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From the Archives of the AFIP

Localized Fibrous Tumors of the Pleura1

CME FEATURE Melissa L. Rosado-de-Christenson, MD ● Gerald F. Abbott, MD

See accompanying H. Page McAdams, MD ● Teri J. Franks, MD ● Jeffrey R. Galvin, MD
test at http://
/education Eighty-two localized fibrous tumors of the pleura (LFTP) were re-
viewed retrospectively for the clinical, pathologic, and radiologic find-
ings. Forty-four women and 38 men ranged in age from 17 to 78 years
OBJECTIVES (mean, 54.7 years). Sixty-four benign LFTP ranged in size from 2 to
FOR TEST 6 30 cm (mean, 13.2 cm), and 18 malignant tumors ranged from 3 to 23
After reading this cm (mean, 14.4 cm). Forty-eight patients (60%) presented with symp-
article and taking toms. Radiographs of 76 patients demonstrated solitary masses occu-
the test, the reader
will be able to: pying or extending into the inferior hemithorax (79%). Computed
䡲 Describe the clini- tomography (CT) of 78 lesions demonstrated lobular masses (83%)
cal presentation of
patients with LFTP. that formed at least one acute angle (96%) or only acute angles (65%)
䡲 List the pathologic with the adjacent pleura. Heterogeneous lesion attenuation was docu-
features of LFTP and
address difficulties
mented in 88% of enhanced and in 68% of unenhanced CT scans.
and controversies Contrast enhancement was common (62% of cases). Magnetic reso-
about their histologic nance (MR) imaging of 18 lesions demonstrated heterogeneous sig-
䡲 Define the radio-
nal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images (78% and 83%, re-
graphic and cross- spectively). Multiplanar MR imaging allowed visualization of the dia-
sectional imaging
characteristics of
phragm and documentation of an intrathoracic mass in all cases. LFTP
LFTP. are solitary lobular heterogeneous masses that occur in symptomatic
䡲 Discuss existing adults and often affect the inferior hemithorax. Malignant lesions are
difficulties in deter-
mining the pleural radiologically indistinguishable from those with benign histologic char-
origin of these in- acteristics. Radiographic and CT features characteristic of pleural loca-
trathoracic lesions
based on imaging
tion are typically absent.

Abbreviations: AFIP ⫽ Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, H-E ⫽ hematoxylin-eosin, LFTP ⫽ localized fibrous tumors of the pleura, PA ⫽ pos-

Index terms: Lung neoplasms, 66.317, 66.3254 ● Pleura, neoplasms, 66.317, 66.3254

RadioGraphics 2003; 23:759 –783 ● Published online 10.1148/rg.233025165

1From the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md (M.L.R.); Depart-
ment of Diagnostic Imaging, Brown Medical School, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI (G.F.A.); Department of Radiology, Duke University
Medical Center, Durham, NC (H.P.M.); and Departments of Pulmonary and Mediastinal Pathology (T.J.F.) and Radiologic Pathology (J.R.G.),
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC. Received November 19, 2002; revision requested January 13, 2003 and received February 10;
accepted February 13. Address correspondence to M.L.R., 7948 Creek Hollow Rd, Blacklick, OH 43004 (e-mail:

The opinions and assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official nor as reflecting the views of
the Departments of the Air Force, Navy, Army, or Defense.
760 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3

Introduction lesions were evaluated with chest radiography, 78
Localized fibrous tumors are rare mesenchymal with chest CT, 18 with MR imaging, 10 with an-
neoplasms that most commonly affect the pleura giography, and nine with US. Fifty-five patients
but have also been described in a number of other were imaged with chest radiography and CT; 17
locations including the mediastinum and the with chest radiography, CT, and MR imaging;
lung. Extrathoracic localized fibrous tumors have and one with chest radiography and MR imaging.
been reported in the abdomen, the head and Six patients were evaluated only with CT, and
neck, and the central nervous system. Many three with only chest radiography.
names have been used to designate this neoplasm. For 80 patients, detailed clinical histories were
The inconsistent nomenclature that appears in available and were reviewed for age, gender, and
the published literature emphasizes controversies clinical presentation. Surgical and pathology re-
regarding the precursor cell for localized fibrous ports were reviewed to determine tumor size, lo-
tumors and their variable microscopic appearance cation, pleural surface of origin, presence or ab-
and unpredictable biologic behavior. sence of a pedicle, as well as gross and micro-
Patients with localized fibrous tumors of the scopic findings. Results of needle biopsies, when
pleura (LFTP) are typically adults who may performed, were also noted. The diagnosis of lo-
present with symptoms related to local or sys- calized fibrous tumor was confirmed in every case
temic effects produced by the neoplasm or who through the microscopic evaluation of glass slides
may be entirely asymptomatic. Benign and malig- prepared from the resected tissues and reviewed
nant subtypes of LFTP are recognized. At gross by an experienced thoracic pathologist in the De-
examination, these are lobular soft-tissue masses, partment of Pulmonary and Mediastinal Pathol-
which are often described as pedunculated lesions ogy at the AFIP. The lesions were classified as
arising from the visceral pleura. Radiologically, benign or malignant based on established histo-
they are intrathoracic masses of variable sizes, logic criteria, particularly the presence of more
which may not exhibit the classic imaging features than four mitotic figures per 10 high-power fields.
described in extraparenchymal lesions. On cross- All chest radiographs and CT studies were re-
sectional images, they are well-defined lobular viewed by two thoracic radiologists (M.L.R.,
heterogeneous masses. Excision is curative in the G.F.A.), and MR imaging studies were reviewed
majority of patients, although a small but signifi- by three thoracic radiologists (M.L.R., G.F.A.,
cant number of lesions recur, undergo malignant H.P.M.). Findings were recorded by consensus.
transformation, or metastasize. Chest radiographs were evaluated to determine
Although the most common primary pleural lesion size and location within the thorax as well
neoplasm is malignant mesothelioma, radiologists as border characteristics and presence or absence
should also be able to identify the much rarer of associated findings including pleural effusion
LFTP, as these two neoplasms have radically dif- and mass effect.
ferent prognoses. To help familiarize radiologists CT studies were performed at multiple institu-
with the spectrum of radiologic features of LFTP, tions with a variety of scanners and variable scan-
we review a large series of LFTP, with emphasis ning techniques. Sixty-six studies were performed
on the radiographic appearance of these lesions after the administration of intravenous contrast
and their findings at computed tomography material, and 25 were performed without contrast
(CT), magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, an- material (13 of these studies were performed be-
giography, and ultrasonography (US). We also fore and after intravenous contrast material ad-
describe the clinical presentation of patients with ministration). Lesions were evaluated to deter-
LFTP and the pathologic characteristics of these mine location, mobility within the thorax, border
tumors and discuss their therapy and prognosis. characteristics, attenuation, presence or absence
of calcification, and patterns of contrast enhance-
Materials and Methods ment.
A retrospective review of 101 cases of localized MR imaging studies were performed on a vari-
fibrous tumors referred to the Pulmonary and ety of MR imaging equipment, with various com-
Mediastinal Section of the Department of Radio- binations of axial, coronal, and sagittal planes.
logic Pathology at the Armed Forces Institute of Fifteen lesions were imaged with T1-weighted
Pathology (AFIP) between 1987 and 2001 was and T2-weighted or cine gradient recalled echo
performed. Ten multifocal or recurrent LFTP sequences, and three lesions were imaged with
and nine extrapleural localized fibrous tumors T1-weighted sequences only. Six lesions were
occurring in the mediastinum (n ⫽ 6) and in the imaged before and after administration of intrave-
lung (n ⫽ 3) were excluded. The remaining 82 nous gadolinium. All lesions were evaluated to
LFTP form the basis of this review. Seventy-six determine morphologic features, signal intensity
characteristics, and patterns of enhancement and
to exclude involvement of adjacent structures.
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 761

