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Program Title: SCHOOL LEARNING ACTION CELL(SLAC) for Sped Teachers


Basic Education Program: Special Education Program
Republic of the Philippines
Teachers: Department ofFacilitator:

Program Description This is a School Level Activity involving 6

Sped teachers that aims to capacitate the
teachers on the content of transition curriculum
guide for the learners with special educational
needs. It is also expected that teachers will
make an individualized transition program
designed for their pupil.

Mode of Delivery/Duration/Level of
Management The School Learning Action Cell(SLAC) for
Sped teachers will be conducted on the
following date.
Venue: MCS Sped Center

Date Topic
September 13,2020 Walkthrough on
Curriculum Learning
September 20, 2020 Functional Academic
September 27, 2020 Pre-Vocational
October 4, 2020 Life Skills Package
October 11, 2020 Enrichment Skills
October 18, 2020 Livelihood Skills
October 25, 2020 Care Skills Package
November 8, 2020 Career Skills
Values Commitment, dedication, resourcefulness and
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Beneficiaries Direct
Special Education Teachers of the school

Learners with Special Educational Needs

Budgetary Requirement/Service Each teacher is encourage to bring cartolina,
manila paper, marking pens and other
materials that will be used during sessions.
Outputs 1. Individualized transition program
2. Assessment tool
3. Visual aids

Organizational Outcome 1. Equip teachers on the knowledge and

content of the new transition
curriculum package
2. Engage teachers for collaborative
3. Provides an opportunity to every
learners with special educational
needs to receive quality education.

Developmental Impact 1. Establish harmonious relationship

among teachers
2. Enhance teachers’ competence on
transition curriculum
3. Improve learning level of learners

Activities Pre-Implementation
1. Brainstorming is conducted to plan topics
for SLAC
2. Orient teachers on the conduct of SLAC.
3. Prepare the proposal and necessary
materials needed.

Face to Face
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

1. Conduct the SLAC Sessions as

Post Implementation
1. Evaluate the SLAC Sessions
2. Prepare and submit accomplishment

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Other Strategies/Activities 1.Preparation of transition curriculum per

2. Preparation of teaching learning materials.

Success Indicators 1. Enhanced teachers competence on the

transition curriculum.
2. Provide every LSEN’S to live in a
meaningful life in the community.

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