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100 Subjective


Full Syllabus
Preksha Sharma
❏ M.A. English, Delhi University


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100 Subjective

Full Syllabus

They do not sweat and whine about their

condition, They do not lie awake in the dark
and weep for their sins, They do not make me
sick discussing their duty to God, [CBSE
(a) Why do humans lie awake in the dark?.
(b) What do humans do about their
(c) Which word is opposite to “good deeds”?
(d) Find a word from the passage that is an
antonym of ‘Thanking’.

(a) Humans lie awake in the dark weeping for

their sins.
(b) They sweat and whine about their
(c) The word is ‘Sins.’
(d) The word is ‘whine’

So they show their relations to me and I

accept them, They bring me tokens of
myself, they evince them plainly in their
possession I wonder where they get those
tokens, Did I pass that way huge times ago
and negligently drop them?
[CBSE 2014]
(a) Who does ‘they’ refer to here?
(b) Explain the line: “They bring me tokens of
(c) Which word in the stanza means “show”?
(d) What similarities does the poet find
between the human beings and the animals?

(a) ‘They’ refers to the animals.

(b) The poet here means that the animals
remind him of true values of the human
nature such as kindness and innocence.
(c) The word is ‘Evince’.
(d) The poet finds that animals, like human
beings do not trouble others unless they are
compelled; they are equally kind and

Explain the satisfaction that animals have

and humans don’t. [CBSE 2014]

Animals do not have the desire to possess

worldly things. Whereas, the more humans
own, the more their desire to own grows,
leaving them dissatisfied forever. The
absence of this greed in animals keeps them
satisfied and its presence keeps humans

It is not complaining but accepting a

situation, the key to happiness in life.
Elaborate in context of the poem Animals’.
[CBSE 2015]

The poet Walt Whitman in his poem

‘Animals’ compares animals to human beings
and differentiates between them on the basis
of their characteristics. Animals have been
ranked much higher than humans in poet’s
perception. Since animals do not complain
about their situation, they are considered to
be much happier than humans. Animals live
in natural surroundings, they accept their
natural lives. Humans, on the other hand,
have never accepted nature, i.e., they
complain about it and try to change it,
leading to an unhappy life.

The poet in the poem Animals’ laments the

loss of certain values on the part of human
beings, whereas animals seem to have
retained them and are self contented.
Analyse the cause of degeneration of values
in today’s hard times.

In the modern civilised world, human beings

have achieved a lot of material values but
lost the real virtues. The more developed and
modern human beings became, the more they
lost the essence of their characters. Animals,
whereas, never adapted to any material
goods and always remained natural. This
natural aspect of animals has helped them
maintain their values. Humans, in order to
possess more and more have forgotten
kindness and innocence.
Preboard Specific

I think I could turn and live with animals,

they are so placid and self-containd, I stand
and look at them long and long.
(a) What does the poet want to turn into?
(b) Which qualities of animals attract the
(c) Which word is similar to the word
(d) Explain the successive use of the word
‘long’ twice and bring out its significance.
Preboard Specific

(a) The poet wants to turn into an animal.

(b) The poet is attracted to the calmness and
poise of the animals.
(c) The word is ‘Placid’.
(d) The successive use of the word ‘long’
makes the line significant; the first ‘long’,
denotes ‘period/Time’ whereas the other, ‘a
Preboard Specific

What does the poet mean by, “Not one is

respectable or unhappy over the whole

The poet means that animals do not pray to

God or to ancestors and all of them are
equal, hence no one is more respectable than
the other. The good values of animals and the
lack of social conventions make them happy.

What according to you should be the virtues

that humans should possess?
Preboard Specific

Human beings should be gentle not only to

their own kind but also to everyone and
everything. Virtues such as kindness bring
along other important values like innocence
and honesty that together make the world a
better place to live. The lack of such values
results in a corrupt society where people
commit sins and weep over them in dark.
This situation makes them dissatisfied and
unhappy in life. Human beings probably had
these virtues in them but along with
civilisation processes, they have left them
behind and adopted greed and cunningness.

Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda!

Remember your acne, Amanda!
Will you please look at me when I’m speaking
to you,
(a) Why is Amanda not looking at the
(b) Find the word in the extract which means
same as consume?
(c) The speaker is so worried about acne.
What does it show?
(d) Which word in the extract means the
same as ‘to gaze’? [CBSE 2016]

(a) Amanda is lost in her own thoughts and is

paying no attention to instructions being
given to her. That is why she is not looking at
the speaker.
(b) Eat means same as consume.
(c) Speaker being worried about acne shows
how much importance is given to physical
beauty in a household. Amanda is prepared
for the unforeseen future. Natural experience
such as acne is also taken care of at any
(d) To look means the same as ‘to gaze’.

Why does Amanda seem moody most of the

times? [CBSE 2016]

Amanda seems moody most of the time

because she is trying to make an escape from
her sorry reality where she is nagged most of
the times. It is indeed a sorry state for a
small child like Amanda to bear. Here the
only defence against such reality is her
imagination where she often escapes to.
Hence, it makes her look moody and

State the key points in the poem Amanda.

What do you learn from it? [CBSE2016]

Every child is special in itself, and it requires

a great deal of patience and love to make
them understand this. Parents should give
proper space to children, as they learn
through experiences as well. Children do
tend to learn certain bad habits, to undo that
requires great level of understanding and
right approach. One cannot teach their child
everything in one day and expect them to
behave properly henceforth. It is natural for a
child like Amanda to seek freedom at her
place, to curb that freedom means to make
her angry and moody.

Growing up of child should not be about dos

and don’ts only. To have nagging parents
judging every action of child would do more
harm than good. Robin Klein points to the
fact that Amanda is forbidden to do anything
without seeking permission. Everything she
does it is corrected by her mother all the
time, she cannot perform a single thing
according to her will. She can’t sit lazily
around, she can’t eat chocolate for that
could cause acne. Life of Amanda is very
suffocating and limited in itself. She yearns
for freedom and choice.

Her mother doesn’t understand the fact that

Amanda is innocent and naive, she is too
small to understand the benefits of advice.
Only thing that matters to Amanda’s mother
is what society will make of Amanda. We
witness miserable failure of parents when
Amanda wishes to be an orphan so that she
could be free.

Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!

Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!
Stop that slouching and sit up straight,
(a) Amanda is getting instructions for what
(b) Give a synonym of ‘hunch’.
(c) What does the speaker of above lines
instruct Amanda in the first stanza?
(d) What is the literary device used in the
third line?

