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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System


Maintenance Guide

Issue 02
Date 2014-03-07


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2014. All rights reserved.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide About This Document

About This Document

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Version

OptiX RTN 380 V100R001C10

iManager U2000 V200R001C00

Intended Audience
This document provides the guidelines to maintaining the OptiX RTN 380. It also describes the
alarms and performance events that are required for troubleshooting during the maintenance.

This document is intended for:

l Network planning engineer

l Data configuration engineer
l System maintenance engineer

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide About This Document

Symbol Description

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, could result in
equipment damage, data loss, performance
deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not
related to personal injury.

Calls attention to important information, best

practices and tips.
NOTE is used to address information not
related to personal injury, equipment damage,
and environment deterioration.

General Conventions
The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in

Courier New.

Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide About This Document

Convention Description

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Change History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all updates made in previous issues.

Updates in Issue 02 (2014-03-07)

This document is the second issue of the V100R001C10 product version.

Update Description

- Fixed the known bugs.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide About This Document

Updates in Issue 01 (2013-11-30)

This document is the first issue of the V100R001C10 product version.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 Safety Precautions.........................................................................................................................1
1.1 General Safety Precautions.............................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Warning and Safety Symbols.........................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Electrical Safety..............................................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Environment of Flammable Gas.....................................................................................................................................5
1.5 Storage Batteries.............................................................................................................................................................6
1.6 Radiation.........................................................................................................................................................................8
1.6.1 Safe Usage of Optical Fibers.......................................................................................................................................8
1.6.2 Electromagnetic Exposure...........................................................................................................................................8
1.6.3 Forbidden Areas..........................................................................................................................................................9
1.6.4 Laser............................................................................................................................................................................9
1.6.5 Microwave.................................................................................................................................................................10
1.7 Working at Heights.......................................................................................................................................................10
1.7.1 Hoisting Heavy Objects.............................................................................................................................................11
1.7.2 Using Ladders............................................................................................................................................................12
1.8 Mechanical Safety........................................................................................................................................................13
1.9 Other Precautions.........................................................................................................................................................14

2 Routine Maintenance Items......................................................................................................16

3 Emergency Maintenance Guide................................................................................................19
4 Troubleshooting..........................................................................................................................21
4.1 Fault Diagnosis.............................................................................................................................................................22
4.1.1 Principles...................................................................................................................................................................22
4.1.2 Common Operations..................................................................................................................................................22
4.2 General Troubleshooting Procedure.............................................................................................................................24
4.3 Troubleshooting Microwave Link Faults.....................................................................................................................28
4.4 Troubleshooting Ethernet Service Faults.....................................................................................................................35
4.5 Troubleshooting DCN Faults........................................................................................................................................40

5 Part Replacement.........................................................................................................................46
5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380......................................................................................................................................47

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide Contents

5.2 Replacing an SFP Module............................................................................................................................................49

6 Database Backup and Restoration...........................................................................................51

6.1 NE Database.................................................................................................................................................................52
6.2 Backing Up the Database Manually.............................................................................................................................53
6.3 Setting the Database Backup Policy.............................................................................................................................54
6.3.1 Setting the User-Defined Backup Policy...................................................................................................................54
6.3.2 Executing the Backup Policy of the Device..............................................................................................................56
6.3.3 Suspending the Backup Policy of the Device............................................................................................................57
6.4 Restoring the Database by NMS..................................................................................................................................58
6.5 Restoring Databases from a USB Flash Drive.............................................................................................................61

7 Supporting Task..........................................................................................................................64
7.1 Browsing Alarms, Abnormal Events, and Performance Events...................................................................................66
7.1.1 Checking the NE Status(U2000)...............................................................................................................................66
7.1.2 Checking the NE Status(Web LCT)..........................................................................................................................67
7.1.3 Browsing Current Alarms(U2000)............................................................................................................................68
7.1.4 Browsing Current Alarms(Web LCT).......................................................................................................................70
7.1.5 Browsing History Alarms(U2000)............................................................................................................................72
7.1.6 Browsing History Alarms(Web LCT).......................................................................................................................73
7.1.7 Browsing Current Performance Events(U2000)........................................................................................................75
7.1.8 Browsing Current Performance Events(Web LCT)..................................................................................................76
7.1.9 Browsing History Performance Events(U2000)........................................................................................................77
7.1.10 Browsing History Performance Events(Web LCT).................................................................................................77
7.1.11 Browsing Current Alarms of the radio link (U2000)..............................................................................................79
7.1.12 Browsing Current Alarms of the radio link (Web LCT).........................................................................................79
7.1.13 Browsing Current Performance Events of the radio link(Web LCT)......................................................................80
7.1.14 Browsing Historical Performance Data of a Radio Link(Web LCT)......................................................................81
7.1.15 Browsing the Performance Event Threshold-Crossing Records(U2000)................................................................82
7.1.16 Browsing the Performance Event Threshold-Crossing Records(Web LCT)..........................................................83
7.1.17 Browsing Abnormal Events(U2000).......................................................................................................................84
7.1.18 Browsing Abnormal Events (Web LCT).................................................................................................................85
7.1.19 Browsing UAT Events(U2000)...............................................................................................................................87
7.1.20 Browsing UAT Events(Web LCT)..........................................................................................................................88
7.2 Using RMON................................................................................................................................................................89
7.2.1 Browsing Current Performance Events of Ethernet..................................................................................................89
7.2.2 Setting the Ethernet Performance Threshold-Crossing Parameter............................................................................90
7.2.3 Configuring the Parameters for Ethernet Historical Performance Monitoring.........................................................91
7.2.4 Browsing Ethernet Historical Performance Data......................................................................................................92
7.3 Setting Alarm and Performance Management Functions.............................................................................................93
7.3.1 Configuring the Performance Monitoring Status of NEs..........................................................................................93
7.3.2 Suppressing Alarms...................................................................................................................................................94
7.3.3 Reversing Alarms for Ports.......................................................................................................................................95

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide Contents

7.3.4 Setting Bit Error Thresholds for Microwave Ports....................................................................................................96

7.3.5 Setting Monitoring and Auto-Report Status of Performance Events........................................................................97
7.3.6 Setting Performance Thresholds................................................................................................................................98
7.3.7 Resetting Performance Registers...............................................................................................................................99
7.4 Querying a Report......................................................................................................................................................100
7.4.1 Querying the Board Information Report (U2000)...................................................................................................100
7.4.2 Querying the Board Information Report (Web LCT)..............................................................................................101
7.4.3 Querying the Board Manufacturing Information Report(U2000)...........................................................................102
7.4.4 Querying the Board Manufacturing Information Report(Web LCT)......................................................................103
7.4.5 Querying the Microwave Link Information Report.................................................................................................104
7.4.6 Querying the Network-wide License Report...........................................................................................................105
7.5 Software Loopback.....................................................................................................................................................106
7.5.1 Setting Loopbacks for Ethernet Ports......................................................................................................................106
7.5.2 Setting Loopback for the IF Board..........................................................................................................................107
7.6 Reset...........................................................................................................................................................................110
7.6.1 Cold Reset................................................................................................................................................................110
7.6.2 Warm Reset.............................................................................................................................................................111
7.7 Detecting Consecutive Waves....................................................................................................................................112
7.8 PRBS Test...................................................................................................................................................................113
7.9 Querying the License Capacity...................................................................................................................................115
7.10 Scanning Interfering Signals....................................................................................................................................116
7.11 Setting the Automatic Release Function..................................................................................................................117
7.12 Querying Power Consumption of NE.......................................................................................................................118
7.13 Querying the Attributes of an Ethernet Port.............................................................................................................119
7.14 Setting Traffic, Physical Bandwidth, or Bandwidth Utilization of Ethernet Ports...................................................120
7.15 Querying Traffic, Physical Bandwidth, or Bandwidth Utilization of Ethernet Ports...............................................121
7.16 End-to-End Management of Fibers and Radio Links...............................................................................................122
7.16.1 Expanding/Collapsing Fibers and Cables..............................................................................................................122
7.16.2 Querying the Radio Link Information...................................................................................................................122
7.16.3 Querying the Radio Link Performance..................................................................................................................123

A Alarm Reference.......................................................................................................................125
A.1 Alarm List..................................................................................................................................................................126
A.2 Alarms and Handling Procedures..............................................................................................................................131
A.2.1 AM_DOWNSHIFT................................................................................................................................................131
A.2.2 BDTEMP_SENSOR_FAIL....................................................................................................................................132
A.2.3 BOOTROM_BAD..................................................................................................................................................133
A.2.4 CLK_LOCK_FAIL.................................................................................................................................................134
A.2.5 CLK_NO_TRACE_MODE....................................................................................................................................135
A.2.6 DBMS_DELETE....................................................................................................................................................136
A.2.7 DBMS_ERROR......................................................................................................................................................137
A.2.8 DBMS_PROTECT_MODE...................................................................................................................................138

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A.2.9 DCNSIZE_OVER...................................................................................................................................................138
A.2.10 ERPS_IN_PROTECTION....................................................................................................................................139
A.2.11 ETH_AUTO_LINK_DOWN...............................................................................................................................140
A.2.12 ETH_CFM_AIS....................................................................................................................................................141
A.2.13 ETH_CFM_LOC..................................................................................................................................................143
A.2.14 ETH_CFM_MISMERGE.....................................................................................................................................144
A.2.15 ETH_CFM_RDI...................................................................................................................................................146
A.2.16 ETH_CFM_UNEXPERI......................................................................................................................................147
A.2.17 ETH_EFM_DF.....................................................................................................................................................149
A.2.18 ETH_EFM_EVENT.............................................................................................................................................150
A.2.19 ETH_EFM_LOOPBACK.....................................................................................................................................151
A.2.20 ETH_EFM_REMFAULT.....................................................................................................................................152
A.2.21 ETH_LINK_DOWN.............................................................................................................................................154
A.2.22 ETH_LOS.............................................................................................................................................................155
A.2.23 ETH_NO_FLOW.................................................................................................................................................156
A.2.24 ETHOAM_SELF_LOOP.....................................................................................................................................157
A.2.25 FLOW_OVER......................................................................................................................................................159
A.2.26 HARD_BAD.........................................................................................................................................................160
A.2.27 IN_PWR_ABN.....................................................................................................................................................161
A.2.28 LAG_DOWN........................................................................................................................................................163
A.2.29 LAG_MEMBER_DOWN....................................................................................................................................163
A.2.30 LASER_MOD_ERR.............................................................................................................................................165
A.2.31 LASER_SHUT.....................................................................................................................................................166
A.2.32 LCS_LIMITED.....................................................................................................................................................167
A.2.33 LICENSE_LOST..................................................................................................................................................169
A.2.34 LOOP_ALM.........................................................................................................................................................170
A.2.35 LSR_WILL_DIE..................................................................................................................................................171
A.2.36 LSR_NO_FITED..................................................................................................................................................172
A.2.37 LTI........................................................................................................................................................................172
A.2.38 MAC_EXT_EXC.................................................................................................................................................174
A.2.39 MAC_FCS_EXC..................................................................................................................................................175
A.2.40 MOD_COM_FAIL...............................................................................................................................................176
A.2.41 MULTI_RPL_OWNER........................................................................................................................................177
A.2.42 MW_AM_TEST...................................................................................................................................................178
A.2.43 MW_BER_EXC...................................................................................................................................................179
A.2.44 MW_BER_SD......................................................................................................................................................182
A.2.45 MW_CFG_MISMATCH......................................................................................................................................185
A.2.46 MW_CONT_WAVE............................................................................................................................................186
A.2.47 MW_FEC_UNCOR..............................................................................................................................................187
A.2.48 MW_LIM..............................................................................................................................................................190
A.2.49 MW_LOF.............................................................................................................................................................191

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A.2.50 MW_RDI..............................................................................................................................................................194
A.2.51 NB_CFG_MISMATCH.......................................................................................................................................194
A.2.52 NB_UNREACHABLE.........................................................................................................................................196
A.2.53 NE_DCN_MODE.................................................................................................................................................197
A.2.54 NEIP_CONFUSION.............................................................................................................................................198
A.2.55 NESF_LOST.........................................................................................................................................................199
A.2.56 NESOFT_MM......................................................................................................................................................201
A.2.57 NTP_SYNC_FAIL...............................................................................................................................................204
A.2.58 OUT_PWR_ABN.................................................................................................................................................205
A.2.59 PASSWORD_NEED_CHANGE.........................................................................................................................206
A.2.60 PATCH_BD_EXCLUDE.....................................................................................................................................207
A.2.61 PATCH_BD_MATCH_FAIL..............................................................................................................................207
A.2.62 PATCH_PKGERR...............................................................................................................................................208
A.2.63 PORT_EXC_TRAFFIC........................................................................................................................................209
A.2.64 PORTMODE_MISMATCH.................................................................................................................................210
A.2.65 POWER_ALM.....................................................................................................................................................211
A.2.66 PTP_TIMESTAMP_ABN....................................................................................................................................213
A.2.67 RADIO_FADING_MARGIN_INSUFF...............................................................................................................214
A.2.68 RADIO_MUTE....................................................................................................................................................216
A.2.69 RADIO_RSL_BEYONDTH................................................................................................................................217
A.2.70 RADIO_RSL_HIGH............................................................................................................................................218
A.2.71 RADIO_RSL_LOW.............................................................................................................................................219
A.2.72 RADIO_TSL_HIGH.............................................................................................................................................220
A.2.73 RADIO_TSL_LOW.............................................................................................................................................221
A.2.74 R_LOF..................................................................................................................................................................221
A.2.75 R_LOS..................................................................................................................................................................223
A.2.76 RPS_INDI.............................................................................................................................................................224
A.2.77 S1_SYN_CHANGE.............................................................................................................................................226
A.2.78 SEC_RADIUS_FAIL...........................................................................................................................................227
A.2.79 SECU_ALM.........................................................................................................................................................228
A.2.80 SRV_SHUTDOWN_LD......................................................................................................................................229
A.2.81 SSL_CERT_NOENC...........................................................................................................................................229
A.2.82 STORM_CUR_QUENUM_OVER......................................................................................................................230
A.2.83 SUBNET_RT_CONFLICT..................................................................................................................................231
A.2.84 SWDL_ACTIVATED_TIMEOUT......................................................................................................................233
A.2.85 SWDL_COMMIT_FAIL......................................................................................................................................234
A.2.86 SWDL_INPROCESS...........................................................................................................................................235
A.2.87 SWDL_NEPKGCHECK......................................................................................................................................236
A.2.88 SWDL_PKGVER_MM........................................................................................................................................236
A.2.89 SWDL_ROLLBACK_FAIL.................................................................................................................................237
A.2.90 SYNC_C_LOS.....................................................................................................................................................238

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide Contents

A.2.91 SYSLOG_COMM_FAIL.....................................................................................................................................239
A.2.92 TEMP_ALARM...................................................................................................................................................239
A.2.93 TF..........................................................................................................................................................................241
A.2.94 TIME_LOCK_FAIL.............................................................................................................................................241
A.2.95 TIME_LOS...........................................................................................................................................................242
A.2.96 TIME_NO_TRACE_MODE................................................................................................................................244
A.2.97 USB_PROCESS_FAIL........................................................................................................................................244

B Performance Event Reference.................................................................................................247

B.1 Performance Event List..............................................................................................................................................248
B.1.1 Microwave Performance Events.............................................................................................................................248
B.1.2 Other Performance Events......................................................................................................................................250
B.2 Performance Events and Handling Procedures..........................................................................................................252
B.2.1 AMDOWNCNT and AMUPCNT..........................................................................................................................252
B.2.2 ATPC_P_ADJUST and ATPC_N_ADJUST.........................................................................................................253
B.2.3 CPUUSAGEMAX, CPUUSAGEMIN, CPUUSAGECUR, and CPUUSAGEAVG.............................................254
B.2.4 MEMUSAGEMAX, MEMUSAGEMIN, MEMUSAGECUR, and MEMUSAGEAVG......................................254
B.2.5 MAXMEANPATHDELAY, MINMEANPATHDELAY, and AVGMEANPATHDELAY.................................255
B.2.6 BDTEMPMAX, BDTEMPMIN, and BDTEMPCUR............................................................................................255
B.2.7 FEC_UNCOR_BLOCK_CNT................................................................................................................................256
B.2.8 IF_BBE, IF_ES, IF_SES, IF_CSES, and IF_UAS.................................................................................................257
B.2.9 IF_SNR_MAX, IF_SNR_MIN, and IF_SNR_AVG..............................................................................................258
B.2.10 MAXPHASEOFFSET, MINPHASEOFFSET, and AVGPHASEOFFSET.........................................................258
B.2.11 OSPITMPMAX, OSPITMPMIN, and OSPITMPCUR........................................................................................259
B.2.12 PATEMPMAX, PATEMPMIN, and PATEMPCUR...........................................................................................260
B.2.13 QPSKWS, QPSK_S_250M_WS, QPSK_S_500M_WS, QAMWS16, QAMWS32, and QAMWS64................260
B.2.14 RLHTT, RLLTT, TLHTT, and TLLTT................................................................................................................261
B.2.15 RSL_MAX, RSL_MIN, RSL_CUR, and RSL_AVG..........................................................................................262
B.2.16 TLBMAX, TLBMIN, and TLBCUR....................................................................................................................262
B.2.17 TPLMAX, TPLMIN, and TPLCUR.....................................................................................................................263
B.2.18 RPLMAX, RPLMIN, and RPLCUR....................................................................................................................263
B.2.19 TSL_MAX, TSL_MIN, TSL_CUR, and TSL_AVG...........................................................................................264

C RMON Event Reference..........................................................................................................266

C.1 RMON Alarm Entry List...........................................................................................................................................267
C.2 RMON Performance Entry List.................................................................................................................................268
C.3 RMON Events and Handling Procedures..................................................................................................................273
C.3.1 ETHDROP..............................................................................................................................................................273
C.3.2 ETHFCS..................................................................................................................................................................274
C.3.3 ETHFRG.................................................................................................................................................................275
C.3.4 ETHJAB..................................................................................................................................................................276
C.3.5 ETHOVER..............................................................................................................................................................276
C.3.6 ETHUNDER...........................................................................................................................................................277

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C.3.7 RXBBAD................................................................................................................................................................277

D Alarm Suppression Relationship..........................................................................................279

E Glossary......................................................................................................................................281

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

1 Safety Precautions

About This Chapter

This topic describes the safety precautions that you must follow when installing, operating, and
maintaining Huawei devices.

1.1 General Safety Precautions

This topic describes essential safety precautions that instruct you in the selection of measuring
and testing instruments when you install, operate, and maintain Huawei devices.

1.2 Warning and Safety Symbols

Before using the equipment, note the following warning and safety symbols on the equipment.

1.3 Electrical Safety

This topic describes safety precautions for high voltage, lightning strikes, high leakage current,
power cables, fuses, and ESD.

1.4 Environment of Flammable Gas

This topic describes safety precautions for the operating environment of a device.

1.5 Storage Batteries

This topic describes safety precautions for operations of storage batteries.

1.6 Radiation
This topic describes safety precautions for electromagnetic exposure and lasers.

1.7 Working at Heights

This topic describes safety precautions for working at heights.

1.8 Mechanical Safety

This topic describes safety precautions for drilling holes, handling sharp objects, operating fans,
and carrying heavy objects.

1.9 Other Precautions

This topic describes safety precautions for removing and inserting boards, binding signal cables,
and routing cables.

Issue 02 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

1.1 General Safety Precautions

This topic describes essential safety precautions that instruct you in the selection of measuring
and testing instruments when you install, operate, and maintain Huawei devices.

All Safety Precautions

To ensure the safety of humans and a device, follow the marks on the device and all the safety
precautions in this document when installing, operating, and maintaining a device.

The "CAUTION", "WARNING", and "DANGER" marks in this document do not cover all the
safety precautions that must be followed. They are supplements to the safety precautions.

Local Laws and Regulations

When operating a device, always comply with the local laws and regulations. The safety
precautions provided in the documents are in addition/supplementary to the local laws and

Basic Installation Requirements

The installation and maintenance personnel of Huawei devices must receive strict training and
be familiar with the proper operation methods and safety precautions before any operation.

l Only trained and qualified personnel are permitted to install, operate, and maintain a device.
l Only certified professionals are permitted to remove the safety facilities, and to troubleshoot
and maintain the device.
l Only the personnel authenticated or authorized by Huawei are permitted to replace or
change the device or parts of the device (including software).
l The operating personnel must immediately report the faults or errors that may cause safety
problems to the person in charge.

Grounding Requirements
The grounding requirements are applicable to the device that needs to be grounded.

l When installing the device, always connect the grounding facilities first. When removing
the device, always disconnect the grounding facilities last.
l Ensure that the grounding conductor is intact.
l Do not operate the device in the absence of a suitably installed grounding conductor.
l The device must be connected to the protection ground (PGND) permanently. Before
operating the device, check the electrical connections of the device, and ensure that the
device is properly grounded.

Human Safety
l When there is a risk of a lightning strike, do not operate the fixed terminal or touch the

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

l When there is risk of a lightning strike, unplug the AC power connector. Do not use the
fixed terminal or touch the terminal or antenna connector.
The preceding requirements apply to wireless fixed station terminals.
l To avoid electric shocks, do not connect safety extra-low voltage (SELV) circuits to
telephone-network voltage (TNV) circuits.
l Do not look into optical ports without eye protection. Otherwise, human eyes may be hurt
by laser beams.
l Before operating the device, wear an ESD protective coat, ESD gloves, and an ESD wrist
strap. In addition, you need to get off the conductive objects, such as jewelry and watches,
to prevent electric shock and burn.
l In case of fire, escape from the building or site where the device is located and press the
fire alarm bell or dial the telephone number for fire alarms. Do not enter the burning building
again in any situation.

Device Safety
l Before any operation, install the device firmly on the ground or other rigid objects, such as
on a wall or in a rack.
l When the system is working, ensure that the ventilation hole is not blocked.
l When installing the front panel, use a tool to tighten the screws firmly, if required.
l After installing the device, clean up the packing materials.

1.2 Warning and Safety Symbols

Before using the equipment, note the following warning and safety symbols on the equipment.

Table 1-1 lists the warning and safety symbols of the OptiX RTN 380 and their meanings.

Table 1-1 Warning and safety symbols of the OptiX RTN 380

Label Label Name Description

ESD protection label Indicates that the equipment is

sensitive to static electricity.

Radiation warning label Indicates that the equipment

generates electromagnetic

High temperature warning label Indicates that the equipment

surface temperature may exceed
70°C when the ambient
temperature is higher than 55°C.
Wear protective gloves to handle
the equipment.

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Label Label Name Description

Grounding label Indicates the grounding position

of a chassis.

1.3 Electrical Safety

This topic describes safety precautions for high voltage, lightning strikes, high leakage current,
power cables, fuses, and ESD.

High Voltage

l A high-voltage power supply provides power for device operations. Direct human contact
with the high voltage power supply or human contact through damp objects can be fatal.
l Unspecified or unauthorized high voltage operations could result in fire or electric shock, or

The requirements apply only to wireless base stations or devices with antennas and feeders.

Do not perform operations on high voltage, AC power, towers, or backstays in stormy weather

High Leakage Current

Before powering on a device, ground the device. Otherwise, the safety of humans and the device
cannot be ensured.

If a high leakage current mark is labeled near the power connector of the device, you must
connect the PGND terminal on the shell to the ground before connecting the device to an A/C
input power supply. This is to prevent the electric shock caused by leakage current of the device.

Issue 02 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

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Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Power Cables

Do not install or remove the power cable with a live line. Transient contact between the core of
the power cable and the conductor may generate electric arc or spark, which may cause fire or
eye injury.

l Before installing or removing power cables, you must power off the device.
l Before connecting a power cable, you must ensure that the label on the power cable is

Device with Power On

Installing or removing a device is prohibited if the device is on.

Do not install or remove the power cables of the equipment when it is powered on.

Short Circuits
When installing and maintaining devices, place and use the associated tools and instruments in
accordance with regulations to avoid short-circuits caused by metal objects.


If the fuse on a device blows, replace the fuse with a fuse of the same type and specifications to
ensure safe operation of the device.

1.4 Environment of Flammable Gas

This topic describes safety precautions for the operating environment of a device.

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Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Do not place or operate devices in an environment of flammable or explosive air or gas.

Operating an electronic device in an environment of flammable gas causes a severe hazard.

1.5 Storage Batteries

This topic describes safety precautions for operations of storage batteries.

Before operating a storage battery, you must read the safety precautions carefully and be familiar
with the method of connecting a storage battery.

l Incorrect operations of storage batteries cause hazards. During operation, prevent any short-
circuit, and prevent the electrolyte from overflowing or leakage.
l If the electrolyte overflows, it causes potential hazards to the device. The electrolyte may
corrode metal parts and the circuit boards, and ultimately damage the circuit boards.
l A storage battery contains a great deal of energy. Misoperations may cause a short-circuit,
which leads to human injuries.

Basic Precautions
To ensure safety, note the following points before installing or maintaining the storage battery:

l Use special insulation tools.

l Wear an eye protector and take effective protection measures.
l Wear rubber gloves and a protection coat to prevent the hazard caused by the overflowing
l When handling the storage battery, ensure that its electrodes are upward. Leaning or
reversing the storage battery is prohibited.
l Before installing or maintaining the storage battery, ensure that the storage battery is
disconnected from the power supply that charges the storage battery.


A battery short-circuit may cause human injuries. Although the voltage of an ordinary battery
is low, the instantaneous high current caused by a short-circuit emits a great deal of energy.

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Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Avoid any short-circuit of batteries caused by metal objects. If possible, disconnect the working
battery before performing other operations.

Hazardous Gas

Do not use any unsealed lead-acid storage battery. Lay a storage battery horizontally and fix it
properly to prevent the battery from emitting flammable gas, which may cause fire or device

Working lead-acid storage batteries emit flammable gas. Therefore, ventilation and fireproofing
measures must be taken at the sites where lead-acid storage batteries are placed.

Battery Temperature

If a battery overheats, the battery may be deformed or damaged, and the electrolyte may

When the temperature of the battery is higher than 60°C, you need to check whether the
electrolyte overflows. If the electrolyte overflows, take appropriate measures immediately.

Battery Leakage

In the event of acid overflow or spillage, neutralize the acid and clean it up appropriately.

When handling a leaky battery, protect against the possible damage caused by the acid. When
you find the electrolyte leaks, you can use the following substances to counteract and absorb the
leaking electrolyte:

l Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

l Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)

In the event of acid overflow or spillage, neutralize the acid and clean it up as recommended by
the battery manufacturer and any local regulations for acid disposal.

If a person contacts battery electrolyte, clean the skin that contacts the battery electrolyte
immediately by using water. In case of a severe situation, the person must be sent to a hospital

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Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

1.6 Radiation
This topic describes safety precautions for electromagnetic exposure and lasers.

1.6.1 Safe Usage of Optical Fibers

The laser beam can cause damage to your eyes. Hence, you must exercise caution when using
optical fibers.

When installing or maintaining optical fibers, avoid direct eye exposure to the laser beams
launched from the optical interface or fiber connectors. The laser beam can cause damage to
your eyes.

Cleaning Fiber Connectors and Optical Interfaces

If fiber connectors or flanges are contaminated, optical power commissioning is seriously
affected. Therefore, the two endfaces and flange of every external fiber must be cleaned before
the fiber is led into the equipment through the optical distribution frame (ODF) for being inserted
into an optical interface on the equipment.

The fiber connectors and optical interfaces of the lasers must be cleaned with the following
special cleaning tools and materials:

l Special cleaning solvent: It is preferred to use isoamylol. Propyl alcohol, however, can also
be used. It is prohibited that you use alcohol and formalin.
l Non-woven lens tissue
l Special compressed gas
l Cotton stick (medical cotton or long fiber cotton)
l Special cleaning roll, used with the recommended cleaning solvent
l Special magnifier for fiber connectors

1.6.2 Electromagnetic Exposure

This topic describes safety precautions for electromagnetic exposure.

If multiple transmit antennas are installed on a tower or backstay, keep away from the transmit
directions of the antennas when you install or maintain an antenna locally.

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Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Ensure that all personnel are beyond the transmit direction of a working antenna.

1.6.3 Forbidden Areas

The topic describes requirements for a forbidden area.

l Before entering an area where the electromagnetic radiation is beyond the specified range,
the associated personnel must shut down the electromagnetic radiator or stay at least 10
meters away from the electromagnetic radiator, if in the transmit direction.
l A physical barrier and an eye-catching warning flag should be available in each forbidden

1.6.4 Laser
This topic describes safety precautions for lasers.

When handling optical fibers, do not stand close to, or look into the optical fiber outlet directly
without eye protection.

Laser transceivers are used in the optical transmission system and associated test tools. The laser
transmitted through the bare optical fiber produces a small beam of light, and therefore it has
very high power density and is invisible to human eyes. When a beam of light enters eyes, the
eyes may be damaged.

In normal cases, viewing an un-terminated optical fiber or a damaged optical fiber without eye
protection at a distance greater than 150 mm does not cause eye injury. Eye injury may occur,
however, if an optical tool such as a microscope, magnifying glass, or eye loupe is used to view
an un-terminated optical fiber.

Safety Instructions Regarding Lasers

To avoid laser radiation, obey the following instructions:

l All operations should be performed by authorized personnel who have completed the
required training courses.
l Wear a pair of eye-protective glasses when you are handling lasers or fibers.
l Ensure that the optical source is switched off before disconnecting optical fiber connectors.
l Do not look into the end of an exposed fiber or an open connector when you are not sure
whether the optical source is switched off.
l Use an optical power meter to measure the optical power and ensure that the optical source
is switched off.

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Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

l Before opening the front door of an optical transmission device, ensure that you are not
exposed to laser radiation.
l Do not use an optical tool such as a microscope, a magnifying glass, or an eye loupe to
view the optical connector or fiber that is transmitting optical signals.

Instructions Regarding Fiber Handling

Read and abide by the following instructions before handling fibers:

l Only trained personnel are permitted to cut and splice fibers.

l Before cutting or splicing a fiber, ensure that the fiber is disconnected from the optical
source. After disconnecting the fiber, cap to the fiber connectors.

1.6.5 Microwave
When installing and maintaining the equipment of Huawei, follow the safety precautions of
microwave to ensure the safety of the human body and the equipment.

Strong radio frequency can harm the human body.

When installing or maintaining an aerial on the tower or mast that is installed with multiple
aerials, switch off the transmitter in advance.

1.7 Working at Heights

This topic describes safety precautions for working at heights.

When working at heights, be cautious to prevent objects from falling down.

The requirements for working at heights are as follows:

l The personnel who work at heights must be trained.

l Carry and handle the operating machines and tools with caution to prevent them from falling
l Safety measures, such as wearing a helmet and a safety belt, must be taken.
l Wear cold-proof clothes when working at heights in cold areas.
l Check all lifting appliances thoroughly before starting the work, and ensure that they are

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Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

1.7.1 Hoisting Heavy Objects

This topic describes the safety precautions for hoisting heavy objects that you must follow when
installing, operating, and maintaining Huawei devices.

When heavy objects are being hoisted, do not walk below the cantilever or hoisted objects.

l Only trained and qualified personnel can perform hoisting operations.

l Before hoisting heavy objects, check that the hoisting tools are complete and in good
l Before hoisting heavy objects, ensure that the hoisting tools are fixed to a secure object or
wall with good weight-bearing capacity.
l Issue orders with short and explicit words to ensure correct operations.
l Ensure that the angle between the two cables is less than or equal to 90 degrees during the
lifting, as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Hoisting heavy objects

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Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

1.7.2 Using Ladders

This topic describes safety precautions for using ladders.

Checking Ladders
l Before using a ladder, check whether the ladder is damaged. After checking that the ladder
is in good condition, you can use the ladder.
l Before using a ladder, you should know the maximum weight capacity of the ladder. Avoid
overweighing the ladder.

Placing Ladders
The proper slant angle of the ladder is 75 degrees. You can measure the slant angle of the ladder
with an angle square or your arms, as shown in Figure 1-2. When using a ladder, to prevent the
ladder from sliding, ensure that the wider feet of the ladder are downward, or take protection
measures for the ladder feet. Ensure that the ladder is placed securely.

Figure 1-2 Slanting a ladder

Climbing Up a Ladder
When climbing up a ladder, pay attention to the following points:

l Ensure that the center of gravity of your body does not deviate from the edges of the two
long sides.
l Before operations, ensure that your body is stable to reduce risks.
l Do not climb higher than the fourth rung of the ladder (counted from up to down).

If you want to climb up a roof, ensure that the ladder top is at least one meter higher than the
roof, as shown in Figure 1-3.

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Figure 1-3 Ladder top being one meter higher than the roof

1.8 Mechanical Safety

This topic describes safety precautions for drilling holes, handling sharp objects, operating fans,
and carrying heavy objects.

Drilling Holes

Do not drill holes on the cabinet without prior permission. Drilling holes without complying
with the requirements affects the electromagnetic shielding performance of the cabinet and
damages the cables inside the cabinet. In addition, if the scraps caused by drilling enter the
cabinet, the printed circuit boards (PCBs) may be short-circuited.

l Before drilling a hole on the cabinet, remove the cables inside the cabinet.
l Wear an eye protector when drilling holes. This is to prevent eyes from being injured by
the splashing metal scraps.
l Wear protection gloves when drilling holes.
l Take measures to prevent the metallic scraps from falling into the cabinet. After the drilling,
clean up the metallic scraps.

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Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Sharp Objects

Wear protection gloves when carrying the device. This is to prevent hands from being injured
by the sharp edges of the device.

l When replacing parts, place the objects such as the parts, screws, and tools properly. This
is to prevent them from falling into the operating fans, which damages the fans or device.
l When replacing the parts near fans, keep your fingers or boards from touching operating
fans before the fans are powered off and stop running. Otherwise, the hands or the boards
are damaged.

Carrying Heavy Objects

Wear protection gloves when carrying heavy objects. This is to prevent hands from being hurt.

l The carrier must be prepared for load bearing before carrying heavy objects. This is to prevent
the carrier from being strained or pressed by the heavy objects.
l When you pull a chassis out of the cabinet, pay attention to the unstable or heavy objects on
the cabinet. This is to prevent the heavy objects on the cabinet top from falling down, which
may hurt you.

l Generally, two persons are needed to carry a chassis. It is prohibited that only one person
carries a heavy chassis. When carrying a chassis, the carriers should stretch their backs and
move stably to avoid being strained.
l When moving or lifting a chassis, hold the handles or bottom of the chassis. Do not hold
the handles of the modules installed in the chassis, such as the power modules, fan modules,
and boards.

1.9 Other Precautions

This topic describes safety precautions for removing and inserting boards, binding signal cables,
and routing cables.

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Maintenance Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Removing and Inserting a Board

When inserting a board, wear an ESD wrist strap or ESD gloves, and handle the board gently to
avoid distorting pins on the backplane.

l Slide the board along the guide rails.

l Do not contact one board with another to avoid short-circuits or damage.
l When holding a board in hand, do not touch the board circuits, components, connectors,
or connection slots of the board to prevent damage caused by ESD of the human body to
the electrostatic-sensitive components.

Binding Signal Cables

Bind the signal cables separately from the high-current or high-voltage cables.

Routing Cables
In the case of extremely low temperature, heavy shock or vibration may damage the plastic skin
of the cables. To ensure the construction safety, comply with the following requirements:

l When installing cables, ensure that the environment temperature is above 0°C.
l If the cables are stored in a place where the ambient temperature is below 0°C, transfer
them to a place at room temperature and store the cables for more than 24 hours before
l Handle the cables gently, especially in a low-temperature environment. Do not perform
any improper operations, for example, pushing the cables down directly from a truck.

High Temperature

If the ambient temperature exceeds 55°C, the temperature of the front panel surface marked the

flag may exceed 70°C. When touching the front panel of the board in such an environment,
you must wear the protection gloves.

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide 2 Routine Maintenance Items

2 Routine Maintenance Items

Routine maintenance operations are performed to detect and rectify hidden faults before the
hidden faults cause damage to equipment and affect services.

Routine Maintenance Items Carried Out on the NMS

Table 2-1 Routine maintenance items carried out on the NMS

Maintenance Item Recomme Remarks

ce Cycle

Checking the NE Status Every day l If the NE icon is green, the NE operates
l If the NE icon is gray, the NE is
unreachable due to DCN faults.
l If the NE icon is in other colors, alarms are
reported or exceptions occur. You need to
troubleshoot in time.

Browsing Current Alarms Every day l Handle the alarms by referring to A.2
Alarms and Handling Procedures.
l For port alarms due to the interconnected
equipment, see 7.3.3 Reversing Alarms
for Ports to reduce the number of alarms
and prevent interference to emergent

Browsing History Alarms Every week By finding causes of and solutions to

historical alarms, you can take precautions to
avoid related faults.

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Maintenance Guide 2 Routine Maintenance Items

Maintenance Item Recomme Remarks

ce Cycle

Browsing Abnormal Events Every week l Security events are generally records of
normal operations. Investigate the illegal
operations if there are any.
l Abnormal events about equipment have
been properly solved.

Browsing History Every week l Gauge type performance events such as

Performance Events the board temperature and laser power are
l Bit error type performance events meet
requirements on link availability.
l Historical received signal levels do not
exceed the fade margin for a long time.
l When automatic transmit power control
(ATPC) is disabled, historical transmitted
signal levels are allowed to be 4 dB larger
or smaller than the specified value.

