae s, D Non-living things cannot move by oe ‘ood and grow, or have young ones. They do not n° water. ict : : in the pictur Look at a few examples of non-living things i things given below. Why do you think they are 9 4 LET'S FIND OUT --e Look around your classroom and identify one living and 0’ non-living thing. ..@ Find a bird or an insect outside your classroom. Where 0° h as ving and Non-lving Things ; ials SUC! Non-living things are made up of different mater! paper, plastic, wood, metal, etc. These materials can be divided into natural and man- materials. made Non-living things Man-made materials Wee ae ie elk) Materials which are not made’by man and are found in nature are called natural materials, for example, wood, water, cotton, leather, oil, etc. man using natural materia ic. and glass are man-made mate REMEMBER AND UNDERSTAND Identify the living and non-living things in the illustration belo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ving and Non-living Things shelter: 2 place which provides protection. breathe: to take air into the lungs and expel it. Things around us Sewer ence nnn? Non-living things do not need food cannot move on their cannot breathe cannot have young can have young ones cannot grow EXERCISES Fill in the blanks. i. Humans, plants, and animals are ——_____ things. | ii, A can move by itself. iii, We need to grow. iv. A cannot breathe. Vv Plants need _____ to grow. Recall questions i. | Name any two living-things. (uma awa ii. Are non-living things alive? Wo il. 18. book a living thing? No iv. Dowe grow? How “do you know? hinge v. Do you think non-living things move by themselves? Ne They (anne m vey fi 3. Match the following: cannot breathe . can move can grow : Ri Pe, © Non-living things — cannot eat 4. Compare the characteristics of the teddy bear and rabbit given on page no. 2 in the diagram below. Rabbit can...... Teddy bear cannot........ Balt bow com 5. Identify one living and one non-living thing in the picture below: Find out what a monkey eats, how it move: nd breathes? Draw a picture of it and write your findings in your notebook. =r about living and non-living examples of each and \. inthem. | Cs ST en ee ee sda 0S eee arg tg i — ee hire —|— Qui Nome——any. —taia= 4 “pga ome pene H fain a-8-¥O- i ae ———r eae ar ; ea = —— ee es Ff Bayou =think- “non -Living?- = peg amb Te — No they — canna ee Students will be able to: * identify the animals they see around them. * identify the food which different animals eat: * recognise the importance of animals. * identify the homes of animals. * differentiate between animals that can and cannot be kept at home. sat ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner animals animals like fish, whale, shark, crab, starfish, etc. live ao REMEMBER AND UNDERSTAND 1. Name a wild animal. 2. Name a pet animal 3. Name a farm animal. 4, Name an insect. ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner Students will be able to: plants need water, food, and air to live. * recognise that e identify the plants they see around them. ® recognise the differences between the plants they see around them. ® recognise the importance of plants/trees as a source of food, shade, and shelter. ® identify the things around them that are made up trees. of plants/ Did you see any plants on your way to school? Were they small or big? Why do you think plants are * for us? : important Plants are also living things like us. rhelaied food, water, air, Do you know plants car and sunlight to stay aliveyt) _feel and move? / oN mice n emcee een eee terrence ce errn™ ZING FACT | AMA: ‘Ye ¢ Venus flytrap is a plant which feeds on insects and spiders. There are different types of plants. Some are small while . some are big. Creepers ere-plants which Trees are big plants grow along the ground.) @ having a trunk, bark, Example: pumpkin and | branches, and roots. watermelon plant) Example: mango and coconut tree a hrubs are smaller - ‘i Herbs are small eee than trees ee hy be with soft stems.) severatstems-neat an wr Example: prong and peppermint Example: bherry pj) bougainvillaea limbers are plants which need support to stand and grow. (Example: grapevine and(money plan [ LET'S FIND OUT erve Plants have different sizes, different leaves, and flowers: oe the two different kinds of plants. List down differences in them ! table below: | : | Small or | big Plant 1 1 ' ' ‘ 1 1 t t ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' | Plant 2 1 IBER AND UNDERSTAND T for true and ‘F’ for a false statement. ts are not living things. ae plant is a tree. jf | food, water, air, and sunlight to stay alive. “1 a qi vegetables we eat its and (Orr renee eee ne ec neee The frui ' | WONDER § t come from plants.. | Plants provide shelter for living things. Birds and some animals make their home in trees. AMAZING FACT Around 2000 types of plants are used by humans to make food! We get wood from plants, which we use to make things like: give us shadow. Plants are also used to ce i ee on ew zZ Kasey BRAIN TEASER ee fg eP YI ‘ seh i Find the words given below: E ; i rss ; ‘climber wstqaor nah \ creeper hekoqva lot e bos 1 herb p-pepat Gal: On ' shrub vgieg ch Oty baat 1 tree oP ee ae ‘ creeperdo 1 WORDS TO LEARN creepers: plants that grow along the ground shrubs: plants which are smaller than the tree and has several sté climbers: plants which need support to grow food —— shelter 1 1 i give - fo i es k need | : C 1 oo plants water — need -| ! | sunlig! A types of plants 1 ——______— i : creepers herb® EXERCISES Choos the correct option. Small plants with soft stems are called a. “tree 6. herb) c. creeper d. shrub Big plants with trunk, bark, branches, and roots are called a. herbs b. _ shrubs c. climbers d. trees) Which. set of the following things are made using plants? a. bed, plastic ball, stapler « pencil, door, medicine c. laptop, car, paper d. marker, bag, cupboard pecan questions iii, What do plants need to stay alive? — What type of plants grows along the ground? Give an example. What are the climbers?- Differentiate between shrubs and herbs. Why are plants important for us? 3. Mateh the following: tree ¥ : a 5. Look around and make a list of the things made of plants in your notebook. | 6. Cirele the things that come from plants. ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner 4 tudents will be able to: gee ways in which they are same and different fr om human body (eyes, nose, ears, mou! hy, a of various body parts. Iptions of each of the fi human beings but we look different. ound your classroom, do all of you look the same? sle below, write the favourite things about two of your ompare the answers of both the friend: Is to see how or similar they are. shay different body parts. With the help of these body l€ can do many things like eat, run, stand, etc. eye ~ nose mouth LET'S FIND OUT Match the following with the correct pictur helps to see helps to hold things helps to move ie Od’ helps to speak Wo > helps to hear ¥ a“ 2 1 REMEMBER AND UNDERSTAND A ' Name any five body parts. We have five senses. eye can around 10 million Does everything have a smell? § | WONDER ‘ ; | a smells are t while others sk. Does everything 1 1 t t 1 iown in your notebook. t things. put them on the de: or not? Note 4 different nose, eyes, ™° @ars, tongue, in Ngs ai re EXERCISES Choose the correct option. i. We walk with our ————“- a. hands b~ feet c. eyes d. tongue ii. How does a stuffed toy feel? a. soft b. hard c. rough d. cold ii. The taste of a candy is a. sour b. salty c.~sweet d. bitter iv. Which one of the following is a sense organ? a sight b. nose c. leg d. touch 2. Recall questions i. Do all of us look the same? il, How many senses do we have? i. Which body part will you use to smell a flower? Which sense will help you in reading? Nhich body part helps us to hear different yunds? 3. Label the diagram below: eS We ‘ Ag How many Sens2n deowe have msAle —have five—sensew= <= — —— a 5 sen ick = = ee par eal hyo to — se LL meets OWeF p— DLAu gts Shr = opie — a pening a P sight helps as to we ——bo ay part help EXERCISES Choose the correct answer. i. Which one of the following should we eat for good health? a. vegetables b. fruits c. meat d-all of the above ii, We get meat from —__—- a. plants b.animals c. ground d. all of the above iii. What should we do when we come home from school? a. goto sleep b. play ve; wash ourhands/ d. watch television take a bath iv. How many times should we brush our-teeth? \ac~ two b. three pe four, d. one v. What should we do when we get ill? a. stay quiet ‘b; go to the doctor c. tell our friend d. none of the above two sources | a ie yasources ot TOO:

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