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1% Objectives Design Seavence ‘Thi sect of te desan guido proves guidance frst conigurations hroudng diferent APC's and numbers of facie nested for the Geveoiant of LAYOUT deg frat Sone Stans “Te lyst coin sno provi forthe folowing abjetioe “Te lj sgn shoul low maximum cawenionoe to agate astm rope wn pardons of access to al seins tec sale opportunites proved. Furr, We Iyet should isu atv and store should el ef ar comfrtabie when using the faites, “he dain met be capable of handing pa flow dara and fire volume glows without beng ‘over dsoned or having rmeossan facies nal “Te yout den ust mest customer demand win the Ret cd Operations tana eben cost soa to macise Return On Catal Employes The lye son stndice and pcos shoul! be const. “his wit marta cuimage th mar plac an ache lvl of sande wl ll rece iventant oe vr. {accomplish tase chectves a ange of -ou conigations ave bean davload 19 provide sancranton wit retinng ‘bi, Te entre th rma spect faut dan ee conse na gal cel te sgn sho be devlopd in flowing saan: 1. Anal of ul ais 2 bso Mat faites 4. Anaieof tonal Pret Centos “4. Layout congas of forecourt ‘ant Adon Prof Canes 5. Fun storage nd delve 6. Customer sane faite, bath endosues a, 1. Signage od tng 6. Ste grading an landscaping ee ‘A Potential Volume 8B. Average Fuel Purchase 78 ‘Ths ecto ger guidance ow cles te nunber of panos meee. ‘ry depending on eton and fate, Tate toa wl Du upto a formato cle he nub purs. “Tm pot vous ha EV estate yey consump) a8 wed the popoel incr ay laa expected vlune roth Factors hat innnes the potential volume ae orowth nema, Nomaty ated pacetage besed on ational owt aes: ‘row inate, ‘Woh ecpoatos ste spect demicpments eo Ina stuctiee and e nut huang delet For econo esos do ot “ovr dl” the se for woe fate volume rots This the volume of etpurased par cstomerin ites. The average ut acc wl vary ect acount, atone an dancers. Factors that can uence be aero ful prchoa typeof te Nonray ava fo purchase woud be ghr or arnt ‘low average nce west in a ow el purchase customer oyany Abi geo ita ayy tote andor he te tu! pometion ‘ft promatin wth a premium ns toa Nigh vohme au post nose th el purchase a «6 Peak Day Percentage . Peak Hour Percentage Average Transaction Time ‘ho peak dey orcerage isthe pecntige of otal ars passing the sfaton ang the pk yo the Weck compared whe wes aa. ‘erm th capac ot he Saton weet cleus cope wth ook ya ecar to masini te pote sls (EY) Instead of austin th sa of tho sano the pak hour or dasa more econo tae may be ore hs aracton tne ng peaks for example by roving ets payment postions of fst payment ul oslo eaupped with CAT pumps ‘The oxample deserted ate dons node or seasons pak. For xaos stations 9 holday reeats oon portant reus to hoay edna ty be racaoay tacit capcty to moat peak derand ‘ng the summerto sno he pot fh sto. “te ‘pak hour portage ete pcarage of ttl cars pasa he fan nth ak hao the ay compared wth he yt “Te ene hoy fr tha pak day parentage valid nar se strng pk how, could be sconomealy atte to aust the cng acto eognig that some potntialyluno maybe st Ifthe peaks xr igh we ay gan choos not dot the a the Staton to te honest pak tid oer dsgrin. An acoep ted congo dbo the peak haus nich astuaton the EY shuld be Sant acute, “Te avwageransctn tna sth ee utes that a or eek wi boc an and poston ney pods, This ee wl nla ing up to nd away fromthe ian the ctl lg and payment for fe an cera, Th average trineacton