Querying History Transmit Every week l Gauge type performance events such as
Power and Receive Power the board temperature and laser power are
l Bit error type performance events meet
requirements on link availability.
l Historical received signal levels do not
exceed the fade margin for a long time.
l When automatic transmit power control
(ATPC) is disabled, historical transmitted
signal levels are allowed to be 4 dB larger
or smaller than the specified value.

Testing 1+1 protection Half a year Applies only to the equipment that is
Switching configured in 1+1 protection mode.
During the 1+1 protection switching, the protected
services are interrupted. Hence, it is recommended
that you perform the 1+1 protection switching
when the traffic is light.

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Maintenance Guide 2 Routine Maintenance Items

Field Maintenance Items for Outdoor Equipment

Table 2-2 Field maintenance items for outdoor equipment

Maintenance Item Recommende Remarks


Checking the appearance of the Half a year The OptiX RTN 380 is fixedly
OptiX RTN 380a. NOTE mounted and its appearance is in
Perform a good condition, without the coating
complete check being damaged or corroded.
after a level-8 or
Checking the appearance and higher-level The antenna is tightly placed and
azimuth of the antenna. hurricane, an does not deviate from the designed
earthquake, or
Checking the appearance of the The hybrid coupler is fixedly
hybrid coupler. mounted and its appearance is in
good condition, without the coating
being damaged or corroded.

Checking the appearance and The shield layer of the power cable
connection of outdoor cables. is intact with the connectors being
waterproofed. The feeder clip and
binding strap are tightened.


a:An area close to a pollution source refers to the area that covers a radius within any of the following
l 3.7 km away from salty waters (such as an ocean and salty water)
l 3 km away from severe pollution sources (such as iron refinery works, and coal mines)
l 2 km away from intermediate pollution sources (such as chemical plants, rubber processing works, and
electroplating workshops)
l 1 km away from light pollution sources (such as food processing works, leather working plants, and
heating boilers).

Power on the OptiX RTN 380 within 24 hours of unpacking. During maintenance, the power-off time of
the equipment cannot be longer than 24 hours.

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide 3 Emergency Maintenance Guide

3 Emergency Maintenance Guide

Emergency maintenance operations are performed in the case of emergencies or natural factors
that may result in emergencies during the operation of the equipment.

Definition of Emergency
An emergency refers to an equipment or network incident that arises suddenly and extensively
and may cause significant consequences for network operating and service quality. For
microwave equipment, an emergency refers to service interruption in a large scale.

Purposes of Emergency Maintenance

Emergence maintenance is performed to restore services as soon as possible.

Contingency Plans for Emergency Maintenance

Preparations are necessary for fast service restoration in case of an emergency. The main
contingency measures include:
l Maintaining spare parts inventory (including spare NEs and cables) and synchronizing
spare NEs' software versions with those of the NEs in live networks to ensure fast equipment
replacement in case of an emergency.
l Regularly updating and maintaining network topology diagrams and service configuration
documentation to help fault analysis in case of an emergency.
l Routinely backing up NE databases to allow fast restoration of NE configuration data in
case of an emergency.
l Planning standby routes for key services, if possible, to facilitate service restoration in case
of an emergency.
l Performing routine maintenance to keep equipment properly operating and reduce the
possibility of emergencies.

Emergency Maintenance Principles

Preparations are necessary for fast service restoration in case of an emergency. The main
principles include:
l Restore services as soon as possible.

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Maintenance Guide 3 Emergency Maintenance Guide

l Analyze fault symptoms, find causes, and then handle faults. If causes are unknown,
exercise precautions when you perform operations in case the problems become severer.
l If a fault persists, contact Huawei engineers and coordinate with them to handle the fault
l Record the operations performed during fault handling and save the original data related
to the fault.

Issue 02 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 20

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

4 Troubleshooting

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the general troubleshooting procedure and methods of rectifying common

4.1 Fault Diagnosis

Accurate fault diagnosis is critical to effective troubleshooting.

4.2 General Troubleshooting Procedure

When handling a fault, make a detailed record of the fault symptoms. To report fault information
or obtain technical support, contact the local Huawei office.

4.3 Troubleshooting Microwave Link Faults

Microwave link faults refer to interruptions or performance deterioration of microwave links.
After microwave link faults occur, an NE reports alarms such as MW_BER_EXC,

4.4 Troubleshooting Ethernet Service Faults

Ethernet service faults refer to Ethernet service interruptions or deterioration.

4.5 Troubleshooting DCN Faults

A data communication network (DCN) fault prevents the network management system (NMS)
from reaching an NE because of failed or unstable communication between the NMS and the

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

4.1 Fault Diagnosis

Accurate fault diagnosis is critical to effective troubleshooting.

4.1.1 Principles
Faults on transmission equipment generally affect services in a large area. Fault diagnosis aims
to narrow down a fault area to find out the fault cause.

Table 4-1 lists basic fault diagnosis principles that have been concluded based on characteristics
of transmission equipment.

Table 4-1 Fault diagnosis principles

Principle Description

Peripherals and then Rule out external faults, for example, cable damage or faults
transmission equipment on power supply equipment or interconnected equipment.
Then check transmission equipment.

Network and then NEs Locate a fault to a microwave site or a microwave link hop.

Links and then services Rectify microwave link faults first because they may cause
alarms on service ports. Then check services.

High-severity alarms and then Handle high-severity alarms first, such as critical alarms and
low-severity alarms major alarms, and then low-severity alarms, such as minor
alarms and suggestions.

4.1.2 Common Operations

This section describes common operations on the network management system (NMS) for fault

Table 4-2 Common operations for fault diagnosis

Operation Operation
Instruction Instruction (Web
Operation (U2000) LCT) Description

Check and analyze 7.1.3 Browsing 7.1.4 Browsing Checking and analyzing alarms is the most
alarms. Current Alarms Current Alarms direct method for fault diagnosis. After a
(U2000) (Web LCT) fault occurs, check for current and historical
alarms on the suspected faulty equipment.
7.1.5 Browsing 7.1.6 Browsing By comparing the actual fault symptoms
History Alarms History Alarms and time with those recorded in the alarms,
(U2000) (Web LCT) you can narrow down the suspected fault

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

Operation Operation
Instruction Instruction (Web
Operation (U2000) LCT) Description

Analyze microwave Querying Historical Transmit Power and By analyzing the current and historical
link performance Receive Power receive and transmit power records of a
events. microwave link, you can determine the fault
Querying the SNR Value of a Microwave type (line-of-sight problem, fading, or
Link transceiver fault) to facilitate quick fault

Analyze Ethernet 7.2 Using RMON Use remote network monitoring (RMON)
remote network performance statistics to diagnose faults that
monitoring cause Ethernet service performance to
(RMON) deteriorate. RMON provides grouped
performance performance statistics based on the number
statistics. of received packets/bytes and the number of
transmitted packets/bytes.
By comparing and analyzing traffic and
performance data at key points over
Ethernet service paths, you can identify
bottlenecks and fault points at which
services are improperly configured.

Diagnose Ethernet E-LAN Service Loopback Detection The Ethernet local area network (E-LAN)
services. service loop detection function promptly
detects and releases E-LAN service loops.
This prevents broadcast storms, which will
result in network congestion.

Performing - The U2000 provides intelligent fault

Intelligent Service diagnosis for end-to-end Ethernet line (E-
Fault Diagnosis for Line) services. Operation, administration
E-Line Services and maintenance (OAM) is deployed to
check configuration consistency, traffic,
and packet loss on sites over a specified

Use built-in 7.10 Scanning Interfering Signals Frequency scanning checks for interference
diagnosis and test on microwave links.
Testing the Latency, Throughput, and Ethernet service performance tests help to
Packet Loss Ratio identify service deterioration.

Testing the Long-term Packet Loss Ratio

Perform loopbacks. 7.5.1 Setting Loopbacks for Ethernet A loopback is a method of returning signals
Ports to their source at a specified point. If
services are interrupted, loopbacks can be
7.5.2 Setting Loopback for the IF Board performed to check whether network
sections are in good conditions to narrow
down fault areas.

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

4.2 General Troubleshooting Procedure

When handling a fault, make a detailed record of the fault symptoms. To report fault information
or obtain technical support, contact the local Huawei office.

General Troubleshooting Procedure

Figure 4-1 General troubleshooting procedure


Record fault symptoms.

Rectify external faults.

2 Is the fault Yes

caused by external

3 No
Diagnose and handle
the fault. Report to Huawei.

No Work out a solution

Is the fault rectified? together.

Is the fault rectified?
Write a troubleshooting


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Table 4-3 General troubleshooting procedure

Comment Description

1 Make a true and detailed record of the fault, including the time when the fault
occurred and any operations performed leading up to and after the occurrence.
Collect alarms, performance events, and other important information.
You can perform one-click data collection using the U2000.

2 For OptiX RTN 380, a common external cause is a power supply fault. Handle
the fault yourself by referring to Table 4-5, or contact a power engineer.

3 Determine the fault type according to preliminary analysis on alarms at the

network operations center (NOC). Handle different types of faults as follows:
l If a microwave link is faulty, follow instructions in 4.3 Troubleshooting
Microwave Link Faults.
l If an Ethernet service is faulty, follow instructions in 4.4 Troubleshooting
Ethernet Service Faults.
l For faults of other types, handle alarms in descending order of severities
according to A.2 Alarms and Handling Procedures.
l If services are running properly but the NE is unreachable to the network
management system (NMS), follow instructions in 4.5 Troubleshooting
DCN Faults.
If the faulty NE cannot be managed at the NOC, follow instructions in Figure
4-2 and Table 4-5 to handle the fault onsite.

4 To report fault information or obtain technical support, contact the local

Huawei office.

5 After rectifying the fault, perform the following operations:

1. Check for alarms and ensure that the system is running properly.
2. Arrange personnel to attend to the system during peak service hours, and
promptly address any problems.
3. Fill in the sheet for onsite operations. Send the sheet and fault symptoms
to Huawei. Table 4-4 shows the sheet for onsite operations.

Table 4-4 Sheet for on-site operations

Maintained on Maintenance Personnel

Actual Step Step in the Whole Handling Result Remarks


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Onsite Fault Handling Process

Figure 4-2 Onsite fault handling process


1 Yes
Is the power
supply system Rectify the fault.

Yes Repair or replace
Is the euipment
damaged? the equipment.

3 No

Browse alarms locally

by using the LCT.

4 Yes
Do any equipment
Clear the alarms.
alarms occur?

5 Do any Yes
microwave link Clear the alarms.
alarms occur?

6 Yes
Do any other Clear the alarms.
alarms occur?


7 Is the Yes
equipment Rectify the fault.
Troubleshoot the fault by No
Go to the Do services
performing loopbacks section next step.
by section and by replacing recover?
suspected faulty parts.


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Table 4-5 Onsite fault handling process

Comment Description

1 The process is as follows:

1. If a power injector (PI) supplies power to OptiX RTN 380, check whether
the PI indicator status is correct.
If the PI indicator status is normal, go to the next step in the onsite fault
handling process.
2. Check whether the circuit breaker on the power supply equipment
connected to OptiX RTN 380 is disconnected.
If the circuit breaker is automatically disconnected, identify the cause
(such as short circuits or insufficient fuse capacity) and handle the fault.
3. Check whether the power supply equipment is functioning properly.
For OptiX RTN 380, the rated voltage of the input power is -48 V, the allowed voltage
range is -38.4 V to -57.6 V, and the fuse capacity is proposed to be 6 A.

2 Check whether the OptiX RTN 380, PI, antenna, and related accessories are
damaged, tilt, or wet, and whether cables are disconnected or broken.

3 The process is as follows:

1. Connecting the Web LCT to the Equipment
2. Creating NEs Using the Search Method
3. Logging In to an NE
4. 7.1.4 Browsing Current Alarms(Web LCT)

4 Equipment alarms mainly include:


5 Microwave link alarms mainly include:


6 Other types of alarms do not cause service interruption and NE unreachability

at the same time. Handle the alarms according to the alarm reference

7 If a service fault is not caused by a fault on OptiX RTN 380, check for and
rectify any faults on the interconnected equipment.

8 Replace suspected faulty equipment or components and check whether

services recover.

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4.3 Troubleshooting Microwave Link Faults

Microwave link faults refer to interruptions or performance deterioration of microwave links.
After microwave link faults occur, an NE reports alarms such as MW_BER_EXC,

Types of Microwave Link Faults

Microwave link faults are classified into:

l Equipment faults, including OptiX RTN 380 faults, power supply faults, antenna damage,
and cable damage
l Propagation faults, including fading, interference, and poor line of sight (LOS)
l Poor construction quality, including poor antenna or component installation, poor
grounding, and poor waterproofing

Figure 4-3 Types of microwave link faults

Causes of radio
link faults

Propagation Poor construction Equipment

faults quality faults

Antenna Cables
Interference Fading Poor LOS installation

External Rain LOS not Antennas Poor Hardware

interference fading achieved not aligned grounding Faults

Over-reach Multipath Near-field Antennas Poor Power

interference fading blocking loosened or waterproofing faults

Reflection cable

Fading Symptoms and Causes

Link fading is the main cause for microwave link faults. Locating and handling link fading is
more difficult than locating and handling hardware faults.

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Table 4-6 Fading symptoms and causes

Fading Type Symptom Cause

Classified Down The RSL is lower than the RSL in the free l Multipath fading
by received fading space. The difference can be tens of l Duct-type fading
signal level decibels.
(RSL) l Rain fading

Up fading The RSL is higher than the RSL in the l Interference

free space. The difference can be 10 l Long delay caused by terrain
decibels to 19 decibels. reflection

Classified Fast fading Fast fading lasts from several l Multipath fading
by fading milliseconds to tens of seconds. l Duct-type fading
duration Generally, fast fading is caused by l Long delay caused by terrain
multipath fading. It occurs periodically. reflection
For example, fast fading occurs in the
period from 18:00 to 20:00 of a day or in
a certain season of a year.

Slow Slow fading lasts from tens of seconds to l Slow up fading is usually caused by
fading several hours. interference.
l Slow down fading is usually caused
by rain, and therefore is also called
rain fading. Rain fading occurs on
links that work at a frequency higher
than 10 GHz or in areas where there
is heavy rain.

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Troubleshooting Procedure

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Figure 4-4 Procedure for troubleshooting a microwave link fault


1 Yes
Is a misoperation Undo the operation.


2 Yes
Do any hardware Rectify the hardware fault.
alarms occur?


3 Do any IF or RF Yes
alarms occur on
the link?
No Analyze the historical RSL
values and the current
RSL value.

Co-channel or adjacent-
5 Yes channel interference exists.
Troubleshoot the fault as a Does up fading occur?
non-microwave link fault. Long delay caused by
terrain reflection occurs.
The link is blocked.
6 Is the RSL value Yes The antennas are
always less than the
designed value?
Passive components like
No hybrid couplers or flexible
waveguides are faulty.
7 Yes
Is it raining when
Rain fading occurs.
the fault occurs?


8 Multipath fading occurs.

Does the fault occur
regularly? Terrain reflection occurs.
Replace suspected
faulty parts.

Is the fault rectified? End


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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

Table 4-7 Procedure for troubleshooting a microwave link fault

Comm Operation Description


1 Check for Check whether any of the following misoperations has been performed:
misoperations. l The power supply has been shut down, which prevented the network
management system (NMS) from reaching the local or remote NE.
l The radio transmitter has been muted, which triggered a RADIO_MUTE
l A loopback has been performed on an IF port, which triggered a
LOOP_ALM alarm.
l Microwave link data has been configured incorrectly, which triggered an
l An adaptive modulation (AM) self-check has been enabled, which triggered
an MW_AM_TEST alarm.
l A pseudo random binary sequence (PRBS) test has been enabled.
l IF consecutive wave output has been enabled, which triggered an
If any of the preceding misoperations has been performed, undo it.

2 Check for Check for the following hardware fault alarms:

hardware alarms. l HARD_BAD
When a hardware fault occurs, replace the OptiX RTN 380.

3 Check for IF and Check for the following IF and RF alarms:


4 Check the receive RSL is the major reference for locating and handling propagation faults. Follow
power. instruction in Querying Historical Transmit Power and Receive Power to browse
and analyze the historical RSL values and the current RSL value.

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

Comm Operation Description


5 Check whether the If the RSL value is greater than the current receiver sensitivity but the microwave
fault is an up link is still interrupted or signals degrade, up fading has occurred. Mute the
fading fault. opposite NE and check the RSL value at the local NE.
l If the RSL value is greater than -77 dBm at 250 MHz channel spacing, or greater
than -74 dBm at 500 MHz channel spacing, there may be co-channel
interference that affects long-term availability and errored-second performance
of the system.
Follow instructions in 7.10 Scanning Interfering Signals or use a frequency
spectrum analyzer to locate the possible interfering frequencies.
– If a third-party RF device is the source of interfere, contact the local
frequency spectrum management department to clear the interference
– If the interference is caused due to improper route planning, modify the
frequency plan to minimize the interference impact.
l If the RSL value is less than -77 dBm at 250 MHz spacing, or less than -74
dBm at 500 MHz channel spacing, there may be a fault caused by terrain
reflection. Check whether there are rivers or lakes on the propagation trail.
If there is an intensively reflective terrain, adjust the installation height of the
antenna to change the link elevation, therefore minimizing reflection impact.
Alternatively, replan the route to bypass the intensively reflective terrain.

6 Check whether the If the RSL value has been less than the designed value for a long time, the
fault is a down propagation trail is faulty. Perform the following operations:
fading fault. l Check whether the antenna is misaligned. If the antenna is misaligned, re-align
l Check whether there are any blocks on the radio transmission trail or in the
near field of the antenna. If there are, adjust the installation height of the antenna
to bypass the blocks, or replan the microwave link route.
l Check whether loss increases because the antenna, hybrid coupler, or flexible
waveguide is damaged or wet. If any of these components is damaged or wet,
replace it.

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

Comm Operation Description


7 Check whether the If the fault occurs in poor weather conditions (such as rainy, snowy, or foggy) and
fault is a rain is rectified after the conditions clear, the fault cause is rain fading. For a fault
fading fault. caused by rain fading, check whether the link fading margin is insufficient.
1. Calculate the actual link availability using the following formula: link
availability = total fault time/statistical period. In this formula, the statistical
period is generally six months or one year.
l If the actual link availability is lower than the designed value by an order
of magnitude, the link fading margin is insufficient. Replan the microwave
link parameters.
l If the difference between the actual link availability and the designed value
is small, no action is required.
2. Before replanning microwave link parameters, ensure that the rain zone
parameters, the refractivity gradient, and the planning algorithm are correct.
To minimize rain fading impact, you can also:
l Increase the transmit power or replace the antenna with a larger-diameter
antenna, to increase the system gain and the fading margin.
l Use a frequency band on which rain fading has a smaller impact.

8 Check whether the If the receive power fluctuates greatly and quickly (by more than 10 dB or dozens
fault is a fast of dB within several seconds or dozens of seconds), fast fading has occurred.
fading fault. Fast fading may occur because of:
l Multipath fading: Faults occur periodically, for example, during the transition
between day and night.
l Duct-type fading: random fast fading
To handle fast fading, perform the following operations:
l Increase the path inclination. That is, adjust the installation heights of antennas
at both ends to increase the height differences.
l Reduce surface reflection. For apparent strong reflection surfaces, for example,
large areas of water, flat lands, and bald mountain tops, adjust antennas to move
reflection points out of the strong reflection areas or use landforms to mask the
l Reduce the path clearance. With LOS conditions guaranteed, lower installation
heights of antennas as much as possible.

9 Troubleshoot the If the preceding operations do not rectify the fault, replace the OptiX RTN 380s
fault by replacing at both ends. Then, check whether services recover. If the fault persists, replan the
suspected faulty microwave link parameters, for example, change the operating frequency, replace
parts. antennas with larger-diameter antennas, change the antenna installation heights,
or change the route.

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

4.4 Troubleshooting Ethernet Service Faults

Ethernet service faults refer to Ethernet service interruptions or deterioration.

Fault Symptoms
Ethernet services are interrupted, or Ethernet services are not running properly, resulting in slow
Internet surfing, long delay, packet loss, or incorrect received or transmitted packets.

Table 4-8 Common Ethernet service faults

Symptom Alarm

Ethernet services are Hardware alarms such as HARD_BAD, LASER_MOD_ERR, and

interrupted. TEMP_ALARM

Link alarms such as ETH_EFM_LOOPBACK,


Service alarms such as ETH_CFM_AIS, ETH_CFM_LOC, and


Ethernet services Hardware alarms such as HARD_BAD and TEMP_ALARM

Link alarms such as LAG_MEMBER_DOWN

Service alarms such as FLOW_OVER, MAC_EXT_EXC, and


Upstream alarms such as AM_DOWNSHIFT, MW_BER_EXC,


Fault Causes
l An Ethernet board loopback or a transmission line loopback is performed.
l Parameters such as the port status (enabled or disabled), working mode, and flow control
are inconsistently configured for the local and peer Ethernet ports.
l Service configurations are incorrect.
l The local equipment is faulty.
l A link fault or bit errors occur.
l The Ethernet service bandwidth decreases because of an adaptive modulation (AM)
l The interconnected equipment is faulty.
l The network cable is faulty.
l External electromagnetic interference is severe.

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Procedure

Figure 4-5 Procedure for troubleshooting an Ethernet service fault


1 Yes
Is a misoperation Undo this operation.

2 Do any equipment Yes

alarms or microwave link Clear the alarms.
alarms occur?

3 Yes
Do any Ethernet Clear the alarms.
alarms occur?

4 Yes
Is an E-LAN service Release the loop.
loop formed?

5 Yes Rectify the E-Line

Is any end-to-end E-
Line service faulty? service fault.

Query port traffic and service
traffic and analyze the traffic
change causes.

Troubleshoot the fault by

7 Are there any Yes following the procedure
abnormal RMON
performance for troubleshooting RMON
events? performance events.


Troubleshoot equipment No
faults by performing
loopbacks section by section Go to the next
or by replacing suspected step. Is the fault rectified?
faulty parts.


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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

Table 4-9 Procedure for troubleshooting an Ethernet service fault

Comm Operation Description


1 Check for Check whether any of the following misoperations has been performed:
misoperations. l A loopback has been configured for the Ethernet port.
l A loopback has been configured for the transmission line.
l Parameters such as the port status (enabled or disabled), working mode, and
flow control have been set inconsistently for the local and peer Ethernet ports.
l The Ethernet protocol or Ethernet services (especially Ethernet port attributes)
have been configured incorrectly.
If any of the preceding misoperations has been performed, undo the operation.

2 Check for Check for the following equipment alarms:

equipment alarms l HARD_BAD, POWER_ALM, and TEMP_ALARM
and microwave
link alarms. l ETH_LOS and LASER_MOD_ERR
Check for the following microwave link alarms:

3 Check for Check for the following Ethernet alarms:


4 Check for Check whether E-LAN service loops are formed by referring to Performing E-
Ethernet local area LAN Service Loopback Detection.
network (E-LAN) l If E-LAN service loops are formed, modify configurations to eliminate the
service loops. loops.
l If physical E-LAN service loops are necessary for service protection, eliminate
logical loops by configuring Ethernet ring protection switching (ERPS) or split
horizon groups.

5 Perform If the faulty service is an end-to-end Ethernet line (E-Line) service, diagnose the
intelligent fault fault by referring to Performing Intelligent Service Fault Diagnosis for E-Line
diagnosis. Services and rectify the fault based on the diagnosis results.

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Comm Operation Description


6 Analyze service Query the Ethernet traffic, bandwidth, or bandwidth utilization of the
traffic. Ethernet port. Diagnose the fault by analyzing the traffic rate at the Ethernet port.
l If the receive rate at the Ethernet port is out of the specified range, the
interconnected equipment is faulty.
l If the transmit rate at the Integrated IP radio port is close to or equal to the
service bandwidth supported by the current IF working mode, the service
bandwidth of the microwave link is insufficient. Contact network planning
personnel to replan the service bandwidth for the microwave link. If the
replanned service bandwidth exceeds the limit specified by the license, apply
to Huawei for a license that allows higher service bandwidth.
l If the traffic at the ingress port is markedly different from that at the egress port
(for an OptiX RTN 380, the ingress port is usually an Ethernet port and the
egress port is usually an Integrated IP radio port), check whether the service
and quality of service (QoS) configurations are proper.
l If the transmitted traffic is equal to the received traffic, query the traffic of each
VLAN service on the same port to check whether bandwidth preemption

7 Analyze remote For RMON performance events, see Figure 4-6 and Table 4-10.

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

Figure 4-6 Procedure for troubleshooting RMON performance events


View the statistics gro up
performance on an Ethernet port

Is there any Yes Rectify the fault
FCS error? of line bit errors
Is there any Yes Check the working
collision or fragment? mode of the port

Are broadcast Yes Handle the problem on
packets excessive? excessive broadcast

Use a meter to
perform the test

Yes Rectify the fault of the

Is the test passed?
interconnected equipment

5 Yes
Is it a MTU setting Modify the MTU value

Rectify the equipment fault by Proceed with No Is the fault

loopback section by section the next step rectified?
or replacing the board


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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

Table 4-10 Procedure for troubleshooting RMON performance events

Comm Operation Description


1 Check RMON Query real-time performance statistics of Ethernet ports by referring to 7.2.1
performance Browsing Current Performance Events of Ethernet.
events. For detailed information about RMON performance events, see C RMON Event

2 Troubleshoot bit To troubleshoot bit error faults, perform the following operations:
error faults. l Check the Ethernet cable. If the Ethernet cable is of poor quality, replace it.
l Use another Ethernet port on the Ethernet board to receive and transmit
services. If the frame check sequence (FCS) error statistical value of the new
port is 0, the hardware of the original port is faulty. Otherwise, the hardware
of the Ethernet port on the interconnected equipment is faulty.

3 Troubleshoot Ensure that:

interconnection l The negotiation results are the same at both ends if both ends work in auto-
faults. negotiation mode.
l The working rate and full-duplex/half-duplex settings are the same at both ends
if the working modes at both ends are set manually.
l The working modes at both ends are auto-negotiation or are set manually.

4 Handle excessive Find out the cause of excessive broadcast packets (check whether loopbacks are
broadcast packets. configured at Ethernet ports by referring to 7.5.1 Setting Loopbacks for Ethernet
Ports), and rectify the fault. If the fault is caused by the interconnected equipment,
you can reduce the number of broadcast packets by setting a broadcast packet
suppression threshold at the Ethernet port on the local equipment.

5 Analyze the The maximum frame length that is set for a port must be greater than the maximum
maximum frame transmission unit (MTU) of the network.
length. The MTU must be set according to the network plan. For OptiX RTN 380, the
MTU is equal to the total length of the maximum payload, encapsulation labels,
and frame header. The maximum payload length is usually 1500 bytes. You can
obtain the MTU supported by the network using a test instrument.

4.5 Troubleshooting DCN Faults

A data communication network (DCN) fault prevents the network management system (NMS)
from reaching an NE because of failed or unstable communication between the NMS and the

If links or lines that bear DCN channels, including data communication channels (DCCs) and
inband DCN channels, are faulty, DCN communication is interrupted. Handle the fault in the
same manner as you handle a service fault. If the DCN communication between an NE and the
NMS is interrupted or unstable but services are running properly, the fault must be rectified in

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

a timely manner. If you do not rectify the fault, you will be unable to view NE information,
obtain NE alarms, or change NE configurations when the services become faulty.

Fault Symptoms and Causes

Table 4-11 Fault symptoms and causes

Symptom Possible Cause

NEs that receive network l Cause 1: Services are interrupted.

management messages l Cause 2: DCN parameters are incorrectly set.
through service ports (such as
air interfaces and Ethernet l Cause 3: System control units are faulty.
ports) are unreachable to the

NEs that receive network l Cause 1: Network cables are disconnected or damaged.
management messages l Cause 2: DCN parameters are incorrectly set.
through NMS ports are
unreachable to the NMS. l Cause 3: System control units are faulty.

A few NEs are unreachable to l Cause 1: DCN parameters are incorrectly set.
the NMS or their connections l Cause 2: An NE ID or NE IP address conflict occurs on
to the NMS are unstable. the DCN subnet.
l Cause 3: The DCN subnet is oversized.
l Cause 4: System control units are faulty.

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Procedure

Figure 4-7 Procedure for troubleshooting a DCN fault


Locate the
faulty NE.

Yes The NE is Yes Check for hardware
Is the icon of the faulty unreachable to the Is the hardware alarms and check
NE gray? NMS. faulty? cable connections.


3 Yes Check the settings

Are settings
incorrectly or undo the
modified? modification.


Is the DCN subnet Divide the DCN
oversized? subnet.

Is network Yes The DCN channel
Increase the DCN channel
management information bandwidth is
lost? insufficient.


6 Does the NE No
respond to commands handle the fault onsite
from the NMS?

No Is the fault


Contact Huawei technical

support personnel.

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Maintenance Guide 4 Troubleshooting

Table 4-12 Procedure for troubleshooting a DCN fault

Com Operation
ment Symptom and
No. Analysis Measures

1 Locate the faulty Locate the faulty NE l If the faulty NE has a service fault, rectify the service
NE. based on the DCN fault first.
networking diagram. l If an unreachable NE is connected to the NMS
l If all NEs within an through an external DCN, verify that the external
area are unreachable to DCN equipment or the cable used for DCN
the NMS, the connection is working correctly.
unreachable NE
closest to a reachable
NE is probably the
faulty NE.
l If only one NE is
unreachable to the
NMS, that NE is the
faulty NE.

2 Handle l The faulty NE reports l Handle the hardware alarms by referring to A Alarm
hardware faults. hardware alarms such Reference.
as HARD_BAD. l Reconnect or replace the network cable or optical
l The NMS port on the fiber.
faulty NE is
incorrectly connected,
or the network cable of
the faulty NE is

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Com Operation
ment Symptom and
No. Analysis Measures

3 Modify The following operations l Check whether the embedded control channel (ECC)
configurations. are performed before an routing table of the upstream NE contains an NE ID
NE becomes unreachable or NE IP address that is not specified in the plan. If
to the NMS: the ECC routing table contains such an NE ID or NE
l NE attributes or NE IP address, the faulty NE's ID or IP address is
communication incorrectly configured. To rectify the fault, log in to
settings are modified. the NE using the unspecified NE ID or NE IP address
on the NMS and correct the NE ID or IP address.
l A new NE is added to
the network, or an NE l Modify the DCC settings or inband DCN settings of
or its system control the faulty NE to interrupt the DCN channel between
board is replaced. the faulty NE and its upstream NE. Then, check the
ECC routing table of the upstream NE. If the ID and
IP address of the faulty NE still exist in the ECC
routing table, another NE on the ECC subnet has the
same ID and IP address as the faulty NE. Correct the
settings to ensure that each NE on the ECC subnet
has a unique ID and IP address.
l If the inband DCN is enabled for the faulty NE and
its upstream NE, verify that the VLAN ID is
correctly set on the upstream NE.
l Verify that static routes are correctly set on the faulty
NE's upstream NE.
l Verify that Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
parameters are correctly set on the faulty NE's
upstream NE. OSPF parameter settings must be
consistent for all NEs on the same ECC subnet.

4 Analyze the Check the number of NEs If the routing table contains a large number of NEs,
DCN subnet in the IP routing table or some NEs on the DCN subnet may occasionally become
size. ECC routing table of the unreachable to the NMS. It is recommended that a DCN
faulty NE's upstream NE. subnet consist of 120 NEs or less if a 192 kbit/s
bandwidth is provided. If L2 DCN is used, an L2 DCN
subnet consists of not more than 30 NEs.

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Com Operation
ment Symptom and
No. Analysis Measures

5 Troubleshoot Some NEs may l Verify that a minimum of 192 kbit/s bandwidth is
network occasionally become allocated to the inband DCN. If the allocated
management unreachable to the NMS. bandwidth is lower than 192 kbit/s, packets from the
information NMS may be lost.
loss. l Check whether the quality of service (QoS) priority
allocated to the inband DCN by a third-party
network is high enough if inband DCN packets are
transmitted over the third-party network. If the QoS
priority allocated to the inband DCN is low, NEs
may be unreachable to the NMS because of packet
loss caused by congestion. The per-hop behavior
(PHB) priority of inband DCN packets must not be
lower than expedited forwarding (EF).

6 Troubleshoot l Logging in to the NE l Search for the IP address of the faulty NE on the
no-response from the NMS on the NMS.
problems. site fails. l If the IP address is not found, or if the IP address is
l The NE does not found but the NMS still cannot reach the faulty NE,
respond to any power off and then restart the OptiX RTN 380 in an
commands. authorized maintenance window in which services
can be interrupted.

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide 5 Part Replacement

5 Part Replacement

About This Chapter

Part replacement is a method frequently used to locate faults. The replacement operation varies
according to the specific part type.

5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380

When an OptiX RTN 380 is being replaced, services on it are interrupted.

5.2 Replacing an SFP Module

When a small form pluggable (SFP) module at a port is being replaced, unprotected services on
the port are interrupted.

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Maintenance Guide 5 Part Replacement

5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380

When an OptiX RTN 380 is being replaced, services on it are interrupted.

l You are aware of the impact of replacing an OptiX RTN 380.
l The spare OptiX RTN 380 is at hand, whose model is the same as that of the OptiX RTN
380 to be replaced.
l NE data has been obtained.
– The backup NE data has been imported to a laptop where the Web LCT is installed, if
there is a backup of the NE database on the NMS.
– The network plan document has been obtained if there is no backup of the NE database
on the NMS.
l You can back up and recover NE data by using a USB flash drive onsite if the following
conditions are met.
– The USB access control function of the NE has been enabled.
– The RTN.CER file of the new NE has been copied to the root directory of the USB
flash drive.

A RTN.CER file, which stores the account and password information at the system administration
level (the password is encrypted), is generated by the system administrator of a network management
center using dedicated tools.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

l Wrench (Adjustable wrench, Hex key)
l Silicon
l Waterproof tape
l USB flash drive
The USB flash drive must be compatible with the OptiX RTN 380 and have a capacity no
less than 4 GB.
Folders related to the NE (\pkg, \patch, \sysdata, \db, \script, and \license) must not exist.
l Web LCT

l If OptiX RTN 380s are installed on a hybrid coupler, power off only the OptiX RTN 380
to be replaced, but do not power off or mute the other OptiX RTN 380. This can prevent
services from being affected. The port of the hybrid coupler ejects little microwave
radiation, meeting the safety standards for microwave radiation.
l Do not damage the paint of the OptiX RTN 380 during the replacement. If the paint is
damaged, repaint the damaged areas.
l Power on the OptiX RTN 380 within 24 hours of unpacking. During maintenance, the
power-off time of the equipment cannot be longer than 24 hours.

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Maintenance Guide 5 Part Replacement

Step 1 Ensure that the model of the spare OptiX RTN 380 is the same as that of the OptiX RTN 380 to
be replaced.

Step 2 Optional: If the NE is running, back up the NE data to the USB flash drive.
1. Enable USB Access by Web LCT
a. Select the NE from the object tree in the NE Explorer, and choose Communication
> Access Controlfrom the function tree.
b. Select the USB Access Control tab page.
c. Set the USB access status to Enabled.
2. Insert the blank USB flash drive into the USB port on the OptiX RTN 380.
The indicator beside the USB port is blinking green during the data backup. The backup
may last for about 12 minutes based on the content to be backed up. The indicator will be
steady green after the data backup is complete.
3. Remove the USB flash disk after the data backup is complete.

After the data backup is complete, a new RTN.CER file is generated in the USB flash disk. The
default username szhw and password nesoft are saved in the file. After being connected to a spare
part (the NE data and password for a spare part are not modified), the USB flash disk can pass
authentication so the spare part can restore NE data from the USB flash disk.

Step 3 Power off the OptiX RTN 380.

l If power is supplied to the OptiX RTN 380 by the power injector (PI), switch off the circuit
breaker, on the power cabinet, connected to the PI.
l If power is supplied to the OptiX RTN 380 through a DC port, switch off the circuit breaker,
on the power cabinet, to which the DC power cable is connected.

Step 4 Remove the faulty OptiX RTN 380.

1. Remove all the cables connected to the OptiX RTN 380.
2. Loosen the four captive screws in a diagonal sequence, and remove the OptiX RTN 380
from the antenna or coupler.

Step 5 Install the spare OptiX RTN 380 by following instructions in the OptiX RTN 380 Quick
Installation Guide. The main steps are as follows:
1. Mount the OptiX RTN 380 on the antenna or coupler.
2. Tighten the four captive screws in a diagonal sequence.
3. Connect cables to the OptiX RTN 380 and waterproof them.

Step 6 Switch on the circuit breaker on the power cabinet of the OptiX RTN 380.
The system indicator on OptiX RTN 380 is blinking green when the OptiX RTN 380 is being
powered on and started, and is steady green after the OptiX RTN 380 is started.

Step 7 Restore the NE data according to the onsite situations.

l If you have performed Step 2 to back up the NE data on the USB flash disk, restore the NE
data using the backup data.
1. Insert the USB flash disk with the NE data backup into the USB port on the OptiX
RTN 380.

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The indicator beside the USB port is blinking green during the data restoration The
restoration may last for 2 to 12 minutes based on the content to be restored. The
indicator will be steady green after the data is restored.
2. After the data is restored, remove the USB flash drive.

