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Grade:  3RD BGU Education Level   B1.2
Weekly course load No. of Learning evaluation and unexpected issues Total class weeks Total periods
Objectives of the Area Objectives of the level/course
OG.EFL 1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a O.EFL 5.1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and
thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure
and languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural identity. standpoint of their own national and cultural identity. O.EFL 5.2 Draw on this established propensity
OG.EFL 2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building
different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an intercultural and an intercultural and multinational society.
multinational society. O.EFL 5.3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical
OG.EFL 3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their
and critical thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an own L1 and of language use for communication and learning.
enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use for communication and O.EFL 5.4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to
learning. independently access further (language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves
OG.EFL 4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and and others within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into
ability to independently access further (language) learning and practice opportunities. responsible academic behavior.
Respect themselves and others within the communication process, cultivating habits of O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-todate English language texts,
honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior. such as those published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient
OG.EFL 5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-todate English use of ICT and reference tools where required. O.EFL 5.6 Through selected media, participate in
language texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or general reasonably extended spoken or written dialogue with peers from different L1 backgrounds on work,
investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required. study, or general topics of common interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively and
OG.EFL 6 Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or appropriately.
written dialogue with peers from different L1 backgrounds on work, study, or general O.EFL 5.7 Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal
topics of common interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately. social situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level)
OG.EFL 7 Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and
informal social situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language
(CEFR B1 level)
N. Name of the Specific objectives Skills and performance criteria/ Methodology Orientation Evaluation criteria and Time in
Unit of the Planning Contents indicators weeks
1. Let’s Talk Students will be Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.5.3 Interpret cultural and 5 weeks
Movies able to: EFL 5.1.4 Identify and interpret how cultural • Participating in short role plays using a language patterns in English,
-talk about differ- and language patterns in English are used when range of verbal and nonverbal including nonverbal
ent types of movies exchanging ideas on familiar topics according to communication. communication, and apply
and describe a se- a B1.2 level. (Example: slang, idioms, humor, • Talking in pairs about a video learners have them in appropriate contexts.
quence of events in levels of formality, etc.). watched using only English. I.EFL.5.3.1 Learners can
chronological or- • Demonstrating appropriate language use interpret cultural and language
der. during class, group and pair discussions patterns in English, including
- describe and dif- • Watching a video and identifying desirable nonverbal communication, and
ferentiate between language use. apply them in appropriate
movie • Comparing nonverbal and body language contexts. (I.3, I.4, S.1, S.2)
genres. between L1 and L2 cultures.
-talk about movies • Creating selfie videos for class assignments
you have seen. and sharing them on a class blog.
-ask and answer
questions about Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) Oral Communication: (Listening and CE.EFL.5.8 Interaction –
different movies. EFL 5.2.11 Express opinions on abstract topics, Speaking) Interpersonal: Respond to and
-make inferences. such as film and music, and concrete topics, • Showing a movie trailer and asking learners build on other people’s ideas in
-write a film review such as personal experiences, while describing to share their opinions in pairs and say extended conversations on
and a mini one’s reactions to them and others’ opinions. whether they would go see that movie or not. familiar social and academic
biography. EFL 5.2.14 Request and provide information • Doing a mingle activity where learners ask topics by expressing opinions
and assistance orally for personal, social and and answer questions about things they have and feelings and clarifying
academic purposes in order to clarify and or haven’t done, in order to extend the meaning.
extend meaning in spoken interactions. exchange. I.EFL.5.8.1 Learners can respond
• Establishing a clear expectation of English to and build on other people’s
use for classroom functions. Informal ideas in extended conversations
assessment could involve personal notes from on familiar social and academic
the teacher to learners who use L2 regularly. topics by expressing opinions
and feelings and clarifying
meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4)
Reading Reading CE.EFL.5.11 Identify and apply a
EFL 5.3.2 Identify and use reading strategies to Underlining interesting facts in a text and range of reading strategies in
make informative and narrative texts then doing a little research on the topic. order to make texts meaningful
comprehensible and meaningful. (Example: • Using an interesting idea from a text to and to select information within
skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for inspire extra research on a topic. a text that might be of practical
main ideas and details, using structural and • Predicting main ideas by reading the title use for one’s own academic
context clues, cognates, format, sequence, and using other contextual clues (e.g., needs.
etc.). illustrations, subheadings, etc.). I.EFL.5.11.1 Learners can
• Skimming online reference web sites for Identify and apply a range of
ones that have the information needed for a reading strategies in order to
research project. make texts meaningful and to
• Scanning a text for the main characters. select information within
a text that might be of practical
use for one’s own academic
needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3)

