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IMB 713


Preeti Krishnan Lyndem, Visiting Faculty of Marketing, and Dhrithi Mahadevan, doctoral student prepared this case for class discussion. The
authors thank Rajesh Kumar Ghatanatti (Founder and CEO of Highway Delite) for his inputs during the 2016 campaign as well as case
preparation. The authors also thank Avimalya Ganguly, Prateek Agarwal, Raj Kiran Ravi, Raghuram Rayaprolu, Shilpa Goyal, and Yogesh
Chaturvedi for helping organize and monitor the campaign. This case is not intended to serve as an endorsement, source of primary data, or to
show effective or inefficient handling of decision or business processes.

Copyright © 2018 by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. No part of the publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise (including internet) – without the permission of Indian Institute of
Management Bangalore.
This document is authorized for educator review use only by Patricia Manco Vizcarra, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) until Mar 2020. Copying or posting is an infringement
of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Late evening on Friday, May 20, 2016 – after his colleagues had left from office for the weekend, Rajesh

Kumar Ghatanatti (Founder and CEO, Param Infotech Pvt. Ltd.) sat by himself in his Diamond District
office in Bengaluru to review the results of a three-week Google AdWords campaign that he had recently
run in India to boost the awareness of his brainchild mobile app brand ‘‘highway delite’’ (HD). This
Android-based app, launched on Google Play in October 2015, was the only app that provided travelers
with “verified” information of services and facilities such as toll booths, restaurants, fuel stations,

washrooms, hotels/lodges, vehicle service providers/stations like rentals as well as repair work,
emergency numbers, medical aid and pharmacies, accident zones, ATM machines, and tourist attractions
enroute. Of the 294,857 kilometers of Indian national and state highways, HD already hosted detailed
verified information for 5,000+ kilometers (over 3,500 kilometers verified by Rajesh himself) by May

Since its inception, HD expanded its user base via word-of-mouth and customer testimonials and had
acquired 558 users in the 7 months since launch by April 2016. Rajesh knew that building the brand’s
awareness in the Indian market would not be an easy task. As per CleverTap1 data from April 2016, 39%
of HD users launched the app only once and 21% of these uninstalled the app. While customer retention
would need to be undertaken by designing better customer engagement options with the app, Rajesh
would also need to acquire new users to scale up his operations. The Google AdWords campaign was an
attempt to boost brand awareness and increase app downloads from new users. Was this campaign
successful, overall? Should he continue working with the same campaign in the future?

As Rajesh opened the campaign report, he exclaimed with delight, “877 new users in just three weeks?!”



Mobile Devices

The Internet Trends Report (KPCB 2017) mentioned that the global smartphone penetration stands at 2.8
billion units with developing countries being the driving force of global smartphone sales (Gartner 2017;
EY 2015) as well as mobile usage. The analysis showed that consumers in India spent seven times more

time on mobile devices than on TV (GeoMarketing 2017). App Annie Report of 2017 mentions that ‘‘the
average smartphone user has more than 80 apps on their phone and uses close to 40 of them each month’’
(App Annie Report 2017).

Most users in emerging economies such as India had Android mobile devices. This was directly related to
the affordability of Android devices compared to iPhones (Android phone price: US$ 250 + vs. iPhone
price: US$ 650+). Also, one of the downsides of emerging markets was that mobile data was expensive

and slow, as compared to mature markets (Jana 2017). In India, 3G and 4G penetration was less than 5%
and had the third-slowest 4G network in the world functioning at 6.4 Mbps. Despite these statistics, the
number of smartphones sold in India increased by 30% between 2015 and 2016. By 2018, India’s
smartphone market share was predicted to increase by nearly 70% (Jana 2017).

CleverTap is a leading mobile marketing platform built for analytics and engagement.

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of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Mobile Apps

Given smartphone penetration, the market for mobile apps has only grown. In 2016, global revenue from
iOS Apple Store and Google Play saw a massive growth of 40% from the previous year. The number of
mobile app downloads grew by 15% from 2015 to 2016 (App Annie Report 2016). The number of apps
downloaded in India was over 6 billion in 2016, up from 3.5 billion in 2015 marking a 71% growth in

India; this was significantly higher than the overall 15% growth in app downloads around the world.
India’s growth in the year 2016 was large enough to surpass even the United States and become the
country having the highest number of Google Play app downloads (App Annie Report 2016).