(a) Amanda is getting instructions as a part

of her upbringing. Her conduct and manners
are getting refined for future purposes.
(b) Bend.
(c) Amanda is getting instructed for biting her
nails and sitting lazily with her shoulders
(d) Literary device used in third line is
Alliteration. ‘Stop that slouching and sit up
Preboard Specific

Write a short note on the title of the poem.

Preboard Specific

The title of the poem is Amanda as it

revolves around the upbringing of little girl
named Amanda. Her life is full of struggles
where she is denied freedom and expression.
Amanda is so much irate that she escapes
reality by living in her imaginative world.
Through this gateway she experiences
calmness, away from her nagging parents.
Preboard Specific

Why is Amanda getting scolded for having

Preboard Specific

Amanda is getting scolded for having

chocolates as previously it had caused her
acne. Amanda’s mother is very particular
about such things.
Amanda is made conscious about her
physical appearance. It is very sad that at
such a young age Amanda is made to worry
about natural experiences.
Preboard Specific

How life on a tower would be different from

life anywhere else for Amanda?
Preboard Specific

Life on tower for Amanda would be very

different from her reality. Just like Rapunzel,
even she desires to live on top of a tower,
away from everyday chaos. Amanda suffers
due to the constant nagging from her
parents. She seeks a place full of peace and
serenity, where there is no one to disturb her.
Hence, she wishes to live on a tower.
Preboard Specific

What is the central theme of the poem

Preboard Specific

The poem Amanda by Robin Klein highlights

the importance of upbringing of a child. It
points out that upbringing doesn’t involve
making a child responsible and fit for the
society only. It is important to note that
upbringing involves understanding from both
the sides. One cannot just force a child to be
civilised and good mannered. “Love and
proper care is required in nurturing of a child.

(There is a languid, emerald sea, where the

sole inhabitant is me – a mermaid, drifting
(a) Why are these lines given within
(b) Give the word from the passage which
means free flowing act of going with the
motion and force?
(c) What is the role of mermaid here?
(d) Which word in the extract means
opposite of ‘sorrowful’?

(a) These lines are given within brackets

because they reveal the inner thoughts of
Amanda. Brackets are used for visual
contrast between what Amanda is saying and
what her mother is instructing.
(b) Drifting means free flowing act of going
with the motion.
(c) Mermaid is a part of Amanda’s fantasy in
her own created world. As mermaid sails in a
sea carelessly and effortlessly, similarly
Amanda longs to do so in a place where she
is all by herself.
(d) Blissfully is opposite of sorrowful.

(I am an orphan, roaming the street,

I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.)
(a) How come silence is golden?
(b) Give a synonym of ‘roaming’.
(c) What is Amanda upto in this stanza?
(d) What poetic device is used in this stanza?

(a) Silence is shown golden using the poetic

device metaphor. By making silence golden
the poet is estimating the worth of silence.
For Amanda seeks peace and calmness,
which is absent in her reality.
(b) Wandering.
(c) Amanda is again taking refuge in her
imagination. Here, she wishes to be an
orphan, away from her nagging parents.
Amanda wants to roam aimlessly in streets
and draw patterns using just her bare feet.
(d) The poet uses metaphor such as ‘orphan’,
‘silence is golden’, and ‘freedom is sweet’.

Stop that sulking at once, Amanda!

You’re always so moody, Amanda!
Anyone would think that I nagged at you,
(a) Is Amanda really sulking?
(b) Why does the speaker care for others?
(c) Give the word from the passage which
means same as unstable.
(d) What poetic device has been used in the
first line of this stanza?

(a) Amanda is not sulking. She just doesn’t

care about instructions given to her as she is
lost in a world of her own.
(b) The whole poem revolves around the
aspect that how one is presented in a
society. Speaker doesn’t wish to be regarded
as a nagging parent in the society, so Amanda
is expected to put up a happy face all the
(c) Moody means same as unstable.
(d) ‘Alliteration’ has been used in the first
line; words ‘stap’ and ‘sulking’ start with the
same sound.

How does Amanda tackle the nagging nature

of her parents? Explain with examples from
the poem. What values does it portray about

Amanda is a small girl who is termed as

moody for her careless behaviour. But it is
very surprising to know that this is her
defence mechanism to shield against her
nagging parents. Amanda is getting
instructions from her parents, which become
too much to handle for the small girl. She is
told not to eat her nails and sit in a proper
position. Amanda’s response to it is her work
of imagination where she is a mermaid
drifting effortlessly by the languid river.
Further, she is asked about cleaning her
room and finishing her homework to which
she reacts being an orphan roaming in the
street and making patterns with her bare
feet. Amanda then faces the heat for eating a
chocolate, which had once caused her acne.
She takes the form of Rapunzel and wishes
to live on top of a tower away from everyone
in her imagination. Amanda’s parents are
upset over her behaviour and casualness, but
she stays in her own world. All these portray
Amanda in a positive light while her parents
in a negative light. We as readers feel very
sorry for a child like Amanda.

Belinda paled, and she cried, Help! Help! But

Mustard fled with a terrified yelp, Ink
trickled down to the bottom of the
household, And little mouse Blink
strategically mouseholed. [CBSE 2016]
(a) How did the people in the house react on
seeing the pirate?
(b) Why did everyone cry for help?
(c) What does ‘mouseholed’ mean?
(d) Write the antonym of ‘bottom’.

(a) Belinda became pale with fear and the

Mustard fled the scene. Ink went to the
bottom of the house and Blink vanished in a
mouse hole. They all cried for help.
(b) Everyone cried for help because they all
got frightened of the pirate.
(c) Mouseholed has been used by the poet to
mean the hole made by the mouse in which it
(d) The antonym of bottom is ‘brim’.

What did Custard look like? [CBSE 2016]


Custard looked really dangerous with spikes

on his top and scales underneath. His mouth
was like a fireplace and nose like a chimney.
His toes looked like daggers.

‘But Custard cried for a nice safe cage. ’ Who

is Custard? Why did he cry for a ‘nice safe
cage’? [CBSE 2014]

Custard is Belinda’s pet Dragon. He cried for

a nice safe cage because he was a coward,
who feared easily and looked for comfort and
safety of himself.