Table 1
Clinical Data for 80 Patients with LFTP

Sign or Symptom Benign (n ⫽ 62) Malignant (n ⫽ 18) Total (n ⫽ 80)

Dyspnea 18 (29) 4 (22) 22 (28)
Chest pain 10 (16) 5 (28) 15 (19)
Cough 6 (10) 2 (11) 8 (10)
Upper respiratory infection 2 (3) 1 (6) 3 (4)
Hemoptysis 1 (2) 0 (0) 1 (1)
Sweats 2 (3) 0 (0) 2 (3)
Weakness and fatigue 2 (3) 2 (11) 4 (5)
Lethargy 2 (3) 0 (0) 2 (3)
Confusion 1 (2) 0 (0) 1 (1)
Superior vena cava syndrome 0 (0) 1 (6) 1 (1)
Hypoglycemia 6 (10) 0 (0) 6 (8)
Clubbing 3 (5) 0 (0) 3 (4)
Weight loss 6 (10) 0 (0) 6 (8)
Asymptomatic 27 (44) 5 (28) 32 (40)
Note.—Twenty-one patients had multiple signs or symptoms. Numbers in parentheses are percentages.

Figure 1. Benign LFTP. Photograph of Figure 2. Benign LFTP. Intraoperative photo-

a resected, ovoid LFTP, which arose from graph shows a pedunculated LFTP, which arises
the parietal pleura, shows prominent blood from the visceral pleura. The surgical forceps
vessels over the thin serosal lining of the hold the adjacent partially collapsed lung.
tumor. The tumor was excised en bloc
with a portion of the adjacent chest wall.
through eighth decades of life. Clinical data
(available in 80 of 82 patients) are presented in
Results Table 1.

Patients and Clinical Presentation Operative Findings

There were 44 women and 38 men who ranged Operative reports were available in 78 cases (60
in age from 17 to 78 years (mean, 54.7 years). benign, 18 malignant). Complete surgical exci-
Sixty-four patients had benign LFTP (35 women, sion was performed in all but one lesion. Thirty-
29 men), and 18 had malignant tumors (nine two benign LFTP (53%) arose from the parietal
women, nine men). The patients with benign pleura (Fig 1), and 27 (45%) from the visceral
LFTP ranged in age from 25 to 78 years (mean pleura (Fig 2); in one case, the pleural surface of
age, 55.9 years), and those with malignant LFTP origin was not stated. A pedicle connecting the
ranged in age from 17 to 75 years (mean age, 52.5 lesion to the pleura was described in 30 (50%)
years). Eighty-four percent of benign and 78% of
malignant LFTP affected patients in the fifth
762 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3

Figure 3. Benign
LFTP. Photograph
of a cut section of a
pedunculated LFTP
demonstrates an
ovoid lobular mass
with a thin pedicle
(arrow) by which it
was attached to the Figure 4. Benign LFTP. Photograph of
visceral pleura. Note a benign LFTP demonstrates a spherical
the firm, yellow-tan lobular mass. Note the site of prior broad
appearance of the attachment (arrows) of the lesion to the
tumor. parietal pleura.

lesions (Figs 2, 3); 19 (32%) had a broad attach-

ment to the pleura (Fig 4); and in 11 cases, the
presence or absence of a pedicle was not stated in
the surgical report.
Twelve malignant LFTP (67%) were attached
to the parietal pleura and six (33%) to the visceral
pleura. Eight (44%) lesions had a pedicle, and
eight (44%) did not. In two cases, the nature of
the pleural connection was not specified.

Pathologic Findings
Needle biopsies were performed in 27 lesions (22
benign, five malignant). The diagnosis of LFTP
was established in seven benign and in one malig- Figure 5. Benign LFTP. Photograph of a cut section
of a benign LFTP demonstrates an ovoid lobular mass
nant LFTP based on the microscopic examina-
with extensive internal hemorrhage and necrosis.
tion of the biopsy specimens. The remaining bi-
opsies were inconclusive. There were 64 benign
and 18 malignant LFTP. Pathology reports were (22%) had necrosis, and cystic change was found
available in 81 cases. Forty-nine LFTP (60%) in three (17%).
were located in the right hemithorax, and 33
(40%) in the left. Benign lesions ranged in size Imaging Findings
from 2 to 30 cm (average size, 13.2 cm), and ma-
lignant lesions ranged in size from 3 to 23 cm (av- Chest Radiography.—Seventy-six LFTP (59
erage size, 14.4 cm). Macroscopic descriptions of benign, 17 malignant) were imaged with radiog-
63 benign LFTP noted gross evidence of hemor- raphy. Sixty (79%) lesions extended into or occu-
rhage in 27 (43%), cystic change in 14 (22%), pied the inferior hemithorax (Fig 6). Twenty-one
and necrosis in three (5%) (Fig 5). Seven malig- of these lesions (18 benign, three malignant)
nant LFTP (39%) exhibited hemorrhage, four abutted the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm, con-
formed to its shape, and simulated diaphragmatic
elevation or eventration (Fig 7). The majority of
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 763


Figure 6. Benign LFTP in an asymptomatic 29-year-old woman. Posteroanterior (PA) (a) and lateral (b)
chest radiographs demonstrate an ovoid, slightly lobular mass in the left inferior hemithorax that abuts the left

Figure 7. Benign LFTP in a 62-year-old woman with right-sided chest pain. PA (a) and lateral (b) chest ra-
diographs demonstrate a rounded well-defined mass of the right inferior hemithorax that conforms to the shape
of the diaphragm and mimics diaphragmatic elevation. The LFTP was discovered at abdominal CT.
764 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3


Figure 8. Benign LFTP in a 73-year-old woman with dyspnea,

weight loss, and hypoglycemia. (a, b) PA (a) and lateral (b)
chest radiographs demonstrate a large mass that occupies more
than half of the right hemithorax. The superior border of the le-
sion is lobular and well defined. (c) Photograph of a cut section
of the resected mass demonstrates a lobular contour and a
whorled nodular fibrous appearance. Scale is in centimeters.

the lesions that produced this finding (19 cases)

occurred in the right hemithorax. Sixty-nine
lesions (91%) had at least one well-defined bor-
der (Figs 6 – 8). Differential visualization of the
lesion’s borders, a radiographic finding de-
scribed as characteristic of pleural mass lesions,
was noted in 25 (33%) cases (Fig 9). Radio-
graphic demonstration of tumor extension into
the fissure was seen in three (4%) benign le-
sions (Fig 9).

