Checkpoint 1 - Proposal

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TPMS Science Expo Checkpoint # 1 (Proposal)

Science Expo 2010-111

Preliminary Experimental Design and References Answer the following questions about your project and attach a bibliography of your preliminary research. This must be typed and well thought out. Submit one proposal per student or group. DUE September 16th - 17th, 2010.

State the problem or question you will be investigating and why this will be a relevant problem to investigate

2. What will your experimental design be? Proposed Title Proposed Hypothesis (Ifthen statement) Proposed independent variable(s) (variable that the experimenter modifies) Appropriate number of trials to assure validity Proposed dependent variable(s) (variable that is measured/changes) Other variables held constant Include any additional information that may help to explain your decisions.

What information will you need to research before beginning the experiment? a. Major topic: ________________________________________________ b. Other related topics: __________________________________________ c. Other related topics: __________________________________________ d. Other related topics: __________________________________________

4. 5.

What materials will you need? Make a table of your materials and the quantity of each. Attach your preliminary references. (You should have two or three potential resources)

Remember this is a proposal and a draft. You are always able to change your idea as
we progress through the school year. I will make suggestions with respect to organization and format. There is a great deal of information at the following web address: This site will also have some examples as well as some amazing ideas.

You may begin experimentation once you have done some background research and your proposal has been approved. Please do not wait to begin.

My question is, How does the type of orange juice affect the level of Vitamin C in the juice? It is relevant because people will know which type of orange juice will benefit their immune system the most, without having to take diet supplements. My proposed title is, Orange Juice: What does your immune system crave? My hypothesis is that if the orange juice is homemade, then it will contain the most Vitamin C, because no Vitamin C is extracted. My independent variables are homemade orange juice (from store-bought oranges), homemade orange juice (from store-bought organic oranges), Tropicana orange juice from concentrate, and Tropicana orange juice not from concentrate. To assure validity, I will conduct 5 trials for each independent variable. My dependent variable will be the amount of Vitamin C. Several variables held constant are the amount of orange juice, the type of cup, the type of Vitamin C measurement type, and the environment (humidity, temperature). The major topic I will have to research are iodine titration methods; what they are, what they do, and how to do it. I will also have to research the difference between from concentrate and not from concentrate, as well as organic vs. nonorganic oranges. Material Quantity Organic oranges 5 Nonorganic oranges 5 Tropicana Orange Juice From Concentrate gallon Tropicana Orange Juice Not From Concentrate gallon Juicer 1 Cheesecloth 1 Vitamin C tablet 1 tablet Distilled water 1 gallon Transfer pipettes 2 Masking tape 1 roll Permanent marker 1 Small funnel 1 Lugols Iodine Solution 1 pack Soluble starch 5 grams 50 mL graduated cylinder 1 250 mL graduated cylinder 1 500 mL graduated cylinder 1 50 mL Ehrlenmeyer flask 1 50 mL buret 1 Ring stand 1 Buret clamp 1 Kitchen balance 1 300 mL glass jars 5 And lastly safety goggles! 1

Andrew Rader Studios, 19972007. "Chem4Kids," Home Science Tools, n.d. "MSDS for Lugol's Iodine Solution," Home Science Tools University of Canterbury, n.d. "Determination of vitamin C Concentration by Titration," Science Outreach Programme, College of Science, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand [accessed July 18, 2007] pdf Ganong, B., n.d. "Determination of Vitamin C in Orange Juice," Mansfield University [accessed July 18, 2007] Helmenstine, A.M., 2007. "Vitamin C Determination by Iodine Titration," Chemistry [accessed July 18, 2007] m. Shodor Education Foundation, Inc., 1998a. "Stoichiometry," UNC-Chapel Hill Chemistry Fundamentals Program [accessed July 18, 2007] Shodor Education Foundation, Inc., 1998b. "Redox Reactions," UNC-Chapel Hill Chemistry Fundamentals Program [accessed July 18, 2007] Andrew Olson, P.h.D., 2002-2010. Which Orange Juice Has the Most Vitamin C? Science Buddies [accessed September 15, 2010] fave=no&isb=cmlkOjY5OTM3NDcsc2lkOjEwLHA6MQ&from=TSW

* The first seven references were off of the bibliography of Which Orange Juice Has the Most Vitamin C?.

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