The dragon, custard was considered a

coward. The humble dragon proved his
bravery in adversity. Analyse that certain
qualities like bravery and courage are
situational and spontaneous. Express your
views with reference to the poem.
Custard’s humbleness won every reader’s
heart as he showed true bravery and did not
boast like Belinda and her other pets.
Everyone boasted of their bravery but when
they faced real danger, it was only Custard,
who had the courage to face it. And he proved
his bravery by not running away and facing
the pirate and killing him. Qualities like
bravery and courage can only be tested when
someone is actually put in a dangerous
situation. Therefore, these qualities are
situational as becomes clear from Custard’s
example. Custard looked for comfort all the
time but this did not mean that he was a

The pirate gaped at Belinda’s dragon, And

gulped some grog from his pocket flagon, He
fired two bullets but they didn’t hit, And
Custard gobbled him, every bit.
(a) What did the pirate do on seeing the
(b) What did Custard do to the pirate?
(c) Which word means the same as
(d) Find from the passage a word which
means a large bottle or similar container with
a handle in which wine etc is sold or served.

(a) The pirate gulped some wine from his

(b) Custard swallowed the pirate and left no
trace of him.
(c) The word is ‘Gobble’.
(d) The word is ‘flagon’.
Preboard Specific

What did everyone do when the pirate came?

Preboard Specific

When the pirate came, Belinda cried for help

and became pale with fear. Mustard ran away
with a terrified cry and Ink trickled to the
bottom of the house while Blink disappeared
in his mouse hole. Custard jumped in front of
the Pirate to fight him.
Preboard Specific

Describe the bravery of everyone in the

Preboard Specific

Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears.

Ink and Blink were brave enough to chase
lions away. Mustard’s bravery was like a
tiger’s rage. It was only Custard, who was a
coward, everyone else was very brave.
Preboard Specific

Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears,

And Ink and Blink chased lions down the
stairs, Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a
rage, But Custard cried for a nice safe cage.
(a) How brave were the Kitten and the
(b) Why did Custard cry for a nice safe cage?
(c) Which word is similar to “anger”?
(d) Which figure of speech has been used in
the first and the third line of the passage.
Preboard Specific

(a) The kitten and the mouse were so brave

that they could scare away lions.
(b) Custard cried for a nice safe cage because
he was a coward.
(c) The word is ‘Rage’.
(d) Figure of speech used in first and third
line is Simile.
Preboard Specific

Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound,

And Mustard growled, and they all looked
around. Meowch! cried Ink, and Ooh! cried
Belinda, For there was a pirate, climbing in
the winda.
(a) Which poetic device is used in these
(b) Why was everyone frightened?
(c) Which word in the stanza means
(d) What does a ‘nasty sound’ refer to?
Preboard Specific

(a) In the first line, the poet has used

repetition in ‘Suddenly, suddenly’.
(b) Everyone was frightened because a pirate
was climbing up the window.
(c) The word is ‘Nasty’.
(d) A nasty sound refers to the entry of a
pirate into the house.
Preboard Specific

Why did the baker and his family always look

happy and prosperous?
Preboard Specific

The baker used to collect his bills at the end

of the month. Baking was indeed a profitable
business in
the old days. The baker and his family never
starved. Their plump physique was an open
testimony that they were happy and
Preboard Specific

“Not enough can be said to show now

important a baker can be for a village”. How
were the services of the baker required on
various occasions?
Why was the baker’s furnace essential in a
traditional Goan village?
Preboard Specific

A baker is very important and essential for a

Goan village. He does not merely represent a
profession but a highly admired Portuguese
tradition. His breads are essential on each and
every occasion. Marriage gifts are meaningless
without the sweet bread known as the bol.
Cakes and bolinhas are a must for Christmas
as well as other festival. He enjoys respect
and love of the people. The children consider
him their friend, companion and guide. Thus,
the presence of the baker’s furnace in the
village is absolutely necessary.
Preboard Specific

Write two characteristics of people of Coorg.

Preboard Specific

The people of Coorg are fiercely independent

and brave. Coorgi houses have a tradition of
hospitality. The Coorg regiment is the most
decorated one in the Indian Army. They feel
proud sharing the courageous works of their
sons and fathers.
Preboard Specific

What are the legends of the discovery of tea?

What are the various legends regarding the
origin of tea?
Preboard Specific
There are two legends about the discovery of
tea. According to one story, it was the Chinese
emperor who discovered it accidentally. He
always boiled water before drinking it. One
day a few leaves of plants fell into the boiling
water which gave it a delicious taste. It is said
that they were tea leaves. The emperor
started their use in boiling water. Another
Indian legend says that an ancient Buddhist
ascetic cut off his eyelids because he felt
sleepy during meditation. Ten tea plants grew
out of the eyelids. The leaves of these plants
when put in hot water and drunk banished
sleep. Thus, tea came into existence.
Preboard Specific

What kind of a person was Valli?

Preboard Specific

Valli was a curious, keen observer who had

strong will power and determination. She was
bold, brave and self-respective! She had
immense self confidence and wanted to do
everything on her own. she was innocent,
highly sensitive, intelligent and was a very
careful planner.
Preboard Specific

How did Valli plan for her first journey?

Preboard Specific

Valli made careful and painstaking plans for

her first journey. She saved every penny, cut
down on her expenses and resisted all the
temptations to save sixty paise for the fare.
She gathered the information from the
passengers and neighbours. She calculated
the time required and chose afternoon, as her
mother would take a nap during that time. All
this shows that she was a meticulous planner.
Preboard Specific

Why does the conductor refer to Valli as

Preboard Specific

The conductor is a man of worldly wise

nature. He has evaluated that the girl has
innocence and ignorance in her behaviour. In
order to enjoy and have fun and not to make
her unhappy, he calls Valli as ‘Madam’ though
she is simply a girl of eight years.
Preboard Specific

What does Valli mean when she says, “I was

just agreeing with what you said about things
happening without our knowledge?”
Preboard Specific

Valli entered her house after her bus journey.

