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"I am a Dwarf! My honour is my life and without it I am nothing. I shall become a Slayer.

I shall
seek redemption in the eyes of my ancestors. I shall become as death to my enemies, until I face
he that takes my life and my shame."
—Gotrek Gurnisson, swearing upon the Oath of the Slayer.
Restriction: Dwarves Only
Only dwarves can follow the Path of the Slayer. The Slayer fills a particular niche in dwarven
society and culture.
Slayer’s Oath
Starting when you become a slayer at 3rd level, you seek nothing more in life than an honorable
and glorious death that shall expunge the shame that has pushed you upon this path. You
forswear wearing any armor or using shields and you can't be frightened.
Giant’s Bane
At 3rd level, you can confront the most potent foes. Your melee weapon attacks against a Large
or larger creatures score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
Die Hard
Beginning at 6th level, when you take damage while raging, you can use your reaction and spend
one Hit Die to heal yourself. Roll the die, add up your Rage Damage bonus, your Constitution
modifier, and regain a number of hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1).
Against All Odds
At 10th level, if there are three or more hostile creatures within 30 ft of you, you can make one
additional melee weapon attack whenever you take the Attack action on your turn while raging.
Slayer’s Misfortune
At 14th level, whenever you score a critical hit or reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you
regain one Hit Die.

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