As (Ecclesiastes, Op. Cit.:2) Continues: "Before The Sun, The Light, The Moon, or The Stars Are Darkened and The Clouds Return After The Rain... "

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a wxR d EWY zeMld a `,a --dxEnB d EWY `id efi` a

[Who has reached] complete Teshuvah?

,zeU ecA xWt`e ,eA xa W x C ecl ` W d rl i r a i A f

A person who confronts the same situation in which he sinned when he has the potential to commit [the sin again],

.geM oelWMn `le d`xIn `l ,d EWYd iRn dU `le WxtE a p r

and, nevertheless, abstains and does not commit it because of his Teshuvah alone and not because of fear or a lack of strength.

,dx A dX` lr ` W ix :cvi ar A d M

For example, a person engaged in illicit sexual relations with a woman.

,D xa W dicOaE ,etEB gekaE D ez d`A cner `Ede DOr cgz onf xg`lE A r p A a i p
Afterwards, they met in privacy, in the same country, while his love for her and physical power still persisted,

.dxEnB d EWY lrA `Ed d--xa `le WxtE a f r

and nevertheless, he abstained and did not transgress. This is a complete Baal-Teshuvah.

.(`,ai zldew) "LizxEgA ,iniA ,Li`xeA-z` ,xkfE" xne` dnlXW `Ed

This was implied by King Solomon in his statement [Ecclesiastes 12:1] "Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, [before the bad days come and the years draw near when you will say: `I have no desire for them.'"]

a,a --dUer ddW dn zeU el xWt` i`W z aE ,ezEpwf iniA ` ` aW `l m`e i rl r l

If he does not repent until his old age, at a time when he is incapable of doing what he did before,

.`Ed d EWY lraE el `id z ren ,d rn d EWY Di`W iR lr s` a l N a p

even though this is not a high level of repentance, he is a Baal-Teshuvah.

:oilgn eizepee l --ez EWzA znE ezzin meiA d EWY dU e ,ein l xa ENt` p r M a a r i M r
Even if he transgressed throughout his entire life and repented on the day of his death and died in repentance, all his sins are forgiven

,(a,ai zldew) "WnXd KWgz-`l xW cr" xn PW ` `

as [Ecclesiastes, op. cit.:2] continues: "Before the sun, the light, the moon, or the stars are darkened and the clouds return after the rain..." -

.el g q ,zEnW mcw aWe e`xeA xk m`W l Mn--dziOd mei `EdW lp I f l

This refers to the day of death. Thus, we can infer that if one remembers his Creator and repents before he dies, he is forgiven.

[a] b,a --d EWYd `id dnE a

What constitutes Teshuvah?

,cer EdUi `NW eAlA xnbie eYaWgOn EPxiqie ,e`hg `hegd afIW `Ed r r
That a sinner should abandon his sins and remove them from his thoughts, resolving in his heart, never to commit them again

.(f,dp ediryi) "eizaWgn o` Wi`e ,eMxC rWx afi" xn PW e r `

as [Isaiah 55:7] states "May the wicked abandon his ways...."

,xa W lr mgzi o e r p k
Similarly, he must regret the past

;(gi,`l edinxi) "Kx-lr iYwtq ,ircd ix `e ,iYng ,iaEW ix `-iM" xn PW i E g p g `

as [Jeremiah 31:18] states: "After I returned, I regretted."

,m erl `hgd dl aEW `NW zenElY rcei ei r cire l f i r l i

[He must reach the level where] He who knows the hidden will testify concerning him that he will never return to this sin again

.(c,ci ryed) "mez mgxi ,LA-xW --Epic dUnl ,Epidl cer xn`p-`le" xn PW i ` i r ` `

as [Hoshea 14:4] states: "We will no longer say to the work of our hands: `You are our gods.'"

.eAlA xnW EN` zeppr xnele ,eiz UA zeCzdl Kix e B i t e v

He must verbally confess and state these matters which he resolved in his heart.

[b] c,a --af eAlA xn `le ,mix cA dCzOd l rl b a e M

Anyone who verbalizes his confession without resolving in his heart to abandon [sin]

,ecA uxWe ,l ehl dneC d ix i a f d

can be compared to [a person] who immerses himself [in a mikvah] while [holding the carcass of] a lizard in his hand.

;uxXd KilWW cr ,z ren d iaHd oi`W I l l

His immersion will not be of avail until he casts away the carcass.

.(bi,gk ilyn) "mgxi ,are dcenE" xne` `Ed o e f k

This principle is implied by the statement, [Proverbs 28:13], "He who confesses and forsakes [his sins] will be treated with mercy."

,`hgd z` hxtl Kix e v

It is necessary to mention particularly one's sins

.(`l,al zeny) "ad idl ,md EUIe ,d cb d`h dd m d `hg ,``" xn PW f ` l r l g G r P `

as evidenced by [Moses' confession, Exodus 32:31]: "I appeal to You. The people have committed a terrible sin by making a golden idol."