She found her mother conversing with one of
her aunts. She overhears their discussion on
the things happening in their midst as well as
in the world outside. They could not know
about everything. Even some of them could
not be understood by them. At this juncture,
Valli too opined like a wise person and told
that many things were happening without
their knowledge.
Preboard Specific

What is the nature of the life of the human

beings according to the Buddha?
Preboard Specific

The life of mortals in this world is troubled

and brief. It is combined with pain. Nobody
can avoid dying. After reaching old age, there
is death. Such is the nature of human beings.
Just as ripe fruits are in danger of falling; so
mortals are in danger of death. As all earthen
vessels after a certain period of time break, so
is the life of mortals. All have to die. Only he
can get peace of mind who does not lament,
complain and grieve. He who has overcome
sorrow will be free from sorrow, and be
Preboard Specific

How did Gautama came to be known as the

Preboard Specific

Siddhartha Gautama wandered for seven

years and finally sat down under a Peepal tree
till he got enlightenment. After seven days of
enlightenment, he renamed the ‘Bodhi Tree’
and began to teach and to share his new
understanding and came to be known as the
Preboard Specific

Why did the Buddha choose Benares to

preach his first sermon?
Preboard Specific

The Buddha preached his first sermon at the

city of Benares. This city is regarded as the
most holy of the dipping places of the River
Ganga. That sermon has been preserved. It
reflects the Buddha’s wisdom about one kind
of suffering which cannot be understood.
Preboard Specific

What did Kisa Gotami do after the Buddha

had asked her for a handful of mustard seed?
Preboard Specific

Kisa Gotami went from house to house to get

a handful of mustard seed. People gave her
the mustard seed. But when she asked if
anyone had died in their family, they
regretfully told her that the livings were few,
but the deads were many. Kisa Gotami found
no house where someone had not died.
Preboard Specific

What does Lomov think when he is alone?

Preboard Specific

Lomov thinks that Natalaya is an excellent

housekeeper, not bad looking, well educated.
It is impossible for him not to marry. In the
first place, he is already thirty-five. He ought
to lead a quiet and regular life. He suffers
from palpitations. He is excitable and always
getting upset. There are some other problems
too which trouble him.
Preboard Specific

Who is Lomov? Why does he visit Chubukov?

Preboard Specific

Lomov was a young wealthy landowner and an

unmarried man of thirty-five. He was anxious
to get married as he had already reached a
critical age. So he decided to propose
Natalaya, a girl of twenty-five years old. He
visited Chubukov to ask for his daughter
Natalaya’s hand in marriage.
Preboard Specific

Justify, in brief, the title of the play “The

Preboard Specific

The title of the play “The Proposal” is apt.

Lomov was a young wealthy landowner and an
Lomov comes to Chubukov’s house to propose
unmarried man of thirty-five. He was anxious
to his daughter. He talks to Chubukov about
to get married as he had already reached a
his intention and the old man is very happy to
critical age. So he decided to propose
have Lomov as the husband of this ageing
Natalaya, a girl of twenty-five years old. He
daughter. When Natalaya comes and there
visited Chubukov to ask for his daughter
begins an argument. It reminds us of a married
Natalaya’s hand in marriage.
Preboard Specific

How does Natalaya react when she comes to

know that Lomov had come to propose for
her hand?
Preboard Specific

Lomov was a young wealthy landowner and an

When she knows that Lomov came to propose
unmarried man of thirty-five. He was anxious
to her, she starts weeping. She calls her
to get married as he had already reached a
father to bring him back at once. He has gone
critical age. So he decided to propose
out after the quarrel. She also accuses
Natalaya, a girl of twenty-five years old. He
Chubukov that he drove Lomov out. She
visited Chubukov to ask for his daughter
becomes hysterical.
Natalaya’s hand in marriage.
Preboard Specific

Which book did Ebright mother get for him?

How did it change his life?
Preboard Specific

Ebright’s mother got a children’s book called

The Travel of Monarch X’ for him. The book
invited readers to help study butterfly
migrations and actively participate in tagging
butterflies to help in the research being
conducted by Dr Frederick A. Urquhart.
Ebright then went on to raise an entire flock
of butterflies in the basement of his home. In
this way the book managed to keep his
enthusiasm in the study of butterflies alive
for several years and opened the world of
science to the young collector who never lost
his scientific curiosity.
Preboard Specific

Why did Richard Ebright raise a flock of

Preboard Specific

At the end of the book, “The travels of

Monarch X’, readers were invited to help
study butterfly migrations. They were asked
to tag butterflies for research by Dr
Frederick A. Urquhart. The butterfly
collecting season around reading lasts six
weeks in late summery. If Ebright went to
chase them one by one, he could not catch
very many. So he decided to raise a flock of
Preboard Specific

What lesson did Ebright learn when he did

not win anything at the science fair?
Preboard Specific

When Ebright did not win anything at the

science fair, he learnt a lesson that he
needed to do real experiments, not simply
make a neat display. His entry was slides of
frog tissues which he showed under a
Preboard Specific

Besides curiosity a number of other values

are required to become a successful
scientist. Explain with reference to the
chapter, ‘The Making of a Scientist’.
Preboard Specific

From very young age Richard Ebright was

competitive and put in extra effort with curiosity
for the right reason to win. But his mother was
always very dedicated and made his spirits rise
high. He did not lose heart even after losing when
he was in seventh grade. To him people around
were very encouraging. His mother’s
encouragement was really an eye-opener. She took
him on trips, bought him telescopes, microscopes,
cameras, mounting materials and other equipment.
Thus constant support of each other opened a new
world. This helps us to conclude that hard work,
parental guidance and keen observation are the
qualities which help one to excel.
Preboard Specific

What was the common belief about the

twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa?
What is the actual purpose of these tiny gold
Preboard Specific

These twelve tiny gold spots were believed to be

ornamental only. The actual purpose of these tiny
gold spots is to produce a hormone necessary for
the butterfly’s full development.
Preboard Specific

What was the cause of Matilda’s ruin? How

could she have avoided it?
Preboard Specific

Matilda’s aspiration and unrealistic dreams

were the cause of her ruin. She paid due
importance to materialistic things. She could
have easily avoided if she had remained
within her means. She was not a practical
lady and had not understood her husband’s
Preboard Specific

A little confession would have changed the

life of Matilda. Should we confess our
mistakes courageously? Do you agree about
above statement.
Preboard Specific

Yes, a small mistake makes our life miserable and

dark. People who are open-minded and speak the
truth stay much happier. A little mistake made by
Matilda changed her life completely. If Matilda had
confessed that she had lost Madam Forestier’s
necklace, her life would have been different.
Confession could have brought peace of mind.
Matilda would have at once come to know that
necklace is not a real but it is an imitation. Hard
work which Matilda put into repay the borrowed
necklace could have been saved. We all get a very
important message that we should
not delay in admitting our mistake.
Preboard Specific

‘The Necklace’ reveals that vanity is an evil.

It may bring joy for short period but
ultimately it leads to ruin. If you are placed in
a situation similar to that of Matilda, what
would you have done? Express your views.
Preboard Specific

No doubt, Matilda was proud and self-loving.