Writing Writing CE.EFL.5.15 Plan and produce

EFL 5.4.3 Apply new and prior knowledge in Writing new words and phrases in a well-constructed informational
order to plan and create texts and determine if vocabulary notebook and then writing a text texts by applying the writing
the new knowledge adds value to or contradicts using three words from your vocabulary process and while
prior information. notebook. demonstrating an ability to
EFL 5.4.5 Justify and explain the rationale for a • Using new words or information from a justify one’s position on an
position on an argument, using persuasive class lesson and creating an online game to argument through carefully
language, tone, evidence and well-developed practice them, then sharing and playing the selected information and
arguments through essays, editorials, movie game with the rest of the class. appropriate language, tone and
and book reviews, position papers and • Exchanging writing in pairs in order to make evidence.
brochures. suggestions about things that could be I.EFL.5.15.1 Learners can plan
improved. and produce well-constructed
informational texts by applying
the writing process and while
demonstrating an ability to
justify one’s position on an
argument through carefully
selected information and
appropriate language, tone and
evidence. (I.2,
I.3, I.4, S.3, J.1)

Language through the Arts Language through the Arts CE.EFL.5.18 Use a range of
EFL 5.5.4 Read aloud with confidence, accuracy, • Brainstorming features and conventions of a criteria to evaluate and
fluency and expression to demonstrate genre and then reading an example in order recommend literary texts to
understanding and to convey an interpretation to locate each one. others, and recognize how
of meaning. • Discussing how visual presentation can chosen criteria affects
change your response to a literary text. evaluation.
I.EFL.5.18.1. Learners can use a
variety of criteria for evaluating
and recommending literary
texts to others, and recognize
how chosen criteria affects
evaluation. (S.1, S.4, J.2, J.4)

2. Professions! Students will be Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.5.4 Communicate 5
able to: EFL 5.1.11 Apply self-correcting and self- • Participating in short role plays using a effectively using a variety of
-talk about different monitoring strategies in social and classroom range of verbal and nonverbal media and formats, including
professions, interactions by adjusting presentation and communication. ICT, by saying things in
personality types language production to effectively express • Using a definition or example to explain a alternative ways and applying
and university opinions and make evaluations. (Example: concept or word that one does not yet have self-correcting and self-
degrees. asking questions, starting over, rephrasing, the exact language for. monitoring strategies when
-describe and exploring alternative pronunciations, etc.). • Watching a video and identifying desirable needed.
differentiate language use. I.EFL.5.4.1 Learners can
professions. • Comparing nonverbal and body language communicate effectively using a
-ask and answer between L1 and L2 cultures. variety of media and formats,
questions about • Responding to classroom activities and pair including ICT, by saying things in
different work through short expressions or emoticons. alternative ways and applying
personality types, self-correcting and self-
professions and monitoring strategies when
university degrees. needed. (I.1, I.3, J.4)
-write a text
comparing two Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) Oral Communication: (Listening and CE.EFL.5.8 Interaction –
professions. EFL 5.2.14 Request and provide information and Speaking) Interpersonal: Respond to and
assistance orally for personal, social and • Playing a conversation game, where learners build on other people’s ideas in
academic purposes in order to clarify and move their tokens around the board after extended conversations on
extend meaning in spoken interactions. choosing a card and answering the question. familiar social and academic
• Working in pairs to complete an information topics by expressing opinions
gap activity. and feelings and clarifying
• Doing a mingle activity where learners ask meaning.
and answer questions about things they have I.EFL.5.8.1 Learners can respond
or haven’t done, in order to extend the to and build on other people’s
exchange. ideas in extended conversations
• Establishing a clear expectation of English on familiar social and academic
use for classroom functions. Informal topics by expressing opinions
assessment could involve personal notes from and feelings and clarifying
the teacher to learners who use L2 regularly. meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4)

