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Gravitation and Central Force Motion

S. S. Ali

1. (a) What is the difference between geostationary satellite and synchronous

satellite ?
(b) A planet is moving in an elliptical orbit. At what point of the orbit does the
planet move the fastest and the slowest? Explain this using energy conservation

(c) A satellite of mass m is going around the earth in an elliptic orbit. The
altitude at the perigee is 1100 km, while at the apogee it is 3600 km. Calculate
(i) the value of the semi major axis, (ii) the eccentricity of the orbit

(d) Comet Halley moves in an elongated elliptical orbit around the sun. Its dis-
tances from the sun at perihelion and aphelion are 8.75 × 107 km and 5.26 × 109
km , respectively. Find the orbital semi-major axis, eccentricity, and period.
Given mass of the sun= 1.99 × 1030 kg.

(e) Two stars of masses M and m, separated by a distance d, revolve in circular

orbits about their center of mass. Show that each star has a period given by
4π 2 d3
T 2 = G(M +m)

(e) Show that the rate of change of the free-fall acceleration with vertical posi-
tion near the Earth’s surface is dg
= − 2GM
3 . This rate of change with position

is called a gradient. Here ME is the mass of the Earth.

(f)The free-fall acceleration on the surface of the Moon is about one-sixth that
on the surface of the Earth. The radius of the Moon is about 0.250RE (RE =
Earth’s radius = 6.37 × 106 m). Find the ratio of their average densities,
ρmoon /ρearth .

2. (a) Consider an isolated system consisting of two particles of mass m1 and m2
located at r1 and r2 from the origin. The interaction between them is described
by only central force F (r). Derive the equation of central force motion as a
single body problem which is identical to the motion of a single particle m1
or m2 under the influence of a central force F (r). In this derivation use the
concept of reduced mass.

3. (a) Consider a particle is subject to a central force only. Show that its angular
momentum is conserved.
(b) Suppose a particle is subject to a central force only. Show that its motion
takes place in a plane.

4. A particle of mass m subject to a central force only, is described by the potential

V (r). Its angular momentum is L. Let r and θ be the polar coordinates in the
plane of the motion. In these polar coordinates system, find the expression of
total energy E. Is the total energy constant of motion ? In this situation find
out the “ effective potential ” and corresponding “ effective force ”.

5. Consider a particle of mass m is subjected to a central force F (r) only. Its

angular momentum is L. Let r and θ be the polar coordinates in the plane of
the motion of the particle. Derive the following differential equation for orbit
of the system (the path of the particle in space)

d2 u m 1
= −u − 2 2 F ( )
dθ Lu u
where the parameter u = 1r . For what value of L, the above equation do not
hold. Explain this.

6. (a) Find the force law for a central-force field that allows a particle to move in
a logarithmic spiral orbit given by r = keαθ where k and α are constants.
(b) Determine r(t) and θ(t).

7. A particle of mass m is observed to move in a spiral orbit given by the equation

r = kθ, where k is a constant. Is it possible to have such an orbit in a central
force field? If so, determine the form of the force function.

8. An isotropic harmonic oscillator of mass m is subjected to a force law F (r) =

−k r, where k is a constant. Its angular momentum is L. What is its centrifugal
potential (Vcent ) in terms of L, m and r. Calculate its effective potential (Vef f ).
Draw the energy-diagram of V (r), Vcent (r) and Vef f (r) as function of r for the
isotropic harmonic oscillator. In the diagram, show the two turning points in
motion. How many force centers are in the plane of the orbit.

9. A particle of mass m is in the inverse-square force field F (r) = rk2 , where k is a
negative constant. Its angular momentum is L. Calculate its V (r), centrifugal
potential (Vcent) and effective potential (Vef f ). Draw the energy-diagram of
V (r), Vcent (r) and Vef f (r) as function of r. Suppose the motion is bound and
periodic ( i.e total energy < 0), then find the distance from the center of force
where the effective potential (Vef f ) is minimum. Evaluate the value of minimum
effective potential (Vef f ).

10. (a) A satellite of mass m is revolving around the earth with a speed v0 in a
circular orbit of radius r. q
Let h be height of the satellite above the earth’s
surface. Show that v0 = Re Reg+h , where Re is the radius of the earth and g is
the acceleration due to earth gravity at earth surface. r
(Re +h)3
(b) Show that the time period of revolution of the satellite T = 2π g Re 2
(c) If h = nRe , then compute the value of n which makes the T equal to 1 day,
given that T = 1.41 hours for n = 0.

11. A satellite is revolving round q

near the equator of a planet of mean density ρ
. Show that the period T = G3πρ which depends only on the density of the

12. Define inertial mass and gravitational mass. How are they related ?

13. The gravitational potential due to a mass distribution is V (x) = √ A , where

x2 +a2
A and a both are constants. Find the gravitational field.

14. Calculate the value of acceleration due to gravity at a point (a) 5.0 km above
the earth’s surface and (b) 5.0 km below the earth’s surface. Radius of earth
R = 6400 km and the value of g at the surface of the earth is 9.80 m/s2

15. A simple pendulum has a time period exactly 2 s when used in a laboratory
at north pole. What will be the time period if the same pendulum is used in
a laboratory at equator ? Account for the earth’s rotation only. Take g =
GM/R2 = 9.8 m/s2 and radius of earth R = 6400 km.

16. Explain : weightlessness in a satellite.

17. To first order, a pendulum displays simple harmonic motion and its period does
not depend on the amplitude of its swing. However, the motion of a pendulum is
not exactly simple harmonic motion. How do you calculate the correction to the
period due to finite amplitude (finite arc correction) of a pendulum (anharmonic
oscillator). Here you consider the correction up to second order. Calculate the
% of correction of time period for the angular swing θ0 = 50◦ with respect to
θ0 ≈ 0◦ (small amplitude motion).

18. What is the main difference between simple and physical (real) pendulum ?

19. A particle of mass m moves along a trajectory given by x = x0 cos(ω1 t), and
y = y0 sin(ω2 t).
(a) Find the x and y components of the force. Under what condition is the force
a central force ?
(b) Find the potential energy as a function of x and y.
(c) Determine the kinetic energy of the particle. Show that the total energy of
the particle is conserved

20. In an amusement park there is a rotating horizontal disk. A child can sit on it
at any radius. As the disk begins to “speed up”, the child may slide off if the
frictional force is insufficient. The mass of the child is 50 kg and the coefficient
of friction is 0.4. The angular velocity is 2 rad/s. What is the maximum radius
R where he can sit and still remain on the disk ?

21. Find the central force which results in the following orbit for a particle: r =
a(1 + cos θ).

22. An artificial satellite of mass m revolves in a circular orbit around the Moon of
mass M. The radius of the satellite is η times the radius of the Moon (R). In
the process of motion the satellite experiences a slight resistance due to cosmic
dust. Assuming the resistance force to depend on the velocity of the satellite

as F = αv 2, where α is a constant. Show that the time τ = α√mgR ( η − 1) for
the satellite which will stay in orbit until it falls onto the Moon’s surface. Here
g is the acceleartion due to gravity of the Moon.

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