She was very beautiful and charming and she
was proud of her beauty. Because of her
beauty, she thought that she was born in a
family of clerks through the error of destiny.
She felt that she was born for all delicacies
and luxuries. She also felt that she was made
for expensive frocks, jewels and other such
Preboard Specific

Therefore, we can conclude that Matilda was

very vain and proud because of her beauty.
When we read the story, we find out that she
suffered because of her vanity. If I were
placed in a situation similar to that of
Matilda, I would have valued the love of my
husband. I would have not insisted on buying
an expensive dress to wear to the party.
There would be no question of borrowing an
expensive necklace from my friend. I would
have saved me and my husband from all
hardships which the Loisels went through.
Preboard Specific

What changes came in the lifestyle of Matilda

after she had lost the necklace?
Preboard Specific

To return the borrowed money Mr and Mrs

Loisel suffered for ten long years. First, they
sent away the maid servant. Then they
changed their lodging and rented some
rooms. Now Matilda learnt heavy cares of
household life, she had to do the difficult
chores of her kitchen. She had to wash
dishes, greasy pots and stew pans. She had
to use her rosy nails to wash the greasy pots
and the bottoms of the stew pans.
Preboard Specific

She had to wash dirty clothes and to hang

them on the line to dry. Then each morning
she had to take down the refuse to the
street. She also had to bring up the water for
daily use. She had to stop at each landing to
catch her breath. She did not have much
money so she haggled with the shopkeepers
to get reduction in prices.
Preboard Specific

Once she was very beautiful and used to

wear beautiful dresses. Now she seemed old.
Now she looked like a common household
woman. She had badly dressed hair and dirty
dresses. Her hands were red and she spoke in
a loud tone. She washed the floors with large
pailg of water.
Preboard Specific

Our inability to accept our limitations may

lead to an unhappy life. Analyze with
reference to the story ‘The Necklace’.
Preboard Specific

We fail to recognise the situation in which

we are placed but rather keep on grumbling.
We become frustrated and want our life to be
different. We should accept the life as it
comes to us and should not keep on cribbing
about unhappy circumstances. As we read
the story The Necklace’ we find that Matilda
is not at all happy with her husband. She had
wished her life to be luxurious. It is this
frustration of hers which puts her in a fix and
spoils rest of her life. She does not work for
solution but rather complicates the situation
for her.
Preboard Specific

“He was so open and friendly that I glowed

with the warmth of his affection”. How did
the young lawyer form this opinion about the
hack driver?
Preboard Specific

The young lawyer felt that the co-operating

attitude and kindness shown to him was real,
though the hack driver had to earn something
out of it also. The lawyer bargained with the
hack driver and had settled for two dollars
an hour, but his wide smile made him think
that he was one old friend.
Preboard Specific

Who befriends the lawyer? Where does he

take him?
Preboard Specific

The lawyer was befriended by a delivery man who

introduced himself as Bill. He told him that he knew
Lutkins and would help the lawyer in finding him.
He took him to all the possible places where
Lutkins was’seen or was known to hang out. He
took the lawyer to Fritz’s shop, where Lutkins was
a frequent visitor to play poker; to GustafFs barber
shop and then to Gray’s barber shop; to the
poolroom and several other places before finally
taking him to Oliver’s mother’s farm. However, so
much of roaming around did not yield any result as
they failed to find Oliver Lutkins.
Preboard Specific

What more does Bill say about Lutkins and

his family?
Preboard Specific

Bill told the lawyer that he knew Lutkin’s

mother. He said that she was a terror. He
narrated an incident when he took a trunk to
her once and she almost took his skin off
because he did not treat it like a box of eggs.
He also said that she was very tall and fat.
She was very quick and could talk a lot. He
said that Oliver must have heard that
somebody was chasing him and
consequently, would have gone into hiding at
his mother’s place.
Preboard Specific

A person may appear humble but in actually

he may not be so. Appearances can be
deceptive. Explain with reference to the
story ‘The Hack Driver’.
Preboard Specific

Appearances are not always true. At times a person

on first meeting appears to be friendly, co-operative,
understanding but as the time unfolds a different
story is revealed. When the lawyer comes to the city
for first time he is very happy to meet the hack
driver. In fact the hack driver himself is Oliver

The hack driver seemed to be a simple country man

ready to help. The hack driver showed affectionate
behaviour. He left a favourable impression on the
narrator’s mind. But very soon lawyer was able to
realize that hack driver himself was Oliver Lutkins. It
te so foolish to find that a wise person like a lawyer
is befooled by a simple country man.
Preboard Specific

Intelligence or cleverness cannot be

identified only on the basis of our work or
profession but it comes from our inside.
Explain it with reference to the chapter, ‘The
Hack Driver’.
Preboard Specific

Yes, it is quite right that intelligence and cleverness

come automatically from our inside because it is our
birth quality, it cannot be created, that’s why our
intelligence or cleverness cannot be identified only
on the basis of our work or profession. Many times in
our daily life, we can find such examples. For
example, a policeman is always considered brave
and fighter because he has to face many difficulties
daily and if he is not like that, he cannot defeat
criminals, dacoits, burglars and cheaters. But
sometimes we find some policemen opposite to it.
Preboard Specific

Why was Bholi reluctant to go to school with

her father?
Preboard Specific

The baker used to collect his bills at the end

Bholi did not know what a school was like.
of the month. Baking was indeed a profitable
She had never heard about it. When her father
business in
held her hand and told her that they were
the old days. The baker and his family never
going to school, she got frightened fearing to
starved. Their plump physique was an open
be dragged out of the house. So she was
testimony that they were happy and
reluctant to go to school with her father.
Preboard Specific

Did Bholi enjoy her first day in school? What

made her happy on this very day?
Preboard Specific

It was a mixed day for Bholi. She was happy to

see the girls of her age. She was fascinated
with the colourful pictures on the wall of the
classrooms. But when the teacher asked her
name she could not answer properly and other
girls laughed at her. She cried. But her
teacher’s soft words made her happy on this
very day.
Preboard Specific

How does she become a masterpiece?