ex iruenced by lotowrg actos: 1 foerage unl purchase ts, tov cars: ‘uy batween 20 a 90 es, forte: sus ave 100s. 1 Spd ofthe pu, standard MPO: {svete ue spd ‘platy 4 an 90 thes per rts; ih sen type 900 150s pe ste 78 FORMULA uct Focunes al « Aalabty of syne sump facies: ‘The varcctn tne oproxiaty 2.75 mnt, ‘Spoof pajmant proces: Seon ntncod by tho ruber ‘of £08 (octane pol fs polos nthe Mob Mart Cer aor secon oceptance of ra or debit cot Alay of sri: Flere wit frou tnd wi rice he ‘ata cotctd tom apart or cr ata Sat Sane Staton witout ‘CATS sates tobe a eso average “Te auc of te tern actors ne oe cleus lea. The following frm canbe bul up ocd te rum of pump ards ree, ud ato examples of Cran Tk lads respectively NuMBER OF FUEL POSTIONS . exw TENT OUME(A om ana sata Lee “oy Sind rue unonase sine tng 52 mate saweuie —stwosie = etunsr oighs peek cera tot idibent on encomace om = custnar hotest pe pk ey wea tips en rehenctrvenconce tm me = estomer echt pr pear mow (5 Reinvent sn oe mt ston er ana a 2 = Fue. Is. REQUIRE ow G. Grade Availabilty anata oer fotos re frown the lerdato calcute ho Ful and requirement wb (A/(Bx52)xCxD)/(2x60/E) ‘ther factors that wil tines the ruber fds eau ae ‘omnia ind etic at vacant fl potions shu be accessible van tte el poston re occipied ithe ston resid ate ow fog, aon an wt pass lan rbd vsby of act fl pstens, afer wi agan be ‘eded a gratarrumber ct cspensers wil be ecu “To mina ln elena, a ans hau be petraiy be provided vith product lpancrs. this not pssble end the customer has o sac oa apenas wth Ns quod fuera, ine ecncy wil be reuond ed a rete naber fdsperoas wl be ei When arial igh ul poston lb usein teonce ot ant pollens es approximately 60% t Europsan car are equipped ‘wth fh nan pans. Howove dng ek amend ths preeence "5 conseeiy ediod ee ‘A Potential volume 1. Average Fuel Purchase . Fuel Transactions Vs Other Transetions E. Peak Percentage Minimum Transaction Time 18 “The ruber of aymant postions rege can obo excl ad ecendent onthe folowing ates ‘See Anal of Fel Facts ‘Seed us Fcitos ‘nen cones the number of payment postions iti recs 0 consisr a rnsactonaquremants \win te groming Importance ef te Meo Mart ore people wil comin Justo buy shop mechancie wot fa “hil lo ba tence bythe loaton of he st. Ato with 2 gh aoe of pacestians wit have mre peopl coming to purchase sho rca cl ee Anaya of Fel Faitas ‘ay of Fel Factie Tiss the misimur i & aneacton ata payment potion wake Ie rites. Te tno nance ty he atoning factor: (© Te of cpa Harting of cash er cad ‘Accept crs i norma tka one Tso pens on how far ransscton of cards ators an whathritequts autaison, Se of caster “hare ea fornce in wansetin spend baton ovpronsd or wexgutencd cases. Also ti pou thet, se cai canet work ui pressure Buy pins Ircoud be a lt to ee oy sie cate peak Now ‘sBarcode sade Barcode rar call sped up th pamant proces — elt ‘usage, separate truck service ecu ws Pathog aes ar requ or sec tates such a uscton bays, restararts ee. Ext ptr shai be erate na the sleoom a5 Incsng minors ofcstomer wil st th te wou ng. For large ars we ould peteaby provid customer paring ay for ty Om of eleoom (or as a nian ~ 1 bay for erry 1 of ‘also Parking Days etoulé not sce vty of pray als set, an ont ein advice of he el aaa or Het Mt o Cr ach leg They shud! be ose to mines ha vil psc at ota foo ct tte flit they sane soace pei, two stat pring bays shouldbe proved tte rar of ‘he trash encore provides & storage folky forall waste mst pone