[c] d,a ,mi Ep zaE ikaA ,'d itl cinY w ev aXd zeidl d EWYd i xCn p g p r a k
Among the paths of repentance is for the penitent to a) constantly call out before God, crying and entreating;

.eA `hgW x Cd on d xd wgxznE ,egeM itM dwcv dUere a A

b) to perform charity according to his potential; c) to separate himself far from the object of his sin;

;miUOd oze` dU W Wi`d eze` i i`e xg` i `W xnelM ,enW dWnE r r p p P

d) to change his name, as if to say "I am a different person and not the same one who sinned;"

.dxWi KxclE ,d ehl o M eiUn dWnE a N r P

e) to change his behavior in its entirety to the good and the path of righteousness;

.gEx ltWE er zeidle rMdl el znxeBW iRn ,oee zxRkn zElW--enewOn d ebe p p p r B l
and f) to travel in exile from his home. Exile atones for sin because it causes a person to be submissive, humble, and meek of spirit.

[d] e,a miAx dCzIW aX lec g WE A e l B a

It is very praiseworthy for a person who repents to confess in public

,mixg ex g oi l epi W zex d bnE ,md ei WR riceie `l a a A ar N l r

and to make his sins known to others, revealing the transgressions he committed against his colleagues.

.mg e aW meId i ix e ,K e K el iziU e i eltl iz`hg mn` md xne`e p p d M M r p p l

He should tell them: "Though I sinned against so and so, committing the following misdeeds.... Behold, I repent and express my regret."

,dxEnB ez EWY oi`--ei WR dQkn ` ` ,ricen Epi`e d`zOd l e a r l B k

Anyone who, out of pride, conceals his sins and does not reveal them will not achieve complete repentance

.(bi,gk ilyn) "gilv `l ,ei Wt dQkn" xn PW i r `

as [Proverbs 28:13] states: "He who conceals his sins will not succeed."

f,a .ex g mc` oi W zex A ,mixEn mix C dOA a l A ar ` a

When does the above apply? In regard to sins between man and man.

--mewOd oi l epi W l ` a A a
However, in regard to sins between man and God,

:m B m` el `id mi R zEGre ,envr mqxtl Kix Epi` N p v

it is not necessary to publicize one's [transgressions]. Indeed, revealing them is arrogant.

,eitl ei`h hxetE ,`Ed KEx l`d itl aW ` ` p g A p l

Rather, a person should repent before God, blessed be He, and specifically mention his sins before Him.

.mzq ,miAx itA odi dCznE p lr e

In public, he should make a general confession.

.(`,al milidz) "d`h iEqM ;rWR-iEU ixW`" xn PW ,epee d Bz `NW el `id d ehe g p ` r N p a
It is to his benefit not to reveal his sins as [Psalms 32:1] states: "Happy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered."

[e] g,a ,m erl d dw Sde d EWYdW iR lr s` l ti r a

Even though repentance and calling out [to God] are desirable at all times,

,z Awzn `id cnE ,xzeiA d `id mixERMd meie dXd W`x oi W mind zxUA l I ti p A I r
during the ten days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, they are even more desirable and will be accepted immediately

.(e,dp ediryi) "aexw ezeidA ,Ed`xw ;e`vOdA ,'d EWxC" xn PW `

as [Isaiah 55:6] states: "Seek God when He is to be found."

;cigA ,mixEn mix C dOA I ` a

When does the above apply? To an individual.

,oi p od m W a A oiweve d EWY oiUerW onf l --xEASA l ` pr l l r a M a

However, in regard to a community, whenever they repent and cry out wholeheartedly, they are answered immediately

.(f,c mixac) "ei ` Ep`xw-l A ,Epidl 'dM" xn PW l k ` `

as [Deuteronomy 4:7] states: "[What nation is so great that they have God close to them,] as God, our Lord, is whenever we call Him."

[f] h,a ;l`xUil dgilqE d ign uw `Ede ,miAx e cig ,lM d EWY onf `Ed--mixERMd mei l l Il l a
Yom Kippur is the time of Teshuvah for all, both individuals and the community at large. It is the apex of forgiveness and pardon for Israel.

.mixERMd meiA ,zeCzdlE d EWY zeU lMd oiag K itl e a rl I M

Accordingly, everyone is obligated to repent and confess on Yom Kippur.

,lk`IW mcw meId ax n ligzW mixERMd mei iECe zvnE r I e

The mitzvah of the confession of Yom Kippur begins on the day's eve, before one eats [the final meal],

.dCzIW mcw dcerQA wg `OW e p i

lest one choke to death in the meal before confessing.

;ziAxr mixERMd mei i i A dCznE xeg ,lk`IW mcw dCzdW iR lr s`e l l e f e

Although a person confessed before eating, he should confess again in the evening service, Yom Kippur night,

.d ir aE ,dg OaE ,sqEOaE ,zixgXA dCznE xege l P p e f

and similarly, repeat the confession in the morning, Musaf, afternoon, and Ne'ilah services.

--dCzn o ide e k
At which point [in the service] should one confess?

.ziriax d xaA ez tY rvn`A ,xEAv gilWE ;ez tY xg` ,cig k N N i

An individual confesses after the Amidah and the Chazan confesses in the midst of the Amidah, in the fourth blessing.

