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MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

○ If a gene on the Y
chromosome called SRY (for
Lesson 1: Our Sexual Selves
“sex-determining region of
Maleness or femaleness is the Y”) is activated,
determined at conception, when he hormones steer
inherits an X and a Y chromosome, or development along a male
she inherits two X chromosomes. route.
○ In the absence of SRY
Another level of sexual identity activation, a female
comes from the control that hormones develops. Femaleness was
exert over the development of long considered a “default”
reproductive structures. Finally, both option in human
biological factors and social cues development, defined as
influence sexual feelings, including the the absence of maleness.
strong sense of whether we are male or

Sexual Development

● During the fifth week, all embryos

develop two unspecialized
gonads, which are organs that
will develop as either testes or
ovaries. Each such “indifferent”
gonad forms near two sets of
ducts that offer two
developmental options:
○ If one set of tubes, called
the Müllerian ducts,
continues to develop, they
eventually form the sexual
structures characteristic of
a female.
○ If the other set, the Wolffian
ducts, persist, male sexual
structures form.
● The choice to follow a male or
female developmental pathway
occurs during the sixth week,
depending upon the sex
chromosome constitution and
actions of certain genes.
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

Sex Chromosomes maps for the Y, as it was for the

other chromosomes, because the
● Human males and females have Y does not cross over along all of
equal numbers of autosomes (44 its length.
or 22 pairs), but males have one X ● Analysis of the genome sequence
chromosome and one Y revealed why mapping the Y
chromosome, and females have chromosome was so hard: It has a
two X chromosomes. The sex with very unusual organization. In the
two different sex chromosomes is 95 percent of the chromosome
called the heterogametic sex, and that harbors male-specific genes,
the other, with two of the same many DNA segments are
sex chromosome, is the palindromes i.e. sequences of
homogametic sex. In humans, letters that read the same in both
males are heterogametic and directions.
females are homogametic.
● This symmetry in a DNA
● The sex chromosomes differ both sequence, described by
in size and in gene content. The X researchers as “a hall of mirrors,”
chromosome in humans has destabilizes DNA replication. As a
more than 1,500 genes and is result, during meiosis, sections of
much larger than the Y a Y chromosome attract each
chromosome, which has 231 other. This can loop out parts in
protein-encoding genes. In between, which may account for
meiosis in a male, the X and Y many cases of male infertility
chromosomes act as if they are a caused by missing parts of the Y.
pair of homologs. Yet this “hall of mirrors”
organization may also provide a
way for the chromosome to
recombine with itself, essentially
sustaining its structure.

● Identifying genes on the human Y

chromosome has been difficult. It
was not possible to create linkage
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

● The Y chromosome has a ancient autosome that long

distinctive overall structure with a ago gave rise to the X
short arm and a long arm. At chromosome.
both tips of the Y chromosome ○ The remainder of the MSY
are pseudoautosomal regions, includes palindrome-ridden
termed PAR1 and PAR2. They regions, called amplicons.
comprise only 5 percent of the ● The genes in the MSY include
chromosome and include 63 many repeats and specify protein
pseudoautosomal genes. The segments that combine in
term “pseudoautosomal” means different ways, which is one
that the DNA sequences have reason why counting the number
counterparts on the X of protein-encoding genes on the
chromosome and can cross over Y chromosome has been difficult.
with them. Many of the genes in the MSY are
● The pseudoautosomal genes essential to fertility, including SRY.
encode a variety of proteins that
function in both sexes,
participating in or controlling The Phenotype Forms
bone growth, cell division,
immunity, signal transduction, ● The SRY gene encodes a very
the synthesis of hormones and important type of protein called a
receptors, fertility, and energy transcription factor, which
metabolism. controls the expression of other
● Most of the Y chromosome is the genes. The SRY transcription
male-specific region, or MSY, that factor stimulates male
lies between the two development by sending signals
pseudoautosomal regions. It to the indifferent gonads.
consists of three classes of DNA ● In response, sustentacular
sequences. (Sertoli) cells in the developing
○ About 10 to 15 percent of testis secrete anti-Müllerian
the MSY is X-transposed hormone, which destroys
sequences that are 99 potential female structures
percent identical to (uterus, uterine tubes, and upper
counterparts on the X vagina). At the same time,
chromosome. interstitial (Leydig) cells in the
Protein-encoding genes are testis secrete testosterone, which
scarce here. stimulates the development of
○ Another 20 percent of the male structures (the
MSY consists of epididymides, ductus deferentia,
X-degenerate DNA seminal vesicles, and ejaculatory
sequences, which are ducts). Some testosterone is also
somewhat similar to X converted to dihydrotestosterone
chromosome sequences (DHT), which directs the
and may be remnants of an development of the urethra,
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

