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“Jnana Sangama”, Belagavi – 590 014




Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering



Under the guidance of

Prof. Jalaluddeen B.M

Department of CSE, BIT

Academic Year: 2020-21

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Bearys Institute of Technology,
MANGALURU – 574 153
(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University & Recognized by AICTE)





This is to certify that the Internship project work entitled “FAKE NEWS
DETECTION” carried out by AFREEN, USN 4BP17CS004 prescribed by the
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, for the VIII Semester B.E
(Computer Science & Engineering) Degree course during the year 2020- 2021.

___________________ ___________________
Signature of the Guide Signature of the HOD

Prof. Jalaluddeen B.M Prof. Afsar Baig

Assistant Professor Head of the Department
Department of CSE, BIT

I, AFREEN, bearing USN 4BP17CS004, student of final year B.E in Computer Science and
Engineering, Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore, hereby declare that the Internship
on Data Science has been done by me from 18-07-2020 to 16-08-2020, at e-Brain, Mangalore.
Further, the “Task Performed” section of this report represents the work done by me, in
partial fulfillment of the requirements of internship prescribed by the Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi, for the 8th Semester B.E(Computer Science and
Engineering) during the academic year 2020-2021.


Date: 22-03-2021

Place: Mangalore

I dedicate this page to acknowledge and thank those who have always supported me in this work.
Without their guidance and help, the experience would not have been so smooth and efficient.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Shaik Imam of e-Brain, for his guidance, constant
supervision as well as for providing us the necessary information regarding the project. Without
his willing disposition, the spirit of accommodation, frankness, timely clarification and above all
faith in us, this project could not have been completed in due time. His readiness to discuss all
important matters at work deserves special attention.

I sincerely thank Prof. Afsar Baig, Head of the Department, Computer Science and Engineering,
for his guidance and valuable suggestions which helped us to complete our internship project.

I also like to extend thanks to my guide Prof. Jalaluddeen B.M for his continuous support.

I also like to extend heartly thanks to my friends and family members for their continuous support.

I carried out my internship as a Data Science at e-Brain Softech Pvt. Ltd. from 18th July 2020 to
16th August 2020.

e-Brain Softech Pvt. Ltd. is a leading software development firm and training body, has been
operational in Karnataka with a dedicated panel of experts from IT Industry. We provide services
on Management, Education technology and guidance to anyone looking on any areas of interest.
We are a team of qualified, experienced trainers & IT Professionals motivated to educate people
by training & nurturing them to the best of their strengths.

The internship's goal was to develop The Fake News Detection System. HTML, CSS, JavaScript
and python are the languages operating. The application is created using Jupyter NoteBook text
software. Python language is used to process the web backend which requires access to the
database. Sublime text editor is used to develop front end.

The internship gave me an opportunity to develop my professional skills and to obtain experience
in the industry. It also inspired me to learn new technology and resources that support markup
languages such as Jupyter NoteBook. Additionally, it helped me develop my skills in teamwork,
communication and time management.

I was able to complete my assigned tasks within the prescribed time frame. This internship also
gave me the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired to actual work experiences. The
internship overall helped me gain valuable work experience and improved my skills.

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………...…1
2.1 Brief History…………………………………………………………………………….…..2
2.2 Major Milestones……………………………………………………………………..……..2
2.3 Service Offered by The Company……………………………………………………..……2
2.4 Contact Details………………………………………………………………………..…….3
2.5 Product of the Company……………………………………………………………….…....3


3.1 Overview……………………………..…………………….…………………..……………6
3.2 Software Used…….……………………………………………………………….….….….6
3.3 Python…………………………………………………………………………….….….…..7
3.4 Machine Learning………………………………………………………………..….………8
3.5 Data Science…………………………………………………………………….…..……….8
3.6 Weekly Work Plan…………………………………………………………….….….….…..9

4.1 SYSTEM DESIGN………………………………………………………………………...10
4.2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE………………………………………………………….…..11

5.1 IMPLEMENTATION STEPS……………………………………………………………..12
5.2 EVALUATION MATRICES………………………………………………………….…..13
5.3 TECHNOLOGY USED……………………………………………………….…..………15

CHAPTER 6: SCREENSHOTS…………………….………………………….…..…16


7.1 Learning The Internship Program…………………….…………………………….…..…..17

7.2 Technical Outcomes……………………………..….……………………..…………..…....18

7.3 Non-Technical Outcomes…………………………….…………………..………….....…...19



Figure 1.5.1: Digital Eye………...................................................................................................3