Reading Reading CE.EFL.5.11 Identify and apply a

EFL 5.3.9 Skim and scan reference materials, in • Doing a mingle activity where learners ask range of reading strategies in
print or online, in order to identify information and answer questions about things they have order to make texts meaningful
that might be of practical use for one’s own or haven’t done. Observing to see whether and to select information within
research and academic needs. the learners can interact effectively and a text that might be of practical
whether they are able to ask follow up use for one’s own academic
questions in order to extend the exchange. needs
• Showing a movie trailer and asking learners I.EFL.5.11.1. Learners can
to share their opinions in pairs and say Identify and apply a range of
whether they would go see that movie or not. reading strategies in order
• Asking classmates to repeat an answer or to make texts meaningful and
statement if needed to clarify something to select information within a
Establishing a clear expectation of English use text that might be of practical
for classroom functions use for one’s own academic
needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3)
Writing Writing CE.EFL.5.14 Identify, critically
EFL 5.4.2 Identify a variety of types and formats • Identifying the best resources for a writing evaluate and recommend a
of potential resources and the value, purpose project in pairs. variety of potential resources
and audience of each for use in the educational • Using a list of criteria in order to evaluate a and references, including digital
domain. (Example: audio/video, multimedia, web site. tools that support collaboration
website, database, book, thesaurus, • Analyzing three different types of and productivity, for
scholarly/popular, current/historical, etc.) dictionaries. educational and academic use.
EFL 5.4.4 Select and make effective use of a I.EFL.5.14.1 Learners can
range of digital tools to write, edit, revise and identify, critically evaluate and
publish written work in a way that supports recommend a variety of
collaboration, learning and productivity. potential resources and
(Example: references, including digital
image editing, Google Drive, infographic tools that support collaboration
makers, audio and video editing, presentation and productivity, for
apps, educational and academic use.
etc.). (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)

CE.EFL.5.15 Plan and produce

well-constructed informational
texts by applying the writing
process and while
demonstrating an ability to
justify one’s position on an
argument through carefully
selected information and
appropriate language, tone and
I.EFL.5.15.1. Learners can plan
and produce well-constructed
informational texts by applying
the writing process and while
demonstrating an ability to
justify one’s position on an
argument through carefully
selected information and
appropriate language, tone and
evidence. (I.2, I.3, I.4, S.3,