The growth in mobile apps was estimated to be 40% annually in India and more than 25% in Brazil and
China (BCG Perspectives 2015). In select markets, an analysis showed that smartphone users spent seven

times more time in native apps than in mobile browsers, tended to access them thirteen times more often,
and convert at thrice the rate of mobile web users. This presented a big opportunity for businesses. Many
successful businesses were trying to tap this potential reserve, since more than half of their sales came
from mobile channels (App Annie 2017).

Some of the popular apps among Indian users were WhatsApp, Google Apps (such as Gmail, Google
Maps, Google+, Hangouts, and Google Drive), YouTube, Facebook, SHAREit, Instagram, and
Messenger (Jana 2017). In India, 50% of the top 10 apps used were either social or messaging apps. In
India alone, over 71 billion hours were spent in the top five social apps by Android users, with WhatsApp
accounting for more than half the time spent. Mobile Apps were also gaining momentum as far as the
travel industry was concerned. Customers were now reliant on mobile devices and apps to plan trips, book
hotels, navigate new airports and roadways, and plan places to sight see. App Annie Report suggests that

the total number of worldwide downloads for travel apps increased by 20% in 2016 as compared to 2015.
During the years 2014-2016, apps’ share of all smartphone bookings worldwide increased from 12% to
54%. Specifically, during the same time period in India, the percentage growth in total time in travel
category apps was reported to be more than 175%.

Indian Highways and Travel


India has one of the largest road networks in the world, spanning a total of over 4.86 million kilometers as
of 2016. Of this, approximately 5% was constituted by National and State highways which differ in terms
of who is the custodian of the roads (Table 1). As of 2016, the top three states in India which had the
longest highway networks are Maharashtra – capital city: Mumbai, Tamil Nadu – capital city: Chennai,
and Karnataka – capital city: Bengaluru (Table 2).

National and state highways witnessed increased monetizable opportunities due to the rise in tourism in
the country. The Government of India also proposed to monetize 105 highway projects worth US$ 21.57
million as part of new innovative models of financing. According to a 2016 report from the Indian Brand
Equity Foundation,2 the transport infrastructure sector in India was expected to grow at 6.1% in real terms


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Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

in 2017 and at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate of 5.9% through the year 2021, thereby becoming the

fastest-expanding component of the country’s infrastructure sector. The National Highways Authority of
India had plans to build 50,000 kilometers of roads worth US$ 250 billion by 2022 as part of a long-term
goal of doubling the length of the national highway network to 200,000 kilometers.


The Genesis

Rajesh Kumar Ghatanatti, a mechanical engineer with an MBA degree, found his previous job as a
consultant regularly taking him to the Indian hinterland via national and state highways. Reminiscing on
his experiences, he said:

Unlike in urban areas, on most highways, it is not at all easy to find basic amenities. Even
as a man, it was not always comfortable to travel—it can be much more challenging for
women, children, and older folk. I know of travellers who complained about accidents
and unavailability of emergency numbers or services. That is when I had the idea of HD
as a comprehensive app that provides verified information on all possible necessities
while commuting on an Indian highway.

Though Rajesh did not have a business background, he had tremendous faith in his vision. Also, his
upbringing in an Indian armed forces family had prepared him since his childhood for long travels, risk-
taking, and acceptance of life transitions. In January 2015, he started conducting an initial recce on a few

highways speaking to both travelers and highway service providers to whet his idea. When he gained
confidence about the need for such an app and the potential for impact, he incorporated Param Infotech
Private Limited.

The arduous task of information collection and verification of facilities and services on the first 2,000
kilometers covering highway routes Bengaluru-Mysore, Bengaluru-Hyderabad, Bengaluru-Tirupati, and
some routes of Goa were performed by Rajesh himself. By this point, he had developed a thorough

system of mapping the information and, hence, outsourced this activity to interns. In October 2015, HD
was officially launched in the Indian market on Google Play Store. Given the app’s potential for impact, it
has been incubated by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore’s NSRCEL3 – an entrepreneurial
activity hub as well as by Mobile 10X4 – an incubation initiative of the Internet and Mobile Association
of India.