Figure 1.5.2: Onlinex……….........................................................................................................4
Figure 1.5.3: AI Attendance………..............................................................................................5
Figure 3.1 System Design………................................................................................................10
Figure 3.2.1 System Architectur…..............................................................................................11
Figure 5.1: Checking performance of model...............................................................................16
Figure 5.2: Serializing the file.....................................................................................................17
Figure 5.3: Fake news detector....................................................................................................18
Figure 5.4: Real news detected....................................................................................................18
Figure 5.5: Fake news detected...................................................................................................18
Internship on Data Science 4BP17CS025


As an increasing amount of our lives is spent interacting online through social media platforms,
more and more people tend to hunt out and consume news from social media instead of traditional
news organizations. The explanations for this alteration in consumption behaviors are inherent
within the nature of those social media platforms: (i) it's often more timely and fewer expensive
to consume news on social media compared with traditional journalism , like newspapers or
television; and (ii) it's easier to further share, discuss , and discuss the news with friends or other
readers on social media. For instance, 62 percent of U.S. adults get news on social media in 2016,
while in 2012; only 49 percent reported seeing news on social media. It had been also found that
social media now out performs television because the major news source. Despite the benefits
provided by social media, the standard of stories on social media is less than traditional news
organizations. However, because it's inexpensive to supply news online and far faster and easier
to propagate through social media, large volumes of faux news, i.e., those news articles with
intentionally false information, are produced online for a spread of purposes, like financial and
political gain. it had been estimated that over 1 million tweets are associated with fake news
“Pizzagate" by the top of the presidential election. Given the prevalence of this new phenomenon,
“Fake news" was even named the word of the year by the Macquarie dictionary in 2016.
The extensive spread of faux news can have a significant negative impact on individuals and
society. First, fake news can shatter the authenticity equilibrium of the news ecosystem for
instance; it's evident that the most popular fake news was even more outspread on Facebook than
the most accepted genuine mainstream news during the U.S. 2016 presidential election. Second,
fake news intentionally persuades consumers to simply accept biased or false beliefs. Fake news
is typically manipulated by propagandists to convey political messages or influence for instance,
some report shows that Russia has created fake accounts and social bots to spread false stories.
Third, fake news changes the way people interpret and answer real news, for instance, some fake
news was just created to trigger people's distrust and make them confused; impeding their abilities
to differentiate what's true from what's not.
Their content is not always true. They often use attention seeking words and news format and
click baits. They are too good to be true. Their sources are not genuine most of the times.

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2.1 Brief History

e-Brain Softech Pvt. Ltd. is a leading software development firm and training body, has been
operational in Karnataka with a dedicated panel of experts from IT Industry. We provide services
on Management, Education technology and guidance to anyone looking on any areas of interest.
We are a team of qualified, experienced trainers & IT Professionals motivated to educate people
by training & nurturing them to the best of their strengths.

2.2 Major Milestones

Mission is to deliver quality knowledge transfer through innovative delivery mechanism and
To develop world-class products to satisfy customers through continuous improvement driven by
the integrity, teamwork and creativity.

2.3 Services Offered by the Company

Software Development
Websites, apps, interfaces, AI, and more — we are a full-service product strategy, design, and
development partner.
User Experience
Focusing on the customer, we design your customer’s journey, optimizing every touchpoint for
convenience and delight.
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data science and Python.

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2.4 Contact Details

Company Location: #52/2, 1st floor, 17th Cross Rd, CHBS Layout, Stage 2, Vijayanagar,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560040
Mobile Number: +91-8088254344
Email Address:

2.5 Products of the Company

2.5.1 Digital Eye
According to the recent survey, India is now home to the largest number of blind people. Forty
per cent of the world’s blind are in India and the official number is 12 million. The problems of
blind and visually impaired people in India range from lack of basic necessities to global issues
and prevailing social stigma attached to it. In India, the major issues faced by the blind and visually
impaired persons are lack of disabled friendly infrastructure and transportation facilities as well.
Most blind girls are not allowed to get out of the house for years together. Nevertheless, the blind
deserve the same quality of life as that of a sighted person and have the right to participate equally
in the society. As a step towards this; smart canes/sticks can prove to be extremely useful for
independent and safe navigation of the blinds.

