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25/6/2020 Chomsky Practice

Comenzado el Thursday, 25 de June de 2020, 16:24

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Thursday, 25 de June de 2020, 17:38
Tiempo empleado 1 hora 13 minutos 1/10
25/6/2020 Chomsky Practice

Pregunta 1 Match the statements with the correct answer

Sin cali car Behaviourist theory was proposed by___.

Chomsky is the   _____of modern linguistics.


                                 is the grammatical features that are

shared by all derivations of human language.
Universal Grammar

Noam Chomsky is an _____,_____,_____, etc.   American linguist , Philosopher, Cognitive scientist

Innate theory was proposed by                            .


______is the human capacity for communication. Language

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es:
Behaviourist theory was proposed by___.

→ Skinner,

Chomsky is the   _____of modern linguistics.
→ father,
                                 is the grammatical features that are shared by all derivations of human language. →
Universal Grammar, 2/10
25/6/2020 Chomsky Practice

Noam Chomsky is an _____,_____,_____, etc.  

→ American linguist , Philosopher, Cognitive scientist,
Innate theory was proposed by                            .
→ Chomsky, ______is the human capacity for communication. → Language

Pregunta 2
(    ) Structuralism is the school to which Chomsky belongs.
Sin cali car

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La respuesta correcta es 'Falso' 3/10
25/6/2020 Chomsky Practice

Pregunta 3
Prior to Chomsky it was widely agreed that language was acquired via:
Sin cali car
Seleccione una:
I. experiential learning

II. language classes

III. step by step instruction

IV. cognitive predisposition

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es: experiential learning

Pregunta 4 What theory did the language acquisition device evolve into?
Sin cali car Seleccione una:
I. Universal Grammar Acquisition

II. Universal Grammar

III. Dr. Chomsky´s Guide to speaking good

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es: Universal Grammar 4/10
25/6/2020 Chomsky Practice

Pregunta 5 Chomsky is a philosopher.

Sin cali car Seleccione una:


La respuesta correcta es 'Falso'

Pregunta 6
For Chomsky, a trait is innate if its development does not involve ______.
Sin cali car

Seleccione una:
I. exposure to Universal grammar in the environment

extraction of information from the environment

III. extraction of Universal Grammar from the environment

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es:

extraction of information from the environment  5/10
25/6/2020 Chomsky Practice

Pregunta 7
(     ) Chomsky was agreeing with Skinner's theory.
Sin cali car

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La respuesta correcta es 'Falso'

Pregunta 8
(     ) Universal grammar stipulates that it is necessary a stimulus and a response, among others.
Sin cali car Seleccione una:


La respuesta correcta es 'Falso' 6/10
25/6/2020 Chomsky Practice

Pregunta 9
(     ) The Language acquisition device is innate in people, animals and plants.
Sin cali car Seleccione una:


La respuesta correcta es 'Falso'

Pregunta 10
Chomsky believed that rules for language acquisition are _____.
Sin cali car
Seleccione una:
I. based on the educational level of the parents

II. learned

III. di erent depending on the language

IV. innate

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: innate 7/10
25/6/2020 Chomsky Practice

Pregunta 11
(   ) Chomsky distinguishes two grammatical sentence structures (surface and deep structures).
Sin cali car Seleccione una:


La respuesta correcta es 'Falso'

Pregunta 12
(     ) Verbal Behaviour was published in 1956.
Sin cali car

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La respuesta correcta es 'Verdadero' 8/10
25/6/2020 Chomsky Practice

Pregunta 13
The behavioral approach of language acquisition emphasizes that:
Sin cali car

Seleccione una:
I. Children's language learning is innate

II. Children learn to speak by imitation

III. The caregiver is the only person who can teach a child 

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es: Children learn to speak by imitation 9/10
25/6/2020 Chomsky Practice

Pregunta 14 Match the statement with its correct answer. 

Sin cali car Term used to describe the phenomenon that children seem to have an
Universal Grammar
innate skill for acquiring language.
Chomsky's concept of an innate, pre-wired mechanism in the brain that
allows children to acquire language naturally Also black box: fundamental Language Acquisition Device
origin of grammatical rules
Deep structure and surface structure , a system for converting a deep
Transformational Grammar
structure into a surface structure
Believed that children are born with an innate capacity to learn language.
Innate knowledge is universal grammar that is in all languages. Created the Chomsky Theory
Language Acquisition Device
A hypothesis created by Noam Chomsky that states that language is
acquired by children because they have the Universal Grammar innately Innateness Hypothesis
within themselves

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: Term used to describe the phenomenon that children seem to have an innate skill
for acquiring language. → Universal Grammar, Chomsky's concept of an innate, pre-wired mechanism in the
brain that allows children to acquire language naturally Also black box: fundamental origin of grammatical
rules → Language Acquisition Device, Deep structure and surface structure , a system for converting a deep
structure into a surface structure → Transformational Grammar, Believed that children are born with an
innate capacity to learn language. Innate knowledge is universal grammar that is in all languages. Created the
Language Acquisition Device → Chomsky Theory, A hypothesis created by Noam Chomsky that states that
language is acquired by children because they have the Universal Grammar innately within themselves →
Innateness Hypothesis 10/10

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