prostate gland, penis, and develop as male. The

scrotum. person looks female, but is
○ XX embryos don't have SRY, XY.
so they develop as female. ● Several terms are used to
○ XY embryos do have SRY, so describe individuals whose
they develop as male. genetic/chromosomal sex and
physical structures, both
internal and external, are not
consistent with one gender.
○ Hermaphroditism is an
older and more general
term for an individual with
both male and female
sexual structures.
○ o Intersex refers to
individuals whose internal
structures are inconsistent
with external structures, or
whose genitalia are
ambiguous. It is the
preferred term outside of
medical circles.
○ o Pseudohermaphroditism
● Prenatal sexual development is a
refers to the presence of
multistep process, genetic
both types of structures but
abnormalities can intervene at
at different stages of life.
several different points during
prenatal sexual development (Fig ● In 5-alpha reductase deficiency
3). The result may be an XY (MIM 264600), which is autosomal
individual with a block in the recessive. Affected individuals
gene- and hormone-controlled have a normal Y chromosome, a
elaboration of male structures so wild type SRY gene, and testes.
that the phenotype is female. Testosterone stimulates the
○ For example, in androgen Wolffian duct system to develop
into the internal male
insensitivity syndrome (MIM
reproductive tract, while
300068), caused by a
antiMüllerian hormone eliminates
mutation in a gene on the X
the female precursor structures,
chromosome, the absence
so the male anatomy makes
of receptors for androgens
sense on the inside. The outside
(the male sex hormones
is a different story. When 5-alpha
testosterone and DHT)
reductase, which normally
stops cells in early
catalyzes the reaction of
reproductive structures
testosterone to form DHT, is
from receiving the signal to
deficient, lack of DHT causes the
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

fetus to develop externally as facial hair grows, and

female—that is, without DHT, a menstruation does not occur.
penis cannot form. Changes
begin to be noticed at puberty,
when the adrenal glands, which Is Homosexuality Inherited
sit atop the kidneys, start to
produce testosterone. This now In homosexuality, a person’s
leads to masculinization. In this phenotype & genotype are consistent,
XY individual who thought she and physical attraction is toward
was female, the voice deepens, members of the same sex. Evidence
facial hair grows, and muscles suggests that homosexuality reflects
begin to build an undeniably complex input from both genes & the
masculine physique. Instead of environment. The genetic influence has
experiencing the expected breast been suspected for a long time based
development and menstruation, on the strong feelings that homosexual
the clitoris enlarges into a penis. individuals have as young children, well
Usually sperm production is before they know of the existence or
normal. XX individuals with meaning of the term. Other evidence
5-alpha reductase deficiency look comes from identical twins, who are
female. more likely to both be homosexual than
● In a more common form of are both members of fraternal twin
pseudohermaphroditism, pairs, suggesting a genetic component.
congenital adrenal hyperplasia Table 1 summarizes the several
(CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase components of sexual identity.
deficiency (MIM 201910), an
enzyme block causes
testosterone and DHT to
accumulate. It is autosomal
recessive, and both males
and females are affected.
The higher levels of
androgens cause
precocious puberty in
males or male secondary
sex characteristics to
develop in females. Boys
may enter puberty as early as 3
years old, with well-developed Sex Ratio
musculature, small testes, and an
● Mendel’s law of segregation
enlarged penis. At birth, girls may
predicts that populations should
have a swollen clitoris that
have approximately equal
appears to be a small penis. They
numbers of male and female
are female internally, but as they
newborns. That is, male meiosis
reach puberty, the voice deepens,
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