cy te operation ond seat peat to math a cla evtorerantlequpnent enclosure prves haut fo ong em ath encloses shoud bo lsstd at the rar of the sts and be ‘neue of marl to lan wth tr bockgound co as to miinise eval erp oma thy must be acco te etisarwate cotton veces ded waste conor 1 necasay and inepectnsanceposomet repute, Separate enclsueatbuings for wash, snirmenta eaupment cemmrettors so sould be aided wherever poss, Toy should raay be groupe together wit angle set ois ua mpl. Priority in Design 1% an eepoating sev een cites ard pot opparties ona “toon, tis mpetnt ag prorty oho most peal acta. For exami, th mst potable acy mck le, wo shoul rove good, easy aceon rh cutlomr and not dzourage i by taps eating a car wash nts 6 Constant forth det pot oppor cn bs eneyaonerbie slr at lose stance to the Mor wth ‘canopy weather rtton. ruck sare uk ac wth canopy wenterpoecton. Sth ccs anda ute oa he ands, Speci fais for ek ive a Shomer and cao, Paki lies. Lage slerom fr Cantannos stor shopping separa pang faces nar he Mat custome, dons servo sh 9 phona fo, emote onking machines tts altng Ful vary een ou oe bash ah eae ve 1 Woribay Speced uch l tng ales, ay equipped wonbaye a lO General Layout Dimension Philosophy 18 ‘Atnouth goers guides cs ba estableed forthe sppteaon of layout dinars cite oa te, the characte ofeach patculr talon must be conided wih particular erence to cuter yp aes or tk) neta yout drasonconsatons nce: Acces wt oad access pois should be lage ang and fossa to allow noble tance oad ext Ho he ste cal = is moons hat oa egltnssomatnes ete he 2 ard shape of acco pnt 2 flan Stock I Purp ean back must be efit to stow ney acon othe nd ls qusuing poco area sng ane for pon var peed aly 16m} bung mt be sucht to alow onsration shoul be gen tthe ‘wo way at. fypraly 1050) bth ares, a. couance souls be proved, Ss — 4 Front Bling Clerc Clearance betwen he ion anda ramets bung pitinm must be sacle o alow a conlotable ext manoeuvre aud anatervehice sing aacent uel poston piel 15 m, ees es eae | thus a tendon naar acess ib 3] rae tanta fn oft (scaly 9m. 1 Ala pasing an fora track acess rogue om ek ay ypaty 12m, 2 Ala comtrtato-U tum fee Leesan treahes pied SM. og [ei 78 comme EB DIMENSIONAL CRITERIA 6. Claance bate ae CCeaance between iends shoud be suet 0 provide « passing tare i requied. 99, layouts Incorporating tandom Inna, ypicay 84 m betwen sends 89m between ielend end bullng patos morons [de od. ecesan ty shou be gen fo pasing lane tween tanss a thy are using postions ‘ances shoud be np of web tafe lanes a 8 lane slerace woh anes anos passing lane) cana be achieved, we should reice downto alone awa Wo tel aes Derlopment cot wl be minions he edn paving and canapy ae. posen Sieron eon wn 16m sland onto bul ptm 105 Inlrdie to ag pat (po expansion gm ‘fae expansion) asm 1 onde an) 9m snd a (ut) 1360 Between anc (0 expancion om «ature expansion 76m tarde ec) an Speed isan ange a sore woe on, fe ger a on 5m eo dogre ee ee Standard Layouts Types of Islands Types of Canopies ‘ond Buildings “ho foloirg popes Mustats the det lay-cut opine avalete, “he chaos fom the salable oto fs 8 cel delshn based on eovsioration ofa objocties, aster etl, easton pes td Following eptors se cone 1 Singles Prof when voir and pet so alos ence tl wi rable tee 8. Tandem ends ore compet desig to sow more pump sans in ied lt ss, ©. Under Canopy Tek ane Spec uk asunder the main canopy comblntin with ear nal cr tandem sands, Whar pole he cnsrcton