English Lesson Plan Template: Learning Outcomes

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English, Grade: 10, Semester: 1

Unit/Module: Orientation week.

Teacher: Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Hafeez

Date Taught: 10/10/2021

Learning Outcomes

Lesson Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will:
create their classroom norms and their consequences.
use digital and hard copies of dictionaries and be aware of information they find in dictionaries.
Be able to use their different resources and books for grade 10.
listen for the main idea and for specific details.

Grand Challenge (Module Theme):

Sustainable dwelling.

Textbook & Resource Materials

Class dictionaries or online dictionary. Cambridge and Macmillan both have online dictionaries:
1.http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/ and http://www.macmillandictionary.com/
2. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-thesaurus and https://www.thesaurus.com/

Upstream book page 6.

Learning Activity 1 – Warm-up/Lead in setting classroom norms (12- 15 minutes )

Write a few discussion points on the board.
 How do you want me to treat you?
 How do you want to treat one another?
 How do you think I want to be treated?
Let the students 7 minutes to brainstorm and mind map their ideas about the rules and the consequences.(in

Learning Activity 2 –proverb (My home is my castle)(5 minutes) class discussion

-write on the board the title My home is my castle and ask the student if they know what a proverb is.
And then if they know the meaning of the proverb.
Learning Activity 3 – Presentation/Encounter-p.6, ex3 (10 min.)
Show the students the four pictures and ask them which house has : chimney

Learning Activity 4 –
dictionary quiz(10 minutes)

Put students into groups and give each group a dictionary. Allow students to
use dictionary apps, online dictionaries, monolingual or bilingual dictionaries.
Show the students the slide of the new vocabulary. Give students a limited time
(about 10 minutes) to work together to find the meaning of the new words.
Learning Activities – Practice (more controlled to free)
Show them the definition and ask them to tell the word.

Evidence of Learning – Production (10 min.)

For another 10 minutes give them feedback and make them use new words in sentences of their own.

Students’ Reflection on Lesson / Feedback

Notes for the teacher – Before Teaching

Evaluation Criteria
A checklist

 ( jigsaw) strategy
 Each group will prepare a presentation about a part of the reading passage.
 The presentation will tackle the following:
 New vocabulary ( with examples).
 Main ideas ( description of the house – owners – in which country, ……. ).

Notes for the teacher – After Teaching

Teacher Notes and Reflections

Three samples of Student Work (Exceeds expectations, proficient, needs work)

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