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   15 – 0476:      A cantilever beam of length L and rectangular cross section

                                                (width b, height h) carries a concentrated load P at the free
                                                end (see Fig. 1). The stress-strain diagram is represented by
                                                the equation σ = B√ε , where B is a constant, and it is the
                                                same for both tension and compression. Evaluate the
                                                complementary energy for this beam.
Solution:                    In this example the stresses and strains vary from one end of the
                        beam to the other, since it is necessary to begin by determining the
                        complementary energy u* per unit volume. Then integrate u* throughout

                        the volume of the beam in order to obtain the total complementary energy
                        U*. The quantity u* will be a function of x (the distance from the free end of
                        the beam) and y (the distance from the neutral axis). In order to find u* we
                        need to know the stress σ1 existing at any point in the beam having
                        coordinates x and y. This stress can be found if we know the strain ε1 at
                        the same point, and the strain can be found if the curvature is known.
                        Thus, we must begin our analysis by establishing the curvature of the
                        The curvature for inelastic bending of beams,
                                                K = (εt / h)                                                                               (1)
                        where ε1 is twice the strain at the top fiber of the beam.
                        The expression for the bending moment M at any cross section is
                                                M = [(2bh2) / (εt2)] {ε(t)/2}∫0 σεdε
                        Substituting σ = B√ε and then integrating, we find
                                                M = [(Bbh2√εt) / (5√2)]
                        from which
                                                εt = [(50M2) / (B2b2h4)]                                                          (2)
                        The curvature can now be found by eliminating εt between Eqs. (1) and (2)
                        and also substituting Px for the bending moment M:
                                                K = [(50P2x2) / (B2b2h5)]                                                       (3)
                        This equation gives the curvature as a function of the distance x measured
                        along the axis of the beam.
                        The strain ε1 at any cross section of the beam is ε1 = Ky.
                        The stress can be found from the strain by using the stress-strain
                                                σ1 = B√ε1 = B√(Ky)
                        Substituting the curvature k from Eq. (3) gives
                                                σ1 = [(5√2Py(1/2)) / (bh(5/2))]                                                   (4)
                        which is the expression for the stress at any point in the beam.
                        Now we are ready to evaluate the complementary energy per unit volume
                                                u* = σ(1)∫0 εdσ = σ(1)∫0 (σ2 / B2)dσ
                        in which σ1 is given by Eq. (4). Carrying out the integration yields
                                                u* = [(σ13) / (3B2)]
                        Substituting the value of σ1 from Eq. (4), we have
                                                u* = [(250√2P3y(3/2)x3) / (3B2b3h{15 / 2})]                               (5)
                        which gives the complementary energy per unit volume as a function of x
                        and y. The complementary energy U* for the entire beam is found by
                        integrating u* throughout the volume of the beam. In setting up the
                        integral, we will let x vary from 0 to L and y from 0 to h/2; the result will
                        then be doubled to account for the two halves of the beam. Thus, the
                        equation for the complementary energy is
                                                U* = ∫u*dV = 2 L∫0 [(h/2)∫0 u*bdy]dx
                        Substitution of expression (5) for u* gives
                                                u* = [(500√2P3) / (3B2b3h{15 / 2})] L∫0 [(h/2)∫0 y(3/2)dy]x3dx
                        First integration yields
                                                u* = [(500√2P3) / (3B2b3h{15 / 2})] L∫0 [y(5/2) / (5/2)](h/2)0 x3dx
                                                = [(500√2P3) / (3B2b3h{15 / 2})] [(h/2)(5/2) / (5/2)] L∫0 x3dx
                                                = [(100P3) / (6B2b3h5)] L∫0 x3dx
                        Now carrying out the second integration yields,
                                                U* = [(100P3) / (6B2b3h5)] [x4 / 4]L0 = [(25 P3L4) / (6B2b2h5)]
                        This equation gives the complementary energy in terms of the force P, as

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