Language through the Arts Language through the Arts CE.EFL.5.19 Engage in
EFL 5.5.8 Contribute to team projects to • Writing a checklist in pairs to use to collaborative activities through
produce original works and solve problems evaluate another group’sproject. a variety of student groupings in
while effectively negotiating and managing • Searching the Internet for illustrations and order to solve problems and
interactions to accomplish social and classroom examples of effective group collaborations reflect on literary texts, and
tasks. and then sharing why they are effective. produce criteria for evaluating
• Comparing answers in pairs in order to help the effectiveness of the group.
each other understand errors or concepts. I.EFL.5.19.1 Learners can
engage in collaborative
activities through a variety of
student groupings in order to
solve problems and reflect on
literary texts, and produce
criteria for evaluating the
effectiveness of the group. (I.1,
I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3, J.4)
3. Environment Students will be Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.5.2 Demonstrate an 5
ally able to: EFL 5.1.6 Demonstrate an ability to make • Recognizing instances of discrimination or ability to discuss culture by
frinly! -talk about informed choices about and take action on prejudice in one’s daily life and analyzing analyzing cultural products and
environmental issues of prejudice and discrimination. reasons for them in small groups. referents from Ecuador and
issues such as • Inviting a guest speaker from another other countries while making
global warming and country to class and asking and answering informed choices about and
renewable sources questions about his/her culture/country. taking action on issues of
of energy. • Researching through the Internet about prejudice and discrimination.
-describe the other cultures and ways of life and presenting I.EFL.5.2.1. Learners can exhibit
effects of global them to the class using digital tools. an ability to discuss culture by
warming. • Working in small groups to complete a analyzing cultural products and
-describe different cultural project. referents from Ecuador and
green products and other countries while making
talk about their informed choices about and
advantages and taking action on issues of
disadvantages. prejudice and discrimination.
-talk about the (I.1, I.2, S.2, J.1, J.3)
impact that green
and non-green Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) Oral Communication: (Listening and CE.EFL.5.8 Interaction –
products on the EFL 5.2.15 Engage in an extended conversation Speaking) Interpersonal: Respond to and
environment. on most general topics and keep it going by • Researching a topic and preparing a build on other people’s ideas in
expressing and responding to suggestions, presentation for the class. extended conversations on
opinions, attitudes, advice, feelings, etc. • Recording a video about one’s opinion of a familiar social and academic
story read in class. topics by expressing opinions
• Sharing opinions in a way that encourages and feelings and clarifying
others to perform a specific action. (Example: meaning.
Convincing the class that you should always I.EFL.5.8.1. Learners can
wear your helmet when riding a bike, etc.) respond to and build on other
• Using intonation to convince a partner to people’s ideas in extended
take action conversations on familiar social
and academic topics by
expressing opinions and feelings
and clarifying meaning. (I.3, I.4,
S.1, J.3, J.4)

Reading Reading CE.EFL.5.10 Find specific

EFL 5.3.3 Determine the main conclusion in • Read quickly looking for words each information and identify the
texts which clearly argue a point of view in paragraph. main points in simple,
order to make informed decisions about one’s • To get familiar with the topic of a text, take straightforward texts on
own opinion and reaction to the text. a quick look at the subjects of personal interest or
*Reading a text and answering information familiar academic topics while
questions. making informed decisions
• Choosing from a list of words to complete about one’s own reaction to the
gaps from a reading. text.
• Reading a paragraph about a familiar I.EFL. 5.10.1 Learners can find
content area subject and then correcting specific information and
incorrect sentences. identify the main points in
simple, straightforward texts on
subjects of personal interest or
familiar academic topics while
making informed decisions
about one’s own reaction to the
text. (I.1, I.2, S.2)

Writing Writing CE.EFL.5.14 Identify, critically

EFL 5.4.1 Critically evaluate information from • Finding a variety of online references to evaluate and recommend a
references, including those found on the web, practice a grammar structure, then variety of potential resources
and recommend print and digital sources to recommending the best one to the class. and references, including digital
other learners. • Using new words or information from a tools, that support
EFL 5.4.2 Identify a variety of types and formats class lesson and creating an online game to collaboration and productivity,
of potential resources and the value, purpose practice them, then sharing and playing the for educational and academic
and audience of each for use in the educational game with the rest of the class. use.
domain. (Example: audio/video, multimedia, • Reading a dialogue which serves as a model I.EFL.5.14.1 Learners can
website, database, book, thesaurus, text, then writing a similar dialogue on a identify, critically evaluate and
scholarly/popular, current/historical, etc.) different topic while implementing new recommend a variety of
words/expressions from the unit. potential resources and
references, including digital
tools, that support
collaboration and productivity,
for educational and academic
use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)