E-Brain employs a resourceful effort in initiating Digital Eye, which envisions easing the pain of
people with visual impairment and blind to be self-relined. Digital Eye is a smart navigating-stick
with ultrasonic proximity sensors to detect the presence of target objects and GPS module to guide
these blind people to reach out their destinations independently. This stick comprises camera
equipped with the object detection algorithm integrated with ultrasonic sensors to detect any
upcoming obstacles and to sense the exact distance from that obstacle using voice based bot and
a water-detection model integrated with the voice bot to discern between water and no-water

Fig 2.5.1 Digital Eye

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2.5.2 Onlinex
This software provides a best platform for MCQ Examinations and auto evaluation. This software
also provides easy evaluation of scores automatically. After Successful Evaluation it will generate
a score card for every student Individually. These Report cards will be sent to their Registered Email
Id automatically without any man power.

Fig 1.5.2 Onlinex

1.5.3 AI Attendance
The proposed software takes the participation of the student using facial identification technique.
This participation is recorded by a high quality camera which is installed as a part of classroom
and continuously capturing the images of the students, detects their faces, contrast distinguished
appearances and mark the attendance. After Marking the attendance it will also generate a report
and will be stored for further use. With that the software also provides an acknowledgment
message to the student if he is absent.

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Fig 2.5.3 AI Attendance

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3.1 Overview
This report is a short description of our 4-week internship on Data Science and The project that
was carried out using python as a part of B.E programme. The internship was carried out at e-
Brain Softech Pvt. Ltd. from 18th July 2020 to 16th August 2020. We have downloaded and
installed various software such as Anaconda navigator and Jupyter notebook.

3.2 Software Used

3.2.1 Steps to Download Anaconda Navigator

Step 1 : Check Computer Properties.
Step 2 : Open your web browser and go to If it
is 64 bit or 32 bit you can anaconda that version only.
Step 3: Anaconda will start downloading on your computer after that right click run as
administrator or double click.
Step 4: Now, double click on the downloaded Anaconda file and Click on Next on the popped up
Step 5 : Click on I Agree.
Step 6: Let just me (Recommended) option remain selected and click on Next.
Step 7: Now, it will ask for the location to install the Anaconda. Let the default location be there
and click on Next.
Step 8: Select Add anaconda to my path environment & Register Anaconda as my default Python
3.7 and click on Install.
Step 9: The installation will start.
Step 10: Next button will be enabled once it’s complete. Click on Next button.
Step 11: Now, let’s access Anaconda Prompt. Go to Search/Run and type Anaconda Prompt enter.
Step 12: A black window like below will open. This is Anaconda Prompt.
Step 13: You can type this command Anaconda install python=3.6 click and enter.

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3.2.2 Steps to Install Jupyter Notebook

Step 1: Go to Search/Run and type Anaconda Navigator double click.

Step 2: Click the Jupyter notebook.
Step 3: Right Side New Drop Down is their click it and open python3.
Step 4: If it is TensorFlow error.
Step 5: Go to anaconda Prompt & install pip install TensorFlow==1.14.


3.3.1 What is Python?

Python is a popular programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in
It is used for:
⚫ web development (server-side),
⚫ software development,
⚫ system scripting.

3.3.2 What can Python do?

• Python can be used on a server to create web applications.

• Python can be used alongside software to create workflows.
• Python can connect to database systems. It can also read and modify files.
• Python can be used to handle big data and perform complex mathematics.
• Python can be used for rapid prototyping, or for production-ready software development.

3.3.3 Why Python?

• Python works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc).
• Python has a simple syntax similar to the English language.
• Python has syntax that allows developers to write programs with fewer lines than some
other programming languages.
• Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is
written. This means that prototyping can be very quick.
• Python can be treated in a procedural way, an object-orientated way or a functional way.

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3.3.4 Advantages of Python

• Extensive support libraries (Numpy for numerical calculations, Pandas for data analytics
• Open source and community development
• Easy to learn
• User-friendly data structures
• High level language
• Dynamically Typed language
• Object-oriented language
• Portable and interactive

3.4 Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through
experience and by the use of data. It is seen as a part of artificial intelligence. Machine learning
algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as "training data", in order to make
predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning
algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, such as email filtering and computer vision,
where it is difficult or unfeasible to develop conventional algorithms to perform the needed tasks.
In its application across business problems, machine learning is also referred to as predictive

3.5 Data Science

Data science is an inter-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and
systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data, and apply
knowledge and actionable insights from data across a broad range of application domains. Data
science is related to data mining, machine learning and big data.

Data science is a "concept to unify statistics, data analysis, informatics, and their related methods"
in order to "understand and analyse actual phenomena" with data. It uses techniques and theories
drawn from many fields within the context of mathematics, statistics, computer
science, information science, and domain knowledge.

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3.6 Weekly Work Plan:

Week 1:
->On the first week, We Got a brief introduction about System architechture and software
development life cycle.