Mobile App Features


HD was Android-based and available via Google Play Store. It provided 12 categories of information
along any route namely: Restaurants, Fuel, Washrooms, Hotels/Lodges, Tolls, ATMs, Attractions,
Vehicle Service Mechanics, Accident Zone, Pharmacy, Emergency, and Medical Aid (Exhibit 1). The


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of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

information that has been verified was indicated as being so. Unverified information was also provided on

the app. App users were also allowed to add more information and/or verification of existing details. HD
had, for the first time ever, introduced accident zones on the route maps and provided the nearest
emergency contact information. Totally, 500 of the 770 accident blackspots pan India (list officially
shared by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in India) were also included, adding to the
usefulness of the app.

App Target Customers

Since HD catered to highway travel, its primary customers constituted those who frequently traveled on
highways in India. These included self-driving and self-riding individuals (such as members of biker
groups and car rally groups), cab-drivers, tour planners, logistics planners, truck drivers, etc. Also, those

who were usually concerned or particular about highway safety information and enroute convenience
facilities also constituted the average customer profile of HD.

App Competitors

Based on app penetration, HD’s immediate competitor could be considered as Google Maps that provided
real-time GPS navigation for routes as well as information on traffic conditions. However, the
information on highway facilities and services was not verified. Similarly, trip planner apps such as
TripAdvisor, Routo, etc. also provided information from Google, which was not always verified. So, a
local restaurant or an ATM that would have existed at one time might have been removed due to some
construction activities, which would not reflect on travel apps with unverified information. HD was the

only app that furnished verified information to its users.

App Branding and Marketing

HD’s drive was to be a reliable supplier of verified information across the 12 categories for highway
travelers. A rigorous in-house process was in place to ensure accuracy of verified information so that HD
earned the reputation of being a trustworthy travel partner for tourists. In terms of the visual identity, HD

stood out with its black, white, and yellow colors in the logo, as well as the app (Exhibit 2).

In October 2015, Rajesh and his team also launched their website ( with the
same visual identity as the app (Exhibit 3). HD also opened accounts on Facebook
( and Twitter (@highwaydelite). Since its inception, HD
expanded user base mainly via word-of-mouth and customer testimonials to increase direct downloads
(99% of all downloads). In 2015-2016, the HD team distributed flyers at toll gates in the high-traffic

Bengaluru-Mysore Road during weekends. Few Facebook initiatives were also attempted but had failed
due to lack of better engagement content. Their desktop website provided a fair overview of their services
and linked users to the app on Google Play Store, but had a low traffic rank of 134,877 in India and
SEMrush rank of 22.4M with four organic keywords.

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of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Over time, Rajesh’s conviction about the usefulness of the app to highway travelers in India grew even

stronger. By the end of April 2016, the app had 558 active users. He opined:

Up until now our focus was on coverage and verifying outlets. Now that we have
achieved decent coverage, we should focus on customer acquisition as well.

As a start-up, he contemplated on how to increase app brand awareness and downloads in a cost-effective
manner. What kind of campaigns should he run? He had always heard about Google AdWords being an
effective tool. Perhaps, this was the right time to test it out.


In April 2016, HD conducted a market analysis to understand their app usage statistics. The primary users
of HD comprised tourists around metropolitan cities, who took road trips and vacations on weekends and
holidays; 96% of the users installed and accessed the app on their smartphones.

Campaign Strategy and Design

HD’s objectives of using Google AdWords were to boost brand awareness and increase app downloads
from new users. Therefore, four sub-campaigns were planned: Brand Awareness, Enroute Convenience,
Highway Safety, and Offbeat Attractions. HD decided to study the effects of the campaigns only for
highways via Bengaluru, as these routes were mapped with verified information on facilities and services.

These campaigns were scheduled to be run during a course of 3 continuous weeks, starting on April 27,
2016 until May 17, 2016. The first week was dedicated to campaign setup, while the remaining 3 weeks
were dedicated for taking actions based on outcomes. The bidding strategy used for Brand Awareness and
Offbeat Attractions campaigns was Maximize clicks,5 while that used for Enroute Convenience and
Highway Safety was Manual CPC.6 The landing page for all ads was the highway delite website with a
link to download the app via the Google Play Store (Exhibit 3).