If a patch has been installed on the OptiX RTN 380 to be replaced and a USB flash drive will be used to
restore NE data, software version of the spare device should be the same as that of the device to be replaced.
If the spare device and the device to be replaced have different software versions, restore software package
data before restoring patch package data.
l If you have no NE data backup on the USB flash disk.
1. See Changing an NE ID and Setting NE Communication Parameters to modify the
NE ID and IP.
2. If there is a backup file in the NMS, restore the NE database using the backup file.
l If there is no backup file, re-configure the NE data by referring to the Commissioning
Guide and network plan document.

Step 8 Query the current alarms on the OptiX RTN 380. Ensure that the faults disappear and no
alarm is generated after the replacement.


5.2 Replacing an SFP Module

When a small form pluggable (SFP) module at a port is being replaced, unprotected services on
the port are interrupted.

l You are aware of the impact of replacing an SFP module.
l You are aware of the position of the SFP module to be replaced.
l You are aware of whether protection has been configured for services on the SFP module
to be replaced. If no protection is configured, the services will be interrupted during the
l A spare SFP module with the same version and model as the SFP module to be replaced is
available. To obtain information about the SFP module to be replaced, query the board
manufacturing information.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

l ESD wrist strap
l U2000

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When handling optical fibers, do not stand close to, or look into the optical fiber outlet directly
without eye protection.

Step 1 Remove the cables connected to the SFP module.

Step 2 Remove the SFP module.

Step 3 Ensure that the model of the spare SFP module is the same as that of the SFP module to be

Step 4 Insert the spare SFP module.

Step 5 Connect cables to the SFP module.

Step 6 Query the current alarms.

Alarms on the SFP module have been cleared.


Issue 02 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 50

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide 6 Database Backup and Restoration

6 Database Backup and Restoration

About This Chapter

The OptiX RTN 380 supports database backup and restoration through the NMS.

6.1 NE Database
An NE database stores communication data, security data, alarm data, performance data, and
configuration data of an NE in a certain structure, to facilitate data query and modification and
to ensure that the data can be restored after the NE is reset.

6.2 Backing Up the Database Manually

NE configuration data is stored in the database of an NE. To prevent the database from being
damaged due to hardware faults or potentially service-affecting operations such as upgrading
software, you need to manually back up the database periodically and before these operations.

6.3 Setting the Database Backup Policy

6.4 Restoring the Database by NMS

If the database is damaged, you can restore the NE database by using the database file that is
saved previously.

6.5 Restoring Databases from a USB Flash Drive

When NE data is lost or becomes abnormal and NE DCN communication fails, you can recover
NE databases from a USB flash drive.

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6.1 NE Database
An NE database stores communication data, security data, alarm data, performance data, and
configuration data of an NE in a certain structure, to facilitate data query and modification and
to ensure that the data can be restored after the NE is reset.

NE Database Type
Three types of NE databases are available:
l Memory database (MDB)
The data in the MDB varies according to the configuration and is lost when the system
control unit is reset or when the NE is powered off.
l Dynamic random database (DRDB)
The DRDB automatically stores the data that is checked successfully. The DRDB is resident
in the reserved memory. Hence, the data in the DRDB is not lost when a warm reset is
performed on the system control unit. The data, however, is lost when a cold reset is
performed on the system control unit or when the NE is powered off.
l Flash database (FDB)
The FDB includes FDB0 and FDB1. The FDB is resident in the flash memory on the board.
Hence, the data in the FDB is permanently stored.

NE Database Backup
NE configuration data, after being delivered to the system control unit, is stored in the MDB.
Upon successful verification of the configuration data, the system control unit copies the data
from the MDB to DRDB and delivers the data to boards.
Two modes are available to back up DRDB data to the FDB:


During back up DRDB data to the FDB process, do not recover or backup NE data by USB flash drive.
l An NE backs up DRDB data to the FDB within five minutes after NE configuration data
is modified.
l An NE backs up DRDB data to the FDB every 24 hours.
The following modes are available to back up FDB data:
l Upon a scheduled backup of DRDB data to the FDB, the NE backs up FDB data to a
dedicated partition of the flash memory (other than FDB0 and FDB1).
l On the NMS, FDB data can be backed up to an NMS server manually or at specified
l If a USB flash drive is connected to the USB port and all folders related to the NE are not
exist, the NE backs up FDB data from flash memory to \db in the USB flash drive.

NE Database Restoration
l When an NE is warm reset, the system control unit checks whether configuration data is
available in the DRDB. If configuration data is available in the DRDB, the system control

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unit restores data from the DRDB. If the configuration data in the DRDB is damaged, the
system control unit restores data from FDB0 and FDB1.
l When the NE is cold reset, the system control unit restores data from FDB0 and FDB1.
l When the data in both FDB0 and FDB1 is corrupted, data can be restored from the dedicated
partition of the flash memory.
l If a USB flash drive is connected to the USB port and the database folder (\db) contains
data, the NE backs up NE database from the USB flash drive to a dedicated directory in
the flash memory.

During the database recovering by the NMS, do not recover or backup data by USB flash drive.

6.2 Backing Up the Database Manually

NE configuration data is stored in the database of an NE. To prevent the database from being
damaged due to hardware faults or potentially service-affecting operations such as upgrading
software, you need to manually back up the database periodically and before these operations.

l You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.
l You have logged in to the NE.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



During the database backup by the NMS, do not recover or backup data by USB flash drive.

Step 1 On the NMS, choose Administration > NE Software Management > NE Data Backup/
Restoration from the Main Menu.

Step 2 In NE View, click Find.

Step 3 In the Find NE dialog box, set the search conditions and search for the NE that requires database

Step 4 Select the NE whose database needs to be backed up, and click Backup.

By holding down Ctrl, you can select multiple NEs to back up their data at one time.

Step 5 Set the data backup path to NMS Server or NMS Client according to the requirements.

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If NMS Client is selected, you can click to set the path in which the client data is stored.


6.3 Setting the Database Backup Policy

6.3.1 Setting the User-Defined Backup Policy

Through this task, you can set the backup policy for a specific NE.

l You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.
l You must log in to the NE.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

Background Information
Each NE has a default data backup policy.

l Database packages are backed up once at 2:00.

l The default backup policy is disabled by default.
l A maximum of five database packages can be backed up at a time.
l Data changes do not trigger any backup operations.

Step 1 Choose Administration > NE Software Management > NE Backup Policy Management
from the Main Menu.

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Then, the NE Backup Policy Management dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 In Auto Backup Policy window, set NE type.

The version, name, and IP address of the selected NE are displayed.

Step 3 Click New Policy.

Step 4 Optional: Click to import the information of the NEs.

Step 5 Optional: Click to export the information of the NEs.

The information of the selected NEs is stored in the specified location.

Step 6 In NE Table, select one or more NEs.

Step 7 Click Next.

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Then, the Setting Policy dialog box is displayed.

Step 8 Set Policy Name, Period Backup Policy, and Period Save Policy.

l If The Added NE's Policy Status is set to Enable, the NMS performs the backup operation within
the specified period, day, and time.
l If The Added NE's Policy Status is set to Disable, the backup policy is still in the Disable state
although the policy period reaches the specified period, day, and time.

Step 9 Click Advanced Settings, and set Backup Type, Max Backup Num, and Configuration
Change Backup for a certain type of NEs.

Step 10 Click OK.

Step 11 Click OK.


6.3.2 Executing the Backup Policy of the Device

Through this task, you can set the backup policy of a device to the running state.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

Step 1 Choose Administration > NE Software Management > NE Backup Policy Management
from the Main Menu.

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Then, the NE Backup Policy Management dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 In Auto Backup Policy window, set NE type.
The version, name, and IP address of the selected NE are displayed.
Step 3 Right click the selected NE, Click Enable Backup Policy.


6.3.3 Suspending the Backup Policy of the Device

Through this task, you can set the backup policy of a device to the suspended state.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The Web LCT does not support this operation.

Step 1 Choose Administration > NE Software Management > NE Backup Policy Management
from the Main Menu.

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Then, the NE Backup Policy Management dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 In Auto Backup Policy window, set NE type.

The version, name, and IP address of the selected NE are displayed.

Step 3 Right click the selected NE, Click Disable Backup Policy.


6.4 Restoring the Database by NMS

If the database is damaged, you can restore the NE database by using the database file that is
saved previously.

l You must be an NM user with NE administrator authority or higher.
l NE data has been backed up.
l You have logged in to the NE.

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Exercise caution when activating the database because this operation may interrupt services.
Activate the database within 5 minutes after the NE data is restored. Otherwise, the database
automatically rolls back.
Ensure that the database file used for backing up the database is correct. Otherwise, services will
be interrupted.


During the database recovering by the NMS, do not recover or backup data by USB flash drive.

Step 1 On the NMS, choose Administration > NE Software Management > NE Data Backup/
Restoration from the Main Menu.

The equivalent operations on the Web LCT are as follows:

In NE List, click .
In Login, click OK.
For the DC, the default user name is szhw and the default password is nesoft. If the user name or password has
been changed, use the latest one.

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The NE Data Backup/Restoration window is displayed.

Step 2 In NE View, click Find.
Then, the Find NE dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 In the Find NE dialog box, set the search conditions to search for the NEs that need to restore
Step 4 Click OK.
Step 5 Select the NE whose data needs to be recovered, and click Recover.


You can select multiple NEs to recover the data at one time.

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Then, the Recover dialog box is displayed.

Step 6 Select Browse in File Name.

Then, the Select File dialog box is displayed.

Step 7 Select files from NMS Server or NMS Client, and then choose the files to be recovered. Click

Step 8 In the Recover dialog box, click Start.

Step 9 Click Yes in the prompt dialog box.

The system starts recovering the selected data files on the specified NE.
In the NE list of NE View, Operation Status indicates the progress of recovering the data.
After the data is recovered, Operation Status displays a message, indicating that the operation
is successful.

Step 10 In NE View, right-click the NE and choose Active Database from the shortcut menu.
The Active Database dialog box is displayed.

Step 11 Click Start to start activating the database.


If the NE transmits data services, select Deliver to Board.

Services are interrupted during the activation of databases.
In NE View, Operation Status indicates the progress of activating the database. After the
database is activated, Operation Status indicates that the operation is successful.


6.5 Restoring Databases from a USB Flash Drive

When NE data is lost or becomes abnormal and NE DCN communication fails, you can recover
NE databases from a USB flash drive.

l You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.
l The NE database has been backed up.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


USB flash drive

Step 1 Copy the NE database backup file db_pck.gz from the NMS server to the \db directory in the
USB flash drive.

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Other folders related to the NE (\pkg, \patch, \sysdata, \script, and \license) must not exist or have any

Step 2 Copy the RTN.CER file of the NE to the root directory of the USB flash drive.

A RTN.CER file, which stores the account and password information at the system administration level (the
password is encrypted), is generated by the system administrator of a network management center using
dedicated tools.

Step 3 Insert the USB flash drive to the USB port on the OptiX RTN 380.

USB/RSSI/NMS (bottom view)

USB System
indicator indicator




During the database recovering process, do not perform operations such as data configuration, NE resets, and
software loading.

Step 4 Check the data-loading status based on the USB indicator.

Status of the USB Data-Loading Status Operation


The indicator blinks green, NE databases are Remove the USB flash drive.
goes off, blinks green, and successfully recovered.
turns steady green.

The indicator turns off after The USB flash drive is 1. Reseat the USB flash
the USB flash drive is offline due to faults or poor drive and check whether
inserted. contact. the indicator is normal.
2. If the exception persists,
copy the NE databases to
another USB flash drive,
and perform Step 3 to
recover NE databases.

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Status of the USB Data-Loading Status Operation


The indicator blinks red. The USB flash drive model is

incorrect or it fails to be read
or written.
For the USB flash drive models
supported by an OptiX RTN
380, see Product Description.


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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide 7 Supporting Task

7 Supporting Task

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the common maintenance operations.

7.1 Browsing Alarms, Abnormal Events, and Performance Events

The U2000 is used to browse alarms, abnormal events, and performance events at the network
layer. The Web LCT is used to browse alarms, abnormal events, and performance events at the
NE layer.
7.2 Using RMON
Remote network monitoring (RMON) monitors the data traffic on a network segment or an entire
network. Currently, RMON is one of the most widely used network management standards.
7.3 Setting Alarm and Performance Management Functions
The OptiX RTN 380 supports various alarm and performance management functions.
7.4 Querying a Report
You can obtain the version, manufacture, and microwave link information of all the boards by
querying the corresponding report.
7.5 Software Loopback
Software loopback refers to the loopback operation that is implemented by using the NMS.
During software loopback, you need not visit the engineering site. Hence, software loopback is
used more widely than hardware loopback.
7.6 Reset
Reset is an important method of troubleshooting software faults. Reset is classified into cold
reset, warm reset.
7.7 Detecting Consecutive Waves
The consecutive wave detection function is used to check whether the transmit frequency
7.8 PRBS Test
The OptiX RTN 380 supports the PRBS test function, allowing PRBSs to be transmitted to
microwave ports.
7.9 Querying the License Capacity

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You can check whether the loaded license file meets the requirements by querying the license

7.10 Scanning Interfering Signals

You can learn whether intra-frequency or inter-frequency interference exists by scanning
frequency spectra in microwave channels.

7.11 Setting the Automatic Release Function

To protect the communication between the NMS and NE against improper operations, an NE
supports the automatic release of the RF muting, software loopback, and other operations that
require you to exercise caution. The automatic release time is five minutes by default. You can
set whether to enable the automatic release function and the automatic release time through the

7.12 Querying Power Consumption of NE

This section describes how to query power consumption of NE.

7.13 Querying the Attributes of an Ethernet Port

This section describes how to learn about Ethernet service flow rates and physical bandwidth
parameters of Ethernet ports.

7.14 Setting Traffic, Physical Bandwidth, or Bandwidth Utilization of Ethernet Ports

To query the traffic, physical bandwidth, or bandwidth utilization of Ethernet ports within a
certain period, you need to enable the monitoring for the object before that period starts.

7.15 Querying Traffic, Physical Bandwidth, or Bandwidth Utilization of Ethernet Ports

This section describes how to query the change curve of the traffic, physical bandwidth, or
bandwidth utilization of Ethernet ports within a certain period.

7.16 End-to-End Management of Fibers and Radio Links

This section describes the common maintenance operations for end-to-end management of fibers
and radio links.

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7.1 Browsing Alarms, Abnormal Events, and Performance

The U2000 is used to browse alarms, abnormal events, and performance events at the network
layer. The Web LCT is used to browse alarms, abnormal events, and performance events at the
NE layer.

7.1.1 Checking the NE Status(U2000)

You can learn about the basic information such as whether the NE fails to communicate with
the NMS and whether any alarms are reported by checking the NE status.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



By default, the color of the NE icon on the NMS indicates the NE status.

Step 1 In Main Topology, select the required NE.

Step 2 In Main Topology, click .

Step 3 Click the Attribute tab.
Step 4 View the NE status and alarm status.

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You can also determine the NE status based on the comparison between the NE icon and the description
at the Legend tab.


7.1.2 Checking the NE Status(Web LCT)

You can learn about the basic information such as whether the NE fails to communicate with
the NMS by checking the NE status.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In NE List, check Communication Status of the NE.
In normal cases, Communication Status is Normal.

Step 2 If Login Status of the NE is Not Logged In, log in to the NE.
1. Select the desired NE, and choose NE Login.
The NE Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Specify User Name and Password.
l The user name is lct by default.
l The password of user lct is password by default.

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User lct has the authority at the system level.

3. Click OK.
The Login Status column switches to Logged In.

Step 3 Click NE Explorer.

Step 4 Check NE STATE above NE Panel.

In normal cases, NE STATE is Running.


7.1.3 Browsing Current Alarms(U2000)

You can find the faults that occur on the equipment by browsing current alarms.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Choose Fault > Browse Current Alarm from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Optional: In the Filter dialog box, click the Basic Settings tab.

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1. In Severity, select the alarm severity to be queried.

2. In Status, select the alarm status to be queried.
3. In Type, select the alarm type.
4. In Last Occurrence Time Segment, specify the alarm generation time.
5. In Clearance Time Segment, specify the alarm clearance time.

Step 3 In the Filter dialog box, click the Alarm Source tab.

Step 4 Select the object to be queried.

Option Description
Browse all alarms on the NE. Select All Objects.
Browse certain alarms on the NE. 1. Select Custom.
2. Choose Add > Object below NE.
3. Select the required NE in the left pane of Object
below NE, and click .
4. Click OK.
Alarm Source displays Selected Alarm Source.

Step 5 Click OK.

Step 6 Browse the displayed alarms.

Step 7 Select the newly generated alarms, record the details of the alarms, and click Acknowledge.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.

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Step 8 Click Yes.

Step 9 Notify the troubleshooting personnel to clear the alarms in time.

For the details, see A.2 Alarms and Handling Procedures.


Related Information
A current alarm refers to an alarm that is not cleared.

You can browse the network-wide alarms based on the alarm severity by clicking the alarm
indicators in the upper right corner.

l You can click (red) to browse the network-wide critical alarms.

l You can click (orange) to browse the network-wide major alarms.

l You can click (yellow) to browse the network-wide minor alarms.

l You can click (light-blue) to browse the network-wide warning alarms.


By default, the number shown by each indicator indicates the number of current network-wide alarms, which
are not cleared, of the specific severity.

7.1.4 Browsing Current Alarms(Web LCT)

You can find the faults that occur on the equipment by browsing current alarms.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree, and then click the icon on
the toolbar.

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You can also click an alarm indicator on the toolbar to display the alarms of the specific severity.

From left to right, the alarm indicators and corresponding alarm severities are as follows:
l Red: critical alarm
l Orange: major alarm
l Yellow: minor alarm
l Purple: warning
l Light blue: abnormal event
The Browse Current Alarms tab is displayed by default.

Step 2 Browse the displayed alarms.

Step 3 Optional: Click Filter.

The Filter dialog box is displayed.

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Step 4 Optional: Set filtering conditions and click Filter.

Step 5 Optional: Click Save As.

A text file that lists the current alarms is displayed in Internet Explorer.


You can save and archive the text file as required.


7.1.5 Browsing History Alarms(U2000)

You can know the faults that occur on the equipment in a past period of time by browsing
historical alarms. A historical alarm refers to an alarm that is already cleared.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Choose Fault > Browse History Alarm from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Optional: In the Filter dialog box, click the Basic Settings tab.

1. In Severity, select the alarm severity to be queried.

2. In Type, select the alarm type.
3. In Occurrence Time Segment, specify the alarm generation time.
4. In Clearance Time Segment, specify the alarm clearance time.

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The time span starts from the time when the last historical alarm browsing operation was
performed to the current time.

Step 3 In the Filter dialog box, click the Alarm Source tab.

Step 4 Select the object to be queried.

Option Description
Browse all alarms on the NE. Select All Objects.
Browse certain alarms on the NE. 1. Select Custom.
2. Choose Add > Object below NE.
3. Select the required NE in the left pane of Object
below NE, and click .
4. Click OK.
Alarm Source displays Selected Alarm Source.

Step 5 Click OK.

Step 6 Browse the displayed historical alarms.


7.1.6 Browsing History Alarms(Web LCT)

You can know the faults that occur on the equipment in a past period of time by browsing
historical alarms. A historical alarm refers to an alarm that is already cleared.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree, and then click the icon on
the toolbar.

Step 2 Click the Browse History Alarms tab.

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Step 3 Click Filter.

The Filter dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Specify Rising Time and Cleared Time, and then click Filter.
The time span starts from the time when the last historical alarm browsing operation was
performed to the current time.

Step 5 Browse the filtered historical alarms.

Step 6 Click Save As.

A text file that lists the historical alarms is displayed in Internet Explorer.


You can save and archive the text file as required.


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7.1.7 Browsing Current Performance Events(U2000)

You can know the running status of the equipment by browsing current SDH/PDH performance
events. The counter of current performance events measures all the performance events that arise
between the start time of the monitoring period and the current time.

l The performance monitoring function must be enabled. For details about how to enable the
performance monitoring function, see 7.3.1 Configuring the Performance Monitoring
Status of NEs.
l You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Choose Performance > Browse SDH Performance from the Main Menu, and then click the
Current Performance Data tab.

Step 2 Select one or more NEs from the left pane, and click .
Step 3 Select All in Monitored Object Filter Condition.
Step 4 Select 15-Minute in the Monitor Period field.
Step 5 Click the Count tab, and then select Display Continuous Severely Errored Seconds.
Step 6 Click Query to browse the current performance events.

Step 7 Click the Measure tab, select All

Step 8 Click Query to browse the displayed performance events.
Step 9 Re-define the time span by setting Monitor Period to 24-Hour.
Step 10 Repeat Step 5 through Step 8 to query the current performance events in a period of 24 hours.


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7.1.8 Browsing Current Performance Events(Web LCT)

You can know the running status of the equipment by browsing current SDH/PDH performance
events. The counter of current performance events measures all the performance events that arise
between the start time of the monitoring period and the current time.

l The performance monitoring function must be enabled. For details about how to enable the
performance monitoring function, see 7.3.1 Configuring the Performance Monitoring
Status of NEs.
l You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the 1-SHUF3 in the NE Explorer and choose Performance > Current Performance
from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the object to be monitored from the Monitored Object Filter Condition drop-down list.
Step 3 Set Monitor Period.
Step 4 Select the performance events to be queried in Count. Set Consecutive Severely Errored
Second in Display Options.
Step 5 Click Query.
Step 6 Browse the displayed performance events.
Step 7 Select the performance events to be queried in Gauge. Set Current Value and Maximum/
Minimum Value in Display Options.
Step 8 Click Query.
Step 9 Browse the displayed performance events.


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7.1.9 Browsing History Performance Events(U2000)

You can know the faults that occur on the equipment in a past period of time by browsing
historical performance events.

l The performance monitoring function must be enabled. For details about how to enable the
performance monitoring function, see 7.3.1 Configuring the Performance Monitoring
Status of NEs.
l You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Choose Performance > Browse SDH Performance from the main menu, and then click the
History Performance Data tab.

Step 2 Select one or more NEs from the left pane, and click .

Step 3 Set the parameters, such as Monitored Object Filter Criteria, Monitor Period, Data
Step 4 Click the Measure tab, and set Performance Event Type.

Step 5 Click the Count tab, and set Performance Event Type.

Step 6 Click Query.


7.1.10 Browsing History Performance Events(Web LCT)

You can know the faults that occur on the equipment in a past period of time by browsing
historical performance events.

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l The performance monitoring function must be enabled. For details about how to enable the
performance monitoring function, see 7.3.1 Configuring the Performance Monitoring
Status of NEs.
l You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select 1-SHUF3, and then choose Performance > History Performance
from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Set Monitored Object Filter Condition.

Step 3 Set Monitor Period.

Step 4 Specify the start time and the end time of a specific time span.
The time span starts from the time when the last historical performance event browsing operation
was performed to the current time.

Step 5 Select all the available performance events in Count.

Step 6 Click Query to browse the historical performance events.

Step 7 Click Save As.

A text file that lists the historical performance events is displayed in Internet Explorer.


You can save and archive the text file as required.

Step 8 Select all the available performance events in Gauge, and select Current Value and Maximum/
Minimum Value in Display Options.

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Step 9 Click Query to browse the historical performance events.

Step 10 Click Save As.
A text file that lists the historical performance events is displayed in the IE system.


You can save and archive the text file as required.


7.1.11 Browsing Current Alarms of the radio link (U2000)

You can learn about the current exceptions on a radio link by browsing its current alarms.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 In the Main topology, right click the desired radio link, choose Browse Current Alarm.

Step 2 Browse the displayed alarms.


7.1.12 Browsing Current Alarms of the radio link (Web LCT)

You can learn about the current exceptions on a radio link by browsing its current alarms.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

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Step 1 Select the desired radio link from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer, and choose
Configuration > Radio Link Alarm from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Optional: Deselect Auto Refresh. Select Auto Refresh only after the update period is changed
to a non-default value.


7.1.13 Browsing Current Performance Events of the radio link(Web

You can learn about the current operating status of a radio link by browsing its current
performance data.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the desired radio link from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer, and choose
Configuration > Radio Link Performance from the Function Tree.

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Step 2 Optional: Deselect Auto Refresh and click Save As... to save the exported performance data
in a text format.


7.1.14 Browsing Historical Performance Data of a Radio Link(Web

You can learn about the operating status of a radio link by browsing its historical performance
data over a specific period.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the desired radio link from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer, and choose
Configuration > Radio Link Performance from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the History Performance tab.

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Step 3 Set Resolution and Period Time.

Step 4 Optional: Select the Display Format for the query result. The default value is Chart.

Step 5 Select Link Tx/Rx Power or Link Errors.

Step 6 Optional: Click Save As... to save the exported data as a .jpg file or in a text format.


7.1.15 Browsing the Performance Event Threshold-Crossing

You can learn about the threshold-crossing information of the performance events of an NE by
browsing the performance event threshold-crossing records.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Choose Performance > Browse SDH Performance from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Click the Performance Threshold-Crossing Record tab.

Step 3 Select an NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer. Click .

Step 4 Set the parameters such as Monitored Object Filter Condition, Monitor Period, and
Performance Event Type.

Step 5 Click Query.

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7.1.16 Browsing the Performance Event Threshold-Crossing

Records(Web LCT)
You can learn about the threshold-crossing information of the performance events of an NE by
browsing the performance event threshold-crossing records.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the 1-SHUF3 from the NE Explorer and choose Performance > Performance
Threshold-Crossing from the Function Tree.

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Step 2 Set Monitored Object Filter Condition.

Step 3 Set Monitor Period.

Step 4 Specify the start time and the end time of a specific time span.
The time span starts from the time when the last historical performance event browsing operation
was performed to the current time.

Step 5 Specify Performance Event Type.

Step 6 Optional: Specify Display Options.

Step 7 Click Query.

Step 8 Browse the performance event threshold-crossing records that are displayed.

Step 9 Optional: Click Save As.

A text file that lists the historical performance events is displayed in the IE system.


You can save and archive the text file as required.


7.1.17 Browsing Abnormal Events(U2000)

You can find the faults that occur on the equipment in a specific time by browsing abnormal
events. An abnormal event refers to an exception that occurs on the system at a particular time
rather than an exception that persists for a certain time of period.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

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Step 1 Choose Fault > Browse Event Logs from the Main Menu.

Step 2 In the Filter dialog box, click the Event Source tab.

Step 3 Select the object to be queried.

Option Description
Browse all performance events on the NE. Select All Objects.
Browse certain performance events on the 1. Select Custom.
NE. 2. Choose Add > Object below NE.
3. Select the required NE in the left pane of
Object below NE, and click .
4. Click OK.
Event Source displays Selected Event

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 Browse the abnormal events.


Related Information
Being different from an alarm that has both the occurrence time and the clearance time, an
abnormal event has only the occurrence time.

7.1.18 Browsing Abnormal Events (Web LCT)

You can find the faults that occur on the equipment in a specific time by browsing abnormal
events. An abnormal event refers to an exception that occurs on the system at a particular time
rather than an exception that persists for a certain time of period.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the required NE from the Object Tree, and then choose Alarm >
Browse Abnormal Events from the Function Tree.


In the NE Explorer, you can also select the required NE from the Object Tree and click the icon
to navigate to the Browse Abnormal Events tab.

Step 2 Click Filter.

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Step 3 In the Abnormal Event Name combo box, select Select All, and then click OK.

Step 4 Browse the displayed abnormal events.

Step 5 Optional: Click Save As.

A text file that lists the abnormal events is displayed in Internet Explorer.


You can save and archive the text file as required.


Related Information
Being different from an alarm that has both the occurrence time and the clearance time, an
abnormal event has only the occurrence time.

7.1.19 Browsing UAT Events(U2000)

Learn about the severe abnormalities on the transmission line by browsing UAT events.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments and Materials


UAT refers to a period of 10 consecutive seconds during which the bit error ratio per second of
the digital signal in either of the transmission directions of a transmission system is inferior to
10-3. These 10 seconds are considered to be part of the unavailable time.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select 1-SHUF3.

Step 2 Choose Performance > UAT Event from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Set Monitored Object Filter Criteria, From, To, and Data Source.

Step 4 Set Function Block Type and Display Options.

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l If you select Query from NMS, the query result displays UAT stored on the NMS.
l If you select Query from NE, the query result displays UAT events currently stored on the
NE, which are updated to the NMS database at the same time.

Step 5 Click Query.

Step 6 Close the dialog box that is displayed.


7.1.20 Browsing UAT Events(Web LCT)

Learn about the severe abnormalities on the transmission line by browsing UAT events.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments and Materials


UAT refers to a period of 10 consecutive seconds during which the bit error ratio per second of
the digital signal in either of the transmission directions of a transmission system is inferior to
10-3. These 10 seconds are considered to be part of the unavailable time.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select 1-SHUF3, and then choose Performance > UAT Event from the
Function Tree.

Step 2 Set the relevant parameters, such as Monitored Object Filter Condition.

Step 3 Set Function Block Type and Display Options.

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Step 4 Click Query.

Step 5 Click Save As.

The system displays a text file that lists the queried UAT events in an IE window.


You can save and archive the text file.


7.2 Using RMON

Remote network monitoring (RMON) monitors the data traffic on a network segment or an entire
network. Currently, RMON is one of the most widely used network management standards.

7.2.1 Browsing Current Performance Events of Ethernet

After you configure a remote network monitoring (RMON) statistics group for a port, you can
browse the real-time statistical performance data of the port.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

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Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure allows you to browse the real-time Unicast Packets Received
(packets/s) and Unicast Packets Transmitted(packets/s) of GE port.

Step 1


7.2.2 Setting the Ethernet Performance Threshold-Crossing

After you configure a remote network monitoring (RMON) alarm group for a port, you can
monitor whether the performance value of the port crosses the configured thresholds in the long

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure enables the threshold-crossing monitoring function for RXPKT64
according to the planned parameter values listed in the following table.

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Parameter Value

30-Second Enabled

30-Minute Enabled

Custom Period 1 Enabled

Custom Period 2 Enabled

Step 1


7.2.3 Configuring the Parameters for Ethernet Historical

Performance Monitoring
When configuring a historical control group for an Ethernet port, you can configure how the
historical performance data of the port is monitored. The Ethernet board monitors the historical
performance data of each port at the default sampling interval of 30 minutes. A maximum of 50
historical performance entries can be saved.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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The following procedure enables the monitoring of Custom Period 1 for undersized packets
according to the planned parameter values listed in the following table.

Parameter Value

Custom Period 1 Enabled

Period Length(s) 900

History Register Count 16

Step 1


7.2.4 Browsing Ethernet Historical Performance Data

After you configure a remote network monitoring (RMON) historical group for a port, you can
browse the historical performance data of the port.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The task in 7.2.3 Configuring the Parameters for Ethernet Historical Performance
Monitoring has been completed.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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The following procedure allows you to browse the 30-second historical performance count
statistics at port GE1.

Step 1


7.3 Setting Alarm and Performance Management Functions

The OptiX RTN 380 supports various alarm and performance management functions.

7.3.1 Configuring the Performance Monitoring Status of NEs

By performing this operation task, you can manually enable or disable performance monitoring
for NEs, or set the performance monitoring period.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree, and then choose Performance > NE
Performance Monitoring Time from the Function Tree.

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If you configure the performance monitoring status of NEs using the Web LCT, perform the following steps:
In the NE Explorer, select the NE from the Object Tree, and then choose Performance > NE Performance
Monitor Time from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Configure the performance monitoring parameters of the NEs.

1. Select 15-Minute or 24-Hour.
2. Select Enabled or Disabled in Set 15-Minute Monitoring or Set 24-Hour Monitoring.
3. Set the start time and end time of the performance monitoring of NEs.

l Generally, both Set 15-Minute Monitoring and Set 24-Hour Monitoring are enabled.
l You can specify the start time of the performance monitoring function, only after selecting Enabled
in the Set 15-Minute Monitoring or Set 24-Hour Monitoring area.
l You can specify the end time of the performance monitoring function, only after selecting Enabled
and then selecting To in the Set 15-Minute Monitoring or Set 24-Hour Monitoring area.

4. Click Apply. Close the displayed dialog box.


7.3.2 Suppressing Alarms

This section describes how to suppress specific alarms.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE.

Step 2 Choose Alarm > Alarm Suppression from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Set Status in Alarm Suppression.

Step 4 Click Apply.


7.3.3 Reversing Alarms for Ports

This section describes how to reverse alarms for ports.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.

For OptiX RTN 380, only MW_LOF and ETH_LOS alarms support alarm reversion.

l Auto restore mode

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In this mode, alarm reversion can be enabled for a port where alarms are reported. After
alarm reversion is enabled at a port, alarms are not reported. When the current alarm is
cleared, the alarm reversion automatically changes to the disabled status. That is, it changes
to the non-reversion mode. Then, the alarm reporting status at the port is the same as the
actual status.
l Manual restore mode
In this mode, alarm reversion can be enabled for a port regardless of whether any alarms
are reported at the port. After alarm reversion is enabled, the alarm reporting status at the
port is opposite to the actual status. After alarm reversion is manually disabled, the alarm
reversion status changes to the non-reversion mode. Then, the alarm reporting status at the
port is the same as the actual status.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE.

Step 2 Choose Alarm > NE Alarm Attribute from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Set Alarm Reversion to Enable (Manually Restore).

Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 Close the dialog box that is displayed.

Step 6 In the NE Explorer, select the desired board.

Step 7 Choose Alarm > Alarm Reversion from the Function Tree.

Step 8 Set Reversion Status for the required port.

Step 9 Click Apply.

Step 10 Close the dialog box that is displayed.


7.3.4 Setting Bit Error Thresholds for Microwave Ports

This section describes how to set bit error thresholds for microwave ports.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

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Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select 1-SHUF3.

Step 2 Choose Alarm > QoS Alarm > Bit Error Alarm Threshold from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Set bit error thresholds.

Step 4 Click Apply.


7.3.5 Setting Monitoring and Auto-Report Status of Performance

This section describes how to set the monitoring and auto-report status of specific performance
events for monitored objects.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select 1-SHUF3.

Step 2 Choose Performance > Performance Monitor Status from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Set the following parameters: Monitor Status, 15-Minute Auto-Report, and 24-Hour Auto-

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Step 4 Click Apply.


7.3.6 Setting Performance Thresholds

This section describes how to set the thresholds of specific performance events for monitored

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the desired board.

Step 2 Choose Performance > Performance Threshold from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Set Threshold Value.

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Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 Close the dialog box that is displayed.


7.3.7 Resetting Performance Registers

This section describes how to reset performance registers. After performance registers are reset,
their counts are cleared and they immediately start a new counting period.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select 1-SHUF3.

Step 2 Choose Performance > Reset Board Performance Register from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Set Monitored Object and register types.

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Step 4 Click Reset.

Step 5 In the Hint dialog box that is displayed, click Yes.

Step 6 Close the dialog box that is displayed.


7.4 Querying a Report

You can obtain the version, manufacture, and microwave link information of all the boards by
querying the corresponding report.

7.4.1 Querying the Board Information Report (U2000)

You can obtain the software version of each board by querying the board information report.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Choose Inventory > Physical Inventory from the Main Menu.

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Step 2 Select Board from Physical Inventory Type in the Physical Inventory window.

Step 3 In Physical Inventory, click the Board List tab.

Step 4 Click Filter.

In Filter window, set the board or board attributes that need to be queried. Click OK.

Step 5 The board information displayed in the Board List.

Step 6 Optional: Click Save As.

Set the parameters in Saving Options.

Step 7 Click OK. Then, you can save and archive the board information as a text file.

Step 8 Close the dialog box that is displayed.


7.4.2 Querying the Board Information Report (Web LCT)

You can obtain the software version of each board by querying the board information report.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE in the NE Explorer.

Step 2 Choose Report > Board Information Report from the Function Tree.

Step 3 All the board version information about the NE is displayed on the Board Information
Report tab.

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Step 4 Optional: Click Save As.

The text file that describes the board information is displayed on Internet Explorer.


You can save the text file as required.


7.4.3 Querying the Board Manufacturing Information Report

You can obtain the manufacturing information about each board and the SFP module by querying
the board manufacturing information report.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Choose Inventory > Project Document > Board Manufacturer Information from the Main

Step 2 In Board Manufacturer Information, click the Board Manufacturer Information tab.

Step 3 Select one or multiple NEs from the left pane, and click .

Step 4 Close the dialog box that is displayed.

Step 5 Click Query.

The Query processing bar is displayed.

Step 6 Close the dialog box that is displayed.

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Step 7 Optional: Click Save As.

Step 8 Set the parameters in Saving Options.

Step 9 Click OK. Then, you can save and archive the board manufacturing information as a text file.


7.4.4 Querying the Board Manufacturing Information Report(Web

You can obtain the manufacturing information about each board and the SFP module by querying
the board manufacturing information report.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Select the NE in the NE Explorer.

Step 2 Choose Report > Board Detail Information Report from the Function Tree.

Step 3 All the board manufacture information about the NE is displayed on the Board Detail
Information Report tab.

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Step 4 Optional: Click Save As.

The text file that describes the detailed board information is displayed on Internet Explorer.


You can save the text file as required.


