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Name: HASHHASH,BASEMA Date: 18,082022

Group: BSN4 Name of CI: Grace ,Espino

I.TITLE: Predictors of Prolonged Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay among Surgical Patients: A Scoping
Review AUTHOR: Amal Kaki, Asmaa Hamdi Khalil, Elham Nagshabandi SOURCE: -intensive-care




Prolonged hospital stays in Intensive care units exerts financial and economic problems to patients,
health care providers, and the nation's economy. Prolonged ICU-loss of stay is related to adverse
short-term and long-term prognosis. The study aimed to identify relevant studies related to
predictors of prolonged care unit length of stay among surgical patients. Outcomes of the study
showed that postoperative factors contribute to Increasing ICU-length of stay, such as bleeding,
intubation, sepsis and use of a mechanical ventilator


To Nursing Practice

Prolonging the life of the patient is important and also reducing their ICU-length of stay. As such, nurses have
the responsibilities: To prioritize the preservation of the life of the patient. To monitor patients' condition, plan,
and communicate clinical Information. In addition, to ensure that the patient will not experience any
complications after surgery. To deliver quality of care. This is to improve the quality of patients' life.

To Nursing Education

The Journal broaden my knowledge about the predictors of prolonged intensive care unit length of stay among
surgical patients. The ability of nurses to recognize and identify these predictors as early as possible will help in
reducing the load on ICU and health care facilities by decreasing ICU-length of stay. As such, participating in
trainings and workshop will sharpen your skills. Also, continuing education can enhance competency and expand
knowledge therefore it will result in higher quality of patient are.

To Nursing Research
The journal can be used as a reference for future researches in further understanding the predictors of
prolonged Intensive care unit length of stay among surgical patients. Further research should be
conducted to correlate the effect of other common factors and predictors such as age and use of
certain medications in prolonging ICU-length of stay.


I agree with this journal in general, to reduce. Detecting the predictors that may prolong ICU-length of stay is
crucial. It is important to provide appropriate management as early as possible. As this will result to the
improvement of the quality of patients' life.

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