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B.Sc. (H) 4th Semester, 2022

Water Management
PROFILE my hometown / Native village

Name:_______________ Roll No. __________

Location: _______________ Village / town /District Province: _____________

Answer the following question to best of your knowledge.

Q1. Is agriculture practiced in your village / Town / District. Yes No

Q2. Name the Crops grown. Rabi: 1. ___________ 2.______________ 3. ________________

Kharif: 1.___________2. ______________3. ________________

Q3. Why are these crop grown in your area: __________________________________________

Q4. Do they use any local Landraces or Improved varities of crop: _______________________

Q5. Mean Summer Temperature: ______________ Mean Winter Temperature:______________

Q6. Mean annual Rainfall in your District: _______________

Q7. Is the soil fertile in your area . Yes No

Q8. Do the farmers apply commercial fertilizer in your area: Yes No

Q9. Are there any industries in your city or nearby: Yes No

If Yes, Which type of industries: _________________________________________________

Q10. Agriculture Problems:_______________________________________________________




Q.11. What are the reason for the above problems: _____________________________________


Q12. Irrigation source: Canal Tube well Rainfed Spate / Torrential Any Other

Q13. Are there any orchard in your area: Yes No

Q14. If Yes, Name the fruit trees: 1. ________________2._____________3.________________

4. _________________5. _______________6._________________

Q15. What is the source of irrigation for the orchards: __________________________________

Q16. Name the Vegetable being grown in your area: 1. _______________ 2. ________________

3. _______________ 4.________________

Q17. Are these consumed in the village / town or taken to the market. _____________________

Q18. Does the farmers in your area know that nutrients in the form of fertilizers are essential for

essential for improving the quality of vegetables: _____________________________________


Q19. Method of irrigation used: Furrows Basin Boarder Drip Sprinkler

Q20. Any Indigenous methods used in the Agriculture of your native village?





Signature student
Last Date of Submission : 10th May, 2022

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