Language through the Arts Language through the Arts CE.EFL.5.19 Engage in
EFL 5.5.9 Engage in collaborative activities • Analyzing three different rubrics and collaborative activities through
through a variety of student groupings to share, discussing how each one might influence the a variety of student groupings in
reflect on, express and interpret opinions and way it is evaluated. order to solve problems and
evaluations of a range of literary texts. • Discussing how visual presentation can reflect on literary texts, and
(Example: small groups, cooperative learning change your response to a literary text. produce criteria for evaluating
groups, literature circles, process writing • Creating a group presentation using the effectiveness of the group.
groups, etc.) I.EFL.5.19.1. Learners can
• Finding a reliable source to back up a engage in collaborative
statement activities through a variety of
student groupings in order to
solve problems and reflect
on literary texts, and produce
criteria for evaluating the
effectiveness of the group. (I.1,
I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3, J.4)

4. Imagine Students will be Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.5.1 Display an 5
That! able to: EFL 5.1.2 Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, • Writing a weekly journal entry about a understanding of the integrity
-talk about bad tolerance and an overall respect for the cross-cultural experience. of different cultures by sharing
habits, imaginary integrity of cultures in daily classroom activities. • Reading a myth from another region/culture experiences and by
situations and and sharing a similar experience. participating in class activities
wishes. • Reflecting on differences between people and discussions in a way that
-describe imaginary from other countries and regions. shows empathy and respect for
situations. • Comparing nonverbal and body language others.
-express wishes. between L1 and L2 cultures. I.EFL.5.1.1 Learners can
• Watching a video or reading a text about demonstrate an understanding
different cultural practices and talking about of the integrity of different
similarities and differences in small groups. cultures by sharing experiences
and by participating in class
activities and discussions in a
way that shows empathy and
respect for others. (I.3, S.1,
S.2, J.1, J.3)

Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) Oral Communication: (Listening and CE.EFL.5.7 Production –
EFL 5.2.12 Use appropriate vocabulary, Speaking) Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use
expressions, language, routines and interaction • Recording in-class conversations and appropriate vocabulary and
styles in formal and informal social or academic dialogues in order to make note of correct language in a variety of oral
situations by asking permission, thanking and appropriate language usage and interactions for a range of
someone, apologizing to friends, giving advice, intelligibility. audiences and level-appropriate
making a suggestion, etc. • Having learners make a selfie video to say purposes.
what they know about a topic before coming I.EFL.5.7.1 Learners can
to class. Observing that they can say what communicate clearly and
they want without too many long pauses. effectively by using appropriate
• Singing songs that practice helpful language. vocabulary and language in a
• Asking the learners to read a dialogue in variety of oral interactions for
pairs. Learners record themselves and then a range of audiences and level-
listen to the recording in order to assess appropriate purposes. (I.2, I.3,
clarity of sounds, production of phonemes, J.2)
rhythm and intonation

Reading Reading CE.EFL.5.12 Engage with a

EFL 5.3.6 Display an appreciation of the • Read quickly looking for words each variety of digital and print texts
language by interacting and engaging with a paragraph. and resources by evaluating and
variety of digital and print texts and resources • To get familiar with the topic of a text, take detecting complexities and
and by selecting and evaluating these materials a quick look at the vocabulary it contains. discrepancies in the information
as a means to promote and strengthen literacy • Comparing and contrasting the opinions of in order to find the most
skills and language acquisition. two experts on a topic of personal interest. appropriate sources to support
• Identifying unreliable resources on the an idea or argument.
Internet. I.EFL.5.12.1 Learners can
• Reading about a topic and then identifying engage with a variety of digital
reference materials and sources that could be and print texts and resources by
used to find out more information. evaluating and detecting
complexities and discrepancies
in the information in order to
find the most appropriate
sources to support an idea or
argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)

Writing Writing CE.EFL.5.13 Produce emails,

EFL 5.4.9 Use a variety of oral, print and • Finding a variety of online references to blog posts and other written
electronic forms for writing to others or for practice a grammar structure, then texts using an effective voice
writing for self, applying the conventions of recommending the best one to the class. and a variety of appropriate
social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, • Using new words or information from a writing styles and conventions.
emails, blog entries and comments, notes to class lesson and creating an online game to I.EFL.5.13.1 Learners can
self, etc.) practice them, then sharing and playing the produce emails, blog posts and
game with the rest of the class. other written texts using an
• Writing an email to a friend recommending effective voice and a variety of
a movie you’ve seen. appropriate writing styles and
• Watching a short video and writing a conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2)
description of what you saw or how it made
you feel, then comparing ideas in pairs.