The overall budget for the 3-week campaign was set at US$ 250. Of this amount, 25% was set aside for
the Brand Awareness sub-campaign. The remaining 75% was allocated in the order of importance of HD
functionality – 40% to Enroute Convenience, 25% to Highway Safety, and 10% to Offbeat Attractions.
Furthermore, only 25% of the budget was decided to be spent during Week 1, followed by 35% in Week
2, and finally by 40% in Week 3 (Table 3).

While all four sub-campaigns were targeted to increase brand awareness, the latter three were also

designed to increase awareness on specific features/services that HD provided. It was decided that the
sub-campaign for Brand Awareness would use both Search and the Google Display Network; whereas,

Maximize Clicks is an automated bid strategy that automatically sets bids in order to get as many clicks as possible within a budget. Maximize
Clicks is generally used when one is unsure of which keywords or placements are most profitable.
Manual CPC allows the administrator to control the maximum amount that can one could pay for each click of the ad. Manual CPC is generally
used when one has found that certain keywords are found to be more profitable and so the cost per click can be manually adjusted for those

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of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

the other 3 sub-campaigns would use Search-only. Desktops, smartphones, and tablets were the devices

targeted. Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mysore, Wayanad, Calicut, and Cochin were the locations targeted as
these were all located in South India and mapped with verified information on HD. App installation was
chosen as the key indicator for each of the campaigns.

Keywords were chosen for every sub-campaign. For instance, “highway traveler”, “route guide”,

“highway pit stops”, etc. were some of the keywords designed for the Brand Awareness sub-campaign.
“Food on the go”, “highway hotels”, “clean toilets”, and “petrol pumps” were sample keywords for the
Enroute Convenience sub-campaign. “Highway accident”, “highway police”, “black spots” and “highway
breakdown” were sample keywords for the Highway Safety sub-campaign. “Detours” and “scenic photo
stops” were couple of the keywords chosen for the Offbeat Attractions sub-campaign. Negative keywords
were also decided to exclude unrelated search queries – for all sub-campaigns, negative keywords were

“city”, “city traffic”, “USA”, “Europe” and “America”.

The performance metric targets goals for the entire campaign were: Average CPC = US$ 0.60; Number of
impressions = 21,000; Number of clicks = 315; CTR = 1.5%; App installs by new users = 200.

The Campaign
The HD AdWords Campaign was launched on April 27, 2016 and was live for three continuous weeks.
During the course of the campaign, based on the search keywords entered by target customers, certain text
ads would appear on the screen (Exhibit 4).

Campaign Results

Rajesh had the following campaign results in the report: New users acquired (Table 4); Overall 3-weeks
campaign report (Table 5); 3-week campaign report by sub-campaigns (Table 6); Brand Awareness sub-
campaign daily report (Table 7); Enroute Convenience sub-campaign daily report (Table 8); Highway
Safety sub-campaign daily report (Table 9); and Offbeat Attractions sub-campaign daily report
(Table 10).


The count of 877 new installations delighted Rajesh. However, he still had some doubts concerning the
genuine success of the campaign. Should the entire campaign or only some of the sub-campaigns run for a
longer time? Could other digital and non-digital marketing media be complementary to Google
AdWords? Would video ads have given different results? Rajesh had to find answers to these questions.

He would need to look at the numbers closely and introspect before he could make any concrete decisions
for the future.

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of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords


1. Which of the four sub-campaigns was most successful? Why?
2. Which of the four sub-campaigns was least successful? Why?
3. Was the overall campaign (inclusive of all the 3 weeks) successful?
4. Which of the 3 weeks (Week 1 vs. Week 2 vs. Week 3) yielded maximum success for HD?

5. What 2-3 unique recommendations would you give Rajesh for boosting brand awareness and
increasing app downloads?
6. Has the campaign helped build the HD brand? Why or why not?