should yield equal numbers of numbers of “missing females.” In

X-bearing and Y-bearing sperm. these societies, prenatal
After birth, societal and diagnostic techniques are used
environmental factors may favor to identify XX fetuses.
survival of one gender over the Termination of XX fetuses,
other. underreporting of female births,
● The proportion of males to and, rarely, selective infanticide
females in a human population is of girl babies all have
called the sex ratio. Sex ratio is contributed to a very unnaturally
calculated as the number of skewed sex ratio favoring males.
males divided by the number of
females multiplied by 1,000, for
people of a particular age. (Some Traits Inherited on Sex Chromosomes
organizations describe sex ratio
based on 1.0.) A sex ratio of equal ● Genes carried on the Y
numbers of males and females chromosome are said to be
would be designated 1,000. The Y-linked, and those on the X
sex ratio at conception is called chromosome are X-linked. Genes
the primary sex ratio. Sex ratio at on the X chromosome have
birth is termed secondary and at different patterns of expression
maturity is called tertiary. in females and males, because a
● In the United States for the past female has two X chromosomes
six decades, newborn boys have and a male just one.
slightly outnumbered newborn ● In females, X-linked traits are
girls, with the primary sex ratio passed just like autosomal
averaging 1,050. The slight excess traits—that is, two copies are
of boys may reflect the fact that required for expression of a
Y-bearing sperm weigh slightly recessive allele, and one copy for
less than X-bearing sperm, and a dominant allele.
so they may reach the oocyte ● In males, a single copy of an
faster. X-linked allele causes expression
● Sex ratio can change markedly of the trait or illness because
with age, reflecting medical there is no copy of the gene on a
conditions that affect the sexes second X chromosome to mask
differently, as well as the effect.
environmental factors that affect
one sex more than the other, such
as participation in combat or
engaging in other dangerous
● A society can intentionally alter
the sex ratio. This has been done
in India and China, where
researchers have identified great
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

of the trait and are typically

unaffected (Figure7).
● Carrier females can manifest mild
forms of the trait due to the
inactivation of the dominant
allele located on one of the X

● A male inherits his Y chromosome

from his father and his X
chromosome from his mother.
The human male is considered
hemizygous for X-linked traits,
because he has only one set of
X-linked genes.
● A female inherits one X
chromosome from each parent. If
a mother is heterozygous for a
particular X-linked gene, her son X-Linked Genes
or daughter has a 50 percent
chance of inheriting either allele ● When a gene is present on the X
from her X-linked traits are always chromosome, but not on the Y
passed on the X chromosome chromosome, it is said to be
from mother to son or from either X-linked. Since a female has two X
parent to daughter, but there is chromosomes, she will have two
no male-to male transmission of copies of each X-linked gene.
X-linked traits. ● For instance, in the fruit fly
● Females must inherit recessive Drosophila (which, like humans,
X-linked alleles from both of their has XX females and XY males),
parents in order to express the there is a eye color gene called
trait. When they inherit one white that's found on the X
recessive X-linked mutant allele chromosome, and a female fly will
and one dominant X-linked have two copies of this gene. If
wild-type allele, they are carriers the gene comes in two different
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

alleles, such as XW (dominant, X-Linked Recessive Inheritance

normal red eyes) and Xw
(recessive, white eyes), the female Criteria for an X-Linked Recessive Trait:
fly may have any of three 1. Always expressed in the male.
genotypes: XW XW (red eyes), XW 2. Expressed in a female
Xw (red eyes) and Xw Xw (white homozygote but very rarely in a
eyes). heterozygote.
● In Figure 7, because the gene is 3. Passed from heterozygote or
X-linked, and because it was the homozygote mother to affected
female parent who had the son.
recessive phenotype (white eyes) 4. Affected female has an affected
all the male offspring—who get father and a mother who is
their only X from their affected or a heterozygote.
mother—have white eyes (Xw Y).
All the female offspring have red If an X-linked condition is not lethal, a
eyes because they received two man may be healthy enough to
Xs, with the XW from the father transmit it to offspring.
concealing the recessive (Xw)
from the mother.
● Ichthyosis, an enzyme deficiency
blocks removal of cholesterol
from skin cells, the upper skin
layer cannot peel off as it
normally does, appearing brown
and scaly. It is transmitted as an
X-linked recessive trait. In Fig. 7, a
grandfather and grandson were
affected in the family.
● Colorblindness is another
X-linked recessive trait that does
not hamper the ability of a man
to have children. About 8 percent
of males of European ancestry
are colorblind, as are 4 percent
of males of African descent. Only
0.4 percent of females in both
groups are colorblind.
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

parents have normal blood

clotting, but the mother is a

How colorblindness arises (Fig. 9):

