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"I am a dwarf! My honour is my life and without it I am nothing. I shall become a Slayer.

I shall seek
redemption in the eyes of my ancestors. I shall become as death to my enemies, until I face he that
takes my life and my shame."
—Ancient dwarven oath.
Becoming a slayer is not so much a career choice as it is a means of atonement. If a dwarf is
disgraced, humiliated, or disowned by his clan, his only possible redemption is through a glorious
death at close quarters against the mightiest foe possible, which will write their name in the sagas of
his people for all time.
Dwarves who carry such a burden of shame join the ancient cult of Grimnir. Having broken ties with
everything they once held dear, these dwarves leave behind all possessions save for their own axes.
They cover their bodies with ritual tattoos including Grimnir's rune, dye their hair orange, spike it
with animal fat, and march upon the treacherous wilderness to seek out mighty battles towards
fearsome foes and against overwhelming odds.
Restriction: Dwarves Only
Only dwarves can follow the Path of the Slayer. The slayers fill a particular niche in dwarven society
and culture.
Your DM can lift this restriction if it not applies to his campaign or setting.
Doom Seeker
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you will not wear armor nor use shields. You can
benefit from this subclass’ features only if you aren’t wearing armor nor using a shield.
While you are raging, you can use your bonus action to designate one creature that you can see
within 60 feet of you as your chosen quarry. You can use this feature as part of the bonus action you
take to enter your rage. You can't be charmed or frightened by your chosen quarry. This benefit lasts
until your rage ends, until the target dies, or until you designate a different creature as your chosen
quarry. You will gain additional benefits when facing your chosen quarry as you gain levels in this
Reckless Flurry
When you engage in two-weapon fighting and have advantage on an attack roll for the second attack,
you can forgo the advantage for that roll to make additional weapon attack as part of the same bonus
action. This third attack must be made immediately after the second attack, it must use the same
weapon and target the same creature. The third attack uses the same modifiers to the attack and
damage rolls, as the second attack.
Beginning at 6th level, when you fail a saving throw while raging, you can spend one Hit Die (no
action required), rolling the die and adding the number rolled to the saving throw. [You can use this
ability only once per rage.]
Bring It On
At 10th level, you can use a bonus action to provoke a creature within 5 feet of you that you can see
or hear. The target must be able to see or hear you and to understand at least one language. The target
must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency
bonus). If the target is your chosen quarry, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. On a failure, until
the start of your next turn the creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you
and can’t make opportunity attacks against targets other than you.
Ruthless Takedown
At 14th level, when you hit your chosen quarry with a slayer weapon on your turn and deal damage
to it, you can try to slay it in a particularly brutal manner. If you do so, spend and roll one of your
remaining Hit Dice (no action required).
The target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Strength modifier + your
proficiency bonus). On a failed save, if the target’s remaining hit points are equal or fewer than the
number rolled
equal to the roll, it dies as you split its scull, cut off one of its heads, or make another mortal wound
to it.

If it succeeds, it takes damage of the weapon’s damage type equal to half of the roll.

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