Preboard Specific

The teacher transformed a simpleton girl into

a well-behaved and confident girl. Bholi was a
foolish and stammering girl. The teacher put
in all her hard work in transforming her into a
mentally strong and well-educated girl. It was
really a masterpiece of the teacher.
Preboard Specific

What kind of a mother, do you think,

Ramlal’s wife was?
Preboard Specific

Ramlal’s wife’was an uncaring and callous

mother. She never showed the affection to
Bholi that she deserved as her child. She felt
that the girl with pox-marks and lack of sense
was a burden. That’s why she sent her to
school so that the teachers took the trouble
to handle the girl. Even when it was the
matter of her marriage, the mother showed no
sympathy and consented to get her married to
an old and lame man.
Preboard Specific

Bholi had many apprehensions about going to

school. What made her feel that she was
going to a better place than her home?
Preboard Specific

Bholi had many apprehensions about going to

school. She remembered how their old cow,
Lakshmi, had been turned out of the house
and sold. When she got a clean dress, was
bathed and her hair was properly done with
oil, only then she felt that she was going to a
better place than her home.
Preboard Specific

How did Bholi’s teacher play an important

role in changing the course of her life?
Preboard Specific

Bholi’s teacher played an important role in

changing the course of her life. She was polite
and friendly which touched her heart. She
encouraged her every time and was
affectionate towards her. The teacher
transformed her into a confident person who
could read, write and speak clearly. This gave
her the required confidence. Moreover,
teacher’s appreciation and encouragement
helped her overcome her own morale.
Preboard Specific

“Don’t you worry, Pitajil In your old age I will

serve you and mother”. Through this
statement the narrator wants to highlight the
moral values Bholi imbibed with. Based on
the reading of the lesson, what made Bholi
aware of her rights and how did she use
Preboard Specific

Bholi became an introvert child who lacked

confidence. She was neglected and even made
fun of due to her appearance and lack of
intelligence. Years of education made her bold
and confident. She got an aim in her life. When
she refused to marry greedy Bishamber, her
father became worried. She assured her
father not to worry and promised that she
would take care of him and her mother in
their old age.
Preboard Specific

She told that she would teach in the school

where she learnt so much. During her
education Bholi’s teacher made her aware of
her rights as well as duties. She faced the
challenge of rejecting greedy Bishamber with
determination and confidence. Thus she
protected her self-respect and integrity.
Special Questions

Why was the lawyer not happy with

his job ? [Board 2016 ]

The lawyers was not happy with the

job because he was made to deliver
summons, instead of preparing legal
briefs. For that task, he had to go to
dirty and shadowy corners of the
city. He also fear of being beaten up
by the witnesses.
Special Questions

Who was Lutkins? Did the narrator serve the

summons that day ? Why ? [2012]

Oliver Lutkins was a man from New Mullion

who was to be served a summon to testify
for a pending court case. The narrator, the
lawyer who was assigned the task, was
cleverly tricked by Lutkins who exploited the
gullibility of former and helped him chase
himself, thus subjecting him to ridicule by
the village folk. No, the lawyer could not
serve the summons that day for its obvious
Special Questions
What attitude did the lawyer have to the
country life ? How did his experience at New
Mullion change it? [2013]

The lawyer was under the impression that

away from the hustle and bustle of city life,
the people in the country led a pleasant,
simple, honest, helpful and peaceful life. But
his experience in New Mullion with the smart
hack driver, who himself was Oliver
Lutkins—who humiliated and befooled him
with his clever tricks and quick thinking,
made the lawyer change his overview of the
country life.
Special Questions

Who befriended the narrator when he

went to New Mullion ? Where did he
take him ? [2013]
The hack driver who himself was Oliver
Lutkins, befriended the narrator when
he went to New Mullion in locating
Lutkins against whom he had a
summon. They went to Bieneke,
Gustaffson’s, Gray barber’s shop and
finally to Lutkin’s house. In this way, the
hack driver took the lawyer all around
the village to search for Lutkins.
Special Questions

With what impression did the lawyer come

back to the city? [2012]
At New Mullion, the lawyer was greatly
impressed by the cheerfulness of Bill, the
hack driver and his eagerness to help him in
the task for which he had arrived there.
Oblivious to the identity of the hack driver
as Lutkins himself, he presumed the
hospitality offered to him as the general
attitude of the country folk. He was so
impressed by the simplicity and
forthcoming behaviour of Bill that he
decided that he would settle at New
Special Questions
Why was the lawyer sent to New Mullion ?
Why could the lawyer not complete his work
on that day ?

The lawyer used to work as an apprentice

with a law firm. He had to serve summons on
witnesses as a part of his job. He was sent to
New Mullion to serve summons on Oliver
Lutkins, a prime witness in a law case. When
he reached the town and was making
enquiries about Lutkins, he met a hack driver
who’Was in fact Lutkins and took him to
many places like Gustaff’s barber shop,
Gray’s barber shop, poolroom and his
mother’s farmyard.
Special Questions

At every place they went in (first and then

when the lawyer went) people said that he
had not come there or just missed him by five
minutes. The hack driver told the lawyer that
Lutkins owed him money also and thus he
appeared a genuine and helpful person to the
lawyer. Thus, Lutkins, very cleverly, fooled
the lawyer and he (the lawyer) was not able
to complete his work that day.
Special Questions
What is the nature of the life of the human
beings according to the Buddha?
The life of mortals in this world is troubled
and brief. It is combined with pain. Nobody
can avoid dying. After reaching old age, there
is death. Such is the nature of human beings.
Just as ripe fruits are in danger of falling; so
mortals are in danger of death. As all earthen
vessels after a certain period of time break,
so is the life of mortals. All have to die. Only
he can get peace of mind who does not
lament, complain and grieve. He who has
overcome sorrow will be free from sorrow,
and be blessed.
Special Questions
How did Gautam Buddha get enlightenment?
Explain with reference to the story.
Siddhartha Gautama was a prince who was
protected from the sufferings of the world. At the
age of twenty-five, he came across a sick man, an
aged man, a funeral procession and a monk begging
for alms. These sights moved him so much that he
went out into the world to seek enlightenment
concerning the sorrows he had witnessed.
Siddhartha wandered for seven years and finally sat
down under a Peepal tree.
He vowed to stay there until enlightenment came.
Being enlightened after seven days, he renamed the
tree the Bodhi Tree, the Tree of Wisdom. Thereafter
he began to teach and share his new understanding.
At that point he became to be known as the
Buddha. He preached his first sermon at the holy
city of Benares.
Special Questions

“The World is afflicted with death and decay,

therefore the wise do not grieve, knowing
the. terms of the world”. Explain with
reference to the story “The Sermon at
According to Gautama Buddha, the world is
affected by sufferings, disease or pain, death
and decay. Therefore, the wise persons do
not mourn, knowing the terms of the world.
Nobody can get peace of mind from weeping
or mourning. Rather his pain will be greater
and his body will suffer.
Special Questions

He will make himself sick and pale, yet the

dead cannot be saved from his expression of
sorrow. He who seeks peace should “draw
out the arrow” of lamentation, complaint and
grief. In this manner, she who has become
composed will obtain peace of mind. He who
has overcome all sorrow will become free
from sorrow, and be blessed.
Special Questions
How did Buddha make Kisa Gotami
understand about the reality of death?
What lesson on death and suffering did the
Buddha teach Gotami in the chapter. The
Sermon at Benaras’.