The sequence similarities among

the opsin genes responsible for
color vision may cause
chromosomes to misalign during
meiosis in the female. Offspring ○ Since the mother is a
may inherit too many, or too few, carrier, she will pass on the
opsin genes. A son inheriting an hemophilia allele (Xh) on to
X chromosome missing an opsin half of her children, both
gene would be colorblind. A boys and girls.
daughter, unless her father is ○ None of the daughters will
colorblind, would be a carrier. have hemophilia (zero
A missing gene causes X-linked chance of the disorder).
colorblindness. That's because, in order to
have the disorder, they must
get (Xh) from both their
mother and their father.
● Hemophilia A, blood-clotting
There is 0 chance of the
disorder. This X-linked recessive
daughters getting an
disease usually passes from a
(Xh))allele from their father,
heterozygous woman (designated
so their overall chance of
XHXh, where h is the
having hemophilia is zero.
hemophilia-causing allele) to
○ The sons get a Y from their
heterozygous daughters or
father instead of an X, so
hemizygous sons.
their only copy of the blood
○ A woman who is
clotting gene comes from
heterozygous for normal
their mother. The mother is
and hemophilia alleles
heterozygous, so half of the
(XHXh) has children with a
sons, on average, will get an
man who is hemizygous for
(Xh) and have hemophilia
the normal form(XHY). Both
(1/2 chance of the disorder).
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

X-Linked Dominant Inheritance become warty & eventually give

way to brown splotches that may
Criteria for an X-Linked Dominant Trait: remain for life, although they
1. Expressed in female in one copy. fade with time. Males with the
2. Much more severe effects in condition are severely affected
males. that they do not survive to be
3. High rates of miscarriage due to born.
early lethality in males. 2. Congenital generalized
4. Passed from male to all hypertrichosis, this condition
daughters but to no sons. produces many extra hair
follicles, and hence denser and
● A female who inherits a dominant more abundant upper body hair.
X-linked allele has the associated trait Hair growth is milder and
or illness, but a male who inherits the patchier in females because of
allele is usually more severely affected hormonal differences and the
because he has no other allele to presence of a second X
mask its effect. A female who has an chromosome. Figure 13b shows
X-linked dominant trait has a 1 in 2 part of a pedigree of a large
probability of passing it to her Mexican family with 19 members
offspring, male or female. who have this X-linked dominant
condition. In this partial pedigree
of a large Mexican family, the
affected male in the second
generation passed the condition
to all of his daughters and none
of his sons. This is because he
transmits his X chromosome only
to females.

Lesson 2: Sex-Limited & Sex-Influenced


An X-linked recessive trait

Example of an X-linked dominant generally is more prevalent in males
conditions: than females. Other situations, however,
1. Incontinentia pigmenti, in can affect gene expression in the sexes
affected females, swirls of skin differently.
pigment arise when melanin
penetrates the deeper skin layers.
A newborn girl with IP has yellow, Sex-Limited Traits
pus filled vesicles on her limbs
that come and go over the first ● A sex-limited trait affects a
few weeks. Then the lesions structure or function of the body
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

that is present in only males or which is why more men than

only females. Such a gene may be women are bald. A heterozygous
X-linked or autosomal. male is bald, but a heterozygous
● In humans, beard growth is female is not. A bald woman is
sex-limited. A woman does not homozygous recessive.
grow a beard because she does
not manufacture the hormones
required for facial hair growth. X Inactivation
She can, however, pass to her
sons the genes specifying heavy ● Females have two alleles for every
beard growth. gene on the X chromosomes,
● An inherited medical condition whereas males have only one. In
that arises during pregnancy is mammals, a mechanism called X
obviously sex-limited, but the inactivation balances this
male genome contributes to the apparent inequality in the
development of supportive expression of genes on the X
structures, such as the placenta. chromosome.
This is the case for preeclampsia, ● X-inactivation is a random
a sudden rise in blood pressure process that happens separately
late in pregnancy. It kills 50,000 in individual cells during
women worldwide each year. embryonic development. By the
Perhaps a gene from the father time a female embryo consists of
affects the placenta in a way that 8 cells, about 75 percent of the
elevates the pregnant woman’s genes on one X chromosome in
blood pressure. each cell are inactivated, and the
remaining 25 percent are
expressed to different degrees in
Sex-Influenced Traits different women. As a result, a
female mammal expresses the X
● In a sex-influenced trait, an allele chromosome genes inherited
is dominant in one sex but from her father in some cells and
recessive in the other. Such a those from her mother in others.
gene may be X-linked or ● A female is a mosaic for
autosomal. The difference in expression of genes on the X
expression can be caused by chromosome because of the
hormonal differences between random inactivation of either the
the sexes. maternal or paternal X in each
● For example, an autosomal gene cell early in prenatal
for hair growth pattern has two development.
alleles, one that produces hair all
over the head and another that
causes pattern baldness. The
baldness allele is dominant in
males but recessive in females,
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

