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ENCLOSE CURRENT MONTH ATTESTED PAY SLIP & BANK PASS BOOK FIRST PAGE XEROX OR CANCELLED CHEQUE & ECCS PASS BOOK SELF ATTESTED PHOTO COPY SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY ECCS 5A EMPLOYEES' CO-OP. CREDIT SOCIETY LTD., 5; )»» Sahakara Bhavan, Himmatnagar, Secunderabad - 500 0251 Phones : 27822158 Railway : 86972 & 86986 tretoseo {Yes no Te satay co 3 Roiiay Employees: Sens Srp cred uel ta, CERTIFICATION BY THE CONTROLLING OFFICER [resaraione consent tothe annexe apptzaton as made ot by SS Sit tNo Designation oop fy Ofce ‘The annexed is he auhoriy signed by the applicant and his sureties, 6 enabethe Society to make the necessary recoveries through the pay sheet and ‘tom any amount dus to thm fom the Railway and rem to the Socay. 3 lure of he Banke No, er - IFSC Code No. ___ Bank Code - Designation Bank Name - Branch ffe Stamp SIONATURE OF THE SHAREHOLDER: Specimen Signatixe Checked _ 08-V-LoANs GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Its the responsibilty ofthe shareholder to ensure thatthe loan repayments made regularly from his pay. In case of non-tecovery shareholder can make paymentineash in Societys cash counter 2. When recoveries cease tobe received from the Borrower, the Society has lagal ight to demand for payment ofthe debt rom one or both the sureties. The sureties are solely responsible for repayment of loan for which they stood surely. 3. Anewshareholder ofthe Societys elgibeforloan onlyafterreceiptof THREE CMTD RECOVERIES through salay bill subject tother condionsinfoce. 4. Loanis renewable after completion of 24 Installments and 50% ofthe Previous Lazn Amount wich ever is more ofthe loan taken as per the sanctioned instalments (24/30/36/ 421 46/54/60) andafter passing on othe Sockety towards the previous loan sanctioned. 5. Only ashareholder who isa permanant employee! the Raiway shall be ela stand as surety only after receiptof ONE CMTD recovery through salary bileubjecttoather conditions in force. A shareholder can offer suretyo Three (3) cther shareholders in addtion to GENERAL LOAN. 6. Overviring orwing overthe erasures willnt be accepted. Alteration should invariably be attested ath fullsignatureand designation ofthe afficer. 7. Members whose Carty Home Salary on Railway falls balow 40% of ther total emoluments after recover a instalments of loan, if sanctioned shalnotbe tligiblefor the sanction of SpacalLoan, 8, Alloration of amounton Page 1 must invariably be signed by Borrower and bot sureties 9, Returnedloan application should be accompanied the return memo with original application. 10.Aterationof service particulars ifany on Page 1 & 2mustbealested by concerned department. Lament Block Lets) SontifeDio. pping frtheloanct Rs, fo words Rupees, ‘nly forthepurpose | Thumb impression / ¢ " Hie epuese | signature of Applicant ot I witepay the loanin(24/30/36/42 48/58/60) equal monthlyinsaiments “Themembers whohave agreedtostandasmy swells, her service particulars and apreementarefumishod below respects Particulars Borrower ‘et Surety 2nd Surety surety Surety {RBLOCK Later) Fears Husbands Name Desgraton (Gz Non Gx) Deparment an Ofc ‘fice Phone No, Cal Ne ‘Aenea Un No. nt asc Pay ne e509 Pay Band PF Account Date tpoiiment Dapatnentavertcanen | Boren vried | Aso pacian verted | Asovepariaas veils | Above parce veitod_| Absve paricaas vara Sonate of no ‘il Oring Offoor 2s \ he borowerhereby authorise and requestho South Cental Ralivay to deduct om my 27 of any moles hal may be payable to re By te Sou Cantal Ralway hi such instalment ornatalments towards Os prncpal of my loan orintetest ue on Or ny ‘fhe sumor sums which South Genial Ralway Employees’ Coop. Groat Sctly id, Secunderebed may cam as dus Fom me tothe sai Solty. An, and. sures tothe above ‘borewar inland savers ik wise auory the Sout Carrl Raliway recovery amount towards pincpal or iieealcy Sum Gosh eapest he ean gated {Under his appleaton form and outof te month slay payable to each of usr any cher sum of money tat may become payee tous by fhe said Raley, os end won a ‘said Secoly may lam such amounts rom alway hall be terminated jy or several as por Promissory Nol eign ths day by Us along wih the boromer fOr ‘Service with the said alway shall torminated fr any causa whatsoever bofos the paymantin ful! the seid loan ihe belancebreectanel thereupon era ‘Become payable tothe Socely and wo hereby authorise the South Cenval Railway to recover rom any monies patie us by Ralway a sum equa fo te areont ‘uatanding on the said loan whieh sum shal be retained wih tne Socaly and nortundedt ue ntl the loans fly ropald or unt now surety has been accept oct ‘Sleadby the Society ‘nc we tre ether decare hat) None of us has fed slvency pettion ris nina) The Secretary, South Cantal Radway Employees’ Coop, Cast Soy Lis, a ‘sutton aroun onan he Promsnery Nooo oss" fh the sum erconedoy te Board a) Andwe prsnaiy uncer ate he espero > ‘anathe Sod ornor payment of insalnen any drop the ue aroun