Figure 9. Benign LFTP in an asymptomatic 54-year-old man. (a, b) PA (a) and lateral (b) chest radiographs ‹
demonstrate an ovoid mass in the left hemithorax. The inferior border of the lesion is well defined, but its superior
border is ill defined (a). The lesion is aligned along the course of the major fissure on the lateral radiograph (b).
(c, d) PA (c) and lateral (d) chest radiographs obtained 6 years later demonstrate interval growth of the lesion and a
change in its position within the thorax that confirms its pleural location. (e) Contrast-enhanced chest CT scan (lung
window) shows the superior border of the lesion, its extension into the fissure, and a pedicle (arrow) that connected
the mass to the fissural visceral pleura. (f) Contrast-enhanced chest CT scan (mediastinal window) demonstrates the
heterogeneously enhancing lobular mass, which forms obtuse and acute angles with the adjacent pleura. Note associ-
ated ipsilateral pleural thickening or fluid.
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 765
766 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3


Figure 10. Benign LFTP in a 72-year-old man

with dyspnea. (a, b) PA (a) and lateral (b) chest
radiographs demonstrate an enormous mass that
occupies almost the entire right hemithorax and
produces mass effect on the mediastinum. Note the
well-defined lobular superior border of the lesion
and the right pleural effusion. (c) Contrast-en-
hanced chest CT scan (mediastinal window) dem-
onstrates the large heterogeneously enhancing mass
in the right hemithorax, which produces mass ef-
fect on the mediastinum as well as atelectasis of the
adjacent lung. Note geographic areas of low attenu-
ation within the lesion.

Twenty (34%) benign and five (29%) malig-

nant LFTP occupied more than half a hemitho-
rax (Figs 8, 10), and only two lesions (one be-
nign, one malignant) filled the entire hemithorax. Computed Tomography.—Seventy-eight
Seventeen (29%) benign tumors and six (35%) LFTP (61 benign, 17 malignant) were evaluated
malignant lesions produced mass effect on the with CT, and morphologic features are summa-
adjacent structures (Fig 10). Twelve (20%) be- rized in Table 2. Twenty benign and five malig-
nign and four (24%) malignant LFTP were asso- nant LFTP were imaged before the administra-
ciated with an ipsilateral pleural effusion (Fig 10). tion of intravenous contrast material. Twelve be-
Chest wall involvement manifesting as osseous nign tumors (60%) and all five malignant lesions
changes in adjacent ribs was seen in only two (100%) exhibited heterogeneous attenuation ei-
(3%) cases (one benign, one malignant). ther due to intrinsic areas of low attenuation (Figs
10, 11) or because of intralesional calcification
(Fig 11). In seven benign LFTP (35%), heteroge-
neity was characterized as geographic (n ⫽ 6),
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 767
Table 2
CT Morphologic Features of 78 LFTP

Morphologic Feature Benign (n ⫽ 61) Malignant (n ⫽ 17) Total (n ⫽ 78)

Lobular borders 51 (84) 14 (82) 65 (83)
Smooth borders 10 (16) 3 (18) 13 (17)
Only acute angles 40 (66) 11 (65) 51 (65)
At least one acute angle 58 (95) 17 (100) 75 (96)
At least one obtuse or right angle 20 (33) 6 (35) 26 (33)
Only obtuse or right angle 2 (3) 0 (0) 2 (3)
Smoothly tapered border 20 (33) 6 (35) 26 (33)
Fissural extension 11 (18) 1 (6) 12 (15)
Pedicle 1 (2) 0 (0) 1 (1)
Change in position 2 (3) 2 (12) 4 (5)
Calcification 14 (23) 6 (35) 20 (26)
Punctate 9 (64*) 5 (83*) 14 (70*)
Linear 6 (43*) 1 (17*) 7 (35*)
Coarse 5 (36*) 1 (17*) 6 (30*)
Mass effect on mediastinum 22 (36) 10 (59) 32 (41)
Atelectasis 40 (66) 13 (76) 53 (68)
Pleural effusion 21 (34) 8 (47) 29 (37)
Nodular attenuation 16 (26) 6 (35) 22 (28)
Chest wall involvement 3 (5) 3 (18) 6 (8)
Rib sclerosis 3 (100†) 0 (0†) 3 (50†)
Soft-tissue involvement 0 (0†) 3 (100†) 3 (50†)
Note.—Angles could not be determined in one case of supradiaphragmatic LFTP. Numbers in parentheses are
*Denotes relative percentages of different types of calcification.
†Denotes relative percentages of different types of chest wall involvement.

Figure 11. Benign LFTP in an asymptomatic 39-year-old man. Unenhanced chest CT scans (mediastinal
window) demonstrate a soft-tissue mass of the left inferior hemithorax with well-defined lobular borders. The
mass forms acute angles with the adjacent pleural surface and contains a geographic area of low attenuation
(a) and multifocal coarse calcifications (b).
768 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3

RadioGraphics Figure 12. Malignant LFTP in a 30-year-old man with chest pain. (a) PA chest radiograph demon-
strates a well-marginated rounded mass in the right paravertebral inferior hemithorax. (b) Unenhanced
chest CT scan (mediastinal window) demonstrates a well-defined heterogeneous mass with focal areas of
low attenuation and subtle punctate calcification. Note that the lesion forms acute angles with the adja-
cent pleura. (c) Selective angiogram demonstrates exuberant tumor vascularity. (d) Photograph of a cut
section of the resected gross specimen demonstrates a heterogeneous spherical mass with extensive ne-
crosis, hemorrhage,and cystic change.

Figure 13. Benign LFTP in

an asymptomatic 71-year-old
woman. Targeted unenhanced
chest CT scan (mediastinal
window) demonstrates a ho-
mogeneous ovoid lobular soft-
tissue mass abutting the de-
scending aorta. Although the
lesion forms acute angles with
the pleura, a smoothly taper-
ing margin (arrow) is also
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 769


Figure 14. Benign LFTP in a 54-year-old woman

with dyspnea. Contrast-enhanced chest CT scan (me- Figure 15. Benign LFTP in a 54-year-old woman
diastinal window) demonstrates a heterogeneously en- with chest pain and dyspnea. Contrast-enhanced chest
hancing soft-tissue mass of the left inferior hemithorax CT scan (mediastinal window) demonstrates an enor-
with internal focal and linear areas of low attenuation. mous heterogeneously enhancing soft-tissue mass in
the right hemithorax that produces mass effect on the
heart. Note the serpiginous branching linear areas of
rounded (n ⫽ 4), or linear (n ⫽ 2) areas of low enhancement consistent with intralesional vessels and
attenuation within the tumor (Figs 10, 11). All the geographic and linear areas of low attenuation
within the lesion. Enhancing portions of the lesion have
five malignant neoplasms (100%) exhibited geo-
a nodular pattern of attenuation.
graphic (n ⫽ 4) or rounded (n ⫽ 2) areas of low
attenuation (Fig 12). Eight benign LFTP (40%)
exhibited homogeneous attenuation (Fig 13). tent with intratumoral vessels were seen in 10
Sixty-six LFTP (53 benign, 13 malignant) (15%) cases (six benign, four malignant) (Fig
were imaged after the administration of intrave- 15). Fifty-four (82%) lesions exhibited heteroge-
nous contrast material. Lesion enhancement was neous areas of low attenuation. In 40 benign
defined as an increase in attenuation compared LFTP (75%) low-attenuation areas were geo-
with the attenuation of the lesion on the unen- graphic (n ⫽ 33), focal (n ⫽ 27), or linear (n ⫽ 8)
hanced CT scans or as attenuation greater than (Figs 10, 14, 16, 17). All 13 malignant LFTP
that of the adjacent chest wall musculature. En- (100%) exhibited areas of low attenuation charac-
hancement was seen in 41 (62%) lesions (37 be- terized as geographic (n ⫽ 11) or focal (n ⫽ 6).
nign, four malignant) (Fig 14). Fifty-eight (88%)
lesions exhibited heterogeneous attenuation.
Thin linear foci of increased attenuation consis-
770 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3


Figure 16. Benign LFTP in an asymptomatic 62-year-old man. (a) Contrast-enhanced chest
CT scan (mediastinal window) demonstrates a lobular heterogeneous soft-tissue mass with geo-
graphic and focal areas of low attenuation. Note that the lesion forms acute angles with the adja-
cent pleura. (b) Photograph of a cut section of the gross specimen demonstrates a well-circum-
scribed lobular mass with a focal area of necrosis that corresponds to the low-attenuation area seen
at CT.

