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Collective Bargaining and Labour

Jr. Class PGBE
EDI, Gandhinagar
10th March 2021
Industrial World
• Factors of Industrial Environment
a. Employee
b. Employer
c. Union
d. Legislature
• Indicative Health Parameters
• Collective Bargaining
a. Need
b. Scope
Industrial Relations
• Definition
• Labor Issues
• Interest Groups
• Government Machinery
– Labour Commissioner
– Conciliation Officer
– Factory Inspector
– PF Commissioner
• Role of Union
• Type of Union
– Registered – Recognized
– Internal – External
Factors leading to Bad Weather
• first known labor strike in recorded history
occurred during the 29th year of Ramesses III's
reign = 1154 BC
• Political Sautéing
• Ambitious Union Leaders
• Negligence of Employer
• Mistrust
• Uncertainty
• Internal Problems
What can Happen
• Loss of Work
• Go Slow
• Strike (Legal or Illegal)
• Lock Out – if you have to….
• Violent Outbreak
Dispute Resolution
Collective Bargaining

Collective Bargaining arrangements
• Parties
a. Management and representative body
• Agreed procedure
a. For parties to relate to each other and negotiation of
framework agreements and consultation
• Outcomes
a. A collective agreement
• Existence of sanctions
a. Designed to change the attitude of position of the
other party
© Archit Patel 10
Collective Bargaining Outcomes
• Substantive collective agreements
• Procedural collective agreements
• Single Union Deals
• New – Style Agreements
• Partnership Agreements

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Strategies for Prevention of Unrest
• No Union is Ideal
• Internal Union is Better
• Non Political External Union is doable
• Have a Direct approach
• Network
• Exemplary but not arbitrary actions
• Collective Bargaining
• Trusteeship Principle
• Good HR Manager
Important National/State Unions
• Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh – RSS/BJP
• Bharatiya Kamgar Sena - Shivsena
• Mazdoor Mahajan Sangh
• Hind Mazdoor Sabha
• CITU – CPI (M)
• Indian Railways Strike of 1974
• Ahmedabad Textile Mill Strike of 1922
• Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization
(PATCO) 1981
• Gujarat Police Outbreak
• SAIL Case
– Role Reversal
• Premier Auto Case
• Indiquip Case
• Hero Honda Unrest 2008
• Jet Airways Sep. 09
Legal Frame Work
• Factories Act 1948
• Industrial Disputes Act 1947
• Standing Orders Act, 1946
• Trade Unions Act, 1926

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