Language through the Arts Language through the Arts CE.EFL.5.16 Respond to and
EFL 5.5.1 Compare and present personal and • Taking pictures to tell a story using a digital interpret literary texts, including
formal responses to and interpretations of storyboard. original stories written by peers,
published literary texts and the works of peers, • Producing short, creative texts using digital referring to details and literary
referring to details and features of the text. storytelling. elements of the text.
(Example: text structure, plot, ideas, events, • Converting a corner of the room into a I.EFL.5.16.1 Learners can
vocabulary, etc.) writer’s workshop, where learners can access respond to and interpret
writing prompts and authentic texts which literary texts, including original
may help inspire their own creative writing. stories written by peers,
• Using a checklist to mark off literary referring to details and literary
elements present in a text. elements of the text. (S.1, S.4,

5. In The News Students will be Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.5.2 Demonstrate an 5
able to: EFL 5.1.6 Demonstrate an ability to make • Recognizing instances of discrimination or ability to discuss culture by
-report what was informed choices about and take action on prejudice in one’s daily life and analyzing analyzing cultural products and
stated in issues of prejudice and discrimination. reasons for them in small groups referents from Ecuador and
newspapers, on the • Researching through the Internet about other countries while making
radio or television. other cultures and ways of life and presenting informed choices about and
them to the class using digital tools. taking action on issues of
• Working in small groups to complete a prejudice and discrimination.
cultural project. (Example: different musical I.EFL.5.2.1. Learners can exhibit
genres in Ecuador, traditional food in Latin an ability to discuss culture by
America, etc.) analyzing cultural products
• Reading a list of actions people take and and referents from Ecuador and
evaluating and discussing the consequences other countries while making
on others (including on the environment). informed choices about and
• Simulating desirable social and cultural taking action on issues of
behaviors through role play prejudice and discrimination.
activities (I.1, I.2, S.2, J.1, J.3)

Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) Oral Communication: (Listening and CE.EFL.5.9 Production –
EFL 5.2.7 Present information clearly and Speaking) Fluency: Present information
effectively in a variety of oral forms for a range • Researching a topic and preparing a clearly and influence an
of audiences and purposes. (Example: presentation for the class. audience effectively through
summarizing, paraphrasing, personal narratives, • Recording a video about one’s opinion of a well-developed arguments in
research reports, essays, articles, posters, story read in class. Sharing opinions in a way prepared presentations and
charts and other graphics, etc.) that encourages others to perform a specific other forms of oral
action. communication.
• Using a digital presentation to raise I.EFL.5.9.1 Learners can present
awareness about a local issue. information clearly and
influence an audience
effectively through well-
developed arguments in
prepared presentations and
other forms of oral
communication. (I.2, I.3, J.2)

Reading Reading CE.EFL.5.10 Find specific

EFL 5.3.3 Determine the main conclusion in • Reading a short news article and completing information and identify the
texts which clearly argue a point of view in an outline. main points in simple,
order to make informed decisions about one’s • Reading an adapted news article about a straightforward texts on
own opinion and reaction to the text. current event and formulating a personal subjects of personal interest or
response to it. familiar academic topics while
• Reading a blog post and writing a comment. making informed decisions
• Reading a short text and showing about one’s own reaction to the
comprehension by completing the text.
accompanying graphic organizer. I.EFL. 5.10.1 Learners can find
• Agreeing or disagreeing with a strong specific information and
opinion stated in a text and giving reasons for identify the main points in
one’s own response. simple, straightforward texts on
• Reading a text and answering information subjects of personal interest or
questions. familiar academic topics while
• Choosing from a list of words to complete making informed decisions
gaps from a reading. about one’s own reaction to the
text. (I.1, I.2, S.2