7.4.5 Querying the Microwave Link Information Report

You can obtain the current and recent transmit/receive power of microwave links by querying
the microwave link information report.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

Step 1 In Main Menu, choose Inventory > Microwave Report > Microwave Link Report.

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Step 2 In the left pane of the Microwave Link Report tab page, choose one or more NEs, and click

Step 3 Close the dialog box that is displayed.

Step 4 Optional: Click Save As.

Step 5 Set the parameters in Saving Options.

Step 6 Click OK. Then, you can save and archive the microwave link information as a text file.


7.4.6 Querying the Network-wide License Report

By querying the network-wide license report, you can check the license information of each NE.

You must be an NM user with NE monitor authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

Step 1 Choose Inventory > Microwave Report > Microwave License Capacity Report from the
Main Menu.

Step 2 Select one or more NEs in the left pane, and click .

Step 3 Close the dialog box that is displayed.

Step 4 Optional: Click Save As. Save the license report as a file and archive the file properly.

Step 5 Set the parameters in Saving Options.

Step 6 Click OK. Then, the license report is saved and archived as a file.


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7.5 Software Loopback

Software loopback refers to the loopback operation that is implemented by using the NMS.
During software loopback, you need not visit the engineering site. Hence, software loopback is
used more widely than hardware loopback.

7.5.1 Setting Loopbacks for Ethernet Ports

The OptiX RTN 380 supports PHY-layer inloops and MAC-layer inloops at Ethernet ports.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

l A MAC-layer inloop is an inloop where the Ethernet switching unit loops back the Ethernet
physical signals towards the baseband processing unit at the MAC layer.
l A PHY-layer inloop is an inloop where the Ethernet access unit loops back the Ethernet
frame signals towards the baseband processing unit at the PHY layer.

Figure 7-1 Ethernet port inloop

Ethernet Ethernet
access Service switching Service Baseband processing
unit bus unit bus unit
Modulated RF
FE/GE signal RF signal
MUX Modem
service PHY MAC processing
unit unit
signal unit


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l A loopback operation results in service interruption.
l A software loopback may be released automatically after a certain period (five minutes, by
defaults). For details, see 7.11 Setting the Automatic Release Function.

Step 1 Select the desired NE.
Step 2 Choose Configuration > Interface Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function
Step 3 Click the Advanced Attributes tab.
Step 4 Set the loopback status of the port based on the requirements.

Step 5 Click Apply.

Then, the Confirm dialog box is displayed.
Step 6 Click OK.
Step 7 Close the dialog box that is displayed.


7.5.2 Setting Loopback for the IF Board

The OptiX RTN 380 supports inloop at the IF port and inloop/outloop at the composite port.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.

The IF port inloop is a process wherein the IF signals are looped back at the modem unit towards
the MUX unit.

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Figure 7-2 IF port inloop

Baseband processing unit

MUX Modem
Service Service unit unit Modulated signal
FE/GE Ethernet bus Ethernet bus signal RF
service access switching processing
signal unit unit unit

The composite port inloop is a process wherein the microwave baseband signal is looped back
at the MUX/DEMUX unit towards the Ethernet switching unit.

Figure 7-3 Composite port inloop

Baseband processing unit

Service Service MUX Modem Modulated
bus bus unit unit signal RF
FE/GE Ethernet Ethernet RF signal
service access switching processing
signal unit unit unit

The composite outloop is a process wherein the microwave baseband signal is looped back at
the MUX/DEMUX unit towards the modem unit.

Figure 7-4 Composite port outloop

Baseband processing unit

Service Service
bus bus MUX Modem Modulated
unit unit signal RF
FE/GE Ethernet Ethernet RF signal
service access switching processing
signal unit unit unit

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l The services may be interrupted at the port or on the path where the loopback is performed.
l A software loopback may be released automatically after a certain period (five minutes, by
defaults). For details, see 7.11 Setting the Automatic Release Function.

Step 1 Select the desired navigation path based on the loopback type.

To Perform... Choose...
IF port 1. Select 1-SHUF3 in the NE Explorer.
loopback 2. Choose Configuration > IF Interface from the Function Tree.
3. Select IF Attributes tab.
4. Select the port where the loopback needs to be performed and set IF Port

Composite 1. Select NE in the NE explorer.

port loopback 2. Choose Configuration > Interface Management > Microwave
Interface from the Function Tree.
3. Select Loopback Attributes tab.
Skip this step when the Web LCT is used for configuration.
4. Select the port where the loopback needs to be performed and set
Composite Port Loopback.

Step 2 Click Apply.

Then, the Confirm dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Close the dialog box that is displayed.


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7.6 Reset
Reset is an important method of troubleshooting software faults. Reset is classified into cold
reset, warm reset.

7.6.1 Cold Reset

During a cold reset, software is reset, hardware is initialized, and the FPGA file is reloaded.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.


During a cold reset, services are interrupted, and NE configuration data that was configured
within five minutes before the cold reset may be lost.

Step 1 In NE Panel, right-click 1-SHUF3.

Step 2 Choose Cold Reset from the shortcut menu.

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Then, the Warning dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click OK.

Step 4 Close the dialog box that is displayed.


7.6.2 Warm Reset

During a warm reset, only software is reset, hardware is not initialized, and the FPGA file is not

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

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Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.

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During warm reset, the board software is reset but the services are not interrupted.

Step 1 In NE Panel, right-click 1-SHUF3.
Step 2 Choose Warm Reset from the shortcut menu.

Then, the Warning dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click OK.
Step 4 Close the dialog box that is displayed.


7.7 Detecting Consecutive Waves

The consecutive wave detection function is used to check whether the transmit frequency

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

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Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

Step 1 Select 1-SHUF3 in the NE explorer.

Step 2 Choose Configuration > IF Interface from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Select IF Attributes tab.

Step 4 Select the port to be tested.

Step 5 Set Consecutive Wave Status to Start.

Step 6 Click Apply.


7.8 PRBS Test

The OptiX RTN 380 supports the PRBS test function, allowing PRBSs to be transmitted to
microwave ports.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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Figure 7-5 PRBS test on the OptiX RTN 380

Baseband RF processing RF processing Baseband

processing unit unit unit processing unit

1 1 1


Local NE Opposite NE
1 Outloop at the composite port

l During the PRBS test, the services in the tested path are interrupted.
l The PRBS test can be performed only in one path and in one direction at one time.

Step 1 Perform an outloop at the composite port of opposite NE. For detail, refer to 7.5.2 Setting
Loopback for the IF Board.

Step 2 Select 1-SHUF3 from the NE Explorer for local NE.

Step 3 Choose Configuration > PRBS Test from the Function Tree.

Step 4 Set Test Period and Test Times.


The time unit of the PRBS test can be one second, 10 minutes, or one hour.

Step 5 Click Start to Test.

A prompt is displayed.

Step 6 Click OK.

A caution is displayed.

Step 7 Click OK.

Step 8 When Process is displayed as 100%, check the test result.

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7.9 Querying the License Capacity

You can check whether the loaded license file meets the requirements by querying the license

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

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Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

Step 1 Select the NE in the NE Explorer.

Step 2 Choose Configuration > License Management.

Step 3 Click Query, browse the license capacity of the NE.

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7.10 Scanning Interfering Signals

You can learn whether intra-frequency or inter-frequency interference exists by scanning
frequency spectra in microwave channels.

l You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.
l The opposite OptiX RTN 380 is muted before you scan interfering signals.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.

Step 1 Select an NE from the NE Explorer.

Step 2 Choose Diagnosis&Maintenance > RF Scan from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Set related parameters and click Start to Scan.

The NE adjusts its transmit frequency in ascending order, in steps of Frequency Adjustment
(MHz) and within the Scanning Range (MHz), and detects and records corresponding received
RF power values.


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Currently, scan results are recorded and drawn based on transmit frequencies of a local-end OptiX RTN 380
NE. The frequency of an interfering signal can be obtained by calculating a receive frequency based on a transmit
frequency of the NE.
l Formula for a Tx high station: Receive frequency = Transmit frequency - T/R spacing
l Formula for a Tx low station: Receive frequency = Transmit frequency + T/R spacing
The T/R spacing of an OptiX RTN 380 NE has a fixed value of 10 GHz.

7.11 Setting the Automatic Release Function

To protect the communication between the NMS and NE against improper operations, an NE
supports the automatic release of the RF muting, software loopback, and other operations that
require you to exercise caution. The automatic release time is five minutes by default. You can
set whether to enable the automatic release function and the automatic release time through the

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.

Step 1 Choose Configuration > NE Batch Configuration > Automatic Disabling of NE Function
from the Main Menu.

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If you setting the automatic release function of NEs using the Web LCT, perform the following steps:
1. In the NE Explorer, select the desired NE.
2. Choose Configuration > Interface Management > Automatic Disabling of NE Function from the
Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the desired NE from the Object Tree. Click .


Skip this step when the Web LCT is used for configuration.

Step 3 In Automatic Disabling of NE Function, set Auto Disabling and Auto Disabling Time

Step 4 Click Apply to complete the settings for the automatic release function.


7.12 Querying Power Consumption of NE

This section describes how to query power consumption of NE.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

Step 1 Choose Configuration > NE Batch Configuration > Power Management from the Main

Step 2 In the NE Power dialog box, select the NE Power tab.

Step 3 Select the required NE from the object tree, and then click .

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Step 4 Click Query.

The Query progress bar is displayed.

Step 5 Close the dialog box that is displayed.

Step 6 On the NE Power tab page, browse NE Nominal Power Consumption and NE Current Power
Consumption of the selected board.


7.13 Querying the Attributes of an Ethernet Port

This section describes how to learn about Ethernet service flow rates and physical bandwidth
parameters of Ethernet ports.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

Step 1 Select an NE from the NE Explorer.

Step 2 Choose Configuration > Interface Management > Ethernet Interface from the Function

Step 3 Click the Advanced Attributes tab.

Step 4 Click Query.

Step 5 Check the parameters such as Port Physical Parameters, Transmitting Rate, and Receiving


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7.14 Setting Traffic, Physical Bandwidth, or Bandwidth

Utilization of Ethernet Ports
To query the traffic, physical bandwidth, or bandwidth utilization of Ethernet ports within a
certain period, you need to enable the monitoring for the object before that period starts.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.

Background Information
After the flow monitoring function is enabled, the system saves the statistics about the received
traffic and transmitted traffic with an interval of 15 minutes. In normal cases, the system stores
the statistics that are collected in the last 30 days. In the system, every measurement entry shows
the average transmit rate and average receive rate within a period of 15 minutes. You can query
the statistics in the last 30 days.

Step 1 Select 1-SHUF3 from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer.

Step 2 Choose Performance > Ethernet Port Flow Monitoring from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Select the Set Monitoring tab. Set Flow Monitoring, Physical Bandwidth Monitoring,
Bandwidth Usage Monitoring to Enabled for the Ethernet port.

Step 4 Click Apply.

Step 5 Close the displayed Result dialog box.


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7.15 Querying Traffic, Physical Bandwidth, or Bandwidth

Utilization of Ethernet Ports
This section describes how to query the change curve of the traffic, physical bandwidth, or
bandwidth utilization of Ethernet ports within a certain period.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

The flow monitoring function is enabled on the Ethernet port. To enable the flow monitoring
function on a port, see 7.14 Setting Traffic, Physical Bandwidth, or Bandwidth Utilization
of Ethernet Ports.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the similar to those on the U2000.

Background Information
After the flow monitoring function is enabled, the system saves the statistics about the received
traffic and transmitted traffic with an interval of 15 minutes. In normal cases, the system stores
the statistics that are collected in the last 30 days. In the system, every measurement entry shows
the average transmit rate and average receive rate within a period of 15 minutes. You can query
the statistics in the last 30 days.

Step 1 Select 1-SHUF3 from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer.

Step 2 Choose Performance > Ethernet Port Flow Monitoring from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Select the Query Flow tab.

Step 4 Set the Monitored Object, Monitored Indicator, Start Time, End Time, and Display

Step 5 Click Query.

The system displays the query result in a table or in a graph.

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Step 6 Close the displayed Result dialog box.


7.16 End-to-End Management of Fibers and Radio Links

This section describes the common maintenance operations for end-to-end management of fibers
and radio links.

7.16.1 Expanding/Collapsing Fibers and Cables

If multiple fibers, cables, or tunnels are available between network elements (NEs), you can
collapse them to form a link, which is displayed in the topology. You can also expand the link
to display the fibers, cables, or tunnels.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

Step 1 Optional: Expand fibers and cables.
1. In the main topology, if an NE link is displayed as

, select the link and right-click it. Then choose

Expand Link from the shortcut menu.
Step 2 Optional: Collapse fibers and cables.
1. In the main topology, if an NE link is displayed as

, select the link and right-click it. Then

choose Collapse Link from the shortcut menu.


7.16.2 Querying the Radio Link Information

When fiber links are available between network elements (NEs), you can query the relevant
information about radio links.

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You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

Step 1 In the main topology, select the required radio link and right-click it. Then choose Microwave
Link Information from the shortcut menu.
The Microwave Link Report dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Optional: Select the required NE or board from the object tree, and then click .

Step 3 Click Query.

Step 4 In the Result dialog box that is displayed, click Close.


7.16.3 Querying the Radio Link Performance

When fiber links are available between network elements (NEs), you can query the relevant
performance information about radio links.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

Step 1 In the main topology, select the required radio link and right-click it. Then choose Radio Link
Performance Statistics from the shortcut menu.
The Radio Link Performance Statistics dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 In the Radio Link Performance Statistics dialog box, choose Current Performance tab.

Step 3 In the Current Performance dialog box, choose Auto Refresh to see the current performance
of the radio link.

Step 4 In the Radio Link Performance Statistics dialog box, choose History Performance tab.

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Step 5 In the Radio Link Performance Statistics dialog box, set Monitor Period, Ended From,
To, and Options. Then click OK below Options.

Step 6 Click Query.

Step 7 Click Save as, and save the data displayed in the current dialog box.


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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide A Alarm Reference

A Alarm Reference

Alarms are important indicators for exceptions. This section describes all the possible alarms
on OptiX RTN 380 and how to handle them.

A.1 Alarm List

The following table lists all the possible alarms on the OptiX RTN 380 in alphabetical order.

A.2 Alarms and Handling Procedures

This section describes the alarms that frequently occur on the RTN 380 in alphabetic order and
how to handle these alarms.

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A.1 Alarm List

The following table lists all the possible alarms on the OptiX RTN 380 in alphabetical order.

Table A-1 Alarm list

Alarm Name Description Alarm Severity

AM_DOWNSHIFT AM downshifts Major

BDTEMP_SENSOR_FAI Board temperature sensor Major

L failure

BOOTROM_BAD BOOTROM data check fails. Major

CLK_LOCK_FAIL Clock locking fails Major

CLK_NO_TRACE_MOD The clock works in a non- Minor

E tracing mode.

DBMS_DELETE A database is being deleted. Critical

DBMS_ERROR Database error Major

DBMS_PROTECT_MOD Database in protected mode Critical


DCNSIZE_OVER The DCN network is over- Major


ERPS_IN_PROTECTION ERPS in protected mode Minor

ETH_AUTO_LINK_DOW Link down on a port Minor


ETH_CFM_AIS A local MEP_AIS occurs Major

ETH_CFM_LOC Loss of connectivity Critical

ETH_CFM_MISMERGE Mis-connection Critical

ETH_CFM_RDI An opposite MEP_RDI Minor


ETH_CFM_UNEXPERI Errored frames Minor

ETH_EFM_DF Discovery failure Major

ETH_EFM_EVENT Performance events at the Major

opposite end

ETH_EFM_LOOPBACK A loopback occurs. Major

ETH_EFM_REMFAULT Faults occur at the opposite Critical


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Alarm Name Description Alarm Severity

ETH_LINK_DOWN Connection fault on an Critical

Ethernet port

ETH_LOS The Ethernet port connection Critical

is lost.

ETH_NO_FLOW No flow on the Ethernet port Major

ETHOAM_SELF_LOOP Point-to-point OAM detects Major

a port loopback.

FLOW_OVER Received flow at a port Minor

exceeds the threshold.

HARD_BAD The hardware is faulty. Critical

IN_PWR_ABN Abnormal input power Major

LAG_DOWN A LAG is unavailable. Major

LAG_MEMBER_DOWN A member port of the LAG is Minor


LASER_MOD_ERR The pluggable optical Major

module on the board does not
match the optical port.

LASER_SHUT a laser is shut down Major

LCS_LIMITED An NE is configured with a Major

service capacity or function
beyond the permission of the
installed license.

LICENSE_LOST A license file is lost or Major


LOOP_ALM A loopback occurs. Minor

LSR_NO_FITED Laser not installed Critical

LSR_WILL_DIE A laser is to reach its life end. Critical

LTI Loss of the synchronous Major


MAC_EXT_EXC The number of bit errors at Major

the MAC layer crosses the

MAC_FCS_EXC The software detects that the Major

number of bit errors at the
MAC layer crosses the

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Alarm Name Description Alarm Severity

MOD_COM_FAIL Inter-module Critical

communication fails.

MULTI_RPL_OWNER The ring network contains Minor

multiple RPL owner nodes.

MW_AM_TEST An IF port is in the AM Minor

testing state.

MW_BER_EXC Excessive errors on radio Minor


MW_BER_SD Signal degrade due to Minor

excessive errors on radio

MW_CFG_MISMATCH Configuration mismatch on Critical

the radio link

MW_CONT_WAVE Continuous wave Minor

MW_FEC_UNCOR Microwave frames contain Minor

the errors that cannot be
corrected by using the
forward error correction
(FEC) technology.

MW_LIM Mismatched radio link ID Major

MW_LOF Loss of microwave frames Critical

MW_RDI Remote defect indication on Minor

radio links

NB_CFG_MISMATCH Inconsistent configurations Major

on NEs in a 1+1 protection

NB_UNREACHABLE A neighboring NE is Minor

unreachable to the local NE.

NE_DCN_MODE The NE works in DCN mode. Major

NEIP_CONFUSION Multiple NEs use the same IP Major


NESF_LOST The NE software is lost. Critical

NESOFT_MM The software in the main area Major

is different from that in the
standby area.

NTP_SYNC_FAIL NTP time synchronization Minor


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Alarm Name Description Alarm Severity

OUT_PWR_ABN Output optical power is Critical


PASSWORD_NEED_CH Password of the user who Major

ANGE logs in is unchanged

PATCH_BD_EXCLUDE An NE is automatically Major

isolated from being installed
with a patch.

PATCH_BD_MATCH_FA A patch package fails to be Major

IL matched with an NE.

PATCH_PKGERR Patch package errors Minor

PORT_EXC_TRAFFIC The traffic is higher than the Warning

port bandwidth threshold.

PORTMODE_MIS- The working mode of the Minor

MATCH remote FE port does not
match that of the local FE

POWER_ALM Power module alarm Major

R_LOF Loss of multiframe on the Critical

receive side

R_LOS Signals are lost on the receive Critical

side of a line.

RADIO_FADING_MARG Insufficient radio fading Minor

IN_INSUFF margin

RADIO_MUTE The radio transmitter is Warning


RADIO_RSL_BE- The received signal level Minor

YONDTH exceeds the threshold.

RADIO_RSL_HIGH Over high radio received Critical

signal level

RADIO_RSL_LOW Over low radio received Critical

signal level

RADIO_TSL_HIGH Over high radio transmitted Critical

signal level

RADIO_TSL_LOW Over low radio transmitted Critical

signal level

RPS_INDI Radio protection switching Major


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Alarm Name Description Alarm Severity

S1_SYN_CHANGE Clock source switching in S1 Major



authentication failures

SECU_ALM Login attempts of Major

unauthorized users

SRV_SHUTDOWN_LD Ethernet services disabled Warning

SSL_CERT_NOENC The certificate file of SSL is Major

not encrypted

STORM_CUR_QUENUM Alarm storms Minor


SUBNET_RT_CON- Subnetwork route conflict Major


SWDL_ACTIVATED_TI The activation operation Critical

MEOUT times out.

SWDL_COMMIT_FAIL The submit operation fails. Minor

SWDL_INPROCESS The NE is in the process of Warning

package loading.

SWDL_NEPKGCHECK Loss of package files Critical

SWDL_PKGVER_MM Inconsistent package Minor


SWDL_ROLLBACK_FAI The version rollback on an Minor

L NE fails.

SYNC_C_LOS Loss of synchronization Warning

clock sources

SYSLOG_COMM_FAIL Communication between the Major

NE and the syslog server fails

TEMP_ALARM The current temperature Minor

exceeds the lower/higher

TIME_LOCK_FAIL Time locking fails. Major

TIME_LOS The time source level is lost. Major

TIME_NO_TRACE_MO The NE time enters the non- Minor

DE tracing state.

TF Laser transmission fails. Critical

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Alarm Name Description Alarm Severity

USB_PROCESS_FAIL Data restoration from a USB Minor

flash drive fails.

A.2 Alarms and Handling Procedures

This section describes the alarms that frequently occur on the RTN 380 in alphabetic order and
how to handle these alarms.

The AM_DOWNSHIFT alarm indicates that the AMAC downshifts the modulation scheme.
This alarm occurs when a lower order modulation scheme is used or when a lower channel
spacing is used in QPSK Strong modulation scheme. This alarm clears when the highest order
modulation scheme is used.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Communication alarm


Impact on the System

Service transmission capacity over the microwave link decreases.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Adverse weather conditions cause the performance of the working channel to
l Cause 2: Interference around the working channel causes its performance to deteriorate.
l Cause 3: Abnormal transmit power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the transmit end causes the
performance of the working channel to deteriorate.
l Cause 4: Abnormal receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the receive end causes the
performance of the working channel to deteriorate.

Step 1 Cause 1: Adverse weather conditions cause the performance of the working channel to

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1. The AM scheme downshift is normal when adverse weather conditions cause the
performance of the working channel to deteriorate. Therefore, no operations are required.

Step 2 Cause 2: Interference around the working channel causes its performance to deteriorate.
1. Eliminate the interference around the working channel.

Step 3 Cause 3: Abnormal transmit power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the transmit end causes the
performance of the working channel to deteriorate.
1. Use the network management system (NMS) to check whether the transmit power of the
OptiX RTN 380 at the transmit end is abnormal. If the transmit power is abnormal,
troubleshoot the fault by referring to Troubleshooting Radio Links.

Step 4 Cause 4: Abnormal receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the receive end causes the
performance of the working channel to deteriorate.
1. Use the NMS to check whether the receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the receive end
is abnormal. If the receive power is abnormal, troubleshoot the fault by referring to
Troubleshooting Radio Links.


Related Information


The BDTEMP_SENSOR_FAIL alarm indicates that a temperature sensor on a board fails.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The board temperature data cannot be collected. As a result, the TMEP_ALARM alarm is not
reported when the board temperature exceeds the upper threshold.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The OptiX RTN 380 is faulty.

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Step 1 Replace the OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information


The BOOTROM_BAD alarm indicates that boot ROM data verification fails. This alarm is
reported when boot ROM data is found damaged in a periodical system check.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 This parameter has a fixed value of 0x01.
Parameters 2 and 3 Indicate the type of the boot ROM damage.

l 0x00 0x01: damage to basic BIOS

l 0x00 0x02: damage to extended BIOS
Parameters 4 and 5 These parameters have a fixed value of 0xff 0xff.

Impact on the System

If the NE is cold reset when the BOOTROM_BAD alarm occurred, BIOS loading fails and the
NE fails to be started.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The OptiX RTN 380 is faulty.

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Step 1 Replace the OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information


The CLK_LOCK_FAIL alarm indicates that clock locking fails.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The slave clock fails to trace the master clock, and bit errors may occur in services.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Physical-layer synchronization is used, but the frequency deviation of the clock
source is too large.
l Cause 2: Physical-layer synchronization is used, but the physical clock link is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: Physical-layer synchronization is used, but the frequency deviation of the clock source
is too large.
1. Check for higher-level BER alarms or performance events. Handle these alarms or
performance events, and check whether the CLK_LOCK_FAIL alarm is cleared.
2. If the traced clock source is an external clock source, check whether its signals are normal.
If the signals are abnormal, rectify the fault.
3. Check whether clock configurations are correct. For example, check whether the actual
clock input or output mode of a port is the same as that configured on the NMS. If any
configurations are incorrect, modify them. Then, check whether the CLK_LOCK_FAIL
alarm is cleared.

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4. If the alarm persists, the hardware of the clock unit is faulty. Replace the local OptiX RTN

Step 2 Cause 2: Physical-layer synchronization is used, but the physical clock link is faulty.
1. Check for and clear any ETH_LOS alarms.
2. If the CLK_LOCK_FAIL alarm persists, query the transmit optical power at the opposite
end on the NMS. If the transmit optical power is abnormal, replace the optical module used
at the opposite end.
3. If the CLK_LOCK_FAIL alarm persists, check whether the local receive port is faulty. If
it is faulty, replace the local OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information


The CLK_NO_TRACE_MODE alarm indicates that the system clock is in a non-tracing mode.
This alarm occurs when the current system clock does not trace any clock source.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the clock mode.

l 0x01: holdover mode

l 0x02: free-run mode

Impact on the System

The system clock is of poor quality. The bit error rate increases when NEs become asynchronous.

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Possible Causes
l Cause 1: No clock priority table is configured for the system clock.
l Cause 2: All the clock sources in the configured clock priority table fail.

Step 1 Cause 1: No clock priority table is configured for the system clock.
1. Configure the clock priority table. For details, see Configuring Clock Sources.

Step 2 Cause 2: All the clock sources in the configured clock priority table fail.
1. If any clock source is lost, check for and clear any SYNC_C_LOS alarms.
2. If the SSM protocol is enabled on the local NE but is disabled on its upstream NE, enable
the SSM protocol on its upstream NE.


Related Information


The DBMS_DELETE alarm indicates that databases are being deleted. This alarm is reported
when a user runs a command to delete databases and the NE is in the Deleting Database state.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

If the NE is not reset after the deletion of databases, the NE cannot receive configurations
delivered by the NMS or store configurations within 48 hours. After 48 hours elapses, the NE
automatically restores the deleted databases. If the NE is reset within 48 hours after the deletion
of databases, the NE enters the initial state and the deleted databases can only be restored

Possible Causes
Cause 1: Databases are being deleted.

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Step 1 Follow instructions in 6.4 Restoring the Database by NMS to restore the databases.


Related Information


The DBMS_ERROR alarm indicates that an error occurred in system database processing.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Processing alarm


Impact on the System

The system configuration may be lost. As a result, a failure indication is returned for some query
and setting commands, and some system functions are unavailable.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The database processing fails or the database is damaged.
l Cause 2: The NE is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The database processing fails or the database is damaged.
1. Reset the NE.

If... Then...
The alarm is cleared No further action is required.
The alarm persists Go to Cause 2.

Step 2 Cause 2: The NE is faulty.

1. 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.


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Related Information


The DBMS_PROTECT_MODE alarm indicates that the system database of an NE is in
protection mode.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Processing alarm


Impact on the System

The system configuration may be lost. As a result, a failure indication is returned for some query
and setting commands, and some system functions are unavailable.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The NE software is frequently reset.

Step 1 Cold reset the OptiX RTN 380.

Step 2 If the alarm is not cleared, replace the OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information


The DCNSIZE_OVER alarm indicates that a data communication network (DCN) is over-sized.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameters 1 and 2 Indicate the size of the DCN network.

The value 0xFFFF indicates that the NEs work in L2DCN mode and the
DCN network is oversized.

Impact on the System

l CPU resources are insufficient. As a result, DCN packets cannot be forwarded immediately
and some NEs are unreachable from the NMS.
l Route flapping or network storms may occur.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The number of nodes on the DCN network crosses the preset threshold.

Step 1 Replan DCN subnets as required.


Related Information
The DCNSIZE_OVER alarm is reported when the number of nodes (NEs, NMS servers, and
NMS clients in a network segment) on a L2 DCN network is greater than 30. The solution is to
divide the DCN network into multiple DCN subnets.
The DCNSIZE_OVER alarm is reported when the number of nodes (NEs, NMS servers, and
NMS clients in a network segment) on a HWECC DCN or IP DCN network is greater than
200. The solution is to divide the DCN network into multiple DCN subnets.

The ERPS_IN_PROTECTION alarm indicates that a fault on an Ethernet ring protection
switching (ERPS) ring causes an ERPS switchover.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1, Parameter 2 Indicate the ERPS ID.
Parameter 3 Indicates the direction where the fault locates on the ERPS ring
against the ring protection link (RPL) owner.
l 0x00: west
l 0x01: east
Parameters 4 to 9 Indicate the MAC address of the faulty node.

Impact on the System

Configured services may be interrupted because at least one node on the ERPS ring has lost

Possible Causes
Cause 1: A node on the EPRS ring is faulty.

Step 1 Identify the faulty node based on the alarm parameters.
Step 2 Identify the blocked port on the faulty node.
Step 3 Rectify the fault related to the blocked port.


Related Information

The ETH_AUTO_LINK_DOWN alarm indicates that an Ethernet port is automatically switched
to the link down state upon a fault detected by link-state pass through (LPT).

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Communication alarm


Impact on the System

The port that reports the ETH_AUTO_LINK_DOWN alarm cannot carry any services and a
switchover may occur on the equipment connected to the port.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The radio link connected to the port is faulty.
l Cause 2: The opposite service access port is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The radio link connected to the port is faulty.
1. Check for and clear any MW_LIM, MW_LOF, and MW_RDI alarms on the local and
opposite microwave ports

Step 2 Cause 2: The opposite service access port is faulty.

1. Check for and clear any ETH_LINK_DOWN, ETH_LOS alarms, and optical-module-
related alarms on the opposite port.


Related Information


The ETH_CFM_AIS alarm indicates that the local maintenance end point (MEP) receives alarm
indication signal (AIS) messages, indicating that a fault occurred at the server layer.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Communication alarm

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When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameters 1 to 4 Indicate the ID of the port that reports the ETH_CFM_AIS alarm.
Parameters 5 and 6 Indicate the VLAN ID of the MEP.
Parameter 7 Indicates the direction of the port on the local MEP.
l 0x01: The port is in the ingress direction.
l 0x02: The port is in the egress direction.
Parameter 8 Indicates the maintenance domain (MD) level of the local MEP.
l 0x00: operator MEP level (low)
l 0x01: operator MEP level (medium)
l 0x02: operator MEP level (high)
l 0x03: provider MEP level (low)
l 0x04: provider MEP level (high)
l 0x05: consumer MEP level (low)
l 0x06: consumer MEP level (medium)
l 0x07: consumer MEP level (high)

Impact on the System

l The loopback (LB) and linktrace (LT) detection functions of Ethernet service OAM are
l The services between the local MEP and the remote MEP may be interrupted.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The upstream AIS-activated NE detected a fault in the Ethernet server layer.

Step 1 Rectify the detected fault in the Ethernet server layer.


Related Information

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The ETH_CFM_LOC alarm indicates the loss of continuity. This alarm is reported when the
system fails to receive continuity check messages (CCMs) from the remote maintenance end
point (MEP) in 3.5 consecutive continuity check (CC) intervals.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Communication alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameters 1 to 4 Indicate the ID of the port that reports the ETH_CFM_LOC alarm.
Parameters 5 and 6 Indicate the VLAN ID of the MEP.
Parameter 7 Indicates the direction of the port on the local MEP.
l 0x01: The port is in the ingress direction.
l 0x02: The port is in the egress direction.
Parameter 8 Indicates the maintenance domain (MD) level of the local MEP.
l 0x00: operator MEP level (low)
l 0x01: operator MEP level (medium)
l 0x02: operator MEP level (high)
l 0x03: provider MEP level (low)
l 0x04: provider MEP level (high)
l 0x05: consumer MEP level (low)
l 0x06: consumer MEP level (medium)
l 0x07: consumer MEP level (high)

Impact on the System

l The loopback (LB) and linktrace (LT) functions of Ethernet service OAM are unavailable.
l The services between the local MEP and the remote MEP may be interrupted.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Ethernet service configurations are inconsistent at both ends.

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l Cause 2: The line between the local MEP and the remote MEP is interrupted.
l Cause 3: The Ethernet service in the maintenance association (MA) to which the local MEP
belongs is faulty.
l Cause 4: Serious congestion occurs on the network.

Step 1 Cause 1: Ethernet service configurations are inconsistent at both ends.
1. Check whether Ethernet service configurations are consistent at both ends.

If... Then...
No Modify Ethernet service configurations at both ends.
Yes Go to cause 2.

Step 2 Cause 2: The line between the local MEP and the remote MEP is interrupted.
1. Check whether the physical link between the two MEPs is properly functioning.

If... Then...
The physical link is faulty Rectify the link fault.
The physical link is properly functioning Go to Cause 3.

Step 3 Cause 3: The Ethernet service in the maintenance association (MA) to which the local MEP
belongs is faulty.
1. Check whether the Ethernet service in the MA to which the local MEP belongs is configured

If... Then...
The service is configured incorrectly Re-configure the Ethernet service to ensure
consistency at both ends.
The service is configured correctly Go to Cause 4.

Step 4 Cause 4: Serious congestion occurs on the network.

1. Check the bandwidth utilization. If the bandwidth is exhausted, increase the bandwidth
or eliminate the source that abnormally sends a large amount of data.


Related Information


The ETH_CFM_MISMERGE alarm indicates an incorrect connection. This alarm is reported
when the local maintenance end point (MEP) receives continuity check messages (CCMs)

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carrying a maintenance domain (MD)/ a maintenance association (MA) name that is different
from its configured MA name.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Communication alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameters 1 to 4 Indicate the ID of the port that reports the ETH_CFM_MISMERGE
Parameters 5 and 6 Indicate the VLAN ID of the MEP.
Parameter 7 Indicates the direction of the port on the local MEP.
l 0x01: The port is in the ingress direction.
l 0x02: The port is in the egress direction.
Parameter 8 Indicates the maintenance domain (MD) level of the local MEP.
l 0x00: operator MEP level (low)
l 0x01: operator MEP level (medium)
l 0x02: operator MEP level (high)
l 0x03: provider MEP level (low)
l 0x04: provider MEP level (high)
l 0x05: consumer MEP level (low)
l 0x06: consumer MEP level (medium)
l 0x07: consumer MEP level (high)

Impact on the System

The services between the local MEP and the remote MEP may be interrupted or the dataflow
may be incorrectly routed.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The MD/MA names of the local and remote MEPs are configured inconsistently.
l Cause 2: The physical connection is incorrect.

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Step 1 Cause 1: The MD/MA names of the local and remote MEPs are configured inconsistently.
1. Check whether the MD/MA names of the local and remote MEPs are the same.

If... Then...
They are different Re-configure them consistently.
They are the same Go to Cause 2.

Step 2 Cause 2: The physical connection is incorrect.

1. Check the physical connection of the Ethernet service route and rectify any connection


Related Information


The ETH_CFM_RDI alarm indicates that the remote maintenance end point (MEP) receives
incorrect continuity check messages (CCMs). This alarm is reported when the local MEP
receives CCMs with remote defect indication (RDI).


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Communication alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameters 1 to 4 Indicate the ID of the port that reports the ETH_CFM_RDI alarm.
Parameters 5 and 6 Indicate the VLAN ID of the MEP.
Parameter 7 Indicates the direction of the port on the local MEP.
l 0x01: The port is in the ingress direction.
l 0x02: The port is in the egress direction.

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Name Meaning
Parameter 8 Indicates the maintenance domain (MD) level of the local MEP.
l 0x00: operator MEP level (low)
l 0x01: operator MEP level (medium)
l 0x02: operator MEP level (high)
l 0x03: provider MEP level (low)
l 0x04: provider MEP level (high)
l 0x05: consumer MEP level (low)
l 0x06: consumer MEP level (medium)
l 0x07: consumer MEP level (high)

Impact on the System

l The loopback (LB) and linktrace (LT) detection functions of Ethernet service OAM are
l The services between the local MEP and the remote MEP may be interrupted.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The remote MEP receives incorrect CCMs.

Step 1 Cause 1: The remote MEP receives incorrect CCMs.
1. Determine the alarmed port according to the alarm parameters.
2. Check whether the remote MEP connected to the port reported the ETH_CFM_LOC,


Related Information


The ETH_CFM_UNEXPERI alarm indicates that the local maintenance end point (MEP)
receives incorrect continuity check messages (CCMs).

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Communication alarm

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When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameters 1 to 4 Indicate the ID of the port that reports the ETH_CFM_UNEXPERI alarm.
Parameters 5 and 6 Indicate the VLAN ID of the MEP.
Parameter 7 Indicates the direction of the port on the local MEP.
l 0x01: The port is in the ingress direction.
l 0x02: The port is in the egress direction.
Parameter 8 Indicates the maintenance domain (MD) level of the local MEP.
l 0x00: operator MEP level (low)
l 0x01: operator MEP level (medium)
l 0x02: operator MEP level (high)
l 0x03: provider MEP level (low)
l 0x04: provider MEP level (high)
l 0x05: consumer MEP level (low)
l 0x06: consumer MEP level (medium)
l 0x07: consumer MEP level (high)

Impact on the System

l The loopback (LB) and linktrace (LT) functions of Ethernet service OAM are unavailable.
l Services may become abnormal owing to the loop.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: MEPs are inconsistently configured at the two ends.

The ETH_CFM_UNEXPERI alarm is not reported if CC interval of the MEPs are inconsistently
configured at the two ends.
l Cause 2: The service is looped back.