of GS under bugs should be woes ‘voto thet potortl of eeashg Pe chop ze. However shoe here sre susons wher isthe only ptin they are pao oie lay-out gen, 1. Wingard, te bung “Theron dng ow xian Rey bul ds aed ‘xprilysppropate fr ler sorb. as can casi Het of ‘ho bulling, Te whgaael isunde coniguaton resites mira 2. Square, Remote Bulg 184 puro and despn ls very ox etacine for modu sae Svcs ‘Staton tough i compact eign. Th emote bung slows fey 'n sin an canbe prtioned other at thes nt fhe canny 28 Speed nan, Remote Bulg ‘Avian on he wingtperpendua del whic can be eproptt fr sa wh on rate ow ut ried dep. a | |. Wrgpaall land, under burg Tre nderbuksng tts he wateng distance othe Moi Mart bt oss fx t alow lager serooms without a cot extension ofthe lg. |. Wra/perpendidar nds, mote bung ‘Aautale dsin for as wth cieret ale ows bt ned fea ager bla. The tk kan can ean para the mln road Yo ave ut uring by har uk 6. WingPprpendcuar, ands, under buling ‘speci stata for a come ston wth ‘roe cona tae fows a a ie ‘ s—- a Motorway Service Area (SA oF Limited Accoss Highway (LAH) Configurations WGA layouts aman spc conseatons toon tha custome os the vous ment og ta restaurart; paking ee) smd as 05 poe an that thas leon ono resect wh each Layouts shoud ners naan Wa Wat ow hough te MSA th tb varous lamers ected na practice of use Spncle MSA Layout design crseraons= 1 Moray Sane Avance nace re wt mko poeta customers snare the MSA sn rable ham odie sped ar ces te ony ad ey, 2 Deieraton ana Acclraon ras Pédtora ects lanes angie the moray wil Help ov safe cca to nd it om the MSA, 2. Cartuck Seyrpation ‘cars and tucks shoud be separted aor ering me MSA. The ssparalon shes be mataod trughout the MSA to ais conic between hee rent cuomerticie types. 4 Location ot Amant res an Fuel Forecours ‘The emanty ea (entay fete, restaurant, hole) should be lected in asvance of ha el foacoete tae Beene way rai ow though the MSA, Customer wl arma sho we te aneites Dere purchasing fl 5. Pating Aros ‘Car ping eras shuld be ected baton the anny ra ac the {ua fomsourt Te wil provide ale gedesian access tothe smentios tegetawth ey acces othe faecer whi wl neopets ‘Apaking se foros wth rales shoud peeaby be csi core tot man corpo a ‘Bun puting ahold ao be accent to the amnty ae for sto dein ozo. Truck pking tou preter be lcs to the ero he MSA to ronnie vu imc and ole mance ay ot city 15 contgwoton ES En eta for buses and tks must provide for acces 1 ruck te Dic cos othe in folie mut be provide fr customs who do not wi fo use the reity re. “Te cand tuck lng wes shouldbe separated wih asthe fet ona tks th ero Be SA “Tha Mat bln wl peter be ected o provid amin waking ance fom beth feecoute, Servos ater soul Be provided sepa nat foeour ater he et ands. “Tha configuaon wl provide a ood vl impact tom the motorway tod eraen tare ro cangietion or eat betwan the oret Falah paring aaa he war of he Mar for gos date “Thefotoving exampia pan (pul out ovr shows apes MSA Laut “oye Ba ua smu 0 covsepuy pote o unonain s AME PO SEO NANO “pag aq es8 pus dud pur ns eoNng ‘pu os 10 soup unum # Lage Bn und vons oy weve Fer 20068 DUE oy LDH Pu: MERE KoNeD cenper 0) sdindaseiedap a ose paioo. 9a HE SAL ‘uy 20yp pus uosod pana Ae 848 REN CH sudo ye x09 woes BLOW EHP LORENA HNL oy uosensxe eu 0 sped 0 fee PA SEL AY “argue soos jy e264 9708 Fon 0 an sooum youn, som ces © PEO] 9 EH ENE fly AIRS sous J aaj € ono DuWDy UaDE Ba sor! 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