Cell Membrane Guided Notes

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Cell Membrane Notes

Membrane Design
 fluid-mosaic model
o Fluid = ____________________________________________________________
o Mosaic = __________________________________________________________
molecules like ______________________________________________________

Phospholipid Bi-Layer
 polar heads are _______________________________________ “water loving”
 tails (fatty acids) are _____________________________ “water fearing” and face inward

 Type of ________________________ (lipid)
 Changes _______________________________ of cell membrane
o Higher temps – ____________________________ membrane
o Lower temps – prevents membrane from _______________________________
 Recognition Proteins
o Proteins that have ___________________________________ chains attached
o Carbohydrate chains aid in cell ____________________________________
 Acts as ___________________________________
o Example: Red Blood Cells (A, B),
 Identify (recognize) ______________________________ as foreign

 Receptor Proteins
o Proteins that receive _______________________ from other _____________
o Such as ________________________________ system cells

 Channel Proteins
o Proteins that involved in letting certain substances __________ and _________
of cells
 Aquaporins- let _____________________ in and out of cells
 River channel – where boats pass through

 Integral
o Proteins that ________________ both layers of the phosphoplipid bilayer
 Integrate (all the way in)
 Peripheral
o proteins that are only on the ____________________ or
_____________________________________ of the phospholipid bilayer
 Peripheral vision (on the outside)
 Periscope (only see part)

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