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in the Caribbean
What is a family?

• A family may be defined as a group of

people living under the same roof, related
by blood, marriage or adoption who are
dependent on each other and support
each other emotionally, financially,
spiritually etc.
• In the Caribbean we have different types of


Nuclear Extended Single- Sibling

Parent Household
• Nuclear family- this family
consists of both parents
(mother and father) living with
their child or children.
Advantages of Living in Nuclear Family
• The basic needs provided for the family will be
adequate since the family is a small unit.

• Both parents have complete independence in

the management of the home and child

• There is more space and accommodation

because of the small family size.
Disadvantage of Living in Nuclear Family

• Family traditions are not easily passed

• In times of trouble members have to rely
on friends, the government or
• Conflicts between husband and wife can
lead to a family breakup
• When partners separate the children
become the victims.
• Single Parent Family- this
family consists of one parent
(either the mother or father)
living with their child or
Reasons for Single Parent
 Death of one parent
 Desertion
 Deliberate Choice
 Divorce
 Separation
 Incarceration
Advantages of Living on a Single-Parent

• Decisions can be easily made because of

the presence of 1 parent in the family.
• Parent may be more attentive and
• Children learn to take up responsibilities
from a very early age.
Disadvantages of Living in a Single-
Parent Family

• One parent has all the responsibility of

caring the children
• If parent is employed, there is less
supervision for children
• There is only one income in the family,
therefore the lone parent may have
difficulties providing the basic needs of the
• Extended Family- this family
consists of several generations
of a family living under the
same roof e.g. grandparents,
uncles, aunts, cousins etc.
Advantages of Living in an Extended
• Traditions can be easily transmitted due to the
presence of grandparents in the household.
• The family shares all expenses
e.g. paying bills
• It provides each member with a secure
environment since there is always someone at
home for supervision
• The older persons in the family serves as
Disadvantages of Living in an Extended
• Expenses in the family may increase with the
high cost of living due to the number of persons
in the family
• Accommodation and basic needs may be
inadequate because of the family size.
• There is lack of privacy since people may have
to share rooms etc.
• There may be many regular conflicts
• Children may be overprotected and spoilt by the
older members of the family.
• Sibling Household- in this
household both parents are
absent and the eldest child
takes responsibilities for the
younger ones.
Factors that contribute to a
Sibling Household
• Death of both parents
• Both parents leave the children on their
own as a result separation or divorce
• Imprisonment of a parent and the other
also leaves the home
• Parents leaving the home to form other
• Abandonment of children by both parents
Disadvantages of living in a
Sibling Household
• Children do not have the benefit of adult family
members modelling acceptable behaviours
• Older children might be deprived of social
interaction with their peers because of the added
• The household might be deprived of adequate
finances to cater to the basic needs of the family
• The children in the household might lack the
emotional support that they need
Disadvantages of living in a
Sibling Household
• Older siblings might also be young and might
not have the necessary experience to take care
of the younger ones or to head the household
• Older siblings might not know how to react in
cases of illness or accidents
• Older siblings are likely to remain uneducated,
as they are more involved in taking care of the
younger ones than in their education
• Siblings may not possess the necessary skills to
discipline the other siblings
• Reconstituted, re-organized or
reconstructed family- this
family is formed when
two families join together after
one or both partners have
divorced their previous
partners. This family option can
sometimes be referred to as the
blended family or step family.
Reconstituted family
• Grand parent family- in this
family type both parents are
absent and the grandparents
are responsible for the care
and upbringing of the children.
Functions of the Family
• Procreation/Biological function- family
is responsible for ensuring that society
continues to exist. This is done by having

• Economic-the family is responsible for

providing its members with its basic
needs.(Basic needs food clothing shelter)
Functions of the Family
• Socialization- the family is responsible for
teaching its members the norms and
values of society; what is right from wrong;
what is acceptable and unacceptable.

• Satisfying the emotional and

psychological needs of its members-
the family provides love and support for its
members; it helps members deal with
problems they may face daily.

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