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Class 10

MCQ on Unit 2: Self Management Skills

Q1. Importance of stress management is/are

A) Improves mood B) Boosts immune system
C) Increases efficiency D) All of the above
Answer (D)
Q2. Stress management prevents _____________.
A) psychological disorders B) behavioural problems
C) both of the above D) none of the above
Answer (C)
Q3. Which of the following help to manage stress?
A) Self-awareness of symptoms of stress
B) Speaking out to the family and friends
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above
Answer (C)
Q4. Stress cannot be ______ but _______.
A) Cured, practiced B) Eradicated, managed
C) Learnt, forgotten D) Avoided, welcomed
Answer (B)
Q5. Impact of stress depends on _________.
A) Age and health B) Profession C) Living conditions D) All of these
Answer (D)
Q6. Which is the odd stress symptom of the following?
A) Social withdrawal B) Depression C) Fatigue D) Anxiety
Answer (C)
Q7. _____________ is a practice of focusing on his/her mind.
A) Yoga B) Physical Exercise C) Meditation D) Nature Walk
Answer (C)
Q8. .............. helps to manage stress?
A) Recreational activities like watching movies etc
B) Going On Vacations with Family and Friends
C) Taking Nature Walks
D) All of the above
Answer (D)
Q9. Radhika has prepared a timetable to achieve her goal. This skill is known as
A) Self-Awareness B) Responsibility C) Time-Management D) Adaptability
Answer (C)
Q10. Stress leads to……………….
A) happiness B) positive thinking C) firmness D) mental troubles
Answer (D)


Q11. Term 1 exam is approaching nearby. Rahul is feeling unprepared. This
situation causes A) confidence B) stress C) positiveness
D) strong beliefs
Answer (B)
Q12. Which of the statements below is showing Rohan's weakness?
A) Rohan play the guitar very well.
B) Rohan is good at creative writing
C) Rohan finds it difficult to read English newspaper.
D) None of the above
Answer (C)
Q13. The force that is within you drives you to do things.
A) Self-Awareness B) Self-Regulation C) Self-Motivation D) None of the above
Answer (C)
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Q14. Which of the following makes a person complete work or studies without
others cheering him?
A) Self–confidence B) Communication C) Self–motivation D) Self–Esteem
Answer (C)
Q15. Which of the following is one of the signs of stress
A) tiredness B) headache C) feeling low D) all of these
Answer (D)
Q16. Which of the following activity does not reduce the stress?
A) Time Management B) Physical Exercise
C) Feeling Worried D) Healthy Diet
Answer (C)
Q17. Which of the following is/are important steps to manage emotional
A) Understanding of emotions B) Rationalise C) Practise D) All of the above
Answer (D)
Q18. Converting weakness into strength and strength into an exceptional talent is
known as
A) self-awareness B) self-confidence C) self-reliance D) self-regulation
Answer (A)
Q19. Which of the following can be considered as internal motivation?
A) love B) reward C) appreciations D) recognition
Answer (A)
Q20. Which of the following can be considered as external motivation?
A) reward B) appreciations C) recognition D) all of the above
Answer (D)
Q21. Rakesh practises hard to get the best dancer award in the competition. What
type of motivation is this?
A) Internal B) External C) Intermediate D) None of the above
Answer (B)