[g] i,a .iECEd xwir `Ede ,. . . Ep`hg l `--l`xUi l eA EbW iECEd a M dP

The confessional prayer customarily recited by all Israel is: "For we have all sinned...." This is the essence of the confessional prayer.

,xg` mixERMd meiA odi dCznE xeg--d mixERMd meiA odi dCzdW zex lr e f f lr e ar
Sins which were confessed on one Yom Kippur should be confessed on another Yom Kippur

:ez EWzA cner `EdW iR lr s` a

even though one remains steadfast in his repentance,

.(d,`p milidz) "cinz iCb iz`Hge ;rc` i ` ,irWt-iM" xn PW p p `

as [Psalms 51:5] states: "I acknowledge my transgressions and my sins are always before me."

[h] `i,a ,mewO mc` oi W zex ` ` oixRkn mixERMd mei `le d EWYd oi` l A ar l a
Teshuvah and Yom Kippur only atone for sins between man and God;

.od ` eIke dxEq d irA lr e` xEq` x C lk`W in oebM A v ` l A a

for example, a person who ate a forbidden food or engaged in forbidden sexual relations, and the like.

,ex g mc` oi W zex l ` a l A ar a

However, sins between man and man; for example, someone who injures a colleague,

--od ` eIke elfeB e` ex g z` l wOd e` ex g l eg oebM A v a N a a

curses a colleague, steals from him, or the like

.Ed xie ,el ag `EdW dn ex g oYIW cr ,m erl el lgn Epi` S I a l l p

will never be forgiven until he gives his colleague what he owes him and appeases him.

ai,a ,el ag `EdW oenn el xif gdW iR lr s` I

[It must be emphasized that] even if a person restores the money that he owes [the person he wronged],

;el lgnIW EPOn l`Wle ezeSxl Kix v

he must appease him and ask him to forgive him.

,mix cA ` ` ex g z` hi wd `l ENt`e a l a p
Even if a person only upset a colleague by saying [certain] things,

.el lgnIW cr eA rBtle eqItl Kix v

he must appease him and approach him [repeatedly] until he forgives him.

bi,a --el lgnl ex g d x `l a v

If his colleague does not desire to forgive him,

.EPOn oiWTanE eA oirbetE ,ei xn mc` iA dWelWNW dxEW el `ian r p

he should bring a group of three of his friends and approach him with them and request [forgiveness].

.ziWilWE dpW el `ian ,od d xz `l I l S p

If [the wronged party] is not appeased, he should repeat the process a second and third time.

;el K ede egi n ,d x `l l P v

If he [still] does not want [to forgive him], he may let him alone and need not pursue [the matter further].

.`hegd `Ed ,lgn `NW de f

On the contrary, the person who refuses to grant forgiveness is the one considered as the sinner.

--eAx dd m`e i
[The above does not apply] if [the wronged party] was one's teacher.

.el lgnIW cr ,min R s ` ENt` ` E K ed r l a l

[In that instance,] a person should continue seeking his forgiveness, even a thousand times, until he forgives him.

[i] ci,a ,qRzi `le ixk` ddIW mc` xEq`W itl I f i l

It is forbidden for a person to be cruel and refuse to be appeased.

,qrkl dWwe zeSxl gep ddi ` ` i l

Rather, he should be easily pacified, but hard to anger.

;d t WtaE m W a A lgen ,lgnl `hegd EPOn WTaOW d WaE v g p l al r

When the person who wronged him asks for forgiveness, he should forgive him with a complete heart and a willing spirit.

.xHie mTi `l ,d xd el `hge d xd el xvd ENt`e A A

Even if he aggravated and wronged him severely, he should not seek revenge or bear a grudge.

.oekd m le ,l`xUi rxNW m xC `Ed de P A f M f

This is the path of the seed of Israel and their upright spirit.

;(`i,` qenr) "gv dxnW ezxa e" ` ` ,o oi` a i xr miieBd l ` p r l M p l l a

In contrast, the insensitive gentiles do not act in this manner. Rather, their wrath is preserved forever.

,l`xUil El n `NW itl mi eraBd lr xne` `Ed o e g p k

Similarly, because the Gibeonites did not forgive and refused to be appeased,

.(a,`k a l`eny) "dOd l`xUi iAn `l mi raBde" p p

[II Samuel 21:2] describes them, as follows: "The Gibeonites are not among the children of Israel."

[`i] eh,a --d ign EPOn WTaIW mcw ex g znE ,ex g `hegd l a a l
If a person wronged a colleague and the latter died before he could ask him for forgiveness,

,exaw lr ocinrnE mc` iA dxU `ian p r

he should take ten people before the colleague's grave and while they are standing,

.K e K el iziU W d i eltle l`xUi idl 'd iz`hg mditl xne`e M M r f p ` l p

and say"I sinned against God, the Lord of Israel, and against this person by doing the following to him...."

;eiWxeil exif g ,oenn el ag dd m`e i I i

If he owed him money, he should return it to his heirs.

.dCzie ,oiC zi A EPgi i--Wxei el rcei dd `l e a P i

If he is unaware of the identity of his heirs, he should place [the sum] in [the hands of] the court and confess.

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