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Trisha Mae A.

Salonga June 1, 2021

BSSW-3 Ms. Muyot

Situational Analysis

The BBM-SARA tandem won in the May 9, 2021, national elections with a
landslide victory of more than 16 million votes over the closest contender. It is
obvious that their winning is due to their popularity in the area. However, there are
other factors that contributed to it. One of these is the skinner's theory of operant
Operant conditioning is the process whereby an organism learns to respond
to its environment in a way that will be more likely to result in positive outcomes
and therefore survive. This theory states that positive reinforcement will lead to a
response or behavior becoming more frequent while negative reinforcement or
punishment will reduce or eliminate a behavior or response. The two candidates
are always seen together during campaign sorties even when they are not
campaigning together. This was effective in increasing their chances of winning
since people associate them with each other which make them appear as if they are
one team instead of two individuals running for the same position. The fact that
they were always seen together during campaign sorties made people think of them
as one team and therefore support them as one team thus resulting in a win for both
candidates. On the other hand, a skinner box is a device that uses operant
conditioning to test behavior in laboratory animals. It is usually made from a box
with a lever or key that the animal can press to get food. The animal will often
press the lever repeatedly until it gets its reward, which can be food or water. The
BBM-SARA used similar levers to manipulate voters into voting for them by
promising some benefits to different groups of voters as well as by making them
believe they were hated by other parties. By putting their names on every corner
and on almost every billboard, they made themselves seem omnipresent and forced
everyone to see their faces at least once a day. They also constantly used social
media such as Facebook and Twitter which constantly reminded the public of their
existence and what they had done for them in the past. This theory also states that
behaviors that are rewarded will be repeated and behaviors that are punished will
be eliminated. The people of the Philippines consciously voted for BBM-SARA
because they believe that they are good leaders and would like to have them as the
leaders of their country. It is also possible that some of those who voted for BBM-
SARA were manipulated by their parents and friends. Those who have been in the
Philippines for quite some time know that Filipinos are naturally submissive and
timid, especially when it comes to authority figures. In general, Filipinos don't like
to stand out in a crowd because they're afraid of being reprimanded or scolded by
people around them. This is true even if they know they're right or see what others
don't see or understand what others don't understand. Therefore, it's not surprising
why most Filipinos listen to what others say and do what they say even if they
know it's wrong or harmful. In general, Filipinos love to please other people
because we want to be liked by everyone else.
The theory of operant conditioning which is one type of conditioning that is
used to influence behavior. It was mainly developed to explain why organisms do
the things they do, and it was used to explain behavioral issues in animals as well
as humans. The skinner theory has three principles, these are positive
reinforcement, negative punishment, and extinction. Positive reinforcement is
when a response gets rewarded with something good and this will increase the
probability that the response will be repeated in the future. Negative punishment
occurs when a response gets punished with something bad and this will decrease
the probability that the response will be repeated in the future. Extinction occurs
when a response isn't rewarded or punished even if it has been previously rewarded
or punished and this will decrease the probability that the response will be repeated
in the future. When using BBM-SARA during their campaign for presidency, they
made use of these principles for them to gain supporters and convince people to
vote for them.

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