Q22. Radhika performed in inter-school competitions and learn some skills, such
as debating, singing etc. What type of motivation is this?
A) Internal B) External C) Intermediate D) None of the above
Answer (A)
Q23. A set of dreams with a deadline to get them...............
A) Goals B) Goal Setting C) Vision D) None of the above
Answer (A)
Q24. We can use ______ method to set goals.
A) SMART B) CLASS C) FIRST D) None of the above
Answer (A)
Q25. Goals should be ____________
A) Specific B) Measurable C) Achievable D) All of the above
Answer (D)
Q26. ____________ is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours of
your day well and do all that you want to do.
A) Self management B) Time management
C) Goal management D) None of the above
Answer (B)
Q27. The process of ______________ in your life helps you decide on how to live
your life, where you want to be, and how you want to be in the future.
A) managing time B) goal setting C) dealing people D) goals allows to
Answer (B)
Q28. How to be a successful person?
A) separate out what’s important B) focus on the end result
C) successful in career and life D) All of the above
Answer (D)
Q29. Time management helps an individual in…..
A) complete tasks on time
B) not to waste time
C) set future goals according to completion of tasks at regular interval
D) all of these
Answer (D)
Q30. Which of the following time management steps helps us to analyse that we
have used our time effectively?
A) Organize B) Track C) Control D) Prioritise
Answer (B)
Q31. Strength and weakness analysis starts with
A) knowing others B) understanding feelings of others
C) identifying others fault and weaknesses D) knowing yourself
Answer (D)
Q32. What is ‘S’ in SMART method of Goal Setting?
A) Smart B) Short C) Specific D) None of the above
Answer (C)
Q33. Qualities of Self-motivated People is/are ____________
A) They are focused B) They know what is important
C) They are dedicated to fulfill their dreams D) All of the above


Answer (D)
Q34. Issues related to health of an individual can lead to low self-esteem and
cause ___________stress.
A) Financial B) Emotional C) Mental D) Physical
Answer (D)
Q35. Staying with the current situation with new updated information and
preparing yourself for new challenges is called _________.
A) Responsibility B) Adaptability C) Time management D) Self-awareness
Answer (B)
Q36. Which of the following technique help you to become more active
A) Exercises and Yoga B) Sleep C) Healthy Diet D) Sleep
Answer (A)
Q37. Which of the following refresh your routine?
A) Healthy Diet B) Sleep
C) Holiday with family or friends D) Completing work on time
Answer (C)
Q38. Which of the following technique help you to keep calm?
A) Meditation and Yoga B) Watching TV and Web Series
C) Playing mobile games D) All of these
Answer (A)
Q39. he likes, dislikes, beliefs, values and background considered as
A) knowing oneself B) knowing others
C) knowing the peers D) knowing relatives
Answer (A)
Q40. Paresh did not like to lose any game or sports. This is his
A) strength B) weakness C) emotional intelligence D) positive feelings
Answer (B)
Q41. Which of the following technique provide you with the strength to do your
daily work efficiently?
A) Healthy Diet B) Sleep
C) Holiday with family or friends D) Completing work on time
Answer (A)
Q42. Breathlessness, dry mouth, butterflies in the stomach, indigestion etc are
signs of _________ stress.
A) Mental B) Physical C) Both of the above D) None of the above
Answer (B)
Q43. Self-Reliance means _____
A) Ability to Work Independently B) Complete the task effectively
C) Both of the above D) None of the above
Answer (C)
Q44. We can enhance Ability to work independently by being _____________
A) Self-aware B) Self-motivated C) Self-regulated D) All of the above
Answer (D)


Q45.Which of the following is not a Stress management technique?
A) Taking Nature Walk B) Focusing on negative aspects of life
C) Maintaining a positive attitude towards life D) None of the above
Answer (B)
Q46. Being _________ means that you can identify your strengths and
A) Self-Aware B) Self Motivated C) Self Regulated D) None of the above
Answer (A)
Q47. Which force is within you that drives you to do things.
A) Self-Awareness B) Self-Regulation C) Self-Motivation D) None of the above
Answer (C)
Q48. What is ‘S’ in the SMART method of Goal Setting?
A) Time B) Technique C) Torture D) None of these
Answer (A)
Q49. The demands to threats that cause emotional or mental or physical as well
as social reactions are known as
A) stressors B) positive thoughts C) attitude D) behaviour
Answer (A)
Q50. Write Full form of ‘SMART’
A) Special, Method, Active, Rate, Time
B) Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
C) Specific, Active, Method, Relevant, Time-bound
D) None of the above
Answer (B)



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