become oocytes. Therefore, a

fertilized ovum does not have an
inactivated X chromosome.
● X inactivation is an example of an
epigenetic change i.e. one that is
passed from one cell generation
to the next but that does not
alter the DNA base sequence. We
can observe X inactivation at the
cellular level because the
turned-off X chromosome
absorbs a stain much faster than
the active X. This differential
In anhidrotic ectodermal staining occurs because
dysplasia, a woman has patches of skin inactivated DNA has chemical
that lack sweat glands and hair. (Colors methyl (CH 3 ) groups that
distinguish cells with the inactivated X, prevent it from being transcribed
not to depict skin color.) into RNA and also enable it to
absorb stain.
● A gene called XIST controls X ● X inactivation can be used to
inactivation. It encodes an RNA check the sex of an individual.
that binds to a specific site on The nucleus of a cell of a female,
the same (inactivated) X during interphase, has one
chromosome. From this point out dark-staining X chromosome
to the chromosome tip, the X called a Barr body (a small, dense
chromosome is inactivated. structure). Most of the genes on
● Once an X chromosome is the Barr body are inactive,
inactivated in one cell, all its meaning that they are not
daughter cells have the same X transcribed. A cell from a male
chromosome inactivated. has no Barr body because his
Because the inactivation occurs one X chromosome remains
early in development, the adult active.
female has patches of tissue that
differ in their expression of
X-linked genes. With each cell in Effect on the Phenotype
her body having only one active
X chromosome, she is roughly ● For homozygous X-linked
equivalent to the male in terms of genotypes, X inactivation has no
gene expression. effect. No matter which X
● X inactivation can alter the chromosome is turned off, the
phenotype (gene expression), but same allele is left to be expressed.
not the genotype. It is not For heterozygotes, however, X
permanent, and is reversed in inactivation leads to expression
germline cells destined to of one allele or the other. This
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

doesn’t affect health if enough damage, and enlarged liver

cells express the functional gene and spleen.
product. However, some traits ○ o In contrast, in Fabry
reveal the X inactivation. disease
● A female who is heterozygous for (alpha-galactosidase A
an X-linked recessive gene can deficiency), the enzyme is
express the associated condition not easily released from
if the normal allele is inactivated cells, so a female who is a
in the tissues that the illness heterozygote may have
affects. Consider a carrier of cells in the affected organs
hemophilia A. If the X that lack the enzyme. She
chromosome carrying the normal may develop mild
allele for the clotting factor is symptoms of this disorder
turned off in the liver, then the that causes skin lesions,
woman’s blood will clot slowly abdominal pain, and kidney
enough to cause mild hemophilia. failure in boys.
A carrier of an X-linked trait who
expresses the phenotype is called
a manifesting heterozygote. Calico Cat
● Whether or not a manifesting
heterozygote results from X ● A familiar example of X
inactivation depends upon how inactivation is the coat colors of
adept cells are at sharing. tortoiseshell and calico cats. An
Consider two lysosomal storage X-linked gene confers
disorders, which are deficiencies brownish-black (dominant) or
of specific enzymes that normally yellowish-orange (recessive) color.
dismantle cellular debris in A female cat heterozygous for
lysosomes. this gene has patches of each
○ In Hunter syndrome color, forming a tortoiseshell
(mucopolysaccharidosis II), pattern that reflects different
cells that make the enzyme cells expressing either of the two
readily send it to alleles.
neighboring cells that do ○ If a female cat is
not, essentially correcting heterozygous for black and
the defect in cells that can’t tan alleles of a coat color
make the enzyme. Carriers gene found on the X, she
of Hunter syndrome do not will inactivate her two Xs
have symptoms because (and thus, the two alleles of
cells get enough enzyme. the coat color gene) at
Affected boys are deaf, random in different cells
mentally retarded, have during development.
dwarfism and abnormal ○ The result of is a
facial features, heart tortoiseshell coat pattern,
made up of alternating
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