at anes domandedby Pe Soe ‘Ara wo hreby auhotse the South Centra Ralvayorecoverth esto the Sec fay cussing towards his lon, fm the DCR payable tothe borrowers. And we ‘tre ror accept natn respoeby of regular recovers oven nth cbsonce oth Dodecion Statens ‘Wi ity nd severaty promise to pay South Conta Retway Employeos’ Co-operative Crt SoltyL The sumof Rs (wor) only rom ne ater cfu ropaymetin fut erat fed by fhe Boardot Managementot te Sat Dates oy of Two Thousandand a Signature Thumb ‘Signature Thunb ‘Signature / Thumb ‘Signature Thun Signatur / Thumb Impression of Borrower Impression of st Surety _| impression of 2nd Surety _|_Impressiont _Surty_| Impression of __— Surety Attsted Attestes Atostes ‘Altstod ‘Altsted Borrower Wines ‘tat Surly Witness 2nd Surly Wines Surety Wines ‘Surety Witness | ‘Sign. Name esp Dept: ofS. NB.) The signature and Thumb impression ofthe applicant / surety should be attested by the apolcants surely’ immediate superior by ging his full signature ‘and offal signatre and oficial designation, samp and stating the partcularsof he signature / bur pressions so tesod 1) Whenthe surety /suretes are changed te signature /slgnatures ofa fresh surtysurees shou again be atest and wanes, CERTIFICATION BY THE OFFICE 1) Borrower and bth the surtes recoveries toxards CMTD and other loan ae regula (i) Present sureties ofthe berrower have not ven sureties to more tan three(@) shareholders earlier (iis also ensuredtal thee are no double accounts n ne name ots appizant ‘Amount sanctioned RS, Deductions : O/S Balance of Lan Pr. Intros. fore dosur interest Passing Cer 0S. (Spl. Loans) la LAFF Any othe deductions Not Amount SANCTIONED lesued Cheque / NEFT/ CHEQUE No. Date (words) on DIRECTOR ‘CLERK os/cHeaues SECRETARY CONDITIONS FOR SANCTION OF SPECIAL LOAN ‘SpecialLoanwatbegrertadtoa pemansn! Ralway empboyee whoheve plinmorethan' yar ofsarvice auto ar sharchesforaminimumperiodt 3 (eve) mons. Every shareholder is ebgaforalnan of maximumassencioned depending Upon repaying capac as per payment of WagosACL ‘Th payment of he Spell Loan wilbo mace ole shartolierasinthe cose of ronal an bough NEFT! Come, (a) inausve oan wl be sanctioned alr completion of 24 irsalnets pai and SO fre prec oan whe me {8} Members whose’ Cary Hom salar/on fhe Ralwaye fal below 40% of teal emoksments aftr recovery of ha hatlent fis on, f sanctioned, shall nol be Siigblofertnosancionot"SPECALLOAN" NOTE: CARRY HOME SALARY IS THE MONEY LEFT BE HIND FROM THE GROSS SALARY AFTER MAKING ALL DEDUCTIONS THERE FROM IN A MONTH. ‘Thasaneton fhe specialloanshalb subject ths avlabt fund and te sae carnatbe Gamancednot camed samt! ‘An opptaton or lon hal b made nto resorbed orm which willbe supped byte Soca, Thespian seu bo mateo te Secretary ofthe Sodiey ‘The boomer dhol otain wo sures fox sancion cf oan. Ons ambetcan tan! suey fr THREE charters fr Special Loo he sation to General Loan No appicaion shat bo erietained kor a sharoolsr wha funder suepension or on lng fesve who pay end no loan shall be sanconed aaa! whom saious ‘charges ae pending whicharelito reslingserovalcamssal ot compulsory retremert rm th anvay sence, ‘Ihe Brincipa and rtereston he oon sallbe recovered i 430388800 equal manly insamants, beret shal be cangedby the Board of Management trom tne {o'tme, a arate not excsoing 16% (Sat) por annum. The present rata of mareat i Flt par annum, Gut he rpaynnt dal nl exceed Beyond he dt erent ‘ofthe nll borer anya he sures 8. Image of any default or death or rotrment due te superannuation or voluntary erent ofthe member, shal be pen othe Socay to recover he ene dues wih Inarst cates uplosr as nate nthe manne’ bal (a}From te assets tho borower lh Ba soley after adusing soc oan. {0}From te assos fhe guarantors avaable wah bs soci trough salary deduction. {6} rem to grtuy or ay her maney payaso he torowey, bythe Rays as pew agronant signed by he Boowcr an sures a ad down nthe loan speleaton 10. Each Spectaltoa suncionedtoamombor sallbeleatodasan addon othe General Lon as sancloned under Byo-ow No.2, any. ‘1. The Bead of Management ofthe Socey reserves te ito sanekon or jet eny lan mentioned above. The aplans to wham the oan may be sancioned and he ‘arcurtof such lan shal bo detained, subject ha asimum proscribed in Rue Na 2 bythe Board of Mangement the Sosy wih reference tothe Sects {ancl conditon, 12, The Boord of Maragamant of the Soc sha have he powers to ator, amend and med these rogulaons as and when necessary subject fo the approval of he Reglsvar 13, Itmontly recovery not made during any month, penal iret upto the dete of recover at 2% per month or part theo. on instalment amount rounded of fo he nearet ipso shai bo carga. ‘4, Wa shareholder desires to apply for lass amount of oan than the algble amount Hale may do so by wring the required amount on the top ofthe loan application ‘wn His Mor signture. However he amount apped hal ot be Bolow the mainu amount of oan as er fon abe. ha RETARY Se.RyECCSUM, SC.

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