Kisa Gotami’s only son had died. In her grief

she carried the dead child to all her
neighbours, asking them for medicine. Then a
man suggested her to go to Sakyamuni, the
Buddha. Kisa Gotami requested Gautama
Buddha to give her the medicine that would
cure her son.
Special Questions

The Buddha replied that he wanted a handful

of mustard-seed which must be taken from a
house where no one had lost a child,
husband, parent or friend. Kisa Gotami went
from house to house. People pitied her but
she could not find any house where near and
dear one had not died. She thought how
selfish she had been in her grief. She realised
that death is common to all human beings.
Special Questions

Why did Kisa Gotami go from house to


Kisa Gotami was a lady who lived in Benares.

Her only son had died and she could not’bear
it. She went from house to house to cure his
dead son. Someone told him about the
Buddha and she reached him to cure his dead
Special Questions

What did Kisa Gotami do after the Buddha

had asked her for a handful of mustard seed?

Kisa Gotami went from house to house to get

a handful of mustard seed. People gave her
the mustard seed. But when she asked if
anyone had died in their family, they
regretfully told her that the livings were few,
but the deads were many. Kisa Gotami found
no house where someone had not died.
Special Questions

Why was Kisa Gotami sad? What did she do

in her grief?

Kisa Gotami’s only son died and she was full

of grief. She carried the dead son to all her
neighbours. She asked them for medicine so
that her son can be alive again. The people
remarked that she had lost her senses
Special Questions

How did Gautama came to be known as the


Siddhartha Gautama wandered for seven

years and finally sat down under a Peepal
tree till he got enlightenment. After seven
days of enlightenment, he renamed the
‘Bodhi Tree’ and began to teach and to share
his new understanding and came to be
known as the Buddha.
Special Questions

How did Buddha get enlightenment?

Siddhartha Gautama wandered for seven

years and finally sat down under a Peepal
tree till he got enlightenment. After seven
days of enlightenment, he renamed the
‘Bodhi Tree’ and began to teach and to share
his new understanding and came to be
known as the Buddha.
Special Questions

Why did the Buddha choose Benares to

preach his first sermon?

The Buddha preached his first sermon at the

city of Benares. This city is regarded as the
most holy of the dipping places of the River
Ganga. That sermon has been preserved. It
reflects the Buddha’s wisdom about one kind
of suffering which cannot be understood.
Special Questions
What does Chubukov at first suspect that
Lomov had come for? Is he sincere when he
latersays, “And I’ve always loved you, my angel,
as if you were my own son”? Find reasons for
your answer from the play.

Chubukov has often helped Lomov with money

whenever he requested for it. So he thinks and
suspects that Lomov will ask for money. But this
time the case is different. He requests a proposal
to get Natalaya’s hand for marriage. Since long,
Chubukov wanted match for his daughter. Finding
fact in his favour, Chubukov changes and uses
sweet words and becomes ready for the match.
Special Questions
Chubukov says of Natalaya, “… as if she
won’t consent! She’s in love; egad, she’s like
a lovesick cat…” Would you agree? Find
reasons for your answer.

In reality Natalaya has got the fittest age for

the marriage. She wants a life partner. On the
other hand, Chubukov also desires that his
daughter should be married. Lomov is the
most suitable match in every respect. In
order to say something outwardly, Chubukov
happens to pour out these words. It is an
acceptable fact that Natalaya loves Lomov
from the core of her heart.
Special Questions

Is Natalaya really a lovesick cat as called by

her father? If it is so, why does she quarrel
with Lomov?
Natalaya was a young unmarried girl of
twenty five years. She lived in the
neighbourhood of Lomov, a young unmarried
man. She was an excellent housekeeper and
was not bad looking. She wanted love in her
life. Her father called her a lovesick cat.
Lomov said that she was well educated, but
she did not seem to be so.
She was very quarrelsome and abusive by
Special Questions

She began a bitter quarrel with Lomov over a

piece of land that had little value. She said
that those meadows were not much worth to
her but she could not stand unfairness. But
when she learnt that Lomov had come to
propose to her, she forgot all fairness and
She began to wail over the lost chance. She
forced her father to call him back. But in no
time, she started quarrelling with him again.
It was on their dogs. Both claimed their
respective dogs to be of a superior breed.
Special Questions

She was focused on fulfilling her dream and

did not get tempted to go outside the bus and
explore the town when the bus reached the
On the return journey, she learnt about death
when she came to terms with the dead cow.
This made her aware of the fact that death is
a part of life and should be accepted as it is a
natural phenomenon. Thus, the bus journey
made her learn a lot of things.
Special Questions
What kind of person is Valli? Illustrate your
answer from the text that you have read.
[CBSE 2012]

Valli was a detetmined, confident and brave

girl. She was also a good planner and
executioner. She sacrificed a lot of things to
achieve her dream. For example, she curbed
the temptation to buy sweets and riding on
the merry-go-round in the fair so that she
could save money for the bus ride. Sacrificing
all these things at such a tender age is very
difficult for a child. She also behaved
confidently in the bus and did not get bobbed
down in the presence of elders.
Special Questions

When the bus reached the town, Valli did not

succumb to the temptation of going out to
explore the town or having a drink. She did
this as she had a limited amount of money
which she wanted to ‘ save for her return
journey. So, Valli used her money wisely.
When the conductor offered her a drink, she
showed good manners in refusing to have it.
Special Questions

How did Valli save money to travel by bus?

[CBSE 2013]

Valli had thriftily saved whatever stray coins

came her way. She resisted every temptation
to buy peppermints, toys, balloons and ride
on the merry-go-round at the village fair to
save money for her bus journey.
Special Questions

How did Valli feel on seeing the dead cow on

the road?