Figure 17. Benign LFTP in a 77-year-old man with dyspnea, cough,

and weight loss. (a) Contrast-enhanced chest CT scan (mediastinal
window) demonstrates a large heterogeneous soft-tissue mass of lobu-
lar borders with a large ovoid area of focal low attenuation as well as
smaller foci of low attenuation. (b) Sagittal US scan through the left
upper quadrant allows visualization of the spleen and diaphragm as
well as the supradiaphragmatic hypoechoic LFTP. (c) Photograph of a
cut section of the gross specimen demonstrates a large lobular hetero-
geneous soft-tissue mass with a nodular cut surface as well as areas of
necrosis (arrow) and hemorrhage (arrowhead).
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 771


Figure 18. Benign LFTP in an asymptomatic 68-year-old man. (a) Coronal T1-weighted MR
image demonstrates a large lobular heterogeneous mass of intermediate signal intensity with linear
areas of high signal intensity. Note mass effect on the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm and mediastinum.
(b) Coronal T1-weighted MR image obtained after intravenous administration of gadolinium
demonstrates heterogeneous patchy multifocal enhancement within the lesion.

Figure 19. Benign LFTP in a 48-year-old man with chest pain. (a) Sagittal T1-weighted MR
image demonstrates a lobular ovoid mass of intermediate signal intensity located in the right infe-
rior hemithorax. Note mass effect on the liver and focal chest wall invasion. (b) Sagittal T2-
weighted MR image at the same level demonstrates heterogeneous high signal intensity with flow
void areas within the lesion that represent vessels and intrinsic low-signal-intensity septa (arrow).

MR Imaging.—Eighteen LFTP (13 benign, five 18). Chest wall involvement was exhibited by one
malignant) were evaluated with MR imaging. benign (8%) and one malignant LFTP (20%)
Coronal or sagittal images were obtained in all (Fig 19), and diaphragm involvement was evident
cases. Eleven (85%) benign and four (80%) ma-
lignant LFTP manifested as lobular masses (Fig
772 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3


Figure 20. Malignant LFTP in a 53-year-old woman with abdominal pain. (a) Axial T1-weighted MR
image shows a mass of intermediate to low signal intensity in the right diaphragmatic region, which pro-
duces mass effect on the diaphragm and indents the liver. (b) Sagittal T1-weighted MR image obtained
after intravenous administration of gadolinium shows heterogeneous contrast enhancement and exten-
sion through the diaphragm. Note that a large portion of the mass is intrahepatic and thus a tumor of
liver origin would have to be considered. Diaphragm invasion was documented at surgery.

Table 3
MR Imaging Signal Intensity Characteristics of 18 LFTP

Signal Intensity Characteristic Benign (n ⫽ 13) Malignant (n ⫽ 5) Total (n ⫽ 18)

Heterogeneous on T1-weighted images 10 (77) 4 (80) 14 (78)
Heterogeneous on T2-weighted images 10 (77) 5 (100) 15 (83)
Areas of low to intermediate signal intensity on
T1-weighted images 6 (46) 4 (80) 10 (56)
Areas of low to intermediate signal intensity on
T2-weighted images 3 (23) 1 (20) 4 (22)
Areas of high signal intensity on T1-weighted images 6 (46) 2 (40) 8 (44)
Areas of high signal intensity on T2-weighted images 8 (62) 5 (100) 13 (72)
Increase in signal intensity seen on T2-weighted im-
ages, compared with that seen on T1-weighted
images 7 (54) 4 (80) 11 (61)
Vascular structures 0 (0) 2 (40) 2 (11)
Low-signal-intensity septa on T2-weighted images 10 (77) 4 (80) 14 (78)
Low-signal-intensity capsule on T2-weighted images 0 (0) 1 (20) 1 (6)
Note.—Numbers in parentheses are percentages.

in two malignant LFTP (40%) (Fig 20). Mass coronal or sagittal images (Figs 18, 19). Patterns
effect on the diaphragm was documented in 12 of signal intensity are summarized in Table 3. Six
(67%) cases (eight benign, four malignant) on lesions (five benign, one malignant) were imaged
after the administration of intravenous gadolin-
ium, and all exhibited heterogeneous contrast
enhancement (Figs 18, 20).
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 773
Angiography.—Ten LFTP were studied with Pathogenesis
angiography (seven benign, three malignant). All Different theories about the cell of origin for
lesions (100%) exhibited exuberant tumor vascu- LFTP have been proposed and probably account
larity (Fig 12c). for the varied nomenclature used to designate this
rare neoplasm. Localized mesothelioma, fibrous
Ultrasonography.—Nine benign LFTP were mesothelioma, benign fibrous mesothelioma, lo-
imaged with US. Six masses (67%) were hetero- calized fibrous mesothelioma, benign mesothe-
geneous and exhibited hypoechoic and hypere- lioma, benign localized mesothelioma, fibrosing
choic areas but no cysts or calcification. US visu- mesothelioma, and mesothelial fibroma represent
alization of the diaphragm was documented in nomenclature that alludes to early theories sup-
five cases, established the intrathoracic location of porting a mesothelial cell of origin (3,8 –12).
the lesion in all, and showed mass effect without Terms such as subpleural fibroma, submesothe-
invasion in three (Fig 17b). lial fibroma, and submesothelioma suggest a sub-
mesothelial precursor cell (3,10). Pleural fibroma,
Radiologic Reports.—A review of the radiologic benign pleural fibroma, pleural fibromyxoma,
reports generated at the time the lesions were solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura, and localized
originally imaged (n ⫽ 80) showed that the diag- fibrous tumor of the serosal cavities are additional
nosis of LFTP was not mentioned in the preop- terms that have been used to designate these le-
erative differential diagnosis for 43 (54%) cases sions (10,11,13). The currently accepted nomen-
(33 benign, 10 malignant). The specific diagnosis clature is localized fibrous tumor of the pleura,
of LFTP was included in the differential diagno- and a derivation from submesothelial mesenchy-
sis for 21 (26%) lesions (15 benign, six malig- mal cells with a fibroblastic differentiation is gen-
nant), and 16 (20%) lesions (14 benign, two ma- erally acknowledged (11).
lignant) were characterized as pleural in location. Lesions of similar histologic characteristics
have been reported in extrapleural thoracic loca-
Discussion tions, including the mediastinum, lung, pericar-
Primary pleural neoplasms are rare and represent dium, and heart (14 –16). Yousem and Flynn
less than 5% of all pleural neoplasia. The most (17) described three intrapulmonary localized
common primary pleural neoplasm is malignant fibrous tumors and suggested a common origin
mesothelioma, a highly aggressive malignancy for this subset of lesions from tissues in the inter-
that is associated with asbestos exposure. Malig- lobular septa. Localized fibrous tumors have also
nant mesothelioma is characterized by diffuse been reported in the abdomen (liver, peritoneum,
circumferential pleural involvement and a poor and retroperitoneum) and in the meninges, orbit,
prognosis (1). The first report of a primary pleu- thyroid, salivary gland, and the soft tissues includ-
ral neoplasm dates back to 1767 and is attributed ing the breast (15,16,18). It has been suggested
to Lieutaud (2). Wagner published the first mi- that the upper respiratory tract may be a preferred
croscopic description of a primary diffuse pleural extrathoracic location, with reports of localized
neoplasm in 1870 and proposed that the tumor fibrous tumors arising in the nose, paranasal si-
was derived from the endothelium of the pleural nuses, parapharyngeal tissues, nasopharynx and
lymphatics (3,4). In 1931, Klemperer and Rabin epiglottis (15,19).
classified primary pleural neoplasms as localized
and diffuse types and proposed that a subme- Clinical Characteristics
sothelial mesenchymal cell was the cell of origin LFTP affect male and female patients, with a
for the localized type (5). LFTP are rare neo- slight female predominance reported in some
plasms; only over 600 cases have been reported in studies (3). Women represented 55% of patients
the scientific literature (6). In a 1978 review of 60 with benign LFTP and 50% of patients with ma-
cases of LFTP, Okike and colleagues (7) reported lignant LFTP in our series. Affected patients
a prevalence of only 2.8 cases per 100,000 regis- display a wide age range (5– 87 years), with the
trations at their institution, the Mayo Clinic.
774 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3

