The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

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1. Write the correct number next to each word in the box.

..... pumpkin .... vegetables .... fire ..... smoke
..... head
..... money . .... farmer ..... ….horse ..... bridge .....

2. Opposites
Ugly beautiful always never
stupid Intelligent happy
sad near far New

3. Match the correct verbs to each picture. Then ask a student to

act out one of the verbs. The class has to guess the action and say
the verb in English. Do this with all the verbs.
..... find ..... cross ..... throw ..... remember ..... fall
..... dance ..... shout ..... ride ..... laugh ..... …. hit
A. Write the correct word under the correct picture.

B. Choose the correct words to make true sentences about the

1. The people in Sleepy Hollow are (superstitious / loud).
2. The (house / school) has got one room.
3. Ichabod is tall and (thin / windy).
4. Ichabod gives (singing / dancing) lessons to get more money.
5. Ichabod imagines that (animals / ghosts) are following him.
6. (Noises / Farmers) frighten Major Brouwer.
7. (The Headless Horseman / Ichabod) attacks Major Brouwer.
8. The students (listen / read) and they hear, “Help! Help!”

C. Match each sentence with the correct picture. Write the number
of the sentence in the box.
1. I’m very intelligent and I tell the girls interesting stories.
2. We cultivate vegetables and work with animals.
3. We tell stories about ghosts and witches with Ichabod.
4. I ride my horse around Sleepy Hollow when it’s stormy.
5. My head hits a rock and I die.
B. Use the words in Exercise A to fill in the blanks.
1. Katrina is beautiful and she’s got gold ........................... on her
2. Katrina’s family is very ........................... and has got a big farm.
3. Brom is big and ........................... and is an excellent rider.
4. Brom has got four good ........................... and he likes to have
fun with them.
5. Brom has got a ........................... to frighten Ichabod.
6. “Let’s play some ........................... on Ichabod,” says Brom.
7. They go to the school and put the leaves into
the ........................... .
8. ........................... , the students stop singing and run to the
9. Brom’s dog is making a ........................... noise outside the
10. The students finish their work ........................... and run
C. Match each sentence with the correct picture.
1. There’s always a lot of delicious food in the house.
2. Ichabod dresses in his good clothes.
3. Brom is angry and sad when he sees Ichabod and Katrina going
for walks.
4. The smoke fills the room.
5. Brom and his friends take everything from the desks and
6. “Look at Brom!” a girl says. “He’s standing on his horse!”

A. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences.

1. Ichabod ........................... fields and animals on his way to the

2. At the bridge, the Headless Horseman ........................... and
Brom can’t find him.
3. Brom says something to his friends and they
all ........................... .
4. Gunpowder doesn’t want to ........................... the bridge.
5. Ichabod ........................... to sing a hymn, but he can’t, because
he’s nervous.
6. Ichabod’s saddle ........................... to the ground.
7. The Headless Horseman’s head ........................... Ichabod’s
8. The people of Sleepy Hollow ........................... pieces of
pumpkin near Ichabod’s hat.

B. Match each of the 8 sentences from A above with a picture

below. Write the sentence number in the box next to each
C. Put the sentences from the story in the correct order.
a. Katrina marries Brom Bones.
b. A farmer tells the story of Major Brouwer and the Headless
c. Ichabod is very happy because he’s dancing with Katrina.
d. Ichabod comes out of the house. He’s sad and angry.
e. Ichabod falls to the ground, in front of Gunpowder.
f. Everybody is talking about Ichabod’s disappearance.
g. Suddenly, the black figure starts to move.
h. Many farmers and their families are in the garden at the

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