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National Holidays

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Conversation Cheat Sheet

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Talking about holiday plans.

Hvilke planer har du Jeg planlegger å dra

for karneval? til stranden.

What are you doing for Carnival?

I'm planning to go to the beach.

Lesson Focus Example

Jeg planlegger å [ ]. Jeg planlegger å dra til stranden.

I’m planning to [ ]. I'm planning to go to the beach.

Key Phrases

reise bli hjemme dra på kino dra på telttur

travel stay home go to the movies go camping
Famous Holidays
samefolkets dag Sami national day
jul Christmas
grunnlovsdagen Constitution Day
nyttår New Year’s
påske Easter
pinse Pentecost

Top 10 Most Common Tourist Vocabulary

kirke church
reiseguide guidebook
moské mosque
palass palace
tempel temple
billett ticket
tur tour
turbuss tour bus
guide tour guide
turist tourist

Top Ways to Prepare For Traveling

velge et reisemål to choose a destination
kjøpe en guidebok to buy a guidebook
spare penger to save money
bestille flybillett to book a flight
bestille overnatting to book accommodations
søke om ferie to request vacation time
søke om pass to apply for a passport
pakke to pack
kjøpe reiseforsikring to buy travel insurance
få visum to get a visa

Want More?
Learn How to Talk About National Holidays in Norwegian

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