Step 1 Cause 1: MEPs are inconsistently configured at the two ends.
1. Check whether MEPs are consistently configured at the two ends. if they are inconsistently
configured, reconfigure them consistently.
Step 2 Cause 2: The service is looped back.
1. Check whether any IP ports on the service path are looped back. Release any loop.


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Related Information


The ETH_EFM_DF alarm indicates a port discovery failure. This alarm is reported when the
point-to-point OAM protocol negotiation fails at an Ethernet port.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Communication alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the cause of the negotiation failure.

l 0x01: A connection fault occurs at the local end.

l 0x02: The local end fails to receive any OAM packets in the specified period.
l 0x03: The OAM settings of the remote end do not meet the requirements of
the local end.
l 0x04: The OAM settings of the local end do not meet the requirements of the
remote end.
l 0x05-0xff: Reserved.

Impact on the System

The services at the port may be interrupted.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The physical port at the local end is faulty.
l Cause 2: The point-to-point OAM protocol is not enabled at the remote end.
l Cause 3: The point-to-point OAM protocol is inconsistently configured at the local and
remote ends.

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Step 1 Determine the alarm cause according to the alarm parameters.

If... Then...
The value of Parameter 1 is 0x01 Go to Cause 1.
The value of Parameter 1 is 0x02 Go to Cause 2.
The value of Parameter 1 is 0x03 or 0x04 Go to Cause 3.

Step 2 Cause 1: The physical port at the local end is faulty.

1. Check whether the link connected to the port is faulty. If the link is faulty, rectify the fault.
2. If the link is normal, check whether the port is faulty. If the port is faulty, replace the
OptiX RTN 380.

Step 3 Cause 2: The point-to-point OAM protocol is not enabled at the remote end.
1. Enable the point-to-point OAM protocol at the remote end.

Step 4 Cause 3: The point-to-point OAM protocol is inconsistently configured at the local and remote
1. Re-configure the point-to-point OAM protocol consistently.


Related Information


The ETH_EFM_EVENT alarm indicates that an event occurred on the opposite NE. This alarm
is reported when the local end receives a link error indication packet (OAMPDU) from the
opposite end.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Communication alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

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Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the type of the link event.

l 0x01: errored symbol period

l 0x02: errored frame
l 0x03: errored frame period
l 0x04: errored frame seconds

Impact on the System

The services at the port may be degraded or interrupted.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The link is faulty.
l Cause 2: The local NE is faulty.
l Cause 3: The remote NE is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The link is faulty.
1. Rectify the link fault.

Step 2 Cause 2: The local NE is faulty.

1. Replace the OptiX RTN 380.

Step 3 Cause 3: The remote NE is faulty.

1. Replace the OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information


The ETH_EFM_LOOPBACK alarm indicates a loopback. This alarm is reported when the local
end initiates a loopback or responds to a loopback request from the opposite end.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Communication alarm

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When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the status of the loopback.

l 0x01: The local end initiates a loopback.

l 0x02: The local end responds to a loop request from the opposite end.

Impact on the System

The services at the port may be looped back.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The local end initiates a loopback.
l Cause 2: The opposite end initiates a loopback.

Step 1 Determine the loopback initiation end according to the alarm parameters.

Step 2 Cause 1: The local end initiates a loopback.

1. Determine the cause of the loopback at the local end and release the loopback.

Step 3 Cause 2: The opposite end initiates a loopback.

1. Determine the cause of the loopback at the opposite end and release the loopback.


Related Information


The ETH_EFM_REMFAULT alarm indicates that the opposite NE is faulty. This alarm is
reported when the local end receives a fault indication packet (OAMPDUM) from the opposite

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Communication alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the fault type at the opposite end.

l 0x01: link fault

l 0x02: dying gasp
l 0x03: critical event

Impact on the System

The services at the port that reports the ETH_EFM_REMFAULT alarm may be interrupted.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The opposite NE is reset.
l Cause 2: The opposite NE is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The opposite NE is reset.
1. Check whether the opposite NE is reset.

If... Then...
The opposite NE is reset Wait until the reset completes.
The opposite NE is not reset Rectify the fault on the opposite NE.

Step 2 Cause 2: The opposite NE is faulty.

1. Rectify the fault on the opposite NE.


Related Information

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The ETH_LINK_DOWN alarm indicates that the link connected to an Ethernet port is

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Critical Communication alarm


Impact on the System

The services on the alarmed port are interrupted.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The alarmed port and its opposite port work in different modes.
l Cause 2: The network cable is not correctly connected to the alarmed port.
l Cause 3: The opposite NE is faulty.
l Cause 4: The local NE is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The alarmed port and its opposite port work in different modes.
1. Check for the PORTMODE_MISMATCH alarm by referring to 7.1.3 Browsing Current

If... Then...
The PORTMODE_MISMATCH alarm exists Clear it.
No PORTMODE_MISMATCH alarms exist Go to Cause 2.

Step 2 Cause 2: The network cable is not correctly connected to the alarmed port.
1. Check the network cable connected to the alarm port.

If... Then...
The network cable is loose or damaged Reconnect or replace the network cable.
The network cable is intact and correctly Go to Cause 3.
connected to the alarm port

Step 3 Cause 3: The local NE is faulty.

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1. Check whether the alarmed port is functional.

If... Then...
The port is faulty Replace the local OptiX RTN 380.
The port is functional Go to Cause 4.

Step 4 Cause 4: The opposite NE is faulty.

1. Check whether the opposite NE is faulty.
2. Rectify the fault on the opposite NE.


Related Information

A.2.22 ETH_LOS

The ETH_LOS alarm indicates the loss of connection on an optical Ethernet port.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Critical Communication alarm


Impact on the System

Services at the port that reports the ETH_LOS alarm may be interrupted.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The working modes of the ports at the local and opposite ends are different.
l Cause 2: The optical fiber connected to the alarmed port is faulty.
l Cause 3: The local NE is faulty.
l Cause 4: The opposite NE is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The working modes of the ports at the local and opposite ends are different.
1. Check for the PORTMODE_MISMATCH alarm by referring to 7.1.3 Browsing Current

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If... Then...
exists alarm.
The PORTMODE_MISMATCH alarm Go to Cause 2.
does not exist

Step 2 Cause 2: The optical fiber connected to the alarmed port is faulty.
1. Check the optical fiber connected to the alarmed port.

If... Then...
The optical fiber is loose Reconnect the optical fiber.
The SFP module is faulty Replace the SFP module.
The connection is correct Go to Cause 3.

Step 3 Cause 3: The local NE is faulty.

1. Check whether the alarmed port is faulty.

If... Then...
The port is faulty Replace the local OptiX RTN 380.
The port is not faulty Go to Cause 4.

Step 4 Cause 4: The opposite NE is faulty.

1. Check whether the opposite NE connected to the alarmed port is faulty.
2. Rectify the fault on the opposite NE.


Related Information

The ETH_NO_FLOW alarm indicates that an Ethernet port in the link up state bears no traffic.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Service alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the

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following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details

about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning

Parameter 1 Indicates the direction in which there is no traffic.

l 0x00: receive direction

l 0x01: transmission direction

Impact on the System

The port does not transmit services.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The port is not configured with any services.
l Cause 2: The services configured on the port do not have traffic.

Step 1 Cause 1: The port is not configured with any services.
1. Configure Ethernet services on the port.

Step 2 Cause 2: The services configured on the port do not have traffic.
1. Determine which direction bears no traffic according to the alarm parameter.

If... Then...
There is no traffic in the transmit direction Verify that the service is running properly at
the local end.
There is no traffic in the receive direction Verify that the opposite NE is running


Related Information


The ETHOAM_SELF_LOOP alarm indicates a MAC port that runs the point-to-point OAM
protocol is looped back. This alarm is reported if a MAC port receives OAM protocol packets
sent by itself or the local NE after the loop detection function is enabled.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Environment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning

Parameter 1 Indicates the loopback type.

l 0x01: port self-loop

l 0x02: inter-port loopback on an NE
l 0x03-0xff: reserved

Impact on the System

A network storm may occur due to loopback.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The cable connected to the port is self-looped, the port joins a LAN that has a
loop, or a PHY/MAC loopback is manually configured at the port.
l Cause 2: Two ports on the NE are connected through a cable or join the same LAN.

Step 1 Determine the loopback type according to Parameter 1, and then handle the loopback

If... Then...
The value of Parameter 1 is 0x01 Go to Cause 1.
The value of Parameter 1 is 0x02 Go to Cause 2.

Step 2 Cause 1: The cable connected to the port is self-looped, the port joins a LAN that has a loop, or
a PHY/MAC loopback is manually configured at the port.

If... Then...
The PHY/MAC loopback is manually Manually release the PHY/MAC loopback at
configured at the port the port. If the loopback automatically release
function is enabled, wait five minutes for the
automatic release.

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If... Then...
The cable connected to the port is self- Reconnect the cables.
The port joins a LAN that has a loop Eliminate the loop on the LAN, or disconnect
the port from the LAN.

Step 3 Cause 2: Two ports on the NE are connected through a cable or join the same LAN.
1. Check whether two ports on the NE are connected through a cable or join the same LAN.

If... Then...
The two ports on the NE are connected through a Disconnect the cable.
The two ports on the NE join the same LAN Disconnect a port from the LAN.


Related Information

The FLOW_OVER alarm indicates that data traffic at an Ethernet port crosses the threshold.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Service alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the direction in which the traffic crosses the threshold.

l 0x00: receive direction

l 0x01: transmit direction

Impact on the System

Some data at the port may be discarded.

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Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The traffic threshold at the local port is too low.
l Cause 2: The opposite port transmits heavy data traffic.

Step 1 Cause 1: The traffic threshold at the local port is too low.
1. Follow instructions in Setting the Advanced Attributes for an Ethernet Port to raise the
traffic threshold at the local port. Note that the traffic threshold cannot exceed the rate of
the local port.

Step 2 Cause 2: The opposite port transmits heavy data traffic.

1. Configure QoS policies at the opposite port to reduce the data traffic from the opposite port.


Related Information


The HARD_BAD alarm indicates that hardware is faulty.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Critical Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

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Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the cause of the fault.

l 0x0D: The processor (CPU/DSP/coprocessor) is faulty.

l 0x0E: The storage component is faulty.
l 0x0F: The field programmable gate array (FPGA) is faulty.
l 0x11: The data communication component is faulty.
l 0x12: The clock component is faulty.
l 0x15: Other components are faulty.
l 0x16: The analog phase-locked loop is abnormal.
l 0x25: The PHY chip self-check fails.
Parameter 2 Indicates the location of the fault.

Impact on the System

The NE may fail to work properly.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The NE hardware is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information

The IN_PWR_ABN alarm indicates that the input optical power is abnormal.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Communication alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the

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following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details

about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the type of the input optical power abnormality.

l 0x00: Indicates that the input optical power is too low.

l 0x01: Indicates that the input optical power is too high.

Impact on the System

Bit errors occur in the services at the port, which may lead to service interruption.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The transmit optical power of the opposite NE is beyond the allowed range.
l Cause 2: Different optical modules are used at the local and remote ends.
l Cause 3: The receive optical module of the local NE is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The transmit optical power of the opposite NE is beyond the allowed range.
1. Check whether the transmit optical power of the opposite NE is within the allowed range.
If it is beyond the allowed range, replace the optical module.

Step 2 Cause 2: Different optical modules are used at the local and remote ends.
1. Query the board manufacturing information report, and check whether the same optical
modules are used at the local and remote ends.

If... Then...
They are different Replace the optical module.
The modules are the same Go to Cause 3.

Step 3 Cause 3: The receive optical module of the local NE is faulty.

1. Use an optical power meter to measure the receive optical power, and check whether the
receive optical power meets the requirement. If it meets the requirements, replace the SFP


Related Information

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The LAG_DOWN alarm indicates that a link aggregation group (LAG) is unavailable. This
alarm is reported when no member port in a LAG is activated.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

Services at all ports in the LAG are interrupted.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: All member ports in the LAG fail.

Step 1 Follow instructions in LAG_MEMBER_DOWN to troubleshoot each member port in the LAG.


Related Information


The LAG_MEMBER_DOWN alarm indicates that a member port in a link aggregation group
(LAG) is unavailable. This alarm is reported when a member port in a LAG cannot be activated
or cannot function as a standby port.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Equipment alarm

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When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameters 1 and 2 Indicate the slot ID of the board that reports the LAG_MEMBER_DOWN
Parameter 3 This parameter has a fixed value of 0xff.
Parameters 4 and 5 Indicate the ID of the port that reports the LAG_MEMBER_DOWN
Parameter 6 Indicates the cause of the fault.
l 0x01: The port is in the link-down or disabled state.
l 0x02: The port receives no LACP packet.
l 0x03: The port works in half-duplex mode.
l 0x04: The port is self-looped.

Impact on the System

The port in the LAG cannot share any service load. The port does not receive or transmit any

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The link connected to the port is faulty or blocked.
l Cause 2: The port does not receive any LACP packets.
l Cause 3: The port works in half-duplex mode.
l Cause 4: The port is self-looped.

Step 1 Determine the alarmed port and the cause according to the alarm parameters.

If... Then...
The value of Parameter 6 is 0x01 Go to Step 2.
The value of Parameter 6 is 0x02 Go to Step 3.
The value of Parameter 6 is 0x03 Go to Step 4.
The value of Parameter 6 is 0x04 Go to Step 5.

Step 2 Cause 1: The link connected to the alarmed port is faulty or blocked.
1. Follow instructions in Querying the Protocol Information About a LAG to check whether
the port is enabled.

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If... Then...
The port is disabled Enable the port in the LAG.
The port is enabled Go to the next step.
2. Check for ETH_LOS or MW_LOF alarms on all member ports.

If... Then...
The ETH_LOS or MW_LOF alarm Handle the ETH_LOS or MW_LOF
exists alarm.
The ETH_LOS or MW_LOF alarm does Go to Cause 2.
not exist

Step 3 Cause 2: The port does not receive any LACP packets.
1. Follow instructions in Querying the Protocol Information About a LAG to check whether
the local and remote ports transmit any LACP packets. If they do not transmit any LACP
packets, reconfigure the ports at both ends so LACP packets can be normally transmitted.

Step 4 Cause 3: The port works in half-duplex mode.

1. Follow instructions in Setting the Basic Attributes for an Ethernet Port to check whether
the local and remote ports work in half-duplex mode. If either of them works in half-duplex
mode, reconfigure it to work in full-duplex mode.

Step 5 Cause 4: The port is self-looped.

1. Follow instructions in Setting the Advanced Attributes for an Ethernet Port to check
whether the port is self-looped. If it is self-looped, release the loopback at the port by
referring to 7.5.1 Setting Loopbacks for Ethernet Ports.


Related Information


The LASER_MOD_ERR alarm indicates that the small form-factor pluggable (SFP) module
mismatches the optical port.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Equipment alarm


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Impact on the System

The performance of the optical port deteriorates, which even causes service interruption.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The NE does not support the type of the installed SFP module.
l Cause 2: The optical module is faulty.
l Cause 3: The NE is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The NE does not support the type of the installed SFP module.
1. Follow instructions in 7.4.3 Querying the Board Manufacturing Information Report
(U2000) to check whether the optical module of the optical port matches the rate of the
optical port.

If... Then...
The optical module of the optical port Contact Huawei engineers to replace the
does not match the rate of the optical optical module.
The optical module of the optical port Go to Cause 2.
matches the rate of the optical port

Step 2 Cause 2: The optical module is faulty.

1. Replace the optical module.

If... Then...
The alarm clears No further action is required.
The alarm persists Go to Cause 3.

Step 3 Cause 3: The NE is faulty.

1. Replace the OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information


The LASER_SHUT alarm indicates that a laser is shut down.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

Shutting down a laser interrupts services on the corresponding port.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1. When the link-state pass through (LPT) function turns off the laser of a port, an
ETH_AUTO_LINK_DOWN alarm and a LASER_SHUT alarm are generated. Suppressed
by the ETH_AUTO_LINK_DOWN alarm, the LASER_SHUT alarm is not reported. When
the LPT function turns on the laser, the ETH_AUTO_LINK_DOWN alarm is cleared and
the LASER_SHUT alarm is therefore reported. After the laser is on and a 10s alarm off-
delay period elapses, the LASER_SHUT alarm is automatically cleared.
l Cause 2: A microwave link that transmits CPRI services has many bit errors or is
interrupted, resulting in the shutdown of optical modules on the CPRI ports.

Step 1 Cause 1. When the link-state pass through (LPT) function turns off the laser of a port.
1. No handling is required, because the LASER_SHUT alarm is automatically cleared after

Step 2 Cause 2: A microwave link that transmits CPRI services has many bit errors or is interrupted,
resulting in the shutdown of optical modules on the CPRI ports.
1. Query whether a MW_BER_EXC or MW_LOF alarm is reported from the microwave
link. If such an alarm exists, clear the alarm.


Related Information


The LCS_LIMITED alarm indicates that an NE is configured with a service capacity or function
beyond the license permission. This alarm is also reported on the active NE in a 1+1 protection
group when the standby NE has a licensed service capacity less than the active NE.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the license alarm type.

l 0x01: The service capacity is beyond the license permission.

l 0x03: The standby NE in a 1+1 protection group has a licensed service
capacity less than the active NE.
l 0x04: The 1588v2 function is unavailable.
l 0x09: The license for air-interface frame header compression is not loaded.
l 0x0d: The number of used GE ports exceeds the licensed maximum.
l 0x0f: The ERPS license is not loaded.
l 0x12: The license file for 1+1 protection is not loaded.
l 0x13: The license file for enhanced QoS is not loaded.
l 0x18: The license file for the AMAC function is not loaded.
l 0x23: The license file for 1.25 Gbit/s CPRI is not loaded.
l 0x24: The license file for 2.5 Gbit/s CPRI is not loaded.
l 0x25: The license file for an extended 250M bandwidth is not loaded.

Impact on the System

When the LCS_LIMITED alarm occurs, the NE is configured with a service capacity or function
beyond the license permission.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The corresponding license is not loaded.
l Cause 2: The service capacity or function is beyond the license permission.
l Cause 3: The standby NE in a 1+1 protection group has a licensed service capacity less
than the active NE.

Step 1 Query the license capacity on the NMS. Determine the license alarm type according to the
alarm parameter.

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Step 2 If the value of Parameter 1 is 0x01, see Setting Traffic Shaping for Egress Queues to check
whether the PIR is beyond the license permission. If yes, decrease the service capacity.

Step 3 If the value of Parameter 1 is 0x03, load license files that permit the same service capacity onto
the active and standby NEs.

Step 4 If a function or service expansion is required, purchase and load the corresponding license, and
reconfigure the function or service.


Related Information


The LICENSE_LOST alarm indicates that an NE fails to detect the license file.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the type of the license file.

l 0x06: NE license
l 0x07: Ethernet license

Impact on the System

Functions authorized by the license file are unavailable.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The license file is lost or is not loaded.

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Step 1 Cause 1: The license file is lost or is not loaded.
1. Contact Huawei technical support to load the license file.


Related Information


The LOOP_ALM alarm indicates a loopback occurred.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the type of loopback.

l 0x00: optical/electrical port inloop

l 0x01: optical/electrical port outloop
l 0x15: IF inloop

Impact on the System

Services at the port that reports the LOOP_ALM alarm are interrupted.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: Loopback is performed on the NE.

Step 1 Determine the type of loopback according to the alarm parameter.

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Step 2 Find out why loopback was performed, and set the loopback status of the alarmed port to Non-

For details of loopback operations, see Software Loopback.


Related Information


The LSR_WILL_DIE alarm indicates that the laser is to stop working.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

Bit errors occur after this alarm occurs. If the laser is not replaced immediately, services will be
interrupted after the laser stops working.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The laser is aged.
l Cause 2: The detection circuit of the NE is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The laser is aged.
1. Perform the operations in 5.2 Replacing an SFP Module.

Step 2 Cause 2: The detection circuit of the NE is faulty.

1. Perform the operations in 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information

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The LSR_NO_FITED alarm indicates that the small form-factor pluggable (SFP) optical module
is not installed in a port.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The port cannot bear services.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: No SFP optical module is installed for the alarmed port.
l Cause 2: The SFP optical module is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: No SFP optical module is installed for the alarmed port.
1. Find out why no SFP optical module is installed, and install an SFP optical module.

Step 2 Cause 2: The SFP optical module is faulty.

1. Replace the SFP optical module.


Related Information

A.2.37 LTI

The LTI alarm indicates that an NE loses all synchronization sources.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 0x01: All synchronization sources in the clock source priority table are lost.

Impact on the System

The system clock quality does not meet requirements. The bit error rate will increase when the
NE are not synchronized with other NEs.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The clock configuration is incorrect.
l Cause 2: All the clock sources in the clock source priority table fail.
l Cause 3: The synchronization source is set to the manual reversion mode.

Step 1 Cause 1: The clock configuration is incorrect.
1. Follow instructions in Configuring Clock Sources to check the clock source priority table
according to the network plan.

If... Then...
The clock source priority table is Re-configure the clock source priority
configured incorrectly table.
The clock source priority table is Go to Cause 2.
configured correctly

Step 2 Cause 2: All the clock sources in the clock source priority table fail.
1. Check for and clear any SYNC_C_LOS alarms.

Step 3 Cause 3: The synchronization source is set to the manual reversion mode.
1. Follow instructions in Modifying Clock Source Reversion Parameters to set the clock
source to the automatic reversion mode.


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Related Information


The MAC_EXT_EXC alarm indicates that the number of bit errors at the MAC layer crosses
the threshold.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Communication alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the threshold crossing type.

l 0x01: ETHDROP threshold crossing

l 0x03: RXBBAD threshold crossing

Impact on the System

Service performance deteriorates.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: ETHDROP threshold crossing. The number of packet loss events crosses the upper
l Cause 2: RXBBAD threshold crossing. The number of received bad packets crosses the
upper threshold.

Step 1 Check whether the working modes of the ports at the transmit and receive ends are the same.
1. On the NMS, query the working modes of the ports at both ends.

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If... Then...
The ports at both ends work in different Set the working modes of the two ports to
modes or in half-duplex mode both full-duplex or auto-negotiation by
referring to Setting the Basic Attributes for
an Ethernet Port.
The ports at both ends work in the same Go to the next step.
mode and are not working in half-
duplex mode

Step 2 Handle the packet transmission errors at the opposite end.

Step 3 Handle the line quality problem.

Check for and clear any alarms (ETH_LOS, for example) at the local end due to the damage to
or large attenuation over the external line.

Step 4 Replace the OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information


The MAC_FCS_EXC alarm indicates that the number of bit errors at the MAC layer crosses the
threshold. The software periodically computes whether the number of bit errors crosses the
threshold by comparing the number of service bytes and the number of bit errors received on
the MAC chip.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Communication alarm


Impact on the System

Service performance deteriorates.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Line signals deteriorate.
l Cause 2: Input optical power is abnormal.

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l Cause 3: Fiber surface is dirty.

Step 1 Cause 1: Line signals deteriorate.
1. On the NMS, check for and clear any LOOP_ALM alarm. Check whether the
MAC_FCS_EXC alarm clears. For details, see 7.5.1 Setting Loopbacks for Ethernet
2. If the alarm persists, check for and eliminate any unauthorized data sources such as DOS
attacks. Check whether the MAC_FCS_EXC alarm clears.
3. If the alarm persists, check for and replace any faulty cable or fiber. Check whether the
MAC_FCS_EXC alarm clears.

Step 2 Cause 2: Input optical power is abnormal.

1. Check whether the alarmed port also reports the IN_PWR_ABN alarm.
2. If the IN_PWR_ABN alarm is reported, clear the IN_PWR_ABN alarm and check whether
the MAC_FCS_EXC alarm clears.

Step 3 Cause 3: Fiber surface is dirty.

1. Clean the fiber surface.


Related Information


The MOD_COM_FAIL alarm indicates that inter-module communication fails.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

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Name Meaning
Parameter 1 0x11: The communication between the system control unit and the packet switch
unit fails.

Impact on the System

You cannot operate or query the related module by using the NMS.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Software processing on the related module is incorrect.
l Cause 2: NE hardware is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: Software processing on the related module is incorrect.
1. Cold reset the NE. For details, see 7.6.1 Cold Reset.

Step 2 Cause 2: NE hardware is faulty.

1. Replace the NE. For details, see 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information


The MULTI_RPL_OWNER alarm indicates that an Ethernet ring network contains more than
one ring protection link (RPL) owner node.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Maloperation alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

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Name Meaning
Parameters 1 and 2 Indicate the ID of the Ethernet ring protection (ERP) instance.

Impact on the System

Ethernet ring protection switching (ERPS) protection fails and the services on the Ethernet ring
are interrupted.

Possible Causes
Cause: ERPS protection configurations are incorrect.

Step 1 Follow instructions in Querying the ERPS Status to check ERPS protection configurations at
each node. Ensure that there is only one RPL owner node on the Ethernet ring network.


Related Information


The MW_AM_TEST alarm indicates that an IF port is in the AM testing state.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Other alarms


Impact on the System

Service transmission capacity decreases during the AM test.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: An AM test is being performed.

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Step 1 This alarm is automatically cleared after the AM test is complete.


Related Information


The MW_BER_EXC alarm indicates that the number of bit errors on a microwave link crosses
the specified alarming threshold (10-3 by default).


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Service alarm


Impact on the System

Bit errors occur in the services at the port that reports the MW_BER_EXC alarm.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Signal attenuation on the microwave link is too heavy.
l Cause 2: The transmit unit of the opposite end is faulty.
l Cause 3: The receive unit of the local end is faulty.
l Cause 4: An interference source exists around the microwave link.

Step 1 Cause 1: Signal attenuation on the microwave link is too heavy.
1. Follow instructions in Querying Historical Transmit Power and Receive Power to check
whether the receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the local end is normal. Diagnose any

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If... Then...

The received signal level (RSL) is lower Perform the following steps:
than the receiver sensitivity
1. Check the installation of the antenna to
ensure that the azimuth angle of the antenna
meets the requirement.
2. Check the antenna direction. Especially,
check whether the received signal is from the
main lobe.
If the antenna direction does not meet the
requirement, adjust the antenna in a wide
3. Check the polarization direction of antennas
and adjust the incorrect polarization
4. Check the antenna gain at the two ends and
replace the antennas that do not provide
required antenna gain.
5. Check whether transmission is blocked by
any mountains or buildings.
Contact the network planning department for
avoiding the block if any.

The RSL is higher than the specified RSL Slow up fading occurs. Perform the following
of the network. The offset value is tens of steps:
decibels. The duration is from tens of
seconds to several hours 1. Check for interference. For details, see 7.10
Scanning Interfering Signals.
2. Use a spectrum analyzer to analyze
interference sources.
3. Contact the spectrum management
department for eliminating the interference
spectrum, or change plans to minimize the

The RSL is lower than the specified RSL Slow down fading occurs. Generally, the
of the network. The offset value is tens of microwave link may be faulty in both directions,
decibels. The duration is from tens of because slow down fading is imposed by the
seconds to several hours transmission path. Contact the network
planning department to make the following

l Increase the installation heights of antennas.

l Reduce the transmission distance.
l Increase the antenna gain.
l Increase the transmit power.

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If... Then...

The RSL is lower than or higher than the Fast fading occurs. Contact the network
specified RSL of the network and the planning department to make the following
duration is from several milliseconds to changes:
tens of seconds
l Adjust the position of the antenna to block
the reflected wave or make the reflection
point fall on the ground that has a small
reflection coefficient, reducing multipath
l Increase the fading margin.

Step 2 Cause 2: The transmit unit of the opposite end is faulty.

1. Perform an inloop on the IF port at the opposite end by referring to 7.5.2 Setting Loopback
for the IF Board. Check whether the fault at the opposite end is rectified.

If... Then...
The alarm persists Replace the OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite end.
The alarm is cleared Go to the next step.

Step 3 Cause 3: The receive unit of the local end is faulty.

Locate the fault by looping back the local end and excluding the position one by one. Perform
the following steps:

1. Perform an inloop on the IF port at the local end by referring to 7.5.2 Setting Loopback
for the IF Board. Check whether the fault at the local end is rectified.

If... Then...
The alarm persists Replace the OptiX RTN 380 at the local end.
The alarm is cleared Go to the next step.

Step 4 Cause 4: An interference source exists around the microwave link.

1. Follow instructions in 7.10 Scanning Interfering Signals, scan the frequency spectrum
around the microwave link and check for co-frequency interference and bias-frequency
2. Use a spectrum analyzer to analyze interference sources.
3. Contact the spectrum management department for eliminating the interference spectrum,
or change plans to minimize the interference.


Related Information

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A.2.44 MW_BER_SD

The MW_BER_SD alarm indicates signal degrade on a microwave link. This alarm is reported
when the number of bit errors on a microwave link crosses the MW_BER_SD alarming threshold
(10-6 by default) but does not reach the MW_BER_EXC alarming threshold (10-3 by default).

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Service alarm


Impact on the System

Service performance on the port that reports the MW_BER_SD alarm deteriorates.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Signal attenuation on the microwave link is too heavy.
l Cause 2: The transmit unit of the opposite end is faulty.
l Cause 3: The receive unit of the local end is faulty.
l Cause 4: An interference source exists around the microwave link.
l Cause 5: A loop is performed on the composite port.

Step 1 Cause 1: Signal attenuation on the microwave link is too heavy.
1. Follow instructions in Querying Historical Transmit Power and Receive Power to check
whether the receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the local end is normal. Diagnose any

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If... Then...

The received signal level (RSL) is lower Perform the following steps:
than the receiver sensitivity
1. Check the installation of the antenna to
ensure that the azimuth angle of the antenna
meets the requirement.
2. Check the antenna direction. Especially,
check whether the received signal is from the
main lobe.
If the antenna direction does not meet the
requirement, adjust the antenna in a wide
3. Check the polarization direction of antennas
and adjust the incorrect polarization
4. Check the antenna gain at the two ends and
replace the antennas that do not provide
required antenna gain.
5. Check whether transmission is blocked by
any mountains or buildings.
Contact the network planning department for
avoiding the block if any.

The RSL is higher than the specified RSL Slow up fading occurs. Perform the follow
of the network. The offset value is tens of steps:
decibels. The duration is from tens of
seconds to several hours 1. Check for interference. For details, see 7.10
Scanning Interfering Signals.
2. Use a spectrum analyzer to analyze
interference sources.
3. Contact the spectrum management
department for eliminating the interference
spectrum, or change plans to minimize the

The RSL is lower than the specified RSL Slow down fading occurs. Generally, the
of the network. The offset value is tens of microwave link may be faulty in both directions,
decibels. The duration is from tens of because slow down fading is imposed by the
seconds to several hours transmission path. Contact the network
planning department to make the following

l Increase the installation heights of antennas.

l Reduce the transmission distance.
l Increase the antenna gain.
l Increase the transmit power.

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If... Then...

The RSL is lower than or higher than the Fast fading occurs. Contact the network
specified RSL of the network and the planning department to make the following
duration is from several milliseconds to changes:
tens of seconds
l Adjust the position of the antenna to block
the reflected wave or make the reflection
point fall on the ground that has a small
reflection coefficient, reducing multipath
l Increase the fading margin.

Step 2 Cause 2: The transmit unit of the opposite end is faulty.

1. Perform an inloop on the IF port at the opposite end by referring to 7.5.2 Setting Loopback
for the IF Board. Check whether the fault at the opposite end is rectified.

If... Then...
The alarm persists Replace the OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite end.
The alarm is cleared Go to the next step.

Step 3 Cause 3: The receive unit of the local end is faulty.

Locate the fault by looping back the local end and excluding the position one by one. Perform
the following steps:
1. Perform an inloop on the IF port at the local end by referring to 7.5.2 Setting Loopback
for the IF Board. Check whether the fault at the local end is rectified.

If... Then...
The alarm persists Replace the OptiX RTN 380 at the local end.
The alarm is cleared Go to the next step.

Step 4 Cause 4: An interference source exists around the microwave link.

1. Follow instructions in 7.10 Scanning Interfering Signals to scan the frequency spectrum
around the microwave link and check for co-frequency interference and bias-frequency
2. Use a spectrum analyzer to analyze interference sources.
3. Contact the spectrum management department for eliminating the interference spectrum,
or change plans to minimize the interference.
Step 5 Cause 5: A loop is performed on the composite port.
1. Find out the cause of the loopback, and wait 5 minutes for the automatic release. Otherwise,
you can manually release the loopback.


Related Information

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The MW_CFG_MISMATCH alarm indicates that the adaptive modulation status, modulation
scheme, frame header compression, or other parameters are inconsistently set at the two ends of
a radio link.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the cause of the alarm.

l 0x02: The AMAC status is configured inconsistently.

l 0x04: The modulation scheme is configured inconsistently.
l 0x05: The channel spacing is configured inconsistently.
l 0x09: The frame header compression is configured inconsistently.
Parameter 2 When the value of Parameter 1 is 0x09, the values of Parameter 2 are as follows:

l 0x01: The L2 frame header compression is configured inconsistently.

l 0x02: The L3 frame header compression is configured inconsistently.

Impact on the System

Service configurations do not take effect or services are interrupted. After the NE is power cycled
or reset, the services may still be affected.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The AM status is configured inconsistently at the two ends.
l Cause 2: The modulation scheme is configured inconsistently at the two ends.
l Cause 3: The channel spacing is configured inconsistently.
l Cause 4: The frame header compression is configured inconsistently at the two ends.

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Step 1 Determine the cause of the alarm according to the alarm parameters.

Step 2 Configure related parameters consistently at the two ends.

l For causes 1, 2, and 3, refer to Configuring a Single Hop of Microwave Link.
l For cause 4, refer to Configuring Ethernet Frame Header Compression.


Related Information


The MW_CONT_WAVE alarm indicates that an IF unit outputs continuous waves.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The involved microwave link cannot transmit services.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The continuous wave function is enabled.
l Cause 2: The IF unit is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The continuous wave function is enabled.
1. Disable the continuous wave function by referring to 7.7 Detecting Consecutive Waves.

Step 2 Cause 2: The IF unit is faulty.

1. Replace the OptiX RTN 380.


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Related Information
The continuous wave function tests the frequency stability and frequency consistency and should
be disabled after a test is complete.


The MW_FEC_UNCOR alarm indicates that errors in microwave frames cannot be corrected
by using forward error correction (FEC).

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Communication alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm indicates that services contain bit errors.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Signal attenuation on the microwave link is too heavy.
l Cause 2: The transmit unit of the opposite end is faulty.
l Cause 3: The receive unit of the local end is faulty.
l Cause 4: An interference source exists around the microwave link.

Step 1 Cause 1: Signal attenuation on the microwave link is too heavy.
1. Follow instructions in Querying Historical Transmit Power and Receive Power to check
whether the receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the local end is normal. Diagnose any

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If... Then...

The received signal level (RSL) is lower Perform the following steps:
than the receiver sensitivity
1. Check the installation of the antenna to
ensure that the azimuth angle of the antenna
meets the requirement.
2. Check the antenna direction. Especially,
check whether the received signal is from the
main lobe.
If the antenna direction does not meet the
requirement, adjust the antenna in a wide
3. Check the polarization direction of antennas
and adjust the incorrect polarization
4. Check the antenna gain at the two ends and
replace the antennas that do not provide
required antenna gain.
5. Check whether transmission is blocked by
any mountains or buildings.
Contact the network planning department for
avoiding the block if any.

The RSL is higher than the specified RSL Slow up fading occurs. Perform the following
of the network. The offset value is tens of steps:
decibels. The duration is from tens of
seconds to several hours 1. Check for interference. For details, see 7.10
Scanning Interfering Signals.
2. Use a spectrum analyzer to analyze
interference sources.
3. Contact the spectrum management
department for eliminating the interference
spectrum, or change plans to minimize the

The RSL is lower than the specified RSL Slow down fading occurs. Generally, the
of the network. The offset value is tens of microwave link may be faulty in both directions,
decibels. The duration is from tens of because slow down fading is imposed by the
seconds to several hours transmission path. Contact the network
planning department to make the following

l Increase the installation heights of antennas.

l Reduce the transmission distance.
l Increase the antenna gain.
l Increase the transmit power.

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If... Then...

The RSL is lower than or higher than the Fast fading occurs. Contact the network
specified RSL of the network and the planning department to make the following
duration is from several milliseconds to changes:
tens of seconds
l Adjust the position of the antenna to block
the reflected wave or make the reflection
point fall on the ground that has a small
reflection coefficient, reducing multipath
l Increase the fading margin.

Step 2 Cause 2: The transmit unit of the opposite end is faulty.

1. Perform an inloop on the IF port at the opposite end by referring to 7.5.2 Setting Loopback
for the IF Board. Check whether the fault at the opposite end is rectified.

If... Then...
The alarm persists Replace the OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite end.
The alarm is cleared Go to the next step.

Step 3 Cause 3: The receive unit of the local end is faulty.

Locate the fault by looping back the local end and excluding the position one by one. Perform
the following steps:

1. Perform an inloop on the IF port at the local end by referring to 7.5.2 Setting Loopback
for the IF Board. Check whether the fault at the local end is rectified.

If... Then...
The alarm persists Replace the OptiX RTN 380 at the local end.
The alarm is cleared Go to the next step.

Step 4 Cause 4: An interference source exists around the microwave link.