RadioGraphics majority of cases reported in the 6th and 7th de- systemic effects typically occur with large tumors
cades of life and a reported mean age of 50 –57 and generally resolve after excision of the neo-
years (3,20,21). Although 83% of the patients in plasms but may recur with subsequent tumor re-
our series were older than 40 years, only 41% currences (12,30 –32). Non–islet cell tumor hypo-
were in the 6th and 7th decades of life. LFTP are glycemia has been described in association with
not thought to be related to exposure to cigarette both epithelial and mesenchymal neoplasms, in-
smoke, asbestos, or other environmental pollut- cluding LFTP (30,32–34). Many theories have
ants (22,23). However, there are at least two case been proposed to explain this phenomenon, in-
reports of patients with LFTP who were exposed cluding increased glucose consumption by the
to asbestos and one of a patient who developed a tumor; proliferation of insulin receptors; impaired
LFTP following thoracic irradiation for the treat- growth hormone counter-regulatory responses to
ment of a chest wall keloid (24,25). hypoglycemia; and tumor secretion of insulin-like
Up to 50% of patients with LFTP, particular- substances, such as insulin-like growth factor 2
ly those with small neoplasms, may be entirely (IGF-2) and a high molecular weight (“big”)
asymptomatic, and the tumor is discovered inci- IGF-2 (4,30,32,35–38). In some patients, hypo-
dentally because of radiographs obtained for glycemic coma may be the presenting manifesta-
other reasons (3,21,26). When signs and symp- tion of a LFTP (34). Hypertrophic osteoar-
toms (particularly digital clubbing and hypertro- thropathy may relate to hyaluronic acid produc-
phic osteoarthropathy) are present, they are usu- tion and its osteolytic effects and is reported in
ally associated with larger tumors and may occur 17%–35% of cases (4,8,37,39). Although hyper-
more frequently in association with malignant trophic osteoarthropathy has been described in
subtypes of LFTP (7,27). Interestingly, the aver- cases of lung carcinoma, malignant pleural me-
age size of LFTP that affected asymptomatic indi- sothelioma, and even empyema and other tho-
viduals in our series was 10.5 cm, whereas the racic infections, LFTP may produce it more com-
average size of those that occurred in symptom- monly (4). Interestingly, none of our patients pre-
atic patients was 16.6 cm. Studies of patients with sented with hypertrophic osteoarthropathy.
LFTP published from 1942 to 1972 reported that
72% of patients were symptomatic at presenta- Gross Features
tion, whereas studies published between 1973 LFTP are typically solitary lesions with rare oc-
and 1980 reported symptoms in only 54% of pa- currences of conglomerate or multifocal masses.
tients. This decrease in the prevalence of symp- Sixty-six percent to 70% of localized fibrous tu-
toms in patients with LFTP may relate to more mors arise from the visceral pleura, and nearly
widespread imaging of asymptomatic populations half are pedunculated, with the vascular supply to
and the resultant detection of a larger number of the tumor contained within the pedicle (21,40)
incidental tumors (3). (Figs 2, 3). Although a pedicle was present in
Reported symptoms are similar to those exhib- 49% of our cases, 55% of the lesions arose from
ited by our patients and include respiratory and the parietal pleural surface (Fig 1). This discrep-
thoracic complaints such as cough, dyspnea, he- ancy may relate to selection bias, because our
moptysis, chest pain, chest heaviness, and the cases were collected through consultation for sec-
sensation of a mass moving within the chest ond-opinion diagnosis or through case contribu-
(3,21) (Table 1). Abdominal pain has been re- tions by residents attending AFIP courses, and
ported in patients with supradiaphragmatic tu- only cases with imaging studies were included.
mors (28). Systemic complaints may occur and The AFIP series published by England and col-
include chills, sweats, weakness, and weight loss leagues (21), based on a larger number of cases
(3). Paraneoplastic syndromes such as hypoglyce- (n ⫽ 223) submitted to the Institute before 1988,
mia, digital clubbing, and hypertrophic osteoar- documented origin of LFTP from the visceral
thropathy are uncommon, but when they are as- pleura in 66% of cases. Adhesions to the adjacent
sociated with an intrathoracic mass they may sug- pleural surfaces and pericardium are common
gest the diagnosis of LFTP (4,29,30). These (3,21). LFTP are usually well-circumscribed
masses with lobular or smooth external surfaces
and a thin, glistening translucent serosa through
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 775

Figure 21. Benign LFTP. (a, b) High-power (original magnification, ⫻400) (a) and intermediate-power
(original magnification, ⫻200) (b) photomicrographs (hematoxylin-eosin [H-E] stain) demonstrate the bland,
low-grade appearance of spindle-shaped tumor cells (a) that are arranged in a haphazard or so-called pattern-
less pattern (b), the classic appearance of localized fibrous tumors. (c, d) High-power photomicrographs
(original magnification, ⫻400; H-E stain) of the same neoplasm demonstrate the variable cellularity character-
istic of localized fibrous tumors. A hypercellular area (c) is composed of abundant spindle-shaped cells with a
paucity of collagen fibers, whereas a hypocellular area (d) demonstrates abundant collagen (*) between tumor

which a network of prominent blood vessels may cell of mesenchymal differentiation as the cell of
be seen (Fig 1) (40). The cut surface is firm, origin. At histologic analysis, localized fibrous
pink-white or yellow-tan and often exhibits a tumors appear as low-grade neoplasms of variable
whorled or nodular pattern (Figs 3, 8c). Areas of cellularity. The tumor cells are ovoid to spindle-
necrosis, hemorrhage, or cystic degeneration may shaped with round to oval nuclei, an evenly dis-
be evident, particularly in large or malignant le- tributed fine chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli,
sions (Figs 5, 12d, 16b, 17c). and bipolar faintly eosinophilic cytoplasm with
indistinct cell borders (Fig 21). Nuclear pleomor-
Histologic Characteristics phism is minimal and mitoses are usually rare or
England and colleagues (21) proposed that LFTP
originated from the submesothelial connective
tissues and suggested a primitive multipotential
776 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3