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of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords


App Annie Report (2017). App Annie 2016 Retrospective – Mobile’s Continued Momentum. Retrieved
on March 23, 2018 from

App Annie Report (2017). App Annie 2017 Retrospective: A Monumental Year of the App Economy.
Retrieved on March 23, 2018 from

EY (2015). Riding the new wave of digital growth. Retrieved on January 22, 2018 from$


Gartner (2017). Gartner Says Demand for 4G Smartphones in Emerging Markets Spurred Growth in
Second Quarter of 2017. Retrieved on January 22, 2018 from
GeoMarketing (2017). Mobile Dominates Consumer Time Spent In Emerging Markets — And It’s
Coming For The U.S., Retrieved on January 22, 2018 from

Jana (2017). Jana Insights. Retrieved on March 22, 2018 from

KPCB (2017), “Internet Trends Report,” Retrieved on January 22, 2018 from

Venkatesh, V., & Davis, F. D. (1996). A model of the antecedents of perceived ease of use: Development
and test. Decision Sciences, 27(3), 451-481.

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Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Table 1

Road Network in India

Category of Road (Custodian) Length in kilometers

National Highways (Central Government) 92,851

State Highways (State Government) 138,489

Major District Roads (State Government),

Rural and Urban Roads (Local Government)

Total Road Network 4,865,000

Source: as of 2014

Table 2
Indian National and State Highway Summary by States and Union Territories
National Highway Length State Highway Length
No. Name of State / Union Territory
(in kilometers) (in kilometers)
1 Andhra Pradesh 6,286 10,518
2 Arunachal Pradesh 2,537 0

3 Assam 3,845 3,134

4 Bihar 4,839 3,766
5 Chandigarh 15 0
6 Chhattisgarh 3,232 3,419
7 Delhi 79 139

8 Goa 262 279

9 Gujarat 5,017 19,761
10 Haryana 2,641 2,523
11 Himachal Pradesh 2,642 1,824
12 Jammu & Kashmir 2,601 67
13 Jharkhand 2,661 1,886
14 Karnataka 6,791 20,734

15 Kerala 1,782 4,341

16 Madhya Pradesh 7,854 8,728
17 Maharashtra 15,436 33,705
18 Manipur 1,746 1,137
19 Meghalaya 1,204 1,134

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Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Table 2 (Contd.)

20 Mizoram 1,422 259
21 Nagaland 1,547 404
22 Odisha 4,838 3,806

23 Puducherry 64 637
24 Punjab 2,769 1,393
25 Rajasthan 7,906 11,716
26 Sikkim 463 179
27 Tamil Nadu 5,381 26,985
28 Telangana 3,786 3,260

29 Tripura 854 689
31 Uttar Pradesh 8,711 8,432
30 Uttarakhand 2,842 1,576
32 West Bengal 2,998 2,991
33 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 331 0
34 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 31 0
35 Daman & Diu 22 0
36 Lakshadweep 0 0
Total 115,435 179,422

Sources: as of 2016

tC as of 2016

Table 3
Budget Allocation across Sub-Campaigns and Weeks

Week-1 (25%) Week-2 (35%) Week-3 (40%)

Sub-Campaign Budget

Weekly Daily Weekly Daily Weekly Daily

Brand Awareness 25% $62.5 $15.6 $2.2 $21.9 $3.1 $25.0 $3.6

Enroute 40% $100 $25.0 $3,6 $35.0 $5.0 $40.0 $5.7


Highway Safety 25% $62.5 $15.6 $2.2 $21.9 $3.1 $25.0 $3.6

Offbeat Attractions 10% $25.0 $6.3 $0.9 $8.8 $1.3 $10.0 $1.4

Source: Company

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Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Table 4

New User Acquired

Date New Users

27-04-2016 0

28-04-2016 0
29-04-2016 0
30-04-2016 0
01-05-2016 21
02-05-2016 0
03-05-2016 0

04-05-2016 53
05-05-2016 73
06-05-2016 75
07-05-2016 91
08-05-2016 49
09-05-2016 77
10-05-2016 51
11-05-2016 58
12-05-2016 67
13-05-2016 57
14-05-2016 44

15-05-2016 39
16-05-2016 49
17-05-2016 73
Total 877
Source: Company

Table 5
Overall 3-Week Campaign Report

Budgeted Actual Average

($) Clicks Impressions ($) Position
Week 1 (27 April –
3 May) 62.50 220 16,950 55.64 1.6

Week 2 (4-10 May) 87.50 467 49,100 89.09 1.9

Week 3 (11-17 May) 100.00 430 42,760 103.75 2.1
Total 250.00 1,117 108,810.00 248.48 1.9