1. Follow instructions in 7.10 Scanning Interfering Signals, scan the frequency spectrum
around the microwave link and check for co-frequency interference and bias-frequency
2. Use a spectrum analyzer to analyze interference sources.
3. Contact the spectrum management department for eliminating the interference spectrum,
or change plans to minimize the interference.


Related Information

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A.2.48 MW_LIM

The MW_LIM alarm indicates that an IF unit detects that the link ID in the microwave frame
overheads is inconsistent with the specified link ID.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Communication alarm


Impact on the System

The IF unit inserts an alarm indication signal (AIS) into the received signal, causing service
interruption on the microwave link.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The link ID of the local end is different from the link ID of the opposite end.
l Cause 2: Microwave signals on other microwave links are received because microwave
link receive frequencies at the local or opposite end are incorrectly configured.
l Cause 3: The antenna receives microwave signals from another site because the direction
of the antenna is set incorrectly.

Step 1 Cause 1 or 2: The link ID of the local end is different from the link ID of the opposite end or
microwave signals on other microwave links are received because microwave link receive
frequencies at the local or opposite end are incorrectly configured.
1. Follow instructions in Browsing the Performance of a Hop of Microwave Link to check
the settings of link ID, receive/transmit frequency at the two ends. If any setting is incorrect,
modify it according to the network plan.

Step 2 Cause 3: The antenna receives microwave signals from another site because the direction of the
antenna is set incorrectly.
1. Adjust the direction of the antenna and ensure that the antennas at both ends are aligned.


Related Information
The MW_LIM alarm is generated due to the inconsistency between the specified link ID and
the received link ID. If the MW_LOF alarm exists on the link, the received link ID is a random
value and therefore is invalid. In this case, the MW_LIM alarm is suppressed.

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A.2.49 MW_LOF

The MW_LOF alarm indicates loss of microwave frames.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Critical Communication alarm


Impact on the System

Services are interrupted.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Other alarms are reported.
l Cause 2: Channel spacing, modulation scheme, and operating frequency are inconsistently
configured at the two ends of the microwave link.
l Cause 3: The transmit unit of the OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite end is faulty.
l Cause 4: The receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the local end is abnormal.
l Cause 5: An interference source exists around the microwave link.

Step 1 Cause 1: Other alarms are reported.
1. Check for and clear any equipment-related alarms at the local end.
The possible alarms are as follows:

Step 2 Cause 2: Channel spacing, modulation scheme, and operating frequency are inconsistently
configured at the two ends of the microwave link.
1. Follow instructions in Browsing the Performance of a Hop of Microwave Link to check
the settings of channel spacing, modulation scheme, and operating frequency at the two
2. Follow instructions in Configuring a Single Hop of Microwave Link to modify different

Step 3 Cause 3: The transmit unit of the OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite end is faulty.

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1. Check for and clear any equipment-related alarms at the opposite end.
The possible alarms are as follows:
2. Locate the fault by performing loopbacks at the opposite end.

Perform the following steps:

a. Perform an inloop on the IF port at the opposite end by referring to 7.5.2 Setting
Loopback for the IF Board. Check whether the fault at the opposite end is rectified.

If... Then...
The alarm persists Replace the OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite end.
The alarm is cleared Go to the next step.

Step 4 Cause 4: The receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the local end is abnormal.
1. Follow instructions in Querying Historical Transmit Power and Receive Power to check
whether the receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the local end is normal. Diagnose any

If... Then...

The received signal level (RSL) is lower Perform the following steps:
than the receiver sensitivity
1. Check the installation of the antenna to
ensure that the azimuth angle of the
antenna meets the requirement.
2. Check the antenna direction. Especially,
check whether the received signal is from
the main lobe.
If the antenna direction does not meet the
requirement, adjust the antenna in a wide
3. Check the polarization direction of
antennas and adjust the incorrect
polarization direction.
4. Check the antenna gain at the two ends
and replace the antennas that do not
provide required antenna gain.
5. Check whether transmission is blocked by
any mountains or buildings.
Contact the network planning department
for avoiding the block if any.

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If... Then...

The RSL is higher than the specified Slow up fading occurs. Perform the following
RSL of the network. The offset value is steps:
tens of decibels. The duration is from
tens of seconds to several hours 1. Check for co-channel interference. For
details, see 7.10 Scanning Interfering
2. Use a spectrum analyzer to analyze
interference sources.
3. Contact the spectrum management
department for eliminating the
interference spectrum, or change plans to
minimize the interference.

The RSL is lower than the specified Slow down fading occurs. Generally, the
RSL of the network. The offset value is microwave link may be faulty in both
tens of decibels. The duration is from directions, because slow down fading is
tens of seconds to several hours imposed by the transmission path. Contact
the network planning department to make the
following changes:

l Increase the installation heights of

l Reduce the transmission distance.
l Increase the antenna gain.
l Increase the transmit power.

The RSL is lower than or higher than Fast fading occurs. Contact the network
the specified RSL of the network and planning department to make the following
the duration is from several changes:
milliseconds to tens of seconds
l Adjust the position of the antenna to block
the reflected wave or make the reflection
point fall on the ground that has a small
reflection coefficient, reducing multipath
l Increase the fading margin.

Step 5 Cause 5: Interference exists.

1. Follow instructions in 7.10 Scanning Interfering Signals to scan the frequency spectrum
around the microwave link and check for co-frequency interference and bias-frequency
2. Use a spectrum analyzer to analyze interference sources.
3. Contact the spectrum management department for eliminating the interference spectrum,
or change plans to minimize the interference.


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Related Information

A.2.50 MW_RDI

The MW_RDI alarm indicates that defects exist at the remote end of a radio link. This alarm is
reported when an NE detects an RDI in the radio frame overheads.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Communication alarm


Impact on the System

l If the NEs are enabled with reverse switching, a 1+1 HSB switchover is triggered when
main and standby NEs receive MW_RDI alarms at the same time.
l Services are interrupted in the receive direction of the opposite end.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The opposite site detects service alarms in the receive direction.

Step 1 Handle the microwave alarms at the opposite site. The possible alarms are as follows:


Related Information


The NB_CFG_MISMATCH alarm indicates that two NEs in a 1+1 HSB protection group are
inconsistently configured.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 l 0x02: The two NEs in a 1+1 HSB protection group are inconsistently
l 0x04: The two NEs in a 1+1 HSB protection group have different physical
clock settings.
Parameter 2 When Parameter 1 is 0x02, Parameter 2 has the following meanings:

l 0x01: The two NEs use different protection schemes.

l 0x02: The two NEs have different main/standby attributes.
l 0x03: The two NEs work in different revertive modes.
l 0x04: The two NEs have different wait to restore (WTR) time.
l 0x05: The two NEs have different numbers of service ports.
l 0x06: The two NEs have different service port IDs.
l 0x07: Reverse switching is enabled for only one NE.
l 0x08: The two NEs have different application scenarios.
l 0x09: L2 header compression is enabled for only one NE.
l 0x0A: L3 header compression is enabled for only one NE.

When Parameter 1 is 0x04, Parameter 2 has the following meanings:

l 0x01: The two NEs assign different default quality levels to clocks with
unknown quality levels.
l 0x02: The two NEs work in different revertive modes.
l 0x03: The two NEs work in different S1 byte modes.
l 0x04: The two NEs have different WTR time.
l 0x05: The two NEs have different manually specified clock qualities.
l 0x06: The two NEs have different clock lock settings.
l 0x07: The two NEs have different manually specified clock IDs.
l 0x08: The two NEs have different S1 byte output disabling settings.
l 0x09: The two NEs have different S1 byte ID output disabling settings.
l 0x0A: The two NEs have different clock priority tables.

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Impact on the System

1+1 protection may fail.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The two NEs in a 1+1 HSB protection group are inconsistently configured.
l Cause 2: The two NEs in a 1+1 HSB protection group have different physical clock settings.

Step 1 Determine the possible cause of the alarm according to the alarm parameters.

Step 2 Cause 1: The two NEs in a 1+1 HSB protection group are inconsistently configured.
1. Configure the 1+1 protection group for the two NE consistently based on the planned values
by following instructions in Creating a Microwave 1+1 Protection Group.

Step 3 Cause 2: The two NEs in a 1+1 protection group have different physical clock settings.
1. Configure the physical clock consistently for the two NEs by following instructions in
Managing Clocks at the Physical Layer.


Related Information


The NB_UNREACHABLE alarm indicates that a neighboring NE in a 1+1 protection group is
unreachable to the local NE.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm


Name Meaning
Parameter 1 0x03: A 1+1 cascading channel is faulty.

Impact on the System


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Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The neighboring NE is abnormal.
l Cause 2: The 1+1 cascading cable is loose or damaged.
l Cause 3: The 1+1 protection group is not configured on the neighboring NE.

Step 1 Cause 1: The neighboring NE is abnormal.
1. Troubleshoot the faulty on the neighboring NE.

Step 2 Cause 2: The 1+1 cascading cable is loose or damaged.

1. Check whether the 1+1 cascading cable is loose. If yes, connect the cable properly or change
the cable.

Step 3 Cause 3: The 1+1 protection group is not configured on the neighboring NE.
1. Check whether 1+1 protection is configured on the neighboring NE. If 1+1 protection is
not configured, configure it by referring to creating microwave 1+1 protection group and
ensure that the configurations at both ends are consistent.


Related Information


The NE_DCN_MODE alarm indicates that the NE works in DCN mode.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The NE's DCN communication is normal, but its services may be interrupted.

Possible Causes
The NE resets repeatedly.

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Step 1 Use the fault data collection tool integrated on the NMS to collect NE data and upload the NE
data to the NMS. The NE data is used for analyzing and locating NE faults.

Step 2 If NE databases have been backed up when the NE is normal, restore the backup NE databases.
Configure services if the restored databases do not include service data.

Step 3 If no backup NE databases are available, delete the NE databases, reset the NE, and configure
the NE.


Related Information


The NEIP_CONFUSION alarm indicates an IP address conflict (several NEs use the same IP


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 to Parameter 4 Indicate the IP address used by several NEs.

Impact on the System


Possible Causes
Cause: Several NEs use the same IP address.

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Step 1 Set different IP addresses for related NEs. For details, see Setting NE Communication


Related Information


The NESF_LOST is an alarm indicating that the NE software is lost. This alarm is reported when
the system control unit detects the loss of NE software.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Critical Processing alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 The value is always 0x01.

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Name Meaning
Parameters 2 and 3 Indicate the file code.

l 0x01: FPGA of the system control board in the OFS1 area

l 0x02: FPGA of the system control board in the OFS2 area
l 0x03: ofs1/hwx/nesoft.hwx
l 0x04: ofs2/hwx/nesoft.hwx
l 0x05: ofs1/hwx/ne.ini
l 0x06: ofs2/hwx/ne.ini
l 0x07: ofs1/hwx/ocp.ini
l 0x08: ofs2/hwx/ocp.ini
l 0x1f: ofs1/hwx/extbios.hwx
l 0x20: ofs2/hwx/extbios.hwx
l 0x23: ofs1/hwx/trsoft.hwx
l 0x24: ofs2/hwx/trsoft.hwx
l 0x27: ofs1/fpga/ifmodem.pga
l 0x28: ofs2/fpga/ifmodem.pga
l 0x29:ofs1/pkg/lusoft.hwx
l 0x2A:ofs2/pkg/lusoft.hwx
l 0x2B:ofs1/pkg/lusoft.ini
l 0x2C:ofs2/pkg/lusoft.ini
l 0x2D:ofs1/pkg/luexbios.hwx
l 0x2E:ofs2/pkg/luexbios.hwx
l 0x2F:ofs1/hwx/modem.pga
l 0x30:ofs2/hwx/modem.pga
l 0x31: ofs1/hwx/ne_cpri.ini
l 0x32: ofs2/hwx/ne_cpri.ini
l 0x33: ofs1/hwx/ne_ncpri.ini
l 0x34: ofs2/hwx/ne_ncpri.ini
l 0x35: ofs1/fpga/shuf30.pga
l 0x36: ofs2/fpga/shuf30.pga
l 0x37: ofs1/fpga/shuf3c.pga
l 0x38: ofs2/fpga/shuf3c.pga
l 0x39: ofs1/hwx/ne_ncomp.ini
l 0x3A: ofs2/hwx/ne_ncomp.ini
Parameter 4 Indicates the cause of the alarm.

l 0x01: The file does not exist.

l 0x02: The file check fails.

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Impact on the System

If the NE software is lost, the system cannot reboot after it is powered off or reset.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: No new NE software is loaded after the existing NE software is erased.
l Cause 2: Loading the NE software is unsuccessful.
l Cause 3: The NE is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the alarm is caused by the loading operation.

If... Then...
The alarm is caused by the loading Contact Huawei technical support engineers
operation for loading the NE software.
The alarm is not caused by the loading 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information


The NESOFT_MM is an alarm indicating that the software files in the OFS1 and OFS2 areas
of the system control unit are inconsistent. This alarm is reported when the software files in the
OFS1 and OFS2 areas of the system control unit are inconsistent.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Processing alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

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Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the location of the file.
l 0x01: files in the flash memory
l 0x02: software that is currently running

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Name Meaning
Parameters 2 and 3 If Parameter 1 takes the value of 0x01, Parameters 2 and 3 indicate the
inconsistent files in the flash memory.
l 0x01: FPGA of the system control board in the OFS1 area
l 0x02: FPGA of the system control board in the OFS2 area
l 0x03: ofs1/hwx/nesoft.hwx
l 0x04: ofs2/hwx/nesoft.hwx
l 0x05: ofs1/hwx/ne.ini
l 0x06: ofs2/hwx/ne.ini
l 0x07: ofs1/hwx/ocp.ini
l 0x08: ofs2/hwx/ocp.ini
l 0x1f: ofs1/hwx/luexbios.hwx
l 0x20: ofs2/hwx/luexbios.hwx
l 0x23: ofs1/hwx/trsoft.hwx
l 0x24: ofs2/hwx/trsoft.hwx
l 0x27: ofs1/fpga/ifmodem.pga
l 0x28: ofs2/fpga/ifmodem.pga
l 0x29:ofs1/pkg/lusoft.hwx
l 0x2A:ofs2/pkg/lusoft.hwx
l 0x2B:ofs1/pkg/lusoft.ini
l 0x2C:ofs2/pkg/lusoft.ini
l 0x2D:ofs1/pkg/luexbios.hwx
l 0x2E:ofs2/pkg/luexbios.hwx
l 0x2F:ofs1/hwx/modem.pga
l 0x30:ofs2/hwx/modem.pga
l 0x31: ofs1/hwx/ne_cpri.ini
l 0x32: ofs2/hwx/ne_cpri.ini
l 0x33: ofs1/hwx/ne_ncpri.ini
l 0x34: ofs2/hwx/ne_ncpri.ini
l 0x35: ofs1/fpga/shuf30.pga
l 0x36: ofs2/fpga/shuf30.pga
l 0x37: ofs1/fpga/shuf3c.pga
l 0x38: ofs2/fpga/shuf3c.pga
l 0x39: ofs1/hwx/ne_ncomp.ini
l 0x3A: ofs2/hwx/ne_ncomp.ini

If Parameter 1 takes the value of 0x02, Parameters 2 and 3 indicate the

inconsistent files in the currently running software.

l 0x01: NeSoft(D)
l 0x02: Platform(D)

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Name Meaning
l 0x03: BIOS
l 0x04: ExtBios
l 0x05: Logic
l 0x06: Dsp
Parameter 4 Indicates the cause of the alarm.
l 0x04: The software files in the OFS1 and OFS2 areas of the system
control unit are inconsistent.
l 0x08: Indicates that the software file versions on the active and
standby SCC boards are inconsistent.
l 0x0c: Indicates that the software file versions in the active and standby
areas and those on the active and standby SCC boards are inconsistent.

Impact on the System

After the system is powered off or reset, the system may fail to reboot or work correctly.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: Software files in the OFS1 and OFS2 areas of the system control unit are inconsistent.

Step 1 Contact Huawei technical support engineers for loading the software.


Related Information


The NTP_SYNC_FAIL is an alarm indicating that NTP time synchronization fails.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Communication alarm


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Impact on the System

Time on the alarmed NE is different from time on the NTP server. The records on the NE, such
as performance events, alarms, and operations, cannot be kept with exact time.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The NTP server is not configured or is configured incorrectly.
l Cause 2: The NTP server cannot communicate with the NE.
l Cause 3: The NTP server fails.

Step 1 Cause 1: The NTP server is not configured or is configured incorrectly.
1. Configure the NTP server correctly.
2. Configure the NTP parameters for the NE.
Step 2 Cause 2: The NTP server cannot communicate with the NE.
1. Check whether the cable connecting the gateway NE to the NTP server is normal. If no,
rectify the connection fault.
2. Check whether the DCN communication between the NTP server and the NE is normal. If
no, configure the DCN communication correctly.
Step 3 Cause 3: The NTP server fails.
1. Troubleshoot the NTP server.


Related Information

The OUT_PWR_ABN alarm indicates that the output optical power is abnormal.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Critical Communication alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm affects service transmission, and may cause service interruption.

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Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The output optical power is excessively high or low.
l Cause 2: The alarmed NE is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The output optical power is excessively high or low.
1. Check the performance events related to optical power.

If... Then...
The optical power is excessively low Perform the operations in 5.2 Replacing an
SFP Module.
The optical power is excessively high Add a proper attenuator to reduce the transmit
optical power.

Step 2 Cause 2: The alarmed NE is faulty.

1. Perform the operations in 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information

The PASSWORD_NEED_CHANGE alarm indicates that the password of the user who logs in
is unchanged. This alarm is reported if any one default user's default password is not changed
in time.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Service alarm


Impact on the System

The default user's default password must be changed to reduce risks.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The default user's default password must be changed to reduce risks.

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Step 1 Modify the default user's password.


Related Information


The PATCH_BD_EXCLUDE alarm indicates that an NE is automatically isolated from being
installed with a patch.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

After an NE is isolated, the patch package is not matched with or loaded to the NE.

Possible Causes
Cause: During the loading of a patch package, an error occurs on an NE.

Step 1 Re-load the patch package.


Related Information


The PATCH_BD_MATCH_FAIL alarm indicates that a patch fails to be matched with an NE.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The patch fails to be loaded.

Possible Causes
Cause: The loaded patch does not match with the NE.

Step 1 Load a patch that matches the NE.


Related Information


The PATCH_PKGERR is an alarm indicating that a patch package is abnormal.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The patch package cannot be loaded, activated, or ran correctly. This alarm does not affect

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Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The patch package is incorrect.
l Cause 2: The patch package is corrupted.
l Cause 3: The patch package is deleted.

Step 1 Load the correct patch package.


Related Information


The PORT_EXC_TRAFFIC is an alarm indicating that the bandwidth utilization ratio of a port
exceeds the threshold. This alarm is reported when the bandwidth utilization ratio of a port
exceeds the preset threshold.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Warning Service alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the transmit or receive direction.

l 0x00: receive
l 0x01: transmit

Impact on the System

Excessive service traffic may cause service congestion.

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Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The configured bandwidth limit is too low.
l Cause 2: The port handles excessive traffic.

Step 1 Cause 1: The configured bandwidth limit is too low.
1. With reference to Setting Traffic Shaping for Egress Queues, check the configured
bandwidth limit.
2. If the bandwidth limit of the Ethernet port is too low, increase the bandwidth limit according
to Configuring Port Shaping or expand the network.
3. If the bandwidth of the IF port is too low, use a higher order modulation scheme and increase
the channel spacing according to Configuring a Single Hop of Microwave Link.

Step 2 Cause 2: The port handles excessive traffic.

1. With reference to 7.15 Querying Traffic, Physical Bandwidth, or Bandwidth Utilization
of Ethernet Ports, query the bandwidth utilization ratio of the alarmed port.
2. If the port bandwidth utilization is higher than the threshold, check whether a network storm
occurs. If a network storm occurs, eliminate the source that transmits a large amount of
invalid data.


Related Information


The PORTMODE_MISMATCH is an alarm indicating that the working mode of the opposite
Ethernet port mismatches that of the local Ethernet port. This alarm is reported when the
configured working mode of the local Ethernet port is auto-negotiation but the negotiated
working mode is half-duplex.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Service alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

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Name Meaning
Parameters 1 and 2 Indicate the current working mode.

l 0x01: 10M half-duplex

l 0x03: 100M half-duplex
l 0x04: 1000M half-duplex

Impact on the System

This alarm does not affect services.

Possible Causes
Cause: The local Ethernet port and opposite Ethernet port work in different modes.

Step 1 With reference to Setting the Basic Attributes for an Ethernet Port, disable the local port. With
reference to Setting the Basic Attributes for an Ethernet Port, enable the local port and set the
working mode to auto-negotiation.


Related Information


The POWER_ALM is an alarm indicating that the voltage of the power module is out of the
normal range.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

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Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the power channel with abnormal voltage.

l 0x01: 1.0 V power channel of the baseband processing unit

l 0x02: 1.2 V power channel of the baseband processing unit
l 0x03: 1.8 V power channel of the baseband processing unit
l 0x04: FPGA_SERDES 1.2 V power channel of the baseband processing unit
l 0x05: 2.5 V power channel of the baseband processing unit
l 0x06: 3.3 V power channel of the baseband processing unit
l 0x07: 3.7 V power channel of the baseband processing unit
l 0x08: 5.4 V power channel of the baseband processing unit
l 0x09: 5.0 V power channel for the USB port of the baseband processing unit
l 0x0A: 1.9 V power channel of the AD path
l 0x0B: 1.8 V power channel of the system clock
l 0x0C: 1.8 V power channel of the DA I path
l 0x0D: 1.8 V power channel of the DA Q path
l 0x0E: 3.3 V power channel of IF clock 1
l 0x0F: 3.3 V power channel of IF clock 2
l 0x10: 3.3 V power channel of the system clock
l 0x11: 15 V power channel of the RF processing unit
l 0x12: -6 V power channel of the RF processing unit
l 0x13: 5.4 V power channel of the RF processing unit
l 0x14: 3.7 V power channel of the RF processing unit
l 0x15: drain of the RF processing unit

Parameter 2 l 0x01: undervoltage

l 0x02: overvoltage

Impact on the System

This alarm may cause the NE to work incorrectly.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Power supply is abnormal.
l Cause 2: The NE's power module is abnormal.

Step 1 Cause 1: Power supply is abnormal.

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If... Then...
Power is supplied through the DC power Follow the steps:
1. Test the power voltage with a multimeter and
check whether the power voltage is within the
range from -57.6 V to -38.4 V.
2. If the power voltage is out of the range, check
the power supply device and power cables.
3. If the power supply device or any power cable
is faulty, replace it.
Power is supplied through the P&E port Follow the steps:

1. Check the power supply device (PI) and the

P&E cable.
2. If the PI is faulty, replace the PI; if the P&E
cable is faulty, replace the P&E cable.

Step 2 Cause 2: The NE's power module is abnormal.

1. Perform the operations in 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information


The PTP_TIMESTAMP_ABN alarm indicates that PTP (1588v2) timestamps are abnormal.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm


Name Meaning
Parameter 1 l 0x01: The interval for transmitting a SYNC packet is greater than 2s.
l 0x02: The t1 timestamps are the same for three consecutive seconds.
l 0x03: The t2 timestamps are the same for three consecutive seconds.
l 0x04: Both t1 and t2 timestamps are the same for three consecutive seconds.

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Name Meaning
Parameter 2 l 0x01: The interval for transmitting a delay packet is greater than 16s.
l 0x02: The t3 timestamps are the same for 17 consecutive seconds.
l 0x03: The t4 timestamps are the same for 17 consecutive seconds.
l 0x04: Both t3 and t4 timestamps are the same for 17 consecutive seconds.

Impact on the System

The slave node cannot trace the time of the master node and services contain bit errors.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The opposite end is faulty.
l Cause 2: The local end is faulty.
l Cause 4: The physical-layer synchronization and 1588v2 time synchronization are
configured, and the upstream node transmits less than one SYNC packet per second.

Step 1 Cause 1: The opposite end is faulty.
1. Rectify the fault at the transmit end or replace the clock source.

Step 2 Cause 2: The local end is faulty.

1. Replace the OptiX RTN 380 NE.

Step 3 Cause 3: The physical-layer synchronization and 1588v2 time synchronization are configured,
and the upstream node transmits less than one SYNC packet per second.
1. Set the upstream node to transmit more than one SYNC packet per second according to
Configuring 1588v2 Clock Packet Parameters.


Related Information


The RADIO_FADING_MARGIN_INSUFF is an alarm indicating that the mean receive power
of the OptiX RTN 380 is lower than the threshold (receiver sensitivity plus 14 dB). The threshold
is configurable.

When the mean receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 in six consecutive hours is lower than the
threshold, the system reports the alarm. After the alarm is reported, if the mean receive power
of the OptiX RTN 380 is higher than the threshold and maintains the state for three minutes, the
alarm clears.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm does not affect services if it is not accompanied by MW_BER_EXC, MW_BER_SD,

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The transmit power is abnormal due to the faulty OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite
l Cause 2: The direction of the antenna is deflected.
l Cause 3: Transmission environment changes.
l Cause 4: The fading margin planned for rain and fog is insufficient.

Step 1 Cause 1: The transmit power is abnormal due to the faulty OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite site.
1. Check whether the OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite site reports the RADIO_TSL_LOW

If... Then...
The RADIO_TSL_LOW alarm is reported Handle the RADIO_TSL_LOW alarm.
The RADIO_TSL_LOW alarm is not reported Go to Cause 2.

Step 2 Cause 2: The direction of the antenna is deflected.

1. Check whether the direction of the antenna is deflected.

If... Then...
The direction of the antenna is deflected Adjust the direction of the antenna.
The direction of the antenna is not deflected Go to Cause 3.

Step 3 Cause 3: Transmission environment changes.

1. Check whether the transmission environment changes. For example, check whether any
building blocks the transmission and increases the link fading significantly.

If... Then...
The transmission environment changes Contact the network planning department for
replanning the transmission trail.

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If... Then...
The transmission environment does not Go to Cause 4.

Step 4 Cause 4: The fading margin planned for rain and fog is insufficient.
1. If the alarm is frequently reported in rainy or foggy weather, contact the network planning
department for increasing the fading margin.


Related Information


The RADIO_MUTE is an alarm indicating that the radio transmitter is muted.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Warning Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm indicates that the radio transmitter does not transmit signals.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The transmitter of the local site is muted manually.
l Cause 2: The OptiX RTN 380 at the local site is faulty.

Step 1 Cause 1: The transmitter of the local site is muted manually.
1. With reference to Configuring a Single Hop of Microwave Link, check whether the OptiX
RTN 380 at the local site is muted. If yes, unmute the OptiX RTN 380.

Step 2 Cause 2: The OptiX RTN 380 at the local site is faulty.
1. 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.


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Related Information


The RADIO_RSL_BEYONDTH is an alarm indicating that the antennas are not aligned. When
the receive power is set on the NE, the NE enables the antenna alignment indication function.
If the actual receive power of the OptiX RTN 380 is lower than the power to be received 3 dB,
the RADIO_RSL_BEYONDTH alarm is reported. Then, if the antennas are aligned for
continuous 30 minutes, the antenna alignment indication function is disabled automatically.
Afterwards, the RADIO_RSL_BEYONDTH alarm is reported only when the


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm does not affect services if it is not accompanied by MW_BER_EXC, MW_BER_SD,

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Antennas are not aligned during the equipment commissioning.
l Cause 2: The RADIO_FADING_MARGIN_INSUFF is reported when the NE is running.

Step 1 Cause 1: Antennas are not aligned during the equipment commissioning.
1. Align the antennas, and ensure that the actual receive power is within the range of receivable
power ±3 dB.

Step 2 Cause 2: The RADIO_FADING_MARGIN_INSUFF is reported when the NE is running.

1. Handle the RADIO_FADING_MARGIN_INSUFF alarm. After the
alarm clears.


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Related Information


The RADIO_RSL_HIGH is an alarm indicating that the radio received signal level (RSL) is
very high. This alarm is reported if the detected RSL is higher than or equal to the upper threshold
of the OptiX RTN 380 (-23 dBm).

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Critical Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm affects service transmission.

This alarm triggers a switchover if a 1+1 protection group is configured.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The OptiX RTN 380 at the local site is faulty.
l Cause 2: There is a strong interference source nearby.
l Cause 3: The transmit power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite site is very high.

Step 1 Cause 1: The OptiX RTN 380 at the local site is faulty.
1. 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.

Step 2 Cause 2: There is a strong interference source nearby.

1. With reference to 7.10 Scanning Interfering Signals, scan interference signals, or Use a
spectrum analyzer to scan interference signals nearby.
2. If any interference signal is detected, shut down or remove the signal source. If the signal
source cannot be shut down or removed, contact the network planning department for
changing the frequency plan.

Step 3 Cause 3: The transmit power of the OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite site is very high.
1. With reference to Configuring a Single Hop of Microwave Link, check whether the transmit
power settings on the local and opposite NEs are consistent with the network planning

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2. If no, set the transmit power according to the network planning documents.


Related Information

The RADIO_RSL_LOW alarm indicates that the radio received signal level (RSL) is very low.
This alarm is reported when the detected RSL is lower than or equal to the lower threshold of
the OptiX RTN 380 (The lower threshold is -77 dBm when the channel spacing is 250 MHz and
-74 dBm when the channel spacing is 500 MHz.)

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Critical Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm does not affect services if it is not accompanied by the MW_BER_EXC,

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Certain other alarms occur at the opposite site.
l Cause 2: The transmitted signal level (TSL) at the opposite site is over low.
l Cause 3: The OptiX RTN 380 at the local site is faulty.
l Cause 4: Signal attenuation on the radio link is heavy.

Step 1 Cause 1: Certain other alarms occur at the opposite site.
Check whether any of the following alarms is reported at the opposite site. If yes, clear the alarm
Step 2 Cause 2: The transmitted signal level (TSL) at the opposite site is over low.
1. With reference to Configuring a Single Hop of Microwave Link, check whether the preset
transmit power and actual transmit power at the opposite site are normal.

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If... Then...
The preset transmit power is abnormal Change the transmit power according to the
network planning information.
The actual transmit power is abnormal Replace the OptiX RTN 380 at the opposite

Step 3 Cause 3: The OptiX RTN 380 at the local site is faulty.
1. Replace the OptiX RTN 380 at the local site.

Step 4 Cause 4: Signal attenuation on the radio link is heavy.

1. With reference to 4.3 Troubleshooting Microwave Link Faults, handle the signal


Related Information

The RADIO_TSL_HIGH is an alarm indicating that the radio transmitted signal level (TSL) is
very high. This alarm is reported when the detected TSL is higher than the upper threshold of
the OptiX RTN 380.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Critical Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm affects service transmission.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The OptiX RTN 380 is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the OptiX RTN 380.


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Related Information


The RADIO_TSL_LOW is an alarm indicating that the radio transmitted signal level (TSL) is
very low. This alarm is reported when the detected TSL is lower than the lower threshold of the
OptiX RTN 380.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm affects service transmission.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: The OptiX RTN 380 is faulty.

Step 1 Replace the OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information

A.2.74 R_LOF

The R_LOF is an alarm indicating that frames are lost on the receive side. This alarm is reported
by a CPRI when the CPRI fails to detect CPRI frame headers in several consecutive frames, or
by an IF port when the port is in the OFF state for more than 3 ms.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Communication alarm


Impact on the System

If no protection switching scheme is configured, this alarm causes service interruption. If a
protection switching scheme is configured, this alarm triggers a switchover.

Possible Causes
Possible causes for a CPRI to fail to receive frames include:
l Cause 1: Rate switching of wireless equipment
l Cause 2: The radio link is faulty or contains bit errors.
l Cause 3: The clock is not configured or is incorrectly configured.
l Cause 4: The optical interface is abnormal or the optical module does not match.

Possible causes for an IF port to fail to receive frames include:

l Cause 1: The transmit unit of the remote NE is faulty.
l Cause 2: The receive unit of the local NE is faulty.

l Procedure of handling frame lost on the receive side of a CPRI:
1. Cause 1: Rate switching of wireless equipment
a. Rate is switched during CPRI negotiation between wireless equipment and OptiX
RTN 380, so the R_LOF alarm is reported. The R_LOF alarm clears after the
negotiation is successful.
2. Cause 2: The radio link is faulty.
a. Check whether the radio link reports the RADIO_RSL_LOW alarm. If yes, clear
the alarm first.
b. Check whether the radio link is interfered. Follow instructions in 7.10 Scanning
Interfering Signals or use a frequency spectrum analyzer to locate the possible
interfering frequencies.
– If a third-party RF device is the interfering source, contact the local frequency
spectrum management department to handle the interference.
– If interference is caused due to improper route planning, modify the frequency
plan to minimize the interference impacts.
3. Cause 3: The clock is not configured or is incorrectly configured.

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a. Following instructions in Configuring the Clock Source, set the clock source of
the BBU-side OptiX RTN 380 to trace a CPRI, and the clock source of the RRU-
side OptiX RTN 380 to trace a microwave port.
4. Cause 4: The optical module is faulty or does not match.
a. Replace the SFP optical module. Type of the optical module on the CPRI must
match rate of the CPRI.
l Procedure of handling frame lost on the receive side of an IF port:
1. Cause 1: The transmit unit of the remote NE is faulty.
a. Rectify the fault at the transmit unit of the remote NE by, for example, enabling
the transmit port.
2. Cause 2: The receive unit of the local NE is faulty.
a. Replace the local NE.


Related Information

A.2.75 R_LOS

The R_LOS alarm indicates loss of signals on the receive side of a CPRI interface.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical alarm Communication alarm


Impact on the System

When this alarm is reported, services on the receive port are interrupted.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The fiber connection is faulty.
l Cause 2: The laser at the opposite end is shut down.
l Cause 3: The transmit unit of the remote NE is faulty.
l Cause 4: The receive unit of the local NE is faulty.

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Step 1 Cause 1: The fiber connection is faulty.
1. Check the optical fiber connected to the alarm port.

If... Then...
The fiber is not properly connected Connect the fiber properly.
The fiber is damaged Replace the fiber.
The SFP modules at both ends do not match or one SFP Replace the SFP module.
module is damaged

Step 2 Cause 2: The laser at the opposite end is shut down.

1. Turn on the laser at the opposite end.

Step 3 Cause 3: The transmit unit of the remote NE is faulty.

1. Rectify the fault at the transmit unit of the remote NE by, for example, enabling the transmit

Step 4 Cause 4: The receive unit of the local NE is faulty.

1. Replace the OptiX RTN 380 NE.


Related Information


The RPS_INDI alarm indicates that radio protection switching occurred.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 Indicates the protection group ID.

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Name Meaning
Parameter 2 Indicates the switching type.

0x01: HSB protection switching

Impact on the System

Services are interrupted during the switching and recovers after the switching completes.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: An external switching event occurs.
l Cause 2: An automatic switching event occurs.
l Cause 3: An reverse switching event occurs.

Step 1 Cause 1: An external switching event occurs. To be specific, a command is issued from the NMS
to trigger the switching.
1. Query whether the IF 1+1 switching status is forced switching or manual switching.

If... Then...
The IF 1+1 switching status is forced Find the cause and clear the switching
switching or manual switching immediately.
The IF 1+1 switching status is not forced Go to Cause 2.
switching or manual switching

Step 2 Cause 2: An automatic switching event occurs. To be specific, the equipment is faulty, or the
service is defective.
1. Check whether the following faults or alarms occur. Rectify the faults or clear the alarms
if any.
l The hardware is faulty.
l The NE has been cold reset.
l The NE has been powered off.

l Automatic switching is triggered by service-related hardware faults.

l In non-revertive mode, services will not be automatically switched back to the main path after
the main path recovers, and the RPS_INDI alarm persists. You need to manually switch the
services from the standby path to the main path. The RPS_INDI alarm clears after the services
are switched back to the main path.
l In revertive mode, services are automatically switched back to the main path when the specified
wait to restore (WTR) time expires after the main path recovers. The RPS_INDI alarm clears
only when the services are switched back to the main path.

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Step 3 Cause 3: An reverse switching event occurs.

1. Check for the MW_RDI alarm on both the main and standby NEs, and clear it if any.


Related Information


The S1_SYN_CHANGE is an alarm indicating that the clock source is switched in S1 byte

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 0x01: system clock priority table

Impact on the System

If the new clock source degrades, service quality will degrade due to pointer justifications and
bit errors.

Possible Causes
The precondition is that the SSM or extended SSM is enabled.

l Cause 1: The original clock source is lost.

l Cause 2: The upstream NE reports the S1_SYN_CHANGE alarm.

Step 1 Cause 1: The original clock source is lost.
1. Handle the SYNC_C_LOS alarm reported by the original clock source.

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Step 2 Cause 2: The upstream NE reports the S1_SYN_CHANGE alarm.

1. Handle the S1_SYN_CHANGE alarm on the upstream NE.


Related Information
S1 byte mode refers to the SSM or extended SSM clock protection mode.


The SEC_RADIUS_FAIL is an alarm indicating that consecutive RADIUS authentication
failures are too many. This alarm is reported when the number of consecutive RADIUS
authentication failures reaches five.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameters 1 to 5 Indicate the first five user accounts.

Impact on the System

A user cannot log in to an NE.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The active period of the user account expires.
l Cause 2: Configurations on the RADIUS server such as passwords and access policies are
l Cause 3: There are unauthenticated login attempts.
l Cause 4: The shared key for the NE and the RADIUS server is configured incorrectly.