patches of black and tan ● Although most heterozygous

fur. The black patches come genes have the alleles about
from groups of cells in equally represented, sometimes X
which the X with the black inactivation can be skewed. That
allele is active, while the tan is, most cells express the X
patches come from cells in inherited from the same parent.
which the X with the tan This can happen if one of the X
allele is active. chromosomes includes an
expressed allele that confers a
greater rate of cell division than
the different allele from the other
parent, giving certain cells a
survival advantage.
● Another way that X inactivation
makes a female different from a
male is seen when the proteins
encoded by different alleles
interact. This can be beneficial or
harmful. A beneficial example of
dual expression of alleles occurs
in certain types of monkeys in
Subtle Effects of X Inactivation which an X-linked visual pigment
gene has two alleles. Females who
● Theoretically, X inactivation are homozygous for this gene
evens out the sexes for and males have 2-color vision,
expression of X-linked genes. In but lucky female monkeys who
actuality, however, a female may are heterozygous for this gene
not be equivalent, in gene enjoy 3-color vision.
expression, to a male because ● A situation in which being a
she has two cell populations, heterozygote for an X-linked gene
whereas a male has only one. is harmful is craniofrontonasal
One of a female’s two cell syndrome. Males and
populations has the X she homozygous females have
inherited from her father active, asymmetrical facial features.
and the other has the X However, heterozygous females
chromosome she inherited from have a much more severe
her mother active. For phenotype, with very abnormal
heterozygous X-linked genes, she faces resulting from abnormal
would have some cells that fusing of the skull bones. An
manufacture the protein explanation is that the encoded
encoded by one allele, and some protein is part of a signal
cells that produce the protein transduction pathway that
encoded by the other allele. controls the bone fusion, and
when two forms of that protein
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

are made in the female disease may be more severe, or

heterozygote, the signal is different, depending upon which
disrupted in a way that blocks the parent transmitted the mutant
cells that form the sutures of the allele. That is, a particular gene
skull from joining cleanly. might function if it came from the
father, but not if it came from the
mother, or vice versa.
Genomic Imprinting

● In Mendel’s pea experiments, it Silencing the Contribution from One

didn’t matter whether a trait Parent
came from the male or female
parent. For certain genes in ● Imprinting is an epigenetic
mammals, however, parental alteration. It is a layer of meaning
origin does influence the stamped upon a gene without
phenotype. These genes are said changing its DNA sequence. The
to be imprinted. In genomic imprinting pattern is passed from
imprinting, methyl (CH 3) groups cell to cell in mitosis, but not from
cover a gene or several linked individual to individual through
genes and prevent them from meiosis. When silenced DNA is
being accessed to synthesize replicated during mitosis, the
protein. pattern of blocked genes is
exactly placed, or imprinted, on
the new DNA, covering the same
genes as in the parental DNA In
this way, the “imprint” of
inactivation is perpetuated, as if
each such gene “remembers”
which parent it came from.

Methyl (CH3) groups (red) “silence” certain


● For a particular imprinted gene,

the copy inherited from either the
father or the mother is always
covered with methyls, even in
different individuals. The result of
this gene cloaking is that a
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

embryo and placenta. In the early

1980s, researchers created
fertilized mouse ova that
contained two male pronuclei or
two female pronuclei, instead of
one from each.
● When the fertilized ovum had two
male genomes, a normal
placenta developed, but the
embryo was tiny and quickly
stopped developing. A zygote
with two female pronuclei, on the
other hand, developed into an
embryo, but the placenta was
grossly abnormal. Therefore, the
male genome controls placenta
development, and the female
genome, embryo development.
● The mouse results were
consistent with abnormalities of
human development. When two
sperm fertilize an oocyte and the
female pronucleus degenerates,
an abnormal growth of
placenta-like tissue called a
hydatidiform mole forms. If a
fertilized ovum contains only two
● In meiosis, imprints are removed female genomes but no male
and reset. As oocyte and sperm genome, a mass of random
form, the CH 3 groups shielding differentiated tissue, called a
their imprinted genes are teratoma, grows.
stripped away, and new patterns
are set down, depending upon
whether the fertilized ovum Imprinting Disorders in Humans
chromosomally is male (XY) or
female (XX). In this way, women ● The effects of genomic imprinting
can have sons and men can have are revealed only when an
daughters without passing on individual has one copy of a
their sex specific parental normally imprinted allele and the
imprints. other, active allele is inactivated
● Genomic imprinting suggests or deleted. The effects of
that for mammals, two genomic imprinting gone awry
opposite-sex parents are can be dramatic, such as two
necessary to produce a healthy different syndromes that arise
MODULE 5: Matters of Sex

from small deletions in the same

region of chromosome 15.

a. Two distinct syndromes

result from missing genetic
material in the same region
of chromosome 15.
b. Prader-Willi syndrome, due
to a deletion in the copy of
the chromosome he
inherited from his father.
Note his small hands.
c. Angelman syndrome,
caused by a deletion in the
chromosome 15 that he
inherited from his mother.
He is mentally retarded.

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