->we were introduced on how to download Anaconda Navigator and to install Jupyter

->We were introduced to the Python Language.

->We were asked to do some programming assignments using Python.

->This exercise helped us understand python briefly.

Week 2:
->We were introduced to Machine learning.

Week 3:
->We were introduced to Data Science.

Week 4:
->PROJECT – Fake News Detection.

->We worked on a project using Jupyter Notebook.

->This advanced project of detecting fake news deals with fake and real news. Using sklearn, we
build a TfidfVectorizer on our dataset Then, we initialize a Passive Aggressive Classifier and fit
the model. In the end, the accuracy score and the confusion matrix tell us how well our model

Week 5 :
->Submission of the project.

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This paper explains the system which is developed in three parts. The first part is static which
works on machine learning classifier. We studied and trained the model with 4 different classifiers
and chose the best classifier for final execution. The second part is dynamic which takes the
keyword/text from user and searches online for the truth probability of the news. The third part
provides the authenticity of the URL input by user. In this project, we have used Python and its
Sci-kit libraries [14]. Python has a huge set of libraries and extensions, which can be easily used
in Machine Learning. Sci-Kit Learn library is the best source for machine learning algorithms
where nearly all types of machine learning algorithms are readily available for Python, thus easy
and quick evaluation of ML algorithms is possible. We have used XAMP for the web based
deployment of the model, provides client side implementation using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
We have also used Beautiful Soup (bs4), requests for online scrapping.

4.1 System Design

Fig 4.1 System Design

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4.2 System Architecture

4.2.1 Static Search

The architecture of Static part of fake news detection system is quite simple and is done keeping
in mind the basic machine learning process flow. The system design is shown below and self-
explanatory. The main processes in the design are

Fig 4.2.1 System Architecture

4.2.2 Dynamic Search

The second search field of the site asks for specific keywords to be searched on the net upon which
it provides a suitable output for the percentage probability of that term actually being present in
an article or a similar article with those keyword references in it.

4.2.3 URL Search

The third search field of the site accepts a specific website domain name upon which the
implementation looks for the site in our true sites database or the blacklisted sites database. The
true sites database holds the domain names which regularly provide proper and authentic news
and vice versa. If the site isn’t found in either of the databases then the implementation doesn’t
classify the domain it simply states that the news aggregator does not exist.

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A. Static Search Implementation-

In static part, we have trained and used 3 out of 4 algorithms for classification. They are Naïve
Bayes, Random Forest and Logistic Regression.

Step 1: In first step, we have extracted features from the already pre-processed dataset. These
features are; Bag-of-words, Tf-Idf Features and N-grams.
Step 2: Here, we have built all the classifiers for predicting the fake news detection. The extracted
features are fed into different classifiers. We have used Naive-bayes, Logistic Regression, and
Random forest classifiers from sklearn. Each of the extracted features was used in all of the
Step 3: Once fitting the model, we compared the f1 score and checked the confusion matrix.
Step 4: After fitting all the classifiers, 2 best performing models were selected as candidate models
for fake news classification.
Step 5: We have performed parameter tuning by implementing GridSearchCV methods on these
candidate models and chosen best performing parameters for these classifiers.
Step 6: Finally, selected model was used for fake news detection with the probability of truth.
Step 7: Our finally selected and best performing classifier was Logistic Regression which was
then saved on disk. It will be used to classify the fake news.

B. Dynamic Search Implementation

Our dynamic implementation contains 3 search fields which are-

1) Search by article content.
2) Search using key terms.
3) Search for website in database.
In the FIRST search field we have used Natural Language Processing for the first search field to
come up with a proper solution for the problem, and hence we have attempted to create a model

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which can classify fake news according to the terms used in the newspaper articles. Our
application uses NLP techniques like Count Vectorization and TF-IDF Vectorization before
passing it through a Passive Aggressive Classifier to output the authenticity as a percentage
probability of an article.
The SECOND search field of the site asks for specific keywords to be searched on the net upon
which it provides a suitable output for the percentage probability of that term actually being
present in an article or a similar article with those keyword references in it.
The THIRD search field of the site accepts a specific website domain name upon which the
implementation looks for the site in our true sites database or the blacklisted sites database. The
true sites database holds the domain names which regularly provide proper and authentic news
and vice versa. If the site isn’t found in either of the databases then the implementation doesn’t
classify the domain it simply states that the news aggregator does not exist.
The problem can be broken down into 3 statements-
1) Use NLP to check the authenticity of a news article.
2) If the user has a query about the authenticity of a search query then we he/she can directly
search on our platform and using our custom algorithm we output a confidence score.
3) Check the authenticity of a news source.
These sections have been produced as search fields to take inputs in 3 different forms in our
implementation of the problem statement.