Step 1 Cause 1: The active period of the user account expires.

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1. Use an active account.

Step 2 Cause 2: Configurations on the RADIUS server such as passwords and access policies are
1. Enter the correct password.
2. Set correct access policies.

Step 3 Cause 3: There are unauthenticated login attempts.

1. Eliminate the source that initiates unauthenticated login attempts.

Step 4 Cause 4: The shared key for the NE and the RADIUS server is configured incorrectly.
1. Set the shared key correctly.


Related Information


The SECU_ALM is an alarm indicating that login attempts of unauthorized users fail.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm is reported transiently and does not affect services.

Possible Causes
Cause: Unauthorized users attempt to log in to the NE.

Step 1 Query the NE logs and check the users that have attempted to log in.


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Related Information
If a user fails in more than five consecutive login attempts (two login attempts within three
minutes are considered consecutive), the SECU_ALM alarm will be reported at every failed
attempt since the sixth one. In addition, the user account will be locked for 900 seconds. The
locked user account cannot be used for logins.


The SRV_SHUTDOWN_LD alarm indicates that a looped Ethernet service is disabled. This
alarm is cleared after the loop is released and the Ethernet service is enabled.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Warning Service alarm


Impact on the System

The looped service is interrupted.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: A looped service detected in a loop test is disabled.

Step 1 Check service configurations on the path where the disabled service passes and release the loop.

Step 2 Enable the service or reconfigure the service based on the service plan.


Related Information


SSL_CERT_NOEN indicates the certificate file of SSL is not encrypted.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment Alarm


Impact on the System

Unencrypted certificate file is stored on device, private key of the file maybe be get illegally.

Possible Causes
Certificate file of SSL is not encrypted.

Step 1 Download and verify the encrypted SSL certificate by NMS.


Related Information


The STORM_CUR_QUENUM_OVER is an alarm of alarm storms. This alarm is reported when
the current alarm queue length is one smaller than the maximum. This alarm clears when the
number of current alarms reduces to 950.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The earliest alarms in the current alarm queue will be overwritten and cannot be queried.

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Possible Causes
Cause: More than 1000 current alarms are stored in the current alarm queue.

Step 1 Check the current alarms and clear the frequently reported ones.


Related Information
The STORM_CUR_QUENUM_OVER alarm will not be overwritten.

Registers store alarm data in discard or overwrite mode. The default mode is overwrite.

l In discard mode, registers discard the later alarm data if they are full.
l In overwrite mode, registers store the later alarm data in place of the earlier alarm data if
they are full. To be specific, later alarm data is stored in the initial addresses of registers.


The SUBNET_RT_CONFLICT is an alarm indicating a subnetwork route conflict. This alarm
occurs when the subnet route of an NMS port, that is, the IP subnet route of an NE, covers the
learned route of an OSPF subnet whose mask is longer than that of the IP subnet.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 to Parameter 4 Indicate the IP address of the subnet whose route is covered by
the NE IP subnet route and whose mask is longer than that of the
NE IP subnet. When the routes of multiple subnets are covered
by the IP subnet route, this parameter is the IP address of the
subnet with the longest mask.
Parameter 5 Indicates the mask length.

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Impact on the System

The NMS cannot manage the NEs through the NMS port of the NE that report the

Possible Causes
The subnet route of an NMS port (the IP subnet route of an NE) covers the learned route of an
OSPF subnet whose mask is longer than that of the IP subnet.

Step 1 Collect the information about all NEs that report this alarm and check the DCN networking
based on the planned network topology.

Step 2 Obtain the information about the conflicting subnets and their masks based on the alarm

Step 3 Determine the rectification plan based on the network topology and subnet information to ensure
that the subnet masks of non-gateway NEs are consistent with the mask of the gateway NE.
When subnet masks of multiple NEs need to be changed, change their subnet masks from the
farthest NE to the nearest one.

If the mask of a gateway NE needs to be changed, ensure that the DCN route after the change
is correct. If the DCN route is incorrect, NEs may be unreachable to the NMS.

Step 4 Change the subnet masks of NEs according to the plan.


Related Information
The SUBNET_RT_CONFLICT alarm is generally caused by incorrect configurations of subnet
masks on NEs. For example, NE1 and NE2 are connected using air interfaces and the OSPF
protocol is enabled. The communication parameters and routing information of the two NEs are
listed in the following table.

If the NMS whose IP address is is connected to the NMS port of NE1, the route of
packets transmitted from NE1 to the NMS is "
interface" according to the longest match principle. That is, the packets are transmitted from the
air interface of NE1 to the air interface of NE2 and finally to the NMS port of NE2. Therefore,
the NMS cannot manage NE1 properly.

NE Parameter

NE1 IP address

Subnet mask

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NE Parameter

Main IP routes l

(destination IP address/ l
subnet mask/gateway/ interface
protocol/interface) l

NE2 IP address

Subnet mask

Main IP routes l

(destination IP address/ l interface
subnet mask/gateway/ l


The SWDL_ACTIVATED_TIMEOUT alarm indicates that the commit operation is not
performed within 30 minutes after activation of the NE software in a package loading task.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Processing alarm


Impact on the System

Software files in the OFS1 and OFS2 areas of the system control unit are inconsistent.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The commit operation is not performed within 30 minutes after activation of the
NE software.
l Cause 2: In a package diffusion task, NEs included in the package diffusion task fail to
receive the commit command due to radio link failures.

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Step 1 Cause 1: The commit operation is not performed within 30 minutes after activation of the NE
1. Proceed the task with the commit operation.

Step 2 Cause 2: In a package diffusion task, NEs included in the package diffusion task fail to receive
the commit command due to radio link failures.
1. Check whether any radio link is faulty.

If... Then...
The links are faulty Rectify the faults on the radio links and ensure that the links
along which the package is diffused are normal.
The links are normal Perform the commit operation for the alarmed NE.


Related Information


The SWDL_COMMIT_FAIL alarm indicates that the commit operation on an NE fails in a
package loading task.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Processing alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm indicates that the software versions in the OFS1 and OFS2 areas of the system control
unit are inconsistent. As a result, the package loading task fails and the upgrade task fails.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Software backup fails.
l Cause 2: Software fails to be loaded or activated.

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Step 1 Check and ensure the loaded software package is correct.

Step 2 Perform another package loading task for the alarmed NE.


Related Information


The SWDL_INPROCESS is an alarm indicating that the NE is performing a package loading


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Warning Processing alarm


Impact on the System

Do not change NE configurations, download/upload files, back up databases, or perform other
similar operations before the task is completed.

Possible Causes
Cause: The NE is performing a package loading task.

Step 1 Wait until the alarm clears. The alarm clears after the package loading task is completed or after
a rollback is completed in the case of a diffusion failure.


Related Information

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The SWDL_NEPKGCHECK is an alarm indicating that a file in the loaded software package
is lost or cannot be recovered after a file check failure.

The SWDL_NEPKGCHECK is an alarm indicating that a file in the loaded software package
is lost or cannot be recovered after a file check failure. This alarm is reported when the NE
software initiates a package file check, detects the loss of a file, and fails to recover the file from
any complete package in other areas.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Processing alarm


Impact on the System

l If this alarm occurs in the process of package loading, the loading task fails.
l If this alarm occurs in other cases, automatic software matching fails.

Possible Causes
Cause: A file in the software package is lost and cannot be recovered.

Step 1 Load the correct software package onto the alarmed NE.


Related Information


The SWDL_PKGVER_MM is an alarm indicating that the consistency check on the software
package version fails. This alarm is reported when the consistency check on the software package
version fails.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Processing alarm


Impact on the System

The version of the software package is inconsistent with that described in the software package.
As a result, certain functions of the NE may be affected.

Possible Causes
Cause: The software version information in the description file of the software package is
inconsistent with the actual information about the software version.

Step 1 Ensure that the loaded software package is correct. Perform package loading for the NEs that
report the SWDL_PKGVER_MM alarm.


Related Information


The SWDL_ROLLBACK_FAIL is an alarm indicating that an NE rollback fails.

Alarm Severity Alarm Type
Minor Processing alarm


Impact on the System

This alarm affects some functions of the system.

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Possible Causes
Cause: The files for certain function modules are not loaded during software package loading.

Step 1 Add the required files to the software package and load the software package.


Related Information


The SYNC_C_LOS is an alarm indicating that the synchronization source level is lost. This
alarm is reported when a clock source in the clock source priority list is lost.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Warning Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The clock source is lost because it degrades and cannot be traced. This alarm has limited impacts
on services.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: A clock source is lost.

Step 1 Check the clock source priority list and determine the synchronization source corresponding to
the lost clock source.

Step 2 Handle the link interruption alarms, if any, on the physical link that transmits the synchronization


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Related Information


The SYSLOG_COMM_FAIL is an alarm indicating that the communication between the NE
and the syslog server fails.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The syslog information of the NE cannot be sent to the syslog server.

Possible Causes
Cause 1: In the TCP mode, the connection between the NE and syslog server is interrupted, or
the session between the NE and server is abnormal.

Step 1 Rectify the fault of the link between the NE and syslog server, or rectify the fault of the protocol.


Related Information


The TEMP_ALARM is an alarm indicating that the temperature crosses the lower/upper

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Environment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 l 0x01: The temperature crosses the upper threshold.
l 0x02: The temperature crosses the lower threshold.
Parameter 2 Indicates the alarmed location.

l 0x01: overall system

l 0x02: power amplifier

Impact on the System

Services or the equipment may be affected, and the NE cannot work normally.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The ambient temperature crosses the upper/lower threshold.
l Cause 2: The temperature detection circuit of the NE is faulty.
l Cause 3: The NE is faulty.

Step 1 If the ambient temperature is over high, take appropriate measures (for example, installing a
sunshade) to control the temperature.

Step 2 Remove the materials that cover or shelter the equipment.

Step 3 If the ambient temperature is normal and no heat dissipation problem exists, 5.1 Replacing an
OptiX RTN 380.


Related Information

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A.2.93 TF

The TF alarm indicates a laser transmission failure. This alarm occurs when an NE detects that
the output optical power of the laser crosses the preset alarm threshold.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Critical Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The laser transmission fails, causing service interruptions.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The laser is damaged.
l Cause 2: The laser is aged.

Step 1 Perform the operations in 5.2 Replacing an SFP Module.


Related Information


The TIME_LOCK_FAIL is an alarm indicating that time locking fails.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Equipment alarm

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Impact on the System

The slave node cannot trace the time of the master node and services contain bit errors.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Jump of the time stamp at the local node is dramatic.
l Cause 2: Time adjustment frequently occurs on the upstream node.
l Cause 3: The master node is not synchronous with the slave node.

Step 1 On the NMS, check whether the CLK_LOCK_FAIL alarm occurs. If yes, clear these alarms.

Step 2 If time adjustment frequently occurs on the upstream node, check for the cause and rectify the


If the master node is not synchronous with the slave node, rectify clock configurations to
synchronize their clocks.

Related Information


The TIME_LOS is an alarm indicating loss of the time source level.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Major Clock alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

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Name Meaning
Parameters 1 and 2 Indicate ID of the time source.

Parameter 1 indicates the slot number and Parameter 2 indicates the

optical port number.

The time source numbers of all ports on the RTN 380 are as follows:
l Microwave port: 0x01ff0001
l P&E port: 0x01ff0002
l COMBO port: 0x01ff0003
l GE port: 0x01ff0004

Impact on the System

The local NE cannot trace the time of its upstream NE.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The hardware is faulty, for example, an interface or optical fiber is faulty, or the
connection is wrong.
l Cause 2: The upstream clock equipment does not output 1588v2 signals.

Step 1 Cause 1: The hardware is faulty, for example, an interface or optical fiber is faulty, or the
connection is wrong.
1. Determine the type of the port that reports the alarm according to the alarm parameters.
2. If the port is a microwave port, check whether the MW_LOF alarm is reported on the port.
If yes, clear the alarm first.
3. If the port is an Ethernet port, check whether the ETH_LOS or ETH_LINK_DOWN alarm
is reported on the port. If yes, clear the alarm first.

Step 2 Cause 2: The upstream clock equipment does not output 1588v2 signals.
1. Check whether the 1588v2 configurations on the upstream equipment are correct. If no,
correct the configurations.


Related Information

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The TIME_NO_TRACE_MODE is an alarm indicating that the high precision time of an NE
is in the non-tracing state. This alarm is reported when the high precision time function is enabled
on an NE but the currently traced source is the internal source.


Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Equipment alarm


Impact on the System

The local NE may not be time synchronized with its upstream NE.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: The link between the local NE and its upstream NE is faulty.
l Cause 2: The announce attributes of the upstream NE cause the failure to trace the time

Step 1 Cause 1: The link between the traced time source and the local NE is faulty.
1. Rectify the link fault.

Step 2 Cause 2: The announce attributes of the upstream NE cause the failure to trace the time source.
1. Check the clock tracing relationship on the entire network according to the network plan.


Related Information


The USB_PROCESS_FAIL is an alarm indicating that databases cannot be recovered from or
backed up to the USB flash drive.

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Alarm Severity Alarm Type

Minor Equipment alarm

When you view an alarm on the network management system, select the alarm. In the Alarm
Details field display the related parameters of the alarm. The alarm parameters are in the
following format: Alarm Parameters (hex): parameter1 parameter2...parameterN. For details
about each parameter, refer to the following table.

Name Meaning
Parameter 1 l 0x01: data recovery
l 0x02: data backup
Parameter 2 Indicates the file type.

l 0x01: software package

l 0x02: patch package
l 0x03: system parameter area
l 0x04: script file
l 0x05: database file
l 0x06: license file

Impact on the System

Database backup/recovery fails, and the system remains in the original state.

Possible Causes
l Cause 1: Databases cannot be recovered from the USB flash drive.
l Cause 2: Databases cannot be backed up to the USB flash drive.

Step 1 Determine the type of the file that cannot be recovered from or backed up to the USB flash drive
according to the alarm parameters.

Step 2 In the case of a recovery failure, verify that the data in the USB flash drive is correct, and perform
another recovery attempt.

Step 3 In the case of a backup failure, verify that the NE data is correct, and perform another backup


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Related Information

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide B Performance Event Reference

B Performance Event Reference

Performance events are important indicators when the equipment performance changes. This
section describes all the possible performance events on the OptiX RTN 380 and how to handle
these performance events.

B.1 Performance Event List

The performance event list includes all the performance events of the OptiX RTN 380 and
classifies them into different types.

B.2 Performance Events and Handling Procedures

This section describes all the possible performance events on the OptiX RTN 380 and how to
handle these events.

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B.1 Performance Event List

The performance event list includes all the performance events of the OptiX RTN 380 and
classifies them into different types.

B.1.1 Microwave Performance Events

Microwave performance events include performance events associated with microwave bit
errors, ATPC, AMAC, signal to noise ratio (SNR), and power.

Table B-1 Microwave power performance events

Performance Event Name Description

TSL_MAX Maximum radio transmitted signal level

TSL_MIN Minimum radio transmitted signal level

TSL_CUR Current radio transmitted signal level

TSL_AVG Average radio transmitted signal level

RSL_MAX Maximum radio received signal level

RSL_MIN Minimum radio received signal level

RSL_CUR Current radio received signal level

RSL_AVG Average radio received signal level

TLHTT Duration when the transmit power is higher

than the upper threshold

TLLTT Duration when the transmit power is higher

than the lower threshold

RLHTT Duration when the receive power is lower

than the upper threshold

RLLTT Duration when the receive power is lower

than the lower threshold

Table B-2 FEC performance events

Performance Event Name Description

FEC_UNCOR_BLOCK_CNT Number of frames that cannot be corrected

through the FEC

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Table B-3 Radio link bit error performance events

Performance Event Name Description

IF_BBE Radio link background block error

IF_ES Radio link errored second

IF_SES Radio link severely errored second

IF_UAS Radio link unavailable second

IF_CSES Radio link consecutive severely errored


Table B-4 ATPC performance events

Performance Event Name Description

ATPC_P_ADJUST Positive ATPC adjustment event

ATPC_N_ADJUST Negative ATPC adjustment event

Table B-5 AM performance events

Performance Event Name Description

QPSKWS Working duration of the QPSK mode

QPSK_S_250M_WS Working duration of the QPSK Strong mode

with a 250 MHz spacing

QPSK_S_500M_WS Working duration of the QPSK Strong mode

with a 500 MHz spacing

QAMWS16 Working duration of the 16QAM mode

QAMWS32 Working duration of the 32QAM mode

QAMWS64 Working duration of the 64QAM mode

AMDOWNCNT Count of AMAC downshifts

AMUPCNT Count of AMAC upshifts

Table B-6 SNR performance events

Performance Event Name Description


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Performance Event Name Description



B.1.2 Other Performance Events

Other performance events include performance events associated with power of Ethernet optical
ports, lasers, radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers, board temperature, and clock.

Table B-7 Optical power performance events

Performance Event Name Description

TPLMAX Maximum transmit power of a laser

TPLMIN Minimum transmit power of a laser

TPLCUR Current transmit power of a laser

RPLMAX Maximum receive power of a laser

RPLMIN Minimum receive power of a laser

RPLCUR Current receive power of a laser

Table B-8 Transmitted bias current performance events

Performance Event Name Description

TLBMAX Maximum transmitted bias current of the


TLBMIN Minimum transmitted bias current of the laser

TLBCUR Current transmitted bias current of the laser

Table B-9 Board temperature performance events

Performance Event Name Description

BDTEMPMAX Maximum temperature of a board

BDTEMPMIN Minimum temperature of a board

BDTEMPCUR Current temperature of a board

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Table B-10 Laser temperature performance events

Performance Event Name Description

OSPITMPMAX Maximum laser temperature

OSPITMPMIN Minimum laser temperature

OSPITMPCUR Current laser temperature

Table B-11 RF power amplifier temperature performance events

Performance Event Name Description

PATEMPMAX Maximum temperature of an RF power


PATEMPMIN Minimum temperature of an RF power


PATEMPCUR Current temperature of an RF power


Table B-12 CPU usage performance events

Performance Event Name Description





Table B-13 Memory usage performance events

Performance Event Name Description

MEMUSAGEMAX Maximum memory usage

MEMUSAGEMIN Minimum memory usage

MEMUSAGECUR Current memory usage

MEMUSAGEAVG Average memory usage

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Table B-14 Clock performance events

Performance Event Name Description

MAXPHASEOFFSET Maximum phase offset

MINPHASEOFFSET Minimum phase offset

AVGPHASEOFFSET Average phase offset

MAXMEANPATHDELAY Maximum path delay

MINMEANPATHDELAY Minimum path delay

AVGMEANPATHDELAY Average path delay

B.2 Performance Events and Handling Procedures

This section describes all the possible performance events on the OptiX RTN 380 and how to
handle these events.


l AMDOWNCNT indicates the count of AMAC downshifts in the current performance
monitoring period.
l AMUPCNT indicates the count of AMAC upshifts in the current performance monitoring

Attribute Description

Performance event cell ACMDCNT (AMDOWNCNT),


Unit None

Impact on System
l A large value of this event indicates frequent AMAC shifts.
l If there is no factor that can affect a communication link such as sudden weather changes
but the AM shift count is very large, the communication link may be faulty. You must check
the communication link to prevent link failures.

Relevant Alarms

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This alarm is not reported by default. If you need the reporting of this alarm, change the setting
according to 7.3.5 Setting Monitoring and Auto-Report Status of Performance Events.

Possible Causes
When the AM function is enabled, the modulation scheme varies depending on the link quality.
One change from a lower order modulation scheme to a higher order modulation scheme is
recorded as one upshift, causing the AMUPCNT to increase by one. Similarly, one change from
a higher order modulation scheme to a lower order modulation scheme is recorded as one
downshift, causing the AMDOWNCNT to increase by one.

When the AM function is enabled and the modulation scheme is downshifted to QPSK Strong,
the channel spacing also varies depending on the link quality. One change from a lower spacing
to a higher spacing is recorded as one upshift, causing the AMUPCNT to increase by one.
Similarly, one change from a higher spacing to a lower spacing is recorded as one downshift,
causing the AMDOWNCNT to increase by one.


l ATPC_P_ADJUST indicates the positive ATPC adjustment event.
This performance event indicates that the quality of a communication link degrades. If this
event occurs, you need to increase the transmit power of the OptiX RTN 380 to maintain
the communication quality.
l ATPC_N_ADJUST indicates the negative ATPC adjustment event.
This performance event indicates that the quality of a communication link improves or the
transmit power of the OptiX RTN 380 is very high. If this event occurs, you need to decrease
the transmit power of the OptiX RTN 380.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell ATPCPADJUST (ATPC_P_ADJUST) and


Unit None

Impact on System
The ATPC adjustment indicates only the stability of a communication link and does not affect
services. A large value of this event indicates frequent ATPC adjustments.

If there is no factor that can affect a communication link such as sudden weather changes but
the ATPC adjustment count is very large, the communication link may be faulty. You must check
the communication link to prevent link failures.

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Relevant Alarms


l CPUUSAGEMAX indicates the maximum CPU usage.
l CPUUSAGEMIN indicates the minimum CPU usage.
l CPUUSAGECUR indicates the current CPU usage.
l CPUUSAGEAVG indicates the average CPU usage.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell SYS_CPU_CONDITION

Unit Percentage

Impact on the System


Relevant Alarms


l MEMUSAGEMAX indicates the maximum memory usage.
l MEMUSAGEMIN indicates the minimum memory usage.
l MEMUSAGECUR indicates the current memory usage.
l MEMUSAGEAVG indicates the average memory usage.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell SYS_MEM_CONDITION

Unit Percentage

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Impact on the System


Relevant Alarms



l MAXMEANPATHDELAY indicates the maximum path delay between the master clock
and the slave clock.
l MINMEANPATHDELAY indicates the minimum path delay between the master clock
and the slave clock.
l AVGMEANPATHDELAY indicates the average path delay between the master clock and
the slave clock.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell MAXMEANPATHDELAY


Unit ns

Impact on System
The difference between MAXMEANPATHDELAY and MINMEANPATHDELAY reflects the
variation of path delay. If the difference is too large, the clock performance will be affected.

Relevant Alarms


l BDTEMPMAX indicates the maximum temperature of a board.
l BDTEMPMIN indicates the minimum temperature of a board.

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l BDTEMPCUR indicates the current temperature of a board.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell XCS_TEMP

Unit 0.1°C

Impact on System
If the temperature of a board is very high or very low, the performance of the board degrades
and bit errors or other faults occur.

Relevant Alarms
The TEMP_ALARM alarm is reported if the temperature of a board exceeds the specified


l FEC_UNCOR_BLOCK_CNT indicates the number of frames that cannot be corrected
through FEC.
This event presents the number of errored blocks after FEC is performed.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell FECUNCORBLOCKCNT



Impact on System
If the value of FEC_UNCOR_BLOCK_CNT is not zero, services will contain bit errors.

Relevant Alarms
The MW_FEC_UNCOR alarm is reported if any bytes cannot be corrected. This alarm is not
reported by default. If you need the reporting of this alarm, change the setting according to 7.3.5
Setting Monitoring and Auto-Report Status of Performance Events.

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l IF_BBE indicates the radio link background block error.
BBE refers to the errored blocks excluding those in the unavailable seconds and severely
errored seconds.
l IF_ES indicates the radio link errored second.
An ES refers to a second in which one or more errored blocks are detected.
l IF_SES indicates the radio link severely errored second.
An SES refers to a second in which 30% or more errored blocks are detected or at least one
serious disturbance period (SDP) exists. The SDP refers to a period of at least four
consecutive blocks or 1 ms (taking the longer one) in which the BER of all the consecutive
blocks is higher than or equal to 10-2 or the signal is lost.
l IF_CSES indicates the radio link consecutive severely errored second.
A CSES refers to a second in a period (shorter than 10 seconds) when severely errored
seconds occur continuously.
l IF_UAS indicates the radio link unavailable second.
A UAS period starts from the first second of 10 consecutive SESs. These ten seconds are
a part of the unavailable time. A new available second period starts from the first second
of ten consecutive non-SESs. These ten seconds are a part of the available time.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell IF_BIP8

Unit None

Impact on System
A small number of bit errors do not affect services. Excessive bit errors, however, cause service
interruptions. Generally, the BER requirement is less than 10-3 for voice services, and less than
10-6 for data services.

Relevant Alarms
The MW_BER_SD or MW_BER_EXC alarm is reported if the BER exceeds the specified

Possible Causes
The system detects bit errors on the radio link by using the bit error detection overheads in
microwave frames.

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Step 1 See the MW_BER_SD or MW_BER_EXC alarm.



l IF_SNR_MAX indicates the maximum signal-to-noise ratio.
l IF_SNR_MIN indicates the minimum signal-to-noise ratio.
l IF_SNR_AVG indicates the average signal-to-noise ratio.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell IF_SNR (IF_SNR_MAX, IF_SNR_MIN)

IF_SNR_AVG_15M and

Unit dB

Impact on System
A higher signal-to-noise ratio indicate better link performance and a lower signal-to-noise ratio
indicates worse link performance such as bit errors or service interruptions.

Relevant Alarms



l MAXPHASEOFFSET indicates the maximum phase offset between the master clock and
the slave clock.
l MINPHASEOFFSET indicates the minimum phase offset between the master clock and
the slave clock.
l AVGPHASEOFFSET indicates the average phase offset between the master clock and the
slave clock.

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Attribute Description

Performance event cell MAXPHASEOFFSET


Unit ns

Impact on System
This performance event reflects the phase offset between the local NE and the upstream NE. If
the phase offset is larger than 100 ns for a while, the local NE cannot lock the time of the upstream
NE. That is, time synchronization fails between the local NE and the upstream NE.

Relevant Alarms
The TIME_LOCK_FAIL is reported if this performance event takes a value greater than 100


l OSPITMPMAX indicates the maximum temperature of a laser.
l OSPITMPMIN indicates the minimum temperature of a laser.
l OSPITMPCUR indicates the current temperature of a laser.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell TEMMN

Unit 0.1°C

Impact on System
If the temperature of a laser is excessively high or low, the performance of the laser degrades
and bit errors or other faults occur.

Relevant Alarms

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l PATEMPMAX indicates the maximum temperature of the radio frequency signal power
l PATEMPMIN indicates the minimum temperature of the radio frequency signal power
l PATEMPCUR indicates the current temperature of the radio frequency signal power

Attribute Description

Performance event cell XCS_TEMP

Unit 0.1°C

Impact on System
If the temperature of the radio frequency signal power amplifier is over low/high, the output of
radio frequency signal will become unstable, causing bit errors in services or other faults.

Relevant Alarms
The TEMP_ALARM alarm is reported if the temperature of the radio frequency signal power
amplifier exceeds the lower/upper threshold.

B.2.13 QPSKWS, QPSK_S_250M_WS, QPSK_S_500M_WS,


l QPSKWS indicates the working duration of the QPSK modulation scheme.
l QPSK_S_250M_WS indicates the working duration of the QPSK Strong modulation
scheme with a 250 MHz spacing.
l QPSK_S_500M_WS indicates the working duration of the QPSK Strong modulation
scheme with a 500 MHz spacing.
l QAMWS16 indicates the working duration of the 16QAM modulation scheme.
l QAMWS32 indicates the working duration of the 32QAM modulation scheme.
l QAMWS64 indicates the working duration of the 64QAM modulation scheme.

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Attribute Description

Performance event cell QPSKWSSECOND (QPSKWS)


Unit Second

Impact on the System

When the adaptive modulation and adaptive channel space (AMAC) function is disabled, the
performance event does not affect the system.
When the AMAC function is enabled and weather conditions are favorable, the working duration
(unit: s) of the AM full capacity mode should be the longest. If the working duration of a lower-
order modulation scheme is the longest, the radio link may be abnormal.

Relevant Alarms


l RLHTT indicates the duration when the receive power is lower than the upper threshold.
l RLLTT indicates the duration when the receive power is lower than the lower threshold.
l TLHTT indicates the duration when the transmit power is higher than the upper threshold.
l TLLTT indicates the duration when the transmit power is lower than the lower threshold.
TLHTT and TLLTT are valid only when automatic transmit power control (ATPC) is enabled.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell RLHTS (RLHTT), RLLTS (RLLTT),


Unit Second

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Impact on System

Relevant Alarms


l RSL_MAX indicates the maximum radio received signal level.
l RSL_MIN indicates the minimum radio received signal level.
l RSL_CUR indicates the current radio received signal level.
l RSL_AVG indicates the average radio received signal level.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell RSL

Unit 0.1 dBm

Impact on System
When the radio received signal level is very low or very high, bit errors occur and even services
are interrupted.

Relevant Alarms
If the radio received signal level exceeds the specified threshold, the RADIO_RSL_HIGH or
RADIO_RSL_LOW alarm is reported.


l TLBMAX indicates the maximum transmitted bias current of a laser.
l TLBMIN indicates the minimum transmitted bias current of a laser.
l TLBCUR indicates the current transmitted bias current of a laser.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell LSBCM

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Attribute Description

Unit 0.1 mA

Impact on System
Excessively high/low current may cause damage to lasers.

Relevant Alarms
The IN_PWR_ABN alarm will be reported if the receive optical power of the opposite end is


l TPLMAX indicates the maximum transmit optical power at an optical port.
l TPLMIN indicates the minimum transmit optical power at an optical port.
l TPLCUR indicates the current transmit optical power at an optical port.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell OPM

Unit 0.1 dBm

Impact on System
In normal cases, the receive optical power is 3 dB higher than the receiver sensitivity and 5 dB
lower than the overload power.

If the transmit optical power is very low or very high, the receive optical power at the opposite
site is accordingly very low or very high. As a result, bit errors occur and even services are

Relevant Alarms
The IN_PWR_ABN alarm will be reported if the receive optical power of the opposite site is


l RPLMAX indicates the maximum receive optical power at an optical port.

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l RPLMIN indicates the minimum receive optical power at an optical port.

l RPLCUR indicates the current receive optical power at an optical port.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell IPM

Unit 0.1 dBm

Impact on System
In normal cases, the receive optical power is 3 dB higher than the receiver sensitivity and 5 dB
lower than the overload power.

If the receive optical power is very low or very high, bit errors occur and even services are

Relevant Alarms
The IN_PWR_ABN alarm is reported if the receive optical power is abnormal.


l TSL_MAX indicates the maximum radio transmitted signal level.
l TSL_MIN indicates the minimum radio transmitted signal level.
l TSL_CUR indicates the current radio transmitted signal level.
l TSL_AVG indicates the average radio transmitted signal level.

Attribute Description

Performance event cell TSL

Unit 0.1 dBm

Impact on System
When the radio transmitted signal level is very low or very high, the radio received signal level
at the opposite site is accordingly very low or very high. As a result, bit errors occur and even
services are interrupted.

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Relevant Alarms
If the radio transmitted signal level is out of the range supported by the OptiX RTN 380, the
RADIO_TSL_HIGH or RADIO_TSL_LOW alarm is reported.

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Maintenance Guide C RMON Event Reference

C RMON Event Reference

RMON events reflect the running status of Ethernet services. This section describes all the
possible RMON events on the RTN 380 and how to handle these events.

C.1 RMON Alarm Entry List

RMON alarm entries refer to the table entries in the RMON alarm group.

C.2 RMON Performance Entry List

RMON performance entries refer to the table entries in the RMON statistics group or RMON
history group.

C.3 RMON Events and Handling Procedures

This section describes the RMON events that indicate Ethernet service exceptions and how to
handle these events.

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C.1 RMON Alarm Entry List

RMON alarm entries refer to the table entries in the RMON alarm group.

Table C-1 RMON alarm entry list

Abbreviatio Description Remarks


ETHDROP Number of packet loss events ETHDROP indicates the number of

crosses the threshold. packet loss events caused by
insufficient resources.

RXBBAD Number of bytes in the received bad FCS bytes are included but framing
packets crosses the threshold. bits are excluded.

ETHFCS Number of FCS error frames crosses FCS error frames exclude oversized
the threshold. frames and undersized frames.

ETHUNDER Number of received undersized Undersized packets are the packets

packets crosses the threshold. shorter than 64 bytes (including FCS
bytes but not framing bits) and
contain no errors.

ETHOVER Number of received oversized Oversized packets are the packets

packets crosses the threshold. larger than 1518 (including FCS
bytes but not framing bits).

ETHFRG Number of received fragmented ETHFRG indicates the number of

packets crosses the threshold. received packets that are shorter than
64 bytes (including FCS bytes but
not framing bits) and contain FCS
errors or alignment errors.

ETHJAB Number of received oversized error ETHJAB indicates the number of

packets crosses the threshold. received packets that are larger than
1518 (including FCS bytes but not
framing bits) and contain FCS errors
or alignment errors.

PORT_RX_B Bandwidth utilization ratio at a Bandwidth utilization ratio =

W_UTILIZA receive port (Number of received bytes x 8/
TION Monitoring period)/Configured or
actual bandwidth

PORT_TX_B Bandwidth utilization ratio at a Bandwidth utilization ratio =

W_UTILIZA transmit port (Number of transmitted bytes x 8/
TION Monitoring period)/Configured or
actual bandwidth

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C.2 RMON Performance Entry List

RMON performance entries refer to the table entries in the RMON statistics group or RMON
history group.

Table C-2 RMON performance entry list

Perform Performance Entry Name Description Remarks


Basic RXPKTS Received packets (packets) Bad packets, broadcast packets,

performa and multicast packets are
nce entry included.

ETHDROP Packet loss events (times) ETHDROP indicates the

number of packet loss events
caused by insufficient

RXOCTETS Received bytes (bytes) RXOCTETS indicates the total

number of bytes in received
packets (including bad packets),
including framing bits but not
FCS bytes.

RXMULCAST Received multicast packets RXMULCAST indicates the

(packets) total number of received good
packets with multicast
destination addresses,
excluding broadcast packets.

RXBRDCAST Received broadcast packets RXBRDCAST indicates the

(packets) total number of received good
packets with broadcast
destination addresses,
excluding multicast packets.

ETHOVER Received oversized packets Oversized packets are the

(packets) packets larger than MTU
(including FCS bytes but not
framing bits).

ETHJAB Received oversized error ETHJAB indicates the number

packets (packets) of received packets that are
larger than MTU (including
FCS bytes but not framing bits)
and contain FCS errors or
alignment errors.

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Perform Performance Entry Name Description Remarks


ETHUNDER Received undersized packets Undersized packets are the

(packets) packets shorter than 64 bytes
(including FCS bytes but not
framing bits) and contain no

ETHFRG Received fragments (packets) ETHFRG indicates the number

of received packets that are
shorter than 64 bytes (including
FCS bytes but not framing bits)
and contain FCS errors or
alignment errors.

PORT_RX_BW_UTILIZA- Bandwidth utilization ratio at a Bandwidth utilization ratio =

TION receive port (Number of received bytes x 8/
Monitoring period)/Configured
or actual bandwidth

PORT_TX_BW_UTILIZA- Bandwidth utilization ratio at a Bandwidth utilization ratio =

TION transmit port (Number of transmitted bytes x
8/Monitoring period)/
Configured or actual bandwidth

RXPKT64 Total of received 64-byte FCS bytes are included but

packets (including bad packets) framing bits are excluded.

RXPKT65 Total of received packets of 65 FCS bytes are included but

to 127 bytes (including bad framing bits are excluded.

RXPKT128 Total of received packets of 128 FCS bytes are included but
to 255 bytes (including bad framing bits are excluded.

RXPKT256 Total of received packets of 256 FCS bytes are included but
to 511 bytes (including bad framing bits are excluded.

RXPKT512 Total of received packets of 512 FCS bytes are included but
to 1023 bytes (including bad framing bits are excluded.

RXPKT1024 Total of received packets of FCS bytes are included but

1024 to 1518 bytes (including framing bits are excluded.
bad packets)

Extended RXBGOOD Bytes in received good packets FCS bytes are included but
performa (bytes) framing bits are excluded.
nce entry

Issue 02 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 269

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Perform Performance Entry Name Description Remarks


TXBGOOD Bytes in transmitted good FCS bytes are included but

packets (bytes) framing bits are excluded.

RXBBAD Bytes in received bad packets FCS bytes are included but
(bytes) framing bits are excluded.

TXUNICAST Transmitted unicast packets The unicast packets that are

(packets) discarded or fail to be
transmitted are included.

RXUNICAST Received unicast packets RXUNICAST indicates the

(packets) number of good unicast packets.

TXMULCAST Transmitted multicast packets The multicast packets that are

(packets) discarded or fail to be
transmitted are included.

TXBRDCAST Transmitted broadcast packets The broadcast packets that are

(packets) discarded or fail to be
transmitted are included.

RXGOODFULLFRAME- Bit rate of received good full Framing bits (20 bytes) and FCS
SPEED frames (kbit/s) bytes are included.

TXGOODFULLFRAME- Bit rate of transmitted good full Framing bits (20 bytes) and FCS
SPEED frames (kbit/s) bytes are included.

RXFULLBGOOD Number of bytes in received Framing bits (20 bytes) and FCS
good full frames (bytes) bytes are included.

TXFULLBGOOD Number of bytes in transmitted Framing bits (20 bytes) and FCS
good full frames (bytes) bytes are included.

RXPAUSE Received PAUSE frames RXPAUSE indicates the

(frames) number of MAC flow control
frames with the PAUSE opcode.