Source: Company

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Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Table 6

3-Week Campaign Report by Sub-Campaigns

Week 1 (27 April – 3 May) Week 2 (4-10 May)

Sub-Campaigns Clicks Impressions Cost ($) Clicks Impressions Cost ($)
Brand Awareness 79 8,762 $6.46 199 25,384 $9.82

Enroute Convenience 51 4,495 $11.92 75 10,633 $24.30
Highway Safety 43 2,496 $19.81 134 7,705 $45.58
Offbeat Attractions 47 1,205 $17.45 59 5,378 $9.39

Total 220 16,958 $55.64 467 49,100 $89.09

Week 3 (11-17 May) Total (27 April – 17 May)
Sub-Campaigns Clicks Impressions Cost ($) Clicks Impressions ($)
Brand Awareness 135 21,626 $10.33 413 55,772 $26.61
Enroute Convenience 96 22,348 $44.85 222 37,476 $81.07
Highway Safety 147 9,480 $40.06 324 19,681 $105.45
Offbeat Attractions 52 6,217 $8.51 158 12,800 $35.35

Total 295 38,045 $93.42 1,117 125,729 $248.48

Source: Company

Table 7
‘‘Brand Awareness’’ Sub-Campaign Daily Report

Budgeted Actual Average

Date ($) Clicks Impressions ($) Position
27-Apr-16 0.00 0 0 0.00 0
28-Apr-16 2.60 3 189 2.36 1.2

29-Apr-16 2.60 8 560 0.88 1.8

30-Apr-16 2.60 14 1,556 0.84 1.2
01-May-16 2.60 2 431 0.06 1.5
02-May-16 2.60 26 3,870 1.19 1.2
03-May-16 2.60 21 1,691 0.92 1.3
04-May-16 3.13 22 2,540 0.95 1.3
05-May-16 3.13 44 3,904 1.55 1.3

06-May-16 3.13 48 4,488 1.62 1.2

07-May-16 3.13 9 1,486 0.31 1.4
08-May-16 3.13 14 4,023 1.04 1.3
09-May-16 3.13 23 3,264 1.94 1.5

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of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Table 7 (Contd.)

10-May-16 3.13 23 4,189 1.65 1.3
11-May-16 3.57 29 4,789 1.85 1.3
12-May-16 3.57 23 3,888 1.71 1.3

13-May-16 3.57 27 7,651 1.87 1.2
14-May-16 3.57 17 1,986 1.04 1.4
15-May-16 3.57 17 169 0.11 1.4
16-May-16 3.57 12 1,222 0.9 1.5
17-May-16 3.57 15 1,021 2.29 1.5
Overall 62.5 397 52,917 25.08 1.3

Source: Company

Table 8
‘‘Enroute Convenience’’ Sub-Campaign Daily Report

Budgeted Actual Average

Date ($) Clicks Impressions ($) Position
27-Apr-16 0.00 0 0 0.00 0
28-Apr-16 4.17 8 528 3.81 1.2
29-Apr-16 4.17 13 1,265 2.57 1.8
30-Apr-16 4.17 7 534 1.28 1.2
01-May-16 4.17 5 281 0.86 1.5

02-May-16 4.17 11 804 2.2 1.2

03-May-16 4.17 7 625 1.2 1.3
04-May-16 5.00 8 1,284 1.71 1.3
05-May-16 5.00 15 1,178 2.49 1.3
06-May-16 5.00 8 1,308 1.42 1.2
07-May-16 5.00 5 1,674 1.03 1.4

08-May-16 5.00 14 1,735 5.16 1.3

09-May-16 5.00 8 944 4.36 1.5
10-May-16 5.00 9 750 5.99 1.3
11-May-16 5.71 10 1,800 7.56 1.3
12-May-16 5.71 12 1,535 6.77 1.3
13-May-16 5.71 13 8,316 7.98 1.2
14-May-16 5.71 11 1,813 4.4 1.4

15-May-16 5.71 24 733 3.47 1.4

16-May-16 5.71 19 3,265 6.83 1.5
17-May-16 5.71 19 3,386 6.62 1.5
Overall 100.00 226 33,758 77.71 2.9