Evaluate the performance of algorithms for fake news detection problem; various evaluation
metrics have been used. In this subsection, we review the most widely used metrics for fake news
detection. Most existing approaches consider the fake news problem as a classification problem
that predicts whether a news article is fake or not:
True Positive (TP): when predicted fake news pieces are actually classified as fake news;
True Negative (TN): when predicted true news pieces are actually classified as true news;
False Negative (FN): when predicted true news pieces are actually classified as fake news;
False Positive (FP): when predicted fake news pieces are actually classified as true news.

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Confusion Matrix:

A confusion matrix is a table that is often used to describe the performance of a classification
model (or “classifier”) on a set of test data for which the true values are known. It allows the
visualization of the performance of an algorithm. A confusion matrix is a summary of prediction
results on a classification problem. The number of correct and incorrect predictions are
summarized with count values and broken down by each class. This is the key to the confusion
matrix. The confusion matrix shows the ways in which your classification model is confused when
it makes predictions. It gives us insight not only into the errors being made by a classifier but more
importantly the types of errors that are being made.

Total Class 1 (Predicted) Class 2 (Predicted)

Class 1
(Actual) TP FN

Class 2
(Actual) FP TP

Table 1: Confusion Matrix

By formulating this as a classification problem, we can define following metrics-

1 Precision = |TP|
|TP| |FP|

2 Recall = |TP|
|TP| |FN|

3 F1 Score = 2 * Precision*Recall
4 Accuracy = |TP| + |TN|
|TP| + |TN| +|FP| +| FN|
These metrics are commonly used in the machine learning community and enable us to evaluate
the performance of a classifier from different perspectives. Specifically, accuracy measures the
similarity between predicted fake news and real fake news.

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Desktop system or PC with standard specification

Operating system Windows10
Language Python
IDE Jupyter Notebook

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Fig 6.1 Checking performance

of model

Fig 6.2 Serializing the file

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Fig 6.3 Fake News Detector

Fig 6.4 Real News Detected

Fig 6.5 Fake News Detected

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6.1 Learning from the internship program:

During the internship period, I had hands-on experience with real-time projects. It helped me
improve my technical skills and work on Jupyter Notebook through which I learnt in depth on
python programming language and its libraries. The open exposure to the company helped me in
increasing my knowledge.

Work Experience:

My internship was quite satisfactory in terms of work environment. The team I worked with was
very friendly and helped me a lot in all my problems.

Team Work:

In this project, 4 people worked together thus providing enough opportunity for proper teamwork
and coordination. This was a good experience for me as the team was very cooperative and

Responsibility and keeping commitments:

The importance of honoring commitments and time of other was an important thing which I learnt
from this internship.

7.2 Technical Outcomes

• Working with python libraries.

• Hands on experience with projects.

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7.3 Non-technical Outcomes

• Verbal and Written Communication Skills.

I have demonstrated and learnt my strong communication skills, both verbal and written,
throughout my internship, while working for training program and development.

• Personality Development:

Personality development plays an imperative role at work place as it decides the way an individual
interacts with his/her fellow workers and responds to various situations. Personality development
also reduces stress levels and teaches an individual to face even the worst situation with a smile.

• Time Management:

Proper time management in the work place has a number of positive effects, ranging from making
you a more focused and valuable employee to reducing the stress of your job. Time is a precious
commodity on any job. Employees who can get the maximum amount of good work done in the
minimum amount of time are more appreciated. It also strengthens the relationship among co-

• Resource Utilization Skills:

Effective management of resources is an essential task for companies that are managing different
projects. It is important for them to efficiently organize and allocate personal as well as equipment
for different projects, same time avoiding idle resources. Having the information about the
availability of the resource and have them available at the right time for the activities plays a vital
role in managing the costs and smoothly executing the project activities.

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The one month of my internship have been very instructive for me. I gained a lot of experience. I
learned a lot about the areas research, testing and training of algorithms, website design and many
more. I have improved my communication skills by communicating with the team that I have
worked with. Interning at e-Brain softech was definitely a learning experience.
Overall, I would describe my internship as a positive and instructive experience. This internship
has been an excellent and rewarding experience. I have been able to meet and network with so
many people that I am sure will be able to help me with opportunities in the future. One main
thing that I have learned through this internship is time management skills as well as self-
motivation. It helped me to work as a team and put my contributions forward. This internship was
definitely beneficial for me and I’m grateful and thankful that I got to experience and learn many
things in this internship course.

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