Lec-1 (Introduction To Fluid Mechanics)

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ME 407 – Fluid Mechanics

Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Peking University, China

MSc in Advanced Mechanical Engineering (University of
Leeds, UK)
BE in Mechanical Engineering (National University of
Sciences & Technology)

Department of Mechatronics Engineering,

College of E&ME, NUST

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407 – Fluid Mechanics

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 





DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

RM-896: Contents
Research Methodologies
1. Basic Properties of Fluids 5. Control Volume Flow 8. Pipe Flow
i. Introduction i. Continuity Equation i. General Characteristics
ii. Dimensionality ii. Moment of Momentum Equation of Pipe Flow
iii. Measures of Fluid Mass and iii. Energy Equation ii. Fully Developed Laminar
Weight iv. Irreversible Flow Flow
iv. Ideal Gas Law 6. Flow Analysis using iii. Fully Developed
v. Continuum Differential Methods Turbulent Flow
2. Fluid Statics i. Fluid Element Kinematics iv. Dimensional Analysis of
i. Static Pressure ii. Conservation of Mass Pipe Flow
ii. Standard Atmosphere iii. Conservation of Linear v. Single pipe flow
iii. Measurement of Pressure Momentum vi. Multiple pipe systems
iv. Buoyancy and stability iv. Inviscid Flow vii.Pipe flow measurement
v. Pressure variation in fluid v. Viscous Flow
3. Fluid in Motion 7. Dimensional Analysis &
i. Static, stagnation, Dynamic and Similitude
Total Pressure i. Buckingham Pi Theorem
ii. Use of Bernoulli Equation ii. Determination of Pi Terms
iii. Energy line and Hydraulic grade
iii. Modeling and similitude
4. Kinematics of Fluid Motion iv. Flow through Closed Conduits
i. Eulerien and Langranian Flow v. Flow around Immersed Bodies
ii. Flow losses vi. Flow with a Free Surface
iii. Dynamic and total Head Pressure vii.Similitude on Governing
iv. Reynolds Transport Theorem Differential Equation
ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 To familiarize self with the basic principles in the areas such as

Fluid Statics
Fluid Dynamics

 To enable self to solve the problems encountered in fluid machinery

from the concepts developed.

Mid Exam 20 %

Assignments (2-3) 10%

Quizzes (4-5) 20%

Project 10%

Terminal Exam 40%

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 Mechanics
A field of Science focused on the motion of material bodies

• Force
• Energy
• Deformation
• Motion
• Material Properties

 Fluid Mechanics
The material body in gas or liquid phase , the discipline is called fluid

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

Ancient Civilization
• Spears and Arrows propelled through air
• Development of water supply and irrigation
• Design of boats and ships

Greek and Roman Civilization

• Archimedes (287-212 B.C) Greek Mathematician introduce principle of hydrostatics
and flotation
• Julius Frontius (A.D 40 -103) Roman Engineer introduces water supply system

Renaissance Period
• Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) describe flow phenomena through sketches and
• Galileo Galieli (1564 – 1642) beginner of experimental mechanics.

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 Fluid Characteristics

• Qualitative aspects serves to identify nature or type of the characteristics

such as mass, length, time, temperature etc.
• Quantitative aspects provides a numerical measure of the characteristics
number and standard
Velocity = m/s = LT-1
Quantity SI Unit BG Unit Dimension

Mass Kilogram Slug M

Length Meter Foot L

Time Seconds Seconds T

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

All theoretically derived equations are dimensionally homogeneous

Dimensions left side = Dimensions right side

V = V. + at

Where v. is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration and t the time interval

m/s = m/s + m/s2 * s

LT-1 = LT-1 + LT-1

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

A liquid flows through an orifice located in the side of a tank as shown in Fig. E1.1. A
commonly used equation for determining the volume rate of flow, Q, through the orifice is

where A is the area of the orifice, g is the acceleration of gravity, and h is the height of the
liquid above the orifice.
FIND Investigate the dimensional homogeneity of this formula.

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

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DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

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DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

2 -2

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 Density and specific weight properties measure of fluid heaviness.

 Water and oil have approx same density but different flow behavior known
as ‘fluidity’ of the fluid.

 Hypothetical Experiments

 For solids bottom plate is rigidly fixed and upper plate is free to move
 Solid such as steel were placed between the placed and loaded with force P
 Top plate displacement δa (assuming solid attached to plates)
 AB changes to AB’ by small rotational angle

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 Shearing stress τ is developed to resist force P applied at the material


For Equilibrium
P = τA
A = effective upper plate area

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 For Elastic solids (such as steel)

δβ ∞ τ
δβ = shearing strain
τ = shearing stress

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 Hypothetical Experiments

 For liquids bottom plate is rigidly fixed and upper plate is free to move
 Plate moves continuously with velocity U when loaded with force P

 Fluid at upper plate has velocity U and lower plate is zero.

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 Fluid between plates move with velocity u = u(y) that varies linearly as
u = Uy/b
 Velocity gradient developed du/dy

Particular case but not true in complex flow

du/dy = U/b

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 Fluid and gases always satisfy no-slip condition (they always sticks to the
solid )
tan δβ ≈ δβ = δa/b
In interval δt line AB rotates through angle δβ
δa = U δt
δβ = U δt/b
In fluids δβ is dependent on both U and δt

γ = Lim δt-0 δβ/ δt

Equals to
γ = U/b = du/dy

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

As τ = P/A

τ ∞γ
τ ∞ du/dy
For common fluids (oil, water, gasoline and air)

τ = μ du/dy (A)
Where μ is constant of proportionality known as mu (Greek symbol) and is
called absolute viscosity, dynamic viscosity and simple viscosity.

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 From equation (A) the plot between shearing strees τ and rate of shearing

strain du/dy must be linear. (Newtonian Fluids)

 Viscosity is highly dependent on Temperature
ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 From equation (A) the plot between shearing strees τ and rate of shearing

strain du/dy is not linear. (Non Newtonian Fluids)

apparent viscosity μap slope

 For shear thinning apparent viscosity decreases

by increasing shear rate
 Harder fluid sheared, less viscous it becomes
 latex paint does not drip from brush as shear
rate is small and high viscosity

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

 For shear thickening apparent viscosity increases by increasing shear rate

 Harder fluid sheared, more viscous it becomes
 Examples are water corn starch mixture and water sand (quicksand)
 Difficulty in removing increases as speed of removal increase

 Bingham plastic neither solid nor liquid

 Can withstand a finite shear stress without
motion (therefore not a fluid) but once yield stress
exceeded flows like fluid (not a solid)
Examples are toothpaste and mayonnaise

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

• The intensity of the molecular attraction per unit length along any line in
the surface is called the surface tension and is designated by the Greek
symbol σ sigma.
• BG units of lb/ft
• SI units of N/m

• Value of the surface tension decreases as the temperature increases.

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

• Pressure inside a drop of fluid can be calculated as shown.

• Rise and fall is the common phenomena associated with surface tension.

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies
ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies
ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies
ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies
ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies
ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies
ME 407Research
RM-896: – Fluid Methodologies

DMTS – College of E&ME Dr. Anas Bin Aqeel

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