Writing Writing CE.EFL.5.15 Plan and produce

EFL 5.4.5 Justify and explain the rationale for a • Finding a variety of online references to well-constructed informational
position on an argument, using persuasive practice a grammar structure, then texts by applying the writing
language, tone, evidence and well-developed recommending the best one to the class. process and while
arguments through essays, editorials, movie • Using new words or information from a demonstrating an ability to
and book reviews, position papers and class lesson and creating an online game to justify one’s position on an
brochures. practice them, then sharing and playing the argument through carefully
game with the rest of the class. selected information and
• Reading a dialogue which serves as a model appropriate language, tone and
text, then writing a similar dialogue on a evidence.
different topic while implementing new I.EFL.5.15.1 Learners can plan
words/expressions from the unit. and produce well-constructed
• Writing new words and phrases and informational texts by applying
vocabulary in your notebook. the writing process and while
demonstrating an ability to
justify one’s position on an
argument through carefully
selected information and
appropriate language, tone and
evidence. (I.2, I.3, I.4, S.3, J.1)

Language through the Arts Language through the Arts CE.EFL.5.16 Respond to and
EFL 5.5.5 Create original, imaginative stories • Using a checklist to mark off literary interpret literary texts, including
using appropriate vocabulary and elements of elements present in a text. (Example: setting, original stories written by peers,
the literature learners have read or heard. main character, title, etc.) Referring to details and literary
• Explaining through pictures, physical elements of the text.
expression or charts (ICT) how a text makes I.EFL.5.16.1 Learners can
the learner feel. respond to and interpret
• Using ICT to research about a topic of literary texts, including original
learners’ choice and writing a short, creative stories written by peers,
story with the findings. referring to details and literary
elements of the text. (S.1, S.4,

6 Going Back Students will be Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.5.4 Communicate 5
In Time able to: EFL 5.1.11 Apply self-correcting and self- • Participating in short role plays using a effectively using a variety of
-talk about monitoring strategies in social and classroom range of verbal and nonverbal media and formats, including
important interactions by adjusting presentation and communication. ICT, by saying things in
inventions and language production to effectively express • Talking in pairs about a video learners have alternative ways and applying
historic events from opinions and make evaluations. (Example: watched using only English. self-correcting and self-
the 20th century. asking questions, starting over, rephrasing, • Watching a video and identifying desirable monitoring strategies when
-give basic details exploring alternative pronunciations, etc.) language use. needed.
about different EFL 5.1.9 Communicate information and ideas • Comparing nonverbal and body language I.EFL.5.4.1. Learners can
inventions and effectively to diverse audiences using a variety between L1 and L2 cultures. communicate effectively using a
. important events of media and formats. • Creating selfie videos for class assignments variety of media and formats,
from the past. and sharing them on a class blog. including ICT, by saying things in
-speculate about • Paraphrasing an idea when a peer asks for alternative ways and applying
what would have clarification. self-correcting and self-
happened if things *Using a definition or example to explain a monitoring strategies when
had been different concept or word that one does not yet have needed. (I.1, I.3, J.4)
in the past. the exact language for.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) Oral Communication: (Listening and CE.EFL.5.9 Production –
EFL 5.2.7 Present information clearly and Speaking) Fluency: Present information
effectively in a variety of oral forms for a range • Researching a topic and preparing a clearly and influence an
of audiences and purposes. (Example: presentation for the class. audience effectively through
summarizing, paraphrasing, personal narratives, • Recording a video about one’s opinion of a well-developed arguments in
research reports, essays, articles, posters, story read in class. prepared presentations and
charts and other graphics, etc.) • Sharing opinions in a way that encourages other forms of oral
others to perform a specific action. communication.
• Using intonation to convince a partner to I.EFL.5.9.1 Learners can present
take action. information clearly and
• Summarizing a peer’s opinion about a video influence an audience
seen in class. effectively through well-
developed arguments in
prepared presentations and
other forms of oral
communication. (I.2, I.3, J.2)