Valli was filled with sadness. She thought

what had been a lovable, beautiful creature
just a little while ago had now suddenly lost
its charm and its life and looked so horrible
and frightening.
Special Questions
In such a fast moving world when we hear
so many incidents happening with people, do
you think Valli did right by not telling her
mother about the bus journey?
[CBSE 2015]
No, I don’t think that Valli did the right thing
in travelling alone to the town without
informing her mother. By doing this, she put
herself in a vulnerable position as she could
have easily been a victim of child abuse had
she come in contact with wrong people. In
fact, she was lucky to return home safelty.
Children should always travel along with
their parents or elders as they are easy
targets for criminals.
Special Questions

We hear a lot of instances of crime

committed against children these days like
kidnapping, child abuse, molestation, rape
etc. Valli could have expressed her desire of
travelling in the bus to her mother. I am sure
that her mother would have fulfilled her wish
by talking her on a bus ride.
Special Questions
Age is not a barrier when it comes to doing
something different and great. Which
characteristics of Valli help her achieve the
wonder of visiting the town at such a tender
age? [CBSE 2014]
In today’s era, age is no more a barrier.
Children are doing wonders at a very young
age. Same goes with Valli. At an age of 8
years, Valli was able to pursue her dream all
alone by travelling in the bus to town. She
was no different from others, except that she
had certain characteristics that made her
fulfil her dreams. Valli was a very confident
and a bold girl.
Special Questions

She had a knowledge of proper planning and

execution. She controlled her wishes to save
money for the bus ride. Also, she was a very
good observer and learner. All these qualities
made her realise the dream of visiting the
town. Hence, one should always remember
that there is no age to learn and experience
new things.
Special Questions

What does Valli tell the elderly man when he

calls her a child?

Valli was a very smart girl. She had a

superiority complex in her mind. She did not
want herself to be called a child. On hearing
herself as a child, she answered that there
was no child. She had paid thirty paise like
everyone else.
Special Questions

What is the story about the Kodavu people’s


The fiercely independent people of Coorg are

descendants of Greeks or Arabs. A section of
Alexander’s army moved South along the
coast and settled here only when they were
unable to return to their country. These
people married among the locals. This is the
story about the descent of Kodavu people.
Special Questions

What did the bakers wear when the author

was young ? [Board 2013]

The bakers in the Portuguese days wore a

peculiar dress called the ‘Kabai’. It was a
long single piece of frock reaching down to
the knees. When the author was young, they
wore a shirt and a trouser that was longer
than a half pant and shorter than a full pant.
Special Questions

Who invites the comment—‘he is dressed like

a pader’? Why?

The dress of ‘Pader’ invites comments

because it reaches just below the knees. It
looks odd, funny and makes one’s figure like
a joker.
Special Questions

How did the baker attract the children ?

[Board 2013]

The baker attracted the children not by his

jingle or by the loaves of bread he sold but
attracted the children by the bread bangles
or the special sweet bread he sold.
Special Questions
Baking was considered an important and a
profitable profession in a traditional Goan
village. Explain.
Bread and cakes were essential of Goan life
in older days. Describe the memories that the
author recollects about good old Portuguese
days and their loaves of bread.
In olden days, Goa was very much influenced
by the Portuguese. Baking was considered an
essential and profitable profession in a
traditional Goan village. The Portuguese were
famous for preparing the loaves of bread.
Baking was the traditional family work.
Special Questions

The villages were much fond of the sweet

bread known as ‘bol’. The marriage gifts were
meaningless without it. So the bakers
furnaces were the most essential and ‘cakes
and bolinhas’ formed an important item
there. At various occasions like Christmas
and other festivals the bakers would collect
the bill at the end of month. Baking was a
profitable profession in olden days.
Special Questions

What do the people of Coorg teach us ?

Coorg people are famous for their hospitality,

love, respect and fellow feeling which is the
need of the present hour. The adventurous
sports like river-rafting, canoeing, rappelling,
rock climbing and mountain biking are great
motivators. The Coorg Regiment is famous
for receiving maximum number of awards for
its bravery. The first Chief of Indian Army,
General Cariappa was a Coorgi.
Special Questions

Why has Coorg been referred to as ‘a piece of

heaven drifted from the kingdom of God’?

Coorg is often referred to as a small piece

heaven because of its natural beauty—of its
evergreen forest, rolling hills, coffee
plantations and spice trees. The freshness of
the natural surroundings is further enhanced
by the aroma of coffee.
Special Questions

What legacy have the colonial powers left to

the district of Coorg ?

Colonial presence in Coorg region is evident

from the legacy of bungalows and coffee
plantations that the region has inherited
from them. It is believed that Coorgis are
descendant of the Greek or Arab and the
culture of these regions is strongly evident in
the martial traditions and their marriage and
religious ceremonies.
Special Questions

Why is the climb to the Brahmagiri hills an

important part of a visit to Coorg?

The climb to the Brahmgiri hills offers the

panoramic view of the entire misty landscape
of Coorg. Besides, it leads to Nisargadhama
and then, to Bylakuppe; the hidden surprises
for the visitors. Thus, it is important to climb
the Brahmagiri hills while visiting Coorg.
Special Questions

How are the tea-pluckers different from the

other farm labourers?

Tea pluckers are different from the other

farm labourers as the tea pluckers are hired
labourers whereas the farm labourers can be
hired or can be the owners of the land. Tea
pluckers just pluck leaves whereas farm
labourers go through the whole process, i.e.,
from sowing to harvesting.
Special Questions

Describe the view point of Rajvir towards tea


Rajvir makes a vast study about tea

plantation. He thinks that he should have the
curiosity to get the knowledge about tea
plantation as tea is exported in huge
proportion through out the whole world.
Tourists also come to Assam to get
information about tea plantation.
Special Questions

How was the tea estate and its scene

according to Rajvir?

According to Rajvir, the road in which they

were moving was bounded by tea bushes on
both the sides. They were neat enough as
well as of the same height. The people who
pluck tea leaves were wearing aprons and
kept bamboo baskets with themselves.
These people were busy in plucking the tea
Special Questions

Why did Mr Barua praise Rajvir? What did

Rajvir say then?

Mr. Barua praised Rajvir as he answered it

correctly that the sprouting period lasts from
May to July and yields the best tea.
Rajvir admitted that he had learnt about it
before coming but he hoped that he would
learn more there.
Special Questions

What is the Indian legend of tea?

Bodhidharma was an ancient Buddhist

ascetic. During meditations, he felt sleepy as
a result of which he cut off his eyelids. From
that, ten tea plants starting growing and
after that, the leaves of these plants were
boiled in hot water and were drunk.
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