Figure 22. Benign LFTP. High-power photomicro- Figure 23. Benign LFTP. Low-power photomicro-
graph (original magnification, ⫻400; H-E stain) of a graph (original magnification, ⫻100; H-E stain) dem-
benign LFTP demonstrates the characteristic ropy col- onstrates the second most commonly encountered his-
lagen that occurs in the hypocellular areas of these tologic pattern (hemangiopericytoma-like) character-
lesions. ized by staghorn-like vessels.

absent. Cellularity is variable and is inversely re-

lated to collagen content (21). Collagen ranges
from wispy fibrils surrounding tumor cells in hy-
percellular areas to thick, dense, wirelike or
“ropy” collagen forming sclerotic zones in hypo-
cellular areas (Figs 21, 22). Tumors are usually
well vascularized with vessels of varying sizes
(23). Degenerative features including myxoid
change and degeneration of collagen may occur
(41). Microscopic examination reveals a variety of
architectural patterns, with the most frequent be-
ing an intermingling of tumor cells and collagen
in a random fashion, the so-called patternless pat-
tern (Fig 21a) (41). The second most common
pattern is characterized by hypercellular zones
that contain a network of open anastomosing or Figure 24. Malignant LFTP. High-power photomi-
staghorn-shaped vessels that result in a heman- crograph (original magnification, ⫻400; H-E stain)
giopericytoma-like appearance (Fig 23). Less fre- demonstrates five mitotic figures within this one high-
power field. Note the nuclear pleomorphism that may
quently, localized fibrous tumors may adopt an-
also characterize malignant LFTP.
giofibroma-like (numerous small and medium-
sized vessels), fibrosarcoma-like (herringbone),
monophasic variant of synovial sarcoma–like S-100 protein. However, distinction from other
(densely cellular fascicles), and neural (wavy nu- soft-tissue neoplasms can be difficult, particularly
clei, palisading) patterns (41). in cases of hemangiopericytoma, the monophasic
Because of the highly variable light micro- variant of synovial sarcoma, and malignant fi-
scopic appearances of LFTP, the histologic differ- brous histiocytoma (41). Of these considerations,
ential diagnosis is broad and includes primary and hemangiopericytoma is perhaps the most difficult
metastatic spindle cell carcinoma, spindle cell entity to distinguish, and differentiation may not
melanoma, sarcomatoid mesothelioma, and a be possible with light microscopy in all instances
wide spectrum of primary and metastatic soft- (21). Commonly used criteria for malignancy are
tissue neoplasms. The exclusion of other tumors those described by England and colleagues (21),
is relatively straightforward with the aid of immu- which include (a) high cellularity with crowding
nohistochemical studies. Localized fibrous tu- and overlapping of nuclei, (b) high mitotic activ-
mors are immunoreactive with CD34 and bcl-2 ity of more than four mitotic figures per 10 high-
but typically lack expression for cytokeratin and power fields, and (c) pleomorphism (Fig 24). Be-
cause of the diversity of histologic patterns dis-
played by LFTP, even large biopsy specimens
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 777
6 – 8, 12), and when in contiguity with the dia-
phragm, an LFTP may mimic diaphragmatic el-
evation (Fig 7). LFTP may exhibit slow growth
over time (Fig 9) and may reach enormous sizes
(46). Large lesions or those that arise from para-
mediastinal pleural surfaces may manifest with
typical radiographic features of pulmonary or me-
diastinal masses, respectively (14,47). Pleural ef-
fusion is reported in 6%–17% of cases and may
obscure a lesion in the inferior hemithorax (Fig
10) (11,18,21,48). To our knowledge, radio-
graphic evidence of chest wall involvement by
LFTP has been previously documented in only
Figure 25. Benign LFTP in a 55-year-old man un- one case report (45).
dergoing evaluation for HIV disease. Unenhanced
chest CT scan (bone window) demonstrates a small Computed Tomography.—CT of small LFTP
well-defined mass of the left superior hemithorax that typically demonstrates homogeneous, well-de-
forms obtuse angles with the adjacent pleural surfaces. fined, noninvasive, lobular, soft-tissue masses,
which typically abut a pleural surface, may form
obtuse angles against the adjacent pleura, or may
may pose a significant diagnostic problem, and be located within a fissure (Figs 9, 25) (11,26,
biopsy samples obtained with percutaneous tech- 49). Large lesions are typically heterogeneous and
niques may be insufficient for diagnosis. In fact, may not exhibit CT features suggestive of focal
only 32% of the benign and 20% of the malignant pleural tumors (50). In fact, LFTP usually form
LFTP in our series were accurately diagnosed acute angles against adjacent pleural surfaces
with needle biopsy. That these lesions remain (11,26,46,50) (Figs 9, 11–13, 16) (Table 2).
problematic even for the experienced general sur- Only 33% of the LFTP in our series exhibited at
gical pathologist is attested to by the fact that over least one obtuse or right angle, and only 3% ex-
one-half of the benign tumors and three-fourths hibited only obtuse angles (Figs 9, 25). Interest-
of the malignant lesions in the England et al study ingly, the average sizes of the latter subsets of le-
(21) were initially misclassified. sions (10.2 and 4.0 cm, respectively) were smaller
than the average size of all the LFTP in the series.
Imaging Appearance Dedrick and colleagues (26) stated that a smoothly
tapering margin adjacent to the tumor (seen in
Radiography.—Chest radiographs of patients five of their six cases) was a more characteristic
with small LFTP typically demonstrate a well- finding that could help establish the pleural loca-
defined, lobular, solitary nodule or mass, which tion of these tumors. However, this finding was
may appear to be in the lung periphery and typi- demonstrated in only one-third of our cases (Fig
cally abuts a pleural surface or is located within a 13). Dedrick and colleagues (26) also reported
fissure (7,26) (Fig 9a, 9b). In 1977, Ellis (42) diaphragmatic crural thickening in one of their
described the incomplete border sign of ex- cases and a fissural location in another. Although
trapleural lesions to differentiate them from pa- fissural extension of the mass may be helpful in
renchymal masses. Because extrapleural lesions establishing lesion location, it is an uncommon
may exhibit tapered borders, en face radiography finding (Fig 9). In addition, CT findings may not
results in an ill-defined margin. Focal pleural allow differentiation of a fissural LFTP from a
masses may also exhibit this “incomplete border” peripheral lung lesion or exclusion of a tumor of
in addition to sharply defined margins when im- abdominal origin when the inferior hemithorax is
aged tangentially (42,43). This discrepancy in affected (49,51).
margin visualization may allow the suggestion of a CT visualization of a pedicle is rarely reported
pleural location (20,42,43), but it was seen in (Fig 9). However, a pedicle was indirectly dem-
only 33% of the LFTP in our series (Fig 9). Pe- onstrated in four of 16 patients with LFTP stud-
dunculated tumors may show mobility within the ied by Mendelson and colleagues through CT
pleural space or changes in shape and orientation documentation of mobility within the thorax (46)
on fluoroscopy or with changes in the patient’s (Fig 9). Masses originating in the mediastinal
position (20,44). Although this finding is a reli- pleura may mimic mediastinal neoplasms. In fact,
able indicator of pleural location, it is not fre-
quently demonstrated (Fig 9) (44).
LFTP are reported to affect predominantly the
middle and inferior hemithorax (11,45) (Figs
778 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3


Figure 26. Malignant LFTP in an asymptomatic 37-year-old man. (a) PA chest radiograph demonstrates a lobular
mass in the right cardiophrenic angle. Note poor visualization of the superolateral border of the lesion. (b) Unen-
hanced chest CT scan (mediastinal window) demonstrates a spherical heterogeneous right paracardiac mass that pro-
duces mass effect on the heart and perilesional atelectasis. Note the small ipsilateral right pleural effusion.