Reading Reading CE.EFL.5.11 Identify and apply a

EFL 5.3.9 Skim and scan reference materials, in • Scanning a text for the main characters. range of reading strategies in
print or online, in order to identify information • Reading about a topic and then identifying order to make texts meaningful
that might be of practical use for one’s own reference materials and sources that could be and to select information within
research and academic needs. used to find out information. a text that might be of practical
• Using a list to choose the best sources for use for one’s own academic
finding information on a topic. needs.
• Reading texts from different subject areas I.EFL.5.11.1 Learners can
and choosing the best title for each. Identify and apply a range of
• Underlining main ideas from texts and then reading strategies in order to
using them to write questions the learner has make texts meaningful and to
about the topic. select information within a text
• Identifying the correct format for an that might be of practical use
academic text. for one’s own academic needs.
(I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3)

Writing Writing CE.EFL.5.14 Identify, critically

EFL 5.4.4 Select and make effective use of a • Finding a variety of online references to evaluate and recommend a
range of digital tools to write, edit, revise and practice a grammar structure, then variety of potential resources
publish written work in a way that supports recommending the best one to the class. and references, including digital
collaboration, learning and productivity. • Using new words or information from a tools, that support
(Example: image editing, Google Drive, class lesson and creating an online game to collaboration and productivity,
infographic makers, audio and video editing, practice them, then sharing and playing the for educational and academic
presentation apps, etc.) game with the rest of the class. use.
EFL 5.4.7 Use the process of prewriting, • Reading a dialogue which serves as a model I.EFL.5.14.1. Learners can
drafting, revising, peer editing and proofreading text, then writing a similar dialogue on a identify, critically evaluate and
(i.e., “the writing process”) to produce well- different topic while implementing new recommend a variety of
constructed informational texts. words/expressions from the unit. potential resources and
references, including digital
tools, that support
collaboration and productivity,
for educational and academic
use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)

CE.EFL.5.15 Plan and produce

well-constructed informational
texts by applying the writing
process and while
demonstrating an ability to
justify one’s position on an
argument through carefully
selected information and
appropriate language, tone and
.EFL.5.15.1 Learners can plan
and produce well-constructed
informational texts by applying
the writing process and while
demonstrating an ability to
justify one’s position on an
argument through carefully
selected information and
appropriate language, tone and
evidence. (I.2, I.3, I.4, S.3, J.1)

Language through the Arts Language through the Arts CE.EFL.5.17 Demonstrate and
EFL 5.5.2 Make predictions, inferences and • Identifying a literary tradition from another convey different levels of
deductions to demonstrate different levels of culture or time period and finding an example meaning in literary texts by
meaning of literary texts presented orally or in of it to share with the class. (Example: haiku, identifying distinguishing
digital form, including literal and implied blank verse, a couplet, etc.) features, interpreting implicit
meanings. (Example: summarizing, explaining • Predicting the content of a story using the and explicit messages and
and identifying, word choice, symbols, points of title and pictures. responding in a variety of ways.
view, etc.) • Summarizing the main idea of a song. I.EFL.5.17.1 Learners can
• Underlining the words in a text that demonstrate and convey
influence the reader. different levels of meaning in
literary texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and explicit
messages and responding in a
variety of ways. (I.3, I.4, J.3)


 Forbes Mark Andrew (2017). Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador - MinEduc. TEACHER´S BOOK - LEVEL B1.2 Quito: Norma.


Lic. Mirian Illescas A. Lic. Mirian Illescas Master Jhenny Rivadeneira. Lic. José Amón

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