TXPAUSE Transmitted PAUSE frames TXPAUSE indicates the

(frames) number of MAC flow control
frames with the PAUSE opcode.

RXPKT1519 Total of received packets of FCS bytes are included but

1519 to MTU bytes (including framing bits are excluded.
bad packets)

TXPKT64 Total of transmitted 64-byte FCS bytes are included but

packets (including bad packets) framing bits are excluded.

Issue 02 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 270

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Perform Performance Entry Name Description Remarks


TXPKT65 Total of transmitted packets of FCS bytes are included but

65 to 127 bytes (including bad framing bits are excluded.

TXPKT128 Total of transmitted packets of FCS bytes are included but

128 to 255 bytes (including bad framing bits are excluded.

TXPKT256 Total of transmitted packets of FCS bytes are included but

256 to 511 bytes (including bad framing bits are excluded.

TXPKT512 Total of transmitted packets of FCS bytes are included but

512 to 1023 bytes (including framing bits are excluded.
bad packets)

TXPKT1024 Total of transmitted packets of FCS bytes are included but

1024 to 1518 bytes (including framing bits are excluded.
bad packets)

TXPKT1519 Total of transmitted packets of FCS bytes are included but

1519 to MTU bytes (including framing bits are excluded.
bad packets)

TXPKTS Number of transmitted packets Bad packets, broadcast packets,

(unit: packet) and multicast packets are

RX_DROP_RATIO Packet loss rate in the receive Discarded packets in the receive
direction (unit: 0.01%) direction/Total of received

TX_DROP_RATIO Packet loss rate in the transmit Discarded packets in the

direction (unit: 0.01%) transmit direction/Total of
transmitted packets

TXOCTETS Number of transmitted bytes Total number of transmitted

(unit: byte) bytes (including those in bad
packets), including FCS bytes
but not framing bits.

L2VPNa VUNI_RCVPKTS Packets received on the V-UNI -

VUNI_RCVBYTES Number of bytes received on the -
nce entry

Issue 02 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 271

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Perform Performance Entry Name Description Remarks


ETHOA ETH_CFM_FLR Packet loss ratio of an E-Line Packet loss ratio = (Number of
M service packets transmitted by the
802.1ag source MEP - Number of
packets received by the sink
MEP)/Number of packets
transmitted by the source MEP

ETH_CFM_FL Lost packets of an E-Line Number of lost packets =

service Number of packets transmitted
by the source - Number of
packets received by the sink
(Both numbers are detected by
the performance monitoring
scheme of OAM.)

ETH_CFM_FD Frame delay of an E-Line Frame delay = Time when the

service source MEP sends a request
packet - Time when the source
MEP receives the response

ETH_CFM_FDV Frame delay variation of an E- Frame delay variation is the

Line service difference between two frame
delay test results.

ETHOA ETH_CFM_FLR Packet loss ratio of an E-Line Packet loss ratio = (Number of
M service packets transmitted by the
802.1ag source MEP - Number of
packets received by the sink
MEP)/Number of packets
transmitted by the source MEP

ETH_CFM_FL Lost packets of an E-Line Number of lost packets =

service Number of packets transmitted
by the source - Number of
packets received by the sink
(Both numbers are detected by
the performance monitoring
scheme of OAM.)

ETH_CFM_FD Frame delay of an E-Line Frame delay = Time when the

service source MEP sends a request
packet - Time when the source
MEP receives the response

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Perform Performance Entry Name Description Remarks


ETH_CFM_FDV Frame delay variation of an E- Frame delay variation is the

Line service difference between two frame
delay test results.


l L2VPN services include a variety of E-Line and E-LAN services supported by the equipment.
l VUNI refers to the virtual UNI corresponding to the service source or sink on the UNI side.

C.3 RMON Events and Handling Procedures

This section describes the RMON events that indicate Ethernet service exceptions and how to
handle these events.


ETHDROP indicates the number of events that packet loss occurs due to insufficient resources.
If the number exceeds the threshold, an RMON threshold-crossing event will be reported.


ETHDROP does not count the packet loss events caused by link congestion or any other factor.

Impact on System
Frequent packet loss events affect services and the system, and therefore require immediate

Relevant Alarms

Possible Causes
This performance event indicates packet loss due to the full MAC buffer, FIFO overflow, or
reverse pressure.

l The lower threshold is set to non-zero value.

l The hardware at the local end is faulty.

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Step 1 Handle this alarm according to the specific performance event.

If... Then...
The number is lower than the lower Change the lower threshold to 0.
The number is higher than the upper Manually decrease the traffic from the
threshold opposite end. If the problem persists, go to the
next step.

Step 2 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.



ETHFCS indicates the number of received Ethernet data frames with FCS errors or alignment
errors at the local end (excluding oversized and undersized frames). If the number exceeds the
threshold, an RMON threshold-crossing event will be reported.

Impact on System
Most ports discard the packets with FCS errors or alignment errors. System services are
interrupted in the worst case.

Relevant Alarms

Possible Causes
1. The working modes of the local port and opposite port mismatch. For example, one port
works in full-duplex mode, and the other port works in half-duplex mode.
2. Bit errors exist on the transmission line.
3. The local end is faulty.

Step 1 Handle this alarm according to the specific performance event.

If... Then...
The number is lower than the lower threshold Change the lower threshold to 0.
The number is higher than the upper threshold Go to the next step.

Step 2 On the NMS, query the working modes of the local and opposite ports.

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If... Then...
The working modes mismatch Change the working modes to the same.
The working modes match Go to the next step.

Step 3 Replace the fiber or optical module of the local or opposite port.

Step 4 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.



ETHFRG indicates the number of received packets that are smaller than 64 packets and contain
FCS errors or alignment errors. If the number exceeds the threshold, an RMON threshold-
crossing event will be reported.

Impact on System
Data transmission is delayed or packet loss occurs.

Possible Causes
l The local port and opposite port work in different modes.
l The local end is faulty.
l The local port and opposite port work in half-duplex mode and communicate a very high
volume of data.

Step 1 Check whether the local port and opposite port work in the same mode.

If... Then...
The ports work in the same mode Go to the next step.
The ports work in different modes Change the working mode of the local port to the same
as the opposite port.

Step 2 Check whether the local port and opposite port work in half-duplex mode.

If... Then...
The ports do not work in half-duplex Go to the next step.
The ports work in half-duplex mode Change the working modes to full-duplex or

Step 3 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.


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ETHJAB indicates the received packets that are larger than 1518 and contain FCS errors or
alignment errors. If the number of packets exceeds the threshold, an RMON threshold-crossing
event will be reported.

Impact on System
Data transmission is delayed or packet loss occurs.

Possible Causes
l The local port and opposite port work in different modes.
l The local end is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the local port and opposite port work in the same mode.

If... Then...
The ports work in the same mode Go to the next step.
The ports work in different modes Change the working mode of the local port to the same
as the opposite port.

Step 2 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.



ETHOVER indicates the number of received packets that are larger than 1518. If the number
exceeds the threshold, an RMON threshold-crossing event will be reported.

Impact on System
A port discards the packets of a length greater than 1518 and therefore services are affected.

Possible Causes
1. The received packets are larger than 1518.
2. The local end is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the opposite end transmits packets larger than 1518.

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If... Then...
The opposite end transmits packets larger Notify the opposite end that the length of
than 1518 transmitted packets should be reduced.
The opposite end does not transmit packets Go to the next step.
larger than 1518

Step 2 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.



ETHUNDER indicates the number of received packets that are error-free and shorter than 64
bytes. If the number exceeds the threshold, an RMON threshold-crossing event will be reported.

Impact on System
The data frames of a length beyond the specific range are discarded. As a result, the system
services are affected.

Possible Causes
1. Excessive packets shorter than 64 bytes are received.
2. The local end is faulty.

Step 1 Check whether the opposite end transmits packets shorter than 64 bytes.

If... Then...
The opposite end transmits packets shorter than 64 Rectify the fault at the opposite end.
The opposite end does not transmit packets shorter Go to the next step.
than 64 bytes

Step 2 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.



RXBBAD indicates the total number of bytes in received bad packets, excluding framing bits
but including FCS bytes. If the number exceeds the threshold, an RMON threshold-crossing
event will be reported.

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Impact on System
Bad packets are discarded at ports, and excessive bad packets may even interrupt system services.

Relevant Alarms

Possible Causes
1. Errors occur when the opposite end transmits packets.
2. Bit errors exist on the transmission line.
3. The local end is faulty.

Step 1 Handle this alarm according to the specific performance event.

If... Then...
The number is lower than the lower threshold Change the lower threshold to 0.
The number is higher than the upper threshold Go to the next step.

Step 2 7.2.1 Browsing Current Performance Events of Ethernet, and handle the errors at the
opposite end depending on the type of bad types.

Step 3 Handle the bit errors on the transmission line.

Check whether the local end reports ETH_LOS or similar alarms because the external line is
damaged or over attenuated. If yes, clear these alarms.

Step 4 5.1 Replacing an OptiX RTN 380.


Issue 02 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 278

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D Alarm Suppression Relationship

When the alarm suppression function is disabled on an NE, the root alarm and certain correlated
alarms are reported if a fault occurs on this NE. After the alarm suppression function is enabled,
the root alarm is reported but the reporting of correlated alarms is suppressed depending on the
alarm suppression relationship.

Table D-1 Alarm suppression relationship

Alarm Identifier of the Suppressed Alarm
















Issue 02 (2014-03-07) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 279

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Alarm Identifier of the Suppressed Alarm







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E Glossary

3G See 3rd Generation.
3rd Generation (3G) The third generation of digital wireless technology, as defined by the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU). Third generation technology is expected to deliver
data transmission speeds between 144 kbit/s and 2 Mbit/s, compared to the 9.6 kbit/s to
19.2 kbit/s offered by second generation technology.

ABR See area border router.
ACAP See adjacent channel alternate polarization.
ACL See access control list.
AF See assured forwarding.
AIS alarm indication signal
AM See adaptive modulation.
ARP See Address Resolution Protocol.
ASBR See autonomous system boundary router.
ATPC See automatic transmit power control.
Address Resolution An Internet Protocol used to map IP addresses to MAC addresses. The ARP protocol
Protocol (ARP) enables hosts and routers to determine link layer addresses through ARP requests and
responses. The address resolution is a process by which the host converts the target IP
address into a target MAC address before transmitting a frame. The basic function of
ARP is to use the target equipment's IP address to query its MAC address.
access control list A list of entities, together with their access rights, which are authorized to access a
(ACL) resource.

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adaptive modulation A technology that is used to automatically adjust the modulation mode according to the
(AM) channel quality. When the channel quality is favorable, the equipment uses a high-
efficiency modulation mode to improve the transmission efficiency and the spectrum
utilization of the system. When the channel quality is degraded, the equipment uses the
low-efficiency modulation mode to improve the anti-interference capability of the link
that carries high-priority services.
adjacent channel A channel configuration method, which uses two adjacent channels (a horizontal
alternate polarization polarization wave and a vertical polarization wave) to transmit two signals.
air interface The interface between the cellular phone set or wireless modem (usually portable or
mobile) and the active base station.
alarm suppression A method to suppress alarms for the alarm management purpose. Alarms that are
suppressed are no longer reported from NEs.
area border router A router that can belong to more than two areas of which one area must be a backbone
(ABR) area.
assured forwarding One of the four per-hop behaviors (PHB) defined by the Diff-Serv workgroup of IETF.
(AF) It is suitable for certain key data services that require assured bandwidth and short delay.
For traffic within the bandwidth limit, AF assures quality in forwarding. For traffic that
exceeds the bandwidth limit, AF degrades the service class and continues to forward the
traffic instead of discarding the packets.
automatic transmit A method of adjusting the transmit power based on fading of the transmit signal detected
power control (ATPC) at the receiver
autonomous system A router that exchanges routing information with other ASs.
boundary router

BE See best effort.
BIOS See basic input/output system.
backup A periodic operation performed on data stored in a database for the purposes of
recovering the data if an error occurs. The backup also refers to the data synchronization
between active and standby boards.
bandwidth A range of transmission frequencies a transmission line or channel can carry in a network.
In fact, the bandwidth is the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies in
the transmission line or channel. The greater the bandwidth, the faster the data transfer
baseband A form of modulation in which the information is applied directly onto the physical
transmission medium.
basic input/output Firmware stored on the computer motherboard that contains basic input/output control
system (BIOS) programs, power-on self test (POST) programs, bootstraps, and system setting
information. The BIOS provides hardware setting and control functions for the computer.

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best effort (BE) A traditional IP packet transport service. In this service, the diagrams are forwarded
following the sequence of the time they reach. All diagrams share the bandwidth of the
network and routers. The amount of resource that a diagram can use depends of the time
it reaches. BE service does not ensure any improvement in delay time, jitter, packet loss
ratio, and high reliability.
blacklist A method of filtering packets based on their source IP addresses. Compared with ACL,
the match condition for the black list is much simpler. Therefore, the black list can filter
packets at a higher speed and can effectively screen the packet sent from the specific IP
bridge A device that connects two or more networks and forwards packets among them. Bridges
operate at the physical network level. Bridges differ from repeaters because bridges store
and forward complete packets, while repeaters forward all electrical signals. Bridges
differ from routers because bridges use physical addresses, while routers use IP
broadcast A means of delivering information to all members in a network. The broadcast range is
determined by the broadcast address.
burst A process of forming data into a block of the proper size, uninterruptedly sending the
block in a fast operation, waiting for a long time, and preparing for the next fast sending.

CC See continuity check.
CCDP See co-channel dual polarization.
CSES consecutive severely errored second
CSMA/CD See carrier sense multiple access with collision detection.
carrier sense multiple Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) is a computer
access with collision networking access method in which:
detection (CSMA/CD)
l A carrier sensing scheme is used.
l A transmitting data station that detects another signal while transmitting a frame,
stops transmitting that frame, transmits a jam signal, and then waits for a random
time interval before trying to send that frame again.
chain network One type of network that all network nodes are connected one after one to be in series.
channel spacing The center-to-center difference in frequencies or wavelengths between adjacent channels
in a WDM device.
co-channel dual A channel configuration method, which uses a horizontal polarization wave and a vertical
polarization (CCDP) polarization wave to transmit two signals. The Co-Channel Dual Polarization has twice
the transmission capacity of the single polarization.
congestion A flow control measure to solve the problem of network resource competition. When
management the network congestion occurs, it places packets into the queue for buffer and determines
the packet forwarding order.
continuity check (CC) An Ethernet connectivity fault management (CFM) method used to detect the
connectivity between MEPs by having each MEP periodically transmit a Continuity
Check Message (CCM).

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DCC See data communications channel.
DCN See data communication network.
DD database description
DM See delay measurement.
DRDB dynamic random database
DSCP differentiated services code point
data communication A communication network used in a TMN or between TMNs to support the data
network (DCN) communication function.
data communications The data channel that uses the D1-D12 bytes in the overhead of an STM-N signal to
channel (DCC) transmit information on the operation, management, maintenance, and provisioning
(OAM&P) between NEs. The DCC channel composed of bytes D1-D3 is referred to as
the 192 kbit/s DCC-R channel. The other DCC channel composed of bytes D4-D12 is
referred to as the 576 kbit/s DCC-M channel.
delay measurement The time elapsed since the start of transmission of the first bit of the frame by a source
(DM) node until the reception of the last bit of the loopbacked frame by the same source node,
when the loopback is performed at the frame's destination node.
dual-polarized antenna An antenna intended to simultaneously radiate or receive two independent radio waves
orthogonally polarized.

E-LAN See Ethernet local area network.
E-Line See Ethernet line.
E1 An European standard for high-speed data transmission at 2.048 Mbit/s. It provides
thirty-two 64 kbit/s channels. A time division multiplexing frame is divided in to 32
timeslots numbered from 0 to 31. Timeslot 0 is reserved for frame synchronization, and
timeslot 16 is reserved for signaling transmission. The rest 30 timeslots are use as speech
channels. Each timeslot sends or receives an 8-bit data per second. Each frame sends or
receives 256-bit data per second. 8000 frames will be sent or received per second.
Therefore the line data rate is 2.048 Mbit/s.
ECC See embedded control channel.
EF See expedited forwarding.
EMC See electromagnetic compatibility.
ERPS Ethernet ring protection switching
ES errored second
ESD electrostatic discharge
ETS European Telecommunication Standards
ETSI See European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
Ethernet line (E-Line) A type of Ethernet service that is based on a point-to-point EVC (Ethernet virtual

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Ethernet local area A type of Ethernet service that is based on a multipoint-to-multipoint EVC (Ethernet
network (E-LAN) virtual connection).
European A standards-setting body in Europe. Also the standards body responsible for GSM.
Standards Institute
electromagnetic A condition which prevails when telecommunications equipment is performing its
compatibility (EMC) individually designed function in a common electromagnetic environment without
causing or suffering unacceptable degradation due to unintentional electromagnetic
interference to or from other equipment in the same environment.
embedded control A logical channel that uses a data communications channel (DCC) as its physical layer
channel (ECC) to enable the transmission of operation, administration, and maintenance (OAM)
information between NEs.
expedited forwarding The highest order QoS in the Diff-Serv network. EF PHB is suitable for services that
(EF) demand low packet loss ratio, short delay, and broad bandwidth. In all the cases, EF
traffic can guarantee a transmission rate equal to or faster than the set rate. The DSCP
value of EF PHB is "101110".
extended ID The number of the subnet to which an NE belongs, used to identify different network
segments in a wide area network (WAN). Together, the ID and extended ID form the
physical ID of the NE.
extended NE ID The serial number of a subnetwork where an NE resides, which is usually used to
distinguish different network segments. An extended ID and an ID form the physical ID
of an NE.

FEC See forward error correction.
FIFO See first in first out.
FPGA See field programmable gate array.
FTP File Transfer Protocol
field programmable A semi-customized circuit that is used in the Application Specific Integrated Circuit
gate array (FPGA) (ASIC) field and developed based on programmable components. FPGA remedies many
of the deficiencies of customized circuits, and allows the use of many more gate arrays.
first in first out (FIFO) A stack management method in which data that is stored first in a queue is also read and
invoked first.
flooding A type of incident, such as insertion of a large volume of data, that results in denial of
forward error A bit error correction technology that adds correction information to the payload at the
correction (FEC) transmit end. Based on the correction information, the bit errors generated during
transmission can be corrected at the receive end.

GNE See gateway network element.

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gateway A device that connects two network segments using different protocols. It is used to
translate the data in the two network segments.
gateway network An NE that serves as a gateway for other NEs to communicate with a network
element (GNE) management system.

HSDPA See High Speed Downlink Packet Access.
HUAWEI Electronic The software used to view, search for, and upgrade electronic documentation of Huawei
Document Explorer products. HedEx, pronounced as [hediks], has two editions, HedEx Lite and HedEx
(HedEx) Server.
HedEx See HUAWEI Electronic Document Explorer.
High Speed Downlink A modulating-demodulating algorithm put forward in 3GPP R5 to meet the requirement
Packet Access for asymmetric uplink and downlink transmission of data services. It enables the
(HSDPA) maximum downlink data service rate to reach 14.4 Mbit/s without changing the
WCDMA network topology.

ICMP See Internet Control Message Protocol.
IDU See indoor unit.
IEEE See Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
IP Internet Protocol
IP address A 32-bit (4-byte) binary number that uniquely identifies a host connected to the Internet.
An IP address is expressed in dotted decimal notation, consisting of the decimal values
of its 4 bytes, separated with periods; for example, The first three bytes of the
IP address identify the network to which the host is connected, and the last byte identifies
the host itself.
IPv4 See Internet Protocol version 4.
IPv6 See Internet Protocol version 6.
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITU See International Telecommunication Union.
Institute of Electrical A professional association of electrical and electronics engineers based in the United
and Electronics States, but with membership from numerous other countries. The IEEE focuses on
Engineers (IEEE) electrical, electronics, and computer engineering, and produces many important
technology standards.
International A United Nations agency, one of the most important and influential recommendation
Telecommunication bodies, responsible for recommending standards for telecommunication (ITU-T) and
Union (ITU) radio networks (ITU-R).
Internet Control A network layer protocol that provides message control and error reporting between a
Message Protocol host server and an Internet gateway.

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Internet Protocol The current version of the Internet Protocol (IP). IPv4 utilizes a 32bit address which is
version 4 (IPv4) assigned to hosts. An address belongs to one of five classes (A, B, C, D, or E) and is
written as 4 octets separated by periods and may range from through to Each IPv4 address consists of a network number, an optional
subnetwork number, and a host number. The network and subnetwork numbers together
are used for routing, and the host number is used to address an individual host within the
network or subnetwork.
Internet Protocol An update version of IPv4, which is designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force
version 6 (IPv6) (IETF) and is also called IP Next Generation (IPng). It is a new version of the Internet
Protocol. The difference between IPv6 and IPv4 is that an IPv4 address has 32 bits while
an IPv6 address has 128 bits.
indoor unit (IDU) The indoor unit of the split-structured radio equipment. It implements accessing,
multiplexing/demultiplexing, and intermediate frequency (IF) processing for services.

jitter The measure of short waveform variations caused by vibration, voltage fluctuations, and
control system instability.

L2VPN Layer 2 virtual private network
LACP See Link Aggregation Control Protocol.
LAG See link aggregation group.
LAN See local area network.
LB See loopback.
LBM See loopback message.
LBR See loopback reply.
LCT local craft terminal
LM See loss measurement.
LOS See loss of signal.
LSA link-state advertisement
LSDB link state database
LT linktrace
LTM See linktrace message.
LTR See linktrace reply.
Layer 2 switching A data forwarding method. In a LAN, a network bridge or 802.3 Ethernet switch
transmits and distributes packet data based on the MAC address. Since the MAC address
is at the second layer of the OSI model, this data forwarding method is called Layer 2

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Link Aggregation A dynamic link aggregation protocol that improves the transmission speed and
Control Protocol reliability. The two ends of the link send LACP packets to inform each other of their
(LACP) parameters and form a logical aggregation link. After the aggregation link is formed,
LACP maintains the link status in real time and dynamically adjusts the ports on the
aggregation link upon detecting the failure of a physical port.
link aggregation group An aggregation that allows one or more links to be aggregated together to form a link
(LAG) aggregation group so that a MAC client can treat the link aggregation group as if it were
a single link.
linktrace message The message sent by the initiator MEP of 802.1ag MAC Trace to the destination MEP.
(LTM) LTM includes the Time to Live (TTL) and the MAC address of the destination MEP2.
linktrace reply (LTR) For 802.1ag MAC Trace, the destination MEP replies with a response message to the
source MEP after the destination MEP receives the LTM, and the response message is
called LTR. LTR also includes the TTL that equals the result of the TTL of LTM minus
local area network A network formed by the computers and workstations within the coverage of a few square
(LAN) kilometers or within a single building, featuring high speed and low error rate. Current
LANs are generally based on switched Ethernet or Wi-Fi technology and run at 1,000
Mbit/s (that is, 1 Gbit/s).
loopback (LB) A troubleshooting technique that returns a transmitted signal to its source so that the
signal or message can be analyzed for errors. The loopback can be a inloop or outloop.
loopback message The loopback packet sent by the node that supports 802.2ag MAC Ping to the destination
(LBM) node. LBM message carries its own sending time.
loopback reply (LBR) A response message involved in the 802.2ag MAC Ping function, with which the
destination MEP replies to the source MEP after the destination MEP receives the LBM.
The LBR carries the sending time of LBM, the receiving time of LBM and the sending
time of LBR.
loss measurement (LM) A method used to collect counter values applicable for ingress and egress service frames
where the counters maintain a count of transmitted and received data frames between a
pair of MEPs.
loss of signal (LOS) No transitions occurring in the received signal.

MA maintenance association
MAC See Media Access Control.
MAC address A link layer address or physical address. It is six bytes long.
MD See maintenance domain.
MDI medium dependent interface
ME maintenance entity
MEP maintenance end point
MIB See management information base.
MIP maintenance intermediate point

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MP maintenance point
MPLS See Multiprotocol Label Switching.
MSTP See Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol.
MTBF See mean time between failures.
MTTR See mean time to repair.
MTU See maximum transmission unit.
Media Access Control A protocol at the media access control sublayer. The protocol is at the lower part of the
(MAC) data link layer in the OSI model and is mainly responsible for controlling and connecting
the physical media at the physical layer. When transmitting data, the MAC protocol
checks whether to be able to transmit data. If the data can be transmitted, certain control
information is added to the data, and then the data and the control information are
transmitted in a specified format to the physical layer. When receiving data, the MAC
protocol checks whether the information is correct and whether the data is transmitted
correctly. If the information is correct and the data is transmitted correctly, the control
information is removed from the data and then the data is transmitted to the LLC layer.
Multiple Spanning A protocol that can be used in a loop network. Using an algorithm, the MSTP blocks
Tree Protocol (MSTP) redundant paths so that the loop network can be trimmed as a tree network. In this case,
the proliferation and endless cycling of packets is avoided in the loop network. The
protocol that introduces the mapping between VLANs and multiple spanning trees. This
solves the problem that data cannot be normally forwarded in a VLAN because in STP/
RSTP, only one spanning tree corresponds to all the VLANs.
Multiprotocol Label A technology that uses short tags of fixed length to encapsulate packets in different link
Switching (MPLS) layers, and provides connection-oriented switching for the network layer on the basis of
IP routing and control protocols.
maintenance domain The network or the part of the network for which connectivity is managed by connectivity
(MD) fault management (CFM). The devices in a maintenance domain are managed by a single
Internet service provider (ISP).
management A type of database used for managing the devices in a communications network. It
information base (MIB) comprises a collection of objects in a (virtual) database used to manage entities (such as
routers and switches) in a network.
maximum transmission The largest packet of data that can be transmitted on a network. MTU size varies,
unit (MTU) depending on the network—576 bytes on X.25 networks, for example, 1500 bytes on
Ethernet, and 17,914 bytes on 16 Mbit/s token ring. Responsibility for determining the
size of the MTU lies with the link layer of the network. When packets are transmitted
across networks, the path MTU, or PMTU, represents the smallest packet size (the one
that all networks can transmit without breaking up the packet) among the networks
mean time between The average time between consecutive failures of a piece of equipment. It is a measure
failures (MTBF) of the reliability of the system.
mean time to repair The average time that a device will take to recover from a failure.
microwave The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum with much longer wavelengths than infrared
radiation, typically above about 1 mm.

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multicast A process of transmitting data packets from one source to many destinations. The
destination address of the multicast packet uses Class D address, that is, the IP address
ranges from to Each multicast address represents a multicast
group rather than a host.

NAS network access server
NE network element
NE Explorer The main operation interface of the NMS, which is used to manage the
telecommunication equipment. In the NE Explorer, a user can query, manage, and
maintain NEs, boards, and ports.
NTP Network Time Protocol
network segment Part of a network on which all message traffic is common to all nodes; that is, a message
broadcast from one node on the segment is received by all other nodes on the segment.
network storm A phenomenon that occurs during data communication. To be specific, mass broadcast
packets are transmitted in a short time; the network is congested; transmission quality
and availability of the network decrease rapidly. The network storm is caused by network
connection or configuration problems.

OAM See operation, administration and maintenance.
ODF optical distribution frame
ODU See outdoor unit.
OSPF See Open Shortest Path First.
Open Shortest Path A link-state, hierarchical interior gateway protocol (IGP) for network routing that uses
First (OSPF) cost as its routing metric. A link state database is constructed of the network topology,
which is identical on all routers in the area.
operation, A set of network management functions that cover fault detection, notification, location,
administration and and repair.
maintenance (OAM)
outdoor unit (ODU) The outdoor unit of the split-structured radio equipment. It implements frequency
conversion and amplification for radio frequency (RF) signals.

P2P See point-to-point service.
PBS See peak burst size.
PDU protocol data unit
PHB See per-hop behavior.
PLL See phase-locked loop.
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol

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PPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet

PRBS See pseudo random binary sequence.
PSN See packet switched network.
PTP Precision Time Protocol
packet loss The discarding of data packets in a network when a device is overloaded and cannot
accept any incoming data at a given moment.
packet switched A telecommunications network that works in packet switching mode.
network (PSN)
peak burst size (PBS) A parameter that defines the capacity of token bucket P, that is, the maximum burst IP
packet size when the information is transferred at the peak information rate.
per-hop behavior IETF Diff-Serv workgroup defines forwarding behaviors of network nodes as per-hop
(PHB) behaviors (PHB), such as, traffic scheduling and policing. A device in the network should
select the proper PHB behaviors, based on the value of DSCP. At present, the IETF
defines four types of PHB. They are class selector (CS), expedited forwarding (EF),
assured forwarding (AF), and best-effort (BE).
phase-locked loop A circuit that consists essentially of a phase detector that compares the frequency of a
(PLL) voltage-controlled oscillator with that of an incoming carrier signal or reference-
frequency generator. The output of the phase detector, after passing through a loop filter,
is fed back to the voltage-controlled oscillator to keep it exactly in phase with the
incoming or reference frequency.
physical layer Layer 1 in the Open System Interconnection (OSI) architecture; the layer that provides
services to transmit bits or groups of bits over a transmission link between open systems
and which entails electrical, mechanical and handshaking.
point-to-point service A service between two terminal users. In P2P services, senders and recipients are
(P2P) terminal users.
polarization A kind of electromagnetic wave, the direction of whose electric field vector is fixed or
rotates regularly. Specifically, if the electric field vector of the electromagnetic wave is
perpendicular to the plane of horizon, this electromagnetic wave is called vertically
polarized wave; if the electric field vector of the electromagnetic wave is parallel to the
plane of horizon, this electromagnetic wave is called horizontal polarized wave; if the
tip of the electric field vector, at a fixed point in space, describes a circle, this
electromagnetic wave is called circularly polarized wave.
policy A set of rules that are applied when the conditions for triggering an event are met.
pseudo random binary A sequence that is random in the sense that the value of each element is independent of
sequence (PRBS) the values of any of the other elements, similar to a real random sequence.

QPSK See quadrature phase shift keying.
QoS See quality of service.

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quadrature phase shift A modulation method of data transmission through the conversion or modulation and
keying (QPSK) the phase determination of the reference signals (carrier). It is also called the fourth period
or 4-phase PSK or 4-PSK. QPSK uses four dots in the star diagram. The four dots are
evenly distributed on a circle. On these phases, each QPSK character can perform two-
bit coding and display the codes in Gray code on graph with the minimum BER.
quality of service (QoS) A commonly-used performance indicator of a telecommunication system or channel.
Depending on the specific system and service, it may relate to jitter, delay, packet loss
ratio, bit error ratio, and signal-to-noise ratio. It functions to measure the quality of the
transmission system and the effectiveness of the services, as well as the capability of a
service provider to meet the demands of users.

RADIUS See Remote Authentication Dial In User Service.
RADIUS An authentication mode in which the BRAS sends the user name and the password to
authentication the RADIUS server by using the RADIUS protocol. The RADIUS server authenticates
the user, and then returns the result to the BRAS.
RDI remote defect indication
RED See random early detection.
RF See radio frequency.
RFC See Request For Comments.
RMON remote network monitoring
RNC See radio network controller.
RSL See received signal level.
RSSI See received signal strength indicator.
RTN radio transmission node
Remote Authentication A security service that authenticates and authorizes dial-up users and is a centralized
Dial In User Service access control mechanism. RADIUS uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as its
(RADIUS) transmission protocol to ensure real-time quality. RADIUS also supports the
retransmission and multi-server mechanisms to ensure good reliability.
Request For Comments A document in which a standard, a protocol, or other information pertaining to the
(RFC) operation of the Internet is published. The RFC is actually issued, under the control of
the IAB, after discussion and serves as the standard. RFCs can be obtained from sources
such as InterNIC.
radio frequency (RF) A type of electric current in the wireless network using AC antennas to create an
electromagnetic field. It is the abbreviation of high-frequency AC electromagnetic wave.
The AC with the frequency lower than 1 kHz is called low-frequency current. The AC
with frequency higher than 10 kHz is called high-frequency current. RF can be classified
into such high-frequency current.
radio network A device in a radio network subsystem that is in charge of controlling the usage and
controller (RNC) integrity of radio resources.

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random early detection A packet loss algorithm used in congestion avoidance. It discards the packet according
(RED) to the specified higher limit and lower limit of a queue so that global TCP synchronization
resulting from traditional tail drop can be prevented.
received signal level The signal level at a receiver input terminal.
received signal strength The received wide band power, including thermal noise and noise generated in the
indicator (RSSI) receiver, within the bandwidth defined by the receiver pulse shaping filter, for TDD
within a specified timeslot. The reference point for the measurement shall be the antenna
receiver sensitivity The minimum acceptable value of mean received power at point Rn (a reference point
at an input to a receiver optical connector) to achieve a 1x10-12 BER when the FEC is
route The path that network traffic takes from its source to its destination. Routes can change
routing table A mapping table that stores the relationship between the original address, destination
address, SMS protocol type, and account. The SMSC delivers an SMS message to the
designated account according to the information in the routing table.

SD See signal degrade.
SF See signal fail.
SFP small form-factor pluggable
SNMP See Simple Network Management Protocol.
SNR See signal-to-noise ratio.
SPF shortest path first
SSL See Secure Sockets Layer.
SSM See Synchronization Status Message.
Secure Sockets Layer A security protocol that works at a socket level. This layer exists between the TCP layer
(SSL) and the application layer to encrypt/decode data and authenticate concerned entities.
Simple Network A network management protocol of TCP/IP. It enables remote users to view and modify
Management Protocol the management information of a network element. This protocol ensures the
(SNMP) transmission of management information between any two points. The polling
mechanism is adopted to provide basic function sets. According to SNMP, agents, which
can be hardware as well as software, can monitor the activities of various devices on the
network and report these activities to the network console workstation. Control
information about each device is maintained by a management information block.
Synchronization Status A message that carries the quality levels of timing signals on a synchronous timing link.
Message (SSM) SSM messages provide upstream clock information to nodes on an SDH network or
synchronization network.
service flow An MAC-layer-based unidirectional transmission service. It is used to transmit data
packets, and is characterized by a set of QoS parameters, such as latency, jitter, and

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shaping A process of delaying packets within a traffic stream to cause it to conform to specific
defined traffic profile.
signal degrade (SD) A signal indicating that associated data has degraded in the sense that a degraded defect
condition is active.
signal fail (SF) A signal indicating that associated data has failed in the sense that a near-end defect
condition (non-degrade defect) is active.
signal-to-noise ratio The ratio of the amplitude of the desired signal to the amplitude of noise signals at a
(SNR) given point in time. SNR is expressed as 10 times the logarithm of the power ratio and
is usually expressed in dB.
single-polarized An antenna intended to radiate or receive radio waves with only one specified
antenna polarization.
subnet mask The technique used by the IP protocol to determine which network segment packets are
destined for. The subnet mask is a binary pattern that is stored in the device and is matched
with the IP address.

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TD-SCDMA See Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access.
Time Division- A 3G mobile communications standard found in UMTS mobile telecommunications
Synchronous Code networks in China as an alternative to W-CDMA. TD-SCDMA integrates technologies
Division Multiple of CDMA, TDMA, and FDMA, and makes use of technologies including intelligent
Access (TD-SCDMA) antenna, joint detection, low chip rate (LCR), and adaptive power control. With the
flexibility of service processing, a TD-SCDMA network can connect to other networks
through the RNC.
tail drop A congestion management mechanism, in which packets arrive later are discarded when
the queue is full. This policy of discarding packets may result in network-wide
synchronization due to the TCP slow startup mechanism.
tolerance Permissible degree of variation from a pre-set standard.
traffic classification A function that enables you to classify traffic into different classes with different
priorities according to some criteria. Each class of traffic has a specified QoS in the entire
network. In this way, different traffic packets can be treated differently.
traffic shaping A way of controlling the network traffic from a computer to optimize or guarantee the
performance and minimize the delay. It actively adjusts the output speed of traffic in the
scenario that the traffic matches network resources provided by the lower layer devices,
avoiding packet loss and congestion.

UAS unavailable second
UAT See unavailable time event.
UDP See User Datagram Protocol.
UNI See user-to-network interface.

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User Datagram A TCP/IP standard protocol that allows an application program on one device to send a
Protocol (UDP) datagram to an application program on another. UDP uses IP to deliver datagrams. UDP
provides application programs with the unreliable connectionless packet delivery
service. That is, UDP messages may be lost, duplicated, delayed, or delivered out of
order. The destination device does not actively confirm whether the correct data packet
is received.
unavailable time event An event that is reported when the monitored object generates 10 consecutive severely
(UAT) errored seconds.
unicast The process of sending data from a source to a single recipient.
user-to-network The interface between user equipment and private or public network equipment (for
interface (UNI) example, ATM switches).

VB virtual bridge
VLAN virtual local area network
VM virtual memory

WEEE waste electrical and electronic equipment
WRED See weighted random early detection.
WRR weighted round robin
WTR See wait to restore.
Web LCT The local maintenance terminal of a transport network, which is located at the NE
management layer of the transport network.
wait to restore (WTR) The number of minutes to wait before services are switched back to the working line.
weighted random early A packet loss algorithm used for congestion avoidance. It can prevent the global TCP
detection (WRED) synchronization caused by traditional tail-drop. WRED is favorable for the high-priority
packet when calculating the packet loss ratio.
window General method for speech preprocessing, like Haming window.

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