Source: Company

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This document is authorized for educator review use only by Patricia Manco Vizcarra, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) until Mar 2020. Copying or posting is an infringement
of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Table 9

‘‘Highway Safety’’ Sub-Campaign Daily Report

Budgeted Actual Average

Date ($) Clicks Impressions ($) Position

27-Apr-16 0.00 0 0 0.00 0
28-Apr-16 2.60 1 252 0.31 2
29-Apr-16 2.60 7 821 2.56 2
30-Apr-16 2.60 12 200 3.21 1.7
01-May-16 2.60 2 42 3.44 1.1
02-May-16 2.60 12 810 4.38 1.3

03-May-16 2.60 8 304 4.66 1.4
04-May-16 3.13 10 380 2.93 1.5
05-May-16 3.13 5 444 2.07 1.7
06-May-16 3.13 27 1,316 7.51 1.4
07-May-16 3.13 11 472 8.32 1.4
08-May-16 3.13 21 1,276 3.89 1.6
09-May-16 3.13 22 881 4.32 1.6
10-May-16 3.13 24 1,105 3.78 1.5
11-May-16 3.57 21 1,367 4.05 1.5
12-May-16 3.57 22 1,672 3.74 1.5
13-May-16 3.57 14 682 3.93 1.7
14-May-16 3.57 21 1,526 6.48 1.7

15-May-16 3.57 27 775 6.5 1.6

16-May-16 3.57 23 1,222 7.75 1.7
17-May-16 3.57 32 1,776 7.2 1.4
Overall 62.50 322 17,323 91.03 1.6

Source: Company

Table 10
Offbeat Attractions Sub-Campaign Daily Report

Budgeted Actual Average

Date ($) Clicks Impressions ($) Position
27-Apr-16 0.00 0 0 0.00 0
28-Apr-16 1.04 14 449 5.69 1.1

29-Apr-16 1.04 12 255 4.17 1.5

30-Apr-16 1.04 16 335 3.15 2.1
01-May-16 1.04 0 0 0 0
02-May-16 1.04 0 0 0 0
03-May-16 1.04 5 166 4.44 1.1

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This document is authorized for educator review use only by Patricia Manco Vizcarra, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) until Mar 2020. Copying or posting is an infringement
of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Table 10 (Contd.)

04-May-16 1.25 4 480 0.56 3
05-May-16 1.25 15 779 2.45 2.7
06-May-16 1.25 15 970 2.29 2.5

07-May-16 1.25 10 1,047 1.65 2.6
08-May-16 1.25 4 628 0.68 2.8
09-May-16 1.25 4 719 0.65 3
10-May-16 1.25 7 755 1.11 2.9
11-May-16 1.43 5 627 0.87 3
12-May-16 1.43 5 839 0.81 2.8

13-May-16 1.43 13 1,030 2.15 2.9
14-May-16 1.43 5 654 0.92 3
15-May-16 1.43 19 636 0.69 2
16-May-16 1.43 9 1,528 1.55 2
17-May-16 1.43 11 903 1.52 2.4
Overall 25.00 173 12,800 35.35 2.5
Source: Company

Exhibit 1
Highway Delite Snapshot

Source: Company

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This document is authorized for educator review use only by Patricia Manco Vizcarra, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) until Mar 2020. Copying or posting is an infringement
of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Exhibit 2

App Visual Identity


Source: Company

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This document is authorized for educator review use only by Patricia Manco Vizcarra, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) until Mar 2020. Copying or posting is an infringement
of copyright. or 617.783.7860
Highway Delite: Mobile App Brand Building Using Google AdWords

Exhibit 3

Website Snapshot

Source: Company

Exhibit 4

Example of Searches by Target Customers and Sample Text Ads Displayed

Example of Searches Sample Ads Displayed

“how to reach from Bengaluru to Mysore”
“where to eat on highways”
“highway toll charges”

“highway service stations”

“accident zones on my highway”
“nearest highway petrol pump”

“scenic spots on Bengaluru-Madikeri”

“highway detours on Bengaluru-Wayanad

Source: Company

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This document is authorized for educator review use only by Patricia Manco Vizcarra, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) until Mar 2020. Copying or posting is an infringement
of copyright. or 617.783.7860

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