Figure 27. Benign LFTP in a 27-year-old woman with chest pain. Contrast-enhanced chest CT scans (medi-
astinal window) demonstrate a heterogeneously enhancing mass of the left middle hemithorax that produces
pressure erosion on an adjacent rib. The lesion forms obtuse and acute angles with the adjacent pleura and ex-
hibits a smoothly tapering margin (b). Note enhancing serpiginous linear structures within the lesion (a),
which likely represent vascular structures.

Mendelson and colleagues (46) state that the di- num, and pleural effusion were more common in
agnosis of LFTP should be considered when le- malignant LFTP. Calcification is described in 7%
sions abut the mediastinum or the paraspinal ar- of cases and is usually reported in large lesions in
eas. However, it should be noted that lesions of association with necrosis (11,18). Intralesional
identical histologic characteristics (ie, localized calcification was documented in 26% of our cases
fibrous tumors) may arise in the mediastinum and was characterized as punctate, linear, or
without any relationship to the pleura (14). Mass coarse (Table 2) (Figs 11b, 12b). Local invasion
effect on the adjacent lung and mediastinum is is rarely reported, and lymphadenopathy is not a
described as a typical finding (9,26) (Fig 26). In- feature of LFTP (52). Chest wall involvement
terestingly, although there was little difference in was seen at CT in 8% of our cases, manifesting as
size between the malignant and benign LFTP in sclerosis or pressure erosion on adjacent ribs, a
our series, atelectasis, mass effect on the mediasti- characteristic feature of chest wall and mediasti-
nal neoplasms of neurogenic origin that is rarely
reported in association with LFTP (Fig 27) (45).
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 779


Figure 28. Malignant LFTP in an asymptomatic HIV-positive 28-year-old woman. (a) Con-
trast-enhanced chest CT scan (mediastinal window) demonstrates an irregular soft-tissue mass in
the left middle hemithorax that exhibits heterogeneous enhancement and internal geographic areas
of low attenuation. (b) Photograph of the resected specimen demonstrates a centrally necrotic
mass. Note that complete excision of the LFTP required a pneumonectomy.

LFTP have been reported to exhibit intermedi- monly seen on unenhanced scans (Fig 13). Ho-
ate to high attenuation on unenhanced CT scans. mogeneity of attenuation may indirectly relate to
This appearance has been attributed to the high size (as small lesions may exhibit necrosis less fre-
physical density of collagen and the abundant quently) and was seen in lesions with average
capillary network within these lesions. However, sizes of 8.1 cm on unenhanced CT scans and 4.6
Francis and colleagues (53) studied nine cases of cm on enhanced scans. In addition, hemorrhage,
fibromatosis (a tumor that contains a dense col- necrosis, or cystic change were absent in seven of
lagenized matrix) and found no relationship be- eight lesions (88%) with homogeneous attenua-
tween CT attenuation and histologic content of tion on unenhanced scans and in all eight LFTP
the lesions. Enhancement may correlate with the with homogeneous attenuation on contrast-en-
vascular nature of these lesions and may result in hanced CT scans. Heterogeneous areas of low
higher attenuation than that of other soft tissues attenuation on unenhanced CT scans correlated
in the thorax (46). Lee and colleagues (50) stud- with gross presence of necrosis, hemorrhage, or
ied nine cases of LFTP with CT and demon- cystic change in 86% of benign LFTP.
strated significant enhancement in all. In addi- Heterogeneous attenuation of LFTP after con-
tion, they documented high attenuation (equal to trast material administration was typical (Figs
that of the surrounding muscles) on unenhanced 15–17) and correlated with gross descriptions of
CT scans in three of their cases (50). Enhance- hemorrhage, necrosis, or cystic change in 22 of 40
ment is typically heterogeneous (particularly in (55%) cases of benign LFTP with intrinsic areas
large lesions) with central areas of low attenua- of low attenuation (Figs 16, 17). Little has been
tion, which have been shown to correlate with written about the CT appearance of malignant
myxoid change, hemorrhage, necrosis, or cystic LFTP. They are described as indistinguishable
degeneration (11,37,46,50). Heterogeneity may from benign lesions: large masses of heteroge-
become more conspicuous after intravenous ad- neous attenuation and patchy enhancement (52).
ministration of contrast material because areas of Although there was no difference in lesion size
viable tumor exhibit contrast material enhance- when the benign and malignant LFTP in our se-
ment and those with necrosis do not. Although ries were compared, low-attenuation areas were
contrast material enhancement was common in seen in all malignant LFTP whether the scans
our series (62%) (Figs 10, 14), it was not demon- were obtained before or after the administration
strated in all cases. of intravenous contrast material and correlated
The majority of the lesions in our series exhib- with gross descriptions of hemorrhage, necrosis,
ited heterogeneous attenuation on CT scans be- or cystic change in 60% of unenhanced (Figs 12,
fore and after the administration of intravenous 26) and 54% of enhanced CT studies (Fig 28).
contrast material. Only benign LFTP exhibited
homogeneous attenuation, which was more com-
780 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3


Figure 29. Benign LFTP in a 64-year-old woman who presented with confusion and hypoglyce-
mia. (a) Sagittal T1-weighted MR image demonstrates a large soft-tissue mass of heterogeneous
intermediate signal intensity in the right hemithorax that produces mass effect on the hemidia-
phragm. Note flow void foci consistent with tumor vessels. (b) Sagittal T2-weighted MR image at
the same level demonstrates an overall heterogeneous increase in signal intensity in the lesion with
multiple hyperintense areas.

MR Imaging.—There are few reports of the MR diaphragm and chest wall (18). Sagittal and coro-
imaging features of LFTP (20,28,54,55). The nal images permit tumor localization within the
existing reports describe masses of predominant thorax and allow diaphragmatic evaluation. Flow
low or intermediate signal intensity on both T1- voids reflecting the vascular nature of some LFTP
and T2-weighted images and on proton density– have previously been reported (55) and were seen
weighted images, which is thought to relate to in 11% of our cases (Figs 19, 29). Intense hetero-
high content of fibrous collagenous tissue, hypo- geneous enhancement after administration of in-
cellularity, and relatively small numbers of mobile travenous gadolinium is typical (Figs 18, 20).
protons (8,11,54,55). However, high signal inten-
sity on T2-weighted images has also been re- Angiography.—Angiography is useful in deter-
ported and may relate to necrosis, cystic or myx- mining the vascular supply to the lesion, which
oid degeneration, prominent vascular structures, typically enters through the pedicle (26). Demon-
and hypercellular areas (20,55). In our study, stration of blood supply from the inferior phrenic,
predominantly heterogeneous lesions were seen intercostal, or internal mammary arteries may be
on both T1- and T2-weighted images (Fig 29). a helpful clue to the extrapulmonary origin of
Areas of low to intermediate signal intensity were large LFTP (8).
more commonly seen on T1-weighted images,
and areas of high signal intensity were demon- Ultrasonography.—US is helpful in the evalua-
strated more frequently on T2-weighted images tion of large masses in the inferior hemithorax
(Figs 18, 29). Low-signal-intensity septa were a through visualization of the diaphragm and estab-
common finding on T2-weighted MR images lishment of their intrathoracic location, particu-
(Fig 19). Most lesions increased in signal inten- larly those lesions located in the inferior hemitho-
sity on T2-weighted images, compared with T1- rax (4,26) (Fig 17b).
weighted images (Fig 29). MR imaging is supe-
rior to CT in assessment of tumor extent and is Patient Management
more sensitive in excluding local invasion of the
Diagnosis.—The diagnosis of LFTP may not be
suggested prospectively after imaging affected
patients. This is not surprising given the fact that
RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3 Rosado-de-Christenson et al 781

RadioGraphics classically described radiographic features (in- lesions can be successfully resected particularly if
complete visualization of the lesion borders, fis- they are pedunculated (49,60). Recurrent tumors
sural location) and cross-sectional imaging fea- may exhibit malignant histologic features and a
tures (obtuse angles, mobility, pedicle visualiza- more aggressive biologic and clinical behavior
tion) of focal pleural masses are usually not despite prior resection of histologically benign
present in these cases. The diagnosis of LFTP is lesions (14). Malignant tumors may metastasize,
typically made after surgical excision of the mass. and local recurrences are more common in cases
Confident preoperative diagnosis can be made of malignant lesions than in benign lesions (22).
with large-bore cutting needle biopsies, and be-
cause the needle can usually be introduced into Conclusions
the mass while avoiding aerated lung, the risk of Localized fibrous tumors are rare primary pleural
pneumothorax is minimal (56). Although fine- neoplasms that may grow to large sizes and typi-
needle aspiration may yield characteristic and di- cally affect symptomatic men and women over
agnostic morphologic features, cutting needle the age of 40 years. Small LFTP may be discov-
biopsy is probably preferable because of wider ered incidentally on chest radiographs of asymp-
tissue sampling (10,56). tomatic individuals. Although small lesions may
exhibit the characteristic imaging features of pleu-
Treatment.—The therapy for patients with ral masses, classic findings of focal pleural dis-
LFTP is complete surgical excision. Aggressive ease, such as the “incomplete border” sign, ob-
surgery is recommended given the possibility of tuse or right angles against the adjacent pleura,
recurrent disease (57). Vascular adhesions to ad- fissural location, or mobility within the pleural
jacent tissues may result in massive intraoperative space, are usually absent. The majority of LFTP
hemorrhage, which is adequately handled with occupy the inferior hemithorax, and those that
good exposure, prompt removal of the mass, and abut the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm may mimic
meticulous hemostasis (58). Cardillo and col- diaphragmatic elevation or eventration. The diag-
leagues (6) described 55 patients with LFTP who nosis should be considered in symptomatic adults
underwent resection via video-assisted thoraco- who present with solitary, large, lobular, hetero-
scopic surgery (VATS) and thoracotomy with no geneous intrathoracic masses in the absence of
operative deaths. Although VATS may be ad- local invasion, lymphadenopathy, or metastatic
equate for the resection of small tumors, large disease. Small LFTP without gross necrosis,
tumors usually require a thoracotomy (39). In hemorrhage, or cystic change may exhibit homo-
many cases, resection of the lesion with its pedicle geneous attenuation on unenhanced and less fre-
and a small patch of adjacent lung may be suffi- quently on contrast-enhanced chest CT scans.
cient (4). In some cases, complete excision may However, the majority of LFTP exhibit heteroge-
require lung resection (segmentectomy, lobec- neous attenuation on CT scans, characterized as
tomy, bilobectomy, pneumonectomy), partial intralesional geographic, focal or linear areas of
pleurectomy, or en bloc chest wall resection (Fig low attenuation that often correlate with hemor-
28b) (4,6,7,12). Long-term imaging follow-up is rhage, necrosis, or cystic changes. Calcification
recommended in all cases to exclude tumor recur- may occur in one-fourth of cases. Atelectasis of
rence or metastatic disease. Recurrent disease the adjacent lung and mass effect on the mediasti-
typically affects the ipsilateral pleura and may also num are common associated findings. MR imag-
affect the lung. Repeat resection of recurrent le- ing typically demonstrates intrathoracic lobular
sions is recommended (4,49). Adjuvant therapy is masses of heterogeneous signal intensity with
probably not helpful because of the low cellular both T1- and T2-weighted sequences. Internal
content and low mitotic rates characteristic of low-signal-intensity septa on T2-weighted images
LFTP (27,59). are common. Studies that allow direct visualiza-
tion of the diaphragm such as MR imaging and
Prognosis.—The prognosis for patients with US are useful in establishing the intrathoracic
LFTP is generally favorable. The majority of le- location of large lesions occupying the inferior
sions behave in a benign fashion (88%), but ap- hemithorax. Although there are no imaging fea-
proximately 12% of patients die of extensive in- tures that definitively distinguish benign from
trathoracic tumor growth or an unresectable re- malignant subtypes of LFTP, heterogeneity on
currence (3). Although tumor size does not cross-sectional images, mass effect, and pleural
directly correlate with prognosis, pedunculated effusion may be slightly more common in malig-
noninvasive tumors are less likely to recur when nant lesions.
complete excision of all neoplastic tissue is ac-
complished. In fact, complete excision is the best
prognostic indicator (3,7,8,21,25,60). Malignant
782 May-June 2003 RG f Volume 23 ● Number 3

RadioGraphics Acknowledgments: The authors wish to acknowl- 13. el-Naggar AK, Ro JY, Ayala AG, Ward R, Or-
edge the immense assistance of Linda C. Wilkins, BS, donez NG. Localized fibrous tumor of the serosal
who constructed the database used to collect and ana- cavities: immunohistochemical, electron-micro-
lyze the data for the manuscript. We also acknowledge scopic, and flow-cytometric DNA study. Am J
the input and contribution of Philip A. Templeton, Clin Pathol 1989; 92:561–565.
MD, during the early planning stages of the project. 14. Balassiano M, Reichert N, Rosenman Y, Hertcheg
Finally, we thank the countless residents who through- E, Lieberman Y, Yellin A. Localized fibrous me-
out the years have participated in the Radiologic Pa- sothelioma of the mediastinum devoid of pleural
thology Courses of the Department of Radiologic Pa- connections. Postgrad Med J 1989; 65:788 –790.
thology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in 15. Ibrahim NB, Briggs JC, Corrin B. Double primary
Washington, DC. Their case contributions enriched localized fibrous tumours of the pleura and retro-
the content of the Institute’s archives and enhanced our peritoneum. Histopathology 1993; 22:282–284.
understanding of radiologic-pathologic correlation of 16. Vaswani K, Guttikonda S, Vitellas KM. Case 1.
thoracic diseases. Localized fibrous tumor of the liver. AJR Am J
Roentgenol 2000; 175:872,875– 876.
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